Performance Evaluation of Public Domain Haar Detectors for Face and Facial
Feature Detection
M. Castrill´on-Santana, O. D´eniz-Su´arez, L. Ant´on-Canal´ıs and J. Lorenzo-Navarro
Institute of Intelligent Systems and Numerical Applications in Engineering
Edificio Central del Parque Tecnol´ogico, Campus de Tafira, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
Face and facial feature detection, haar wavelets, human computer interaction.
Fast and reliable face and facial feature detection are required abilities for any Human Computer Interaction
approach based on Computer Vision. Since the publication of the Viola-Jones object detection framework and
the more recent open source implementation, an increasing number of applications have appeared, particularly
in the context of facial processing. In this respect, the OpenCV community shares a collection of public domain
classifiers for this scenario. However, as far as we know these classifiers have never been evaluated and/or
compared. In this paper we analyze the individual performance of all those public classifiers getting the best
performance for each target. These results are valid to define a baseline for future approaches. Additionally
we propose a simple hierarchical combination of those classifiers to increase the facial feature detection rate
while reducing the face false detection rate.
Fast and reliable face and facial element detection are
topics of great interest to get more natural and com-
fortable Human Computer Interaction (HCI) (Pent-
land, 2000). Therefore, the number of approaches
addressing this problem have increased in the last
years (Li et al., 2002; Schneiderman and Kanade,
2000; Viola and Jones, 2004) providing reliable ap-
proaches to the Computer Vision community. How-
ever, since the recent work by Viola and Jones (Viola
and Jones, 2004) describing a fast multi-stage gen-
eral object classification approach, and the release of
an open source implementation (Lienhart and Maydt,
2002), this approach has been extensively used in
Computer Vision research, particularly for detecting
faces and their elements. Different authors have made
their classifiers (not their training sets) public. How-
ever, as far as the authors of this paper know, no per-
formance evaluation has been done yet.
In this paper, we compare different public domain
classifiers, based on Lienhart’s implementation, re-
lated to face and facial element detection, in order to
provide a baseline for future developments. Section 2
briefly introduces the detection approach. Sections 3
and 4 present respectively the experimental setup and
the conclusions extracted.
The general object detector framework described in
(Viola and Jones, 2004), is based on the idea of a
boosted cascade of weak classifiers. For each stage
in the cascade, a separate subclassifier is trained to
detect almost all target objects while rejecting a cer-
tain fraction of the non-object patterns (which were
accepted by previous stages).
The resulting detection rate, D, and the false posi-
tive rate, F, of the cascade are given by the combina-
tion of each single stage classifier rates:
D =
F =
Each stage classifier is selected considering a com-
bination of features which are computed on the in-
tegral image. These features are reminiscent of
Haar wavelets and early features of the human visual
Castrillón-Santana M., Déniz-Suárez O., Antón-Canalís L. and Lorenzo-Navarro J. (2008).
FACE AND FACIAL FEATURE DETECTION EVALUATION - Performance Evaluation of Public Domain Haar Detectors for Face and Facial Feature
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, pages 167-172
DOI: 10.5220/0001073101670172
pathway such as center-surround and directional re-
sponses. The implementation (Lienhart and Maydt,
2002) integrated in the OpenCV (Intel, 2006) extends
the original feature set (Viola and Jones, 2004).
With this approach, given a 20 stage detector de-
signed for refusing at each stage 50% of the non-
object patterns (target false positive rate) while falsely
eliminating only 0.1% of the object patterns (target
detection rate), its expected overall detection rate is
0.98 with a false positive rate of 0.5
0.9 10
. This schema allows a high image process-
ing rate, due to the fact that background regions of
the image are quickly discarded, while spending more
time on promising object-like regions. Thus, the de-
tector designer chooses the desired number of stages,
the target false positive rate and the target detection
rate per stage, achieving a trade-off between accuracy
and speed for the resulting classifier.
3.1 Experimental Setup
The available collection of public domain classifiers
that we have been able to locate are described in Ta-
ble 1. Their targets are frontal faces, profile faces,
head and shoulders, eyes, noses and mouths. Refer-
ence information is included as well as the size of the
smallest detectable pattern, the label used belowin the
figures, and the processing time in seconds needed to
analyze the whole test set.
In order to analyze the performance of the differ-
ent classifiers, the CMU dataset (Schneiderman and
Kanade, 2000) has been chosen for the experimental
setup. This dataset contains a collection of hetero-
geneous images, feature that from our point of view
provides a better understanding of the classifier per-
formance. The dataset is divided into four different
subsets test, newtest, test-low and rotated combining
the test sets of Sung and Poggio (Sung and Poggio,
1998) and Rowley, Baluja, and Kanade (Rowley et al.,
1998). The dataset and the annotation data can be ob-
tained at (Carnegie Mellon University, 1999).
3.2 Face Detection
In this Section the detection performance of those
classifiers designed to detect the whole face or head
is presented. We have considered the different frontal
face detection classifiers provided with the OpenCV
release (Lienhart et al., 2003a), the profile face detec-
tor (Bradley, 2003), and the head and shoulders detec-
tor (Kruppa et al., 2003).
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
False Detections
Detection Rate
Figure 1: Face and head and shoulders detection perfor-
The criterion to determine if a face is correctly de-
tected requires that all its features are located inside
the detection, and the detection container width must
not be greater than four times the distance between
the annotated eyes.
For each classifier its ROC curve was com-
puted applying the original release and some
variations obtained reducing its number of stages.
Observing the Area Under the Curve (AUC) of
the resulting ROC curves, see Figure 1, FA2
(haarcascade frontal face alt2 in the OpenCV
distribution (Intel, 2006)) offered the best per-
formance closely followed by FA1 and FD
(respectively haarcascade frontal face alt and
haarcascade frontal face def ault). It is, addition-
ally, the fastest among them. Remember that the test
dataset used is composed by four different subsets.
The original FA2 classifier provided for the different
subsets the performance showed in the corresponding
column of Table 2. Note the lower performance
achieved for the rotated subset. These results were
expected as the Viola-Jones’ framework is not able
to accept more than slight variations in rotation with
respect to the positive samples used.
Table 2: Frontal face and profile detection performance for
each subset.
Frontal face Profile
Subset detection performance detection performance
newtest 89.07% 62.30%
test 86.98% 43.20%
rotated 19.28% 10.76%
test-low 83.56% 36.99%
The single profile detector available reported
lower and less homogeneous performance, showing
VISAPP 2008 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 1: Public domain classifiers available.
Target Authors/Reference Download Size Stages Proc. time (secs.) Label
Frontal faces (Lienhart et al., 2003b; Lienhart et al., 2003a) (Intel, 2006) 24× 24 25 37.6 FD
Frontal faces (Lienhart et al., 2003b; Lienhart et al., 2003a) (Intel, 2006) 20× 20 21 41.8 FA1
Frontal faces (Lienhart et al., 2003b; Lienhart et al., 2003a) (Intel, 2006) 20× 20 46 31.8 FAT
Frontal faces (Lienhart et al., 2003b; Lienhart et al., 2003a) (Intel, 2006) 20× 20 20 35.7 FA2
Profile faces (Bradley, 2003) (Reimondo, 2007) 20× 20 26 44.8 PR
Head and shoulders (Kruppa et al., 2003) (Intel, 2006) 22× 18 30 66.5 HS1
Head and shoulders (Kruppa et al., 2003) TBP 22× 20 19 98.4 HS2
Left eye (Castrill´on Santana et al., 2007) (Reimondo, 2007) 18× 12 16 44.9 LE
Right eye (Castrill´on Santana et al., 2007) (Reimondo, 2007) 18× 12 18 44.8 RE
Eye M. Wimmer (Wimmer, 2004) 25× 15 5 12.1 E1
Eye Urtho (Urtho, 2006) 10× 6 20 22 E2
Eye Ting Shan (Reimondo, 2007) 24× 12 104 20.9 E3
Eye pair (Castrill´on Santana et al., 2007) (Reimondo, 2007) 45× 11 19 14.6 EP1
Eye pair (Castrill´on Santana et al., 2007) (Reimondo, 2007) 22× 5 17 15.4 EP2
Eye pair (Bediz and Akar, 2005) (Reimondo, 2007) 35× 16 19 16.7 EP3
Nose (Castrill´on Santana et al., 2007) (Reimondo, 2007) 25× 15 17 27 N1
Mouth (Castrill´on Santana et al., 2007) (Reimondo, 2007) 25× 15 19 41.4 M1
Mouth (Liang et al., 2002) (Intel, 2006) 32× 18 18 15.6 M2
a better performance for the first subset as suggests
the last column of Table 2 for the original classifier.
Paying attention to the head and shoulders detec-
tor, HS1, in Figure 1, its results evidence a rather low
performance, as seen in the Figure. For that reason
we used a more recently trained classifier (HS2) fol-
lowing the same approach but with a larger training
dataset. Its performance was notoriously better, cir-
cumstance that made us to suspect the presence of a
bug in the classifier included in the current OpenCV
release. It must be noticed that this classifier requires
the presence of the local context to react, circum-
stance that does not occur for different images con-
tained in the dataset. It must be also observed that
both classifiers provided a higher false detection rate
than those trained to detect frontal faces.
3.3 Facial Element Detection
A similar experimental setup was carried out for the
classifiers specialized in facial feature detection such
as eyes, nose and mouth. Figures 2 shows the results
achieved using the different eye detectors for the left
eye (the results obtained for the right eye are quite
similar, and therefore not included here).
The best performance is given by RE and LE, but
requiring more processing time. Both classifiers pro-
vide similar performance, providing always a lower
false detection rate (except for E2) and a greater de-
tection rate. For all the classifiers, we have not consid-
ered the detection of the opposite eye as a false detec-
tion. For LE and RE the classifiers performed worse
detecting the other eye, but they always got greater
detection rate than any other classifier.
A facial feature is considered correctly detected,
if the distance to the annotated location is less than
1/4 of the actual distance between the annotated eyes.
This criterion was used to estimate the eye detection
success originally in (Jesorsky et al., 2001).
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000
False Detections
Detection Rate
Figure 2: Left eye detection performance.
The performance achieved by LE for the different
subsets is showed in Table 3. It is observed that this
feature is also detected, with a similar rate, when faces
are rotated, showing even a higher detection rate than
for frontal faces. However, facial feature detectors
perform poorly with low resolution (test-low set), i.e.
they require larger faces to be reliable.
We have also analyzed the eye pair, nose and
mouth detectors, see Figure 3. The best eye pair
detection performance is given by EP3, with similar
processing cost. The nose detector has the lowest per-
formance among the whole set of facial feature de-
FACE AND FACIAL FEATURE DETECTION EVALUATION - Performance Evaluation of Public Domain Haar
Detectors for Face and Facial Feature Detection
Table 3: Left eye detection for each subset.
Subset Detection performance
newtest 39.89%
test 29.69%
rotated 32.29%
test-low 10.96%
tectors analyzed. However the best mouth detector,
behaves notoriously better.
As a summary, the best facial element detectors
available in the public domain are: RE, LE, EP3, N
(only one available) and M1.
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
False Detections
Detection Rate
Figure 3: Eye pair (EP1-3, Nose (N. and Mouth (M1 and
M2) detection performance.
Even when searching facial features in the whole im-
age reported much lower performance than for face
detectors, it is evidenced that in some circumstances
face detection could be tackled by detecting some of
its inner features. An example of this is shown in
Figure 4. The best face detector used was not able
to locate the evident face, likely because it is par-
tially cropped. However some of their inner features
were positively detected. Certainly, some false de-
tections appear, but geometric consistency is a simple
approach to filter them (Wilson and Fernandez, 2006).
The main drawback is that the processing time will be
3.4 Combined Detection
As shown in previous sections, facial element detec-
tion seems to behave worse than facial detection fol-
lowing the same searching approach. A reasonable
reason for this is the lower resolution of facial el-
ements in relation to the face, therefore the differ-
ent classifiers are trying to locate patterns which are
smaller than those used for training. In this section we
Figure 4: Sample image of the CMU dataset (?) that re-
ported no face detection. However, facial feature detection
provided a set of detections (red and blue for left and right
eye respectively, magenta for nose and green for mouth).
Even when some false detection are present, they could be
in many situations filtered by means of the coherent geomet-
ric location of the different features (Wilson and Fernandez,
will apply facial feature detection only in those areas
were a face has been detected, in order to analyze if
their performance can be improved, and additionally,
to observe if the no detection of facial elements can be
used as a filter to remove some false face detections.
To detect faces we used the FA2 detector with 18
stages, see Table 1, which in Section 3.2 evidenced
the best relation between processing speed and detec-
tion ratio. Once a face is given, the individual facial
elements were searched using three different proce-
dures: 1) Searching the facial elements in those areas
or regions of interest (ROIs), where a face has been
detected (C1), 2) Scaling up the ROI image twice (in
order to have bigger facial details) before searching
(C2), and 3) Scaling up the ROI twice and bound-
ing the acceptable detections size according to the de-
tected face size (C3). We would like to remark that
for every approach each feature is searched always
in a ROI coherent with the expected feature location
for a frontal face, similarly to (Wilson and Fernandez,
Figure 5 compares the results achieved for the LE
classifier using the different approaches: C1, C2 and
C3. With C1, we just restricted the search area to
the face detected, the facial feature detection rate is
reduced in relation to the results presented in Section
Scaling up the ROIs, C2 and C3, increases signif-
icantly the facial feature detection rate, but also the
false detection rate, as suggested by Figure 5. How-
ever, the latter keeps being lower than in absence of
ROIs, see Figure 2. In addition, if we relate to the
face size the acceptable size of the facial features to
search, C3, the false detection rate is clearly reduced
VISAPP 2008 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
keeping a similar detection rate. Due to the reduced
space available, the results for the other facial features
are summarized in Table 4.
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
False Detections
Detection Rate
Figure 5: LE. performance for the different approaches.
Table 4: Facial feature detection performance with different
approaches (TD: correct detection rate, FD: number of false
App. Left eye Right eye Nose Mouth
C1 17.2% 18 15.1% 18 1.7% 0 17.1% 52
C1 49.1% 154 45.5% 137 22.2% 120 41.5% 196
C3 48.7% 128 45.1% 124 21.9% 104 41.5% 184
We have also applied a soft heuristic to reduce the
number of false face detections, making use of the
results achieved for the facial features. Big enough
face detections, larger than 40 pixels in width, that
report no facial feature detection are not accepted as
face detections. Figure 6 presents the results achieved
for FA2 and different combinations of the facial fea-
tures detectors. The original performance is depicted
with FA, the modified with FAv. The detection rate is
almost not affected, while achieving an improvement
in false detection reduction. To give an example, for
the most restrictive FA2 classifier, the initial number
of false detections was 47, but applying this approach
was reduced to 35.
Are there false detections with more than one facial
element detected? The answer is positive for four im-
ages. An example of is presented in Figure 7, only the
human faces are annotated, but Peggy is there. These
detections were labeled as incorrect only because the
container is a little bit bigger than it should. Indeed
the facial features could be used to better fit the con-
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
False Detections
Detection Rate
Figure 6: Face detection results achieved with approaches
FA. and FAv. Note the reduction in false detection rate
achieved by the second.
Figure 7: Example of false face detection that reported at
least two inner facial features corresponding to rot5. im-
age (contained in CMU dataset (Schneiderman and Kanade,
2000)) from the rotated subset. Does the reader consider it
a false detection? Other detections are present with soccer
and Germany images, but not included here due to space
In this paper we have reviewed the possibilities of
current public domain classifiers, based on the Viola-
Jones’ general object detection framework (Viola and
Jones, 2004), for face and facial feature detection.
We have observed a similar performance achieved by
three of those frontal face detectors included in the
FACE AND FACIAL FEATURE DETECTION EVALUATION - Performance Evaluation of Public Domain Haar
Detectors for Face and Facial Feature Detection
OpenCV release. We have also compared some fa-
cial feature detectors available thanks to the OpenCV
community, observing that they perform worse than
those designed for frontal face detection. However,
this aspect can be justified by the lower resolution of
the patterns being saerched.
Finally we observed the possibilities provided by
a simple combination of those classifiers, applying
coherently facial feature detection only in those ar-
eas where a face has been detected. In this sense,
the facial feature classifiers can be applied with more
detail without remarkably increasing the processing
cost. This approach performed better, improving fa-
cial feature detection and reducing the number of false
positives. These results have been achieved with-
out any further restriction in terms of facial feature
coocurrence, relative distances and so on. Therefore,
we consider that further work can be done to get a
more robust cascade approach using the public do-
main available classifiers, providing reliable informa-
We consider also that the combination of face and
facial feature detection can improve face detection,
adding reliability to the traditional face detection ap-
proaches. However, the solution requires more com-
putational power due to the fact that more processing
is performed.
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VISAPP 2008 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications