S. Nachtigal
Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX, UK
e-Business, perimeter security, business process–based security, information security requirements.
In the e-business environment, the traditional business models for information systems security are no longer
appropriate, and fit neither the new organisational environment nor the new organisational security needs.
Existing security tools and mechanisms, developed upon the traditional perimeter security paradigm, and
based on hardware and software products, are not sufficient since they do not relate to specific parameters that
characterise the business process. The modern business environment needs different security approach. Based
on such a new approach, which is e-process security design paradigm, a methodology to provide security for
an e-business organisation is presented here. The methodology makes use of the newly introduced security
requirements septet for e-business process.
The business environment has adopted the IT (In-
formation Technology) advances since the very early
stages of computer developments. The advanced IT
solutions are widely used in business environment
both as an infrastructure, supporting the organisa-
tion’s business and operational activities, and as a
means of protecting the organiational assets, espe-
cially the information assets.
Although these technological changes have also
changed the business mode and the organisational
structures as well, the organisational information sys-
tems security approach in e-business organisations
has not changed since the 1980s, with the introduc-
tion of the communication networks into and be-
tween the organisations operations. Different types
of organisations require different access mode to their
information—the academic environment, for exam-
ple, needs a freely–accessed information environ-
ment, while the military environment is an example
of quite an opposite, access–blocked information.
This access–blocked solution has been achieved
by providing a hard-to-penetrate perimeter, which is
still in practice today (Bragg et al., 2004). Perime-
ter, which is a collection of tools, mechanisms and
techniques, is built to protect the organisational inter-
nal resources from the external access. The security
perimeter is applicable on the organisation’s bound-
aries, so it can protect the organiation from the exter-
nal world threats.
Tools and mechanisms (such as firewalls, IDSs
and IPSs), which are used in perimeter approach net-
work security, are designed to block all malicious
contents from entering into the organisational perime-
ter, but practically these safeguards do allow many
types of traffic to pass and actually provide a false
sense of security (Andreu, 2006), (Bragg et al., 2004).
Also, the users themselves face problems while
using those technology–based solutions in a proper
way. Furnell (Furnell, 2005) argues that the
technology–based solutions are often used badly.
These include bad practice with passwords, poorly
maintained anti-virus protection, hardware/software–
based or applications-embedded security solutions, ir-
responsible users, lack of awareness and security mis-
understanding (Furnell, 2005).
In e-business mode of doing business all the pro-
cesses are considered to be e-processes, namely:
performed electronically by means of information
technologies only/mainly;
Nachtigal S. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 408-413
DOI: 10.5220/0002128304080413
across the whole organisational environment;
inside and outside organisation’s boundaries.
E-business organisation performs its business activ-
ities by means of e-processes, based on Internet in-
frastructure and technologies.
The uniqueness in running an e-business is in its
‘openness’ to the environment, which is achieved by
means of the various connections and communica-
tion channels with the external world. Although this
‘openness’ makes the e-business mode of doing busi-
ness much more dangerous than the traditional way,
it is essential. The whole business is dependent on
proper business processes execution, which are per-
formed mostly by technological means, with end-user
(customers, company’s employees, company’s sup-
pliers’ employees, etc.) involvement. Therefore, the
security issue becomes one of the most (if not the
most) important issues for e-business organisation.
The e-business security perception changes from
‘blocking’ and ‘preventing in the traditional busi-
ness to ‘opening’ and ‘enabling’ the modern e-
process. The e-business process–based security
paradigm (Nachtigal and Mitchell, 2006) provides a
possibility to secure the modern e-business organisa-
This paper presents a newly introduced set (septet)
of e-business security requirements, as a part of a
newly suggested process-based security paradigm,
which is an alternative for perimeter security ap-
proach. Also, the way of this security requirements
septet implementation is demonstrated in this paper.
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows: after the principles of the process-based secu-
rity paradigm are presented in the next section, the
seven e-business security criteria are described and
discussed in section three, followed by the descrip-
tion of their implementation in section four, related
works discussion (section five) and conclusions.
The basis for that approach is the assumption that
for e-business to exist its processes must be secured.
Hence, the security safeguards design will be dif-
ferentiated between business processes according
to their specific characteristics. The process–based
security approach (Nachtigal and Mitchell, 2006)
includes the following key elements:
the security is designed and provided for each sin-
gle e-process;
e-process design is considered to be a result of two
different aspects elements:
business logic definition;
information flows transportation and exchange
the two aspects elements are analysed and security
mechanisms and tools are designed according to
their security requirements criteria.
2.1 e-Business Security Criteria
The three commonly accepted (Gollman, 2003),
(Harris, 2003), (Tettero, 2000), (Moffett et al., 2004)
generic security criteria, or security objectives, are:
These three security requirements, according to
Tettero (Tettero, 2000) and Harris (Harris, 2003),
come to ensure the following:
confidentiality—to obtain secrecy and to prevent
unauthorized disclosure of information and data
to unauthorised person;
integrity is achieved when data and information
are correct and appropriate as meant by the pro-
cess designer (and can not be modified by unau-
thorised person), and accuracy and reliability of
information and systems are in place;
availability comes to say that data, information
and other elements of information systems are
accessible and useable upon the demand of
authorised user.
Following the process–based security approach in
the e-business environment, these three security ob-
jectives are not sufficient. The modern business en-
vironment is mostly characterised by its connectivity,
which was not the case for the traditional type organ-
isations. The security requirements triad described
above fits the traditional business environment. In or-
der to provide the required security for an e-business
organisation, additional security requirements have to
be in place. According to this research perception, the
e-business security is associated with its e-process se-
curity. Hence, these additional security requirements
have to be considered and provided for e-processes,
namely—additional security requirements are needed
to ensure that business logic and information flows
will be secure. That conclusion, which is one of this
research statements, is based on a detailed analysis of
the e-business organisation nature and operations, and
its e-processes analysis and characteristics.
Based on that analysis, the following set of seven
security requirements is suggested to provide security
for the e-business information systems:
1. in order to ensure privacy and non-disclosure of
the contents (both of the companies and the cus-
tomers) the confidentiality (C) objective has to be
2. in order to ensure that data, information and
actions (performed by information technology,
namely—software) will not be modified by unau-
thorised users and/or means and/or technology,
the integrity (I) objective has to be achieved;
3. on order to ensure that the whole system (with all
relevant elements of technology managed accord-
ing to specific strategy and policy) will be accessi-
ble and capable to execute the process, the avail-
ability (A) objective has to be achieved;
4. a new security objective for business logic secu-
rity is suggested here—robustness (R)— for cor-
rect performing of the business logic;
5. an additional new security objective for business
logic security is suggested here—resistivity (R)—
to ensure that the business logic is checked against
possible logic-based abuse and it is designed in
such a way that it will resist the various possi-
ble abuse attempts that have a possibility to cause
harm to the e-business information systems;
6. a new security objective of compliance (C) is sug-
gested here to ensure that an e-process is able to
interact with other companies’ e-processes; the
security objective of compliance is needed also to
ensure that the process security design is compli-
ant with security regulations, standards and laws;
7. in order to make possible to manage the e-
business process security, to track actions, to keep
metrics for security planning and design an objec-
tive of accountability (A) is needed.
To conclude, the e-business process security objec-
tives suggested by this research are:
1. Confidentiality (C);
2. Integrity (I);
3. Availability (A);
4. Robustness (R);
5. Resistivity (R);
6. Compliancy (C);
7. Accountability (A).
That seven security objectives set (septet)—
— makes possible to meet the
e-business process security requirements covering all
the relevant aspects, as described above.
In order to ensure that the security objectives septet
will be indeed achieved, the development
and design of any e-process should be performed in
a systematic way—methodology—where all the rele-
vant security requirements issues will be considered,
following process-based approach and focusing on
security objectives.
The security requirements analysis is actually the
practical realisation of the business process–based
paradigm. This analysis needs to be performed sep-
arately for the business logic and for the information
flows of the process.
3.1 Business Logic Security Objectives
Here we have to check the business logic in regard
with the business logic security objectives, which are
Robustness, Resistivity and Compliance. These ob-
jectives come to ensure that the e-business logic is
correctly defined in such a way that it is workable,
compliant with all the relevant standards and laws,
and does not make possible for users and processes—
both authorised and unauthorised—to abuse the logic
and to compromise the process and/or its outcomes
in any way. Here the business rules are analysed
in respect with the e-process interactions and inter-
faces with other processes, contacts between the par-
ticipants’ elements (users, customers, databases), ac-
cess rules and policies, possible conflicts, previously
reported business logic flaws. Also, the compliance
with security standards and ability to comply with
other companies’ e-processes rules and policies are
The business logic security (BizLogic security)
should be established, based on the security objec-
tives RRC analyses. Practically, that will start with
the threat-source modeling for each one of the Biz-
Logic security objectives (RRC) for each one of the
processes. The results of this threat-source analysis
(which can be presented as shown in table 1 for each
of the RRC objectives)) pave the way for the next
analysis steps.
SECRYPT 2007 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
The final purpose of the BizLogic analyses is to
establish a set of security means for the organisation’s
business logic by achieving the RRC (Robustness,
Resistivity, Compliance) business security objectives.
These will be based on findings of the threat-source
analysis and summarised separately for each objec-
tive, as presented by Table 2, for example.
Table 1: Process 1: Robustness/Resistivity/Compliance
Threat analysis Threat-source
Possible attacks 1 .. N
Potential damage
Security design
Table 2: Process 1:
Business logic security—Robustness/Resistivity/Compliance
criteria summary.
Security measures Robustness (R)
Standards list of security mechanisms
Legal issues
Unique requirements
As a result of these steps, performed for each sin-
gle e-process separately, the security tools and mech-
anisms of e-business logic will be established. On a
conceptual level, this set could be presented by Table
3 below.
Table 3: Single process Business Logic security means.
Security objectives Processes
Robustness 1 .. N
3.2 Information Flow Security Analysis
The process is decomposed into information flows,
and the security analysis is performed separately for
each of these information flows in regard with the rel-
evant security requirements.
Information Flows, as being an element of an e-
process, are presented by the following characteris-
content—structured (specific sequence of data
fields) or unstructured (natural language);
participants’ elements—classified as
active—companies’ employees, private cus-
passive—databases, services providers (sys-
tems administrator, network manager, pro-
grammers, ISP’s employees);
origin—one of the participants, either active or
destination—one of the participants, either active
or passive;
execution means—technology (software, hard-
ware, communication).
Actually, there is an interaction between partici-
pants, origin and destination: the ‘participant’ fea-
ture includes both the origin’ and the ‘destination’
features—‘origin’/‘destination’ is usually a customer,
or employee, or another process. In case of another
process, the interaction between a specific informa-
tion flow of the e-process under discussion and be-
tween another process (practically meaning an infor-
mation flow of another process) is realised through a
database, which is, again, one of the participants in
this model. Hence, the information flows features are
the following:
execution means.
According to this research approach, all these in-
formation flow characteristics need to be identified
and discussed in regard with Information Flows se-
curity objectives—the CIA (Confidentiality, Integrity,
Availability) objectives. Each of these security ob-
jectives should be ranked according to degree of its
criticality related to a specific Information Flow. The
ranks will be presented by Table 4 below.
Table 4: CIA Criticality Rank.
Item Confidentiality
Total score
InfoFlow 1 r1 r2 r3 sum of row
InfoFlow 2 r4 r5 r5 sum of row
InfoFlow n
Total security
objective rank
These ranks will be related to and expressed
in terms of threat modeling (such as suggested by
Swidersky and Snyder (Swiderski and Snyder, 2004))
and risk analysis. The results for each information
flow will be presented by Table 5.
Table 5: Information Flow security analysis.
Item Description Threat
Content data
Sys Admin
Net Man
Practically, the threat modeling and analysis need
to be performed for each and every information flow
Based on these analysis tables the following secu-
rity applications might be developed:
security patterns for specific types of information
flow in a specific given environment;
access/performance rights rule as a function of a
specific information flow, security threats, secu-
rity risks.
Again, the purpose of the analysis, presented
by Table 5, is to produce sufficient information for
analysing the information flows security objectives in
terms of CIAA. Hence, an additional table (Table 6,
see page 6) is suggested as a tool for analysing infor-
mation flows security objectives.
3.3 The Septet Methodology
Application in a Case Study
The suggested e-business security requirements septet
has been tested by applying it in a real life situation.
For that purpose a big airline company was chosen
as one of this research case studies. The case study
company operates an e-business activity for purchas-
ing flight tickets and vacations by their customers.
The septet has been applied as an alternative
method to design the company’s e-business informa-
tion systems security. The application analysis (which
is still in progress) includes also a comparative study
of the practicality and efficiency between the sug-
gested methodology and the traditional ways of in-
formation systems security design.
Not many research works on business security issues,
related to security requirements, are published, and
just few of them are related to e-business process
Table 6: Information Flow security analysis.
Item Confidentiality
Content security
Sys Admin
Net Man
specifically. However, there is a range of suggested
Herrmann and Pernul (Herrmann and Pernul,
1999) suggest a framework that supports business-
process re-engineering in order to improve security
and integrity. A three layered architecture is sug-
gested for business process specification, while ‘se-
curity’ and ‘integrity’ are considered as two separated
Jones et al. (Jones et al., 2000) consider e-business
important requirements in terms of trust and depend-
ability as related to business partners.
Bodin et al. (Bodin et al., 2005) suggest a method
for the optimal allocation of a budget for maintaining
and enhancing the security of an organizations infor-
mation system by using the ratings of the Confiden-
tiality, Data integrity and Availability criteria, while
the availability criterion is broken down into three
subcriteria: Authentication (of the right users), Non-
repudiation (a user cannot deny using the system, if
in fact he or she did actually use it), and Accessibility
or non-denial of service.
TROPOS methodology, which is a specification
language for modelling early requirements for soft-
ware developers (Giorgini et al., 2005), (Susi et al.,
2005), is suggested also to be used for security re-
quirements models design (Massaccia et al., 2005),
(Susi et al., 2005). This methodology may be use-
ful in the advanced phases of security design and de-
velopment, namely the phase of applications/software
development for business tasks.
The newly suggested septet of e-business process
security requirements I(RCA)
(Confidentiality, In-
tegrity, Availability, Robustness, Resistivity, Compli-
ance, Accountability) provides a practical way of de-
signing the e-business security safeguards in terms
of policies, standards, mechanisms and tools. Us-
ing this requirements septet on a single process ba-
sis, makes possible to provide the differentiated and
SECRYPT 2007 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
realistic security design for separated functional do-
mains, while taking in account the real functional and
business needs.
Andreu, A. (2006). Professional Pen testing for web appli-
cations. Wiley Publishing, Inc.
Bodin, L., Gordon, L., and Loeb, M. (2005). Evaluating in-
formation security investments using the analytic hier-
archy process. Communications of the ACM archive,
48:78 – 83.
Bragg, R., Phodes-Ousley, M., and Strassberg, K.
(2004). Network Security: The Complete Reference.
Furnell, S. (2005)). Why users cannot use security. Com-
puters & Security, 24:274–279.
Giorgini, P., Mylopoulos, J., and Sebastiani, R. (2005).
Goal-oriented requirements analysis and reasoning in
the tropos methodology. Engineering Applications of
Artificial Intelligence, 18:159–171.
Gollman, D. (2003). Computer Security. John Wiley &
Harris, S. (2003). CISSP All-In-One Exam Guide. McGraw-
Hill/Osborne Media, second edition.
Herrmann, G. and Pernul, G. (1999)). Viewing business-
process security from different perspectives. Interna-
tional Journal of Electronic Commerce, 3(3):89–103.
Jones, S., Wilikens, M., Morris, P., and Nasera, M. (2000)).
Trust requirements in e-business. COMMUNICA-
TIONS OF THE ACM, 43(12):81–87.
Massaccia, F., Prestb, M., and Zannone, N. (2005). Us-
ing a security requirements engineering methodology
in practice: The compliance with the italian data pro-
tection legislation. Computer Standards & Interfaces,
Moffett, J. D., Halley, C. B., and Nuseibeh, B. (2004).
Core security rewuirements artefacts. ISSN 1744-
1986 2004/23, Departmenet of Computing, Faculty of
Mathematics and Computing, The Open University,
Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, UK.
Nachtigal, S. and Mitchell, C. (2006). Modelling e-business
security using business processes. In ICETE 2006
- International Joint Conference on E-Business and
Telecommunications, SECRYPT. INSTICC.
Susi, A., Perini, A., and Mylopoulos, J. (2005). The tropos
metamodel and its use. Informatica, 29:401–408.
Swiderski, F. and Snyder, W. (2004). Threat Modeling. Mi-
crosoft Press.
Tettero, O. (2000). Intrinsic Information Security. Embed-
ding Security Issues in the Design Process of Telem-
aticd Systems. Telematica Instituut Fundamental Re-
search Series, No. 006(TI/FRS/006).