Jesia Zakraoui and Wolfgang Zagler
Institute ”integrated study”, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria
Ontology, Answer set programming, Web accessibility, Context, User interaction.
Today, users of web-based platforms are generally heterogeneous and interact via mobile devices for comput-
ing, and this is likely to increase in the future. The user interfaces to these platforms can considerably benefit
from the semantic of context. They can adapt the utility of interaction styles and display modes depending
largely on the surrounding environment, the user’s needs and the characteristics of on-line resources. In or-
der to provide means for that, we trace in this work a perspective approach for integrating relevant parts of
context in user interaction using semantic web technologies and Answer Set Programming that enhances web
accessibility. Furthermore, by specifying constraints on the contextual information, we can determine which
types of context are more important than others regarding the user interaction process. This allow us in a
semi-automatic manner to consider only the most relevant answer sets in order to automatically adapting the
user interface characteristics to users’ contextual information.
In recent years mobile computing has become very
popular as it provides a great opportunity for all peo-
ple to access and to manipulate on-line resources, es-
pecially for people with mobility problems. Some
mobile devices offer an efficient way to manipulate
the user interface and to personalize the way the in-
terface and the content are presented to the user. One
possibility is to offer domain-specific user profiles,
which can be selected by the user or an assistant, to
personalize and adjust the interface characteristics to
the user’s needs (Bogacki and Schneider-Hufschmidt,
2002) (e.g. respective age, disabilities) and his/her
context information (e.g. noise, temperature, light).
However, it requires effort from the user who may not
be able to maintain the profile coherently due to dis-
ability constraints and/or due to the dynamic change
of the context.
At the same time, many user interface improvements
based on the concept of Context-Awareness (Schilit
et al., 1994) and User Context (Dey, 2001) were
achieved to enable people to use their device in spe-
cial occasions, e.g. the voice interface in the mo-
bile phone such as SenSay (Siewiorek et al., 2003) or
Light-Sensitive Display which allowed users to have
display backlight automatically adapted as light con-
ditions changed. In the next phase the notion of con-
text has been extended in the ubiquitous computing
(Buttussi, 2008). We now believe that it may enhance
the user interaction for e.g. blind people using their
mobile devices for E-Learning as well as presenting
textual descriptions of images to users who aren’t able
to download images due to the bandwidth costs, for
instance, when they are on mobile devices or when
they are in a developing country.
For our purpose, we extend the concept of con-
text with more awareness for environmental context,
physical context, computing context and user con-
text in the user interaction process which is collected
manually in a Context Ontology (Zakraoui and Za-
gler, 2010) and we build a rule layer using Answer
set programming (ASP) over the ontology described
with some Semantic Web technologies. The rule layer
provides some background knowledge to be able to
perform various reasoning tasks. That most of the
information consists actually of defaults and that the
context ontology contains incomplete knowledge mo-
tivated us to use a nonmonotonic formalism to build
a rule layer over the ontology. We might want to ex-
press preferences (e.g. aggregate functions) as well
as constraints (e.g. integrity constraints) while query-
ing the knowledge stored in ontologies to be able to
discover new knowledge. ASP provides an expres-
Zakraoui J. and Zagler W..
DOI: 10.5220/0003108304590466
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2010), pages 459-466
ISBN: 978-989-8425-29-4
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
sive language to express these knowledge and effi-
cient solvers, like DLV-HEX (DLV-HEX, 2007) built
over DLV (DLV, 2007) to reason about it, this moti-
vated us to use ASP as such a nonmonotonic formal-
Furthermore, such concept allow us to choose the
most relevantanswer sets in order to allow the user in-
terface characteristics to change dynamically accord-
ing to these selected knowledge, so that interfaces are
not chosen in advance but rather could be generated
in real-time.
The rest of this document is organized as follows:
in the next Section we introduce web accessibility
together with user interaction. Section 2 gives an
overview of Answer Set Programming and explains
how it can be used to reason on the context informa-
tion. In Section 3 we present the way by which we ac-
cess the content of our Context Ontology and reason
on it. Then we discuss in Section 4 shortcomings of
some approaches that make use of the semantic web
technologies and reasoning. Future work and conclu-
sion are given in Section 5.
A web application is accessible, if web users with dis-
abilities can perform all the navigational tasks with
ease (Baguma and Lubega, 2008). Blind users also
rely on audio to perform navigational tasks. From a
technical point of view, web accessibility corresponds
to making it possible to any user by using some user
agent (software or hardware to view web content),
to understand and interact with a web site, despite
of disabilities, languages or technological constraints.
The W3C/WAI (WAI, 2008) Working Group offers
standards which are internationally accepted. They
offer quantifiable rules, but, web developers often
fail to implement them effectively. One of the rea-
sons is that most of the available accessibility guide-
lines appear to be too costly (Baguma and Lubega,
2008). However, there are many positive arguments
for applying these rules: Major arguments are cited in
(WAI/BusinessCase, 2009); social responsibility, sus-
tainable technologies, financial benefits and legal lia-
bility. Indeed, by dealing with accessibility issues a
larger number of people will use the web based plat-
forms and hence one can realize substantial return on
investment (ROI).
In fact, web accessibility benefits also older users,
whose percentage is increasing significantly, but also
mobile device user, and other individuals, since the
needs and preferences that are essential to a user are
a consequence of having a disability and/or it may be
that the circumstances, devices, or other factors have
led to a mismatch between them and the resources
they wish to use. In this context, the Adaptive Tech-
nology Resource Centre (ATRC)
at the University of
Toronto sees disability ”as a mismatch between the
needs of the individual and the service, education,
tools or environment provided and accessibility as the
adaptability of the system to the needs of each indi-
vidual” (Treviranus, 2009).
Answer Set programming (ASP) (Lifschitz, 2008) has
emerged as an important tool for declarative knowl-
edge representation and reasoning. This approach is
rooted in semantic notions and is based on methods to
compute stable models (Gelfond and Lifschitz, 1988).
ASP is one of the most prominent and successful se-
mantics for non-monotonic logic programs. The spe-
cific treatment of default negation under ASP allows
for the generation of multiple models for a single pro-
gram, which in this respect can be seen as the encod-
ing of a problem specification. With ASP, one can
encode a problem as a set of rules and the solutions
are found by the stable models (Answer sets) of these
An Answer Set Program consists of rules of the form
head :- body that can contain variables. The head can
be a disjunction or empty and the body is a conjunc-
tion or empty. A term is either a constant or a variable.
An atom is defined as p(t
, ...t
) where k is called the
arity of p and t
, ...t
are terms. A literal is an atom p
or a negated atom ¬ p, also strong negation (also of-
ten referred to as classical negation ). A rule without
head literal is an integrity (strong) constraint. A rule
with exactly one head literal is a normal rule. If the
body of the rule variable-free is empty then this rule
is a fact. A negation as failure literal (or NAF-literal)
is a literal l or a default-negated literal not l. Nega-
tion as failure is an extension to classical negation, it
represents default negation in a program, and infers
negation of a fact if it is not provable in a program.
Thus, not l evaluate to true if it cannot be proven that
l is true. This is relevant in our work since we don’t
have complete information about the user interaction
process and we must assume some defaults reasoning
until we confirm the reasoner with a new knowledge.
In order to solve a problem in ASP, a logic program
should be constructed so that its answer sets corre-
spond to the solutions of the problem. By adding new
knowledge, not only new answer sets become possi-
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
ble, but old answer sets are defeated, so that the sets
do not growmonotonically. ASP providesus this non-
monotonicity. An important feature of ASP is that
the body of a rule can also contain negation, which
is handled as negation as failure, thus allowing meth-
ods from non-monotonic reasoning, since additional
information might lead to retraction of a previously
made inference (Eiter, 2007).
For example, lets say that the frequent user interac-
tion constraint for which we cannot approve that they
are meaningful are low priority constraints. If ”C” is
a frequent constraint and nothing is known about its
meaning regarding user interaction, then all the an-
swer sets show that ”C” is a low priority constraint.
lowpriorityConstraint(C) :-
frequentConstraint(C), not meaningful(C).
However, assume that additional information is now
available indicating that all the frequent constraints
are considered as meaningful in user interaction.
Thus, in such a case we are no longer able to expose
that ”C” is a low priority constraint.
meaningful(C) :- frequentConstraint(C).
In order to compute these answer sets, there exist ASP
solvers or engines such as DLV (DLV, 2007), a highly
efficient reasoner for ASP which extends the core lan-
guage with various sophisticated features such as ag-
gregates or weak constraints (Leone et al., 2006).
3.1 DLV Datalog with Disjunction
DLV is a system for ”disjunctive datalog” with con-
straints, true negation and queries. Disjunctive dat-
alog (Eiter et al., 1997) extends datalog by allowing
disjunction, the logical OR expression to appearin the
rules. Recall that Datalog programs are function-free
logic programs. Disjunctive Datalog is a declarative
programming language, which is a finite set of rules
over a function-free first-order language (Eiter et al.,
1997). For knowledge representation, tries to find the
way to solve the problem and the solution itself which
is achieved by rules and facts and designed for work-
ing with logic and databases, DLV also provides sev-
eral ways to define indefinite knowledge, by the use
of disjunctive rules.
The language of DLV extends disjunctive datalog by
another construct, which is called weak constraint
(Leone et al., 2006). The DLV system also includes
support for negation as failure and classical negation.
An important feature is that it supports strong (in-
tegrity) and weak constraints, where a constraint is a
rule with an empty head, if its body is true, a model is
made inconsistent, thus removed. A Disjunctive Dat-
alog program consists of facts, disjunctive rules, and
3.2 DLV Example
Example 1: Let’s say that, in the current user inter-
action process, the noise constraint is a relevant con-
text value since the user is blind and interacts via a
text-to-speech Screen Reader with a web based plat-
form. The used device has a sound volume V less than
maxVolume. It has the capability to change the in-
teraction mode such as braille display expressed with
the fact alternative(braille). The noise has a deciBel
value and lasts Y time units. For the above scenario,
we can use the following predicates:
adjustWith(S), S the new calculated volume.
adjustVolume(X,S), the context X has the prior re-
quirements to deal with and S the suggested new
noiseConstraint(X), the noise constraint X.
deciBel(X, Y), where Y is the deciBel of the noise
constraint X.
duration(X,Z), denotes the duration Z of the noise
constraint X.
volume(V), denotes the volume V of the device.
reachLimit(V), denotes the maximum of the tuned
volume V when reached.
suggestAlternative(A, V), where A is an alterna-
tive mode due to the maximum volume V.
Let’s assume that, the context is relevant when
dealing with noise constraints which are based on
deciBel value, lasts for some time and the volume of
the used device has a value less than the maximum
volume value.
A noise constraint expressed with the head predicate
selectedConstraints(X,S) is selected if:
deciBel(X,Y),Y >= 50 where X is a constraint and
Y is the decibel and Y >= 50 value and
duration(X, Z), Z >= 30 where X is a constraint and
Z is the duration value and Z >= 30 and
volume(V), maxVolume(max v),V < max v where
V is the volume value and max v is the maximum
volume value and V < max v and
ad justWith(S) where S is the new calculated volume
S = V + 10 and
notselectedConstraints(X, S) where
selectedConstraints(X, S) fires if:
A noise constaint X and a selected constraint Y
are not the same.
Then it is important to take action to overcome
this constraint (e.g. adjusting a higher volume if
possible otherwise change the interaction mode to an
alternative mode if possible). We can represent these
facts as follows:
% "-" stands for classical negation.
% "not" stands for negation as failure.
% Rules for selecting a part of the context.
% user context in interaction process is given
% by the below requirements:
#const max_v = 100.
#const v = 100.
maxVolume(max_v). volume(v).
adjustWith(S) :- +(v,10,S), S <= max_v.
selectedConstraints(X,S) :- noiseConstraint(X),
deciBel(X,Y), Y >= 50, duration(X,Z), Z >=30,
volume(V), maxVolume(max_v),V < max_v,
adjustWith(S), not -selectedConstraints(X,S).
-selectedConstraints(X,S):- noiseConstraint(X),
selectedConstraints(Y,S), X !=Y.
reachLimit(V,X) :- noiseConstraint(X),
deciBel(X,Y), Y >= 50, duration(X, Z), Z >=30,
volume(V), maxVolume(max_v),V=max_v.
suggestAlternative(A,V) :- alternative(A),
When the above program is given as input to the DLV
system, by using the -nofacts (in order to exclude facts
as part of the output) and -pfilter (in order to out-
put only positive instances of the specified predicates)
switch together, the resulting model is:
According to the rules given, a volume is to adjust if
there is a noise constraint, the deciBel of the noise is
bigger than or equal to 50, and if the noise duration
is higher than 30 time units and the maxVolume not
yet reached. Therefore, the program has three answer
sets. If the maxVolume is reached, the suggestAl-
ternative(A,X) predicate fires. Therefore the program
has one answer:
3.2.1 Using Constraints
Rules can generate different models. The constraints
are used to select only the desired ones among possi-
ble models. There are two types of constraints namely
strong (integrity) constraints (introduced below) and
weak constraints. According to (Leone et al., 2006),
DLV extends the logic programs by the weak con-
Example 2: Considering the same knowledge base as
in Example 1, we can also add integrity constraints.
If we add the below integrity constraint to our exam-
ple program, we can discard the noise constraints that
take a short duration since we plan to follow the con-
straint if it restricts the user interaction for a time unit
longer than 40 time units.
% Integrity constraint
:- selectedConstraints(X,S),
duration(X, Z), Z <= 40.
Therefore we have only to adjust the volume due to
publicPlace and speech.
If we add weak constraints to our program in order
to obtain the most promising answer set, which gives
in fact a ranking by the use of [Weight:Level] cou-
ple, where (weight) and (level) are integer constants
or variables occurring in the positive body of the rule
and all body literal are classical literals. If is not spec-
ified, it defaults to 1, and we can just write [w:]. Weak
constraints are stated with a :” and the (optional)
specification of level and weight:
% Weak Constraints
:˜ selectedConstraints(X,S), duration(X,Z). [Z:1]
:˜ selectedConstraints(X,S), deciBel(X,Y). [Y:2]
When the above program is given as input to the sys-
tem, by using the -nofacts, -pfilter and -wctrace (to
print all models during computation of weak con-
straints) switch together, the resulting model is:
Current model [maybe not optimal]:
Cost ([Weight:Level]): <[100:1],[70:2]>
Current model [maybe not optimal]:
Cost ([Weight:Level]): <[60:1],[50:2]>
Best model: {selectedConstraints(publicPlace,90)}
Cost ([Weight:Level]): <[60:1],[50:2]>
Thus, using weak constraints, the best model turns out
to be ”publicPlace” noise constraint which most re-
strict the user interaction. Consequently, we prioritize
the user interaction constraint ”publicPlace” to which
one has to adjust the volume of the used device to 90
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
DLV-HEX is a prototype application for computing
the models of hex-programs (Eiter et al., 2006). Hex-
programs originate from dl-programs (Eiter et al.,
2006) and they are an extension of answer set pro-
grams for the integration of external computation
sources that may be in different formats. The
answer-set semantics has been extended to Hex-
programs, which are higher-order logic programs
(which accommodate meta-reasoning through higher-
order atoms) with external atoms for software interop-
erability (Eiter et al., 2006).
DLV-HEX involves several plugins such as Descrip-
tion Logic Plugin (DLV-HEX, 2007) which interfaces
OWL ontologies by using a reasoner. For instance,
we consider in this section as an external knowledge
base, our context ontology described in OWL and we
can, therefore refer to the ontology and access to the
classes and the properties represented in the ontol-
ogy by the use of dl-atoms. We use DLV for reason-
ing and RACER (RacerPro, 2005), which is one of
the fastest OWL reasoning systems available to query
OWL knowledge bases.
The context class has some properties like hasCon-
straint, hasStartTime, hasDuration, and so on. A rep-
resentation of a part of this context is given by these
instances below.
<Context rdf:ID="c1">
<hasConstraint rdf:resource="#Speech"/>
<hasConstraint rdf:resource="#StreetTraffic"/>
<hasDevice rdf:resource="#PC"/>
<Device rdf:ID="PC">
<hasAlternative rdf:resource="#Braille"/>
<Software rdf:ID="Braille">
<Noise rdf:ID="Speech">
<Noise rdf:ID="PublicPlace">
<Noise rdf:ID="StreetTraffic">
Example 3: when a blind user interacts via a Screen
Reader with a mobile device. The user is located
in a place in which many user interaction constraints
originating from different sources like noises. If one
constraint needs to be favored over another due to its
meaningfulness(e.g. light intensity for a blind user)
or to a definite measure (e.g. duration, level) to user
interaction, these can be ranked accordingly.
For example, DL[Context] refers to the Context
class and DL[hasDuration] refers to the hasDuration
datatype property of the Context class in our ontology,
according to the above scenario.
% "-" stands for classical negation.
% "not" stands for negation as failure.
% Rules for selecting a part of the context.
% user situation in interaction is given by
% the below requirements:
% Using dl-atoms, we refer to our ontology
constraints(X) :- DL[Context](X),
not -constraints(X).
-constraints(X) :- DL[Context](X),
constraints(Y), X != Y.
duration(D) :- constraints(X),
deciBel(B) :- constraints(X),
volume(V) :- constraints(X),
alternative(A) :- constraints(X),
selectedConstraints(X) :- constraints(X),
deciBel(Y), Y >= 20, duration(D), D >= 30,
not -selectedConstraints(X,Y).
-selectedConstraints(X,S) :- constraints(X),
selectedConstraints(Y,S), X != Y.
reachLimit(V) :- constraints(X),
volume(V), V=100.
suggestAlternative(A,V) :- alternative(A),
% Using a weak constraint for the ordering
:˜ duration(D). [D:1]
% Adding another weak constraint in level 2
:˜ deciBel(Y). [Y:2]
When the above program is given as input to the
dlvhex system using weak constraints we allow our
program to represent a quantitative cost specification
of the constraints and using this feature we can limit
the answer sets to the important in user interaction, it
returns the following output:
deciBel(50), duration(110)}
Cost ([Weight:Level]): <[110:1],[50:2]>
deciBel(60), duration(50)}
Cost ([Weight:Level]): <[50:1],[60:2]>
deciBel(80), duration(100)}
Cost ([Weight:Level]): <[100:1],[80:2]>
Next, with the use of integrity constraint in the pro-
gram to discard the noise constraints that have a dura-
tion below 60 time units:
% Checking part:
:- constraints(X), duration(D), D <= 60.
Then, the answer sets will be:
deciBel(50), duration(110)}
Cost ([Weight:Level]): <[110:1],[50:2]>
deciBel(80), duration(100)}
Cost ([Weight:Level]): <[100:1],[80:2]>
As seen, DLV-HEX returns answer sets in an ordered
way with respect to the [Weight:Level] pairs used in
weak constraints. In the above output, the least costly
model turned to be the one having a duration of 110
time units and 50 deciBel ”StreetTraffic” and the most
costly turned out to be the second answer set ”Pub-
licPlace”. Consequently, we prioritize the user inter-
action constraint ”publicPlace” to which one has to
adjust the volume of the used device in order to over-
come it.
Although no prototype is available for complete val-
idation yet, preliminary scenarios on a few instances
showed that answer sets computed by the DLV-HEX
solver provide a significant amount of contextual in-
formation. This information can also be easily anal-
ysed by interface designer, thus supporting them in
deriving hints for improvingthe interface final design.
There are generally two kinds of reasoning mecha-
nisms used by the reasoners like Pellet and Racer and
by the Jena Rule Engine namely Forward Chaining
Rules Execution and Backward Chaining Rules Exe-
cution. In the former only the conditional statements
in the body are specified in contrary to the latter which
is goal oriented.
Shuaib et al. introduced the concept Connecting on-
tologies (Shuaib et al., 2007) for providing universal
Accessibility, which links two heterogeneous ontolo-
gies or in other words, which describes the linking of
heterogeneous entities (concepts, relations and prop-
erties) across two ontologies. The Connecting Rules
are made via Jena Inference API (Reynolds, 2009)
which are used to formally describe the connection
between the two ontologies. However, due to lack of
support for rules or for some concepts (e.g., transitive
closure, negation as failure, cardinality constraints),
some queries can not be represented concisely and
some queries can not be represented at all. In this
sense, the ASP-approach provides a more expressive
formalism to represent rules, concepts, constraints,
and queries than the rule mechanism used in this ap-
Data integration can be formally described using
Horn Clause rules and F-Logic rules (Angele and
Gesmann, 2006) with some benefits of expressiveness
using F-logic. F-Logic rules are used to define map-
pings between ontologies. Since the Semantic Web
Open World Reasoning does not fit very well with
F-Logic which is frame-based, therefore this involes
risks of inconsistence and undecidabiliy.
Sahoo et al. discussed in (Sahoo et al., 2007) the use
of the Semantic Web technology RDF for integrat-
ing two heterogeneous data sources frequently used
in genomic studies: phenotype (Entrez Gene) and the
genotype (Gene Ontology). The inference rules are
implemented based upon isA and partOf in the RDF
store to make explicit the semantics of some predi-
Another very relevant work is introduced by (Obitko,
2007) about the translation of ontologies in Multi-
Agent Systems in the manufacturing domain. The
rules are transported via messages and are interpreted
in respective agents. In our opinion, when the rules
are executed in sequence then the inferred triples are
added to the model which are not necessarily being
transported or referred. This may not be a require-
ment in specific manufacturing application but cer-
tainly it is an issue if one has to benefit from the open
world reasoning provided by ontologies in DL.
Bodenreider et. al (Bodenreider et al., 2008) stud-
ied the integration of relevant parts of knowledge ex-
tracted from biomedical ontologies, and answering
complex queries related to drug safety and discov-
ery, using Semantic Web technologies and Answer
Set Programming (ASP). They have illustrated the
applicability of this method on some ontologies ex-
tracted from existing biomedical ontologies, and its
effectiveness by computing an answer to a real-world
biomedical query.
Zirtiloˇglu et. al have developed a complaints on-
tology (Zirtiloˇglu and Yolum, 2008) with which the
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
complaints of the citizens can be expressed. Further,
they assumed that by using answer set semantics and
DLV-HEX as a solver, they can generate more expre-
sive rules than using Semantic Web Rule Language
(SWRL) (SWRL, 2004). They applied constraints on
the complaints to rank them based on their impor-
tance. For our case, this approach can also be investi-
gated and applied.
We have presented an approach for integrating rele-
vant parts of context in user interaction process us-
ing semantic web technologies, Answer Set Program-
ming and DLV-HEX as a solver. This approach al-
lowed us by the use of constraints to limit and to pri-
oritize the set of fired facts. We have achieved thereby
an efficient problem reduction, since this approach
scales the size of the answer sets and the run time.
We plan to enable the user interface characteristics to
change dynamically, according to dynamic change of
user characteristics and situations that are detected at
run-time from the Context Ontology. The combina-
tion of concepts from other ontologies such as User
Profile Ontology (UPO) and the Context Ontology are
possible. Furthermore, we plan to automatically de-
tect the user’s intention.
Angele, J. and Gesmann, M. (2006). Data integration using
semantic technology: A use case. In RULEML ’06:
Proceedings of the Second International Conference
on Rules and Rule Markup Languages for the Seman-
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plex queries related to drug discovery using answer
set programming. In 3rd International Workshop on
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KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development