MARIKA: A Mobile Assistance System for Supporting
Home Care
Tobias Umblia, Albert Hein
, Ilvio Bruder and Thomas Karopka
University of Rostock, Institute of Computer Science, Rostock, Germany
IT Science Center R
ugen gGmbH, Putbus, Germany
Abstract. Documentation of care activities is a very time-consuming task of
home healthcare, but necessary due to legal requirements. Automating the care
documentation would relieve the nurses from writing it down by hand, resulting
in more time for the patients
. The MARIKA project presented in this paper is
addressing this problem through the development of a system which assists the
home care personnel by automatically recording care activities, and integrates
with other systems involved in the care process. Technical approaches for two
major building blocks of such a system are described: A hybrid, sensor-based ac-
tivity recognition approach, and a mediator-based data and function integration
1 Introduction
The elderly currently are the fastest growing demographic group in the USA [1], a
trend which is similar to other, for example European regions due to increasing life ex-
pectancy and decreasing birth rate. So the aging human is more and more getting into
the focus of not only demographic research. Graceful aging is a common demand of the
current and future population. Most of the people wish to stay at home as long as possi-
ble, but the home care for elderly or sick people is a serious burden for family members.
One third of admissions to nursing homes are done not because of deterioration of the
persons’ health conditions, but because of the so-called “caregiver burnout”.
An alternative to stationary treatment is the professional ambulant care at home.
Especially this kind of service needs accurate documentation of care activities due to
legal requirements and to allow for correct accounting with the health insurances. The
usual documentation process is to this day still done manually and takes up to 40% of
the working time, is error-prone and mostly inaccurate because it does not happen in
situ but afterwards.
This requires solutions with which documentation tasks are accomplished “along
the way”, yet properly. The personnel thus is given free hand to attend to their actual
role. Additional functions like reminders or giving decision guidance assist in the ev-
eryday work. These are requirements analogous among developments in the medical
and affiliated sectors, like the wearable assistant for hospital ward rounds presented in
The terms patient and client will be used interchangeably throughout this text.
Umblia T., Hein A., Bruder I. and Karopka T. (2009).
MARIKA: A Mobile Assistance System for Supporting Home Care.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Mobilizing Health Information to Support Healthcare-related Knowledge Work, pages 69-77
DOI: 10.5220/0001815200690077
[2]. Easily operated, mobile devices and unobtrusive sensors contribute to meeting the
socio-technical conditions also common to these scenarios. That is, to improve user ac-
ceptance of such systems on the one hand, as well as, on the other hand, the acceptance
by the patients who understandably demand the care personnel’s attention, an aspect
emphasized in [2], too.
In this paper we first give a short overview of the MARIKA project in section 2,
followed by a description of the problems we are addressing in section 3. In section 4.1,
we present our activity recognition approach along with first test results, the data and
function integration concept for the system is described in section 4.2. Concluding with
section 5, we give an outlook on our further research.
2 The MARIKA Project
The demographic situation described above and the emerging challenges turn home
healthcare into one of the fastest growing areas of healthcare provision. The MARIKA
project (Mobile Assistance for Route Information and Electronic Health Record) aims
at providing support for the home care service by automating the obligatory documen-
tation in the care process. Particularly dedicated to accompanying the nurse’s everyday
work flow, different techniques are brought together in the project. Two of these are sub-
ject matter of the following sections: sensor-based activity recognition (see section 4.1)
and data and function integration (see section 4.2). Other research areas involved are
combined indoor and outdoor positioning, data privacy, e-learning, as well as content
and knowledge management [3].
One of the key challenges is the organization and coordination of all stakeholders
that take part in the care process, and the dissemination of information between them.
Several projects have been developed recently aiming at providing a communication
and coordination platform for home healthcare [4–6], showing that this is a field with
innovation potential. In this respect, developments within the MARIKA project are also
focusing on a platform that allows all participants of the care process, namely general
practitioner, home help service and home care nurse to exchange information. Although
cost effectiveness studies are rare, it is evident that coordination platforms have a great
potential for enhancing quality of life and reducing costs in the care process.
The collaboration with a professional outpatient care service, working in rural areas
and small towns mostly, allows us to test and optimize the components of the system
with regard to user acceptance and reliability.
3 Use Case and Problem Analysis
To identify the technical problems our project is addressing, a simplified day-to-day use
case is illustrated as it will look like in the future:
A daily schedule exists for the home care service personnel (the nurses), contain-
ing information about which client will be visited and when. Clients will be given care
mainly at their homes, but also at nursing homes. Usually, the nurses take off their route
by car. At the client’s home, the predefined care activities are performed by the nurse
and documented automatically. When leaving the client, the care documentation process
is completed and the associated information will be transferred to the central care docu-
mentation and planning system of the home healthcare provider. Spontaneous changes
of the schedule can occur at any time, in which cases the required route information,
client data etc. will be updated automatically.
There are several devices involved in this scenario: The car is equipped with a GPS-
based navigation system, which dynamically adapts the route, combined with an elec-
tronic logbook, which records the duration of a tour and the distance covered. The nurse
is using a mobile device, which collects and processes data en-route. One of the now
omnipresent smartphones, PDAs or tablet PCs come into question, preferably dedicated
to applications in the healthcare sector. Devices adhering to the mobile clinical assistant
(MCA) reference architecture introduced by Intel recently [7] will be the target systems
of our first implementations, as these already provide serviceable features like RFID
scanner and digital camera. Additionally, wearable sensors will be incorporated into
the system.
Hence a high degree of mobility and autonomy of the involved players and compo-
nents, and a definite request for ease of use, portability and adaptability, as well as data
privacy are the resultant basic conditions we are confronted with.
The organizational framework of a care documentation system is given by the statu-
tory health insurance. All care activities are grouped into so-called nursing care levels,
their exact duration, extent and cost are fixed and retained in a service catalog, thus
building the basis for accounting. In the MARIKA assistance system for home care
documentation these activities should be detected automatically. Therefore, they have
to be modeled, and the recorded sensor data then has to be matched with these models
adequately. In reality, there often are ambiguities between different activities sharing
the same motions or gestures like carrying a glass of water or carrying a pillbox and
also ambiguities between different activities using the same objects, which is e.g. using
an object or simply carrying it around. These two problems are not clearly distinguish-
able using only a single sensing method. That is why a direct motion measurement with
inertial sensors and the detection of object interactions with RFID are combined in our
activity recognition approach.
Our first main objectives are to investigate whether such a combined sensor config-
uration is technically viable in terms of delivering reliable data without explicit com-
pliance of the test subject, if a static classifier or a hybrid model is able to infer usable
estimates on a continuous time trace and how much each sensor type actually con-
tributes to the final classification results. The activity recognition approach is described
in section 4.1.
Another main problem besides activity recognition is the integration of all subsys-
tems into an overall architecture. The data and functions necessary for care documenta-
tion are distributed across these components and heterogeneous regarding their structure
and semantics. The different types of data are sensor data streams, representing care ac-
tivities, text and multimedia documents like photos or voice memos complementing
the care documentation, and precise temporal and spatial logging. Altogether they al-
low for accurate accounting by giving answers to questions like: Who did what, when
and where, and how long did it take? Furthermore, there are special functionalities re-
quested during care service, its analysis and planning, e.g. plausibility checks in the
work flow and giving decision guidance in case of ambiguities. The MARIKA system
will finally be integrated with existing care documentation software (CDS), which is al-
ready in use at home care services, and aiming at a larger-scale coordination platform.
The integration methods required to achieve this are described in 4.2.
4 Technical Approaches
4.1 Activity Recognition
Currently, sensor based activity recognition is widely seen as an essential technology
for providing mobile assistance in ambient assisted living (AAL) scenarios. An ambient
sensor infrastructure as in the iDorm [8] or the PlaceLab [9] is mostly unobtrusive,
but (at least for now) too expensive and complex for home care settings where each
apartment of every care patient would have to be equipped with environmental sensors.
Wearable sensors as an alternative are already showing good results in human activity
recognition, either through direct motion sampling [10, 11] or through capturing object
interactions [12].
We are aiming to combine these two methods of direct motion measurement with
inertial sensors and detection of object interaction with RFID for high level activity
recognition. Our system uses hierarchical sensor fusion on different levels of abstrac-
tion for simultaneously integrating many channels of heterogeneous sensor data. For
inferencing high level activities we use a layered hybrid discriminative and model based
generative approach. This will enable us to integrate prior knowledge into the decision
process in the future to reduce the amount of training while keeping the probabilistic
model simple. First parts of this approach have already been evaluated on the exper-
imental setting of a home care scenario where the hybrid approach reached accuracy
rates of 96% although the RFID object sightings were not yet considered.
For the tests we roughly rebuilt the floor plan of an apartment consisting of a bed-
room, a bathroom, a living room and a kitchenette in our laboratory. The test runs were
performed by professional care personnel (a geriatric nurse) and a student who helped
out as a patient (Example still frame see Fig. 1 (left)). The test agenda and the scenario
have been developed in close collaboration with a nursing service, which also provided
authentic equipment for the tests. The activities were directly taken from the service ac-
counting catalogue of the health insurances: “general service” (greeting, fetching news-
paper, ...), “big morning toilet” (including washing whole body, brushing teeth), “mic-
turition and defecation”, “administration of medications”, “bandaging”, “preparation of
food” and “documentation”.
For the motion recordings we used three small sensor boards, equipped with a 3-axis
accelerometer, 3-axis gyroscopes and a 2-axis magnetometer. Because of the compact
size (51x41x23mm) the boards could be attached at unobtrusive positions: at the dom-
inant wrist for recording gestures and object motion, at the chest/upper back and at the
hip. RFID is a popular technology for contactless identification of objects. A basic sys-
tem consists of a reader module with an antenna and several active or passive tags in the
form of small boxes, stickers or even implants. Especially, passive RFID stickers are a
cheap, battery free solution for reliable object detection. RFID practically does not re-
turn any false positive object sightings. Because currently no wearable RFID modules
Fig. 1. Still frame taken from a surveillance fisheye camera. The test person is equipped with
sensors at the hip and upper back and dominant wrist (left). RFID Wrist Antenna and Inertial
Sensor Board (right).
are available commercially, we used a multi function reader with a custom-made wrist
antenna (see Fig. 1 (right)). Depending on object geometry and material it has a reading
range between 10 and 30cm. All data streams were wirelessly transmitted to a laptop
computer where they were immediately formatted and synchronized.
Based only on the motion sensor data we compared different supervised and un-
supervised learning methods in conjunction with an automatically synthesized Hidden
Markov Model for evaluating the general feasibility of our hybrid approach with very
promising results with recognition accuracies up to 96% (Table 1). For a detailed de-
scription of the approach we have to refer to [13]. As the presented classification results
are based on very few experimental training data, they have to be treated carefully in
respect of generalization. Future experiments will have to follow under real world con-
ditions to allow a reliable evaluation of a comprehensive set of care activities and mul-
tiple test subjects. This is expected to provide more realistic results allowing an outlook
on everyday use.
Table 1. Comparison of several supervised and unsupervised discriminative approaches: The
table shows the specific recognition accuracies in % for both test runs. (The first test run has 451,
second has 471 single observations.)
1st test run 2nd test run
Decision Tree 86.9 86.6
Support Vector Machine 85.8 85.6
Naive Bayes 77.2 70.9
k-Means (k = 35) 98.2 96.0
4.2 Data and Function Integration
The recorded motion and RFID sensor data are the basis for the activity recognition
component. In the intended overall architecture it will be combined with several other
technical components to form a mobile assistance system for care documentation. A
proper integration strategy is pursued in order to utilize data and services associated
with these components. This comprises sensor data streams, spatial and temporal data,
context and knowledge information, history and logging data, as well as multimedia
documents and healthcare records. Furthermore, components may offer special func-
tions and services towards applications.
These data and function sources can be characterized as being highly heteroge-
neous regarding their structure and semantics, autonomous, distributed and subject to
frequent changes, therewith describing a common integration problem [14]. Its solution
is expected to run automatically, that is, without the need for user interaction after it has
been implemented, allow for adaptations, and to stay both flexible and consistent across
evolution stages.
This is also demanded from the applications’ point of view, where the integration
approach mainly aims at building an extension to existing care documentation software
(CDS), and moreover, merging the MARIKA subsystems into a communication and
coordination platform for home healthcare.
To achieve this, we choose a mediator based integration approach, utilizing logical
views of the data, which is widely accepted as an applicable solution for such integra-
tion problems [15–17]. Here we follow the Local-as-View concept at first: The source
schemata are defined as views of a global schema. Data in the global schema is not
materialized, but made available dynamically on request. Its the mediator’s responsibil-
ity to translate queries from applications and to respond accordingly by means of those
view definitions. Resulting from this concept, the mediator will perform different tasks,
depending on the perspective, as depicted in Table 2.
Table 2. Tasks of the mediator based integration, from the sources’ perspective in contrast to the
applications’ perspective.
Sources’ Perspective Applications’ Perspective
Define local source schemata as views (within wrappers) Define unique, global schema
Provide data containers (tables) and function hooks Provide data and functions
Permit write access Permit read access
Deciding advantages of approaching an LaV model are that sources can be kept
distributed and autonomous, that changes of their schemata as well as adding or re-
moval of sources can be controlled better, thus allowing for easier maintenance and
evolution of the overall system. The global schema, representing the interface towards
applications, remains constant and does not need to be changed frequently. This meets
the requirements of the targeted users, namely healthcare instead of IT professionals, to
spare them the necessary adaptation and update procedures. A complicated query trans-
lation process is seen as the main drawback of the LaV concept, since it leads to poor
performance in case of frequent, complex queries. For now, these are not part of the
MARIKA use cases and can be disregarded. Evaluating the combination of concepts of
Local-as-View and Global-as-View to solve this problem, as proposed in literature [18,
19], is part of our future work.
A mediator based integration always implies the implementation of wrappers. They
wrap the information sources by imposing the local schemata on them, in the form of
views of the global schema. For our scenario different wrappers have to be defined for
the data and functions associated with the components listed above. Thereof, wrapping
sensor data streams is one of the demanding tasks in the integration process. To address
it, database system extensions for stream data processing are evaluated, which utilize
caching of data and allow for dropping irrelevant data based on filter mechanisms. This
is part of our idea to optimize the performance of the integrated system in the long term:
Data and processes which are not inherent in the final care documentation will, archi-
tecturally, be kept at a low level, that is inside of the wrapper. That applies particularly
to motion sensor data streams or GPS tracking data. On the other hand, information
and functions essential for the care documentation will be modeled at a higher level,
that is within the mediator, to ensure proper responsiveness of the applications above
it. That applies to more complex tasks like, for example, analyzing the convalescence
after an injury by comparing photos taken during the home care. Implementation of
the mediator and wrappers will focus on object-relational database techniques, which
have been standardized with SQL:1999 and further extended with SQL:2003 [20, 21].
They facilitate integration of the several subsystems by supporting user-defined data
types and methods in the data model. Furthermore, the foreign table concept defined in
the SQL/MED part of the standard allows for integrating sources residing at distributed
places and regardless of their SQL capabilities (SQL-aware and non-SQL-aware foreign
servers), [22]. Using these standardized techniques is supposed to be future-proof, since
external information systems could be integrated with less effort and tools adhering to
the standards would be available for modeling and implementation.
5 Conclusions and Future Work
Activity recognition and data and function integration are two important research areas
within the MARIKA project towards automatic healthcare documentation. A combina-
tion of sensor data, knowledge and context information, as well as spatial and temporal
data is needed to differentiate between activities in the nurse’s work flow. First tests are
described in this paper and first results show the feasibility of the approaches.
Regarding the activity recognition, our next steps will be, in close collaboration
with a home care service, to collect a much larger and more realistic out-of-lab dataset
recorded during the day-to-day work and integrating the RFID sensor data into the
recognition module. There are still open problems in integrating more data in the deci-
sion making process and more analysis is needed for increasing the recognition quality.
Implementation of the mobile assistance system will primarily focus on devices
conforming to Intel’s MCA specification. Case studies involving the home care service
personnel will be tackled to prove whether the features are suitable for our scenario and
whether performance of the overall system is sufficient for daily use.
These studies will also serve as basis for evaluation of the SQL-based, object-
relational integration approach, to clarify whether the Local-as-View concept is viable
or has to be extended with regard to the intended coordination and communication plat-
form. An evolution strategy for the integrated system will be developed in parallel, to
ensure its usability and maintainability in the future.
MARIKA [3] is funded by the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany, within the
scope of the “Landesforschungsschwerpunkt Mobile Assistenzsysteme” main research
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