Melonie Burrows
, Graeme Jahns
, Geoffrey Houlton
, Berry van Gelder
and Frank Marcus
Heart Force Medical Inc., Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Catharina Hospital, Eindhoven, Netherlands
The University Medical Centre, Tucson, Arizona, U.S.A.
Keywords: Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy, Seismocardiography, Ballistocardiography, Biventricular pacing, Heart
Abstract: Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) results in improved clinical status in patients with heart failure
and left ventricular dyssynchrony. One third of CRT patients fail to respond due to the inability to 1)
identify non-responders prior to treatment, 2) optimize coronary sinus lead placement for left ventricular
pacing and 3) optimize the atrio-ventricular (A-V) and inter-ventricular (V-V) intervals. Although invasive
measurements of first maximal derivative of left ventricular pressure (dP/dt
) are used to optimize lead
placement and A-V and V-V intervals in CRT, it would be preferable to have a non-invasive assessment of
. Echocardiographic dyssynchrony and left ventricular function are current parameters for non-
invasively evaluating responders to CRT, but they are not recommended due to their poor reproducibility.
We applied recent advances in technology to develop a device called the digital ballistocardiograph (dBG
which assesses the mechanical function of the heart using triaxial accelerometry. We show that dBG
cardiac events are valid in comparison to 2D transthoracic echocardiography and reliable in comparison to
cardiac magnetic resonance imaging. We present preliminary data to support our position that the dBG
could be used as a non-invasive assessment of dP/dt
in heart failure patients to identify responders and
optimize CRT.
The science of ballistocardiography (BCG) was con-
ceived over a century ago (Starr et al., 1955, Starr et
al., 1953) as the study of body motion resulting from
myocardial contraction and blood flow from the
heart to the periphery (Noordergraff, 1961). During
the 1930s to 1960s, there was a surge of studies
showing the importance of BCG measurements in
clinical cardiology (Starr et al., 1950, Starr and
Hildreth, 1952, Starr, 1964), especially in relation to
identifying patients with coronary heart disease
(Baker, 1950, Scarborough, 1952, Baker, 1968) and
development of circulatory abnormalities such as co-
arctation of the aorta (Brown et al., 1949, Starr,
1964). Although conceptually attractive, BCG was
limited in practice, as the devices were cumbersome
requiring fixed installation. In addition, the ability
to analyze the signals electronically was not yet
available. As such, BCG was impractical to use on a
large scale and was abandoned in the 1970s.
Bayevski and colleagues developed seismo-
cardiography (SCG) in 1964. The technique con-
sisted of an accelerometer attached over the sternum
area of the chest, which recorded compression
waves transmitted through the chest wall from heart
contractions during each cardiac cycle. Over the
years, SCG has been refined as a technique for
cardiac stress monitoring (Jerosch-Herold et al.,
1999), left ventricular monitoring during ischemia
(Salerno and Zanetti, 1991, Korzeniowska-Kubacka
et al., 2005), estimation of left ventricular function
(Korzeniowska-Kubacka and Piotrowicz, 2002), and
detection of coronary artery disease (Salerno et al.,
1991). However, SCG devices were not imple-
mented on a large scale due to the emergence and
sudden interest in echocardiography.
Burrows M., Jahns G., Houlton G., van Gelder B. and Marcus F..
DOI: 10.5220/0003845202510256
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices (BIODEVICES-2012), pages 251-256
ISBN: 978-989-8425-91-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
At present, modern accelerometer-based tech-
nology is revitalizing the science of BCG and SCG,
allowing the motion of the heart to be recorded and
analyzed quickly and efficiently for the assessment
of cardiac function (Alametsa et al., 2009). We have
applied recent advances in hardware and software
technologies to develop a new medical device called
the digital ballistocardiograph (dBG
), which allows
rapid, non-invasive assessment of cardiac events and
the force of the heart’s contraction, lending itself to
patient monitoring and assessment.
Clinical trials have demonstrated that cardiac
resynchronization therapy (CRT) results in improved
clinical status and lower mortality in selected
patients (Abraham et al., 2002, Bristow et al., 2004).
However, approximately one third of CRT patients
fail to respond due to the inability to accurately
1) identify non-responders prior to treatment,
2) optimize coronary sinus lead placement during
the procedure, and 3) optimize the atrio-ventricular
(A-V) and inter-ventricular (V-V) intervals
(Abraham et al., 2002, van Gelder et al., 2004,
Cleland et al., 2005, Jansen et al., 2006). Although
invasive measurements of the first maximal
derivative of left ventricular pressure (dP/dt
) can
be used to increase the number of CRT responders
via optimization of lead placement, A-V and V-V
intervals, (Kurzidim et al., 2005, van Gelder et al.,
2008, van Gelder et al., 2009), it would be preferable
to have a non-invasive assessment of dP/dt
(Houthuizen et al., 2011). Echocardiographic dys-
synchrony and left ventricular function are current
parameters for non-invasively evaluating responders
to CRT (Altman et al., 2011, Bai et al., 2011).
However, even though echocardiographic variables
have been proposed as surrogates for left ventricular
, they are not highly recommended due to
their poor reproducibility (Thomas et al., 2009).
Cardiac timings recorded non-invasively by BCG
and SCG have been shown to provide valuable
insight into the heart’s function (Starr, 1964, Crow,
1994, Lyseggen et al., 2005). As such, if the dBG
could non-invasively predict dP/dt
across a range
of heart rates, it would have potential to be a
valuable tool for the non-invasive assessment of
for identification of CRT responders and
optimization of CRT.
In this position paper, we present preliminary
data from animal studies to support our position that
the dBG
could be used as a non-invasive
assessment of dP/dt
in heart failure patients to
identify responders and optimize CRT.
2.1 The Digital Ballistocardiograph
The dBG
(Heart Force Medical Inc., Vancouver,
Canada) consists of three main components: the
sensor containing the triaxial accelerometer and two
exposed pads for electrocardiograph (ECG) elec-
trodes, the digitizing transceiver unit which
conditions and samples the signals and transmits the
data to a PC via Bluetooth™, and the software
application used for device control and manual data
analysis (Figure 1A). The sensor is placed on the
sternum in the midline, with its lower edge ap-
proximately 3 cm above the xiphoid process (Figure
1B). The triaxial accelerometer (Figure 1C) detects
the SCG vibrations generated by the heart’s motion.
A single, non-diagnostic ECG similar to a lead 1 is
also recorded. From specific peaks on the SCG, the
following cardiac events can be determined: mitral
valve closure (MVC), aortic valve opening (AVO),
aortic valve closure (AVC) and mitral valve opening
(MVO). Isovolumetric contraction time (IVCT; t
– t
) and isovolumetric relaxation time (IVRT;
– t
) are derived variables (Figure 2).
Figure 1: A) The digital ballistocardiograph
sensor and transceiver; B) Digital ballistocardiograph
sensor placement, C)
Digital ballistocardiograph
sensor axes from the perspective of the observer; x – from right to left, y – from head to toe, z
– from back to chest. Abbreviations: dBG - digital ballistocardiograph; ECG – electrocardiograph.
BIODEVICES 2012 - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices
We investigated the accuracy of cardiac events
using the dBG
against the clinical reference
standard of 2D transthoracic Doppler echocardio-
graphy, and found that the cardiac events measured
by dBG
were equivalent to cardiac events measured
by 2D echocardiography (95% of dBG
events fell within ±2SD of echocardiography cardiac
events). We have also determined within-device,
intra- and inter-operator reliability for the dBG
measurements. Precision was calculated as the root
mean square error coefficient of variation
(RMSECV, %) and was less than 4% (within), 8%
(intra) and 10% (inter) for all cardiac events, which
is comparable to the gold standard technique of
cardiac magnetic resonance imaging whose
reliability is known to be between 2.9–9% (Chuang
et al., 2000). As such, dBG
cardiac events are both
valid and reliable for clinical use.
2.2 The Digital Ballistocardiograph
in Cardiac Resynchronization
We used a swine model to investigate if the dBG
variables were predictive of dP/dt
across various
heart rate conditions as well as following induced
changes in blood volume. We studied 10 hybrid
farm pigs (10–16 weeks old), utilizing the dBG
device to measure cardiac timings (MVC, AVO,
AVC, MVO), and catheterization to measure left
ventricular pressure for computation of dP/dt
A guiding catheter (Medtronic, MN, USA) and
sensor-tipped PressureWire
(St. Jude Medical Inc.,
MN, USA) were inserted into the left femoral artery
and placed in the apex of the left ventricle under
fluoroscopic guidance (HICOR/ACOM-TOP, Sie-
mens, Erlangen, Germany). The PressureWire
connected to the RadiAnalyser
Xpress (St. Jude
Medical Inc., MN, USA) for the measurement of left
ventricular pressure. The RadiAnalyser
Figure 2: Example digital ballistocardiograph
waveform annotated for four valve timings. Abbreviations: Mitral valve
closure – MVC; Aortic valve opening – AVO; Aortic valve closure – AVC; Mitral valve opening – MVO; ECG –
Electrocardiogram; X – dBG
sensor axis from right to left, Y – dBG
sensor axis from head to toe, Z – dBG
axis from back to chest.
system utilized the PhysioMon™ software (Version
2.02, St. Jude Medical Inc.) for computation of
. The output from the RadiAnalyser
was routed to a signal processing unit (CMS,
Module M1006A, Phillips Medical Systems, MA,
USA) for simultaneous monitoring of left ventricular
pressure. A catheter was inserted into the right
femoral artery and placed into the aortic arch under
fluoroscopic guidance (HICOR/ACOM-TOP,
Siemens). The catheter output was routed to the
signal-processing unit (CMS, Module M1006A,
Phillips Medical Systems) for simultaneous
monitoring of aortic blood pressure. All data output
from the CMS were routed to a Biopac MP150
(Biopac Systems Inc., CA, USA). A dBG
prietary sensor (Heart Force Medical Inc.,
Vancouver, Canada) was placed on the midline of
the sternum with the lower edge of the sensor placed
approximately 3 cm above the xiphoid process. A
pacing wire (Medtronic) was inserted into the left
femoral vein, advanced into the right atrium, and
connected to an external, single chamber pacemaker
(Medtronic) for pacing of the heart at specific heart
rate (HR) conditions. We paced animals via the right
atrium for 10 counterbalanced heart rate conditions:
90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170 and 180
bpm. At each HR, we observed a period of 5
minutes for normalization of hemodynamics, after
which we collected all pressure and dBG
simultaneously for 1 minute. After the pacing
protocol was completed, each animal had blood
withdrawn equivalent to 10% of body weight, which
was subsequently reperfused. After each blood
withdrawal/reperfusion, all pressure and dBG
were collected simultaneously at 1 minute
immediately after withdrawal/reperfusion, and 3
minutes after withdrawal/reperfusion.
The left ventricular pressure, dP/dt
and dBG
data collected during the counterbalanced HR
conditions were used to assess the relation between
and dBG
variables and devise a regression
equation to predict dP/dt
non-invasively. The left
ventricular pressure, dP/dt
and dBG
collected during the blood volume conditions were
used only to assess if changing blood volumes
affected the relation between dP/dt
and dBG
variables. The aortic blood pressure signals were
captured only to facilitate time alignment of the
waveforms to the dP/dt waveforms.
We created a proprietary software tool (Heart
Force Medical Inc.) to manually annotate the
merged data files. We also used the tool to offset the
data streams to achieve heart beat synchronization
for all data. We manually annotated MVC, AVO,
AVC, MVO and a dBG
amplitude measure (dBGv)
calculated from the measured cardiac timings on the
waveform, and dP/dt
on the dP/dt
waveform. We used a repeated measure regression
model to assess if dBGv could predict catheter-based
measurement of dP/dt
. Heart rate, HR order and
pig weight were used as covariates, and the within
pig (between HR and within HR) and between pig
variation were assessed. Alpha was set at P <0.05.
All statistical analyses were performed by an
independent statistician using R (www.r-
dBGv was a significant predictor of dP/dt
<0.0001), with a one unit change in dBGv equiv-
alent to 4.01 unit changes in dP/dt
(95% CI 3.00–
5.05 units). The relation between dBGv and dP/dt
was consistent across HRs (P >0.8), but varied
across pigs (P <0.0001). dBGv remained a sig-
nificant predictor of dP/dt
(P <0.0001) even when
blood volumes were decreasing and increasing.
These preliminary data show a strong predictive
capability of dBG
v for dP/dt
across heart rates,
suggesting that dBGv is a non-invasive surrogate of
and is able to detect the force-frequency
relation between HR and dP/dt
. The potential of a
cardiac amplitude variable to predict dP/dt
been suggested previously, with peak endocardial
acceleration (PEA) amplitude (measured using a
micro-accelerometer located on the tip of a trans-
venous pacing lead), shown to be related to global
ventricular contractility independent of recording
site and atrial rhythm (Bongiorni et al., 1996). Acute
variations in PEA, measured using endocardial leads
and implantable device, have also been shown to
closely parallel changes in dP/dt
(Rickards et al.,
Despite the remarkable clinical results associated
with CRT (Houthuizen et al., 2011), the percentage
of non-responders is still 25–35% (Bristow et al.,
2004, Cleland et al., 2005). Acute measurements of
left ventricular dP/dt
have shown to be necessary
to identify non-responders prior to treatment, to
optimize coronary sinus lead placement, and to
optimize A-V and V-V intervals during CRT to
obtain maximal hemodynamic benefit in patients
(van Gelder et al., 2004, Jansen et al., 2006, van
Gelder et al., 2008, van Gelder et al., 2009).
Although catheterization is the gold standard for the
assessment of ventricular function, it is invasive,
costly and time consuming, and is therefore limited
BIODEVICES 2012 - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices
in its clinical utility. The dBGv measured in this
study is a non-invasive surrogate for dP/dt
as it
describes the rate of change of contractile force,
while being measured from an accelerometer placed
on the sternum. During CRT, heart rate is a known
variable that, in conjunction with a measured dBG
could be inserted into an equation to derive a pre-
dicted dP/dt
without left ventricular catheter-
ization. An Electrophysiologist could use the pre-
dictive equation during CRT to 1) identify patients
who experience an increase in dP/dt
at time of
coronary sinus lead insertion and therefore likely to
be CRT responders, and 2) optimize coronary sinus
lead placement and A-V and V-V intervals. The fact
that the relation between dP/dt
and dBGv remains
strong across changes in blood volume suggests that
the predictive relation between dBG
v and dP/dt
robust. The use of the dBG
during CRT could help
prevent implantation of CRT devices in the one third
of patients who do not currently benefit from this
therapy (van Gelder et al., 2004).
In this position paper, we presented a brief history of
BCG and SCG and noted that modern technology
has revitalized the science of BCG and SCG,
allowing the motion of the heart to be recorded,
captured and used in the assessment of cardiac
function. A new medical device called the dBG
introduced. The use of the dBG
in CRT
optimization was discussed and preliminary data
presented showing the strong predictive capability of
the dBG
to track dP/dt
across a wide variety of
heart rates in swine. The dBG
is small and
relatively inexpensive. It appears to have potential to
assist in identifying CRT responders and optimizing
lead position and A-V and V-V intervals. Clinical
studies in heart failure patients are required to
document the ability to assist in selecting patients
who will benefit from CRT, as well as its use in
optimizing A-V and V-V intervals.
The authors would like to thank Dr Rick White
(University of British Columbia, Canada) for
conducting the independent statistical analysis
herein; Brandon Ngai (Heart Force Medical Inc.) for
his help in developing the position paper; and
Heather Braybrook (Heart Force Medical Inc.) for
her help in editing and formatting this manuscript.
The authors would also like to acknowledge the
work of Heather Braybrook, Hayley Corbett, Dorel
Dumencu and Gonzalo Portacio (Heart Force
Medical Inc.) in data collection for the dBG
mentioned herein.
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BIODEVICES 2012 - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices