An Observation of the Case of Project Management Education
Christine Michel and Patrick Prévôt
Laboratory LIESP, Univeristy of Lyon, INSA-Lyon
Bâtiment Léonard de Vinci 21, avenue Jean Capelle, F-69621, France
Keywords: KM, Expanded learning circle, Teaching by project, Project management education, Tutor activity.
Abstract: Project management education programmes are often proposed in higher education to give students
competences in project planning (Gantt’s chart), project organizing, human and technical resource
management, quality control and also social competences (collaboration, communication), emotional ones
(empathy, consideration of the other, humour, ethics), and organizational ones (leadership, political vision,
and so on). This training is often given according a training-by-project type of learning with case studies.
This article presents one course characterized by a pedagogical organization based upon Knowledge
Management (KM) concepts: knowledge transfer and construction throughout a learning circle and social
interactions. The course is supported by a rich and complex tutor organization. We have observed this
course by using another KM method inspired from KADS with various return of experience formalized into
cards and charts. Our intention is, according to the model of Argyris and Schön (Smith, 2001), to gain
feedback information about local and global processes and about actors’ experience in order to improve the
course. This paper describes precisely the course (pedagogical method and tutor activity) and the KM
observation method permitting to identify problem to solve. In our case, we observe problem of pedagogical
coordination and skills acquisition. We propose to design a metacognitive tool for tutors and students,
usable for improving knowledge construction and learning process organisation.
Training in project management is growing
significantly in higher education, particularly in
engineering schools and postgraduate schools.
Indeed, the study of Thomas & Mengel (2008) on
the evolution of this discipline in higher education
shows than between 2004 and 2007 the number of
programmes concerned with project management
education increased from 6982 to 12500 (an increase
of 79%). Training in project management education,
on the other hand, did not significantly change
during this period, in spite of the recommendations
and suggestions of the Project Management Institute
(PMI). The study of Thomas and Mengel shows that
training in project management education must take
into account, at the same time, ‘hard’ and ‘soft’
competences. Hard competences correspond to
knowing how to plan the project (Gantt’s chart), to
organize the project management, to manage
resources, to control quality, to handle follow-up and
closure (receipt) of the project, to use tools for
automation with mature technology, to
include/understand and formalize the customer
requirements, to organize the reporting of the
project, and to learn from its errors or good practice
(Manzil-e-Maqsood & Javed, 2007). Soft
competences correspond to social competences
(collaboration, communication), emotional ones
(empathy, consideration of the other, humour,
ethics), and organizational ones (leadership, political
vision, and so on) (Thomas & Mengel, 2008;
Berggren & Söderlund, 2008; Crawford et al., 2006).
The type of learning best adapted to this
education is training–by-project (Bredillet, 2008).
The creation process of knowledge and competences
is based upon social interaction and direct
experimentation. It substitutes to traditional type of
learning a dynamic of co-development, collective
responsibility and co-operation (Huber 2005). The
learner is an actor and the principal author of his/her
learning. A significant enrichment arises from
his/her activity, both for him/her and all the other
Michel C. and Prévôt P. (2009).
KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS FOR TRAINING BY PROJECT - An Observation of the Case of Project Management Education.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing, pages 129-134
DOI: 10.5220/0002288701290134
learners. A consequence of this training is to
segment the class into sub-grouped projects, driven
by tutors. However, the coordination and
harmonization of their activities is extremely
difficult to realize when each group functions
autonomously, on different subjects or in real and
varied environments (for example, enterprises) and
when, moreover, the project is conducted over long
periods (more than four weeks). Moreover, these
contexts make the perception of individual and
group activity difficult, especially if no technical
support regarding information and communication is
This article presents a project management
training course characterized by a pedagogical
organisation based upon training-by-project with
Knowledge Management (KM) concept. Indeed,
knowledge transfer and construction is made
according to a learning circle and social interactions.
As this is explained further, the course is supported
by a rich and complex tutor organization. In order to
analyze this formation, we have made an
observation through another KM method. Our
intention is, according to the model of Argyris and
Schön (Smith, 2001), to gain feedback information
about local and global processes and about actors’
experience in order to improve the course. This
paper describes precisely the course (pedagogical
method and tutor activity) and the KM observation
method permitting to identify problem to solve. In
our case, we observe problem of pedacogical
coordination and skills acquisition. We propose to
design a metacognitive tool for tutors and students,
usable for improving knowledge construction and
learning process organisation.
2.1 Organization of the Course
The course is composed of a theoretical presentation
on the principles and methods of project
management and their practical application to a
project (called ‘PCo’ for ‘collective project’) carried
out in groups (12 groups of eight students working
on different industrial needs). Envisaged by Patrick
Prévôt (Prévôt, 2008), the project management
course lasts six months and corresponds to an
investment of approximately 3000 student working
hours per project. The teaching objectives (Dpt GI,
2008) are to acquire hard and soft competences
previously cited. The teaching team is composed by
24 tutors (2 tutors technical and management per
project group), two managers (technical and
management) charged to coordinate the activities of
respectively technical and management tutors, a
teacher presenting theoretical concepts and a
coordinator/director responsible for the organization
of the learning and training of all the groups.
The project is structured in four phases (Perrier,
2008). (1) November : response to the call for
tender (formalization of the client’s requirements.)
(2) December : master plan (means, tools and
organization of the team project) definition of tools
to drive the project (dashboard) and rules to test the
quality of deliverables (rules of receipt). (3) January
to March : production (of a product or a study). (4)
Until mid-April : deliverable of project closure
writing : technical report which describes the
product and management report which is an
analysis, from the student’s point of view, of the
flow and problems of the project. The project is
closed by one dramatized presentation in front of all
the actors of the project
2.2 Teaching Model
This formation is specifically interesting according
the KM research point of view because the
experiential learning model used is closely linked to
the Kolb circle (Cortez et al., 2008) or the Nonaka
SECI circle (Nonaka et al., 2000) which explain the
dynamic construction of the knowledge . Training is
organized according to a loop of concrete
experience, reflective observation, abstract
conceptualization, presentation and active
experimentation. Knowledge is acquired via active
steps by the learner. Socio-constructive approaches
add the use of the personal and social construction
More precisely in our course, the type of
learning is organized according to Berggren’s
expanded learning circle (see Figure 1) which adds
to the usual experiential model two concepts:
reflection/articulation and enaction (Berggren &
Söderlund 2008).
Personnal Ex
and social
Diffusion and implementation
Figure 1: Expanded learning circle.
The experience of the student is a result of the
education process constructed by following the
KMIS 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
small right circle or the large eight-form expanded
circle. The articulation phase corresponds to
debriefing discussion and debate driven by the tutor
(one face-to-face discussion per week) or student
project manager. The theoretical concepts of the
courses, for example, are discussed, analyzed and
understood through the reality of the project and the
technical tutors take a large part in animating these
phases. Conversely, the management tutors present
and discuss with team the ‘soft’ competences which
are needed or already exist. This work is strongly
linked with reflections phase (especially reflective
observations). Reflective observation are realized in
some cases in a tacit way after these discussions
with tutors or in a more formal way in the
management report or through the deliverables of
production. In this case, reflection is articulated with
conceptualization actions and helps to realize the
‘hard’ and ‘soft’ competences constructed. This is
also the occasion for each individual to express
his/her personal experience. By combining reflective
perception, reflections (helped with articulation
actions) and previous experience, the student is able
to understand and apply theoretical concepts in the
real project by following the tutor’s instruction
concerning personal and social actions useful for the
project. It helps to construct the student’s experience
regarding the teaching objectives. The student is
able also to choose and define his/her personal and
social actions and construct another unique
experience not so well formalized by the teaching
Another characteristic of our teaching model is
to promote investigative action on the one hand, and
enaction and diffusion actions on the other. Indeed,
most of the course in project management consists
of realizing a well known project (case study). In our
case, investigative action is emphasized by the fact
that students have to solve a real industrial problem
without a predefined solution. It gives more of a
challenge and motivates knowledge construction.
The enaction and diffusion process is realized in
dramatized representations. They have the same
objective of supporting the reflection and
conceptualization needed for students to realize the
experience they gain, but also take part in a KM
diffusion process, between project team, teaching
team and scholar department. Students present here
their good and bad practices, and their feelings and
judgements about the formation and the tutors.
This circle of ‘experience, articulation,
reflection, action’ is the foundation of teaching-by-
project type of learning which resolution of a
problem is combined with socio-constructivism
theories (as previously illustrated by Gibbons’ point
of view). It helps with the construction of knowledge
and supports individual motivation. Indeed, the fact
of having to confront different points of view helps
the cognitive process and reinforces social
motivation. Often, formations in project
management education highlight the role of action
and experimentation. As does Berggren (Berggren &
Söderlund, 2008), we consider that articulation
between action and reflection is also fundamental
because it supports the evolution of behaviour and
we propose to use it in other contexts like lifelong
professional learning for example (Michel, 2008).
More than ‘trained technicians’, we want to form
‘reflective practitioners’ as Crawford said (Crawford
et al., 2006), who are able to choose how to learn
and evolve according to future unknown contexts.
3.1 Method of Observation
The methodology used is adapted from MKSM
model and KADS model (Dieng et al., 2005). These
methods, starting from documents produced by an
organization and talks with the actors, model
complex industrial systems by identifying and inter-
relating various concepts: product, actor, activity,
rules and constraint. Each concept is defined on a
card. The ICARE (information, constraint, activity,
rule, entity) cards describe any object precisely
intervening in the process. The RISE (reuse,
improve and share experiment) cards describe any
problem occurring during the process and specify
the contexts, solutions suggested or
recommendations. The elements described in the
ICARE and RISE cards were organized overall in a
chart which shows their interrelationships. The
adaptation of methods MKSM and KADS to our
context was carried out with the assistance of the
director of Airbus’s KM service (Toulouse), Rene
The effective observation was carried out by a
group of fifth year Industrial Engineering students as
the framework of a KM course. The student used
various sources of observation: the formal
documentation produced within the framework of
PCo (management report, tutor guides, rules of
evaluation), experience feedback (return of
experience called REX)) and transfer of expertise
(expertise transfer called EXTRA) of the actors of
Management Education
the project. The REX were provided by the students
themselves (they gave feedback on their own
experience of the previous year when they were
involved with the PCo) and by tutors. The EXTRA
was provided with the director of the formation and
tutors managers in order to formalize precisely their
activities and responsibilities. The use of the
student’s REX was made directly by expressing their
experiments in ICARE and RISE cards. This REX
was made with 60 students (over two years) who had
been involved with a PCo. The tutors’ REX and
EXTRA were done according to semi-directing talks
directed and registered by students and then used to
write ICARE and RISE cards. The information was
provided by the director, six tutors and three
students currently leading projects in the PCo
3.2 Analysis of Problems Related to
Tutor Activity
The problems experienced were expressed or
described in 36 RISE cards. The majority relate to
the management of the team work by the team itself
and the teaching organization of the project.
Nevertheless, many of cards mentioned problems
concerning evaluation, presence, coherence and
coordination of tutors. The students expressed a
feeling of injustice concerning the individual
evaluation because the notation is the same for all
the members of the project (with about + or -2 points
according to their investment), even if the students
have invested themselves little or less than others.
The tutors also universally expressed their
impotence as regards being able to concretely
evaluate the students individually. This impotence is
explained by the intuitive and tacit character of the
evaluations, by the lack of traceability of the
students’ actions, and by the absence of discussion
with their colleagues. Some students underlined
deficit of communication or missing presence of
some tutors. Others mentioned deficit of coherence,
coordination and diffusion of information
concerning, for example, the instructions (which
were described as ambiguous or contradictory) given
to the various groups or concerning the way to
practically apply the theoretical concepts.
If we observe more precisely the tutor activity
we can said that this problem is not surprising.
Indeed, the roles of the tutors are varied. Indeed, we
describe in (Michel, 2009) and according to Garrot’s
taxonomy (Garrot, 2008) how tutors play various
role like social and intellectual catalyst, mediator,
individualizer or autonomizer for soft skills
acquisition, or the role of relational coach for
working in group and leadership skill, and also roles
of pedagogue, content expert, ‘evaluator’ and
‘qualimetror’ (i.e. quality measurer) for hard skills.
Moreover the tutor number is large (24 tutors and 3
managers), and they have to work to a unique and
non reproductible project. They work with student
most of time in face-to-face and no organisation,
communication or capitalization tool is used. For
example, no specific tool for supervision is currently
proposed to the tutors for the follow-up of student
activities or their notation. The appreciation of
student activity is done in an implicit way, according
to the number and the quality of face-to-face
student–tutor interactions. In terms of
communication and coordination, each tutor works
individually with his/her group and does not
communicate systematically with his/her technical
or management opposite in order to have a complete
vision of the group activity.
(Billois et al., 2009) have more specifically
studied how to solve these problems with technical
support based upon dashboards. Dashboards are
devices of supervision built by the project leader in
the second step of the PCo. It’s a team supervision
tool given to student various information (total
working time, delays, etc.) used to help the
progression of the project. We briefly present in the
next section some results of this study.
3.3 Study of Technically Supported
The study of the use of dashboard (Billois et al.,
2009) showed that this tool is in fact little used. It
exclusively remains a theoretical exercise, carried
out by the leader of the project and almost never
consulted by the other members of the project.
In order to improve the dashboard and the
pedagogical process, Billois et al (2009) consider
useful to add other communication and supervision
function. Indeed, to complete the historical
dashboard which corresponds to Team feedback
supervision tool (highlight by a bold rectangle), he
propose an evolution with the opening-up of a
student feedback supervision tool presenting
individual indicators (morale, working hours, and so
on), the opening-up of personal and team blog and
view of tutor’s schedule to facilitate contact.
We models all the propositions in Fig 2. The
mode of consultation (publication
control/reading/writing) is represented by various
KMIS 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
Projet leader
Team feedback
Moral, Skills,
Working time,
Activities, work in progress
Team Zone
Personal zone
Publication/leader control
Team Blog
Figure 2: Advanced dashboard.
The evolutions were submitted to the tutors and
to three project leaders currently in formation. Type
of use and opening-up is considered as useful
because it permit to student to train a management
tool and so, by experiencing it, to better understand
hard competences or soft ones (like team force for
example). Spaces for expression regarding the
project and each member were particularly
appreciated both by the tutors and the project
leaders. Indeed, the project leader give the example
of the ‘state of mind indicator’ of the ‘incident
indicator’ which gain to be contextualized so as to
allow the tutor and the project leader to be aware of
situations, to understand the reasons for the
dysfunction and to initiate a dialogue with the
members of the project. Reciprocally that makes it
possible for the members to be aware of the state of
mind of the project leader and thus to be more
quickly given responsibilities. A space for
communication intra-project does not seem desirable
to the student whereas it is judged to be a good idea
by the tutors. Concerning the historical dashboard
(Team feedback), the actors are overall satisfied
with the current type and form of the indicators and
propose a small addition. The students wish, for
example, to have the assistance of there tutors or
project leader concerning with the skills needed for
the project realization and strategies to develop them
(like example for training or book to reading for
example). In a more general way, they are asking for
more discussion and formalism on this point. This
would reassure them by providing a global vision
about their mission and would allow better
distribution of the training and activity for each
member of the project.
The studies of the project management course by
KM method and especially the REX observation and
the RISE cards show a lot of waiting concerning the
support of tutors’ activities. All actors are asking for
new means of coordination and collaboration with
the students and between tutors. Tutors express
difficulty with playing their teaching role. The
solution under consideration is to design an
‘advanced’ dashboard (supervision, communication
and collaboration tool) adapted from the current
ones. This solution would make provide a support
for several of the tutors’ roles, in particular those of
pedagogue, evaluator and ‘qualimetror’ (i.e. quality
measurer), by tracing the activities of the student
and having direct access to their contributions. The
use of the ‘advanced’ dashboard is particularly
adapted to our teaching model, which is based on the
expanded learning circle (Berggren & Söderlund,
2008) of Kolb (Cortez et al., 2008). The articulation
between conceptualization and experimentation
concerns various pedagogical tasks and activities
and is usual in all project management training. The
originality of our approach is to also consider
articulation between action (experimentation or
conceptualization) and reflexive practices. Indeed,
like Berggren (Berggren & Söderlund, 2008) we
think that project management education training
highlights the role of experimentation and that it is
necessary to balance teaching action with reflection.
Indeed, this combination is well placed to
accompany an evolution of behaviour in terms of
skills (management, communication, collaboration
and all ‘soft’ competences) and natural reaction (to
be able to learn how to learn and evolve in
surprising or unknown situations) by supporting the
students’ capacity to self-critically analyse. This
capacity results mainly from the training activities
carried out with the tutors and must be more
supported. The dashboard proposition presented is
good and must be useful but the indicators have to
be rethought. Nevertheless, the results of
observation and discussion with tutors and students
have allowed us to realize that the dashboard takes
on the role of a metacognitive tool. According to
Azevedo (Azevedo, 2007) the term ‘metacognitive
tool’ serves two goals: (1) acknowledging the role of
metacognition in learning complex topics with
CBLEs (computer based learning environments) and
(2) extending the original classification of
“computers as cognitive tools” by acknowledging
the complexity of self-regulatory processes during
learning with CBLEs. He states that the learners’
self-regulatory processes may consider: cognition
(e.g., activating prior knowledge, planning, creating
sub-goals, learning strategies), metacognition (e.g.,
the feeling of knowing, judgment of learning,
content evaluation), motivation (e.g., self-efficacy,
task value, interest, effort), or behaviour (e.g.,
Management Education
engaging in help-seeking behaviour, modifying
learning conditions, handling task difficulties and
demands). Several of these concepts appear in the
dashboard and need to be refined, such as motivation
(which is global to the team) or cognition (which is
currently represented very superficially by the ‘skill
acquired’). Others clearly are missing and
correspond to tutors’ or students’ needs. We think,
for example, of the need for judgements on the skills
acquired, or the need for collaboration in the
definition of training strategies which concern the
fields of cognition and metacognition. Lastly, this
type of tool can directly contribute to the realization
of the management tutor’s roles of ‘meta-catalyst’,
individualizer and autonomizer. Indeed, because it is
impossible currently to automatically have the
smoothness of perception of the tutor, concerning
the social form of the team and the complexity of
human psychologies, we think that the teaching
activity of debriefing must continue to be carried out
in face-to-face discussion, as is currently the case.
Nevertheless the tutor must be able to be helped in
his individual perception and his memorizing by
technical supports like the content of personal and
collective zones of expression and feedback.
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KMIS 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing