Automatic Decomposition of a Multiclass Task with Probability Estimates
Cristina Garcia Cifuentes and Marc Sturzel
EADS Innovation Works, CTO-IW-SI-IS, 12, rue Pasteur, 92152 Suresnes, France
Keywords: Machine learning, Classification, Multiclass, Calibration, Isotonic regression, Output codes, ECOC,
coupling, Probability estimates, Logical fusion.
Abstract: Multiclass classification is the core issue of many pattern recognition tasks. In some applications, not only
the predicted class is important but also the confidence associated to the decision. This paper presents a
complete framework for multiclass classification that recovers probability estimates for each class. It
focuses on the automatic configuration of the system so that no user-provided tuning is needed. No
assumption about the nature of data or the number of classes is done either, resulting in a generic system. A
suitable decomposition of the original multiclass problem into several biclass problems is automatically
learnt from data. State-of-the-art biclass classifiers are optimized and their reliabilities are assessed and
considered in the combination of the biclass predictions. Quantitative evaluations on different datasets show
that the automatic decomposition and the reliability assessment of our system improve the classification rate
compared to other schemes, as well as it provides probability estimates of each class. Besides, it simplifies
considerably the user effort to use the framework in a specific problem, since it adapts automatically.
Many supervised machine learning tasks can be
formulated as a multiclass classification problem:
object detection and recognition (e.g. for video-
surveillance), image mining and categorization (e.g.
for large database management or for intelligence
tasks), etc. In many applications not only the
performance in the classification task is important,
but also the capability of the system to recover the
posterior probabilities of each class, or at least the
ability to somehow assess the reliability of the
decision. This case appears for example in data
mining, where estimated probabilities can be used to
rank the elements of a database with regards to the
considered query. In other operational cases,
probabilities are even explicitly required by the end-
users (e.g. in order to help deciding whether or not
an alarm should be raised).
This article focuses on multiclass tasks which
represent the main issues for real-world systems.
Some machine learning models (e.g. decision trees
and neural networks) are able to naturally handle
multiple classes. Others (e.g. boosting and support-
vector machines) were conceived for distinguishing
between only two classes and their extension to
multiclass is more problematic (Allwein et al, 2000).
In such cases the multiclass problem is typically
decomposed into many biclass classification
problems which are solved separately and then
combined to make the final decision. This approach
is attractive because it enables the usage of any kind
of pre-existing classifiers which provides huge
computational enhancements when hardware
acceleration already exists, for instance on DSPs or
1.1 Related Work
Many possible decompositions of a k-class problem
into l binary problems have been proposed: one-
against-all, leading to k problems of discrimination
between one class and all others; all-pairs (Hastie
and Tibshirani, 1998), that compares all possible
pairs of classes, error-correcting output codes
(ECOC) (Dietterich and Bakiri, 1995), a method
which associates each class to a word of an error-
correcting code. The latter can be represented by a
coding matrix
M ∈ {−1,+1}
for some l, each row
being one word of the code and each column
inducing a biclass problem. Allwein et al (2000)
suggested a unifying generalization of all three
Garcia Cifuentes C. and Sturzel M. (2010).
HOW TO LEARN A LEARNING SYSTEM - Automatic Decomposition of a Multiclass Task with Probability Estimates.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Artificial Intelligence, pages 589-594
DOI: 10.5220/0002725005890594
Figure 1: Example of coding matrix. The decomposition
into binary problems can be represented by a matrix
M ∈ {−1,0,+1}
, where k is the number of classes and l
the number of induced binary problems. If M(c,b) = +1,
the examples of the class c are considered to be positive
examples for the binary classification problem b. If
M(c,b) = −1, they are considered negative. If M(c,b) = 0,
the examples of class c are not used to train b.
approaches by taking the matrix from the larger set
Since its appearance, the significance of the
coding strategy has being brought into question. The
ECOC method was originally motivated by error-
correcting principles, assuming that the learning task
can be modeled as a communication problem, in
which class information is transmitted over a
channel. From the perspective of error-correcting
theory, it is desirable that codewords are far from
each other. Allwein et al (2000) deduced a bound on
the generalization error that confirms this. However,
they noted that this may lead to difficult binary
problems. Guruswami and Sahai (1999) argued that
one reason why the powerful theorems from coding
theory cannot be directly applied to prove stronger
bounds on the performance of the ECOC approach is
that in the classification context errors made by
binary classifiers do not occur independently. Dekel
and Singer (2003) considered the fact that
predefined output codes ignore the complexity of the
induced binary problems, and proposed an approach
in which the set of classifiers and the code are found
concurrently. On our side, we still rely on the error-
correcting properties of codes, but only as a point of
departure to build our final coding matrix. As for the
issues of the correlation and the difficulty of binary
tasks, we deal with both by empirically assessing the
joint performance of the set of classifier. Thus, our
approach guarantees the choice of informative and
complementary binary classifiers.
Coupled with the issue of finding an appropriate
decomposition, the other major issue concerns the
design of a suitable combining strategy for inferring
the correct class given the set of outputs. Allwein et
al (2000) recalled Hamming decoding and proposed
loss-based decoding as an alternative for margin-
based classifiers. However, this decoding paradigm
does not deal with our aim to recover the probability
of each class.
In order to obtain probability estimates, Kong
and Dietterich (1997) and Hastie and Tibshirani
(1998) proposed combining methods for ECOC and
all-pairs respectively. Zadrozny (2001) extended the
latter to the general matrices of Allwein et al (2000).
Nevertheless, in these works the design of a code for
a given multiclass problem is not considered and the
individual biclass classifiers are assumed to return
probabilities, which is not always the case. In order
to fuse the outputs of such a set of classifiers, a
calibration is needed first, as indicated by Zadrozny
and Elkan (2002). Our framework deals with all
these issues in an efficient and generic way.
In parallel to the work on the decomposition into
binary problems, the design of a multiclass
algorithm that treats all classes simultaneously has
been addressed, among others, by Zou et al (2005).
In particular, they suggested a multiclass SVM.
However, it does not focus on discovering the
probabilities of each class. Instead, the output is a
vector of scores, which we cannot calibrate
effectively with the techniques proposed so far on
restricted databases due to the curse of
dimensionality. Besides, we prefer not being bound
to a particular classifier; indeed, our framework can
for instance exploit simultaneously SVMs and
AdaBoost classifiers: the system is free to select the
most appropriate model according to the data and its
1.2 Overview of the System
We present a multiclass classification framework
which fits automatically any multiclass classification
task, regardless of the nature and amount of data or
the number of classes. We follow the approach of
decomposing into several biclass problems and then
combining the biclass predictions. This is
qualitatively motivated by two main aspects: the aim
to recover probability estimates for each class given
limited learning data and the existence of high-
performing biclass methods.
As first main contribution, we propose a scheme
to automatically learn an appropriate decomposition
given training data and a user-defined measure of
performance (Section 2.1), which avoids too
correlated or too difficult biclass classification
problems which are maladjusted to the particular
multiclass task. The obtained biclass problems are
solved by means of state-of-the-art classifiers, which
are automatically optimized and calibrated.
Calibration (Section 2.2) allows the classifiers to
provide probability estimates, and thus makes it
possible to take into account their different
binary classifiers
+1 +1 +1 +1 0 –1
0 –1 –1 +1 +1 –1
–1 +1 -1 0 –1 –1
–1 0 +1 –1 –1 +1
ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
reliabilities in the combination step. Then, the
biclass outputs are combined into a probability
distribution among all the classes (Section 2.3).
Furthermore, our system can fuse several probability
distributions when many observations of a same
object are available. A decision can then be made
regarding the class with the highest probability, but a
further step may be done in order to get one score
per class that has better ranking properties than
individual probabilities alone: this makes the system
especially suitable for multiclass ranking tasks
(Section 2.4). Experimental results and conclusions
are presented in Sections 3 and 4.
2.1 Matrix Learning
The decomposition into binary problems can be
represented by a coding matrix (Fig. 1). The number
of possible matrices explodes with the number of
classes. Considering all of them is neither possible
nor interesting. Instead, we propose a heuristic
method which is compatible with practical
constraints of computational cost and constructs a
matrix with good properties with regards to the
nature of data. More particularly, we limit our search
to a maximal number of columns, and we select
among them a subset which leads to good
We do not use a matrix which is necessarily a
strict error-correcting code. Such codes are difficult
to generate for each possible number of columns,
and the integrity and properties of the code would
not be guaranteed due to deletion of invalid or
redundant columns (e.g. a column with equal
elements, or two columns which are the logical
negative of each other). Anyway, the correcting
properties are useful only if the classifiers are
sufficiently uncorrelated, which depends not only on
the properties of the matrix but also the nature of the
data. Thus, as alternative to the matrix being exactly
a code, we rather use a code only as a base for
building the matrix. Concretely, we choose a fixed
BCH code of 32 words 15 bits long, and with
Hamming distance between words of at least 7,
which is enough for a reasonable number of classes
(for very high number of classes – in our case
greater than 32 – another code should be generated
as initialization point; an approach based on random
matrices might be computationally less expensive).
With this code and a given number of classes k, we
obtain a sufficiently large set of columns –
presumably with better correcting properties than a
random matrix – by taking all k × 1 sub-matrices as
potential columns (redundant or invalid columns are
ignored). We denote the set of columns as
Next, we want to find the optimal subset of
columns, as keeping all of them may not be the most
appropriate solution; besides we may have
constraints in the prediction time. The user may
provide a performance measure σ adapted to their
operational needs. Our target is defined as
where ℘(ϑ) is the power set of ϑ.
An optimization procedure such as a genetic
algorithm is suitable to select the subset of columns,
as the search space is potentially large and many
local optima may lead to a non-convex cost function.
The evaluation of any subset is based on its
empirical performance on a validation set of data
according to the user’s criterion (e.g. related to the
global error rate; or the worst of error rates
associated to each class). In particular, all the biclass
classifiers corresponding to the maximal matrix are
trained and their predictions on the validation data
are pre-computed; any subset of columns can then
be quickly evaluated.
Once the definitive k × l coding matrix has been
determined, the corresponding classifiers can be
optimized. We choose them by means of cross-
validation among different learning algorithms (e.g.
boosting, SVM) and their respective parameters (e.g.
weak classifier or kernel type). These biclass
classifiers are then trained and calibrated. Doing this
optimization after the correcting-code selection only
marginally affects performance, but leads to reduced
computational cost: this is required from a pragmatic
point of view when large number of classes and
large databases are considered.
2.2 Calibration
Many biclass learning algorithms map the input to a
score whose sign indicates if the input has been
classified as positive or negative and whose
magnitude can be taken as a measure of confidence
in the prediction (Allwein et al, 2000; Zadrozny and
Elkan, 2002). However, the scores from different
classifiers are not directly comparable, even for
classifiers of the same kind (partial sums of boosted
classifiers, for example, have no intrinsic scale).
HOW TO LEARN A LEARNING SYSTEM - Automatic Decomposition of a Multiclass Task with Probability Estimates
Calibration consists in finding the mapping from raw
scores to accurate probability estimates, which are
needed when we want to combine the classification
output with other sources of information. We can
think of a score as a non-linear projection of the
example into a 1-dimensional space, which
presumably corresponds to the direction that best
discriminates between the two classes. Calibration
attempts to regain some of the lost information in
this projection.
The straightforward way of calibrating consists
in dividing the possible scores into segments and
calculating the empirical probability in each of them.
The choice of the segment sizes is a trade-off
between a sufficiently fine representation of the
mapping function and a sufficiently accurate
estimate in each interval. Zadrozny and Elkan
(2002) made a review of two methods for calibrating
two-class classifiers – Platt’s method and binning
and introduced a method based on isotonic
regression. We avoid parametric methods (e.g.
Platt’s) as the relation between SVM scores and
empirical probabilities does not necessarily fit a
predefined function for all datasets and all learning
algorithms. Binning guarantees a minimum number
of examples in each segment, but it does not
maintain the idea of local averaging and the number
of bins has to be chosen. Isotonic calibration only
imposes the mapping to be non-decreasing, which is
an interesting way of regularizing given that scores
are supposed to be a measure of confidence in the
prediction. In our framework, isotonic regression is
preferred, because of its nice compromise between
regularity and local fitting, adapting automatically to
the training data, without additional a priori.
2.2.1 Reliability of the Probability Estimates
Obviously, the obtained mapping varies depending
on the calibration data. Moreover, we have noticed
that the reliability of the probability estimate is not
necessarily the same for all scores, as it depends on
the distribution of the data along the scores: until
now, little attention has been paid to this issue, while
it could provide more precise information for the
fusion process, and therethrough a more reliable
output. We are interested in assessing the relative
reliabilities of the probability estimates obtained
from different classifiers on the same test example,
in order to use them as weighting coefficients in the
posterior combination phase, instead of assigning a
global confidence to each classifier. Thus, each
classifier would be weighted differently according to
the test example and its ambiguity.
The length of the confidence interval of the
estimate in each score segment could be used as
basis for these coefficients. However, as each score
interval is treated independently, this strategy does
not take into account the regularization effect of
isotonic regression, by which the obtained estimates
are much less variable in practice. Furthermore, it
ignores the fact that estimates are not reliable if the
partition of the scores axis is not sufficiently fine. In
the case of isotonic calibration, this happens when
the underlying mapping is decreasing in some
interval. We have considered the analysis of score
sub-segments by means of hypothesis testing. We
look for the presence of sufficient statistical
evidence to declare that the average in the sub-
segment does not match the average in the whole
segment, and assign reliability accordingly.
Alternatively, variability can be empirically
estimated by using different subsets of the
calibration data to perform the calibration. We
propose to average the different calibrations
obtained this way to enhance the global calibration,
when a sufficient amount of calibration data is
2.3 Combination Strategy
Once we have produced diverse classifiers, a
suitable combining strategy must be designed
according to two possible aims: inferring the correct
class given the set of outputs, or obtaining
probability estimates for each class. Our framework
focuses on the second case.
We consider from now on that the outputs of the
binary classifiers are probability estimates. In other
terms, for each column b of M and each example x
with class c, we have an estimate r
(x) such that
where A and N are the sets of classes for which
M(c,b) = +1 and M(c,b) = −1 respectively. For each
example x, we want to obtain a set of probabilities
P(c = c
| x) = p
(x) compatible with the set of r
Note that if the matrix has no zero entries, the
expression reduces to
pAcr )( )|P()( xxx
This is an over-constrained problem which – as
recalled by Zadrozny and Elkan (2002) – can be
ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
solved by least-squares with non-negativity
constraints or minimizing the Kullback-Leibler
divergence. We notice that both the squared error
and the Kullback-Leibler divergence may be
weighted to give more or less importance to the
match of certain classifiers. The idea is to focus on
matching the reliable observations r
, so as to
converge to the good solution even if the r
are not
compatible. Hastie and Tibshirani (1997) include the
number of examples used for training each classifier
as weights as ‘a crude way for accounting for the
different precisions in the pairwise probability
estimates’. We argue that this can be done in a finer
way, as presented in Section 2.2.
2.4 Fusion of Redundant Data and
Ranking Scores
Our system recovers probability estimates of each
class given a test example. In addition, we have
considered fusing the obtained probability
distributions when many observations of a same
object are available. A number of different
paradigms for performing data and information
fusion have been developed. They differ in the way
they represent information and more concretely in
the way they represent uncertainty (Maskell, 2008).
In this work we used the probabilistic logical
framework proposed by Piat and Meizel (1997). It
allows the combination of probability distributions
following different logical behaviors (e.g.
disjunctive) naturally handling contradictions. In
particular, both disjunctive and conjunctive
behaviors are desirable for our ranking purpose, so
we use a weighted sum of the two modes. Moreover,
we point out that these weights could be learned
The need of a ranking score arises from the
observation that probability alone is not enough to
do an appropriate ranking when important residual
probabilities are present. We propose as score the
Euclidean distance between the observed probability
distribution and the Dirac delta distribution of the
Table 1: Performance of the tested configurations.
Area under ROC curve Error rate
(class 4)
(class 2)
satimage isolet
A 0.711 0.836 0.1095 0.0892
B 0.741 0.896 0.1095 0.0436
C 0.750 0.897 0.0890 0.0449
D 0.776 0.930 0.0870 0.0398
query class, as it introduces a penalty in ambiguous
cases. Empiric tests showed the relevance of this
We report our system’s performance on widely used
multiclass datasets with real (i.e. non-synthetic),
non-sequential data, having a reasonable dimension
(>30) and database size (>5000) compared to real-
life applications. Two datasets from the UCI
Machine Learning Repository (Asuncion and
Newman, 2007) satisfy our constraints: satimage
and isolet. The first one contains 6 classes and a test
set of 2000 elements. It has already been used in the
context of recovering multiclass probability
estimates (Zadrozny, 2001). The second one comes
from measures of spoken letters. It contains 26
classes and the test set has 1559 uniformly
distributed elements. The elevated number of classes
allows testing the scaling abilities of the system.
Besides, it has already been used in the ECOC
context (e.g. Dietterich and Bakiri, 1995).
Here we compare 4 different configurations. In
the first configuration (A) we have used a one-vs-all
coding matrix and we have combined the binary
answers of the biclass classifiers directly, without
calibration. In the second (B) the one-vs-all answers
are combined after calibration. The third
configuration (C) consists of a learnt coding matrix
with biclass predictions combined without
calibration. Finally, the fourth configuration (D)
corresponds to our complete framework. We are
interested in both the classification task and the
ranking task. As a measure of performance we have
chosen the error rate in the first case and the area
under the ROC curve in the second case. The ROC
curve in the ranking task is defined by the pairs
(recall, precision) obtained at each position of the
rank. Thus, there is one ROC curve for each query.
Our ROC curves are thus different from other
benchmarks (e.g. Sebag, 2003, and Chawala, 2002).
We show only the ROC curve of the most difficult
class, but conclusions hold also for all other classes.
Table 1 and Figure 2 show the achieved results. We
can observe the improvement obtained by learning
an appropriate matrix and calibrating the biclass
outputs. In particular, we outperform the 0.1330
error rate obtained by means of a spare random
matrix on the satimage dataset (Zadrozny, 2001)
with the advantage that our resulting matrix has
much fewer columns (11 vs 64), with the consequent
gain in computational cost and prediction time.
HOW TO LEARN A LEARNING SYSTEM - Automatic Decomposition of a Multiclass Task with Probability Estimates
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1
Figure 2: Ranking results represented by the ROC curve of the most difficult class of the dataset. On the left: the query is
class 4 (damp grey soil) from the satimage dataset. On the right: the query is class 2 (letter B) from the isolet dataset.
We have presented a multiclass classification system
which learns automatically its internal structure
according to the provided learning data; it is able to
select efficient algorithms in a pool of binary
classifiers, with an optimal choice of a relevant
coding matrix since it is computed according to the
complexity of the various binary problems. It also
provides generic and accurate calibration and results
are given as probability estimates. This system does
not need any external tuning and no user-expertise,
but just a problem-specific performance measure.
This makes it suitable and easy to use for any
multiclass task needing probability estimates or
ranking, while still successfully dealing with the
classification task, as it has proved to outperform
empirical results on two very different datasets. This
framework is also more generic and computationally
efficient than existing tools like libSVM.
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ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence