Faten Atigui, Franck Ravat, Ronan Tournier and Gilles Zurfluh
IRIT (UMR 5505), Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse
118 route de Narbonne, F-31062, Toulouse, France
University Toulouse 1 Capitole, 2 rue G. Marty, F-31042, Toulouse Cedex 9, France
Keywords: Data Warehouse, Multidimensional modelling, ETL, MDA, QVT.
Abstract: During the last few years, several frameworks have dealt with Data Warehousing (DW) design issues. Most
of these frameworks provide partial answers that focus either on multidimensional (MD) modelling or on
Extraction-Transformation-Loading (ETL) modelling. However, less attention has been given neither to uni-
fying both modelling issues into a single structured framework nor to automating the warehousing process.
To overcome these limits, this paper provides a generic unified and semi-automated method that integrates
DW and ETL processes design. The framework is handled within the Model Driven Architecture (MDA). It
(i) first helps the designer in modelling the decision-makers requirements and then (ii) generates the MD
model as well as (ii) the logical and the physical models and finally (iv) generates the source code. In this
approach, the transformation rules are formalized using the Query/View/Transformation (QVT) language.
A Data Warehouse (DW) is a huge amount of data,
often historical, used for supporting business
processes within an organization (Ravat et al.,
1999). The relevant data for the decision-making
process are collected from data sources by means of
software processes commonly known as Extraction-
Transformation-Loading (ETL) processes (Vassili-
adis, 2009). Extracted data are often structured ac-
cording to the multidimensional (MD) paradigm that
organizes information according to facts and dimen-
sions (Kimball, 1996); (Ravat et al., 2007).
It is well recognized that the warehousing task is
complex, tedious, time-consuming and often error-
prone (Kimball, 1996). When building a DW, the
designer deals with two major issues. The first issue
addresses DW design, whereas the second addresses
ETL processes design. Current frameworks provide
only partial solutions that focus either on MD struc-
tures or on ETL processes. Indeed, the whole ware-
housing process (in charge of creating MD structures
and loading data in the DW) requires combining the
two methods. The data integration problems must be
considered in order to select the appropriate meth-
ods. Besides, most of existing approaches -apart
from industrial tools (Barateiro and Galhardas,
2005) do not provide means to automatically gener-
ate or document all the aspects of the warehousing
Model Driven Architecture (MDA) is well
known as a framework that manages complexity, it
significantly reduces development costs, improves
software quality and accomplishes high levels of re-
use (Bettin, 2003), (Kleppe et al., 2003), (Object
Management Group, 2003). Therefore, we assume
that with the support of MDA, the warehousing task
will require less efforts and time. Besides, MDA
provides a support for integration, interoperability,
adaptability, portability and reusability of informa-
tion systems (Kleppe et al., 2003). Thus, providing a
complete and integrated model driven methodology
for DW and ETL design will be useful.
In this paper, we propose a unified, mixed and
semi-automated method for DW and ETL design.
This method has several advantages, specifically:
(i) it addresses both the DW’s and the ETL proc-
esses modelling, avoiding inconsistencies, inte-
gration and interoperability problems that may
arise when using separate methods;
Atigui F., Ravat F., Tournier R. and Zurfluh G..
DOI: 10.5220/0003502002470252
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2011), pages 247-252
ISBN: 978-989-8425-53-9
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
(ii) it proposes a unified conceptual model that
defines MD concepts (structures and opera-
tions) that can be reused to define new DW
(iii) it is a model driven approach that tackles the
warehousing process within an integrated and
well-structured way;
(iv) it automatically generates code by using a set
of formal transformations rules, thus saving
time and effort.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 reviews related work. Section 3
introduces our approach. Section 4 details the con-
ceptual model. Section 5 presents the logical and
physical models as well as the transformation rules.
Section 6 concludes and lists some future work.
Several research deal with DW design problems. In
the literature, this issue has been tackled from two
complementary but different points of view (Rizzi et
al., 2006). The first deals with the MD modelling
and attempts to describe the DW MD structure (Ro-
mero and Abelló, 2009). The second aims at repre-
senting processes responsible for loading and
updating data in the warehouse (Vassiliadis, 2009).
Regarding the MD design, existing approaches
can be classified into three main categories (Rizzi et
al., 2006). Requirement-driven approaches (Tsois et
al., 2001), (Prat et al., 2006), provide MD schemas
based on a detailed analysis of decision-makers’
needs. Data-driven approaches (Golfarelli and Rizzi,
1998), (Hüsemann et al., 2000), start from an analy-
sis of data sources to identify the structure of the
MD schema and select relevant data for decision
making. Finally, mixed approaches (Zepeda et al.,
2008), (Mazón and Trujillo, 2009), (Romero et
Abelló, 2010), (Essaidi and Osmani, 2010), consider
both decision-makers requirements and data avail-
ability within operational sources. These approaches
provide MD schemata that both meet decision-
makers’ needs and fit with existing data sources.
Regarding ETL processes, several ways for their
design and development exist. Academic researches
offer either specific models or to reuse existing stan-
dards such as UML or the Business Process Model
Notation (BPMN).
In (Vassiliadis et al., 2002) a conceptual model is
defined that provides a specific graphical notation
allowing designers to formally define technical is-
sues often encountered in ETL processes. Then, the
authors complement their model by providing a
method for conceptual modelling (Simitsis et Vassi-
liadis, 2003). (Simitsis, 2005) provide a set of rules
to map a conceptual model to logical one whereas
(Simitsis et al., 2010) suggest using semantic web
technologies to ease the selection of relevant data
sources to be transformed and loaded.
Some Authors extend UML notations to describe
ETL workflows. In (Trujillo et Luján-Mora, 2003)
the authors define a set of ETL activities through
stereotyped classes. (Luján-Mora et al., 2004) extend
UML using a mapping diagram to represent the
transformation rules between sources attributes and
MD attributes. (Muñoz et al., 2008) use the UML
activity diagrams to design the ETL process. (Mu-
ñoz et al., 2009) provide a model driven approach to
generate the ETL process. (El Akkaoui et Zimanyi,
2009) propose a conceptual model for ETL proc-
esses based on the BPMN standard.
Besides, there are tools for designing or running
ETL workflows (Barateiro and Galhardas, 2005),
e.g. Oracle Warehouse Builder and Microsoft Inte-
gration Services. However, these tools use specific
notations and languages, thus decreasing the integra-
tion and the interoperability levels of the system.
Compared to existing approaches, the advantages
of our approach lie on merging the description of
MD data structures and ETL operations within a
unified model. This solution inherits the advantages
of mixed approaches. Moreover, using a unified
model avoids costly and redundant steps, as linking
data sources. This model also avoids problems of
inconsistencies, integration and interoperability
encountered when using separate models and/or
methods. Besides, the fact and the dimensions de-
fined within a unified MD model are complete
(structures and operations) and ready to be used in
other DW’s schemata. Moreover, our approach has
the advantage of reusing and adapting existing mod-
els and language such as UML.
Our framework is tackled with MDA -an Object
Management Group (OMG) standard- that aims at
covering the software development life cycle. With
MDA, the software development process is based on
the use of models and automatic transformations
between these models (Kleppe et al., 2003), (Object
Management Group, 2003). The designer builds a
unified conceptual model (PIM: Platform Independ-
ent Model) that describes the MD schema and the
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: Model driven framework for DW and ETL design.
related ETL processes. The automatic transforma-
tions translate it into a successive set of models in
order to get the code tailor-made to the chosen plat-
form. The conceptual model represents the MD
schema that considers the decision maker’s needs
and the data sources. Afterwards, the PIM is mapped
into several logical models (PIMs2)
(CWM::Relational, CWM::XML, etc.) depending on
a chosen deployment platform (Oracle, Mondrian,
etc.). Finally, the framework provides the appropri-
ate code that will create the MD structure and the
ETL workflow. The data sources modelling levels
are generated by reverse engineering (RE) from
physical models. An overview of our framework is
shown in figure 1.
In next sections we focus on the conceptual and
logical PIMs as well as the PSM. Moreover, we
present the inter-levels and merging transformations
rules. However, we do not present the requirements
formalization (or decision-makers needs). Indeed,
the CIM can be modelled by applying a requirement
engineering framework, e.g. CADWA (Computer
Aide Data Warehouse Analysis) method mentioned
in (Salinesi and Gam, 2006), and then a set of trans-
formation rules can be applied as in (Mazón and
Trujillo, 2009) in order to automatically derive the
conceptual schema.
Conceptual modelling provides a high level of
abstraction and aims at achieving the independence
of deployment problems (Rizzi, 2008). We propose
a conceptual model based on the Unified Modelling
Language (UML). UML is a well-known standard
modelling language and supported by many tools. It
has the major advantage of adapting and reusing
existing technologies.
A UML profile is a set of mechanisms and tech-
niques that attempts to adapt UML to a specific
application domain. From a technical view, a UML
profile is a set of stereotypes that can be defined as
domain-specific concepts (Kleppe et al., 2003).
Since the proposed framework is based on unifying
the DW and ETL design, the profile illustrated in
figure 2 considers concepts related to both design
issues. It describes basic MD concepts such as
“Constellation” which extends the metaclass “Pack-
age”. A constellation is composed of three types of
classes namely “Fact”, “Dimension” and “LevelAt-
tributes”. A dimension can be related to one or more
“LevelAttribute” by means of a specific type of
composition association named “Hierarchy”. Also,
“LevelAttributes” that belong to the same hierarchy
are related with a specific composition association
called “Rolls up”. A UML class is composed of
static properties and a set of dynamic operations. In
the DW context, static properties define fact meas-
ures and dimension attributes. Dimension attributes
may be parameters (that specify data aggregation
levels) or weak attributes (that complement parame-
ter semantics). While, operations represent the ETL
processes modelled by the stereotype “ETLOpera-
tion” that extends the metaclass “Operation”. All the
Figure 2: UML profile for multidimensional and ETL modelling.
stereotypes have a public visibility except for ETL
operations that must be hidden to the decision-
In this section we first present how to obtain a logi-
cal PIM from the conceptual PIM. Second, we pre-
sent how conceptual and logical PIMs are then
mapped into physical PSMs. We particularly focus
on the static properties transformations. The trans-
formation rules are formalized by QVT (Object
Management Group, 2009). QVT is the OMG stan-
dard language for model-to-model transformations.
It is a declarative language and offers both graphical
and textual syntaxes. Besides, QVT allows multi-
directional transformations as well as merging mod-
els (two or more models are mapped into one or
more model). A QVT transformation between two
candidate models is specified by a set of relations.
Relations are defined by two or more domains which
specify a candidate model and a set of corresponding
elements to be matched as well as a pair of “when”
(pre-conditions) and “where” (post-conditions)
In the next subsections, we detail the logical PIM
and the PSM, as well as the model-to-model trans-
formation rules that we formalized using QVT
graphical syntax. Due to limited space, we present
only the dimension transformation relations.
5.1 Logical Design
Logical models are automatically generated from
conceptual models by applying a set of rules. In
order to cover as much as possible of warehousing
application, our approach provides a set of logical
models. The designer can choose the most suitable
one with the application he is developing such as the
normalized ROLAP (Relational On-Line Analytical
Processing), the denormalized or the optimized ones
(that define views for calculating pre-aggregates),
OOLAP (Object On-Line Analytical Processing),
XML schemata, etc. To illustrate our framework, we
chose to define transformation rules for denormal-
ized ROLAP (Kimball, 1996) often used for MD
schemata. In order to automatically derive this
model, we define a set of QVT rules to generate a
denormalized logical PIM. Formal definitions of
these rules contain several QVT relations, we pre-
sent only the dimension-to-table rule.
Figure 3: Dimension to dimension table relation.
DimensionToTable Relation. Each dimension of the
constellation model (source model shown on the left
side of the following figure) is mapped into a
ROLAP table (target model shown on the right side)
that have the same name. The “Where” clause speci-
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
fies that all the parameters and weak attributes are
transformed into columns of the table by applying,
respectively, ParameterToColumn and WeakAttrib-
uteToColumn relations. Moreover, the root parame-
ter is mapped into the table’s primary key through
the relation ParameterToKey.
5.2 Physical Design
Physical models are dependent on a specific plat-
form; we choose to detail transformations rules gen-
erating Oracle materialized view. The use of
materialized views is significantly advantageous
since calculating, storing, loading, and refreshing are
performed automatically by the database.
Oracle physical schema is structured within ma-
terialized views and dimensions. The materialized
view definition is based on ROLAP tables (PIM2);
however dimensions depend on the hierarchies of
the dimensions (PIM1). Therefore, the physical
model is generated by merging both conceptual and
logical models.
We have formalized these rules using QVT
graphical notations (we expose only the dimension
transformation relations).
DimTableToMaterializedView relation. Each
ROLAP dimension table is mapped to a materialized
view with the same name. The “Where” clause iden-
tifies relations mapping source and target columns as
well as source and target primary key.
Figure 4: Dimension table to materialized view relation.
MDDimensionToOracleDimension Relation. This
relation maps each conceptual dimension to an Ora-
cle dimension with the same name prefixed by
‘_dim’. The “When” clause specifies that the appro-
priate ROLAP table must be already mapped to a
materialized view. The “Where” clause specifies that
hierarchies, parameters and weak attributes are
mapped to Oracle hierarchies, levels and attributes
Figure 5: MD dimension to Oracle dimension relation.
In this paper we presented a model driven approach
for DW and ETL design. With the support of the
MDA, our framework semi-automates the warehous-
ing task. Indeed, each modelling phase (require-
ment’s analysis, conceptual, logical and physical
design) is specified by one or more models. The
method applies a series of QVT transformations in
order to automatically generate the code.
For conceptual design, the method provides an
UML profile that provides a unified description of
MD structure and ETL processes. Logical and
physical models are also generated by applying QVT
transformations. We have detailed the transforma-
tion rules from MD PIM to the denormalized
ROLAP PIM and then from these PIMs to Oracle
materialized views and dimensions.
As future work, we plan to focus on the require-
ments formalization phase (CIM) and on automating
the transition between the CIM and the conceptual
PIMs by defining a set of QVT rules. Besides, we
intend to focus on the behavioural properties trans-
formations by providing a specific model and trans-
formation rules for the ETL processes. We also
intend to develop our method by considering others
platforms. Moreover, we plan to apply our approach
on real-world case studies and to evaluate it by dif-
ferent users.
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ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems