Tool for Computer Automation of the Information Security Management Systems
Luís Enrique Sánchez, Daniel Villafranca
SICAMAN NT. Departamento de I+D, Juan José Rodrigo, 4. Tomelloso, Ciudad Real, Spain
Eduardo Fernández-Medina, Mario Piattini
ALARCOS Research Group. TSI Department. UCLM-Soluziona Research and Development Institute
University of Castilla-La Mancha, Paseo de la Universidad, 4 – 13071 Ciudad Real, Spain
Keywords: ISMS, SME, Maturity Model, Risk Analysis.
For enterprises to be able to use information technologies and communications with guarantees,
it is necessary to have an adequate security management system and tools which allow them to
manage it. In addition, security management system must have highly reduced costs for its
implementation and maintenance in small and medium-sized enterprises (from here on refered to
as SMEs) to be feasible. In this paper, we will show the tool we have developed using our model
for the development, implementation and maintenance of a security management system, adapted
to the needs and resources of a SME. Furthermore, we will state how this tool lets enterprises
with limited resources manage their security system very efficiently. This approach is being
directly applied to real cases, thus obtaining a constant improvement in its application.
Information and processes supporting systems and
nets are the most important assets for any
organization (Dhillon and Backhouse 2000) and they
suppose the main differentiating factor in the
evolution of an enterprise. Nowadays, it is very
complex for a small or medium-size enterprise to
tackle the implementation of a security management
system (Pertier 2003; Kim and I.Choi 2005). The
tendency in the field of enterprise security is that of
gradually migrating their culture towards the
creation of a security management system (ISMS),
despite the fact that this progression is very slow.
Thus, studies such as that of René Sant-Germain
(Sant-Germain 2005) estimate that with the current
models, by 2009 only 35% of the enterprises in the
world which employ more than 2000 people will
have implemented an ISMS, and that the figures for
SMEs will be much worse.
At present, the market demands that enterprises
are a
ble to guarantee that technologies for computer
assets and information are secure, fast and easy to
interact with (Corti et al. 2005). However, in order
to fulfill these requirements, the system
administrators have discovered two problems with
no satisfactory solution: on the one hand, the lack of
adequate tools that allow us to face information
systems security in a centralized, simple and
dimensioned according to the size of enterprises way
and on the other hand, the lack of information
security guides that let us answer the following
questions: Where do I have to search?, What do I
have to control? How do I have to control it? Today,
this process finishes almost always giving place to
the fact that enterprises take the risk of lacking of a
security management system due to their inability to
implement it.
Organizations, both national and international,
have m
ade an effort to elaborate a set of regulations
and specifications related to security in information
and communication technologies to solve the second
problem and in spite of the fact that today we can
find in the market hundreds of tools oriented to
security, none of them is on its own a complete and
efficient solution for this kind of systems in the case
of SMEs.
In this paper, we shall describe a new tool that
we ha
ve developed from our maturity and security
management model oriented to SMEs that tries to
Enrique Sánchez L., Villafranca D., Fernández-Medina E. and Piattini M. (2007).
SCMM-TOOL - Tool for Computer Automation of the Information Security Management Systems.
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Software and Data Technologies - SE, pages 311-318
DOI: 10.5220/0001331003110318
solve the problems detected in classical models and
tools that have shown not to be efficient at the time
of their implementation into SMEs due to their
complexity and other series of factors that will be
analysed in detail in the following sections of the
The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows: Section 2, very briefly describes existing
tools for security management their current
tendencies and some of the new proposals that are
appearing. Section 3, introduces our proposal for a
tool for security management orientated towards
SMEs. Finally, in Section 4, we shall conclude by
discussing our future work on this subject.
Nowadays, there is a wide set of tools associated
with ISMS whose objective is to attain the security
goals proposed in the different Maturity and Security
Management models (COBIT 2000; Eloff and Eloff
2003; Lee et al. 2003; Aceituno 2005; Areiza et al.
2005; Barrientos and Areiza 2005). These tools and
guides can be grouped into the following set of
Risk Analysis Tools: At present, the tools
most used for risk analysis are PILAR and
EAR, based on Magerit v2 (MageritV2
2005). Other tools used are, firstly, that
proposed by ENISA, secondly, the
OCTAVE-S and Octave Automated Tool
which implements the OCTAVE (Alberts
and Dorofee 2001) risk evaluation
methodology and finally, CRAMM and
Orientated towards management: At
present, this set of tools is formed of
guides. Among these, we can highligh that
of information security for NIST managers
and other tools such as TDBSSI which
belong to the French Government.
Auto-evaluation Tools: This set of tools is
basically composed of fulfillment check-
lists, and among them we can highlight the
auto-evaluation questionnaire for the
verification of control state(ISO/IEC17799
2005) from the SANS Institute and the
BITs tool for the evaluation of the
operational risk of information security.
For ISMS implementation: Among the
tools of which this set is composed, we can
highligh AWICMSM, Callio Secura 17799
based on (ISO/IEC17799 2005), (BS7799
2002) and (UNE71502 2004) and Proteus, a
piece of software covering all the phases of
an ISMS implementation.
For Policies implementation: We can
highlight Toolkit of the Universities and
Colleges Information Systems Association
based on (BS7799 2002) and the guides
dealing with the technical aspects of NIST
information security.
For conciousness and sensibilization:
Nowadays, this set of tools is formed of
guides such as those of ENISA or NIST
(Wilson and Hash 2003) which are used for
the creation of an information security
consciousness plan.
Orientated towards business continuity:
Despite the fact that that there are some
applications such as Office Shadow,
LDRPS, eBRP, IMCD, the majority of
enterprises use guides such as those offered
by NIST (Swanson et al. 2002) or the
British Standard (BS25999 2006).
Each of these tools is focused upon a single
aspect of ISMS instead of upon the whole set. Siegel
(Siegel et al. 2002) points out that computer security
models which are exclusively centered upon risk
elimination models are not enough. On the other
hand, Garigue (Garigue and Stefaniu 2003)
highlights the fact that at present, managers not only
wish to know what has been done to mitigate risks,
but that it is also necessary to explain to them in as
efficient a way as possible that this task has been
carried out and whether or not it has been possible to
save money.
The problem of these tools is that they are a set
of partial and complex solutions to the stated
problems, and it is for this reason that they are
unsuccessful when implemented in SMEs,
principally because they were developed with large
organizations in mind, where associated costs are
not critical. This makes them inadequate for an SME
The proposal presented in this paper is also
based on the ISO/IEC 17799 international regulation
but has been orientated towards its application in
SMEs and an avoidance of the problems detected in
current tools.
The application that must support the Information
Security Maturity Model that we propose allows any
organization to evaluate the state of its security but
ICSOFT 2007 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
is mainly orientated towards SMEs through
developing the simple, cheap, fast, automated,
progressive and sustainable security management
models that are the main requirements of this kind of
enterprises at the time of implementing these
From the user’s viewpoint, our model presents
two clear advantages:
Simplicity: All of the ISMS phases are
orientated towards reducing the complexity
of the ISMS management process, by
bearing in mind organizations whose
organizative structures are very simple.
Automation: The whole system uses
schemas which enable the automation of the
necessary processes for ISMS.
Figure 1: Application Architecture.
The model is composed of two clearly
differentiated parts (see Figure 1):
BackOffice: Whose central nucleus is the
Schema Generator for ISMS’s. By using
this tool, we can generate complete schemas
which allow us to automate the most
complex and expensive parts of ISMS.
FrontOffice: This allows users to generate
ISMS’s at the highest level of automation
and simplicity from a previously generated
In Figure 1, we can see how at the BackOffice
administrated by the consultant, three-phases
schemas are defined and stored in the schema
library. At the same time, users define at the
FrontOffice the ISMS for their enterprise through a
feedbacked three-phases cycle that takes as a basis
for its generation a schema from the schema library.
In the BackOffice administrated by the
consultant, three-phase schemas are defined and
stored in the schema library. At the same time, users
in the FrontOffice define the ISMS for their
enterprise through a feedbacked three-phase cycle
which takes a schema from the schema library as a
basis for its generation.
In each of the phases of the BackOffice, the
schema that will later be used in the same phase of
the FrontOffice to generate the data for an ISMS
instance is defined. The schemas are the core upon
which our model is developed, owing to the fact that
they allow the automation of the ISMSs. These
schemas consist of a set of objects and matrices
which are defined from experience and practice
derived from working with customers.
On the other hand, against the classical model of
tools that are installed on the customer’s enterprise,
SCMM-TOOL has been developed through web
technology in a way that it can offer SMEs access
through the internet following the ASP business
model (see Figure 2). This model has been chosen
since it presents several advantages as compared to
the traditional models:
Elimination of the cost of installing the
application on the customer’s enterprise.
Access to new versions without additional
It eliminates the need of infrastructure.
It facilitates the existence of external
Figure 2: Business model Architecture.
Thus, with a low cost of initial configuration and
a small monthly fee, SMEs have access to a
complete system of management of their security
Nowadays, we are studying the possibility of
including in the model some variations that allow
customers to maintain their data locally to increase
their confidence and security level.
3.1 Schema Generator
The schema generator is one of our model’s main
contributions, and could be considered as the main
nucleus of the application. The tool allows us define
schemas with which to perform the research process
within the enterprises. This then allows us to carry
SCMM-TOOL - Tool for Computer Automation of the Information Security Management Systems
out small adjustments to these schemas until we
obtain the schema that is best adapted to each type
of enterprise.
At present, the tool is composed of only one
schema which has been obtained through a
successive refinement achieved through the
application of the model to diverse SICAMAN
customers and a subsequent analysis of the results
The schemas are defined through three phases:
Phase I: Maturity factors, the weight-factor
matrix and a set of controls are defined.
Phase II: The type of assets, threats,
vulnerabilities, impact criteria and risk
matrixes are defined.
Phase III: Object library, matrixes of
associations between objects and controls,
regulations, procedures and their phases, and
metrics are defined.
Additionally, the system will be formed by other
objects necessary for their functioning:
Profiles: Profiles define the set of necessary
roles for the system to work. Given that the
application is oriented to SMEs, we have
selected a small set of roles: Administrator,
User, Security Manager, System Manager,
System Department, Development Manager,
Explotation Manager, HR Manager,
Marketing Manager Assets Owner and
General Manager.
Only users belonging to one of these roles will
be affected by the security system. An user can have
several roles assigned. Roles are very important
since the automatic flow of procedures is supported
by them.
3.1.1 Phase I: Creation of the Schema for
Maturity Level Establishment
This phase will allow us to define the set of levels,
factors and controls necessary for establishing the
current and the desirable maturity level (see Figure.
Figure 3: Current and target maturity level.
The main objects of which this phase of the
system is composed are as follows:
SectorFactor Matrix: The current matrix
contains 354 weights which allow us to
carry out a correction factor for each of the
sectors and to a factor of the set of defined
factors influencing the enterprise’s security.
Maturity Rules: The current schema is
formed of 6 factors, each having 3-4
selection criteria. Both the maturity rules the
Sector-Factor matrix will allow us to
determine the desirable level of maturity.
Maturity Levels: The system permits the
definition of different maturity levels.
Nowadays, an entire schema based on a
three maturity level model has been
Set of controls: This set of controls is based
on the 127 controls of ISO17799:2000 but
has been increased to achieve a set of 735
subcontrols which allow us to obtain the
level of security for each control with a
higher level of accuracy.
3.1.2 Phase II: Creation of the Schema
for Risk Analysis
This phase will allow us to define the set of
necessary objects which will enable us to carry out a
basic risk analysis of the enterprise’s assets in a
minimum period of time. The model obtained uses
the list of assets to allow the system to be able to
perform a risk analysis and control.
The objects of which this phase is formed are
described below:
Type of Assets: We have defined 23 types
of assets for the current schema.
Threats: For the current schema, a set of 51
threats associated with 6 types of threats
have been defined.
Vulnerabilities: For the current schema, 48
vulnerabilities have been defined.
Risk Criteria: For the current schema, we
have defined 4 criteria (Confidentiality,
Integrity, Availability and Legality).
Type of assets vs vulnerabilities matrix:
This allows us to associate assets with the
vulnerabilities that may affect them. In the
current schema, we have defined 252
relationships for this matrix.
Threats vs vulnerabilities Matrix: This
allows us to associate vulnerabilities with
each type of threat. With this matrix, we
can also associate threats and assets
through the assets-vulnerabilities matrix. In
ICSOFT 2007 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
the current schema, 79 relationships have
been defined for this matrix.
Threats vs ISO17799 controls Matrix: We
can associate threats with the ISO17799
controls that affect them. Thanks to the
previous matrixes, we can also give a
security level to an asset by using the
controls associated with it. In the current
schema, 940 relationships have been
defined for this matrix.
Type of Assets-Vulnerabilities vs Risk
Criteria Matrix: This matrix allows us to
associate the type of assets and
vulnerabilities of an enterprise with respect
to the risk criteria that we have defined. In
the current schema, 345 relationships have
been defined for this matrix
3.1.3 Phase III: Creation of the ISMS
Object Schema
This phase defines the library of objects of which the
ISMS is composed. It also defines their properties.
Each of the defined objects has a set of additional
associated properties (periodicity, etc) which will be
useful for dynamically recalculating the level of
fulfillment of controls.
The objects defined in this phase have an
associated set of properties (a schema, a section and
a version). The current schema is formed of an
object library composed of the following set: 50
procedures, 4 technical instructions, 25 regulations
files, 67 patterns and 36 registers.
Each of the defined objects has had two
temporality values assigned to it:
Estimated periodicity: This represents an
estimation of the time in which an object
must be used at least once. When the
estimated periodicity is exceeded, the
system will punish the current level of
fulfillment of the controls associated with
that object, decreasing them according to an
estimated percentage.
Compulsory Periodicity: The object can
have this temporality value defined or not.
This represents the period of time in which
the object must be compulsory executed at
least once. When the compulsory
periodicity is exceeded, the system will
punish the current level of fulfillment of
controls associated with that object
decreasing them according to an estimated
The periodicities defined in the objects, together
with the complaint process, the periodical audits and
the metrics are in charge of dynamically revaluating
the state and evolution of the system.
In the current version of this application, we
have taken into consideration two special types of
objects (regulations and procedures):
Regulations: There is a set of regulations
with which the enterprise must comply.
Each regulation is associated with the
controls through a matrix. This allows the
updatedness of the value of fulfillment of
them when an unfulfillment of a regulation
is detected. In the current schema there are
Procedures: Procedures may be carried out
by a set of users from the enterprise
according to the profiles that they have
been assigned. Each of these procedures
has been assigned a set of phases through
which users must pass in order to be able to
fulfill the procedure. The current schema is
composed of 50 procedures with a total of
609 phases with 697 possible execution
paths. Each one of the phases of the
procedure has a set of profiles associated
with users that are in charge of approving
the phases to allow that the procedure
initiates a new phase assigned to it.
3.2 ISMS Generation
When a consultant aims to generate an ISMS for an
enterprise by using the application and methodology
that we have developed, he/she could do so in a
minimum period of time and with minimum cost. To
do this, he/she must pass through three phases in
which a minimum of necessary information from
both the selected schema and the algorithms defined
in the application must be introduced, in order for
the system to generate an ISMS which is adequate
for the enterprise.
3.2.1 Maturity Level Establishment
This is the initial phase and it will require more
information than the rest of phases due to the fact
that it is necessary to define the enterprise profile
(the enterprise’s data and the valoration of the
defined parameters) and the enterprise’s current
security level (through a checklist composed of 735
questions based on ISO/IEC 17799:2000).
As a result of this phase, a percentage of
fulfillment of each control for each maturity level of
the selected model will be achieved, together with
the level which it is desirable to reach. If we have
security controls over the current security level and
the desirable security level, they will be taken into
account at the time of the ISMS generation at phase
SCMM-TOOL - Tool for Computer Automation of the Information Security Management Systems
III, but it must be made clear to the users that these
are optional since they are an overdimensioning of
the enterprise’s current security.
3.2.2 Risk Level Establishment
In this phase, and thanks to the previous creation of
the schema, we will only have to define the
enterprise’s set of assets (see Figure 4).
Figure 4: Risk module screens.
Once this set of assets has been defined, the
system will apply two algorithms to generate the
results of this phase:
Risk matrix generation Algorithm: The risk
matrix is automatically generated from the
list of assets generated through the
vinculation between the matrices of the
selected schema and the algorithm
Improvement Plan Generation Algorithm:
The improvement plan will be generated
using the report from phase I, together with
an improvement report based on the result of
the risk matrix. This report will be formed
by the following parts: i) phase I report, ii)
report of risk by assets, iii) risk
improvement plan.
3.2.3 ISMS Generation
In this phase, the system does not require additional
information, as the ISMS most adequate for the
enterprise is generated totally automatically through
the ISMS’s generation algorithm. This algorithm
takes as:
Compulsory: Those objects directly affected
by the controls of the nearest target security
Optional: Those objects belonging to levels
that must be reached in a short period of
time or to already reached levels which are
different from the current target level
Disposable: Those objects which do not
make sense for this type of enterprise and
whose implementation may cause the
destabilization of the ISMS by incurring
excessive costs.
The resulting product of this phase will be a set
of asset procedures with a series of associated
phases, objects and profiles.
3.2.4 Working with ISMS
The enterprise’s real work starts once we have
generated the ISMS. So far, and thanks to the use of
schemas, the consultant has been able to define a
management system which is adequate for the
enterprise and is also affordable. Now, the enterprise
must begin to work with the system.
The work with the proposed security
management system has been developed considering
simplicity. For that reason, users must know a
maximum of 50 procedures and around 250
regulations. Not all users must know those 50
procedures since the majority of them can only be
used by the person in charge of security or members
of the system department. In general, users must
only know the existence of a small set of procedures.
Figure 5: Procedure Flow.
When a user requires the use of an asset or the
performance of an operation that may affect the
security of the enterprise’s information system,
he/she will start the SCMM-TOOL and will obtain a
list of the procedures that he/she can activate. Once
the desired procedure has been selected (see Figure.
5), the system will automatically activate the phases
and will ask each of the users involved for the
necessary operations to move from one phase to the
following one. In this way, the person in charge of a
phase must approve it; otherwise, the procedure will
be pending and the system will store the caused
delays for a subsequent analysis.
When a user starts the system, he/she is always
able to see the state of the procedures in which
he/she is involved and those that are delayed
because of him/her.
There is a special procedure called “Complaint
Procedure” This procedure (see Figure. 6) manages
ICSOFT 2007 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
the complaints made by the system user about the
non-fulfilment of a regulation. The person in charge
of security will determine whether the complaint is
justified or not. If it is considered to be justified, the
system will automatically decrease the level of
security of the controls associated with that
Figure 6: Complaint Procedure Schema.
3.2.5 ISMS Evolution
Our ISMS model has been designed to evolve
dynamically without being compulsory although the
participation of external auditors is advisable. Thus,
our model does not have to wait for external auditors
to arrive in order to know how the system evolves
but the system constantly evolves by changing the
level of security of the controls and readjusting all
the phases of the system.
Figure 7: ISMS updatedness Factors.
The current version of the application evolves by
taking four aspects into account (see Figure. 7): i)
object periodicity, ii) complaints, iii) set of metrics
and iv) external audits. With regard to these factors,
the system recalculates the controls and adapts the
enterprise’s security control panel.
Despite the enormous efforts that are being made to
create adequate maturity models to manage security
in SMEs, these do not yet fit properly with the
environment in which they must be implemented.
The most possible reason is the lack of maturity of
enterprises as well as the lack of specialized tools in
this kind of enterprises. Even when there are tools in
the market, they do not offer a total solution and
have to be completed with other tools and guides
converting enterprises’ information system security
into a set of heterogeneous and non-integrable
applications that force the enterprise to invest huge
amounts of resources for its maintenance.
In this paper, we have presented a proposal for a
new maturity and security management tool
orientated towards SMEs which allows us to
reconfigure and adapt existing models in order to
guarantee the security and the stability of their
management system with regard to the dimension of
each enterprise. To do so, we have defined a
methodology and a tool able to support the results
that have been generated during the research. It has
been clearly defined how the application uses the
developed model to reach the objects as well as the
improvements that it offers as compared to the
classical systems.
The presented application reduces the system’s
implementation costs and also improves the
percentage of success of its implementation in
SMEs. For these reasons, as the majority of our
customers are SMEs, our proposal is being well
received and its application is being very positive
because it allows this type of enterprises access to
the use of security maturity models which, until
now, has only been possible for large enterprises.
Moreover, with this model, we can obtain short-term
results and reduce the costs that imply the use of
other models, obtaining a higher degree of
satisfaction of the enterprise.
Given that our proposal is being constantly
developed, our medium and long term objective is
too deep into the maturity models to refine our
model, improving the level of automatization of the
Among the model improvements that we intend
to work on in the future, it is worth highlighting that
we wish:
To improve the algorithms of which the
system is composed in order to increase their
effectiveness in decision making.
To include a planner of the time and the
resources that the company wants to spend
SCMM-TOOL - Tool for Computer Automation of the Information Security Management Systems
on the project, so that the system will be
able to estimate time-milestones in the
improvement plan.
In Phase III, to include a library with the
subprojects that should be worked on to
improve the security management system
With the help of the “action research” research
method and the feedback directly obtained from our
customers, we hope to achieve a continuous
improvement in these implementations.
This research is part of the following projects:
(PBC-06-0082), both supported by the FEDER and
the “Consejería de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Junta
de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha”,
RETISTRUST (TIN2006-26885-E) granted by the
“Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia” (Spain), and
Proyect SCMM-PYME (FIT-360000-2006-73)
supported by the PROFIT granted by the “Ministerio
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ICSOFT 2007 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies