Finding Kinship Clues for Siblings Pairs
A. Bottino
, M. De Simone
, A. Laurentini
and T. Vieira
Computer Graphics and Vision Group, Politecnico di Torino, C.so Duca degli Abruzzi, 24, Torino, Italy
Departamento de Eletrônica e Sistemas, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil
Keywords: Kinship verification, Support Vector Machines, Principal Component Analysis, Feature Selection
Abstract: Human face conveys to other human beings, and potentially to computers, much information such as
identity, emotional states, intentions, age and attractiveness. Among this information there are kinship clues.
Face kinship signals, as well as the human capabilities of capturing them, are studied by psychologist and
sociologists. In this paper we present a new research aimed at analyzing, with image processing/pattern
analysis techniques, facial images for detecting objective elements of similarity between siblings. To this
end, we have constructed a database of high quality pictures of pairs of siblings, shot in controlled
conditions, including frontal, profile, expressionless and smiling face images. A first analysis of the
database has been performed using a commercial identity recognition software. Then, for discriminating
siblings, we combined eigenfaces, SVM and a feature selection algorithm, obtaining a recognition accuracy
close to that of a human rating panel.
Analyzing face images is a main research topic in
pattern analysis/image processing, since face is the
part of the body that supplies more information to
other humans and thus potentially to computer
systems. A traditional area of research is identity
recognition, but several other areas are emerging,
such as affective computing (Pantic and Rothkrantz,
2003), age estimation (Fu and Huang, 2010) and
analyzing attractiveness (Bottino and Laurentini,
In this paper we deal with the new problem of
analyzing facial kinship clues with objective pattern
analysis/ image processing techniques. The problem
of kin recognition has been much studied in human
sciences areas such as psychology and sociology.
According to the theory of inclusive fitness put
forward by Hamilton (1964), recognizing kinship
and also the degree of relatedness is very relevant to
social behavior of animals and humans. According
to Bailenson et al. (2009), facial similarity could
also affect voting decisions.
Detecting kinship from face images could have
applications in other areas, as historic and
genealogic research and forensic science.
Several human scientists have investigated the
ability of human raters of recognizing kinship from
human face images, and have attempted to locate the
facial features more significant as kinship clues. For
instance, Kaminski et al. (2009), using a data set of
face images shot in uncontrolled condition, reported
a correct classification of kinship of 66% for
siblings. For a comparison, the raters did not exceed
73% of kinship assessment when shown two images
of the same person. Maloney and Dal Martello
(2006), on the basis of a high quality data set of
children images, found that the upper part of the face
carries more kinship clues.
Very little research on recognizing kinship from
face images is reported in pattern analysis area. With
regard to facial similarity, a related problem, Holub
et al. (2007) described the construction of facial
similarity maps based on human ratings. The
relationship between human perception of similarity
and computer based scores has been investigated
also by Kalocsai et al. (1998), which found that the
Gabor filter model was closer to human judgment
than PCA.
The only research explicitly dealing with the
computer analysis of facial features for a set of
parent/child images has been presented in a paper by
Fang et al. (2010). A database containing 150 semi-
Bottino A., De Simone M., Laurentini A. and Vieira T. (2012).
A NEW PROBLEM IN FACE IMAGE ANALYSIS - Finding Kinship Clues for Siblings Pairs.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, pages 405-410
DOI: 10.5220/0003771004050410
frontal image pairs, collected from the Internet and
shot in uncontrolled lighting conditions, was
analyzed. 22 facial features and small windows
surrounding feature points were extracted according
to the Pictorial Structure Model. KNN and SVM
classifications provided accuracy of 70.67% and
68.60%, respectively. These data should be
compared with the average classification accuracy of
67.19% of a panel of human raters on the same
In this paper we present a new investigation on
detecting couples of siblings with computer analysis
of facial similarity elements. To avoid problems due
to the heterogeneity of images collected on the
Internet, we have prepared a high quality database of
pairs of siblings, shot in exactly frontal and profile
positions, with and without expression and in the
same lighting conditions. The database, that will be
made available to other researchers, has been first
analyzed with a commercial face recognition
package. Then, for discriminating siblings, we used
PCA, SVM and a feature selection algorithm.
Finally, the results of the computer analysis have
been compared with the classification supplied by
human raters.
The content of the paper is as follows. In section
2 we describe the databases used. In section 3, we
report the results obtained using a commercial
identity recognizer software for discriminating pairs
of siblings. In section 4, the proposed method for
automatic siblings recognition is discussed. In
section 5 we compare the results of our classifier
with that obtained by human raters on the same
dataset. Finally, conclusions and future works are
presented in section 6.
Heterogeneous data sets, as those containing images
collected over the Internet, have been used several
times in face analysis. However, uncontrolled
imaging condition can introduce disturbing elements
which can seriously affect the result of the research.
In order to avoid these problems, we constructed for
our analysis a high quality database, called HQfaces,
containing images of 97 pairs of siblings. A subset
of 79 pairs contains profile images as well, and 56 of
them have also smiling frontal and profile pictures.
The images, with resolution 4256×2832, were shot
by a professional photographer with uniform
background and controlled lighting. The subjects are
voluntary students and workers of the Politecnico di
Torino and their siblings, in the age range between
13 and 50. All subjects are Caucasian and around
57% of them are male. As an example, some
cropped frontal expressionless images of siblings in
HQfaces are shown in Figure 1 (top row). Currently,
the DB is available on request contacting the
authors. In order to verify the advantages of using
high quality images, we also prepared a second
database, LQfaces, containing 98 pairs of siblings
found over the Internet, where most of the subjects
are celebrities. The low quality photographs have an
average size of 378x283, they are almost frontal, but
not always expressionless, and with various lighting
conditions. Profiles are not available in LQfaces.
The individuals are 45.5% male, 87.9% Caucasian,
9.1% Afro-descendants and 3% Asiatic. Examples
of siblings in LQfaces are shown in
Figure 1 (bottom
Figure 1: Pairs of siblings from the HQfaces (top row) and
from the LQfaces (bottom row).
2.1 Databases Normalization
Images in the DBs have been normalized. This
process was first aimed at aligning them and
delimiting the same section for all frontal and profile
faces, including the most significant facial features.
Geometric normalization is based on the position of
two landmarks in the images. For frontal images,
those points are the eye centers. For profiles, the
repere points are Nasion (the depressed area directly
between the eyes, just superior to the bridge of the
nose) and Pogonion (the most anterior point on the
chin). Eye centers are detected using the Active
Shape Model (ASM) technique (Milborrow and
Nicolls, 2008) while the profile landmarks are
identified using an algorithm derived from that in
Bottino and Cumani (2008). Examples of extracted
keypoints are shown in Figure 2.
ICPRAM 2012 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 2: Expressionless/smiling frontal and prole, faces
from HQfaces (top row). Keypoints extracted from
corresponding photographs (second row).
The result is a normalized image enclosed within
a fixed area of interest (standard area) with the
selected landmarks aligned and coincident with two
predefined fixed points (reference positions). The
transformations involved are rotation and
translation, to align the line joining the landmarks
with the corresponding line in the standard area,
isotropic scaling to make the landmarks coincident,
and finally cropping. The dimension of the standard
area and the reference positions, in pixel units, for
frontal and profile HQfaces and frontal LQfaces are
shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Reference positions used for normalization.
Standard area Reference
position 1
position 2
1000x1000 Left eye:
Right eye:
Profile HQ
800x600 Nasion:
140x140 Left eye:
Right eye:
Finally, normalized images are converted to
grayscale and their histograms are equalized. For
profile images, the background is discarded using
simple chroma-keying techniques prior to colour and
intensity related processing, since part of it appears
in the standard area.
The concept of “similarity” of faces is much more
encompassing than the concept of “identity”.
However, we believe to be interesting attempting to
recognize pairs of siblings using an effective
commercial identity recognition software. For this
task, we selected the FaceVACS
Development Kit (SDK), supplied by Cognitec
Systems (Cognitec, 2011). A previous version of this
software was tested in the Face Recognition Vendor
Test (FRVT) 2006, obtaining excellent results in
identity recognition (Phillips et al., 2010).
When the SDK analyses a pair of images, it
provides a score value s[0,1]. The higher the score,
the higher the probability they belong to the same
subject. Since siblings are likely to share facial
attributes, one can suppose that the score between
two siblings should be higher than the score between
two unrelated people.
Figure 3: Scores histograms for HQfaces (top) and for
LQfaces (bottom).
Indeed, the FaceVACS can provide an initial
insight about the possibility of dealing with sibling
images. We experimented FaceVACS with all pairs
of siblings and with an equal number of randomly
selected pairs. The histograms of the scores are
shown in Figure 3, where Pos stands for pairs of
siblings, and Neg for random pairs of not siblings.
The figure shows that no negative pair scored higher
than 0.4 for LQfaces and 0.5 for HQfaces. In other
words, if the score of a couple of images is above
these thresholds, they are likely to belong to
siblings, otherwise, another algorithm must be used
to make the decision. Using a fixed threshold might
guarantee a null False Acceptance Ratio (FAR) but
strongly penalizes the False Rejection Ratio (FRR),
since there are many positive samples with scores
lower than this threshold. For instance, to obtain a
null FAR, the FRR is 78.12% for LQfaces, and
82.47% for HQfaces.
A NEW PROBLEM IN FACE IMAGE ANALYSIS - Finding Kinship Clues for Siblings Pairs
Eigenfaces, first suggested by Sirovic and Kirby
(1987), have been extensively used for face image
analysis in reduced dimensionality spaces. The main
feature of the eigenfaces is that they capture both
facial texture and geometry. Since we do not know
yet which are the facial elements more significant
for detecting kinship clues for siblings, we decided
in this paper to perform a first analysis using this
popular catch-all technique for feature extraction.
The main datasets used for our experiments are
the following:
i. 196 frontal images of subjects from LQfaces
(98 siblings pairs);
ii. frontal expressionless images of 184 subjects
from HQfaces (92 siblings pairs);
iii. 158 individuals, represented by a set of a
frontal and a profile expressionless images from
HQfaces (79 siblings pairs);
iv. 112 individuals, represented by a set of
expressionless frontal and profile, smiling
frontal and profile images from HQfaces (56
siblings pairs).
The outline of the proposed automatic sibling
classification algorithm, irrespective of the dataset it
is applied to, is the following:
a) Extract the principal components vectors from
all the single images of the dataset and compute
the representative vector of each individual;
b) Compute the representative vector for pairs of
siblings and not siblings, where the
representative vector of a pair is given by the
absolute difference of the representative vectors
of its composing individuals;
c) Train a SVM classifier with the representative
vectors of a training set of pairs, composed by
an equal number of siblings and not siblings,
and apply the classifier to a test set. In order to
improve classification accuracy, a feature
selection (FS) algorithm has also been applied,
and the output of FaceVACS combined with
the SVM classification results.
In the following subsections, we will detail how
these steps have been implemented, and we will
describe and discuss the experimental results
obtained for the classification of image pairs.
4.1 Representative Vectors
For each dataset, we first compute its eigenfaces and
then the representative vector v of each face by
projecting it on these eigenfaces. For datasets
containing different type of images for each person,
(e.g. frontal and profile), eigenfaces are computed
separately for each type of image and the
representative vector of an individual is simply
obtained by concatenating the representative vectors
of each of its available images. In all datasets (and
for each type of image), the dimension
n of the
representative vector (or of the part of it related to an
image type) is the number of principal components
that account for 99% of the total variance of the data
(150 for frontal and 98 for profiles images in
Hqfaces, 119 for images in LQfaces). The
representative vector v
of a pair of images I
or of a pair of image sets IS
and IS
in multi-
type datasets, is computed from their representative
vectors v
and v
= abs (v
- v
The representative vector of a pair is such that
= v
4.2 Building the Classifier
For each of the four main datasets (i-iv), 6 different
datasets of pairs have been composed, each
containing all the positive samples (pairs of siblings)
available and an equal number of randomly chosen
negative samples (pairs of not siblings). All pairs
datasets have been classified using Support Vector
Machines. Five-Fold cross-validation technique has
been used and a grid search has been done to
optimize parameters of the SVM radial basis kernel,
as suggested by Chang and Lin (2011). Other
classification techniques, as KNN and Classification
Trees, have been tested, but they provided worse
classification results, that we omit for brevity.
4.3 Improving the Classifier
For each pairs dataset, classification has been also
performed applying the Minimum Redundancy and
Maximum Relevance (mRMR) feature selection
(FS) algorithm. This algorithm has been shown to be
effective in building robust learning models,
increasing the classification accuracy under different
datasets and classification techniques (Peng, Long
and Ding, 2005).
The mRMR algorithm selects, for each dataset,
the more relevant features (eigenfaces) for
ICPRAM 2012 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
characterizing the classification variable by
assigning a score to each element of the
representative vector of an image pair. For each
main dataset, mRMR scores have been averaged
over its six data sets, and the 20 more effective (on
the average) eigenfaces have been used for final
classification. The number of chosen feature is the
one for which, on average, accuracies have a peak.
We have found that the eigenfaces more
significant for discriminating siblings are relatively
stable with respect to the pairs dataset used. To
support the thesis that the described technique is
sufficiently general to also work with other
databases of siblings, we performed further tests
subdividing each of the 6 pairs datasets into 4 not
intersecting subsets, composed by an equal number
of siblings and not siblings. For these subsets, we
obtained again similar eigenvectors from mRMR.
An example of the eigenfaces selected by mRMR is
shown in
Figure 4 for frontal HQfaces.
Figure 4: Best eigenfaces for dataset ii.
As further improvement, we combined SVM
classification, feature selection and the FaceVACS
SDK results. In section 2, we observed that
FaceVACS SDK was effective in detecting siblings
when scores are above a predefined threshold. Then
we corrected the SVM classification as follows. For
each sample classified as Not Siblings, we check the
FaceVACS SDK score, and, if greater than 0.5, we
change the classification to Siblings. This heuristic
provides slightly better, from 1% to 3.5%,
classification accuracies.
4.4 Classification Results
The classification results obtained in our
experiments are summarized in Table 2 and
organized by main dataset (i-iv) and by whether or
not feature selection has been applied (FS / No FS).
For each main dataset, results are reported as the
mean classification accuracy of its 6 pairs datasets.
Results obtained combining SVM and FaceVACS
are also reported.
The following remarks can be drawn:
As expected, accuracies provided for LQfaces
are significantly lower than those for HQfaces.
The more information is available, the higher is
the accuracy of the classifier. Profile and
expressions significantly improve classification
results, as it can be seen in Table 2, where
results for set iv outperform those for set iii,
which are in turn better than those for set ii.
FS always significantly increases accuracy, and
a further minor improvement is provided by
combining the output of our classifier and of
Table 2: Classification accuracies for sets i, ii and iii.
Set Feature Selection SVM SVM+SDK
52,39 55,75
59,40 62,05
61,27 63,19
70,85 70,94
62,77 65,78
73,28 73,48
69,68 70,94
75,51 76,33
In this section we compare the ability of the
automatic system to correctly discriminate between
siblings and not siblings with that of human raters.
To this purpose, we presented on an Internet site the
pairs used for automatic classification, exception
made for the LQ data set, since it is composed
mainly by well known personages, and then likely to
produce biased ratings.
In particular for each main dataset ii-iv, only one
of the 6 pairs datasets was used to collect human
ratings. The pairs were presented in a random order,
and the raters were informed that some of the pairs
presented were siblings, but they were not told in
which percentage. In total, we collected 213.396
YES (the two individuals are siblings) or NO (they
are not) answers from 2.929 students and employees
of the Politecnico di Torino; an average of 444
answers for each pair were collected.
In order to perform a meaningful comparison
with the classifier, we transformed for each pair the
average ratings of the human panel (HP) into the
value that obtained the majority of votes. The
comparison is presented in Table 3, which shows
that the performance of our automatic classifier is
very close to that of the HP. Observe that the
classification accuracy is lower than that shown in
Table 2, which is an average value, while here the
classification results refers only to the same pairs
A NEW PROBLEM IN FACE IMAGE ANALYSIS - Finding Kinship Clues for Siblings Pairs
datasets rated by human observers.
Table 3: Comparison between automatic and human
Set Feature
No FS 62.50 65.18
FS 65.18 68.75
No FS 66.96 67.85
FS 67.86 70.53
No FS 68.75 69.64
FS 71.43 74.10
In this paper, we have presented the first results of a
new research aimed at recognizing siblings pairs
with pattern analysis/image processing techniques.
To this purpose we have constructed a data base of
high quality images of pairs of siblings, also
containing profile and smiling images, which will be
used for further investigation on the subject. The
ability of human observers to discriminate pairs of
siblings and not siblings from images of this
database has been experimentally determined as
well. A first automatic analysis of the database has
been performed using a commercial identity
recognition package, which, although not aimed at
this specific problem, has provided some interesting
insight about the problem. Then, we experimented a
technique based on PCA features and a SVM
classifier. Combining them with a feature selection
technique, we obtained correct classification
percentages close to those of the human raters.
Although the PCA features are in principle database
dependent, the algorithm experimented appears
rather general, since it provides similar results using
different training and test sets extracted from our
database. The importance of using high quality
images for these studies has been proven by the
significantly lower percentages of correct
classification obtained for a low quality database,
collected over the Internet.
Future analysis of the database will experiment
other techniques likely to improve the percentage of
correct classification. Gabor filters and other feature
extraction techniques will be applied. In general, we
will focus on approaches able to enhance detailed
comparisons of particularly significant areas of
human faces which could be relevant to discriminate
pairs of siblings.
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ICPRAM 2012 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods