Angélica Caro
, Coral Calero
, Houari Sahraoui
, Ghazwa Malak
, Mario Piattini
Universidad del Bio Bio, Departamento de Auditoria e Informática, Chillán, Chile
Alarcos Group – Computer Science Dept., Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Paseo de la Universidad, 4 – 13071 Ciudad Real (Spain)
Dept. d’Informatique et de Recherche Opérationnelle, Université de Montréal
CP 6128 succ. Centre Ville, Montréal QC H3C 3J7 Canada
Keywords: Data Quality, Information Quality, Web Portals, Bayesian Network, Data Quality Model.
Abstract: The technological advances and the use of the in
ternet have favoured the appearance of a great diversity of
web applications, among them Web portals. Through them, organizations develop their businesses in a
highly competitive environment. One decisive factor for this competitiveness is the assurance of its data
quality. In previous works, a data quality model for Web portals has been developed. The model is
represented as a matrix that links the user expectations of data web quality to the portal functionalities. Into
this matrix a set of 34 attributes where classified. However, the quality attributes on this model have not an
operational structure, necessary to be used actual assessment. In this paper we present how we have
structured these attributes by means of a probabilistic approach, using Bayesian Networks. The final
objective is to use the Bayesian network obtained for evaluating the quality of a data portal (or a subset of
its characteristics).
During the past decade, an increasing number of or-
ganizations have established Web portals to comple-
ment, substitute or widen existing services to their
clients. In general, portals provide users with access
to different data sources (providers) (Mahdavi et al.,
2004), as well as to on-line information and informa-
tion-related services (Yang, 2004). Moreover, they
create a working environment where users can easily
navigate in order to find the information they need to
perform their operational or strategic tasks and make
decisions (Collins, 2001). The users of Web portals
need to ensure that this information is appropriate
for the use they make of it.
In the literature, the concept of Information or
Data Quality (DQ) is
often defined as “fitness for
use”, i.e., the ability of a data collection to meet user
requirements (Strong et al., 1997; Cappiello et al.,
2004). Recently, due to the particular nature of Web
applications the research community started
studying the subject of data quality on the Web
(Gertz et al., 2004).
However, there are no works on data quality that
address the particular conte
xt of Web portals, in
spite of the fact that some work highlights the data
quality as one of the relevant factors in the quality of
a portal (Moraga et al., 2004; Yang, 2004).
Likewise, except for few work in the data quality
area, like (Wang and Strong, 1996; Burgess et al.,
2004; Cappiello et al., 2004), most of the works not
targeted the quality from the data consumers
perspective (Burgess et al., 2004).
In a previous work, we have developed a Portal
Data Quality Mo
del (PDQM), focused on the data
consumer’s perspective (Caro et al. 2006). This
model are composed of 34 DQ attributes.
The definition of a model does not mean that it
can b
e operational, i.e., it can be used to assess the
quality of web portals in our case. To reach this
goal, we need to define a structure that allows from
the one hand, to evaluate each attributes using
Caro A., Calero C., Sahraoui H., Malak G. and Piattini M. (2006).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 147-152
measures and, from the other hand, to combine
attribute evaluations to access the portal quality.
Considering the uncertainty inherent to the
quality perception, we propose to use a probabilistic
approach (Bayesian network) to structure, refine and
represent our model.
This rest of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 presents a brief summary of PDQM. The
description of Bayesian networks (BN) and their use
to structure our model is presented in Section 3.
Section 4 shows the process used for representing a
new version of PDQM as a Bayesian network. Fina-
lly, Section 5 summarizes and concludes the paper.
PDQM is a data quality model for Web portals
focused in three key elements:
Data consumer perspective. Represented by DQ
expectations of data consumer on Internet, stated in
(Redman, 2000). These expectations are organized
into six categories: Privacy, Content, Quality of va-
lues, Presentation, Improvement, and Commitment.
Web DQ attributes. We have identified DQ
attributes which have been proposed for different
domains in the context on the Web. The idea was to
take advantage of work already carried out in the
Web context and apply it to Web portals.
Web portal functionalities. Web portals present ba-
sic functionalities to data consumer deploying their
tasks. Under our perspective, the consumer judges
the data by using the application functionalities. So,
we used the web portal functions proposes in
(Collins, 2001) considering them as basics in our
model. These functions are: Data Points and
Integration, Taxonomy, Search Capabilities, Help
Features, Content Management, Process and Action,
Collaboration and Communication, Personalization,
Presentation, Administration, and Security.
We produced the PDQM model through a three-
phase process. In the next subsections we explain
each of these phases with their results.
2.1 Web DQ Attributes
The first phase consisted in gathering Web DQ
attributes from the literature. For this we have made
a systematic review of the relevant literature. Then,
we selected works proposed for different domains in
the Web context (Web sites (Katerattanakul and
Siau, 1999; Eppler et al., 2003; Moustakis et al.,
2004), integration of data (Naumann and Rolker,
2000; Bouzeghoub and Peralta, 2004), e-commerce
(Katerattanakul and Siau, 2001), Web information
portals (Yang et al., 2004), cooperative e-services
(Fugini et al., 2002), decision making (Graefe,
2003), organizational networks (Melkas, 2004) and
DQ on the Web (Gertz et al., 2004)). The idea was
to take advantage of the work already carried out in
the Web context and apply it to Web portals. As
result and after summarizing the collected initial set
of attributes, we obtained 41 DQ attributes (see the
top of Table 1).
2.2 Definition of a Classification
Matrix for Web DQ Attributes
In the second phase, we have built a matrix for the
classification of the DQ attributes obtained in
previous phase. This matrix relates two basic aspects
considered in our model: the data consumer
perspective by means their DQ expectations on
Internet (Redman, 2000) and the basic
functionalities in a Web portal. On this matrix we
carried out an analysis of what expectations were
applicable in each different functionality of a Web
portal, represented in Figure 1 with a “” mark.
Figure 1: Matrix to classify the Web DQ attributes.
2.3 Classification of Web DQ
Attributes in the Matrix
In the third phase, we used the obtained matrix to
classify the Web DQ attribute identified in phase 1.
Then for each relationship between functionality and
expectation, we assigned the DQ attributes that
could be used by the data consumer to evaluate the
DQ in a portal. We did it by studying the
appropriateness of each attribute (based on its
definition), in relation to the objective of each portal
Table 1: Data quality attributes assigned for functionality.
functionality and the user DQ expectation. On Table
1, we have summarized the attributes assigned for
On the other hand some attributes, have not
assigned, because in our analysis they are result not
be important or visible for the data consumer. And
therefore, the first version of PDQM has 34 DQ
A BN is a directed acyclic graph, whose nodes are
the uncertain variables and edges are the causal or
influential links between variables. A conditional
probability functions model the uncertain relation-
ship between each node and its parents (Neil et al.,
2000). In our context, BNs offer an interesting fra-
mework with which it is possible to: (1) Represent
the interrelations between attributes in an intuitive
and explicit way by connecting influencing factors
to influenced ones. Such a representation facilitates
the comprehension of the model, its validation, its
evolution and its exploitation, (2) Circumvent the
problems of subjectivity uncertainty, (3) Actually
use the obtained network to predict/estimate the
quality of a portal, and (4) Isolate responsible factors
in the case of low quality.
Another interesting property of the Bayesian
approach is the fact that it considers the probability
as being a dynamic entity that can be updated as
more data arrive (self learning mechanism). New
data may naturally improve the degree of belief in
certain propositions (Baldi et al., 2003).
Consequently, a BN model is particularly adapted to
the changing domain of web portals.
Building a BN for a particular quality model can
be done in two stages: (1) build the graph structure
and (2) define the node probability tables for each
node of the graph. In this paper we focus on the first
stage (see next section). To this end, we use the
approach proposed by (Malak et al., 2006) for
building BN for web quality models.
In its current state PDQM is defined as a set of DQ
attributes without a structure that allows it to be used
as an evaluation framework for web portals. To
structure PDQM (in the form of a BN), we have de-
cided to use the draft of the standard ISO/IEC 25012
(ISO-25012, 2006). Our choice is basically motive-
ted by two facts. First, ISO/IEC 25012 defines DQ
requirements and describes DQ characteristics for
any computer system application (i.e.: e-govern-
ment, e-business, e-commerce). Second, the attribu-
tes of the standard are already structured in a hierar-
chy which can be used for our model. Thus, PDQM
can be seen as a specialization of this standard.
In ISO/IEC 25012, there are three different ways
of viewing DQ: Internal DQ, External DQ and DQ
in Use. It categorises internal and external DQ attri-
butes into six characteristics (functionality, reliabi-
lity, usability, efficiency, maintainability and porta-
bility), which are further subdivided into subcharac-
teristics. DQ in use is categorized into 4 characteris-
tics effectiveness, productivity, safety and satisfac-
tion), which are refined into sub-characteristics.
The ISO/IEC 25012-guided generation of a BN
for PDQM was performed following a three-phase
process. In the first 2 phases, we matched the DQ
attributes of PDQM with the sub-characteristics of
ISO/IEC 25012. These 2 phases produced a hierar-
chy-like model. In the third phase, we studied and
integrated the influence relationships that can exist
between the attributes of PDQM. The final result
was a graph-like model. The 3 phases are explained
together with their results in the next 3 subsections.
4.1 Names Matching
In the first phase, we started to build the BN
structure by identifying which attributes in PDQM
are also included in the ISO/IEC 25012 as sub-
characteristics. For doing this, we have matched the
attributes in PDQM with the sub-characteristics in
the standard by means of the coincidence between
their names. For instance, the Accuracy attribute
(which is part of PDQM) is present in the standard
as a sub-characteristic of the Functionality
characteristic. Then, in PDQM structure, we have
considered, at the Internal/External DQ category, the
Functionality characteristic and inside this, the
Accuracy sub-characteristic.
This BN contains 4 levels: the model (PDQM),
the quality views (I/E_DQ and DQ_in_use), the
characteristics that have sub-characteristics present
in PDQM, and the attributes of PDQM that match
sub-characteristics in the standard (see Figure 3).
4.2 Definition Matching
In the first phase, we used a direct name mat-ching
to structure PDQM attributes. The aim of this second
phase was to complete the structure obtained. This
was done by finding correspondences between the
not-yet-assigned attributes and the characteristics in
the standard. To this end, we used definition
matching between PDQM and ISO/IEC 25012. To
illustrate this phase, let’s take the following
example. For instance, the attribute Flexibility was
associated to the characteristic Portability and we
add this last to PDQM. This obeys to the following
analysis. ISO/IEC defines Portability as: “The
capability of data to be transferred from one
technological environment to another”. In PDQM
Flexibility is defined as: “The extent to which data
are expandable, adaptable, and easily applied to
others needs”. So, in our opinion, flexibility is
necessary for the Portability of data. The summary
of the matching performed in the two first phases is
presented in Table 2 (three first columns).
Figure 3: BN obtained in the phase 1.
Table 2: Attributes for the next level in the PDQM.
4.3 Causal Relationships
The third phase was dedicated to the search for
causal relationships between the attributes of
PDQM. We used the definitions of the attributes to
establish these relationships.
For instance, the PDQM attribute Concise Repre-
sentation is defined as “the extent to which data are
compactly represented without elements superfluous
or not related”. Then, based on this definition, we
established a causal relation with the ISO subcharac-
teristics Understandability, Applicability and Inter-
pretability. Indeed, if the data are compactly repre-
sented and without unnecessary elements, they can
be more easily understood, applied and interpreted
(Katerattanakul and Siau, 2001). Table 2 shows the
attributes that were incorporated in this phase. And
the Figure 4 shows the final BN generated.
In this paper, we have proposed an operational
model for web portal quality assessment. This model
is defined as a Bayesian network that was build
using the non-structured PDQM model. PDQM is a
DQ model containing 34 attributes that were
selected specifically for web portals. The BN model
was obtained following a three-phase process guided
by the ISO/IEC 25012 standard.
4.4 Probability Definition
The choice of a BN-like model is motivated by
the fact that many issues in quality assessment are
circumvented: threshold value definition, metric
combination, and uncertainty.
To be operational, the BN obtained needs to be
supplemented with the probabilities. As stated by
Malak et al. in (Malak et al., 2006), there are two ty-
pes of probabilities that must be defined: input-node
probabilities and intermediate-node probabilities.
We are currently working on the definition of the
parameter of the network, i.e., probabilities, using a
hybrid approach that combines expert judgment with
learning mechanisms.
Intermediate-node probabilities are obtained
through tables that define conditional probabilities
of the different values that can be taken by quality
characteristic of the node knowing the values of the
characteristics of the parent nodes. These tables are
defined using expert judgment and refined by the
self-earning mechanism as the new portals are
One of the advantages of our model is its
flexibility. Indeed, the model a global framework
that can be adapted for both the goal and the context
of the evaluation. From the goal perspective, the
user can choose the sub-network that evaluates the
characteristics he is interested in. From the context
point of view, the parameters (probabilities) can be
changed to consider the specific context of the
evaluated portal. This operation can be done using
available historical data from the organization.
Characteristics that are represented by input-
nodes are those that can be directly measured from
the web portals. Input-node probabilities are
produced by a transformation of numerical-value
measures into probabilities. Consider the node
Response_Time in our model. The actual time can be
classified into three categories: short, medium, and
long. Using a fuzzy logic-based clustering
algorithm, we can derive a probabilistic classifier
that calculate respectively the probabilities that a
response time value of a particular web belongs to
each of the categories (Malak et al., 2006).
To evaluate our model, we are currently
designing an experimental study. This study will
concern a large number of portals and will involve a
set of portal-user subjects. The goal of the study is to
compare the subjective judgments of the subjects
with the evaluation results produced by our model.
Figure 5: PDQM represented in a BN.
This research is part of the following projects:
CALIPO (TIC2003-07804-C05-03) supported by the
Dirección General de Investigación of the Ministerio
de Ciencia y Tecnología (Spain) and DIMENSIONS
(PBC-05-012-1) supported by FEDER and by the
“Consejería de Educación y Ciencia, Junta de
Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha” (Spain). This
work was performed during the stay of Houari
Sahraoui in the University of Castilla-La Mancha
under the “Programa Nacional De Ayudas Para La
Movilidad de Profesores en Régimen de año
sabático”, from Spanish
Ministerio de Educación y
Ciencia, REF: 2004-0161.
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