Dan Necsulescu, Lin Zhang, Elisha Pruner
University of Ottawa, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Jerzy Sasiadek
Carleton University, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Keywords: Signal Processing, Voice Feedback, Subject-in-the-Loop, Real-time Requirements, Signal Processing,
Voice Training.
Abstract: A subject-in-the-loop feedback control system is composed of a bioengineering system including a subject,
whose voice is received by a microphone, a computer that achieves the required signal processing of the
sound signal by temporal and/or spectral computations and a speaker or earphones for auditory feedback to
the subject of voice training. Frequency domain modifications of the signal are intended for voice training
of subjects already familiar with traditional voice training. The objective of this paper is to present
alternative methods for the implementation of subject-in-the-loop feedback control systems developed for
voice training. The proposed feedback control scheme is an extension of the traditional control systems;
feedback sensing and the control law are achieved by the human subject as a self-organizing controller. The
experimental set-ups, developed for this purpose, contain programmable digital devices for real time
modifications of the frequency content of the voice signal. The paper presents also a preliminary solution
that satisfies the requirements for real-time operations, in particular that the subject does not perceive the
delay between the sound generation and the auditory reception of the modified sound. The system performs
spectral calculations for the analyses of the vocal sound signals. Preliminary experimental results illustrate
the operation and the features of the proposed subject-in-the-loop real-time system for voice training.
The purpose of this work is to develop a
bioengineering experimental set-up with real-time
capability for voice signal processing in a closed
loop configuration. Acoustic loops refer to systems
for signal amplitude increase or decrease of certain
sound frequencies using digital manipulation of
sound samples. The goal of this research is the
design and construction of computer based modules
for actors’ voice training, as well as, for singers and
public speakers who were already subjected to
traditional voice training. Such an Audio-Formant
Mobility Trainer is an adjunct to voice-training. The
reason for previous training requirement results from
the fact that the subject will have to produce
different voice qualities for which it is necessary to
have acquired a certain mobility of the bodily parts
that produce speech. The device is intended to
facilitate the production of new voice qualities by
increasing the mobility of one’s voice formants. The
Audio-Formant Mobility Trainer is a module that
can perform acoustical experiments with the
subject’s voice and band-pass filtering for each of
the formants for the purpose of auditory-feedback.
Any formant can hence be chosen to be manipulated
in order to increase the ability of the subject to
perceive it in his own voice. There are three types of
formant manipulations:
1. Intensity: varying the relative intensity of the
formant bandwidth ranging from filtering it out to
increasing it above the spectral envelope.
2. Bandwidth: increasing and decreasing its
3. Pitch: increasing and decreasing its pitch.
Typically, the learner uses a microphone and
headphones while singing or speaking. His voice is
analyzed and processed by the computer. This
training could be very useful for actors and singers
who are called to produce different voice types. It
Necsulescu D., Zhang L., Pruner E. and Sasiadek J. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, pages 221-225
DOI: 10.5220/0002898502210225
may be also helpful for learners of new vowels using
analysis called LTAS (Long Time Average Spectra),
thereby determining the formants that characterize
foreign language. Preliminary research work
(Nesulescu and Weiss et al., 2006, 2005, 2008) led
to the confirmation that complex acoustic
phenomena can be simulated for the needs of
designing acoustic hardware in the form of a closed
loop experimental set-up for acoustics analysis. The
presence of the subject in the control loop results in
interesting new issues for the feedback control
Previous research showed that changing voice
quality by altering the auditory perception of one’s
voice is, to a limited degree, possible. If a person’s
sound production possibilities are enlarged (through
voice training), then altered auditory feedback might
facilitate the generation of different voice qualities
(Necsulescu, Weiss, and Pruner, 2008). The set-up
consists in a subject hearing his voice through
headphones while speaking into a microphone.
However, the process allows a series of digital
manipulations (temporal and spectral) designed to
affect perception while examining the effects on
vocal output. Whereas, the intensity feedback
manipulations have been studied extensively
(Purcell, and Munhall, Vol. 119 2006), (Purcell and
Munhall 120, 2006), spectral changes effects on
voice quality in auditory feedback and their
relationship to voice production are still relatively
unknown. Original proponents of the use of servo
mechanical theory have claimed a direct effect on
the vocal output when modified voice is fed back to
the speaker. Essentially, according to this theory, if
certain bandwidths of the voice spectra are modified
in such a manner as to increase or decrease the
energy in those regions, the person emitting those
sounds will unconsciously react if the modified
voice signal is fed back to his ears. The possibility of
affecting voice output by auditory feedback remains
a topic of intense interest for those involved in
voice, speech and accent training (Necsulescu,
Weiss and Pruner, 2008). This work has the long-
term goal to carry out audio-vocal filtering
experiments including subjects with or without vocal
training in order to determine whether voice training
could allow for vocal adjustments in conditions
related to filtered auditory feedback. This paper
describes the construction of computer based
module for auditory feedback with no perceived
temporal delay.
There are many teaching techniques in voice
training, some auditory, some based on movement
and some mixed. Independently of the technique,
certain pedagogical approaches are often used. One
of such techniques is bodily awareness through
minimal movements (Purcell and Munhall, 2006).
This objective of this approach is an effortless
speech-motor learning system. A variable is
introduced and the subject perceives it, plays with it,
explores it, adjusts to it and integrates it in his own
behaviour. This is the purpose of the Audio-Formant
Mobility Trainer, an adjunct to voice-training when
the learner has had already preliminary training with
any traditional technique. The reason for the need
for previous training is that the subject will have to
produce different voice qualities for which it is
necessary to have acquired a certain control of the
mobility of the bodily parts that produce speech. The
purpose of the device is expected to facilitate the
production of new voice qualities by increasing the
mobility of one’s voice formants.
The first experiment tries to ascertain whether it is
possible to teach subjects to vary their fourth
formant (F
) at will. Previous research (Purcell, and
Munhall, Vol. 119, 2006) has shown that subjects do
it unconsciously when their auditory feedback is
manipulated while uttering vowels. It is also known
(Purcell and Munhall, 2006), that formant
manipulation in pitch and bandwidth changes
significantly the perceived voice quality
The main difficulty until recently was to achieve
real-time capability in auditory feedback with
programmable digital hardware. Some delay in
auditory feedback cannot be avoided, but it is
desired to reduce it, such that it will not be
The block diagram of the complete auditory
feedback system is shown in Figure 1. Figure 2
shows this system in the traditional control system
block diagram form. A human subject carries out in
this case the feedback sensing, the comparator and
ICINCO 2010 - 7th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
the controller (regulator). Figure 3 shows the block
diagram of the PC based auditory feedback system,
while Figure 4 shows the Simulink
diagram of the
real-time system for signal acquisition from AI,
filtering, FFT frequency analysis, display and
headphone signal generation to AO (Necsulescu,
Weiss and Pruner.
Figure 1: Block diagram of a generic auditory feedback
Figure 2: Block diagram of the auditory feedback system
in feedback control (regulator) configuration.
Figure 3: Block diagram of the PC based auditory
feedback system.
Figure 4: The diagram of the real-time system for signal
acquisition from AI, filtering, FFT frequency analysis,
display and headphone signal generation to AO.
The experimental setup was tested for verifying its
performance. The current subject, used for
experiments, has had extensive voice training. He
sang for each audio-vocal filtering condition a 60
seconds French song using a neutral vowel.
MATLAB representation of the amplitude versus
time and the calculation of the Long Term Average
Spectra (LTAS), permits the evaluation of the
effects of voice signal processing (Purcell and
Munhall, 2006). Figure 5 shows the frequency
domain results of the sound signal in case of no
headphones. These results are post-processed in
frequency domain for the identification of formants
Figure 5: Results for LTAS of the sound signal with no
Figure 6 shows formant manipulation of the
voice with LTAS for 500 Hz bandstop filtering. This
figure shows what the subject heard following signal
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Frequency (kHz)
Magnitude (dB)
wp 60 seconds singing no headphones
Fast Track
Pro Audio
driver and
Mean level [dB]
Frequency [Hz]
-Audio Technica
professional studio
-15 to 28 000 Hz
frequency response
-99dB sensitivity
Filtered sound for
voice input
Voice signal
Voice signal
Output [V]
Voice signal
FFT results
Input [V]
Mean level [dB]
Frequency [Hz] plot
Figure 6: Formant manipulation of the voice with LTAS
for 500 Hz bandstop filtering.
Bandstop hearing while singing produces a
typical 3 zone spectrum: 1. The highest peaks, from
fundamental frequency to 1100 Hz; 2. The second
highest peaks, from 2500 to 3500-4000 Hz; 3. A
Bowl, from 1100 to 2500 Hz.
Figure 7: Recording the effects for the 500 Hz bandstop
The 500 Hz bandstop produces a clear peak
between 3500-4000 Hz. This indicates that the
bigger the gap the bigger the compensation. After
hearing the signal shown in Figure 6, the resulting
spectral form from Figure 7 appear similar in this
case to the one produced while singing without
headphones, shown in Figure 5. Figure 8 shows the
results of the intensified amplitude of a 500 Hz
about 3300 Hz. After hearing the signal shown in
Figure 8, the subject produces the signal with the
spectral content shown in Figure 9. The spectral
form from Figure 9 differs significantly from the
results from Figure 6, for the case of no headphones.
The spectrum is flattened when compared to the
three-zone spectrum of no headphones condition.
This confirms that the real time signal was reduced
to the desired frequency domain and the audio test
based on the system shown in Figure 1 confirmed
subjectively the validity of this result. This
preliminary confirmation of the significant effects of
signal processing on the subject is an encouraging
result for the prospect of using it in voice training.
The subject produced different voice qualities
unconsciously when given different auditory
feedback conditions. The approach seems useful for
training the voice for different voice qualities.
Figure 8: Formant manipulation of the voice with LTAS
for 500 Hz frequency band amplification.
Figure 9: Recording of the effects of the 500 Hz frequency
band amplification.
The experimental setup presented in this paper is
useful for the voice training experiments in selected
subjects. It includes:
- Long term average spectra under several
- Processing and storing data in the computer;
- Comparison of spectra with filtering and,
without filtering;
- Comparison of experimental [trained] and non-
trained groups.
The proposed auditory feedback experimental
set-up proved to satisfy the requirements of
acquiring signals with a microphone and filtering
procedure, as well as, displaying and transmitting
the modified signals to the earphones in real time.
Moreover, auditory signals were FFT processed for
the successful identification of each particular
subject formants. This experimental set-up was
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Frequency (kHz)
Magnitude (dB)
wh60 seconds singing bandstop center frequency 3300Hz bandwidth 500Hz
0 0.5 1 1. 5 2 2. 5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Frequency (kHz)
Magnitude (dB)
wp60 seconds singing bandstop center frequency 3300Hz bandwidth 500Hz
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3. 5 4 4.5 5
Frequency (kHz)
Magnitude (dB)
wh60seconds s inging bandpass center frequency 3300Hz bandwidt h 500Hz
0 0.5 1 1. 5 2 2. 5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Frequency (kHz)
Magnitude (dB)
wp60seconds s inging bandpass center frequency 3300Hz bandwidth 500Hz
ICINCO 2010 - 7th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
deemed appropriate for purposes of voice training
for selected subjects.
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Iasi, Tom LIV (LVIII), Fasc. X, 2008, pp. 481 - 487.
Purcell, D. W. and K. Munhall. “Adaptive control of
vowel formant frequency: Evidence from real-time
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Purcell, D. W. and Munhall, K. “Compensation following
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