Linking Policies to Ontologies
S. Avallone, S. D’Antonio and S. P. Romano
Dip. Informatica e Sistemistica, University of Napoli Federico II, Via Claudio 21, Napoli, Italy
Policy-based network management, ontologies, heterogeneous networks.
The possibility of dynamically managing Quality of Service (QoS) in heterogeneous networks represents a
key element for telecom operators which aim at making their communication infrastructures able to support
new emerging multimedia services. The large success of triple play services together with the ongoing mi-
gration of voice carriers towards the NGN (Next Generation Network) architecture imposes a new way of
controlling and utilizing network resources in order to fulfill user’s requirements. The use of network level
policies to configure and manage QoS-based communication networks allows network operators to automati-
cally adapt the managed systems to changing requirements of the new operational and business scenarios. In
this paper we present an innovative approach to policy-based network management which ensures flexibility
and effectiveness to all processes composing the service life cycle, from negotiation to delivery. In order to
allow users and applications to modify their QoS requirements, thus triggering the SLA re-negotiation, at the
same time optimizing the configuration of network elements we implemented a novel framework capable to
automatically translate user’s requirements into network policies. Such framework relies on the adoption of
ontologies as means to describe heterogeneous realms such as those associated with the fruition and delivery
of innovative services. Ontologies are used to represent user’s needs and preferences, which feed the policy
creation and enforcement process. Different real world scenarios are depicted to validate the effectiveness of
the proposed approach.
In this paper we present an architecture for the dy-
namic creation and adaptation of network configura-
tion policies. The architecture has been conceived in
the framework of the European project NetQoS (Net,
) and brings in a number of innovative solutions for
the automated management of Next Generation Net-
works. The specific contribution of this work is
twofold: on one hand we describe a hierarchical ap-
proach to the definition of high level QoS (Quality of
Service) goals, by means of a semantic process based
on the exploitation of ontologies; on the other hand,
we discuss how such high level (i.e. user-oriented)
goals can be progressively refined in order to arrive
at the definition of related low-level (i.e. network-
oriented) configuration policies.
The policy-based part of the overall architecture is
based on the utilization of the XACML standard lan-
guage, which, though originally conceived for role-
based access control, can be fruitfully exploited in the
wider context of network management.
The paper is structured as follows. Section 2
briefly presents the scope and objectives of the
NetQoS project, which is a sixth framework pro-
gramme funded initiative. Section 3 starts delving
into the details of our contribution, by providing some
highlights about the use of ontologies for the specifi-
cation of user-level preferences/goals. On the grounds
of this discussion, section 4 explains how to exploit
XACML policies in order to appropriately configure
QoS-enabled network elements. A crucial component
of the overall architecture, the so-called Context Man-
ager is thoroughly analyzed in section 5, which fo-
cuses on the most advanced autonomic aspects of the
devised framework. The core of our contribution will
Avallone S., D’Antonio S. and P. Romano S. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems, pages 295-301
DOI: 10.5220/0002151802950301
be highlighted in section 6, which deals with the awk-
ward task of automatically translating high-level on-
tologies into lower-level policies. Finally, section 7
presents an interesting case study related to the deliv-
ery of an advanced Video on Demand service. Sec-
tion 8 concludes the paper and provides some infor-
mation about future work directions.
The NETQOS project is concerned with the design
and development of a policy-based network man-
agement architecture. The main focus is on an au-
tonomous management approach with the objective
of providing enhanced quality of service (QoS) and
resource utilization in varying operational environ-
ments. The proposed approach maps requirements
and preferences from the actors of the system (users,
service providers, applications, operators) into net-
work and transport level policies, which are then en-
forced. In the course of time, changes in the opera-
tional environment emerge due to many reasons like
the mobility of users, varying service demands, al-
tered QoS requirements etc. Policy management au-
tomation allows for the system to autonomously adapt
to these changes. Equally, a suboptimal QoS delivery
and resource utilization triggers an adaptation of the
employed policies. The NetQoS approach modifies
existing policies, activates/deactivates existing poli-
cies and assembles new policies at run-time while re-
specting the requirements imposed by the different
In order to fulfill the above mentioned objectives,
it is necessary that the NetQoS components are capa-
ble to autonomously manage the network by both han-
dling user requests and reacting to all possible events.
To this end, all the components need to cooperate to
carry out the task of the NetQoS system. Hence, the
need arises for a component that coordinates all the
others. In the NetQoS architecture (Fig. 1), such a co-
ordinating component is denoted as the Context Man-
ager (CM). The Context Manager is in charge to iden-
tify the “context”, i.e., the operational status of the
NetQoS system and all the relevant events. In case
an event that requests actions from some components
occurs, the Context Manager must become aware of
it and notify the appropriate components. Examples
of events that the Context Manager has to be aware
of are the launch of an application, the violation of a
policy, the addition of new policies, etc.
The Context Manager is primarily an event sink
and source: it gets notified about important events
and forwards this information to the relevant compo-
nents. The detection of the events themselves is real-
ized within the NetQoS monitoring and measurement
tool platform (MoMe Tool). The MoMe Tool is the
component that is responsible for providing informa-
tion about the current state of the network. Clearly,
this view of the network status is indispensable in the
realization of an autonomous management approach.
The Policy Description (PD) represents a set of
ontologies used to specify the actors’ preferences, re-
quirements, profiles, etc. The actors of the NetQoS
system (users, applications, service providers, oper-
ators) use the Actor Preference Manager (APM) to
specify their needs through ontologies.
This paper focuses on the automatic translation of
those ontologies into policies. The Automated Policy
Adaptor (APA) enforces the operational policies and
updates them as needed when the system evolves.
Ontologies were originally conceived and introduced
in the context of the Semantic Web. They provide for-
mal specification of concepts and their interrelation-
ships, and play an essential role in complex web ser-
vice environments, semantics-based search engines
and digital libraries. One important purpose of these
formal specifications is sharing of knowledge be-
tween independent entities. Although there are yet
many definitions for ontology, the most general and
complete one looks at an ontology as “an explicit and
formal specification of a shared conceptualization”,
is explicit because it defines the concepts, prop-
erties, relationships, functions, axioms and con-
straints that compose it;
is formal because it is machine readable and inter-
is a conceptualization because it is an abstract
model and a simplified view of the existing things
it represents;
is shared because there has been previously a con-
sensus about the information and it is accepted by
a group of experts.
In brief, ontology aims at defining a set of con-
cepts and properties, together with axioms providing
the rules that govern them. In the last years, ontol-
ogy languages have been in a rapid development. The
OWL (Bechhofer et al., 2004), proposed by the W3C
for the definition of ontology in the Semantic Web,
is based on RDF and RDF Schema (RDFS) and pro-
vides greater machine interpretability of Web content
WINSYS 2007 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems
Figure 1: Architecture of the NetQoS system.
by offering additional vocabulary along with formal
3.1 Using of Ontology for Service
Creation and Delivery
In the framework of service creation and provision-
ing, different entities interact by exchanging and shar-
ing information concerning different realms and do-
mains. The heterogeneity of both the communication
networks and the user’s devices currently used to de-
liver innovative services represents a further element
which prompts the adoption of an ontology-based ap-
proach to service definition and negotiation. User’s
requirements and preferences can be optimally de-
scribed by means of ontologies, which, in turn, can
be effectively and automatically translated in network
configuration and management policies. Indeed, pol-
icy based networks provide high levels of flexibil-
ity by allowing definition of packet handling rules,
resource allocation strategies, network management
techniques, access control restrictions, levels of ser-
vice, etc. All these policies are then enforced by
configuring the network devices with the appropriate
primitives so that the desired actions are performed on
the data streams.
One of the main challenges frequently faced is en-
suring that network configuration settings and poli-
cies are applied consistently throughout the network.
However, this task is often error-prone and difficult
to manage especially when there is heterogeneity of
network devices and protocols. In order to effectively
define and enforce policies such as “allow traffic from
host A to take priority over traffic from host B” and
“permit user A to receive video at 128 Kbps” onto
heterogeneous networks, the need arises to develop
a framework capable to increase the expressibility of
policies thanks to the use of ontologies as means to
describe concepts, their taxonomy, interrelations and
In the following of this paper we present a frame-
work which allows users to specify their service
requirements and preferences by exploiting prede-
fined ontologies and automatically translates such on-
tologies into network level policies to be used for
QoS management. To develop ontologies we used
e (Pro, ), a graphical tool for ontology edit-
ing and knowledge acquisition, which allows thinking
about domain models at a conceptual level without
having to know the syntax of the language ultimately
used on the Web. Prot
e provides full-fledged sup-
port for knowledge modeling and acquisition: classes,
instances of these classes, slots representing attributes
of classes and instances, as well as facets express-
ing additional information about slots. Prot
e en-
ables developers to instantiate ontology that defines
the abstract data on which specific operations are
performed with corresponding domain concepts. It
uses the instantiated ontology to generate a domain-
specific knowledge-acquisition system. Application
experts can then exploit such system to enter the spe-
cific content knowledge on which the method oper-
ates to solve particular application tasks.
Extensible Access Control Markup Language
(XACML) (XAC, ) is an XML-based language
designed specifically for creating policies and
automating their use. XACML has two basic compo-
nents. The first is an access-control policy language
that lets developers specify the rules about who can
do what and when. The other is a request/response
language that presents requests for access and
describes the answers to those queries. XACML
provides for fine-grained access control of resources
based on several criteria, including the following:
attributes of the user requesting access (e.g.,
“Only division managers and above can view this
the protocol over which the request is made (e.g.,
“This data can be viewed only if it is accessed over
the authentication mechanism (e.g., “The re-
quester must have been authenticated using a dig-
ital device.”).
The key top-level element of the policy definition
language is the PolicySet which aggregates other Pol-
icySet elements or Policy elements. The Policy el-
ement is composed principally of Target, Rule and
Obligation elements and is evaluated at the Policy De-
cision Point to yield resource access decision. The
Target element is used to associate a requested re-
source to an applicable Policy. It contains conditions
that the requesting Subject, Resource, or Action must
meet for a Policy Set, Policy, or Rule to be applicable
to the resource. Rules provide the conditions which
test the relevant attributes within a Policy. Any num-
ber of Rule elements may be used, each generating
a true or false outcome. Combining these outcomes
yields a single decision for the Policy, which may be
‘Permit”, “Deny”, “Indeterminate”, or a “NotAppli-
cable” decision. Attributes provide the typed values
that represent both a resource requester and the Pol-
icy’s condition predicates. Finally, obligations are a
set of operations that must be performed by the Policy
Enforcement Point in conjunction with an authoriza-
tion decision. An obligation may be associated with
a positive or negative authorization decision. In our
case, obligations play a major role, since they trigger
(and appropriately configure) the dynamic instantia-
tion/updating of NetQoS policies, as it will become
apparent in the next section.
The Context Manager component is a central element
of the NetQoS system, which interacts both with the
other components of the Monitoring and Measure-
ment (MoMe) framework - specifically the MoMe
Tool and the MoMe Manager - and with the two main
repositories, namely the Ontology Repository and the
Policy Repository. This interaction is needed in order
to make the NetQoS system capable to dynamically
react upon the detection of specific events related to
changes in the overall execution context. Under this
perspective, we can state that the CM helps the sys-
tem become autonomic, since it provides it with the
following properties:
1. Automatic: this essentially means being able
to self-control its internal functions and opera-
tions. An autonomic system must in fact be self-
contained and able to operate without any external
2. Adaptive: an autonomic system must be able to
change its operation. This allows the system to
cope with temporal and spatial changes in its op-
erational context.
3. Aware: an autonomic system must be able to mon-
itor its operational context as well as its internal
state in order to be able to assess if its current
operation serves its purpose. Awareness controls
adaptation of its operational behavior in response
to situation or state changes.
Based on the considerations above, we designed
the CM on the basis of a “Publish/Subscribe”
paradigm: such element “produces” information to
be used by the companion MoMe components. As
an example, when a user launches an application, the
CM has to notify the MoMe Manager of the occur-
rence of such event. At the same time, the CM also
“consumes” information produced both by the repos-
itories and by so-called “NetQoS-aware applications”
(or, in the presence of NetQoS-unaware applications,
by an ad hoc designed Traffic Identification Engine
which is also part of the NetQoS system). We herein
focus on the former scenario, which helps clarify the
overall functionality of the CM, at the same time jus-
tifying the design choice related to the adoption of
an asynchronous notification paradigm. Hence, with
respect to the interaction with repositories, let us con-
sider the case when new information is inserted into
either the Ontology or the Policy repository: in such
case, the CM has to get a notification if other compo-
nents requested it to be kept updated with respect to
WINSYS 2007 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems
Figure 2: Automatic production of policies starting from an ontology.
the addition/deletion of policies/ontologies. The men-
tioned “subscriber components” will in turn be noti-
fied by the CM of the occurrence of the cited event.
We have identified three different scenarios associated
with CM’s interaction with repositories:
1. Updating of the Ontology Repository;
2. Updating of the Policy Repository;
3. Automatic translation of ontologies into policies,
which requires dynamic updating of the Policy
The three scenarios above have all been imple-
mented within the project. For the sake of concise-
ness, we will herein just focus on the third one, which
is strictly related to the subject of this paper.
This case is by far the most complicated one, since
it envisages the orchestrated operation of both reposi-
tories. Indeed, NetQoS foresees a possibility to dy-
namically create policies starting from higher-level
ontology-based descriptions. This work is a funda-
mental part of the dynamic adaptation functionality
and clearly requires that advanced “inference” tech-
niques be applied. This stated, we have to account for
the scenario depicted in Fig. 2.
The figure shows a human operator sitting in front
of an automatic “ontology-to-policy” translation con-
sole, used to first retrieve (steps 1 and 2 in the picture)
and then define constraints on the existing ontologies.
Such constraints will then be transparently translated
(step 3 in the picture) into one or more policies, which
will in turn be stored in the policy repository (step 4
in the picture). From this point on, we have the fol-
lowing steps: (i)repository updating - step 5; (ii) CM
notification - step 6; (iii) event spreading - step 7.
The way the CM gets the triggering notification
depends on whether or not the repository is capable
to directly raise events towards the external world (as
indicated in Fig. 2). We show in Fig. 3 the alternative
situation, dealing with the case when the trigger to
the CM comes from the console rather than the policy
The CM has been realized as a stateful web ser-
vice with notification capabilities. In other words, it
is compliant with an extension of web services, de-
fined and standardized by the OASIS organization un-
der the name of Web Services Resource Framework
(WSRF), which gives a web service the ability to
keep state information. The service and the resource
are nonetheless kept completely separate: the state is
not “in” the web service, but rather in a separate en-
tity called “resource” and each resource is assigned
a unique ’key’, used by the web service whenever
a stateful interaction is needed. Support for notifi-
cation capabilities is made possible by implementing
the “Observer/Observable” design pattern, as speci-
fied in the WS-Notifications family of specifications
Figure 3: Automatic translation with notification from the console.
also defined and standardized by the OASIS organi-
zation. WS-Notification is based on the concept of
a “topic”, i.e. an “item of interest for subscription”.
Notification producers expose a “subscribe” operation
that notification consumers can use to request a sub-
scription. Notification consumers, in turn, expose a
“notify” operation that notification producers can use
to deliver the notification.
In this section we describe how an ontology-based ap-
proach can be adopted to specify user’s requirements
in the context of a Video on Demand service. Let us
consider a generic user who wishes to receive video
contents at different quality levels depending on the
equipment he is using. For instance, he prefers to re-
ceive a movie at the highest resolution in case the used
equipment is a multimedia workstation equipped with
a wide-screen LCD monitor, while he requires a low-
level quality version of the same content if the user
terminal is a PDA or a UMTS phone. A proper on-
tology can be created to allow the user to specify his
requirements and preferences. With reference to the
Video on Demand service, a possible ontology can
comprise the following classes:
User, which includes information and attributes
related to the VoD user,
Terminal, which describes the user’s device used
to deliver the service,
Service, which is intended to specify the service
parameters and elements.
During the service negotiation phase, the user is
required to specify his preferences by providing val-
ues to be associated with the attributes of the pre-
defined ontology.
Such negotiation will automatically bring to the
production of the XACML policies associated with
the ontology itself. In the VoD example above, the
produced XACML policies would contain, for exam-
ple, the following elements with the associated val-
Subject: such field is filled in with information
about the identity of the user for which the poli-
cies are being generated;
Resource: this field represents the specific cate-
gory of movies (e.g. thriller, action, fantasy, etc)
for which the user wants to specify his own pref-
Condition: it might represent the terminal type (as
well as terminal capabilities) used to access the
Obligation: as already anticipated, such field is of
paramount importance, since it contains all policy
directives to be associated with the specified re-
source in order to appropriately configure the net-
work infrastructure used to deliver the service, in
a specific execution context and with the speci-
fied features. In the VoD example, the Obligation
WINSYS 2007 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems
field might for instance indicate that a satisfactory
service fruition requires that a high (where high
might be associated, e.g., with the gold class of
service in a network capable to provide for ser-
vice differentiation bases on the so-called olympic
model) quality level is guaranteed.
In this paper we presented an approach to the au-
tomatic creation of network configuration policies,
starting from higher-level ontologies associated with
a semantic view of a service. We described how the
NetQoS architecture, which has been conceived at the
outset with this goal in mind, is capable to dynami-
cally create and adapt policies based both on context
and on higher-level information related to user’s pref-
The ideas we presented have so far been only par-
tially implemented, since the NetQoS project is now
approaching its first year of work. The work is cur-
rently in full swing and we are confident that within
the next few months further steps will be done to-
wards the completion of the overall architecture we
This work has been carried out with the financial sup-
port of the European project NetQoS, which is par-
tially funded by the EU as part of the IST Programme,
within the Sixth Framework Programme.
NetQoS, Policy Based Management of Heterogeneous Net-
works for Guaranteed QoS. http://www.netqos.edu.
OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup
Language (XACML). http://www.oasis-
The Prot
e Ontology Editor and Knowledge Acquisition
System. http://protege.stanford.edu/.
Bechhofer, S. et al. (2004). OWL Web Ontology Language
Reference. http://www.w3.org/TR/owl-ref/.