Evolutionary Perspective
Oxana Lapteva
Computational Linguistics Research Group, Department of English and Romance Languages
University of Kassel, Kassel, Germany
Evolution, Frequency-based approach, Natural language, Digital environments.
The mechanisms of language change and variation provide an important input for any system development
in the context of its dynamic character, self-organisational aspects and evolution. This work considers a
different view on the evolution (in comparison with biological and cultural explanations) and its underlying
laws by looking at usage frequency. It aims to explore the mechanisms and driving forces of natural language
evolution and link them to the research of Digital Ecosystems involving design and implementation of systems.
The frequency-based approach explaining the natural language change and variation can be effectively applied
to the evolving formal systems (networks, knowledge spaces, dynamic interfaces, etc.). This paper presents
and discusses a simple but very powerful mechanism of evolution: frequency.
The mechanisms of language change and variation
provide an important input for any system develop-
ment in the context of its dynamic character, self-
organisational aspects and evolution. Starting with
the investigation of natural language change and vari-
ation, this work aims to find the core-mechanisms
of evolution and self-organisation and apply them to
the domain of Digital Ecosystems (Dini et al., 2005;
Briscoe and Wilde, 2006).
This research establishes a different view on evo-
lution (in comparison with the biological and cultural
explanations) and its underlying laws by looking at
the usage frequency. The linguistic view provides
interesting insights into the research of evolutionary
processes and mechanisms occurring in digital envi-
ronments, not only in respect to the formal languages
and formal representations, but also to a system’s
design. The frequency-based approach is a neces-
sary prerequisite for interfaces, knowledge platforms,
distributed systems, and others. Hence, the integra-
tion of “natural”(e.g. human language) and “formal”
(e.g. formal languages, interfaces, formal knowledge
spaces) constituents existing within Digital Ecosys-
tems is the leitmotif of this research.
2.1 Overview
Within the scope of natural language evolution, one
of the crucial questions discussed in the literature is
“how is the human language system transmitted? Is
it primarily in a genetic fashion (through the human
genome)? Or is it primarily in a cultural fashion
(through learning)?” (Steels, 2004, p. 72).
The biological and cultural impacts on language
evolution provide interesting insights into its roots,
mechanisms and driving forces. However, each the-
ory has its own drawbacks (Steels, 2004). The cul-
tural view which assumes learning as the underlying
mechanism of language evolution still has a problem
of explaining the mechanisms of sharing. The bio-
logical approach, by contrast, faces the problem of
explaining the rapid rise and spread of new language
items (e.g. new concepts) in human languages. Con-
sider, for example, the technological progress forcing
the enormous expansion of our vocabulary and the
rapid semantic change of words. Many concepts of
the Internet are already a stable part of human vocab-
ulary: home page, server, browser, e-mail, and oth-
ers. Another issue the biological view may face is the
question of storage. According to Worden (Worden,
1995), humans do not have enough storage in genetic
Lapteva O. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence, pages 314-317
DOI: 10.5220/0002335003140317
form for such a huge amount of data (i.e. all types
of linguistic information) they need to process day by
What is missing is an underlying mechanism that
can explain the processes of change and variation in
any system. Recent research of language evolution
reveals that a simple (but very powerful) mechanism
of frequency can explain the complex processes of
change and variation (Haspelmath, 2008a; Haspel-
math, 2008b).
2.2 Power and Efficiency
What are the potential triggers and motivations of lan-
guage change? Can we find them in other systems?
There are two important characteristics that exist not
only in the context of natural language change and
variation, but also within the scope of human commu-
nication, Digital Ecosystems, Human-Computer In-
terfaces and many other systems. These are power
and efficiency that compete in the evolutionary pro-
cess. Power is related to the “relative ability of the
system to transmit the information or manage the so-
cial relationships that might be relevant to survive”,
whereas efficiency is the “relative ability to commu-
nicate rapidly and at low cost in energy” (Oller, 2004,
p. 51) .
The principle of efficiency shows up in a variety
of ways. One illustrative example is the fact that most
common words are short and often (depending on the
language) monosyllabic. Furthermore, we refer to the
aspect of efficiency as a “Principle of Least Effort”
or Zipfs law (Figure 1). According to this princi-
Figure 1: Zipfian Distribution.
ple, “the rank of a word (in terms of its frequency)
is approximately inversely proportional to its actual
frequency” (Tullo and Hurford, 2003). The Zipfian
distribution applied to the different aspects of natural
language (e.g. syntax, morphology, symbolic refer-
ence, and others) can explain the “emergence of irreg-
ularities in language” (Tullo and Hurford, 2003) and
“a certain combinatorial property of words, connect-
edness [...]” (Cancho et al., 2005). The last aspect
is especially crucial in the context of dynamic knowl-
edge systems (e.g. ontologies evolution, dynamic ver-
sioning, self-organised collaborative tagging).
Efficiency in natural language is tied up with the
process of simplification. Abbreviation and different
kinds of shortening of complex structures are usu-
ally based on the usage frequency, in other words, we
tend to minimize the size of frequent words in our
vocabulary. To illustrate this aspect, three most com-
mon mechanisms of simplification can be named: ab-
breviation/acronyms (TV – television, Radar RAdio
Detection And Ranging, Laser Light Amplification
by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation), clipping
(Phone telephone, Zoo zoological garden, Fax
facsimile transmission), and blending (Vegeburger
vegetarian + hamburger, Smog – smoke + fog, Motel
– motor + hotel).
On the other hand, the power influences the lan-
guage change and variation as well. Consider, for
example, such mechanisms as metaphor (the word
mouse as a “rodent” got a new meaning, a “computer
device”) and metonymy (The White House tried to
avoid the scandal refers to the representatives of the
White House). These are the mechanisms that lead to
innovations, expressiveness, and understanding in our
language system.
At first glance, the power seems to be independent
of the frequency. However, the survival of complex
structures depends on their statistical properties. The
simplification is not equal to the structural reduction
like shortening in word’s length. It occurs in different
fashions at different structural levels of organisation.
Hence, natural language has an amazing capacity of
balance between efficiency and power. And the un-
derlying mechanism of this balance is the frequency.
3.1 Language System versus Digital
Environments: Evolutionary
Can we apply the frequency-based approach and its
findings to the digital environments? The proposed
perspective helps to understand the driving forces of
natural language change and variations. This is true
not only for human populations, but also for digital
environments. When language is spoken in different
areas, changes that occur in one area do not necessary
spread to or influence other areas. The same dynam-
ics have to be true for the distributed, self-organised
digital worlds. Abstractly speaking, we can say that
different peers (in our case languages) interact with
each other at different levels of organisation. And
the change (evolution) of a system depends on the
strength of connectivity between these peers.
The frequency-based theory (Haspelmath, 2008b)
leads towards a theoretical framework of evolution
(not only language evolution, but also evolutionary
processes occurring in digital environments) through
explaining the mechanisms of change, variation and
Consider, for example, the communication pro-
cesses between users based on any knowledge sys-
tem. When one user introduces a new expression into
the knowledge system (for example, a new name for
a business product), the survival of it depends on how
often other language users use it while their commu-
nicative contacts. In terms of the peer-to-peer net-
works, the strength of the “language”-peer depends
on its connections, i.e. frequency of use. Through
this mechanism, the self-organisational aspects of lan-
guage and knowledge systems can be explained and
traced. Furthermore, taking usage frequency into con-
sideration helps to design an adaptive (e.g. to the user
needs) system.
3.2 Language Networks and their
The statistical properties of language networks (co-
occurrence, syntactic, semantic, or others) provide
valuable information about the processes of language
development and evolution at different levels of or-
ganisation (e.g. individual and group levels). Further-
more, since the network structure underlies the repre-
sentation of knowledge in digital environments, fur-
ther investigations of their dynamics are necessary.
In general, the language as a complex dynamical
system can be analysed through the lens of network
topology (Figure 2). As Sole and colleagues (Sole
et al., 2005) have pointed out:
It exhibits highly intricate network structures
at all levels (phonetic, lexical, syntactic, se-
mantic) and this structure is to some extend
shaped and reshaped by millions of language
users over long periods of time, as they adapt
and change them to their needs as part of on-
going local interactions (p.3).
These types of language networks provide a useful
landscape for studying evolution with regard to the
Figure 2: Network Topology (Huang et al., 2005).
language elements at different linguistic levels. More-
over, the language network approach can be used for
analysing language transmission and change at the in-
tersection between individuals and/or communities,
e.g. the emergence of language through individual in-
teractions. Language networks reveal two basic fea-
tures (Liu et al., 2008):
“small world” structure
Cancho and Sol
e (Cancho and Sol
e, 2001) dis-
covered that the “average distance between two
words, d (i.e. the average minimum number of
links to be crossed from an arbitrary word to an-
other), is shown to be d 2-3” (p. 2261).
“scale-free” topology
A variety of recent investigations of language net-
works provides evidence of the scale-free topol-
ogy (Motter et al., 2002; Liu and Hu, 2008;
asi et al., 2003; Ferreira et al., 2006).
The statistical behaviour of language networks
provides a valuable input to the questions of the evo-
lution, i.e. how the system emerges, changes and
varies. In Digital Ecosystems, the aspect of knowl-
edge representation involving natural language be-
comes crucial.
The frequency-based approach helps to explain the
driving forces of natural language change and vari-
ations. Since this is true not only for humans, but also
for digital environments, we see a strong connection
to “formal” systems. One of the important consider-
ations to be taken into account is that a system will
always change. To make this process dynamic and
natural (e.g. self-organised), the statistical properties
of usage have to be investigated. The basic law fre-
quent use simplification has different kinds of ap-
pearance that mirror the power and economy of any
system (language, network, digital environment).
In its infancy, this research opens a new dimen-
sion of critical questions. It is important to emphasize
that the frequency-based approach does not focus on
the origin of an element in a system (e.g. how and
IJCCI 2009 - International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence
why an element occurred in a system). Rather – once
it is there – how it develops, interacts with other enti-
ties, changes and influences more complex structures.
From this perspective, the frequency-based approach
seems to provide an explanation of the evolutionary
processes occurring in any system. It opens a new
perspective of looking at the problem of evolution in
“natural” system and link the findings to digital envi-
ronments. From the linguistic point of view, there is
still a lot of research to be done. The role of frequency
has been analysed in a variety of languages. However,
an intricate question “is this frequency-based hypoth-
esis true for every language?” still remains unan-
swered. Furthermore, the aspect of network topolo-
gies needs further investigations. The role of fre-
quency in different types of networks would provide
more general picture of the evolutionary processes.
The understanding of underlying laws and forces
of language evolution helps with creating systems
that are both adaptable to user needs and are self-
organised. As Grudin and Norman (Grudin and Nor-
man, 1991) pointed out:
the analyses of natural languages and design
of interactive computer systems reveal many
of the same pressures. In both communication
media, these pressures lead to innovations in
the structure of the medium, inconsistencies,
and a continual tension between expressive-
ness, ease of use, ease of understanding, and
ease of learning.
These pressures seem to be the power and efficiency
underlain by the mechanism of frequency. Therefore,
consideration of this aspect needs to be taken into
account during the design and development of a dy-
namic system (knowledge systems, networks, and in-
terfaces), in general, and specific algorithms that build
up such a system, in particular.
This research is conducted as part of the task
“Evolutionary Framework for Language” within the
interdisciplinary project (Network of Excellence)
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