A Family of Experiments
Elvira Rolón
Autonomous University of Tamaulipas, Centro Universitario Tampico-Madero, 89336, México
Félix García, Francisco Ruiz, Mario Piattini
Department of Information Technologies and Systems, Indra-UCLM Research and Development Institute
University of Castilla-La Mancha, Paseo de la Universidad 4,13071, Ciudad Real, Spain
Corrado Aaron Visaggio, Gerardo Canfora
RCOST – Research Centre on Software Technology, University of Sannio
Palazzo ex Poste, Viale Traiano, 82100 Benevento, Italy
Keywords: Business process models, BPMN, Empirical validation, Family of experiments, Measures.
Abstract: The design phase is of special importance in the development of a business process. This phase refers to the
modeling, handling and redesigning of processes, but when maintenance tasks have to be performed, this
stage may be rather complicated. It implies a heavy investment of time and resources, since it involves both
technical developers and business analysts. Moreover, process modeling should permit not only the
production of models which are understandable to the users, but also the early detection and correction of
errors. All of this adds to the overall quality of the model. We therefore propose a set of measures with
which to assess the structural complexity of conceptual business process models. Our aim is to obtain useful
indicators to be used when carrying out maintenance tasks on these models, thus obtaining higher quality
models by means of an early evaluation of the model’s given quality properties. With the development of a
family of experiments, it has been possible to discover a set of measures which may be useful in assessing
the usability and maintainability of conceptual business process models.
The objectives of a business process are basically
(Multamäki, 2002): a) To improve the understanding
of a situation so that it can then be communicated to
and among the different stakeholders and b) to use
that process as a tool to attain the goals of a process
development project. Nevertheless, for business
processes to be able to comply with their objective,
they are constantly exposed to changes. These come
about as a result of organizations’ continuous
improvement programmes.
Business process modeling consists of the
description and visualization of processes by means
of a model which represents them in formal or
informal ways or in the form of a graph or diagram.
Likewise, the manipulation and redesign process is
carried out in the design phase (Smith and Fingar,
2003). Business processes modeling is therefore one
of the first steps towards achieving organizational
goals. It is an activity which has gained great
importance due to the fact that today’s organizations
are ever-more focused on their business process
(Andersson et al., 2005).
The importance that business process modeling
represents has been the springboard for a variety of
studies such as that of Bandara (Bandara et al.,
2005) in which the authors attempt to identify
process modeling success factors and measures.
Their empirical evidence comes from the case
studies of nine process modeling projects.
Furthermore, business process modeling is of
interest in a number of different fields such as that of
business and software engineering. This is because
its importance lies not only in the description of the
Rolón E., García F., Ruiz F., Piattini M., Aaron Visaggio C. and Canfora G. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering, pages 56-63
DOI: 10.5220/0001762300560063
process, but in that it also usually represents a
preparatory phase for activities such as (Succi et al.,
2000): business process improvement, business
process reengineering, technology transfer and
process standardization.
High-quality conceptual-modeling plays an
important role in carrying out business process
reengineering in particular, making it possible to
detect errors at an early stage and thus correct them
(Wand and Weber, 2002). In addition to this, the
analysis of the level of process maturity (Bider,
2005; Francis, 2005), also forces us to have bases
which facilitate modeling in the design phase. This
is also true as regards the work of future
Bearing these factors in mind, and considering
the lack of studies on the possible difficulty that
business process models may represent in
maintenance tasks, our work takes as its main focus
of attention the assessment of the structural
complexity of business process models (BPMs) at a
conceptual level. Our aim is to give support to
business process management, allowing an early
evaluation of certain quality properties of the
models. It also makes the evolution of process
models possible, providing as it does so objective
information about maintainability, especially in
those organizations which have given themselves
over to ongoing improvement.
In this work we present the motivation of our
research, basing it on how important it is to evaluate
business process conceptual models if we are to aid
their maintainability (Section 3). In addition, we
present the results obtained in five experiments
within the context of a family of experiments
(Section 4 and 5). With these results we have
attempted to obtain a set of measures which will
serve as useful indicators towards the usability and
maintainability of the BPMs. Finally, in Section 6
some of the conclusions drawn from this work will
be put forward.
The importance that the subject of business process
and its modeling has acquired in the last few years
has also generated great interest in the scientific
community with respect to its study, analysis and
measurement. However, very little can be found in
literature as regards the measurement and
assessment of business processes, at least at a
conceptual level, which is the main topic of our
A recent work on measures of complexity for
business process models is that presented by
and Laue, 2006), in which the authors discuss how
ideas that are already a familiar part of research into
software complexity might be used to analyse the
complexity of business process models.
On the other hand, the reference by (Cardoso,
2005) describes a measurement for analyzing the
control-flow complexity of Web Processes and
Workflows. This measurement is used at the time of
design to evaluate the complexity of the design of a
process before its implementation.
Having taken into consideration the studies made
in the field of software engineering in (Rolón et al.,
2006b), we have defined a set of measures for the
evaluation of conceptual business process models on
the basis of the adaptation and extension of a
framework defined for the modeling and
measurement of the software process. In (Cardoso et
al., 2006) a similar type of compilation of insights
from software engineering cognitive science and
graph theory is provided, and the authors discuss to
what extent analogous metrics of these areas can be
defined for business. Finally, in (Latva-Koivisto,
2001) a collection of complexity measures for
business process models found in the relevant
literature was compared to a set of given criteria.
Our interest lies in evaluating the complexity of
business processes by starting from the model which
represents them at a conceptual level, and in order to
do this we have used BPMN (OMG, 2006) as a
modeling language. One of the reasons for the use of
BPMN in our proposal is that it is one of the most
widely recognized standard notations for the
modeling of business processes and it is that which
is most often used by both business analysts and
systems analysts.
Moreover, a variety of business process
modeling tools already use the BPMN metamodel
and certain studies, such as that of (Mendling et al.,
2005), show how BPMN, in comparison with
another 14 specifications includes the 15 high-level
metamodel concepts defined by the author, almost in
their entirety. (Wohed et al., 2006) also provide a
comprehensive evaluation of the capabilities of
BPMN and its strengths and weaknesses when used
for business process modeling. These studies, as is
the case of other similar ones found in literature
(Havey, 2005), give us an indication of the
importance of using this notation.
In order to attain objective knowledge of the
external quality of business process models (BPMs)
we have defined a set of measures with which to
evaluate their structural complexity which is
represented with BPMN. These measures have been
placed in two categories:
Base measures. These consist principally of
counting the business process model’s significant
elements, and a total of 46 base measures have
been defined according to the main elements of
which the BPMN metamodel is composed
(activities, events, gateways, pools, etc).
Derived measures. These have been defined
from the base measures, and allow us to discover
the proportions that exist between the different
elements of the model. This group is made up of
a total of 14 measures.
Some of the derived measures defined according to
the base measures are shown in Table 1. A more
detailed description of all the proposed measures
appears in (Rolón et al., 2006b).
Table 1: Derived Measures.
With the defined base and derived measures, it is
possible to evaluate the structural complexity of
business process models developed with BPMN.
When we analyse the model structurally, it is thus
also possible for us to evaluate its internal quality.
The defined measures have been validated
theoretically according to the Briand et al.
theoretical framework (Briand et al., 1995). As a
result, it has been possible to group them in relation
to the various properties of structural complexity
such as size, coupling and complexity, as regards
internal quality
(Figure 1).
Figure 1: Relationship between structural complexity and
quality attributes.
Moreover, in line with our objective, which is
that of discovering which of the defined measures
may provide useful and objective information about
the external quality of the BPMs, we will focus on
two characteristics of the external quality of the ISO
9126: Usability and Maintainability. These will be
evaluated by means of the following two sub-
characteristics which are respectively:
Understandability. The ease with which the
model can be understood by the user.
Modifiability. The ease with which the model can
be modified, by possible errors, by requesting a
specific modification or by new requirements.
In order to discover what measures may serve as
useful indicators to evaluate the understandability
and modifiability of the MPNs, a family of
experiments has been carried out, which is described
in the following sections.
The family of experiments includes the development
of 5 experiments which have been carried out in
similar circumstances and in the same context.
The experimental design used was the same for
all 5 experiments, since the second experiment was
planned as a replica of the first, the purpose of this
being to corroborate the results obtained, and the
fourth experiment was similarly a replica of the
The variant of these experiments with respect to
both of the first consists of some changes to the
ENASE 2008 - International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
experimental material in the MPNs, with the
intention of confirming whether the measures
validated in both first experiments might or might
not be useful in evaluating the usability and
maintainability of the MPNs. A detailed description
of the experimental design can be consulted in
(Rolón et al., 2006a).
Of the five experiments conducted, it is
important to emphasize that the third was carried out
with the Masters students of the University of
Sannio in Italy, because this implied an additional
effort, which was mainly that of considering the
language as a barrier since the training session was
given to them in English.
In addition, it took longer to carry out this
experiment, since the training was more thorough
with regard to business process modeling and
BPMN modeling notation. Also, subjects such as
Business Process Management and tools such as the
BPMS (Business Process Management Systems)
were mentioned.
4.1 Subjects
The participant subjects in all the experiments had
similar knowledge as far as process modeling was
concerned. All the groups were nevertheless given a
training session to ensure that they were conscious
of the aspects that we were attempting to evaluate. A
summary of the groups who participated in each
experiment can be see in Table 2.
Table 2: Participant groups in the experiments.
4.2 Material
In all cases the material consisted of ten BPMs
represented with BPMN, whose structural
characteristics and dimensions were different from
each other; that is to say, models with different
degrees of complexity were selected. These were
obtained by varying the value of the measures in
each model. Our intention, upon choosing models
with different dimensions, was to determine the
influence of the complexity of the model upon
different subjects such as business analysts and
software engineers, who are the main focus of our
Moreover, two questionnaires were formulated
for each of the aforementioned models. The first
consisted of a series of six questions related to the
model’s understandability, and the second proposed
a series of modifications to be carried out on the
model, such as evaluating the complexity of the
process models presented. In addition, at the end of
each questionnaire a question was included, whereby
the subjects were asked to assess the complexity of
the models presented in a subjective manner. The
material also included an example of a solution
which showed how the exercises should be done. An
example of the material used can be found in (Rolón
et al., 2007).
4.3 Objective
Using the GQM template (Goal Question Metric) the
goal in all the experiments is defined as being:
To Analyse measures of BPM structural
To evaluate them as regards their capability of
being used as indicators of business process
model understandability and modifiability
The researchers’ point of view
The context of PhD students, research assistants
and lecturers in software engineering (Exp. 1);
Students of the Masters degree in Information
Systems (Exp. 2); Post graduate students (Exp.
3); Administrative staff and health professionals
(Exp. 4) and PhD Students (Exp. 5).
4.4 Variables and Hypothesis
Within the context of the family of experiments the
same variables have been considered. These are:
Independent variables: those which correspond
with the proposed measures, which is to say the
base measures and derived measures already
Dependent variables: those which relate to the
understandability and modifiability of the BPMs,
which will be measured according to the
subjects’ efficiency when performing the tasks,
which is calculated as the ratio between the
number of right answers and the time.
The dependent variables were measured through
the subjects’ response times when carrying out the
required tasks, the success rate in the questions
relating to the understandability and modifiability
tasks of the model, the subjective evaluation with
respect to the complexity of the models, and also the
efficiency of the successes in relation to the times.
The hypotheses proposed with respect to the
objective of our investigation are the following:
Null hypothesis, H
: There is no significant
correlation between the structural complexity
measures and the understandability.
Alternative hypothesis, H
: There is a significant
correlation between the structural complexity
measures and the understandability.
Null hypothesis, H
: There is no significant
correlation between the structural complexity
measures and the modifiability.
Alternative hypothesis, H
: There is a
significant correlation between the structural
complexity measures and the modifiability.
Once the individual experiments had been carried
out, a global analysis of the results took place within
the context of the family of experiments in order to
determine whether or not they had attained the
general objective of the empirical evaluation. In
order to do this, a descriptive analysis and a
statistical analysis of the data collected in all five
experiments were carried out. A description of both
analyses is presented in the following sections.
5.1 Descriptive Analysis
Having taken into account that the dependant
variables are those which are relative to the
understandability and modifiability of the model, a
summary of the data obtained from the results of
each experiment was carried out.
Each variable was measured according to the
response times, the success rate in the required tasks,
the subjective evaluation that the subjects made, and
the efficiency of the successes in relation to the time.
We shall now present the results which were
obtained after having analyzed each of these aspects.
Table 3 shows a summary of the results obtained
from the experiments which were carried out, with
regard to the time (in minutes) that the subjects
needed to respond to the tasks relating to
understandability and modifiability.
Upon analyzing the time taken by the subjects to
carry out the required tasks and upon obtaining the
mean times of the five experiments, it can be
observed in Table 3 that, in the case of the tasks
relating to the model’s understandability, the
subjects took more time with models 5, 7 and 10,
whilst they took more time to carry out the requested
modifications with models 3, 4 and 7.
Table 3: Answer times.
These results can be better appreciated in Figure
2, in which the results that appear in Table 3 are
grouped according to the average of the results
obtained in each experiment in order to discover
both which models the subjects took most time to
respond to, and the models’ understandability and
Figure 2: Summary of the average times.
The descriptive analysis relating to success,
subjective evaluation and efficiency was carried out
in a similar manner. With regard to success in the
required tasks, the results of the five experiments
show that models 3, 4 and 7 were those which led to
the subjects producing the greatest amount of errors
in the responses related to understandability, whilst
in the tasks related to modifiability the majority of
mistakes were made with models 3, 7 and 10 (Fig.3).
ENASE 2008 - International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Figure 3: Summary of right answers.
As regards the subjects’ subjective evaluation of
the complexity of understandability of the models
presented, models 5, 6, 9 and 10 were evaluated as
being the most complex, whilst in the case of
modifiability the most complex models were 5, 7
and 10 (Figure 4).
Figure 4: Subjective evaluation chart.
In this case, models 5 and 10 coincide in both
tasks as being the most complex models according
to the subjects’ criterium, and these results coincide
with the values of the measurements of each of the
MPNs in which the models of greatest structural
complexity were 7, 9 and 10.
Finally, the efficiency of the successful
responses to the tasks in relation to the time taken to
carry them out was obtained from the statistical
analysis of the dependant variables.
Figure 5 shows the mean results of the five
experiments and, as can be seen, the models which
have the lowest level of efficiency as regards
understandability were 5, 7 and 10. Those which had
the lowest level as regards modifiability were 2, 5
and 7.
Figure 5: Efficiency chart.
5.2 Statistical Analysis
The summary of the mean times, successes,
subjective evaluation and efficiency, both for the
understandability and for the modifiability tasks,
along with the values of the measurements of the
business process models were used to carry out a
statistical analysis.
Initially, a correlation analysis of the values of
the measurements as regards the response times and
the number of successful responses from the results
obtained in the five experiments was carried out by
following the suggestions of (Perry et al., 2000),
(Wohlin et al., 2000), (Juristo and Moreno, 2001),
(Ciolkowski et al., 2002) and (Briand et al., 1995).
In order to prove whether the distribution of the
data obtained was normal, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov
test was applied. As a result of this it was obtained
that the distribution was not normal, and for this
reason we decided to use a non-parametrical
statistical test such as the Spearman correlation
coefficient with a level of significance of α = 0.05
which indicates the probability of rejecting the null
hypothesis when it is certain (type I error). That is to
say, a confidence level of 95% exists.
The Spearman correlation coefficient was used to
separately correlate each of the measurements with
the dependant variables as regards each of the
aspects evaluated in the descriptive analysis.
The results of the correlation analysis of the five
experiments to discover understandability and
modifiability times obtained that the measures which
correlated with the response times for the tasks
relating to understandability, and which were
validated in at least two of the five experiments
were: NIMsE (Number of Intermediate Message
Events), NEDDB (Number of Exclusive Decision
Data-Based), TNIE (Total Number of Intermediate
Events of the model), NSFE (Number of Sequence
Flows from Events) and TNE (Total Number of
Events of the model).
With regard to modifiability, the NEDEB
(Number of Exclusive Decision Event-Based) and
CLA (Connectivity Level between Activities)
measures were validated in experiments 2 and 3.
The analysis of the correlations with regard to
successes, subjective evaluation and efficiency was
carried out in a similar manner. With regard to the
correlations of the measures as regards successes in
the required tasks, only the TNSE (Total Number of
Start Events of the model) was validated in two of
the five experiments as far as successes in
understandability were concerned. In the case of
successes in the modifiability tasks, of the various
correlation measurements the NDOIn (Number of
Data Object-In of the process) and TNEE (Total
Number of End Events of the model) measures were
only validated in two experiments.
In the efficiency analysis (Table 4), the measures
validated in at least two of the five experiments with
regard to understandability were: NIMsE, NEMsE
(Number of End Message Events), NEDDB, NSFE,
TNE y NSFL. In relation to modifiability, the
following measures were validated: NCS (Number
of Collapsed Sub-processes), TNCS (Total Number
of Collapsed Sub-processes of the model), NEDEB
and CLA.
Table 4: Efficiency correlations.
Finally, upon analyzing the correlations as
regards the subjective evaluation that the subjects
made of the complexity of the models, we obtained
the result that measures which were validated in at
least two of the five experiments only existed in the
case of modifiability.
These measures were: TNE, TNA (Total Number
of Activities), NENE (Number of End None Events),
NT (Number of Tasks), NSFL, TNEE, TNT (Total
Number of Tasks in the model), NEDDB, NSFG
(Number of Sequence Flows from Gateways), and
TNG (Total Number of Gateways of the model).
This work shows the results obtained from carrying
out a family of experiments. This was done with the
objective of analyzing and evaluating the structural
complexity of business process models. The analysis
took place at a conceptual level of the models and
used a set of measures which were defined on the
basis of the BPMN standard notation.
As a result of this family of experiments we have
obtained a significant set of measures that could
serve as indicators towards the maintainability of the
business processes models expressed in BPMN.
From the 60 defined measures, 22 have been
correlated with BPMN model understandability or
modifiability in at least one of the experiments. With
these 22 measures, which have been validated as
results in order to measure the efficiency in the
accomplishment of the tasks (dependent variable), it
is possible to reject the formulated null hypotheses.
Future experimentation will focus upon
evaluating this set of measures which we consider
relevant from the results obtained in this first family
of experiments. To achieve this, new material will
be designed in which the validated metrics will be
grouped into three categories (participants and roles,
activities and control flows and decision nodes).
Specific material will be designed for each group.
This will allow us to obtain a higher variation of the
complexity in each subgroup of models which may
confirm the usefulness of the measures validated in
the first family. Other aspects to be tackled in the
future are:
We shall conduct new experiments with the aim
of analyzing two further sub-characteristics of
the quality of the model, namely analyzability
and ease of learning, which are respectively
related to usability and maintainability.
Furthermore, the development of business
process models within a company in the health
sector is being carried out, which will allow us to
use experimental models of real cases.
ENASE 2008 - International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
This work has been partially financed by the
INGENIO Project (Junta de Comunidades de
Castilla-La Mancha, Consejería de Educación y
Ciencia, PAC08-0154-9262), MECENAS (Junta de
Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha, Consejería de
Educación y Ciencia, PBI06-0024) and ESFINGE
Project (Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia,
Dirección General de Investigación/Fondos
Europeos de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER),
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