Nikolaos Mallios
Michael Vassilakopoulos
University of Thessaly, Greece
Personalization, Personalized Learning Assistant, Architectural Model, Design.
Artificial Intelligence
Computer-Supported Education
e-Learning and e-Teaching
Enterprise Information Systems
Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Knowledge-Based Systems
Software Agents and Internet Computing
Symbolic Systems
User Profiling and Recommender Systems
Throughout the last decade a number of Personalized Learning Environments have been proposed encompassing various personalization techniques, in order to provide learning material adapted to the specified user’s requirements. In this study, we illustrate the design and enumerate the basic functionalities of LearneA, a Hybrid Personalized Learning Electronic Assistant. LearneA practically revisits the way other existing personalized environments implement the various proposed personalization mechanisms, but furthermore incorporates a number of innovative characteristics, which have not been implemented yet in any other learning environment. Our aim is a smart Hybrid Personalized Learning Assistant which will eventually offer a completely different learning experience. Additionally, a review of previously proposed Learning Environments is presented with respect to the personalization techniques which they embrace in order to provide personalized learning content for the user.