Atakan Aral and Zehra Cataltepe
Department of Computer Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, Maslak, Istanbul, Turkey
e-Learning, Learning Styles, Adaptive Learning, K-12 Mathematics.
This review paper analyzes significant studies in learning style and e-Learning fields in order to synthesize
an answer to the question “Does considering learning styles improve e-Learning performance especially for
K-12 mathematics education?”. Included studies can be categorized into the following topics: learning style
models, learning style detection methods, considering learning styles in traditional education and e-Learning,
considering learning styles in K-12 mathematics education. The review shows that applying different teaching
methods for different learning styles could actually help a K-12 student understand a mathematics subject
Computer supported education environments offer a
significant alternative to traditional learning methods.
Among other benefits, they also allow specializing or
adapting according to learners’ needs. Herein, de-
signing an e-Learning application that is capable of
detecting user’s learning style and teaching a subject
by accommodating itself to that style is an interesting
research area. However, it is necessary to investigate
the impact of learning styles on e-Learning environ-
ments before launching out such a research.
This paper aims to review the existing literature
for teaching mathematics to K-12 students in an e-
Learning environment according to students’ learning
styles. Reviewed papers were selected according to
their significance and relevance. Significance is mea-
sured by the quantity and quality of citations while
relevance is decided according to the the applicabil-
ity of the study to K-12 mathematics e-Learning. Al-
though we tried to cover as many papers as possible,
we are aware that we may have left out some signifi-
cant and relevant papers.
The paper is organized as follows: section 2 pro-
vides a summary of notable learning style models,
while in section 3 methods for detecting them are ex-
plained. To justify the positive effect of considering
learning styles, studies considering e-Learning and
face-to-face learning in general are given in section
4. Then, in section 5 other studies focussing on K-12
and mathematics education are considered. Finally,
section 6 summarizes the findings and comments.
Learning style or cognitive style is the preferences
or methods of a learner in his/her learning activi-
ties (Felder and Silverman, 1988). Different people
have different methods to understand a subject better.
Some individuals may prefer visual learning while
others may find auditory or verbal approaches more
useful. Yet, some may succeed by only studying the
theory while experimenting may be essential for oth-
ers. Learning style models aim to specify and des-
ignate general preference categories similar to these
examples. They also classify learners according to
their approaches in learning and understanding sub-
jects by means of various measures (Felder and Sil-
verman, 1988).
Learning styles have aroused interest of re-
searchers from various fields through the years. As
a result, many different models have been proposed
by theoreticians and made use of by educational spe-
cialists. According to a relatively recent and exten-
sive report (Coffield et al., 2004), at least 71 learning
style models are present and 13 of them are consid-
ered major or more influential than the others. They
mainly differ from each other according to the extent
that they may change over time for an individual.
In his Mind Styles Model (MSM) (Gregorc, 1985)
Gregorc considered learning styles as unchangeable
and inborn. He stated that each individual can be
strong in one or two of the four styles defined by two
dual dimensions: Abstract-Concrete and Sequential-
Random. Similarly, there are two dual dimensions in
Aral A. and Cataltepe Z..
DOI: 10.5220/0003916603170322
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2012), pages 317-322
ISBN: 978-989-8565-06-8
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Ridings Cognitive Styles Analysis (CSA) (Riding
and Rayner, 1998): Holist-Analytic and Verbaliser-
Imager. Unlike the former, learning strategies are re-
garded changeable in this model, however learning
styles are still fixed.
Some models such as Kolbs Learning Style In-
ventory (LSI) (Kolb and Kolb, 2005) and Felder-
Silverman learning style model (LSM) (Felder and
Silverman, 1988) did not consider learning styles
constand. According to them, learning preferences
may change slightly depending on time and situation.
Kolb proposed two dimensions (Abstract-Concrete
and Active-Reflective) and four styles (Converging,
Diverging, Assimilating and Accommodating) while
the Felder and Silverman intruduced four dimensions
(Active-Reflective, Sensing-Intuitive, Visual-Verbal
and Sequential-Global).
Different from the approaches above, Dunn and
Dunn (Dunn and Griggs, 2003) included other pref-
erence factors such as environmental factors (sound,
temperature, light), emotional factors (motivation, re-
sponsibility), physical factors (learning preferences,
intake and time of the day) and sociological factors
(such as learning groups, parental motivation). Vi-
sual, Auditory, Kinaesthetic and Tactile learning are
proposed as physical learning preferences.
Before trying to teach a subject using a method that
matches the learning style, challenge of determin-
ing the learning style stands. There are both tradi-
tional and computerized approaches trying to solve
that challenge.
3.1 Questionnaires
Custom designed questionnaires are the most com-
mon method of learning style determination. Nearly
all of the models mentioned above have their own
questionnaires, surveys or inventories. Some ques-
tionnaires contain less than 15 items such as Gregorc
Mind Style Delineator (MSD) or Kolb’s LSI while
some of them contain more than 100 items such as
LSI for the Dunn and Dunn model or Vermunt’s In-
ventory of Learning Styles (ILS) (Vermunt, 1998).
Questionnaires also differ by the type of their
items. In Gregorc MSD and Kolb’s LSI, respondents
should rank 4 alternative responses for each item ac-
cording to how much it fits them. An example item
of that type can be “I learn best from...” while the re-
sponses to be ranked are: “rational theories”, “per-
sonal relationships”, “a chance to try out and prac-
tice” and “observation”. Each of these responses con-
tributes to a different learning style for the respondent
(Coffield et al., 2004).
Another quite common type of question is the 3
or 5 point Likert scale in which the respondents are
asked in what level they agree to the given statement.
This scale is used in Felder and Soloman’s Index of
Learning Styles (IXLS) (Soloman and Felder, 2001),
LSI for the Dunn and Dunn model, and Vermunt’s
ILS. An example item is “I dislike things uncertain
and unpredictable” where the possible responses are
“true”, “uncertain” and “false” (Coffield et al., 2004).
Distinct from the ones above, Riding did not em-
ploy a self-report measure in his CSA for his model
of cognitive style. Instead, he developed a “com-
puterised assessment method” where the respondents
are presented with “matching tasks” and “embedded
figures tasks” on a computer where their response
times are saved and used to determine learning style
(Coffield et al., 2004). Although Ridings method is
not a questionnaire and the respondent is not aware
of how his/her preferences are measured, it cannot be
considered as an automatic detection method either,
because; user is still tested on a custom-engineered
setting instead of natural learning environment.
Questionnaires designed for some models provide
valid and reliable classifications in ideal situations;
however, there are problems with the questionnaire
approach, because; it is not realistic to assume that
learners are aware of their learning style and mo-
tivated to answer the questionnaire properly (Graf,
2007). This awareness and motivation problem is es-
pecially evident in the case of younger children in K-
12 level and it puts the validity and reliability of the
questionnaires in question.
3.2 Automatic Detection
Learning indicators (Papanikolaou and Grigoriadou,
2004) are the observable and quantifiable behavior of
the learners and they can be grouped into three cate-
gories: (i) navigational indicators; (ii) temporal indi-
cators; (iii) performance indicators. As an alternative
to traditional questionnaires, learning indicators are
proposed in a web based learning environment (Bous-
bia et al., 2009). This method proposes a track based
system called “Indicators for Detection of Learning
Style” which logs learner behavior. Then the system
analyzes the logs mainly focusing on navigational and
temporal indicators and suggests learning styles.
Another approach (Graf and Kinshuk, 2006)
based on Felder-Silverman LSM, presents a generic
tool to detect learning style by extracting it from the
learning management system database. They use
the same approach as the IXLS questionnaire devel-
oped for Felder-Silverman LSM. Similarly, yet an-
other approach (Graf, 2007) aims to automatically
assign Felder-Silverman learning styles by applying
Bayesian Networks on indicators such as percentage
of time spent on certain pages, percentage of per-
formed self-assessment questions, percentage of cor-
rectly answered questions about certain subjects, time
spent in the forum or percentage of times a learning
object is skipped via the navigation menu.
Although automatically detecting learning style
according to user behavior offers a more natural and
unnoticeable solution to the detection problem, there
is not as much research as questionnaires demonstrat-
ing its validity and reliability. Moreover, logging de-
tailed user behavior and deducing a meaningful model
from the data to guess a learning style is not an easy
task. There are enormously many user actions and
it is required to decide which action contributes to
which learning style and in what level. Automatic
detection functionality is also hard to implement af-
terwards, unless the e-learning system is natively de-
veloped with logging capabilities.
There are also detection methods making use of
wearables and video/audio sensors which are not ex-
amined here as we focus mainly on methods that
do not require any additional hardware other than a
personal computer on the user side. Nevertheless,
it is worth mentioning the affective tutoring system
for mathematics called “Easy with Eve” (Sarrafzadeh
et al., 2008) which successfully evaluates primary
school students’ emotional states.
When developing an application that considers learn-
ing styles, it is important to understand whether
designing different learning processes for different
learning styles actually affect learning performance
positively. Intensive research has been devoted on the
impact of learning style models for both traditional
learning and e-Learning environments.
4.1 Traditional Learning Performance
Learning style models and effects of educating stu-
dents in methods matching their learning styles have
been thoroughly researched for traditional learning
environments. For example, in a research (Riding and
Grimley, 1999), eighty 11-year-old students were as-
sessed for their learning style applying 3 different ed-
ucation methods. It was observed that students of cer-
tain learning styles perform better learning achieve-
ment using certain education methods.
On the other hand, surveys were conducted in
(Ballone and Czerniak, 2001) on K-12 teachers. They
were inquired about applying different instructional
strategies to match students of different learning
styles. Results demonstrate that science teachers be-
lieve doing so will “increase student success, motivate
students, meet all student needs, make science a good
learning experience for all students, encourage partic-
ipation, and create interest in science”.
Another interesting analysis (Cafferty, 1980) de-
termined the learning styles of both students and their
teachers. Then, the students were grouped into four
categories with gradual amount of match of elements
on their profile with that of their teachers. Per-
formance evaluation showed that, greater degree of
match between the teachers and students’ learning
styles will result in higher Grade Point Average for
that group of students.
4.2 e-Learning Performance
Studies that examine the effect of learning styles in
e-Learning environments can be grouped roughly in
two categories: (i) studies that do not consider adap-
tive systems and experiment how e-Learning suits on
certain learning styles; (ii) studies that experiment the
effects of adapting the e-Learning system for different
learning styles. Studies in the first category provide
the same content using the same methods to all learn-
ers and measure the effect of e-Learning on different
learning styles. While in the second category, a spe-
cific method is applied for each learning style and the
performance improvement with respect to the same
method for all case is measured.
A study (Manochehr, 2006) from the first cate-
gory used Kolb’s LSI to measure learning styles and
compared performance of learning style groups for
traditional and e-Learning methods. Their research
indicated that undergraduate students from certain
learning styles (namely, assimilator and converger)
achieved better results with the e-Learning.
Another research (Shrestha et al., 2007) con-
ducted face-to-face interviews to 43 Undergraduate
students to detect both their learning styles and their
usage preferences on a Virtual Learning Environment
(VLE). Results revealed the influence of learning
style preferences on VLE performance and demon-
strated that VLE is particularly supportive for certain
types (namely, activist and reflective).
As an example to the second category of studies,
(Ford and Chen, 2001) explored the relation between
matching and mismatching teaching styles with stu-
dents learning style by asking them to create web-
pages after giving instructions either matching or mis-
matching their learning style. Performance of the stu-
dents in matching group was superior in the multiple
choice test that is applied afterwards.
On the other hand, (Moallem, 2007) de-
signed multiple instructional materials using Felder-
Silverman LSM for an online course. Their results
suggest that although learning performance does not
show major difference, developing specific materials
for people of different styles results in higher motiva-
tion and more interaction with the course content.
Another study (Papanikolaou et al., 2003) pre-
sented an Adaptive Hypermedia prototype called IN-
SPIRE that focuses on learning style differences.
It dynamically generates “learner-tailored lessons”
through “curriculum sequencing, adaptive navigation
support, adaptive presentation, and supports system’s
adaptable behavior”. Their results supported the hy-
pothesis that learners of different styles discover and
prefer resources of INSPIRE that are beneficial for
their learning style.
4.3 Overview of Studies
We draw two conclusions from the studies on both
traditional teaching methods and on e-Learning: (i)
When the same teaching method is applied to all
learners, there is a correlation between learning per-
formance and learning style. Learners of certain
styles perform better while some others fail to im-
prove. Although, this outcome is suggested as a draw-
back of e-Learning in some studies such as (Ross and
Schulz, 1999), it can be considered primarily as a
drawback of just the methods where the same con-
tent and methods are applied to all learners regardless
of their learning styles. (ii) When a learning method
which is compatible with the learner’s learning style
is used, learning achievement significantly increases.
Both conclusions support the claim that: in an ideal
learning environment each learner should be treated
differently depending on his/her learning style.
In this section, we cover the details on the learning
performance effects of learning styles and adapting
teaching style according to learning styles. We focus
only on mathematics teaching for K-12 students and
examine the effects in two cases: traditional (face-to-
face) learning and e-Learning, respectively.
5.1 Traditional Mathematics Teaching
Literature on the relationship of learning style and
K-12 mathematics education is not broad. One of
the few studies in the area (Riding and Agrell, 1997)
investigated the relationship between learning style,
intelligence and school achievement of 205 age 14-
16 students in 5 core subjects including mathematics.
Riding’s CSA was chosen as the learning style model
while mathematics performance was measured by the
end of year marks. Results of the study demonstrate
that in mathematics, students with wholist-verbaliser
style perform best among the high intelligence group,
while analytic-verbalisers are most successful among
the low intelligence group. They also find no correla-
tion between learning style and intelligence.
Another approach (Kopsovich, 2001) tried to un-
derstand whether “a positive correlation between stu-
dents’ learning styles and their achievement test
scores in mathematics” exists for fifth grade students.
500 students were tested for their learning style us-
ing LSI for the Dunn and Dunn model. Mathematics
achievement was measured using Texas Assessment
of Academic Skills Test (TAAS) that is an account-
ability system for all public schools in Texas, United
States. Results revealed that significant differences
exist in the mathematics test scores of fifth grade stu-
dents with different learning styles.
We were not able to find a study on K-12 math-
ematics teaching where adaptive methods were ap-
plied to children of different learning styles. Even so,
a study on 108 college students (Chamberlin, 2011)
that analyzes the impact of differentiated instruction
on mathematics teaching, is worth mentioning at this
point since those students were prospective teachers
of K-12, and a purpose of the study was to “assist
them with implementing differentiated instruction in
their future mathematics teaching”. Instructors at-
tending the experiment were taught differentiated and
traditional courses of 5 sections each. Mean scores
of the experimental group were significantly higher
showing that to meet diverse learning style needs of
the students is a factor for mathematics performance.
5.2 Mathematics Teaching through
In the evaluation of adaptive e-Learning performance
in K-12 mathematics teaching, little research that we
are awareof has been carried out. One of the few stud-
ies to mention is the A-MathS Multimedia Course-
ware (Zin, 2009) which is an adaptive system for
teaching mathematics, based on learning styles. The
system detects learning styles (in global/analytical
and visual/verbal scales) in the diagnostic module and
provides one of the four instructional modules accord-
ingly. They applied pre- and post-tests in order to
evaluate the performance of courseware on 35 sec-
ondary school students. Their findings indicate that
adaptability resulted in significant post-test score in-
crease. Experimental group with matching learning
styles achieved 10.5 points mean gain of score while
the control group with mismatching learning styles
only achieved 1.8 points. Moreover, in the question-
naire presented to students to rate the usability of the
courseware, control group rated the interface design
much lower than the experimental group showing that
they had difficulty in using and navigating in an envi-
ronment incompatible with their learning style.
Carnegie Learnings Cognitive Tutor is a differen-
tiated mathematics instruction software for learners
including middle school students that features multi-
ple representations of problems for different abilities
and learning styles. Some evaluations for Cognitive
Tutor are summarized in (Ritter et al., 2007). In one
example, performances of two classes using Cogni-
tive Tutor and a textbook they had been previously
using are compared. Results show that, students using
Cognitive Tutor get higher grades as well as reporting
greater confidence in their mathematical abilities and
usefulness of these abilities in real life. Another eval-
uation demonstrate that among more than 6000 high
school students, ones who use Cognitive Tutor out-
performed others significantly in a state exam. Per-
formance improvementis especially obvious for some
groups of students such as receiving Exceptional Stu-
dent Education or having limited English proficiency.
We also would like to mention adaptive, web-
based learning environment called ActiveMath which
generates interactive mathematics courses adapted to
the student’s preferences (Melis et al., 2001). Al-
though we were not able to find any published pa-
per on its performance, it is asserted that summative
evaluations continue in 10 German schools as well as
universities of Edinburgh, UK and Malaga, Spain.
5.3 Overview of Studies
In the case of K-12 mathematics education there is
not an adequate number of studies on either tradi-
tional learning or e-Learning to enable reliable de-
ductions. However, the small number of studies con-
sidered above create an impression that similar posi-
tive outcomes in other age groups and other subjects
can also be obtained for K-12 mathematics. More
research should be devoted especially on adaptive
teaching methods based on learning style to under-
stand its impact on K-12 mathematics performance.
Our literature review shows that the research in learn-
ing style models and their application to e-learning
environments is quite adequate both theoretically and
empirically. There is a potent and detailed back-
ground for learning style models despite of some mi-
nor differences among them. Moreover, there are
many publications suggesting that, considering learn-
ing styles appropriately enhances the learning expe-
rience. On the other hand, amount of studies on the
effects of learning styles in younger learners (K-12 in
our case) and in specific school subjects (Mathematics
in our case) are not proportionally intensive, although
a few available studies are encouraging.
Besides, almost all of the learning style detec-
tion/determination methods are either questionnaires
or automated systems that track user behavior in an
e-Learning environment. Those are not quite suit-
able for K-12 students due to lack of learner self-
awareness and motivation in the case of question-
naires and due to highly sophisticated infrastructure
and decision algorithm requirements and lack of reli-
ability/validity experiments in the latter case.
Our aim is to develop an educational game which
detects learning style of a K-12 student (especially 3
to 5 graders), then tries to teach a simple mathematics
subject in accordance with his/her learning style and
finally measures the level of cognition. We would like
to give an example for how learning style differences
could be used for easier multiplication table learning.
This subject is chosen due to the difficulty that stu-
dents have in learning it as well as its applicability
to multiple teaching styles on a computer. For in-
stance, multiplication table can be taught through a
game with numbers, spoken explanations and apply-
ing speech recognition to learner responses for verbal
learners or using symbols, animations or images of
real-life objects such as fruits for visual learners. User
interaction can be emphasized by allowing dragging
and dropping symbols or numbers to the multiplica-
tion equations in order to support kinesthetic learners
who prefer to learn by getting involved and carrying
out a physical activity.
Learning style can be detected via a separate game
presented beforehand or concluded from learner’s
performance in abovementioned games. Alterna-
tively, these two approachescan be combined in a sys-
tem where initially detected learner and game profiles
change over time based on how students perform on
various games.
We expect to observe that, games which are natu-
ral ways of learning for students of these ages, can
accurately detect learning style and increase learn-
ing performance when suitable teaching methods for
learning style are employed. Results of that study will
hopefully contribute to the quest of filling in the gap
of reliable empirical analysis in the area.
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