An Empirical Study
Perry MacNeille, Kacie Theisen
Oleg Gusikhin
Ford Motor Company Research and Advanced Engineering, 2101 Village Road, Dearborn, Michigan, U.S.A.
Keywords: Music perception, Music cognition, Utility music, Functional music, Driver behaviour.
Abstract: There is a belief that driving competency and style is influenced by music choices, yet there is little
scientific study into the effects music choices have on the way people drive. This paper describes a
preliminary explorative study conducted to find evidence of music influencing driving behaviour to justify
further research into the area. Three main effects were considered in this study: 1) that music either
enhances or impedes the driving activity; 2) that driving behaviour is influenced by whether the subject
likes the music being played; 3) that driving behaviour is changed by the tempo of the music being played.
The speed holding ability of 39 experienced drivers employed in a large company was tested using a vehicle
simulator to observe evidence that speed holding control is influenced by one or more of the main effects.
Audio entertainment is a prevalent activity in
vehicles that accompanies driving and is almost as
old as the automotive industry itself, dating back to
1930. Nowadays, it is hard to imagine vehicles
without factory installed entertainment options, such
as radios and CD players. Furthermore, automakers
are constantly seeking ways to improve vehicle
entertainment offerings to keep up with
advancements in consumer electronics and consider
this area an important aspect of product
differentiation and competitive advantage.
There are many audio entertainment options
including news, talk shows, books on tape, foreign
language tutorials, and of course music. From this
set of options, music is probably the most common
audio activity in vehicles, especially among younger
drivers. Therefore, the focus of this paper and
associated project will be on music even though the
concepts developed could apply and be extended to
other audio options, like the news.
It is believed that music may significantly
influence driving performance and safety. In fact,
music as well as other forms of entertainment may
serve as a remedy against boredom and driver
fatigue during long and/or repetitive drives. On the
other hand, music is rarely cited as a source of
distraction (Bayly 2008).
Experimental psychology offers a compelling
argument that there is a strong relationship between
music, the listening situation, and arousal (a state of
heightened physiological activity), and the
performance of the accompanying task. In this case,
the listening situation refers to the driving
environment. It is also known that drivers often
instinctively regulate music based on the driving
situation; playing high tempo loud music on an
empty highway to fight boredom, and turning the
volume down while performing a difficult
manoeuvre in congested urban traffic (Dibben,
2007). If the car music system can sense the
environment and automatically select the most
appropriate music for the given condition it might
improve driving performance and safety while
enhancing the music listening experience.
In recent years there have been significant
advancements in three relevant areas that make the
development of such a system possible.
Digital Music - The rise of digital music enabled
instantaneous access to a vast variety of the musical
choices. First of all, MP3 players, such as the iPod,
allow storage and direct access to thousands of user
owned songs and provide a variety of ways to
arrange, on the fly, the music being played. Music
played can be selected by artist, genre, playlist,
random shuffle, or user-defined tags, such as mood,
without the need of changing CDs or tapes. More
MacNeille P., Theisen K. and Gusikhin O..
DOI: 10.5220/0003687800830090
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO-2011), pages 83-90
ISBN: 978-989-8425-75-1
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
recently, access to music has been further expanded
by the introduction of mobile internet music players,
such as the Slacker mobile player and iPhone
applications of Pandora and LastFM. These players
can tap into virtually unlimited internet musical
collections using 3G networks or Wi-Fi, allowing
for high control over music selection. As a result
music could be used to achieve very specific ends in
very specific circumstances.
Vehicle Sensory, Navigation and Traffic
Information - The rapid growth of the number and
quality of vehicle sensors allows reliable
identification of the driving situation, and bio-
physical state and emotions of the driver.
Furthermore, with the proliferation of navigation and
traffic information services we can identify not only
the current driving conditions but also the upcoming
driving environment. This would allow for upfront
planning of the next music choice.
Advances in the Music Knowledge Methods and
Tools - MP3 players allow for music selection
guidance using MP3 ID3 tags. Selection based on
these tags is either limited to editorial data, such as
artist and genre, or requires the daunting task of
organizing the entire music collection into special
purpose playlists or tagging each individual song.
Recognizing the need for a more elaborative music
selection and fuelled by the digital music technology
and web 2.0 phenomenons there has been significant
growth in internet-based music services in the last
decade. These services are a class of recommender
systems that allow organization and selection of
music by different qualitative criteria far beyond
simply genre and artist. These services range from
playlist generation and automatic tagging of
privately owned digital music to personalized
internet radio stations. The core of these services is a
knowledge base comprised of an extensive musical
catalogue. Different services exploit information in
the knowledge base in different ways to customize
music selections for individual listeners. Methods
used range from collaborative filtering or tagging by
the listener community to elaborate annotations by
professional musicologists regarding the qualitative
features of a song from its digital properties. As a
result, the availability of such music knowledge
enables music classification based on the anticipated
cognitive response and appropriateness for different
driving environments.
These advances create promise for a system that can
automatically select the next music piece that is
most appropriate for the given driving environment
and influence desirable driver behaviour. In order to
accomplish this task one of the main questions is,
how does the music influence driving behaviour? In
this paper we report the results of the preliminary
study to explore such an influence based on the
different types of music.
This paper is organized as follows. The next
section presents a review of the current state-of-the-
art in music knowledge methods and tools, and
reviews the products that explore this knowledge to
provide personalized music recommendations or
even a music station. Section 3 describes the
experiment and section 4 reviews the results.
Finally, the paper will conclude with summary and
future research recommendations.
Up until now people have had two main options for
car entertainment: broadcast based (radio) and
private selection based (MP3, CD, etc.). With the
broadcast based option listeners get to listen to new
and unexpected songs. To contrast this, private
owned collections provide the ability to listen to
music that the listeners own and thus presumably
like. In addition, they can listen to certain songs
whenever they like, however this option lacks the
excitement of new and unexpected music. iPod
Shuffle was an attempt to somewhat remedy this
issue by randomly picking songs from a private
collection. This technique of random music selection
can be considered one of the first music
recommendation techniques.
In the last few years there has been tremendous
internet-based growth of personalized musical
services dubbed Music 2.0 similar to Web 2.0. These
services attempt to capture personal musical
preferences of the given listener through interactive
voting and try to offer musical choices that
correspond to their musical tastes. Some of these
services organize the personal music library in
playlists according to given criteria, some select
music from the personal collection on the fly, and
some work as internet radio. In the case of personal
internet radio the stations provide an interactive
capability to tailor the station to the user's personal
preferences by skipping a song, banning certain
songs, or expressing that they really like a song.
Personalized Internet music services, such as, Musicovery, or Pandora, take the listening
experience to a whole new level by allowing users to
create their own personalized radio stations and
ICINCO 2011 - 8th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
music experience instead of simply listening to what
the station chooses to webcast. ( uses collaborative
filtering to recommend music you might like.
Collaborative filtering works by keeping track of
songs the user likes and listens to and is based on the
assumption that the musical taste of the specific
listener can be matched against the community. uses what they refer to as Scrobbling to
keep track of the music you listen to for use with
collaborative filtering techniques and to chart
popular music. One of the drawbacks of
collaborative filtering is that it only works well with
popular songs because songs lesser known might not
have substantial data. Another problem with this
approach is that it does not take into account the
structure of the song.
Musicovery ( allows
users to intuitively find music based on their mood
and preferences for different genres and time
periods. This is accomplished through a graphical
interface based on Liveplasma technology and the
"mood pad". Forty musical parameters are used to
describe each song and place it on the mood pad
according to the likeliness that the song will please
the user according to their selected mood. Mood is
selected on a two dimensional scale with the y axis
ranging from calm to energetic and the x axis
ranging from dark to positive.
Pandora ( bases its
music recommendation on the Music Genome
Project. The Music Genome is a database of songs
where each song is described by a set of
characteristics. Each characteristic is referred to as a
gene and different songs have different numbers of
genes. For example, a rock song may have 150
genes while a classical song may have 500 genes.
These genes are collected into logical groups called
chromosomes and a set of chromosomes make up a
genome. Musicologists carefully classify each song
in the database by this method so that songs can be
compared on the basis of their genes taking into
account that some genes are more important than
Listeners can tune into a currently playing station
or create their own personalized station. Stations are
started by entering the name of a song, artist, or
album which is referred to as the seed of the station.
This seed is then examined to determine which
distinguishing aspects of a song are present in its
genome and populate the station with songs with
similar features. While listening to music users can
provide feedback regarding whether or not they like
a selected song. Future music selections use this
feedback to refine the importance of each gene to an
individual listener.
Users can listen to Pandora online or on the go
with Pandora mobile. In the last two years Pandora
has been integrated into many telematics systems
and constitutes a popular vehicle infotainment
In general Internet music stations provide
listeners with music they like based on feedback
from the listener. They usually allow users to create
multiple stations based on specific music features,
such as an artist or genre. Users can switch between
multiple stations or allow the system to switch for
them through a random shuffle mode, such as
Pandora mix mode. Since this shuffle is random,
these systems do not take into account the listeners
More recently products are being developed
which include music selection based on the user's
current environment and personal context.
Nike+ is one example, which is currently widely
available to consumers. This system has users place
a sensor in the bottom of their running shoe that
keeps track of each step taken. A user can then
choose between using the Nike+ Sportband or their
iPod. Either option provides runners with
information about their pace, distance, calories
burned, and more. After a run, users can log on to
the Nike+ webpage and upload information from
their run to track their progress, set goals, and
connect with other runners.
If paired with an iPod nano, users can create their
own personalized playlists to accompany their
workouts or download popular workout playlists
(referred to as Sport iMixes) from iTunes. US patent
20060107822 A1 filed by Apple claims the
capability of affecting a user's mood and behaviour
during an activity, such as exercise, by controlling
the speed of the music being listened to. The speed
of the music can either be selected to match the pace
of the activity or to drive the pace of the activity.
In a research context, several universities have
projects underway which aim to use Bio feedback to
select the music being played. The hypothesis
behind these applications is that a user's context
affects what they want to listen to. The University of
Maryland Baltimore County has developed a
concept called XPod which is intended to reside on a
PDA (Dornbush, 2007). Once XPod is initiated, a
BodyMedia SenseWear device is used to wirelessly
transmit data to a server to determine the user's level
of activity and emotion. Data collected by the
BodyMedia device includes transversal and
longitudinal acceleration, galvanic skin response,
skin temperature, heat flow, and nearbody
temperature. This information is used to determine if
the user is in an active, passive, or resting state and
is passed to a neural network engine which
compares the user's current activity level, state and
time to past song preferences to make the next music
selection. This selection is then sent back to the
client device. Lifetrack and AndroMedia are two
additional developments that utilize sensor data to
extract contextual information and recommend
suitable songs for the current situation.
Based on this discussion it is reasonable to
assume that context-aware music selection would be
not only possible, but also very beneficial within the
driving environment. Modern vehicles already know
a lot about drivers and driving conditions (current
and upcoming through digital maps) and this
information can be used to select a specific song (or
station). Following existing research in context-
based music selection the vehicle system can learn
the preferred music in the given driving conditions.
However, it is possible that not only driving
environment and conditions influence the music we
prefer, but also music influences the driver's
behaviour. Thus a more ambitious goal would be to
not only select the music preferred for the
conditions, but also select the music that can provide
a subtle influence on the driver's behaviour.
The next section describes our first attempt to
answer the question does music influence driver
behaviour and is there some kind of general pattern
how it influences behaviour.
For this study there were 39 subjects, 16 female and
23 males, who were all Ford Motor Company
employees with at least 2 years driving experience.
The largest age population was 41-50 years old as
shown in Figure 1, which differs from many studies
based on college aged students. A list of songs was
selected from several genres and drivers were asked
to select the genre they liked the best and the genre
they liked the least. Each driver then drove a
simulator without music, with their favourite genre
of music, and with their least favourite genre during
which their speed and throttle position was
monitored. The data was later studied to determine if
there was any change in driving behaviour between
those three conditions.
Three hypotheses were tested in the experiment.
The first that music does influence driving, the
second that hearing music you prefer or dislike
affects driving and the third that music tempo affects
Under 20 20-30 31-40 41-50 51 +
Figure 1: Distribution of ages by categories of study
To test these hypotheses, each of the subjects
was brought into a room with a vehicle simulator,
and asked to complete a questionnaire about their
demographics and musical preferences.
Next the subject was given a driving task. In this
task the subject is asked to drive the simulator at an
appropriate speed without help from a speedometer.
In this way the subject is forced to judge speed on
the basis of optical flow rather than watching a
speedometer. The course is on a 2-lane one-way
road without stop signs or traffic lights with a striped
centreline and solid shoulder lines that curve and
change altitude. The landscapes surrounding the
road are generally rolling hills covered with grass
and occasional trees. There are very few other
vehicles on the road and the environment is visually
sparse. If the subject drives too fast he/she will lose
control of the car and skid off the road with the
appropriate tire squeal sounds.
The task is fairly difficult for many people, in
that many subjects' speed drifted considerably.
Because the simulator is not motion-based there are
no proprioceptive sensations of movement such as
the feeling of lateral acceleration from rounding a
curve or the feeling of acceleration or deceleration
from applying the throttle or brake respectively.
Each driver was asked to perform this driving
task two times: once while listening to their
favourite genre of music and once listening to their
least favourite. Genre preferences were identified
from the questionnaire they answered before
realizing they would be driving to their least
favourite music. To ensure results were not biased
by the order the genre was played, alternate subjects
heard their favourite and least favourite genre first.
Each run was divided into 6 parts:
ICINCO 2011 - 8th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
1. The Music is off and the Speedometer is
Displayed. This period from 0-120 seconds was
used to get the subject up to normal driving speed
and to get adjusted to judging speed on the
2. The Music is off and the Speedometer is off.
This period between 120-240 seconds was used to
establish a baseline for the subject's speed holding
without a speedometer, which was continued
throughout the remained of the experiment.
3. The Music is Turned on at 240 Seconds with
the first song of the chosen genre. Alternate subjects
had the songs ordered with increasing tempo or
decreasing tempo.
4. Song 2 is played
5. Song 3 is played
6. Song 4 is played
The purpose of this procedure was to look for
evidence of 3 main effects: that music influences
driving, that the subjects' like or dislike of the music
influences driving, or that tempo influences driving.
3.1 The Questionnaire before the Drive
Several questions were asked of drivers before the
drive to frame their general disposition about music.
The subject's age group was asked because there is
considerable evidence that musical preferences are
set at particular times in a person's life, and the
popular music of that time may influence their
lifelong preferences. In our study 24 of the 39
subjects answered "yes" when asked if their current
favourite genre is the same now as when they were
growing up. This is consistent with the findings of
(Mulder et al., 2009) and others who found that
music taste is well developed in adolescence and
crystallizes in middle age. It was also found that
preferred artists may change a lot during a lifetime,
but genre preference is much less likely to change
and style is by far the most stable.
The selection of genres used for this study was
somewhat arbitrary. There are several systems of
genre, and the understanding of genre types may
differ between individuals to some extent. When
asked, 36 of the 39 subjects reported that they felt
the songs in the playlist for their favourite genre
were representative of that genre.
Pop and Rock were substantially more popular
than all other genres (see Figure 2) and Alternative
and Electronica were ranked lowest. Pop and Rock
are likely the best known and most familiar genres
while Alternative and Electronica are less known
which may account for their apparent lack of
popularity in our study. No attempt was made in this
study to find out what were the true preferences of
the subjects other than asking them what they like to
listen to. Selected questions from the questionnaire
1. List the nine genres in order of preference.
2. Is your favourite genre in the list
3. What was your favourite genre growing up?
4. Is your favourite growing up still your favourite
5. How much time do you spend listening to music
in a day?
6. What kind of music do you listen to in a car?
7. Gender
8. Age group
9. Most prominently listened to type of music
10.Average number of hours spent listening to music
in a day
11.Subject's overall impression of vehicle audio
Figure 2: Number of subjects that selected each genre as
their favourite.
3.2 The Playlists
Nine commonly defined genres were selected and
populated with four songs each in order of changing
tempo. With some subjects the tempo increased
while with other subjects the tempo decreased. The
songs averaged 3 minutes and 44 seconds long, with
the longest being 5 minutes and 37 seconds and the
shortest being 2 minutes and 46 seconds. Each
playlist averaged 14 minutes and 33 seconds with
the longest (Rock) 20 minutes and 8 seconds and the
shortest (Reggae) 10 minutes and 33 seconds.
3.3 The Vehicle Simulator
The vehicle simulator (Figure 3) consists of two
seats, a steering wheel and a pedal cluster from a
Ford Motor Company vehicle mounted on a
stationary frame. Computers create engine sounds
through an audio system and display a synthetic
scene with the appearance that the subject is driving
a car on the road with no stops. The scene is a loop
that repeats several times during a single course.
The simulator also has LCD screens in the
location of rear-view mirrors, in the location of a
centre-stack display and the instrument cluster.
The computer system is capable of playing
playlists from the Rhapsody™ music player, timed
to start with a delay of 4 minutes from when the
simulator begins a course.
Figure 3: The stationary vehicle simulator at Ford
Research and Innovation Center that was used for this
3.4 The Final Questionnaire
Throughout the experiment the subject was not
informed specifically what the experiment was
trying to determine. However, at the end of each run
the subject was asked to fill out a questionnaire
consisting of questions about what they thought of
the music. The questionnaire questions follow:
1. Do you think the music you just heard was
representative of the _________ genre?
2. Did you like the music?
3. Did you know any of the songs?
4. If yes, which song did you know?
5. Were you bored while driving?
6. Do you think the music you listened to influenced
your driving?
7. If yes, how was your driving influenced?
8. Do you have any other comments regarding your
With respect to the first main effect, that music
influences driving behaviour, we found 48% of the
cases where we felt we could observe a change
immediately after the music began to play. Figure 4
shows a case where the subject's speed increases and
speed fluctuations become more pronounced when
the music starts. In Figure 5 the least favourite music
is played and speed decreases instead of increasing.
This supports the second main effect that like or
dislike of the music also influences driving
One observation from comparing Figure 4 and
Figure 5 is that while in both figures speed holding
variability increased after the music started, in
Figure 5 where the music is the least favourite the
variability is lower, which indicates that different
music can have different effects on the driving
0 240 480 720 960 1200
Time (Seconds)
Speed (MPH)
Speedometer, No Music No Speedometer, No Music First Song
Second Song Fourth Song Series6
Figure 4: This graph shows the speed holding behaviour of
one subject exemplifying the effect of music on some
drivers' speed holding behaviour. Immediately after music
from the favoured genre begins to play at 180 second the
driver's speed increases and fluctuates with greater
0 240 480 720 960 1200
Time (seconds)
Speed (MPH)
Speedometer, No Music No Speedometer, No Music
First Song Second Song
Fourth Song Series6
Figure 5: This graph shows the speed holding behaviour of
the same subject as in Figure 4 when listening to the least
favoured genre. As in Figure 4, speed holding becomes
more erratic when the music is played, but the speed
decreases instead of increasing.
Figure 6 and Figure 7 demonstrate the same
pattern for a different subject. This subject had much
better speed control than the subject of Figure 4 and
Figure 5, but still exhibited finer speed control
fluctuations when listening to the least favourite
genre in Figure 7 when compared to the favourite
genre in Figure 6.
It should be noted at this point that speed holding
profiles such as the one in Figure 4 are indicative of
speed being controlled by vehicle dynamics. In these
ICINCO 2011 - 8th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
cases, the subject increases speed to over 100 MPH
where the simulator is very difficult to control in the
curves, so the subject slows in the curves and then
picks up speed on the straightaway. Other subjects
are apparently able to maintain a more steady speed
as with the subject in Figure 6 and Figure 7. Most
likely the two types of subjects are controlling their
speed in different ways.
0 240 480 720 960 1200
Time (seconds)
Speed (MPH)
Speedometer, No Music No Speedometer, No Mus ic First Song
Second Song Third Song Fourth Song
Figure 6: This is one example of a subject with good speed
control listening to their favourite genre.
0 240 480 720 960 1200
Time (seconds)
Speed (MPH)
Figure 7: This is the speed holding model for the subject
of Figure 6 while listening to the least favourite genre.
We also looked at the data for evidence that a
driver listening to the favourite genre will travel at a
different speed than a driver listening to the least
favourite genre. There were 6 subjects out of the 39
(15%) that exhibited faster driving when listening to
their least favourite genre than when listening to
their favourite genre. The opposite was true for 7 out
of the 39 (18%) that drove faster when listening to
their favourite genre. Examples of the shift in
driving speed are found in Figure 8 where the
subject drives faster when listening to the favourite
genre and in Figure 9 where the subject drives
slower while listening to the favourite genre.
The third main effect that this study was intended
to test is whether or not musical tempo influences
how fast a subject drives. This general idea is
supported by considerable research (Turley, 2000),
(Miller, 2003) that temp may influence how quickly
shoppers move through a grocery store or eat their
dinner in a restaurant. One might also conjecture that
musical tempo could alter how fast a subject will
drive in the simulator.
We found that 5 out of our 39 subjects (13%)
speed up as the tempo of the music is increased and
that 4 out of 39 (10%) drove at a slower speed. Two
examples of this are found in Figure 10 and Figure
0 240 480 720 960 1200 1440
Time (seconds)
Speed (MPH)
Favorite Least Favorite
Figure 8: Subject drives at a higher speed while listening
to the favourite genre. Just before 960 seconds while
listening to their favourite genre, the drive loses control of
the car and spins out due to excessive speeds.
0 240 480 720 960 1200
Time (seconds)
Speed (MPH)
Least Favorite Favorite
Figure 9: Subject drives at a lower speed while listening to
the favourite genre.
0 240 480 720 960 1200
Time (seconds)
Speed (MPH)
Speedometer, No Music No Speedometer, No Music
First Song Second Song
Third Son
Fourth Son
Figure 10: This figure shows speed holding for a subject
listening to the least favourite genre while the tempo
increases. It demonstrates that some subjects' speed
increased as the tempo increased.
0 240 480 720 960 1200
Time (seconds)
Speed (MPH)
Speedometer, No Music No Speedometer, No Music Firs t Song
Second Song Third Song Fourth Song
Figure 11: This graph shows the speed holding for a
subject listening to the favourite genre while the tempo
increases. The speed gradually increases as the tempo
The advancements in personalized digital music
technologies and their integration into vehicle
systems create promise for the next generation of
automotive music entertainment that will match
specific music with the driving environment and
influence driver behaviour in the desired direction.
Although there is a substantial amount of anecdotal
evidence that music influences the way we drive, the
research of this subject to support the development
of an automatic recommender system is rather
limited. This paper describes our preliminary study
into the influence of music on driving behaviour. In
our study 89.7% of the subjects exhibited some
change in driving behaviour during the experiment,
of which a significant fraction of the subjects
exhibited this change immediately when the music
was turned on. However, the specific change in
behaviour in response to the music preference or
tempo appears to be very personal. More work in
this area is warranted to explore these results further.
Larger data sets are needed to sufficiently
characterize driver behaviour as a result of the music
they listen to. Naturalistic studies would be very
beneficial to eliminate the effects of a reduced visual
scene and lack of proprioceptive inputs on speed
control. Relevant methods of classifying both music
and driver behaviour need to be discovered and
implemented in future experiments.
The authors wish to thank Michael Gunawan, a 2009
Ford Motor Company High School intern who was
instrumental in conducting the experiment in this
paper and analyzing the data.
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ICINCO 2011 - 8th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics