Yuhua Zheng and Yan Meng
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ 07030, USA
Keywords: Vision, object detection, tr
acking, particle swarm optimization, Bayes law.
Abstract: This paper presents a novel Bayes-based object tracking framework boosted by a particle swarm
optimization (PSO) algorithm, which is a population based searching algorithm. Basically two searching
steps are conducted in this method. First, the object model is projected into a high-dimensional feature space,
and a PSO algorithm is applied to search over this high-dimensional space and converge to some global
optima, which are well-matched candidates in terms of object features. Second, a Bayes-based filter is used
to identify the one with the highest possibility among these candidates under the constraint of object motion
estimation. The proposed algorithm considers not only the object features but also the object motion
estimation to speed up the searching procedure. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method
is efficient and robust in object tracking.
Object detection and tracking in images is an active
research area which has attracted extensive attentions
from multi-disciplinary fields, and it has wide
applications in many fields like service robots,
surveillance systems, public security systems, and
virtual reality interfaces. Detection and tracking of
moving object like car and walking people are more
concerned, especially flexible and robust tracking
algorithms under dynamic environments, where
lightening condition may change and occlusions may
Up to now, the underlying mathematical models
most tracking methods are Bayes’ law estimation
and Hidden Markov Model (HMM). The most
popular approaches to predict discrete probability
distribution are Kalman filter (G. Welch and G.
Bishop, 2001), condensation (M. Isard, 1998),
particle filter (S. Maskell and N. Gordon, 2001) and
mean shift (D. Comaniciu, and P. Meer, 2002).
Kalman filter has the same idea with HMM, while
Kalman filter deals with discrete variables. Some
researchers proposed different control and noise
models into the recursion function for image
processing, however those assumptions are
dependent on varied applications and need to be
tuned carefully. Condensation methods mainly focus
on how to sample probabilities and likelihoods.
When these methods are applied to multiple objects,
a dominant peak is established if an object has large
likelihood values more frequently, which may
depress and lose other objects. The performance of
particle filter based methods is limited by
dimensionality of state space, which may be feasible
in the cases with fewer targets, but may be intractable
with a large amount of targets. Generally speaking,
the mean-shift algorithm is efficient for object
tracking. However the searching window may drift
away from the object under dynamic conditions. For
example, if the kernel is lost from the tracked target
in one frame under some emergent situations, such as
illumination condition change, it would be difficult
for the tracker to recover itself from this unpredicted
Usually for object tracking, an analysis window
ased on the expectation of objects features is built
and scan over the image to find out areas of interest
(AOI). However, most conventional analysis-window
based trackers are influenced by the shape and size of
the window, which may vary from one frame to
another. It is difficult to find the appropriate window
for each frame, especially under dynamic
environments where the content of the images may
be dramatically changed.
There are various features can be used for object
ection and tracking, such as color, shape, texture,
Zheng Y. and Meng Y. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, pages 101-108
DOI: 10.5220/0001646901010108
gesture, contour, and motion. Some successful
methods take advantage of knowledge of objects,
such as shape or structures. However, the shape-
based methods cannot handle the cases with
occlusions efficiently. Appearance histogram is
applied as tracking cue in this paper due to its
independency with objects’ shape and structure.
A Bayes-based object tracking approach using a
particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is
employed to search for an optimal window in a super
feature space based on appearance histogram instead
of image plane directly. The PSO algorithm (J.
Kennedy, R. C. Eberhart, and Y. Shi, 2001) was
inspired by the social behavior of a flock of birds. In
PSO algorithm, birds in a flock are symbolically
represented as particles. These particles can be
considered as simple agents “flying” through a
problem space. A particle’s location in the multi-
dimensional problem space represents one solution
for the problem. When a particle moves to a new
location, a different solution is generated. This
solution is evaluated by a fitness function that
provides a quantitative value of the solution’s utility.
The PSO algorithm is effective for optimization
of a wide range of searching problems. In this
problem, particles fly around the feature space, trying
to find the best-fit tracking window parameters based
on the fitness function of object features using
appearance histogram. When some particles
successfully detect the objects, they will share that
information with their neighbors, and their neighbors
may follow the directions to reach objects very
quickly. Each particle makes its own decision not
only based on its neighbors, but also on its own
cognition, which provides the flexibility and ability
of exploring new areas. This decision-making
procedure can efficiently prevent the local optimum,
which may cause the searching window drift.
By using PSO, the problem of identifying
tracking window is translated from one-to-one
estimation into one-to-many searching, which brings
more flexibility. Since this searching procedure is
conducted only in the object feature space, to
improve searching results, a Bayes law filter is
constructed based on the motion constraints of
tracked objects to identify the most possible solution.
Generally it is reasonable to assume that objects
move consecutively in successive frames. The Bayes
law filter tries to keep inertia of the object motion.
Compared with conventional window-tracking
algorithms, the proposed method can be executed
automatically, and moving objects can be detected
and tracked in a more flexible and robust way.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2
simply reviews some related work in object detection
and tracking. Section 3 introduces the PSO algorithm.
The Bayes-based adaptive-window approach boosted
by the PSO algorithm is described in Section 4.
Experimental results are discussed and analyzed in
Section 5. Conclusion and further work are given in
section 6.
There are many systems proposed in the past few
decades for object detection and tracking. Zhang et al.
(Zhang et al., 2006) proposed a robust method to
detect moving objects at distance using a mobile
camera. Through the utilization of the focus of
expansion (FOE) and its associated residual map, the
proposed method is able to detect and separate
independently moving objects (IMOs) from the
"moving" background caused by the camera motion.
Leykin and Hammoud (Leykin and Hammoud, 2006)
used a combined input from RGB and thermal
cameras to build background model and tracker for
pedestrians. This method showed robustness for
outdoor environments. Olson and Brill (T. Olson and
F. Brill, 1997) built a general purpose system for
moving object detection and event recognition,
where objects were detected and tracked by both
first-order prediction and nearest neighbor matching.
The work which is most related to our method is
(Yuri Owechko, Swarup Medasani, and Narayan
Srinivasa, 2004), where the authors treated every
particle as a classifier with different parameters.
Those classifiers swarm in the solution space to
converge to the optimal analysis window. However
this is a simple application of PSO for people
detection only. Reza Akbari etc. (Reza Akbari,
Mohammad Davarpanah Jazi, and Maziar Palhang,
2006) employed both PSO algorithm and Kalman
filter in a hybrid framework of region and object
tracking, where vehicles were tracked in a cluttered
background. A PSO algorithm was proposed in (Luis
Anton-Canalis, Mario Hernandez-Tejera, and Elena
Sanchez-Nielsen etc., 2006) to drive particles flying
over image pixels directly, where object tracking
emerged from interaction between particles and their
ICINCO 2007 - International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
PSO algorithm is an efficient optimization method
proposed by Kennedy and Eberhart in 1995 (R.
Eberhart and J. Kennedy, 1995) (J. Kennedy and R.C.
Eberhart,1995) from the simulation of a simplified
social model, which obviously has its root in
artificial life in general, and in bird flocking, fish
schooling and swarming theory in particular. On the
other hand, it is also a method of evolutionary
computation, related with both genetic algorithm and
evolutionary programming.
The PSO algorithm is population-based: a set of
potential solutions evolves to approach a convenient
solution for a problem. Being an optimization
method, the aim is to find the global optimum of a
real-valued fitness function defined in a given search
space. Rather than just being a social simulation,
PSO can be treated as a powerful new search
algorithm, capable of optimizing a wide range of N-
dimensional problems.
The social metaphor that leads to this algorithm
can be summarized as follows: the individuals that
are part of a society hold an opinion that is part of a
"belief space" (the search space) shared by
neighboring individuals. Individuals may modify this
"opinion state" based on three factors:
The knowledge of the environment (inertia
The individual's previous history of states
(individual part)
The previous history of states of the
individual's neighborhood (social part)
An individual's neighborhood may be defined in
several ways, configuring somehow the "social
network" of the individuals. Following certain rules
of interaction, the individuals in the population adapt
their scheme of belief to the ones that are more
successful among their social network. Over the time,
a culture arises, in which the individuals hold
opinions that are closely related.
In the PSO algorithm each individual is called a
"particle", and is subject to a movement in a
multidimensional space that represents the belief
space. Particles have memory, thus retaining part of
their previous states. There is no restriction for
particles to share the same point in belief space, but
in any case their individuality is preserved. Each
particle's movement is the composition of an initial
random velocity and two randomly weighted
influences: individuality, the tendency to return to the
particle's best previous position, and sociality, the
tendency to move towards the neighborhood's best
previous position.
The velocity and position of the particle at any
iteration is updated based on the following equations:
1 t
xpcxpcvwv ++=
11 ++
where is the component in dimension d of the
ith particle velocity in iteration t, is the
component in dimension d of the ith particle position
in iteration t, are constant weight factors, is
the best position achieved by particle i, is the
best position found by the neighbors of particle i,
are random factors in the (0,1) interval, and
is the inertia weight. The PSO requires tuning of
some parameters: the individual and sociality
weights , and the inertia factor .
,cc w
The mechanism of PSO implicitly assumes that in
most real world situations, the optima have better
residence around them. Experimentally during the
search, regions with high fitness values attract more
particles and make particles concentrated after a few
iterations. So this type of search is faster and more
effective than traditional scanning and gradient
methods. On the other hand, PSO is simpler than
genetic algorithm since all particles employ the same
mechanism during evolutions. Although basic PSO is
designed for only single optimum, there are many
works have been done to process more complex
issues (Kennedy, J. &R.Eberhart, 1997).
4.1 General Idea
Basically, object tracking can be considered as a
probability-based classification and estimation,
which searches for the best match of the target model.
Usually searching algorithms rely on two factors:
searching space and searching window. In terms of
the searching space, the more features the object has,
the larger the searching space will be. To expedite
the search, we can either bound the searching space
with some constraints, or develop an efficient
searching algorithm. Considering the searching
window, adaptive windows have been extensively
utilized due to its robustness.
In this paper, we propose a framework which
combines a PSO-based searching algorithm and a
Bayes-based probability algorithm to achieve the
efficiency and robustness of the tracking systems.
Basically, a PSO-based searching algorithm
identifies the changes in the scene, and the
probability-based algorithm estimates the best
candidate of the object with the highest possibility.
More specifically, the PSO algorithm takes fast
scouting in a high-dimensional feature space and
finds out some object candidates. Then Bayes law
filter decides which one is the best match.
4.2 Object Detection
Usually object detection and recognition depend on
the features of the object, such as color, texture, and
shape. As indicated in (J. R. Jain and A. K. Jain,
1981), most changes in video content are typically
due to the motion of objects in the depicted scene
relative to the imaging plane, and a small amount of
motion can result in large differences in the values of
the samples in a picture, especially near the edges of
objects. Often, predicting an area of the current
picture from a region of the previous picture that is
displayed by a few samples in spatial location can
significantly reduce the need for a refining difference
approximation. We call this special displacement
motion vectors.
Since only the moving objects are considered to
be tracked in this paper, the object detection turns
into motion detection where a simple background
subtraction method is applied. When the detection
starts, the first several frames are looked as the
background. In the following frames, the moving
targets can be easily detected by a motion detection
algorithm using background subtraction. During this
procedure, the histogram model of background is
built and updated by averaging every coming frame
to achieve higher robustness. The motion vector
can be obtained, where represents
motion vectors of particle i, and N represents the total
number of particles. Once a valid object is identified,
the tracking algorithm kicks in.
,...,2,1, =
4.3 PSO-based Searching Algorithm
From the view of searching, the PSO algorithm is a
distributed convergence method. The key is to take
advantage of sharing information between the
particles as well as their own past experiences to
accelerate the convergence. The PSO algorithm
would provide an optimal or near-optimal solution
using appropriate fitness functions without the
complete knowledge of the searching space.
To identify an object in an image, usually
rectangle windows are utilized in most cases. Four
parameters will be identified to describe the rectangle
windows, including 2D location of the central point,
width and height of the rectangle, as shown in Figure
1. These parameters can build up a four-dimensional
search space.
Figure 1: The four parameters associated with a particle
So in such a space, each particle presents a search
window with specific values of parameters, which
can be defined as:
},...,2,1),,,,(|{ NiwlyxppP
Where represent the central point of the
rectangle related to particle i; and represents
the length and width related to particle i; and N is the
population of swarm particles. Each individual
particle has different values of these parameters. In
other words, they are distributed in a four-
dimensional search space.
yx and
Generally a four-dimensional feature space is
very large, which makes search algorithms to be
computation extensive. Some motion-based
constraints can be applied to limit the search area to a
smaller region where particles are initialized and
move around. A straightforward constraint is using
the continuity of movement since it is reasonable to
assume that motion is continuous under most
tracking situations. In other words, the tracking
window of a new frame should be adjacent to its
previous one. In this way, the initialization of
particles could be accelerated.
'''''' bbbbbb
is the best particle
(i.e., tracking window) in last frame, the initialized
, where i = 1,2,…,N, in
the new frame should be around with some
offsets in each dimension. In our experiments,
locations are shifted up to 15 pixels, and sizes are
shrunk and extended up to 20 percent. Therefore, by
dispersing particles in a relatively smaller region
instead of the whole space, searching procedure can
be definitely accelerated.
Then particles move around, communicate and
share information among the society, follow the
better directions of their neighbors, and converge to
ICINCO 2007 - International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
the optima. This process is automatic and
independent on knowledge of image contents. After a
number of iterations, particles cluster around one or
several optimal points in the space, which correspond
to some regions with varied locations and sizes.
These regions are candidates for the Bayes filter,
which will be discussed in later section.
4.4 Fitness Function
The behaviors of particles are guided by the
associated fitness function, which defines the search
criteria underlying the PSO searching algorithm. In
terms of object tracking, fitness function can be
defined as a function of features of the tracked object.
Lots of features are used for objects detection and
tracking, including color, texture, shape and motion,
which can be employed independently or several
features can be combined together. In this paper, the
appearance histogram is applied to construct the
fitness function.
First, images are transformed from RGB format
into HSV format, and the later one is more natural
for people’s eyes. Then, the values of hue are
abstracted to build the histogram. Such histogram
refers to the gradation of color within the visible
spectrum. When a PSO-based searching algorithm is
applied, each particle at every moment is associated
with a histogram. The best matched one can be
obtained by comparing these histograms with the
target histogram. Therefore, a special criterion is
required to measure the similarity between the
searched window and the target window, which
means a method to measure the distance between two
histograms is required.
In statistics (T. Kailath, 1967), the Bhattacharyya
Coefficient measures the similarity of two discrete
probability distributions. It is a divergence-type
measure that can be seen as the scalar product of the
two vectors having components as the square root of
the probability of the points x X. It thereby lends
itself to a geometric interpretation: the Bhattacharyya
Coefficient is the cosine of the angle enclosed
between these two vectors. Therefore, the
Bhattacharyya Coefficient is used to measure the
similarity between these two histograms, which is
defined as:
xHxHHHBC )()(),( (4)
Where represents the histogram of particle i,
represents the histogram of the target, and X
denotes the distribution domain, which is the range
of hue values from 0 to 255. and are
pixel numbers with a specific hue value x for the
particle and target, respectively.
By using (4), the distance between two
histograms can be defined as (D. Comaniciu, V.
Ramesh, and P. Meer, 2004):
HHBCHHD = . (5)
This distance is invariant to the scale of the target,
while the popular used histogram intersection is scale
variant (M.J. Swain, D.H. Ballard, 1991). The
smaller this distance is, the better the particle is
matched with the target object. Thus given the target
histogram, the fitness function for particle i is
inversely proportional to the distance between
and :
HHDgpF =
The higher the fitness value, the more similar the
corresponding area is with the target.
4.5 Bayes-Based Filter
For each frame a motion vector V can be calculated
according to a motion trajectory of the tracking
window. The motion vector is zero in the first frame.
And for others, it is the shift from the previous
position to the current one.
Given the previous tracking window associated
with the target histogram and the motion
VH ,
, where represents the motion
vector of target. The PSO-based searching algorithm
returns a set of candidate windows, which can be
represented by
, where
represents histograms of particle i, represents
motion vectors of particle i, and m is the number of
the selected candidate windows. All of these
candidate windows are good enough in terms of
appearance features and their fitness values are
higher than a preset threshold.
According to Bayes law, the problem can be
described as:
represents the condition
probability of a particle with
VH ,
VH , .
represents the probability of the target
window, which is same for all particles.
represents the back projection
from candidates to the previous tracking window.
Since all of particles can point back to the target
window in different ways, it is hard to tell which
particle is the most possible one without any
predefined knowledge of the image environment. In
this paper, we simply assume that
all , i = 1,2,…,m, are equal.
However this assumption may not hold in some
practical applications, for instance a mobile vision
system where the previous motion trajectory of the
mobile platform would provide more information for
the back projection, which will be investigated in our
future work.
Considering that the PSO-based searching
algorithm returns all of candidates which are good
enough in appearance histogram, it is reasonable to
ignore the histogram here and simplify (7) as:
VcpVVp = , (8)
where c is a positive constant factor, and
represents the probability of a particle on the
motion trajectory. According to the inertia of motion,
depends on the distance between and .
The closer two vectors are, the higher the possibility
of the corresponding particle, which makes (8) as the
following equation:
VcpVVp ==
where k is a positive factor. If two vectors are
shifted to the same original point, the distance
between two vectors turns into the distance between
two points, where Euclidean distance can be
To evaluate the proposed algorithm, some video clips
from PETS database are applied in this paper. The
program is written in C++ using OPENCV library,
running on a Pentium4 desktop. Most data come
from a surveillance system with a stationary camera.
Figure 2 shows the process of identifying moving
objects by motion detection, where pictures from left
to right are true data, foregrounds, and backgrounds,
respectively. If there is no moving object, as shown
in Figure 2(a), the background is the same with true
image and the foreground is empty since no object is
detected. With some general preprocessing, the noise
can be depressed and the model of background can
be enhanced. When a car drives in, it is detected and
recognized as an object. As shown in Figure 2(b), a
car shape appears in the foreground while the
background keeps the same with the true image. For
most testing data with static background, motion
detection can detect moving objects quickly. For
those testing data under dynamic environment, some
pre-knowledge of objects, such as moving behaviors,
would help to improve the detection performance.
Figure 3 shows the procedure of the proposed
PSO algorithm searching for candidate windows. A
number of particles are distributed around the target
according to the tracking window of previous frame
in Figure 3(a). Due to the uncertainty of the object
movement, initially, these windows are set up as
different sizes and locations near the detected object
using motion detection. Then particles start to move
around and eventually converge to some optimal
points under PSO rules. Figure 3(b) shows these
optimal points, which are good candidates of tracking
windows. As shown in Figure 3(b), it is obviously
that these candidate windows are much closer to the
car compared with those initial windows in Figure
3(a), which demonstrates the efficiency of the PSO-
based searching algorithm. Then Bayers filter is
applied to select the best match from those good
candidates, as shown in Figure 3(c). Usually, the
PSO-based searching algorithm converges quickly.
In our experiments, initially 20 windows are
generated, then after 10 to 15 time steps, those
windows cluster to the object.
To evaluate the robustness of the proposed
tracking method under occlusion, another experiment
is carried out as shown in Figure 4. First, a white car
drives in and is detected as the target by a blue
rectangle window as shown in Figure 4(a). Then, the
white car traverses the scene and is occluded by a
block of texts in the image, as shown in Figure 4(b)
and (c). During the occlusion, the tracking window
changes with scenes, but still tracks the car. As
shown in Figure 4(b), when the car starts moving into
the block, the tracking has almost the same size with
the one in Figure 4(a). Under the influence of the
block, the tracking window shifts a little and shrinks.
But the object is still locked. When the car moves
away as shown in Figure 4(d), the window becomes
smaller until disappeared. It can be seen that the
tracker can still lock the object under occlusion.
The above experiments demonstrate the proposed
algorithm is efficient and robust. However under
some complex situations, such as dynamic
background, more robust motion detection is
required. For some noisy videos, the tracking
window may be lost due to frame skips. A recovery
algorithm may need to increase the system reliability.
ICINCO 2007 - International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
In this paper, a robust adaptive-window based
tracking algorithm is proposed to automatically
detect and track moving objects. First, a motion
detection algorithm is applied to detect the moving
object. Then a PSO-based searching algorithm comes
to search for good candidates of adaptive tracking
windows with parameters on the new fame. Last,
Bayes-based filter is employed to identify the best-
matched tracking window under the motion
constraints of the tracked object. The experimental
results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm is
robust and efficient in some popular used video data
There are still several issues remained and need
to be improved and extended in the future work. The
first one is to investigate new object detection
approaches under dynamic environment where the
background of the image and illumination conditions
may be dramatically changed and the motion
detection and histogram-based method applied in this
paper will not be reliable any more. The second one
is to concrete the Bayes filter using some predefined
knowledge of the tracked targets.
(a) (b)
Figure 2: Motion detection to recognize objects, (a) to (b) from left to right.
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 3: Tracking procedure using PSO-based searching.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 4: Tracking under occlusion.
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ICINCO 2007 - International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics