Sandra Greiner
Bernhard Westfechtel
University of Bayreuth, Germany
Model-Driven Software Engineering, Model-to-Text, Model Transformations, Software Product Line Engineering, Feature Annotations, Negative Variability, Feature Propagation.
Applications and Software Development
Methodologies, Processes and Platforms
Model Transformation
Model Transformations and Generative Approaches
Model-Driven Software Development
Paradigm Trends
Software Engineering
Software Factories and Software Product Lines
Model-driven product line engineering (MDPLE) aims at increasing productivity when realizing a family
of related products. Relying on model-driven software engineering (MDSE) seeks to support this effect by
using models raising the level of abstraction. In MDSE model transformations are successfully applied to
transform in between different (model) representations. During MDPLE models based on negative variability
are augmented with variability information, we refer to as annotations. To derive products, source code is
generated in model-to-text (M2T) transformations. However, applying single-variant model transformations
(SVMT) to annotated models, typically loses the information in the output as SVMTs are not capable to process
annotations. This work contributes a solution which reuses existing SVMTs without changing them and which
transfers annotations to the output orthogonally to the reused transformation. In particular, we contribute
generic aspects, supporting any kin
d of input metamodel, to augment the outcome of (M2T) SVMTs with
annotations. Producing multi-variant source code (MVSC) is advantageous because all variants are reflected
in the output. Thus, changes made inside the MVSC can be integrated easily in all concerned products upon
their derivation. Otherwise, this needs to be done manually in a cumbersome process contradicting the purpose
of MDPLE, to raise productivity.