Anthony Solon, Paul Mc Kevitt, Kevin Curran
Intelligent Multimedia Research Group
University of Ulster, Magee Ca
mpus, Northland Road, Northern Ireland, BT48 7JL, UK
Keywords: Mobile Intelligent Multimedia, Intelligent Multimedia Generation & Presentation
Abstract: This paper presents the initial stages of research at
the University of Ulster into a mobile intelligent
multimedia presentation system called TeleMorph. TeleMorph aims to dynamically generate multimedia
presentations using output modalities that are determined by the bandwidth available on a mobile device’s
wireless connection. To demonstrate the effectiveness of this research TeleTuras, a tourist information guide
for the city of Derry will implement the solution provided by TeleMorph, thus demonstrating its
effectiveness. This paper does not focus on the multimodal content composition but rather concentrates on
the motivation for & issues surrounding such intelligent tourist systems.
Whereas traditional interfaces support sequential and
un-ambiguous input from keyboards and
conventional pointing devices (e.g., mouse,
trackpad), intelligent multimodal interfaces relax
these constraints and typically incorporate a broade
range of input devices (e.g., spoken language, eye
and head tracking, three dimensional (3D) gesture)
(Maybury 1999). The integration of multiple modes
of input as outlined by Maybury allows users to
benefit from the optimal way in which human
communication works. Although humans have a
natural facility for managing and exploiting multiple
input and output media, computers do not. To
incorporate multimodality in user interfaces enables
computer behaviour to become analogous to human
communication paradigms, and therefore the
interfaces are easier to learn and use. Since there are
large individual differences in ability and preference
to use different modes of communication, a
multimodal interface permits the user to exercise
selection and control over how they interact with the
computer (Fell et al., 1994). In this respect,
multimodal interfaces have the potential to
accommodate a broader range of users than
traditional graphical user interfaces (GUIs) and
unimodal interfaces- including users of different
ages, skill levels, native language status, cognitive
styles, sensory impairments, and other temporary or
permanent handicaps or illnesses.
Interfaces involving spoken or pen-based input, as
well as th
e combination of both, are particularly
effective for supporting mobile tasks, such as
communications and personal navigation. Unlike the
keyboard and mouse, both speech and pen are
compact and portable. When combined, people can
shift these input modes from moment to moment as
environmental conditions change (Holzman 1999).
Implementing multimodal user interfaces on mobile
devices is not as clear-cut as doing so on ordinary
desktop devices. This is due to the fact that mobile
devices are limited in many respects: memory,
processing power, input modes, battery power, and
an unreliable wireless connection with limited
bandwidth. This project researches and implements a
framework for Multimodal interaction in mobile
environments taking into consideration fluctuating
bandwidth. The system output is bandwidth
dependent, with the result that output from semantic
representations is dynamically morphed between
modalities or combinations of modalities. With the
advent of 3G wireless networks and the subsequent
increased speed in data transfer available, the
possibilities for applications and services that will
link people throughout the world who are connected
to the network will be unprecedented. One may even
anticipate a time when the applications and services
available on wireless devices will replace the
original versions implemented on ordinary desktop
computers. Some projects have already investigated
mobile intelligent multimedia systems, using
Curran K., Solon A. and Mc Kevitt P. (2004).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on E-Business and Telecommunication Networks, pages 24-31
DOI: 10.5220/0001379500240031
tourism in particular as an application domain. Koch
(2000) is one such project which analysed and
designed a position-aware speech-enabled hand-held
tourist information system for Aalborg in Denmark.
This system is position and direction aware and uses
these abilities to guide a tourist on a sight seeing
tour. In TeleMorph bandwidth will primarily
determine the modality/modalities utilised in the
output presentation, but also factors such as device
constraints, user goal and user situationalisation will
be taken into consideration. A provision will also be
integrated which will allow users to choose their
preferred modalities.
The main point to note about these systems is that
current mobile intelligent multimedia systems fail to
take into consideration network constraints and
especially the bandwidth available when
transforming semantic representations into the
multimodal output presentation. If the bandwidth
available to a device is low then it’s obviously
inefficient to attempt to use video or animations as
the output on the mobile device. This would result in
an interface with depreciated quality, effectiveness
and user acceptance. This is an important issue as
regards the usability of the interface. Learnability,
throughput, flexibility and user-attitude are the four
main concerns affecting the usability of any
interface. In the case of the previously mentioned
scenario (reduced bandwidth => slower/inefficient
output) the throughput of the interface is affected
and as a result the user’s attitude also. This is only a
problem when the required bandwidth for the output
modalities exceeds that which is available; hence,
the importance of choosing the correct output
modality/modalities in relation to available
SmartKom (Wahlster 2001) is a multimodal
dialogue system currently being developed by a
consortium of several academic and industrial
partners. The system combines speech, gesture and
facial expressions on the input and output side. The
main scientific goal of SmartKom is to design new
computational methods for the integration and
mutual disambiguation of different modalities on a
semantic and pragmatic level. SmartKom is a
prototype system for a flexible multimodal human-
machine interaction in two substantially different
mobile environments, namely pedestrian and car.
The system enables integrated trip planning using
multimodal input and output. The key idea behind
SmartKom is to develop a kernel system which can
be used within several application scenarios. In a
tourist navigation situation a user of SmartKom
could ask a question about their friends who are
using the same system. E.g. “Where are Tom and
Lisa?”, “What are they looking at?” SmartKom is
developing an XML-based mark-up language called
M3L (MultiModal Markup Language) for the
semantic representation of all of the information that
flows between the various processing components.
SmartKom is similar to TeleMorph and TeleTuras in
that it strives to provide a multimodal information
service to the end-user. SmartKom-Mobile is
specifically related to TeleTuras in the way it
provides location sensitive information of interest to
the user of a thin-client device about services or
facilities in their vicinity.
DEEP MAP (Malaka & Zipf 2000, 2001) is a
prototype of a digital personal mobile tourist guide
which integrates research from various areas of
computer science: geo-information systems, data
bases, natural language processing, intelligent user
interfaces, knowledge representation, and more. The
goal of Deep Map is to develop information
technologies that can handle huge heterogeneous
data collections, complex functionality and a variety
of technologies, but are still accessible for untrained
users. DEEP MAP is an intelligent information
system that may assist the user in different situations
and locations providing answers to queries such as-
Where am I? How do I get from A to B? What
attractions are near by? Where can I find a
hotel/restaurant? How do I get to the nearest Italian
restaurant? The current prototype is based on a
wearable computer called the Xybernaut. DEEP
MAP displays a map which includes the user’s
current location and their destination, which are
connected graphically by a line which follows the
roads/streets interconnecting the two. Places of
interest along the route are displayed on the map.
Other projects focusing on mobile intelligent
multimedia systems, using tourism in particular as
an application domain include (Koch 2000) who
describes one such project which analysed and
designed a position-aware speech-enabled hand-held
tourist information system. The system is position
and direction aware and uses these facilities to guide
a tourist on a sight-seeing tour. (Pieraccini 2002)
outlines one of the main challenges of these mobile
multimodal user interfaces, that being the necessity
to adapt to different situations (“situationalisation”).
Situationalisation as referred to by Pieraccini
identifies that at different moments the user may be
subject to different constraints on the visual and
aural channels (e.g. walking whilst carrying things,
driving a car, being in a noisy environment, wanting
privacy etc.).
EMBASSI (Hildebrand 2000) explores new
approaches for human-machine communication with
specific reference to consumer electronic devices at
home (TVs, VCRs, etc.), in cars (radio, CD player,
navigation system, etc.) and in public areas (ATMs,
ticket vending machines, etc.). Since it is much
easier to convey complex information via natural
language than by pushing buttons or selecting
menus, the EMBASSI project focuses on the
integration of multiple modalities like speech, haptic
deixis (pointing gestures), and GUI input and output.
Because EMBASSI’s output is destined for a wide
range of devices, the system considers the effects of
portraying the same information on these different
devices by utilising Cognitive Load Theory (CLT)
(Baddeley & Logie 1999). (Fink & Kobsa 2002)
discuss a system for personalising city tours with
user modelling. They describe a user modelling
server that offers services to personalised systems
with regard to the analysis of user actions, the
representation of the assumptions about the user, and
the inference of additional assumptions based on
domain knowledge and characteristics of similar
users. (Nemirovsky and Davenport 2002) describe a
wearable system called GuideShoes which uses
aesthetic forms of expression for direct information
delivery. GuideShoes utilises music as an
information medium and musical patterns as a
means for navigation in an open space, such as a
Elting et al. (2002) explain the cognitive load theory
where two separate sub-systems for visual and
auditory memory work relatively independently. The
load can be reduced when both sub-systems are
active, compared to processing all information in a
single sub-system. Due to this reduced load, more
resources are available for processing the
information in more depth and thus for storing in
long-term memory. This theory however only holds
when the information presented in different
modalities is not redundant, otherwise the result is
an increased cognitive load. If however multiple
modalities are used, more memory traces should be
available (e.g. memory traces for the information
presented auditorially and visually) even though the
information is redundant, thus counteracting the
effect of the higher cognitive load. Elting et al.
investigated the effects of display size, device type
and style of Multimodal presentation on working
memory load, effectiveness for human information
processing and user acceptance. The aim of this
research was to discover how different physical
output devices affect the user’s way of working with
a presentation system, and to derive presentation
rules from this that adapt the output to the devices
the user is currently interacting with. They intended
to apply the results attained from the study in the
EMBASSI project where a large set of output
devices and system goals have to be dealt with by
the presentation planner. Accordingly, they used a
desktop PC, TV set with remote control and a PDA
as presentation devices, and investigated the impact
the multimodal output of each of the devices had on
the users. As a gauge, they used the recall
performance of the users on each device. The output
modality combinations for the three devices
consisted of
- plain graphical text output (T),
- text output with synthetic speech output of the
same text (TS),
- a picture together with speech output (PS),
- graphical text output with a picture of the
attraction (TP),
- graphical text, synthetic speech output, and a
picture in combination (TPS).
The results of their testing on PDAs are relevant to
any mobile multimodal presentation system that
aims to adapt the presentation to the cognitive
requirements of the device. The results show that in
the TV and PDA group the PS combination proved
to be the most efficient (in terms of recall) and
second most efficient for desktop PC. So pictures
plus speech appear to be a very convenient way to
convey information to the user on all three devices.
This result is theoretically supported by Baddeley’s
“Cognitive Load Theory” (Baddeley & Logie 1999,
Sweller et al. 1998), which states that PS is a very
efficient way to convey information by virtue of the
fact that the information is processed both
auditorally and visually but with a moderate
cognitive load. Another phenomenon that was
observed was that the decrease of recall performance
in time was especially significant in the PDA group.
This can be explained by the fact that the work on a
small PDA display resulted in a high cognitive load.
Due to this load, recall performance decreased
significantly over time. With respect to presentation
appeal, it was not the most efficient modality
combination that proved to be the most appealing
(PS) but a combination involving a rather high
cognitive load, namely TPS). The study showed that
cognitive overload is a serious issue in user interface
design, especially on small mobile devices. From
their testing Elting et al. discovered that when a
system wants to present data to the user that is
important to be remembered (e.g. a city tour) the
most effective presentation mode should be used
(Picture & Speech) which does not cognitively
overload the user. When the system simply has to
inform the user (e.g. about an interesting sight
nearby) the most appealing/accepted presentation
mode should be used (Picture, Text & Speech).
These points should be incorporated into multimodal
presentation systems to achieve ultimate usability.
This theory will be used in TeleMorph in the
decision making process which determines what
combinations of modalities are best suited to the
current situation when designing the output
presentation, i.e. whether the system is presenting
information which is important to be remembered
(e.g. directions) or which is just informative (e.g.
information on a tourist site).
The focus of the TeleMorph project is to create a
system that dynamically morphs between output
modalities depending on available network
bandwidth. The aims are to:
- Determine a wireless system’s output
presentation (unimodal/multimodal) depending
on the network bandwidth available to the
mobile device connected to the system.
- Implement TeleTuras, a tourist information
guide for the city of Derry and integrate the
solution provided by TeleMorph, thus
demonstrating its effectiveness.
The aims entail the following objectives which
include receiving and interpreting questions from the
user; Mapping questions to multimodal semantic
representation; matching multimodal representation
to database to retrieve answer; mapping answers to
multimodal semantic representation; querying
bandwidth status and generating multimodal
presentation based on bandwidth data. The domain
chosen as a test bed for TeleMorph is eTourism. The
system to be developed called TeleTuras is an
interactive tourist information aid. It will incorporate
route planning, maps, points of interest, spoken
presentations, graphics of important objects in the
area and animations. The main focus will be on the
output modalities used to communicate this
information and also the effectiveness of this
communication. The tools that will be used to
implement this system are detailed in the next
section. TeleTuras will be capable of taking input
queries in a variety of modalities whether they are
combined or used individually. Queries can also be
directly related to the user’s position and movement
direction enabling questions/commands such as
“Where is the Leisure Center?”.
J2ME (Java 2 Micro Edition) is an ideal
programming language for developing TeleMorph,
as it is the target platform for the Java Speech API
(JSAPI) (JCP 2002). The JSAPI enables the
inclusion of speech technology in user interfaces for
Java applets and applications. The Java Speech API
Markup Language (JSML 2002) and the Java
Speech API Grammar Format (JSGF 2002) are
companion specifications to the JSAPI. JSML
(currently in beta) defines a standard text format for
marking up text for input to a speech synthesiser.
JSGF version 1.0 defines a standard text format for
providing a grammar to a speech recogniser. Media
Design takes the output information and morphs it
into relevant modality/modalities depending on the
information it receives from the Server Intelligent
Agent regarding available bandwidth, whilst also
taking into consideration the Cognitive Load Theory
as described earlier. Media Analysis receives input
from the Client device and analyses it to distinguish
the modality types that the user utilised in their
input. The Domain Model, Discourse Model, User
Model, GPS and WWW are additional sources of
information for the Multimodal Interaction Manager
that assist it in producing an appropriate and correct
output presentation. The Server Intelligent Agent is
responsible for monitoring bandwidth, sending
streaming media which is morphed to the
appropriate modalities and receiving input from
client device & mapping to multimodal interaction
manager. The Client Intelligent Agent is in charge of
monitoring device constraints e.g. memory
available, sending multimodal information on input
to the server and receiving streamed multimedia.
4.1 Data Flow of TeleMorph
The data flow within TeleMorph is shown in Figure
1 which details the data exchange among the main
components. Figure 1 shows the flow of control in
TeleMorph. The Networking API sends all input
from the client device to the TeleMorph server. Each
time this occurs, the Device Monitoring module will
retrieve information on the client device’s status and
this information is also sent to the server. On input
the user can make a multimodal query to the system
to stream a new presentation which will consist of
media pertaining to their specific query. TeleMorph
will receive requests in the Interaction Manager and
will process requests via the Media Analysis module
which will pass semantically useful data to the
Constraint Processor where modalities suited to the
current network bandwidth (and other constraints)
will be chosen to represent the information. The
presentation is then designed using these modalities
by the Presentation Design module. The media are
processed by the Media Allocation module and
following this the complete multimodal
Synchronised Multimedia Integration Language
(SMIL) (Rutledge 2001) presentation is passed to
the Streaming Server to be streamed to the client
Figure 1: TeleMorph flow of control
A user can also input particular modality/cost
choices on the TeleMorph client. In this way the
user can morph the current presentation they are
receiving to a presentation consisting of specific
modalities which may be better suited their current
situation (driving/walking) or environment
(work/class/pub). This path through TeleMorph is
identified by the dotted line in Figure 1. Instead of
analysing and interpreting the media, TeleMorph
simply stores these choices using the User Prefs
module and then redesigns the presentation as
normal using the Presentation Design module. The
Media Analysis module that passes semantically
useful data to the Constraint Processor consists of
lower level elements that are portrayed in Figure 2.
As can be seen, the input from the user is processed
by the Media Analysis module, identifying Speech,
Text and Haptic modalities. The speech needs to be
processed initially by the speech recogniser and then
interpreted by the NLP module. Text also needs to
be processed by the NLP module in order to attain
its semantics. Then the Presentation Design module
takes these input modalities and interprets their
meaning as a whole and designs an output
presentation using the semantic representation. This
is then processed by the Media Allocation modules.
Figure 2: Media Analysis data flow
The Mobile Client’s Output Processing module will
process media being streamed to it across the
wireless network and present the received modalities
to the user in a synchronised fashion. The Input
Processing module on the client will process input
from the user in a variety of modes. This module
will also be concerned with timing thresholds
between different modality inputs. In order to
implement this architecture for initial testing, a
scenario will be set up where switches in the project
code will simulate changing between a variety of
bandwidths. To implement this, TeleMorph will
draw on a database which will consist of a table of
bandwidths ranging from those available in 1G, 2G,
2.5G (GPRS) and 3G networks. Each bandwidth
value will have access to related information on the
modality/combinations of modalities that can be
streamed efficiently at that transmission rate. The
modalities available for each of the fore-mentioned
bandwidth values (1G-3G) will be worked out by
calculating the bandwidth required to stream each
modality (e.g. text, speech, graphics, video,
animation). Then the amalgamations of modalities
that are feasible are computed.
4.2 Client output
Output on thin client devices connected to
TeleMorph will primarily utilise a SMIL media
player which will present video, graphics, text and
speech to the end user of the system. The J2ME
Text-To-Speech (TTS) engine processes speech
output to the user. An autonomous agent will be
integrated into the TeleMorph client for output as
they serve as an invaluable interface agent to the
user as they incorporate modalities that are the
natural modalities of face-to-face communication
among humans. A SMIL media player will output
audio on the client device. This audio will consist of
audio files that are streamed to the client when the
necessary bandwidth is available. However, when
sufficient bandwidth is unavailable audio files will
be replaced by ordinary text which will be processed
by a TTS engine on the client producing synthetic
speech output.
4.3 Autonomous agents in TeleTuras
An autonomous agent will serve as an interface
agent to the user as they incorporate modalities that
are the natural modalities of face-to-face
communication among humans. It will assist in
communicating information on a navigation aid for
tourists about sites, points of interest, and route
planning. Microsoft Agent
provides a set of
programmable software services that supports the
presentation of interactive animated characters. It
enables developers to incorporate conversational
interfaces, which leverage natural aspects of human
social communication. In addition to mouse and
keyboard input, Microsoft Agent includes support
for speech recognition so applications can respond to
voice commands. Characters can respond using
synthesised speech, recorded audio, or text. One
advantage of agent characters is they provide higher-
levels of a character’s movements often found in the
performance arts, like blink, look up, look down,
and walk. BEAT, another animator’s tool which was
incorporated in REA (Real Estate Agent) (Cassell et
al, 2000) allows animators to input typed text that
they wish to be spoken by an animated figure. These
tools can all be used to implement actors in
4.4 Client input
The TeleMorph client will allow for speech
recognition, text and haptic deixis (touch screen)
input. A speech recognition engine will be reused to
process speech input from the user. Text and haptic
input will be processed by the J2ME graphics API.
Speech recognition in TeleMorph resides in Capture
Input as illustrated in figure 5. The Java Speech API
Mark-up Language
defines a standard text format
for marking up text for input to a speech synthesiser.
As mentioned before JSAPI does not provide any
speech functionality itself, but through a set of APIs
and event interfaces, access to speech functionality
(provided by supporting speech vendors) is
accessible to the application. For this purpose IBM’s
implementation of JSAPI “speech for Java” is
adopted for providing multilingual speech
recognition functionality. This implementation of
the JSAPI is based on ViaVoice, which will be
positioned remotely in the Interaction Manager
module on the server.
Figure 3: Modules within TeleMorph
The relationship between the JSAPI speech
recogniser (in the Capture Input module in figure 5)
on the client and ViaVoice (in the Interaction
Manager module in figure 5) on the server is
necessary as speech recognition is computationally
too heavy to be processed on a thin client. After the
ViaVoice speech recogniser has processed speech
which is input to the client device, it will also need
to be analysed by an NLP module to assess its
semantic content. A reusable tool to do this is yet to
be decided upon to complete this task. Possible
solutions for this include adding an additional NLP
component to ViaVoice; or perhaps reusing other
natural understanding tools such as PC-PATR
(McConnel 1996) which is a natural language parser
based on context-free phrase structure grammar and
unifications on the feature structures associated with
the constituents of the phrase structure rules.
3.5 Graphics
The User Interface (UI) defined in J2ME is logically
composed of two sets of APIs, High-level UI API
which emphasises portability across different
devices and the Low-level UI API which emphasises
flexibility and control. The portability in the high-
level API is achieved by employing a high level of
abstraction. The actual drawing and processing user
interactions are performed by implementations.
Applications that use the high-level API have little
control over the visual appearance of components,
and can only access high-level UI events. On the
other hand, using the low-level API, an application
has full control of appearance, and can directly
access input devices and handle primitive events
generated by user interaction. However the low-level
API may be device-dependent, so applications
developed using it will not be portable to other
devices with a varying screen size. TeleMorph uses
a combination of these to provide the best solution
possible. Using these graphics APIs, TeleMorph
implements a Capture Input module which accepts
text from the user. Also using these APIs, haptic
input is processed by the Capture Input module to
keep track of the user’s input via a touch screen, if
one is present on the device. User preferences in
relation to modalities and cost incurred are managed
by the Capture Input module in the form of standard
check boxes and text boxes available in the J2ME
high level graphics API.
3.8 TeleMorph Server-Side
SMIL is utilised to form the semantic representation
language in TeleMorph and will be processed by the
Presentation Design module in figure 5. The
HUGIN development environment allows
TeleMorph to develop its decision making process
using Causal Probabilistic Networks which will
form the Constraint Processor module as portrayed
in figure 5. The ViaVoice speech recognition
software resides within the Interaction Manager
module. On the server end of the system Darwin
streaming server
is responsible for transmitting the
output presentation from the TeleMorph server
application to the client device’s Media Player.
3.8.1 SMIL semantic representation
The XML based Synchronised Multimedia
Integration Language
(SMIL) language (Rutledge
2001) forms the semantic representation language of
TeleMorph used in the Presentation Design module
as shown in figure 5. TeleMorph designs SMIL
content that comprises multiple modalities that
exploit currently available resources fully, whilst
considering various constraints that affect the
presentation, but in particular, bandwidth. This
output presentation is then streamed to the Media
Player module on the mobile client for displaying to
the end user. TeleMorph will constantly recycle the
presentation SMIL code to adapt to continuous and
unpredictable variations of physical system
constraints (e.g. fluctuating bandwidth, device
memory), user constraints (e.g. environment) and
user choices (e.g. streaming text instead of
synthesised speech). In order to present the content
to the end user, a SMIL media player needs to be
available on the client device. A possible contender
to implement this is MPEG-7, as it describes
multimedia content using XML.
3.8.2 TeleMorph reasoning - CPNs/BBNs
Causal Probabilistic Networks aid in conducting
reasoning and decision making within the
Constraints Processor module (see figure 5). In
order to implement Bayesian Networks in
TeleMorph, the HUGIN (HUGIN 2003)
development environment is used. HUGIN provides
the necessary tools to construct Bayesian Networks.
When a network has been constructed, one can use it
for entering evidence in some of the nodes where the
state is known and then retrieve the new
probabilities calculated in other nodes corresponding
to this evidence. A Causal Probabilistic Network
(CPN)/Bayesian Belief network (BBN) is used to
model a domain containing uncertainty in some
manner. It consists of a set of nodes and a set of
directed edges between these nodes. A Belief
Network is a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) where
each node represents a random variable. Each node
contains the states of the random variable it
represents and a conditional probability table (CPT)
or, in more general terms, a conditional probability
function (CPF). The CPT of a node contains
probabilities of the node being in a specific state
given the states of its parents. Edges reflect cause-
effect relations within the domain. These effects are
normally not completely deterministic (e.g. disease -
> symptom). The strength of an effect is modelled as
a probability.
We have touched upon some aspects of Mobile
Intelligent Multimedia Systems. Through an analysis
of these systems a unique focus has been identified –
“Bandwidth determined Mobile Multimodal
Presentation”. This paper has presented our
proposed solution in the form of a Mobile Intelligent
System called TeleMorph that dynamically morphs
between output modalities depending on available
network bandwidth. TeleMorph will be able to
dynamically generate a multimedia presentation
from semantic representations using output
modalities that are determined by constraints that
exist on a mobile device’s wireless connection, the
mobile device itself and also those limitations
experienced by the end user of the device. The
output presentation will include Language and
Vision modalities consisting of video, speech, non-
speech audio and text. Input to the system will be in
the form of speech, text and haptic deixis.
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