Edumilis Méndez, María Pérez, Luis E. Mendoza and Maryoly Ortega
Processes and Systems Department – LISI, Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas, Venezuela
Keywords: Outsourcing, Information Technology, Critical Success Factor, Business Process.
Abstract: Nowadays, a large number of companies delegate their tasks to third parties in order to reduce costs,
increase profitability, expand their horizon, and increase their competitive capacity. The level of success of
such contracting and related agreements is influenced by a set of critical factors that may vary depending on
the type of project addressed. This article proposes a model of Critical Success Factors (CSFs) to evaluate
Information Technology Outsourcing (ITO) projects. The model is based on the ITO state-of-the-art, related
technologies and different aspects that affect ITO project development. Altogether, 22 CSFs were
formulated for data center, network, software development and hardware support technologies.
Additionally, the model proposed was evaluated using the Features Analysis Case Study Method proposed
by DESMET. The methodology applied for this research consisted of an adaptation of the Methodological
Framework for Research of Information Systems, including the Goal Question Metric (GQM) approach. For
model operationalization, 400 metrics were established, which allowed measuring CSFs and ensuring model
effectiveness to evaluate the probability of success of an ITO project and provide guidance to the parties
involved in such service.
Information Technology Outsourcing (ITO) is an
increasingly widespread practice among companies.
Given that the scope and complexity of Information
Technologies (IT) are constantly increasing, several
companies are less prone to carry the burden of
Information Systems (IS) internal development, and
are considering Outsourcing to make a more
efficient use of resources and lay the basis for
increasing IT value (Lee et al., 2003). Hence, the
importance of knowing which aspects may influence
successful relations between the client company and
the ITO project provider.
Accordingly, this article proposes a model
consisting of 22 Critical Success Factors (CSFs) for
evaluating ITO projects, focused on technology-
related factors, including 400 metrics for model
operationalization. This model provides guidance to
support optimum performance for ITO practice and
has an evaluation structure based on measurements
of well-defined factors, which allows registering
project data through the years. It allows not only
specific evaluations, but also the follow-up and
analysis of variations and trends.
This research used the Methodological Framework
for Research of Information Systems (Pérez et al.,
2004). The adaptation of the Methodological
Framework for this work consists of eleven steps:
1) Documentary and bibliographical research;
2) Background Analysis; 3) Formulation of the
Objectives and Scope of the Research; 4) Adaptation
of the Methodological Framework; 5) CSF Model
proposal following GQM approach; 6) Analysis of
Context; 7) Application of the DESMET
Methodology (Kitchenham, 1996); 8) Model
Evaluation; 9) Results Analysis; 10) Proposal
Refining; and 11) Conclusions and
In order to achieve a successful ITO, certain
practices known as CSFs should be included. Austin
Méndez E., Pérez M., E. Mendoza L. and Ortega M. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 176-181
DOI: 10.5220/0001686801760181
(2002) defines CSFs as critical areas where
satisfactory performance is required for the
organization in order to achieve its goals. For the
purposes of this article, a CSF is defined as any
activity, task or requirement, where its correct
performance contributes to meet the objectives of
successful ITO projects. Such factors may be
considered as critical to the extent their no
compliance divert parties from meeting their
expectations. Many activities might be considered as
CSFs depending on the area and perspective
involved. However, efforts invested in this research
are aimed at identifying technology-related CSFs.
Several sources describe different types of CSFs
that are overlapped or complemented depending on
the approach used. Dhillon (2000) discusses the
possibility of extracting critical activities from a
business management perspective, while Lovells
International Law Firm (2006) analyzes ITO from a
legal perspective based on the large experience
gained from their clients’ activities.
The ITO Governance Model of Technology
Business Integrators (TBI) discusses a business
management approach (Bays, 2006), but contrary to
Dhillon (2000), it provides a rather practical than
theoretical analysis for this phenomenon. Also,
Robinett et al. (2006) list a series of CSFs that point
to a business-related approach, which is much more
technical than managerial. This perspective is based
on IBM’s experience as IT leader and its integral
business solutions policy.
However, the most recent ITO trend points to
more restricted and specialized definitions for each
contracted service. This implies a reduction in the
spectrum of activities considered for each contract,
including multilateral contracts with different
providers, instead of traditional mega-contracts with
a single provider. This new Strategic Out-Tasking
model fostered by Cisco Systems Inc. (Brownell et
al., 2006) promises a revolution in the ITO market
with high profitability margins and superior service
The model proposed model is based on the concepts
presented in Section 3. Table 1 shows a list of 22
CSFs resulting from the comparison of CSFs
identified by different authors and specific models
consulted, namely: (a) College of Business
University of Nevada (Dhillon, 2000), (b) Lovells
International Law Firm (2006), (c) Cisco Systems
Inc. Strategic Out-Tasking Model (Brownell et al.,
2006), (d) TBI ITO Governance Model (Bays, 2006)
and (e) Center for Digital Government & IBM
(Robinett et al., 2006). This comparison allowed the
identification of differences and similarities among
these approaches to consolidate the proposal on the
four IT aspects aforementioned (O’Brien, 2005):
data center, network, software development and
hardware support.
A breakdown of CSFs is provided for each
technology used. For data center and network
technologies, the model lists several operations
involved such as design, implementation,
administration, maintenance, support, among others.
For software development technologies, the model
relies solely on development, while hardware
technologies focus only on support.
Each CSF acts in different way depending on the
technology involved. However, some factors may
act in a similar manner regardless of the technology
implied, namely CSF 11, 12, 20 and 21. Particularly,
for CSF 11 “Establish multilateral agreements”, if a
client chooses to contract several providers and not
to depend on just one, a structured process should be
performed to select a group of organizations with
expertise in the technologies and methodologies
required by the contract, and whose interests do not
conflict with those of the client. A provider with
outstanding expertise must be selected for each
service, giving priority to those providers who
effectively served the same client in the past.
CSF 15 “Establish exclusivity agreements for
key areas” is not considered for network technology,
since the client would hardly commit the provider to
grant it a certain degree of exclusivity.
The defined CSFs are a strong indicator of the
possibilities of success of an ITO project. However,
to ensure efficient use of these CSFs for project
monitoring and related decision-making processes,
all answers need to be converted into measurable
information. Therefore, operationalization of this
model was made using the GQM approach (Basili,
In this regard, metrics associated to each
question defined on the CSFs allowed a detailed
evaluation. Answers provided by experts to each
question and their impact on each CSF were
converted into a numeric scale in order to determine
the overall performance of a certain type of project.
Registering this information over the years might
help establishing a benchmark for the median of ITO
project performance within the market. Thus, each
project performance might be compared against the
Table 1: Technological Critical Success Factor for ITO.
1. Define services from a modular
a - b - c - e 12. Consider corporate regulations b
2. Agree on the transfer of initial
b 13. Consider governmental regulations a - c
3. Agree on the ownership of new
14. Consider personnel resources
b - e
4. Define a service evaluation structure a - b - c - d - e
15. Establish exclusivity agreements for
key areas
5. Define a predictable cost structure b - c
16. Manage risks and assign
b - d
6. Coordinate and standardize tasks
c - e 17. Consider potential service changes a - b - d - e
7. Invest in technology innovations and
c - d - e
18. Define contract termination
8. Maintain ownership and internal
c - e 19. Accelerate services life cycles c
9. Consider licenses restrictions b
20. Take into account cultural
a - e
10. Invest in value-added ecosystems
(integration of services offered from
different providers)
21. Dig deep into client-provider
11. Establish multilateral agreements
with the right providers
a - b
22. Learn from the experience of allies
(a) College of Business University of Nevada (Dhillon, 2000), (b) Lovells International Law Firm (2006), (c) Cisco Systems Inc.
Strategic Out-Tasking Model (Brownell et al., 2006), (d) TBI ITO Governance Model (Bays, 2006) and (e) Center for Digital
Government & IBM (Robinett et al., 2006).
median established for the same type of project,
providing an overview of the project good/bad
performance to the extent it is below or above the
respective average values.
Table 2: Application of the GQM approach to CSF 1
“Define services from a modular perspective”.
Modularize the SOW definition of the
SW development service tasks from the
perspective of the SW development
project leader.
Question Q1
Does SOW include specification of
the customer’s needs?
Metrics M1
0: Not specified (0%)
1: Vague (25%)
2: Slightly specified (50%)
3: Well-specified (75%)
4: Detailed (100%)
Question Q2
Does SOW define the use of
development standards?
Metrics M2 0: No 1: Yes
Table 2 shows an example of the application of
the GQM model to CSF 1 “Define services from a
modular perspective” for software development
technology. Questions, metrics and corresponding
measuring scales are defined therein.
In short, the ITO project model based on
technology CSFs consists of 22 CSFs, including 400
questions and 400 metrics. Once proposed, the
model was evaluated.
The model proposed was evaluated using the method
of Feature Analysis Case Study, which consists of
evaluation of a model once it is applied to a real
software project (Kitchenham and Jones, 1997).
Such method comprises two large processes, namely
Feature Analysis and Analysis Application to a Case
In this regard, it was required to establish a group
of features to measure questions associated to each
CSF and metrics assigned to each question. Then,
evaluators must decide whether metrics comply with
such features, as shown in Table 3, divided into
General and Specific Features; the former evaluate
the model at a macro level, and the latter evaluate
the model metrics. Additionally, the level of feature
acceptance was established at 75%. This percentage
was determined through consensus of the evaluators
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
and researchers, by also considering it as a common
practice for most quality models.
As for actors involved in the evaluation process,
their roles and responsibilities are detailed in
Kitchenham and Jones (1997): the sponsor is
Research Laboratory in Information Systems (LISI
by its abbreviations in Spanish); the article’s authors
were the evaluators; the model users were the
organization’s users who took part in the IT project
evaluation; and the model evaluators were the
organizations’ analysts/developers, leaders and
users, who answered the questionnaires.
For the purpose of analyzing the features (See
Table 3) an IT project was required. Therefore, a
software development project called SUAF (Unique
Anti-fraud System) was selected, which provides a
software solution for prevention and reduction of
bank frauds, capable of monitoring bank transactions
in real time and detecting irregular consumption
patterns. The client company is a medium-size
manufacturer, and the provider is a small-size
company. Users in the client company involved in
the SUAF project development evaluated the
project. These users answered the CSF questions
corresponding to the role they were assigned for
project development. This showed how each of the
model’s CSFs was applied to the project selected,
and translated into the project percentage of success.
Simultaneously, a set of questionnaires were
prepared to evaluate the ITO model based on
Technology CSFs against General and Specific
Features presented in Table 4. This in order to prove
the pertinence, completeness, adequacy and
precision of CSFs, as well as the pertinence,
feasibility, in-depth level and scale of the metrics.
These questionnaires were addressed to the
aforementioned model evaluators, who were also the
users in charge of evaluating the project.
Given that the project selected was included in
the ITO type defined as Outsourcing of Software
Development, only CSFs identified for this
classification were applied. Consequently, the
analysis of General and Specific Features is based
on the acceptance of these CSFs.
Table 3: General and Specific Features (Sosa, 2005).
Type Name Description Scale
Pertinence of question
The question is pertinent or
not in the context of CSF
1: The question is pertinent.
0: The question isn’t pertinent.
Completeness of CSFs
The questions give full
coverage to all CSFs.
1: CSF is complete in terms of the
questions used.
0: According to the context there are
new questions that should be
considered and incorporated.
Adequacy with the
The quality specification of
the question is adequate in the
context of the assessment
1: The question is adequate to the
context of the assessment.
0: The question isn’t adequate to the
context of the assessment.
Precision of quality
specified by the
The quality specified in the
question is precise.
1: The quality level specified is
0: The quality level specified isn’t
Pertinence of metric
The metric is pertinent for
measuring whether or not
there is the question to which
it belongs
1: The metric is pertinent.
0: The metric isn’t pertinent.
Feasibility of metric
it is feasible to measure the
question on the proposed
metric in the context of the
1: The metric is feasible.
0: The metric isn’t feasible.
In-depth level of metric
The metric has the level of
depth adequate to get an
relevant outcome
1: The metric has the level of depth
0: The metric requires a higher level of
Scale of metric
The proposed scale is
adequate for measuring metric
1: The scale is adequate.
0: The scale isn’t adequate.
Figure 1 shows the result of the analysis for the
General Features of the CSFs included in the model
proposed. A 100% completeness was observed for
all CSFs included in the model. Likewise, through
detailed observation, we noted an average pertinence
of 98% and 97% adequacy. The model’s most
deficient performance lies in precision, with an
average level of 90%, though a high level of
acceptance is maintained. Nevertheless, we can
observe a drop in certain metrics’ precision, as in
CSFs 17 (consider potential service changes) and 18
(Define contract termination strategies) with 67%
and 75% of acceptance, respectively.
Evaluation results of General Features
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10111213141516171819202122
Acceptance percentage
Completeness Pertinence Adequacy Precision
Figure 1: Evaluation Results of General Features.
Lastly, Figure 2 shows the evaluation of the
model Specific Features. In this respect, pertinence
of features shows a slight decrease when compared
to General Features with 97%; whereas feasibility
reached 99%. Depth accounts for the lowest levels
with an average 91%, which also remains
acceptable. However, what came to our attention
were the relatively low level of depth of CSF 12
(Consider corporate regulations) and 16 (Manage
risks and assign responsibilities), which reached
67%, thus not complying with the minimum
acceptance levels; therefore, such metric’s depth
should be improved. Adequacy of Specific Features
is lower than that obtained for General Features with
an average 92%, though all CSFs exceeded
minimum acceptance levels.
Based on the indicated above, some CSFs should
be improved, to a lower extent, as to pertinence
(CSF 1, 5, 8 and 11) and feasibility (CSF 9, 18 and
19); and to a higher extent, as to depth (CSF 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 10, 12, 16 and 22) and suitability (CSF 1, 3, 5,
6, 8, 10, 13, 18, 22). The CSFs that need more
improvements were CSF 1, 5, 10, 18 and 22, which
showed weak behavior for two or more features.
These results, both for General and Specific
Features, show a higher level of acceptance of the
model proposed. The fact that all measurements are
above 67% and more than 80% are over 75% of
acceptance supports the model in general terms.
Evaluation results of Specific Features
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10111213141516171819202122
Acceptance percentage
Pertinence Feasibility Depth Adequacy
Figure 2: Evaluation Results of Specific Features.
Although the proposed model complies with
expected acceptance levels, after evaluating General
and Specific Features, it should be relevant to
improve, as ruled by future experiences, some of the
metrics proposed, so experts may more precision
rely on answering those questions that best represent
the reality. Likewise, we recommend making some
adjustments to the formulation of certain questions
so to better adequate them to the context in which
they are used and increase their general adequacy
Though the proposed model only comprises
CSFs identified in the application of four relevant
types of ITOs, several CSFs may be applied to other
types of ITOs, and others may be included within
the model; the most relevant areas being BPO
(Business Process Outsourcing) and Help Desk due
to the large volume of existing documentation and
case studies found in the market. Other future
potential benefits may include studies on lineal
dependence/interdependence among the identified
CSFs, or between one CSF and global performance
of a certain project. Such dependencies might be
sorted by type of project in order to determine which
CSFs are of higher/lower relevance in accordance
with the type of projects, and to suggest model
modifications. Likewise, specifying the CSFs
already identified into more granular components
should be considered, including such detailed
aspects as differences involved in the application of
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
a certain product to cover the need for specific
This article has proposed a Critical Success Factors
(CSF) Model for Information Technology
Outsourcing (ITO), which consists of 22 CSFs
classified in accordance with the technology aspect
encompassed by the ITO: data center, network,
software development and hardware support. In
addition, this model establishes a total of 400
metrics to measure CSFs.
The proposed model was evaluated using the
Features Analysis Case Study Method for
application of the model to a real case. The results of
this evaluation show a high level of acceptance for
the model proposed, specifically for the software
development area, as well as effectiveness of its
metrics, thus facilitating monitoring of the
percentage of success of an ITO Project. Besides,
the model provides guidelines addressed to the
parties involved in this service. It is necessary to
evaluate in future works the proposed model for the
data center, network and hardware support areas, as
well as to improve the CSFs for the General and
Specific Features above mentioned.
The authors wish to thank Engs. Nuñez and
Fernández for their valuable collaboration in the
culmination of this research.
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