Checking Complex Compositions of Web Services
Against Policy Constraints
Andrew Dingwall-Smith and Anthony Finkelstein
London Software Systems, University College London
Malet Place, London, WC1E 6BT, UK
Abstract. Research in web services has allowed reusable, distributed, loosely
coupled components which can easily be composed to build systems or to pro-
duce more complex services. Composition of these components is generally done
in an ad-hoc manner. As compositions of services become more widely used and,
inevitably, more complex, there is a need to ensure that compositions of services
obey constraints. In this paper, we consider the need to provide policy constraints
on service compositions, that define how services can be composed in a par-
ticular business setting. We describe compositions using WS-CDL and we use
xlinkit to express policy constraints as consistency rules over XML docu-
1 Introduction
Policy constraints are constraints on a system which originate from the business needs
of an organisation. Some examples might be that it is necessary to perform a credit
check before certain other interactions can be performed or that certain parties in an
interaction should not communicate with each other. Web services are extremely valu-
able in providing distribution and loose coupling and allowing application integration
within an organisation but there is a need to ensure that compositions of these services
are consistent with policy constraints.
WS-CDL[1] is an XML language for describing complex interactions and compo-
sitions of services. It is intended for modelling these interactions from a global perspec-
tive, independent of underlying implementations, rather than as an executable composi-
tion language such as BPEL. WS-CDL is currently a W3C candidate recommendation.
The problem which we tackle is the need to ensure that complex compositions of
web services, described in WS-CDL, conform to service policy constraints. We are able
to tackle this problem by using xlinkit, which checks consistency rules over XML
documents, by expressing policy constraints in the xlinkit rule language.
We envision our work being used in the following way. Organisations will have a
number of existing services which they regularly use and which they want to be able
to integrate in various complex ways. They will be able to describe policy constraints,
using our approach, which constrain how these services can be composed. Later, service
composers will design compositions using WS-CDL and will be able to check, using
xlinkit, that their service compositions obey the policy constraints on the services
which they use.
Dingwall-Smith A. and Finkelstein A. (2007).
Checking Complex Compositions of Web Services Against Policy Constraints.
In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Modelling, Simulation, Verification and Validation of Enterprise Information Systems, pages 94-103
DOI: 10.5220/0002414400940103
The contribution of this work is a simple, lightweight approach, using existing tech-
nology, to check that descriptions of web service compositions, described in WS-CDL,
conform to policy constraints. The approach has been successfully implemented using
In section 2 of this paper, we briefly introduce xlinkit and the rule language
which it uses. In section 3 we describe our approach to checking policy constraints.
In section 4 we describe how we check policy constraints relating to the types of in-
teractions allowed between the roles in a choreography and in section 5 we describe
our approach to constraints on the ordering of interactions. We review related work in
section 6 and our conclusions and ideas for future work are presented in section 7.
2 Overview of xlinkit
To test consistency, we make use of xlinkit[2–4], a tool for checking consistency
within and between XML documents. The CLiX[5] language is an XML language used
to specify consistency rules for use with xlinkit. This language is based on first or-
der logic and makes use of XPaths[6] to select sets of nodes within documents. The
xlinkit tool includes a development environment to allow easier editing and devel-
opment of rules. This tool allows graphical editing of rule structures and generates the
CLiX rules.
An example of the CLiX language is shown in figure 1. This example is intended
to apply to an XHTML document and requires that all links within the document link
to the domain. The forall element selects the set of all link
elements (a elements which have an href attribute) in the document and uses the
variable link to refer to these elements. The link elements are selected using the XPath
in the in attribute’. The equal element requires that for each element referred to by
the link variable, the two operands are equal. These two operands are also XPaths.
The first operand selects the portion href attribute which should refer to the www. domain. A reference to the link variable is made in this XPath by
preceding the name of the variable by the $ sign. The rest of the XPath is then relative
to the element referenced by this variable. The second operand is a literal string value.
These two values should be equal so that the start of the href attribute is equal to the
second operand (i.e it should point to the domain).
<forall var="link" in="//a[@href]">
<equal op1="substring($link/@href, 1, 22)"
Fig. 1. A CLiX rule which requires that all links point to the ’’ domain name.
CLiX rules can make use of the universal quantifier (forall) and existential quantifier
(exists). These quantifiers have an XPath, which is used to select a set of nodes, and
a variable name. When the rule is evaluated against a set of documents, the path is
evaluated, resulting in a set of XML nodes which satisfy the XPath. The node set is
then iterated over and the quantifier variable is bound to each node in the node set in
turn and the rule within the quantifier element is evaluated for each value of the variable.
The CLiX language also makes use of seven standard operators (equal, not equal,
greater, less, greater or equal, less or equal and same). All of these are standard mathe-
matical operators, except for the ‘same’ operator, which evaluates to true if two XPaths
refer to the same document node (all other operators work on the value of the nodes).
The CLiX language supports the inclusion of custom operators in addition to the stan-
dard operators. In xlinkit, the operators are defined using ECMAScript[7]. Opera-
tors are combined to build more complex rules using and, or, not, implies and “if and
only if operators.
The xlinkit rule checking engine checks constraints for single documents or sets
of documents. If a set of documents is provided as input then XPaths are evaluated for
every document. This allows consistency rules between documents to be checked. If
violations are detected, a report is generated which identifies which elements in the
documents violated the constraints.
3 Checking Policy Constraints
The behaviour of web service compositions is implemented using orchestration lan-
guages, such as BPEL, and general purpose languages, such as Java and C#. A web
service composition may be composed of heterogeneous services which are able to in-
teroperate through web service standards. It is difficult to check consistency between
policy constraints and these languages as many different languages can be used. Some
implementations are also likely to be too low level to easily allow consistency checking
to take place, particularly where general purpose languages are used. Furthermore, it is
only possible to obtain a local view by examining web service orchestrations, whether
implemented in an orchestration language or a general purpose language. By looking at
an orchestration it can be seen how a web service interacts with the partners it provides
services to and those it consumes services from. It is not possible to examine more
complex interactions involving multiple levels of composition.
Using WS-CDL, it is possible to model a web service composition from a global
perspective. In [1], WS-CDL is described as follows:
The Web Services Choreography Description Language (WS-CDL) is an XML
based language that describes peer-to-peer collaborations of participants by
defining, from a global viewpoint, their common and complementary observ-
able behavior; where ordered message exchanges result in accomplishing a
common business goal.
Policy constraints can be more easily checked for consistency against this model as it is
more abstract than the behavioural implementations and uses a consistent language to
describe the entire composition. It provides a global view of the complete composition
rather than local views, allowing multiple levels of composition to be checked against
the constraints.
Fig. 2. Overview of policy constraint checking.
The diagram in figure 2 shows the process in which our approach is used. Service
descriptions of existing services are used to create a WS-CDL composition. Policy con-
straints are written as CLiX rules. Both the policy constraints and the WS-CDL com-
position are input into the xlinkit rule checker. This results in a list of violations
which describe how the WS-CDL composition violates the constraints. The violations
are used as input to the service composition process so that the constraint violations
can be corrected. This continues iteratively until the WS-CDL composition no longer
violates any constraints and the implementation generation process can begin. This pro-
cess can involve generating and manually writing code and results in the creation of an
implementation of the service composition.
4 Communication Constraints
Using the CLiX language, we can describe constraints which limit the types of com-
munication allowed between the roles in the choreography. We illustrate our approach
using the example from the WS-CDL Primer[8]. This example involves four roles; a
buyer, seller, credit agency and shipper. In this example, the buyer and seller negotiate
until they agree on a price for an order. The buyer can then place the order. The seller
performs a credit check, using the service provided by the credit agency, before placing
a request with the shipper for the order to be dispatched. We have extended this exam-
ple by completing some of the missing WS-CDL description which is not present in the
Using the above example, a possible communication constraint is that a credit check
should not be performed as part of the choreography, perhaps because a certain group of
clients do not want these checks to be performed. Obviously, the example choreography
described previously will violate this policy. The WS-CDL fragment which describes
the credit check is shown in figure 3. This interaction involves the operation which
performs the credit check, ‘creditCheck’, being performed on the ‘CreditRole’.
<interaction channelVariable="tns:CreditAgencyC"
name="CheckCredit" operation="creditCheck">
<participate fromRoleTypeRef="tns:SellerRole"
<exchange action="request"
<exchange action="respond"
<exchange action="respond" faultName="CreditCheckFault"
Fig. 3. WS-CDL document fragment which performs a credit check.
The CLiX rule which ensures that the policy constraint is satisfied is shown in fig-
ure 4. This rule requires that for any interaction where the target role of the interaction
is the credit agency role, the creditCheck operation is not the operation which is be-
ing called. The outer forall element selects the set of all interaction elements
in the WS-CDL document and for each one evaluates the enclosed rule. The enclosed
rule must be satisfied for every interaction if the rule as a whole is to be satisfied. The
implies element requires that if the first sub-rule is true then the second must be true
. The first sub-rule is true when the toRoleTypeRef attribute of the participate
element of an interaction element is the CreditRole. If this is the case then the
second sub-rule requires that the operation attribute of the interaction element
should not have the value creditCheck. One complication occurs due to the use of
XML namespaces in the first sub-rule. As xlinkit uses XPath 1.0, it is necessary to
select only the local part of the role reference by using the substring-after XPath
function to select only the portion which occurs after the colon.
When this rule is applied to the WS-CDL document fragment in figure 3 it results
in a constraint violation. Figure 5 shows the HTML output from xlinkit. This doc-
ument includes a reference to the element which caused the constraint violation which
specifies the file where the violation occurred and, using XPath, identifies the individual
interaction element. This HTML document could be used as input to other tools which
help resolve the violation.
<forall var="$interaction" in="//cdl:interaction">
<equal op1="substring-after
($interaction/cdl:participate/@toRoleTypeRef, ':')"
<notequal op1="$interaction/@operation"
Fig. 4. CLiX rule which forbids a choreographies from performing ‘creditCheck’ interactions.
Fig. 5. Output showing constraint violations.
5 Constraints on Interaction Ordering
The communication constraints described in the previous section can be expressed in
xlinkit in a fairly straightforward manner. Another type of constraint which we
would like to check are constraints on the order of interactions. For example, a credit
check interaction must occur before shipping is requested. Such a constraint is not easy
to express using the standard xlinkit operators. To make this easier, we have cre-
ated a custom operator for determining whether an interaction in a WS-CDL document
occurs before another.
In WS-CDL, three main structures affect ordering. The ‘sequence’ structure requires
that the enclosed activities must be performed in the specified order. The ‘parallel’ struc-
ture requires that all the enclosed activities must be performed but places no restrictions
on ordering and allows simultaneous execution. The ‘choice’ structure requires that ex-
actly one of the enclosed activities is performed. The other important construct which
affects ordering is the ‘workunit’ construct. This allows recursion as well as preventing
the enclosed condition from being executed until a guard condition is satisfied.
Our operator determines ordering using basic information available by static analy-
sis of the WS-CDL document. Importantly, it does not consider the value of variables,
even if it is possible to determine the value of those variables statically. The operator
is pessimistic, returning a false result unless it is able to determine with certainty that
the ordering constraint is satisfied. In general this should be sufficient as static order-
ing constraints should be imposed using constructs which do not depend on variables.
While it is possible to create ordering which depends on the values of variables but can
actually be determined statically, we do not detect these cases, and we consider this
something to be avoided when creating WS-CDL documents.
The ordering structures in WS-CDL allow the following rules to be applied. After a
‘sequence’ or a ‘parallel’ construct has completed execution, all the actions contained
in these constructs have completed. After a ‘choice’ construct is complete, it is not
possible to know which of the possible actions will have been completed. A construct is
executing if it is an ancestor of the current interaction. During execution of a ‘sequence’
structure, earlier actions in the sequence have completed while later one have not. It is
not possible to know which actions have completed during execution of a ‘parallel’ or
‘choice’ construct.
Using these rules, a recursive algorithm was written which traverses the tree struc-
ture of ordering elements. The algorithm ascends the tree looking for previous interac-
tions which match the required interaction name. When it reaches a sequence element,
the algorithm is able to descend the tree and search previous interactions, also descend-
ing down parallel elements and further sequence elements. The recursion terminates
when the enclosing choreography element is reached. The algorithm is also able to un-
derstand ‘perform’ elements which cause sub-choreographies in the same document to
be performed. The algorithm follows the references to these sub-choreographies.
Figure 6 shows an example rule which enforces the constraint that a ‘CreditCheck’
interaction should occur before a ‘RequestShipping’ interaction, using the ‘before’ op-
erator. It requires that for all ‘RequestShipping’ interactions there exists a ‘CheckCredit’
interaction which occurs before it in the WS-CDL choreography.
<forall var="shippingInteraction"
<exists var="creditCheckInteraction"
<operator name="order:before">
<param name="a" value="$creditCheckInteraction"/>
<param name="b" value="$shippingInteraction"/>
Fig. 6. Rule which requires that a ‘CheckCredit’ interaction should occur before a ‘RequestShip-
ping’ interaction.
Figure 7 shows how the ‘before’ operator is applied to a WS-CDL document. This
diagram represents the structure of fragment of a WS-CDL document, showing a chore-
ography element with a number of ordering elements and interaction elements. Arrows
show how the algorithm traverses the document tree to search for an interaction which
matches the ordering constraint. Starting from the ‘RequestShipping’ element, the al-
gorithm ascends the tree and encounters a sequence element. This action is not yet
completed as the algorithm ascended the tree to reach it, so it is only necessary to
search earlier actions in the sequence. The algorithm is able to descend to the ‘parallel’
element but not to the interaction ‘E’ which occurs later in the sequence. The ‘parallel’
element is a completed action, as the algorithm reached it by descending the tree, so
Fig. 7. An example showing how the algorithm used by the ‘before’ operator is applied to a WS-
CDL document.
all child elements of this element can be searched (this would also be the case if the
element was a sequence element). Descending to the ‘choice’ element, the algorithm
cannot descend further as it is not possible to tell which of the child actions will be per-
formed. The algorithm then descends to the interaction element ‘B’ and checks to see if
this interaction has the name ‘CheckCredit’. As it does not, the algorithm continues by
ascending the document tree. From the sequence element, the algorithm ascends to an-
other parallel element. As this action has not completed, it is not necessary to descend
to interaction A. The algorithm ascends again to the choreography element at which
point the algorithm completes. In this case, a matching interaction was not found so the
operator returns the result false.
6 Related Work
The work described in this paper builds on[9] in which xlinkit was also used to
check consistency with policy constraints. The principle difference is that the previous
work checked WSDL documents against constraints. WSDL documents describe an
interface but give little information about how the interface is used or how different ser-
vices are composed. Furthermore, WSDL descriptions are supplied by service providers
but policy constraints need to be obeyed by service consumers who are responsible for
the composition. In contrast, WS-CDL documents describe interactions between dif-
ferent services and the ordering of those interactions, allowing more complex policy
constraints to be checked.
7 Conclusions and Future Work
In this paper we have described an approach for checking policy constraints for com-
positions of web services described in WS-CDL. Policy constraints are expressed as
CLiX rules on the WS-CDL choreography. These constraints can be evaluated using
xlinkit which identifies constraint violations in the choreography. Our contribution
is a lightweight approach to the problem of checking that policy constraints are obeyed
by web service compositions, using existing technology. The approach is implemented
using the existing xlinkit rule checking engine.
We have been able to specify constraints relating to how different roles in a web
service composition can communicate with each other and in the ordering of interac-
tions. Future work may include identifying further types of constraints which can be
checked using this approach and whether further CLiX operators need to be defined to
support them. Other constraints which might be of interest include constraints related to
issues such as reliability and performance. Unfortunately, WS-CDL does not describe
such properties making it impossible to check constraints related to these issues. This
problem could be solved by extending the WS-CDL description with these properties,
allowing constraints which use these extensions to be described.
A potential problem with our consistency rules is that they rely on the the names
used in the WS-CDL files being consistent with those used in the CLiX rules. If the
‘CreditAgency’ role is referred to as ‘CreditReferenceAgancy’ in a particular WS-CDL
file then rule which refers to the ‘CreditAgency’ role will fail. To write meaningful
rules, WS-CDL documents and CLiX rule documents must share a common taxonomy.
This need not necessarily be formally specified, as long as all documents use the same
names to refer to the same entities. This requirements could also be enforced to some
extent using CLiX rules which constrain WS-CDL documents to use only names which
are present in a particular taxonomy.
Our approach checks policy constraints are consistent with WS-CDL models rather
than with the actual implementation of web service compositions. To show that the
actual web service composition is consistent with the constraints, it is necessary to en-
sure that the implementation of the composition is consistent with the WS-CDL model.
There are two approaches to this problem. The first is to generate implementation from
the model, including WSDL interfaces, BPEL orchestrations and general purpose lan-
guage code. This ensures that generated implementation code is consistent with the
model at the time of generation. Another approach might be to check consistency be-
tween the model and implementation. This has the advantage that existing implementa-
tions can be checked and that inconsistencies which are introduced subsequent to code
generation can be detected. For example, it may be useful to identify consistency rules
between WS-CDL and WSDL interfaces.
This work has been partially sponsored by the EU project SENSORIA, IST-2005-
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