An Object-oriented Approach
George Anastassakis and Themis Panayiotopoulos
Knowledge Engineering Lab, Department of Informatics, University of Piraeus, Piraeus, Greece
Keywords: X3D, Virtual Environment.
Abstract: X3D is an open, royalty-free, scene-graph-based standard for 3D virtual worlds that has been used by virtual
environment developers many times until today. As a virtual environment development tool, it has
numerous appealing features; however, it also has certain characteristics that may, under certain
circumstances, create significant problems to developers. With a motivation to communicate our own
experience to, and contribute to the efforts of, other researchers who are using or consider using it, we
evaluate X3D in a virtual environment developer's perspective and identify potential problems with its
usage. Also, we present an architectural pattern aimed at addressing those problems effectively, with a focus
on transparency, standards-compliance, reusability and extendibility. In conclusion, we present a case study
of the application of the proposed pattern in a fully-implemented intelligent virtual environment system.
Today's virtual worlds are typically three-
dimensional and consist of virtual objects of various
kinds, each with its own geometry, structure,
location and orientation in space, presentation,
functionality and behaviour. Host virtual
environment systems render virtual worlds in real
time and enable users to experience and interact with
them multimodally, while autonomous behaviour
exhibited by synthetic actors – virtual agents – is an
essential element of applications aimed at
believability, realism and an increased sense of user
presence. To provide such functionality, virtual
environments systems employ world representation
technologies which, in most (if not all) cases, are
based upon the concept of the scene graph.
As its name implies, a scene graph is a graph
structured so as to represent a scene which, in most
cases, is three-dimensional, dynamic and interactive.
A typical scene graph contains nodes of various
types, each with a specific purpose, such as to define
geometry and apply transformations. Scene graphs
are the preferred method for the representation of
complex scenes mostly because they (a) can
naturally capture the conceptual hierarchy of the
represented scene, and (b) are highly independent, in
principle, of the underlying hardware and software
X3D is a scene-graph specification for virtual
worlds (Web3D Consortium, 2011). It is the
successor of VRML version 2.0, also known as
VRML97. It is an ISO standard currently steered by
the Web3D Consortium.
X3D has several features that make it an
appealing candidate for employment in virtual
environment systems. It is for those features that we
have adopted it for our own research which has
yielded, among other results, a virtual environment
system titled REVE Worlds (Anastassakis, 2011;
REVEnet, 2011) that uses X3D both as a format for
external source data and to maintain an internal
virtual world representation at run-time.
Nonetheless, X3D provides no original facilities
to accomodate a range of needs inherent to virtual
environments. In addition, certain parts of the X3D
specification, while facilitating the processing of the
kind of online content X3D was originally meant to
support, may lead to problems when fine-grained
and accurately-timed control over internal virtual
world representation data is needed. The latter is no
less than a non-negotiable requirement especially
when it comes to intelligent virtual environments
that is, virtual environments in which the element of
Anastassakis G. and Panayiotopoulos T..
DOI: 10.5220/0003863404660471
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP-2012), pages 466-471
ISBN: 978-989-8565-02-0
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
intelligent behaviour exhibited by intelligent virtual
agents is dominant – where multiple actors, both
artificial and human, simultaneously exhibit
complex behaviour (Aylett and Luck, 1999).
In this paper, we evaluate X3D from a virtual
environment developer's standpoint as a component
of virtual environment systems, and identify what
we consider to be its key benefits and drawbacks as
such. In addition, we propose an architectural pattern
aimed at effectively addressing those drawbacks
with a focus on transparency, standards-compliance,
reusability and extendibility. We also show how we
have applied the proposed pattern in practice.
The potential of X3D – either in its contemporary
form or in the earlier form of VRML97 – as a tool
for developing virtual environments has been
investigated and exploited on numerous occasions
and in various domains until today, for the purposes
of both research and applications.
Cabral et al. (2007) discuss their use of X3D as a
means to define virtual worlds for virtual heritage
applications, as well as their implementation of a
X3D browser based on the Ogre3D graphics engine.
They conclude that X3D has helped them improve
the design review process, save time and enable
heritage specialists with no 3D graphics experience
to benefit from virtual reality technologies.
Bouras, Panagopoulos and Tsiatsos (2005)
discuss how an existing VRML-based research
platform for networked virtual environments titled
“EVE” was modified using the Xj3D toolkit to rely
on X3D. The authors also offer useful information
about problems they faced during their effort. An
application in the form of a tool for collaborative
design and spatial arrangement of multi-grade
virtual classrooms is presented by Bouras, Tegos,
Triglianos and Tsiatsos (2007).
In the context of annotation-based approaches for
the definition of virtual world semantics, the use of
VRML's WorldInfo and PROTO nodes as well as
GeoVRML's GeoMetadata nodes is discussed by
Ibanez-Martinez and Delgado-Mata (2006).
Behr, Dähne and Roth (2004) discuss techniques
for using X3D in virtual reality applications with a
specific focus on user immersion, and propose
extensions to the X3D specification to that end.
Ieronutti and Chittaro (2007) present an
architecture for virtual humans in educational virtual
environments based on Web3D technologies.
Along similar lines, a Web-based teaching
software system relying on VRML is presented by
Ong and Mannan (2004). The authors examine – to
great technical detail, which is rather an exception to
the rule – the use of VRML's external authoring
interface (EAI) (that is, an interface for
communication between VRML scenes and external
applications and a predecessor to a similar interface
specified by X3D) to enable control over the VRML
scene by external processes.
In a wide spectrum of virtual environment
systems and applications such as those mentioned
above, X3D plays a central role, not only as a world
representation means but also as a facilitator of
diverse interactions among virtual objects, virtual
agents and user avatars, and a component deeply
involved with virtual world dynamics in general.
Nonetheless, in spite of the numerous and highly-
technical implications in incorporating X3D into
complex software, very little detail is available – as
a general rule – on how those implications were
dealt-with, what kinds of obstacles were encountered
and how they were overcome in each case.
Because virtual environments are complex systems
involving multiple interoperating components, the
following presentation of X3D and all further
discussion in this paper is based on X3D's external
scene access interface (external SAI), an interface
for interaction between external processes and X3D
worlds (as opposed to the internal scene access
interface, which can be used to interact with X3D
worlds from within).
3.1 Desirable Features
X3D can benefit virtual environment developers on
several levels: it is an abstract specification enabling
virtual world definitions largely disentangled from
technical details and the underlying implementation;
it can be used both for the purposes of run-time
world representation and as a format for 3D scene
source data; it specifies a number of powerful
application programming interfaces (APIs) for the
interaction between application code and X3D scene
graphs; in contrast to many de facto standards, it is
an ISO standard; it is an open and highly accessible
standard; it is backed by a large and active online
3.2 Potentially Problematic Features
X3D has specific features that may create non-
negligible obstacles under certain circumstances.
Based on our own relevant experience, we feel that
virtual environment system developers must be
aware of those characteristics and the problems they
may create, and have thoroughly considered them
before investing in X3D.
3.2.1 Asynchronous Execution Model
According to the X3D specification, a scene graph
can be modified by application code on an
exclusively asynchronous basis. In other words,
scene graph modification requests are not processed
when issued by application code but, as the
specification clearly dictates, when the browser, that
is, the component whose responsibility is to render
subsequent instances of the scene graph, decides to
do so. In cases where application code must make
multiple changes to a scene graph in a single burst,
modification requests can be grouped and processed
as a single event cascade, again when the browser
decides to do so.
This is a useful specification-level feature that
results in increased browser performance and safe
concurrent access to the same scene graph by
different threads, among other benefits. However, it
raises an issue when scene graph contents must be
accessed immediately, or very shortly, after requests
for modification are issued. Consider the following
example of readily-compilable Java code meant to
write a certain value to a certain field of some node
in a X3D scene graph:
float before = initial;
((SFFloat) foo).setValue(before);
float after = ((SFFloat) foo).getValue();
boolean test = before == after;
In the above code snippet, a call to foo field's
setValue method – a request to modify the field's
value – with the value initial (which shall not be
equal to the field's value at the time) is immediately
followed by a call to the field's getValue method – a
request to access the field's value. Because the time
difference between the two calls is extremely small,
the browser will have most likely not processed all
pending event cascades when the getValue method is
called. As a result, the value that will be read will
not be equal to the value just written, and the test
variable will have a value of false.
Where similar patterns of rapidly successive
scene graph access and modification operations are
inevitable (as it is the case with virtual environments
due to multiple virtual agents interacting with the
same virtual world at the same time), X3D's
asynchronous execution model may become a
considerable obstacle. One way to circumvent this is
to register an interest for notifications of fully-
realized modifications to specific fields and only
access those fields when corresponding notifications
are received, something that is indeed supported by
X3D; however, when the ability to strictly order and
schedule complex interactions with the scene graph
is of the essence, such an approach is inapplicable.
3.2.2 Inaccessible Geometry Dimensions
The X3D specification provides that several fields of
primitive geometry nodes, such as Box, Sphere and
Cone, are only accessible as initializeOnly, which
essentially means that their values cannot be read at
run-time. This is a major drawback as it renders
bounding-shape calculation by application code in
an automated fashion virtually impossible, while
bounding shape information is essential to several
aspects of a virtual environment system's operation,
such as collision detection and response, visual
annotation of virtual objects, automated arrangement
of virtual objects in space, and many more.
A possible solution is to supply bounding-shape
information calculated at design-time in the metadata
field which all X3D nodes have; however, such an
approach requires additional pre-processing and,
most importantly, only applies to non-deformable
virtual objects (which virtual bodies and user avatars
rarely are, if ever).
Luckily, it is possible to access the coordinates
of vertices in IndexedFaceSet and IndexedLineSet
nodes: their coord field as well as the Coordinate
node's point field are both accessible as inputOutput.
This enables calculation of local geometric extents,
which, in turn, enables calculation of bounding-
shapes based on a number of methods.
3.2.3 Lack of Per-frame Processing Support
The term per-frame processing (or per-frame
behaviour) is used to refer to functionality engaged
on every frame rendered. Support for per-frame
processing is crucial to any virtual environment
system: it is required by mechanisms such as those
enforcing laws like gravity and friction, and
performing collision detection and response. X3D only
supports per-frame processing as part of its internal
SAI by means of X3DPerFrameObserverScript, a
dedicated data type that can serve as a basis for
scripts capable of responding to frame events.
Unfortunately, the external SAI has no inherent
GRAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
support for per-frame processing. Hence, developers
are forced to apply custom solutions which, albeit
often highly effective, may compromise transparency,
reusability and implementation life-span.
To tackle issues such as those discussed in Section 3.2
with transparency, standards-compliance, reusability
and extendibility in mind, we propose the design
pattern shown on Figure 1.
Figure 1: Architectural overview of a virtual environment
system using X3D through X3DSceneProxy.
The figure shows a virtual environment system
maintaining an internal scene graph as a X3DScene
object. (In this text, X3DScene refers to the concrete
implementation of the SAIScene data type provided
by the X3D implementation used, while SAIScene is
the corresponding abstract X3D data type).
+create(String profile, ComponentInfo[] components)
+getPosition(): float[]
+getOrientation(): float[]
+pause(int numberOfFrames)
+addX3DFrameEventListener(X3DFrameEventListener l)
+removeX3DFrameEventListener(X3DFrameEventListener l)
#getScene(): X3DScene
X3DFram eEventListener
+frameRendered(X3DFrameEvent e)
Figure 2: X3DSceneProxy and related classes.
However, the X3DScene object is not used
directly but through an object of the X3DSceneProxy
class – a scene proxy. As its name implies,
X3DSceneProxy is a proxy for X3DScene (Gamma,
Helm, Johnson and Vlissides, 1995). Meaning to
mediate all interaction between application code and
X3D scene graphs, each X3DSceneProxy object
fully encapsulates and manages a X3DScene object,
only allowing access to it according to strict
specifications. Figure 2 depicts X3DSceneProxy and
all related classes (only critical members are shown).
In the following text, aspects of the functionality
that can be made available thanks to the proposed
pattern are discussed along with implementation
guidelines. Please note that the latter are but possible
methods to address the issues discussed in Section
3.2; other mechanisms can be implemented just as
well without any compromise on transparency and
reusability thanks to the proposed pattern.
4.1 Initialization
The scene proxy handles creation and initial
configuration of the internally-managed X3DScene
object. More specifically, it creates a TimeSensor
and a ProximitySensor node. The TimeSensor node
is set to loop forever, while the ProximitySensor
node's size field is set to a sufficiently large value,
which implies that it is to monitor the entire scene
for events. In addition, a field event listener is added
to the fractionChanged field of the TimeSensor
node, which means that, as per the X3D
specification, the listener's readableFieldChanged
method – referred to as the frame event handler in
the following text – will be called on every frame.
4.2 Viewpoint Tracking
The scene proxy enables access to the currently-
bound viewpoint's position and orientation through
its getPosition and getOrientation methods based on
information provided by the ProximitySensor node
discussed in Section 4.1. This is provided as a
convenience to applications that need transparent
run-time access to that kind of information, for
instance, to respond when user avatars move to
specific locations in the virtual world.
4.3 Application Code Execution Delay
The scene proxy can be used to delay execution of
application code for a specific number of frames by
means of its pause methods which use internal
counters to monitor the number of frames rendered
since their invocation and block execution until a
specified count is reached. This particular bit of
functionality can be used to effectively overcome
obstacles created as a result of X3D's asynchronous
execution model, thus enabling synchronized
interaction between application code and the X3D
scene graph. For instance, the example in Section
3.2.1 can be modified as follows:
float before = initial;
((SFFloat) foo).setValue(before);
float after = ((SFFloat) foo).getValue();
boolean test = before == after;
In the above code snippet, the variable scene is a
reference to the scene proxy. Thanks to a call to the
pause method, the above code will wait one frame
before reading the value of the foo field. This means
that, as per the X3D specification, pending event
cascades will have (most probably) been processed
and values will have been written to output fields
when the field is subsequently read, resulting to a
test variable value of true, in contrast with the case
in Section 3.2.1.
4.4 Per-frame Processing
The scene proxy can be used to apply per-frame
processing. To that end, it maintains an internal list
of frame event listener references, that is, references
to objects of class X3DFrameEventListener that have
registered an interest to receive notifications about
frame events. A frame event is represented by a
X3DFrameEvent object. Implementation-specific
frame event handling occurs in the frameRendered
method the X3DFrameEventListener interface.
We have implemented the proposed architectural
pattern using Xj3D, a Web3D consortium-endorsed,
LGPL-licensed, multi-platform, extendible X3D
toolkit written in Java (Xj3D, 2011), as part of the
REVE Worlds virtual environment system.
The REVE Worlds system encodes virtual
objects as items. An item contains several item
aspects, each describing a certain representational
aspect of the virtual object, for example, its physical
properties, perceivable semantics and accessible
functionality. Information pertaining to a virtual
object's appearance, geometry, structure and all
other properties that can be subjectively regarded as
physical are encoded by the respective item's
physical aspect in the form of X3D data. In
particular, for each virtual object, a X3D scene is
accessed through an external data source (for
example, a X3D file). Then, part of it is loaded and
appended to a sequence of specialized functionality
nodes which are created by the system and are
responsible for application-specific tasks, such as
positioning the virtual object in space, aligning it
with the world coordinate system, adding
annotations such as a wireframe bounding box and
nameplates, and more. The mechanism is highly
flexible, as different parts of a single X3D scene can
be used for different virtual objects, enabling virtual
world designers to organize their resources into
libraries. Also, the same part of a single X3D scene
can be reused by different virtual objects, which
facilitates the definition of several discrete virtual
objects with similar physical properties.
Figure 3 below shows two discrete virtual
objects sharing the same X3D scene graph.
Figure 3: Two discrete virtual objects whose physical
aspects draw data from the same X3D scene graph.
A sample virtual world in the REVE Worlds
system is shown in Figure 4 below.
Figure 4: Sample virtual world in REVE Worlds.
GRAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
In the REVE Worlds system, a virtual object's
functionality is exposed as a set of functions which
can be executed, in potentially rapid succession, by a
virtual agent's effectors as part of the execution of
complex actions, such as animated motion and other
kinds of virtual object manipulation. This introduces
the requirement for accurately-timed read- and
write-access to the virtual environment's scene graph
which, in X3D's case, turns out to be problematic
because of its asynchronous execution model. In
addition, it is necessary that the scene graph is
evaluated and updated on a per-frame basis so that
the virtual world's state is at all times consistent with
all laws in effect, which is also problematic because
of X3D's lack of inherent per-frame processing
support. We were able to address those requirements
effectively and elegantly by incorporating the
proposed patter into the REVE Worlds system's
architecture. We have also found modifications of
relevant application code to be straightforward and
transparent, thus increasing the maintainability,
extendibility and life-span of our implementation.
In this paper, we present specific elements of the
X3D specification that may pose problems to virtual
environment developers. We also propose solutions
to those problems and describe an object-oriented
architectural pattern for the transparent incorporation
of those solutions into concrete virtual environment
designs. In particular, we demonstrate how to
address field output timing issues that may arise due
to X3D's asynchronous event model, as well as how
to implement per-frame processing according to an
event delegation mechanism. We have been unable,
however, to overcome the inability to access
primitive geometry node size-related fields (for
instance, for the purposes of automatic bounding
box calculation), as that is a restriction that arises
from the X3D specification itself.
We would like to thank all members of the X3D
Public mailing list, the X3D developer message
boards and the Web3D Consortium for all the
exciting discussions we had and the invaluable
insights they provided us with over the past few
years of our involvement with X3D and Xj3D.
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Bouras, C., Panagopoulos, A., Tsiatsos, T., 2005.
Advances in X3D multi-user virtual environments. In
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Symposium on Multimedia (ISM'05) (pp. 136-142).
Bouras, C., Tegos, C., Triglianos, V., Tsiatsos, T., 2007.
X3D Multi-user Virtual Environment Platform for
Collaborative Spatial Design. In Proceedings of the
27th International Conference on Distributed
Computing Systems Workshops (ICDCSW '07).
Cabral, M., Zuffo, M., Ghirotti, S., Belloc, O., Nomura,
L., Nagamura, M., Andrade, F., Faria, R., Ferraz, L.,
2007. An experience using X3D for virtual cultural
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Gamma, E., Helm, R., Johnson, R. and Vlissides, J., 1995.
Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-
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Ibanez-Martinez, J., Delgado-Mata, C., 2006. A Basic
Semantic Common Level for Virtual Environments.
International Journal of Virtual Reality, 5(3) 25-32.
Ieronutti, L., Chittaro, L., 2007. Employing virtual humans
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Computers & Education, 49(1), 93-109.
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REVEnet, 2011. REVEnet.
Web3D Consortium, 2011. X3D and related Specifications.
Xj3D, 2011. The Xj3D project. http://