The Influence of Lighting Condition on Spectral Reflectance Reconstruction and
Image Stitching of Traditional Japanese Paintings
Jay Arre Toque, Yuji Sakatoku, Julia Anders, Yusuke Murayama and Ari Ide-Ektessabi
Advanced Imaging Technology Laboratory, Graudate School of Engineering, Kyoto Univeristy
Yoshida-honmachi, Sakyo-ku, 606-8501, Kyoto, Japan
Keywords: Multispectral imaging, Analytical imaging, Spectral reflectance, Image stitching.
Abstract: Illumination condition is one of the most important factors in imaging. Due to the relatively complex
interaction occurring when an incident light is irradiated on the surface of an object, it has been a topic of
researches and studies for quite a while now. In this study, its influence on the reconstruction of spectral
reflectance and image stitching was explored. A traditional Japanese painting was used as the target.
Spectral reflectance was estimated using pseudoinverse model from multispectral images captured with
seven different filters with spectral features covering 380-850 nm wavelengths. It was observed that the
accuracy of the estimation is dependent on the quality of multispectral images, which are greatly influenced
by lighting conditions. High specular reflection on the target yielded large amount of estimation errors. In
addition, the spectral feature of the filters was shown to be important. Data from at least four filters are
necessary to get a satisfactory reconstruction. On the other hand, it was observed that in addition to specular
reflection, the distribution of light highly affects image stitching. Image stitching is important especially
when acquiring images of large objects. It was shown that multispectral images could be used for the
analytical imaging of artworks.
Multispectral imaging finds wide array of
applications in the field of medicine, remote sensing,
satellite imaging and others (Elaksher, 2008; Lane,
et al., 2008; Biehl, et al., 2002). This involves taking
images at different wavelengths to capture spectral
features that cannot be detected by the naked human
eye. The spectral characteristics can be regarded as
signatures, which can help in analyzing the object
being imaged. In a way, multispectral imaging is
different from “conventional” imaging techniques.
Conventional imaging is carried out in the visible
region of the electromagnetic spectrum. This region
covers wavelengths from 400-700nm, which
corresponds to frequencies from 428-750 THz. This
is called visible region because the human eyes are
only sensitive within this range (Lee, 2005).
Normally, this involves images with tristimulus
values corresponding to red, green and blue colors
(RGB). In applications such as display and
visualization, this imaging technique is more than
sufficient. The information that can be extracted
from an image is only as good as the amount of data
it contains. For a typical image with tristimulus
values, its information is limited to color. However,
if images are to be used for analytical imaging,
conventional imaging might not be enough because
of the limited amount of data.
Analytical imaging refers to techniques, which
provides useful information about an object being
imaged beyond its “conventional” visual content. In
conventional imaging, normally, “what you see is
what you get”. This is based on the paradigm using
three variables to characterize an image (MacAdam,
1993). With analytical imaging, it is desired that
images provide more information, which may
include material characteristics, surface and
topographic information and spectroscopic data. It is
based on the assumption that similar to other
electromagnetic spectrum (e.g x-ray, microwave,
etc.); material interaction within the visible light-
near infrared (VL-NI) range can be quantified.
However, this interaction is quite complex. In order
Toque J., Sakatoku Y., Anders J., Murayama Y. and Ide-Ektessabi A. (2009).
MULTISPECTRAL IMAGING - The Influence of Lighting Condition on Spectral Reflectance Reconstruction and Image Stitching of Traditional Japanese
Paintings .
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Imaging Theory and Applications, pages 13-20
DOI: 10.5220/0001788000130020
perform sufficient analysis at VL-NI range; the
amount of data an image contains should be
increased. This may be accomplished using
multispectral imaging (Conde, et al., 2004).
In this study, multispectral images were captured
from 380-850 nm using image filters with different
spectral transmittances. The images obtained contain
information from the visible up to the near infrared
range. The study focused on how the lighting
conditions affect the reconstruction of spectral
reflectance of Japanese paintings. Paintings were
chosen as target because it normally requires non-
destructive and non-invasive analysis. This is
especially true if it is a cultural heritage (Balas, et
al., 2003). Since paintings vary in sizes, it may
sometimes not be possible to acquire the image of
the whole painting at once if high-resolution images
are desired. This will require image stitching. In this
case, the influence of lighting is also of particular
This study defines lighting condition as the
cumulative effect of the various illumination factors
affecting the perceived image. This includes
intensity, type of light and angle of incidence. In
reality, the factors affecting the lighting condition
are not limited to the three mentioned. Since we are
interested in the perceived image as detected by the
image-capturing device, the factors can also include
the distance of the light source to the target, surface
property of the target and many more others. As the
number of factors increase, the complexity of the
interaction also increase. In this study, the factors
are limited to the main light source characteristics
based on preliminary investigations.
Multispectral images were captured using a
monochromatic CCD camera with spectral
sensitivity from 350-1000 nm, which peaks at
around 520 nm. The distance of the camera to the
target was approximately 480 mm. The images were
acquired using four types of filters (i.e. band pass
filter, special purpose filter, sharp cut filter and
infrared filter). A total of seven filters were used
(BPB-50, BPB-55, BPB-60, SP-9, SC-64, SC-70 and
IR-76). These filters have different peak
sensitivities, which enable the images to contain
more information from specific wavelength range. In
some cases, an IR-cut filter was used, specifically
BPB and SP filters, because they have unwanted
sensitivities at the near infrared region. The sharp
cut and IR filters were used for obtaining
information at longer wavelengths. The schematic
representation of the multispectral imaging system is
shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Schematic representation of the multispectral
imaging set-up.
In order to investigate the effects on spectral
reflectance reconstruction and image stitching of
lighting conditions, images were acquired using four
variations summarized in Table 1. Three parameters
were selected, such as type of light source, light
source angle and intensity. Based on preliminary
investigations, these parameters were found to
greatly affect the quality of the image and the
corresponding information it contains.
Table 1: Lighting conditions used in acquiring the
multispectral images. Note: E1 corresponds to experiment
1 and so on.
Parameters E1 E2 E3 E4
Type Halogen Halogen Halogen Fluorescent
Angle (°) 30 30 60 N.A.
(%) 100 30 80 N.A.
2.1 Image Acquisition
In order to facilitate spectral reflectance
reconstruction and image stitching, the target was
imaged using the orientation shown in Figure 2. At
first, the image of the upper half of the target was
acquired. Then after that, the target was rotated 180°
to capture the image of the other half.
A total of three targets were used; a white
background, a learning sample and a Japanese
painting. The white background is used to calibrate
the uneven distribution of light when imaging the
learning sample and Japanese painting. The learning
sample, which was composed of conventionally used
Japanese mineral pigments, was employed as a basis
IMAGAPP 2009 - International Conference on Imaging Theory and Applications
for estimating the spectral reflectance. A Japanese
painting was chosen as the main target because of
the technical challenges it presents (e.g. non-
invasive, non-destructive, etc.). There exist other
more advanced analytical technique for studying
paintings, which are commonly x-ray-based
(Marengo, 2006). However, x-ray-based technique is
relatively non-destructive but not entirely non-
invasive. Usually, a small piece of the sample is
required. For paintings with high cultural value,
taking even a minute sample is unacceptable.
Figure 2: Orientation of the target during image
2.2 Spectral Reflectance
Reconstruction and Image
The effect of the lighting condition during imaging
was evaluated based on the accuracy of the spectral
reflectance reconstruction and the quality of image
stitching. Before reconstructing the spectral
reflectances, the images were calibrated using a
white background to compensate for the effect of the
uneven distribution of light shone on the surface of
the target. This helps facilitate better image
stitching. The pixel values of the images were
adjusted using Eq.1
= T
where T
corresponds to the i
pixel value of the
uncompensated target image,
is the average
pixel value of the white background, B
is the i
pixel value of the white background and T
’ is the
new i
pixel value of the white background-adjusted
After the images were adjusted using the white
background, the spectral reflectance was estimated.
In general, the spectral characteristic of an image is
described by Eq.2 (Shimano, et al, 2007)
p =CLr +e (2)
where, p is the pixel value of the image captured at a
certain band, C is the spectral sensitivity of the
capturing device, L is the spectral power distribution
of the light source, r is the spectral reflectance and e
is an additive noise corresponding to the
measurement errors of the spectral characteristics of
the sensors, illumination and reflectances. All of the
quantities in Eq.2 are functions of the wavelength. In
this case, in order to estimate the spectral
reflectance, the spectral characteristic of the camera
and light source should be known. However, this
information is often unavailable. Using
pseudoinverse model, the spectral reflectance can be
estimated without prior knowledge of the spectral
characteristics of the camera and light source.
The pseudoinverse model is a modification of the
Wiener estimation by regression analysis (Shimano,
et al, 2007). In this model, a matrix W is derived by
WP from a known spectral
reflectance of a learning sample, R, and the
corresponding pixel values, P, captured at a certain
band. The matrix W is given by Eq.3
Where P
represents the pseudoinverse matrix of P.
By applying the derived matrix W to the pixel value
of the target image, p, the spectral reflectance
r can
be estimated using Eq.4
r = Wp
The size of the matrices used in Eq.3 and Eq.4 is
a function of the number of learning sample k,
number of multispectral bands M and number of
spectral reflectances N measured at 10nm interval
from 380-850 nm. In this study, k is 98, M is 7 and N
is 48. The learning sample used in this study is a
collection of 98 commonly used Japanese pigments
and the spectral reflectance is measured using a
Reconstruction of the spectral reflectance was
carried out using multispectral images because it can
MULTISPECTRAL IMAGING - The Influence of Lighting Condition on Spectral Reflectance Reconstruction and Image
Stitching of Traditional Japanese Paintings
contain both spectroscopic and spatial information.
With the conventional spectroscopes and
spectrometers, the data acquired are only
spectroscopic in nature. The information is confined
to reflectance, transmittance and absorbance.
However, by manipulating some image acquisition
parameters (e.g. lighting angle, camera position,
etc.) in multispectral imaging, it is possible to get
spatial information about the object such as surface
features, topography and other physical aspects of
the material’s surface.
Figure 3: Image of the Japanese painting used as target to
evaluate the effect of lighting condition. The spectral
reflectances are estimated from three regions on the
In order to evaluate how the lighting condition
affects the spectral reflectance estimation, three
regions on the Japanese painting were selected
namely Region 1, 2 and 3 as depicted by Figure 3.
3.1 Image Stitching
Image stitching is important in acquiring images of
large objects that cannot be captured entirely at
once. This problem might seem trivial. In principle,
as long as the object is in the line of sight of the
capturing device, the size of the image that can be
acquired is virtually unlimited. This can be
accomplished by increasing the distance between the
camera and the target object. However, as the
distance increases, the resolution of the image
decreases. This affects the quality of data the image
contains. It is possible to solve this issue by
performing some processing on the image but it is
usually better to use the image with little alteration
as possible in order to preserve the information it
Figure 4: Stitched image of a Japanese painting using
uncalibrated images.
Figure 5: 3D representation of the distribution of light as
reflected by the white background. The pixel values of the
1360x1024 image were used to create this 3D impression.
In this study, the influence of lighting condition
on image stitching was investigated. Since the
lighting was varied several times, it is to be expected
to get images with different characteristics. Figure 4
shows an example of a stitched image acquired
using IR 76 filter. The stitching line is very obvious
which is a result of uneven light distribution. Figure
5 depicts a 3D representation. It can be seen that a
portion of the target receives more intense light as
compared to the other parts. As a result, some area
appears to be brighter than the other. In addition to
IMAGAPP 2009 - International Conference on Imaging Theory and Applications
the obvious stitching line, some specular reflection
can also be seen.
Generally, when an object is subjected to a
radiation, three common interaction occurs. The
incident radiation may be reflected, absorbed and
transmitted as illutrated by Figure 6. It can be a
mixture of any of the three. Depending on the
characteristics of the material and the energy of the
radiation, this interaction can be more complex.
However, radiation in the form of visible light, the
three mentioned is likely to occur. In imaging, the
reflected portion of the radiation is more significant.
This is the quantity that the camera sensors used to
form the images. As shown in the simplified model
below, reflected light is further classified into
specular and diffused reflection (Vargas, 2006).
Specular reflection is the potion of the reflected
light that is also known as a mirror reflection. This
results to saturation in some parts of the target
painting. Once the image is saturated, little
information can be extracted from it and worse it
obscure the stitching of the images.
Figure 6: Simple interaction model when a material is
subjected to radiation.
In order to solve the issues brought by the
uneven light distribution, the images were calibrated
using a white background. The details of the
calibration process are described in the previous
section. The images were acquired using various
position in order to have a specular reflection-free
image. Figure 7 shows an example of the final
stitched image. After calibration and removal of
regions with high specular reflections, the stitching
line is barely visible. It is believed that the quality of
the stitching can be further improved by using more
sophisticated calibration techniques. In this study,
only a simple technique was implemented. It was
discovered that this method is only effective within a
certain threshold. If the standard deviation of the
average pixel values of the white standard is less
than 20 pixels, then method employed here is
sufficieint. If it goes beyond the 20 pixels threshold,
stitching lines eventually become visible. Therefore
there is a need to improve the white background
calibration by using other techniques.
Figure 7: Stitched image of the Japanese painting
calibrated using a white background.
3.2 Reconstruction of Spectral
In this study, three regions on the painting were
selected where the spectral reflectances were
reconstructed. The three areas possess distinct
charateristics which was the reason for its selection.
For example, Region 1 is the area on the Japanese
painting that experienced high specular reflection.
This region has gold foil laid on the the surface.
Using gold foils in painting is a common practice in
Japanese art. Since the region has metallic
constituent, it explains why it has high specualr
reflection. This significantly affected the estimated
spectral reflectance as shown in Figure 8. The figure
shows five reflectances, four from the different
lighting conditions and one for the spectral
reflectance measured using a spectrometer. This acts
as reference spectral reflectance. It can be observed
that the reconstructed spectral reflectances of the
multispectral images on Region 1 is quite poor. This
might due to the reflectance characteristics of the
gold foil in the region. Specular reflection was not
MULTISPECTRAL IMAGING - The Influence of Lighting Condition on Spectral Reflectance Reconstruction and Image
Stitching of Traditional Japanese Paintings
observed in all experiments, when this was the case,
Region 1 appeared to be dark. This results to very
low spectral reflectance but still not close to the
measured reflectance. Unfortunately, the lighting
parameters used in the experiment were not
optimum. However, the main aim of the study is to
observe how the lighting condition affects the
estimation. Based on the phenomena observed, it can
be concluded that the issue on specular reflection
needs to be addressed in order to have better
Figure 8: Reconstructed spectral reflectance from
multispectral images on Region 1 of the Japanese painting.
Figure 9: Reconstructed spectral reflectance from
multispectral images on Region 2 of the Japanese painting.
On the other hand, Region 2 was selected
because it did not show any specular reflection in all
the experiments. It is painted with an orange mineral
pigment resembling atumn leaves. Compared to
Region 1, the reconstructed spectral reflectance is
close to the measured reflectance up to wavelengths
of 600 nm. Between 600-700 nm however, the
estimation was relatively poor except for E4. The
estimated spectral reflectance of E4 was close to the
measured one up to 700 nm. At the near infrared
region, no comparison can be made because the data
from the spectrometer is only available from 400-
700 nm.
Finally, Region 3 was selected because it yielded
multispectral images with and without specular
reflection across the different parameters. What is
unique in this region is that it has both mineral and
metallic pigment. The metal consitituents in this
case are traces of silver particle instead of foil.
Figure 10 shows the reconstructed spectral
reflectance. The estimation is still not as accurate as
it should be but it is better compared to Region 1.
Again, the poor reconstruction may be attributed to
specular reflection. In this case since the metallic
constituents are in particle form, the effect on the
multispectral images is not as severe when compared
to the gold foil.
Figure 10: Reconstructed spectral reflectance from
multispectral images on Region 1 of the Japanese painting.
The accuracy of the spectral reflectance
reconstruction may also be explained by the
characteristics of the filters used to capture
multispectral images. In order to get a good
estimation, the filters should be able to get
significant amount of data. Figure 11 shows the
spectral characteristics of the seven filters used
along with the measured spectral reflectances of the
selected regions. Among the selected regions,
Region 2 has the most number of filters that are able
to collect spectral information. A total of four filters
were able to collect the necessary data especially
between 420-580 nm. This can explain why the
accuracy of the estimation is relatively better if
compared to the other wavelengths.
On the other hand, the filters with short
wavelengths and long wavelengths collected the data
from Region 3. No filter was able to collect any
useful information between 480-680 nm, which can
explain why the reconstructed spectral reflectance
within this range deviated from that of the measured.
Finally as for Region 1, on top of the severe effect of
specular reflection of the gold-laden surface, it can
IMAGAPP 2009 - International Conference on Imaging Theory and Applications
be observed that only two filters were able to collect
In addition, it is interesting to note how well the
estimated spectral reflectances above 700 nm were
convergent except for Region 1. Evidently, the
influence of high specular reflection also affected
the reconstructed reflectance at that wavelength. It is
difficult to ascertain its accuracy because the
measured data only goes up to 700 nm but it may be
assumed that it might be good enough.
Why is important to reconstruct the spectral
reflectance above the visible range? This is because
previous studies have shown that some materials
have unique spectral features at the near infrared
range (Anderson, 1947). In addition, acquiring
images beyond the visible range can help increase
the amount of information available from the image.
Figure 11: Spectral characteristics of the filters used in
capturing the multispectral images along with the
measured spectral reflectance of the three selected regions.
In this study, the influence of lighting condition on
image stitching and spectral reflectance
reconstruction was explored. Using multispectral
images, spectral reflectance of a traditional Japanese
painting was estimated by the pseudoinverse
method. Results show that specular reflection, which
is influenced by illumination, significantly affects
the accuracy of the reconstruction. It was also
observed that the spectral features of the filters used
play an important role. According to the comparison
of spectral reflectance curves, the estimation is more
accurate between 420-580 nm especially for Region
2 because at least four filters were able to collect
information within that range. On the other hand, it
was shown that image stitching was greatly
influenced by the light distribution on the target and
its surface reflection characteristics. Stitching lines
were highly visible when specular reflection is
severe. It is also observed that the calibration
technique was only effective within a 20-pixel
standard deviation-threshold. Beyond this, more
advanced calibration technique is necessary.
This work has been done as part of the project “An
Integrated System for Secure and Dynamic Display
of Cultural Heritage” sponsored by Japan Science
and Technology Agency, Regional Resources
Development Program. This collaborative project
was organized by Kyoto University Graduate School
of Engineering, S-tennine Kyoto (Ltd) and Kyushu
National Museum. The Authors would like to
express their thanks to Imazu Setsuo of Kyushu
National Museum and other staff of the museum
and, Oshima of S-tennine Kyoto and his group for
supporting this work.
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IMAGAPP 2009 - International Conference on Imaging Theory and Applications