Data Repository for Security Information and Event Management in
Service Infrastructures
Igor Kotenko, Olga Polubelova and Igor Saenko
Laboratory of Computer Security Problems, St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation (SPIIRAS),
39, 14th Liniya, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Keywords: Security Repository, Security Information and Event Management, Security Ontology, Data Model, Data
Representation, Logical Inference, Service Infrastructure.
Abstract: Design and implementation of the repository is a critical problem in advanced security information and
event management (SIEM) systems, which are SIEM systems of service infrastructures. The paper discusses
several innovations which are realized to address this challenge. These include the application of an
ontological approach for repository data modeling and a hybrid approach to its development, meaning the
combined use of relational databases, XML databases and storage of triplets.
At present, one of the most important research
directions in the area of computer network security
is a technology of security information and events
management (SIEM). The essence of this technology
is to ensure coherent boot in a centralized repository
of security log records from a variety of sources
“security events”, their long- and/or short-term
storage, modeling and analysis to detect attacks,
generating efficient countermeasures. SIEM
technology can make effective safety decisions
based on event correlation, data mining, logical
inference and data visualization. Using SIEM
systems is extremely important to ensure
information security of large distributed computer
networks, management and financial services of
companies as well as for critical infrastructures, such
as dams, power plants, etc. (Miller et al., 2011).
Advances of SIEM systems in computer network
infrastructures give rise to use such systems in the
broader class infrastructures that can be defined as
service infrastructures. In these infrastructures, in
addition to computer networks there are the
infrastructures of various types of services
(financial, physical, etc.). SIEM systems which can
be used in service infrastructures are considered in
the paper as new generation SIEM systems.
MASSIF (MAnagement of Security information
and events in Service InFrastructures) is one of the
EU projects, which aims to develop solutions to
build a new generation of SIEM systems (MASSIF,
2011). SIEM systems elaborated in MASSIF must
have the following new features: removing most of
restrictions on the functions imposed by
infrastructure; coherent interpretation of the
incidents and events at various levels; high degree of
reliability and durability in capturing event data;
high scalability.
One of the most important components of the
SIEM systems used in service infrastructures is a
security repository, which is a data warehouse that
enables to store security information and event data
in an internal format and extracts it at the request of
other components for identifying security threats and
attacks and generating countermeasures.
In SIEM systems of service infrastructures,
security event data arrive from a variety of different
sources and can be presented in various input
formats. A SIEM system produces the normalization
of those data and they are converted into an internal
format. Then the security data are exposed to
correlation analysis (Stevens, 2005). In the SIEM
system of new generation it is possible to use the
advanced modeling and simulation modules, which
also use data stored in the repository to build on
their basis the attack and countermeasure graphs
(Ingols et al., 2009); (Kotenko et al., 2006).
For these reasons, the main objectives of the
repository development are as follows: to design a
unified repository, languages and tools for effective
management of security information, events and
Kotenko I., Polubelova O. and Saenko I..
Data Repository for Security Information and Event Management in Service Infrastructures .
DOI: 10.5220/0004075303080313
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT-2012), pages 308-313
ISBN: 978-989-8565-24-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
policies, and logical inference about security; to
implement software applications for storing,
manipulating, visualizing and validating security
information, events and policies based on the unified
repository. The paper examines the main issues of
data model design and repository development for
new generation SIEM systems. We could note the
following innovations that were used to solve this
problem. First, for data modeling the ontological
approach is proposed and implemented. It provides
the necessary flexibility of internal data
representation in the repository and the possibility of
more accurate and high-quality results of queering.
Secondly, the hybrid approach to implement the
repository is suggested. It integrates relational
databases, XML databases and stores of triplets.
Finally, we propose the advanced repository
architecture implemented and tested with the data
used for attack modeling in SIEM systems.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 reviews related work in the field of SIEM
data processing, representation and storage. Here we
consider standards in security event representation,
advanced SIEM systems, languages for data
representation, and approaches to implement the
repository. Section 3 considers the ontological
vulnerability model used in the repository for attack
modeling. Section 4 discusses the issues of the
repository implementation and testing based on the
data of the SIEM attack modeling module. Section 5
concludes our results and outlines further research.
During the analysis of state-of-the-art, we
considered perspective and widely used approaches
and standards for data representation in area of
security information and events management.
Information and event management standards
provide the most common rules for representation of
security events and incidents. Currently, there are
many different standards of security data
representation (IDMEF, IODEF, CEE, SCAP, CBE,
CEF, XDAS, CIM, etc.). The most popular of them
are Common Event Expression (CEE), SCAP
(SCAP, 2011), Common Base Event (CBE) (Ogle et
al., 2004) and Common Information Model (CIM)
(CIM, 2011). For example, CEE realizes a
comprehensive approach to handling the input
stream of information to log management systems,
including recommendations to vendors of hardware
and software systems that generate the input stream.
SCAP enables to compile a list of system platforms
and applications, set their secure configurations,
identify the most critical vulnerabilities, etc.
The main repository solutions in advanced SIEM
systems (AlienVault OSSIM, AccelOps, QRadar,
Prelude, ArcSight, IBM Tivoli, and Novel Sentinel)
are based on relational databases. The storage in
OSSIM includes a user-defined, searchable
knowledge base of incident solutions (AlienVault,
2011). AccelOps SIEM is designed to collect logs
generated by Cisco network and security devices,
and all the major network vendors’ devices. The
repository is implemented as online PostgreSQL
storage applied for log analysis in real time and for
historical log analysis (AccelOps, 2011). Qradar
stores the entire input event stream to enable
detailed forensics and compliance reporting (Miller
et al., 2011). Prelude (Prelude, 2011) supports three
databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLlite.
ArcSight Logger 4 collects data in structured and
unstructured formats (Shenk, 2009). The system
implements role-based access and access through
a web-based interface, and intelligent and intuitive
search mechanisms with a visual query designer.
IBM Tivoli SIEM (Buecker et al., 2010) can provide
a long-lasting and compact storage of information
security events. The collected events are stored in a
database as text objects containing information
about incidents, management actions, correlation
rules, etc. Novell Sentinel Log Manager stores all
data in a compressed format (Novell, 2010). The
components of data storage use a file-based storage
and an indexing system. PostgreSQL is used for data
One of the alternative solutions on data
representation in systems with complex data
structures is the ontological approach (OWL, 2009).
Using description logic, this approach can express
much easier the complex relationships between
entities. To represent an ontological meta-data we
suggest using RDFS (RDF Schema) (RDF, 2004).
RDF data model is a directed graph, which is based
on elementary statements (triples). A triple is a short
formal statement in the form of “subject-predicate-
object”. A triple store is a purpose-built database to
store and retrieve RDF metadata (Triplestore, 2010).
In addition to RDF and XML, OWL (Web Ontology
Language) can be chosen to represent data. OWL is
a language of Semantic Web, created to represent
ontologies (OWL, 2009). OWL presents ontology in
the form of documents, which can be stored and
transmitted in a global network. SWRL (Semantic
Web Rule Language) (SWRL, 2004) can be used to
specify rules. SWRL is a proposal for a Semantic
Web rule language, based on a combination of OWL
sublanguages with RuleML sublanguages (Parsia,
2005). SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language
(SPARQL) is a query language to the data presented
on the RDF model as well as the protocol for these
requests and responses (SPARQL, 2008).
We also considered systems and approaches for
logical reasoning, including Event Calculus (EC)
based on first-order logic (through an example of the
prototype we developed using CIFF and SICStus
Prolog) (Kowalski et al., 1986); (Kakas et al., 2003)
and Model checking based on linear temporal logic
using SPIN (SPIN, 2012).
The use of ontology is necessary approach that
enables to create a general model that can be flexibly
and quickly all the necessary concepts in SIEM
system in a particular area. Loose coupling of
domain ontologies and a modular approach to
development makes it easy to add, delete, and
support individual ontologies. In addition, the
components of ontologies may be dynamically
combined according to requirements during a
performance to meet specific application
requirements. In addition, changes in the ontological
data model require much less effort than the
relational model. Therefore, it is particularly
relevant in areas where it is needed to store different
types of information that can quickly change. These
include cyber security, as a whole, and SIEM
systems in particular.
Teymourian et al. (Teymourian et al., 2009)
consider the corporate semantic web technologies as
a very promising direction to improve the efficiency
of interaction between vendor services and their
applications, due to the possibility of efficient usage
of comprehensive enterprise-relevant knowledge. Li
et al. (Li et al., 2010) propose an ontology-driven
event processing framework as part of the
middleware for smart spaces. The authors develop
two key models that underlie their approach. As the
basis to build the SIEM ontological model the data
representation standards considered above are
valuable to use.
There is a number of works which suggest the
usage of these standards in security ontologies. For
example, (Guo et al., 2009); (Parmelee, 2010);
(Elahi et al., 2009) are devoted to building
ontologies for SCAP protocol standards.
(Heimbigner; 2011); (López de Vergara et al., 2004)
consider the translation of CIM into the ontology
representation. Within the task of designing the data
models and the repository of SIEM systems for
service infrastructures, we have developed an
ontology to represent the data model for Attack
Modeling and Security Evaluation Component
(AMSEC). The SCAP protocol was taken as the
basis to construct this model.
Figure 1 shows the ontology that describes the
concepts (for vulnerabilities, software/hardware
manufacturers and other concepts) and the hierarchy
and relationships between these concepts. The
ontology is made up of the data schema, which is
called the TBox (Terminology box), and the data
itself – ABox (Assertion box).
Description of the vulnerability is a certain
sequence of hardware components connected by
logical operators (AND, OR, NOT, AND, NOT
OR). In the ontology such relationships are
expressed as a set of axioms that allow bringing into
the data model the possibility of logical reasoning.
To specify the vulnerability in the relational data
model is hard task. It is stored as a string which
includes the entire list of vulnerabilities being parsed
programmatically. This process takes a considerable
amount of time and greatly increases the traffic to
communicate with the repository. Applying the
ontological approach allows solving the task of
submitting such data much more efficient, reducing
the sample size and speeding up the AMSEC
functioning. We expanded the ontological model for
vulnerabilities depicted in Figure 1 to specify the
risk assessment, the countermeasures, and other
concepts based on SCAP.
Our proposals for implementation of the repository
are, firstly, the recommendations on the choice of
DBMS. Of course, traditional and popular relational
DBMS (such as MySQL and PostgreSQL) together
with XML-based DBMS can be used, but for the
realization of an advanced ontology-based SIEM,
which includes possibilities for logical reasoning
and triplet stores are preferable.
In order to choose DBMS for repository, we
investigated a set of relational, XML-based, and
triplet stores. Regarding the choice of a relational
DBMS, the most popular at the moment are Oracle,
Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase, MySQL,
PostgreSQL. A number of popular SIEM systems
support these databases.
Figure 1: Ontological model for vulnerabilities.
Examples of XML-based data bases are Apache
XIndice, BaseX, Sedna, Gemfire Enterprise,
DOMSafeXML, eXist, MarkLogic Server,
MonetDB/XQuery, OZONE, Xpriori XMS, etc.).
Storage of triplets can be divided into two basic
groups: implemented as standalone solutions
(AllegroGraph, BigOWLIM and PelletDb), and parts
of complex enterprise semantic system stores
(Virtuoso, OpenAnzo and Semantics.Server).
According to the experience and the results of
load tests, as the best practical solution for storage at
the moment we proposed to use a hybrid approach
that combines storage of triplets, relational and
XML databases. This approach provides a balance in
flexibility of data manipulation, the effective use of
metadata and the acceptable processing speed.
The analysis of references shows that one of the
best solution is Virtuoso (Virtuoso, 2012) by
OpenLink Software Company. It combines the
support of all three types of storages, has an open-
source version that implements all necessary
languages and protocols for data access and also
supports a variety of necessary drivers.
SIEM modules access data through Web
services, described by the WSDL standard. In its
implementation, we have developed Web services
for data access functions to CRUD (create, read,
update, and delete). The WSDL is the link between
the clients and the repository; it allows to correctly
generate queries for accessing the repository. On the
other hand, it is a specification for development of
server-side Web service.
Implementation of the Web services was made in
Java. All Web services are implemented as stateless,
i.e. services do not share among themselves any
variables and objects. This allows you to run the
request from the client in a single thread on the
application server. Thus, a single service can handle
multiple threads of the same instances of classes.
This allows speeding up the processing of requests
and, if necessary, you can increase the number of
servers. Any server can handle any request. To
control this process use LoadBalancer which
monitors the status of servers, receives requests from
the client and forwards the request to the least-
loaded server.
The repository testing was made according the
integration repository with AMSEC of SIEM
system. Data repository updater downloads the open
databases of vulnerabilities, attacks, configuration,
weaknesses, platforms, and countermeasures from
the external environment. Specification generator
converts the information about network events,
configuration and security policy, from other SIEM
components or from users, into an internal
representation. Attack graph generator builds attack
graphs (or trees) by modeling sequences of
malefactor’s attack actions in the analyzed computer
network using information about available attack
actions of different types, services dependencies,
network configuration and used security policy.
Security evaluator generates combined objects of the
attack graphs (routes, threats) and service
dependencies, calculates the metrics of combined
objects, evaluates the common security level,
compares obtained results with requirements, finds
“weak” places, generates recommendations on
strengthening the security level. It performs
stochastic imitation of multi-step attacks against the
analyzed computer networks and determining the
consequences with regard to various
countermeasures and criteria defined by the decision
maker (for example, security measures/tools
effectiveness and efficiency against attacks,
maintainability, reliability, operational costs, etc.).
Security evaluator allows to select the solutions
(validated events and alerts, possible future security
events, countermeasures) needed for other MASSIF
SIEM components. Reports generator shows
vulnerabilities detected by AMSEC, represents
“weak” places, generates recommendations on
strengthening the security level and depicts other
relevant security information.
The paper has examined the main issues of data
model design and repository development for new
generation SIEM systems. The main innovations we
suggest are as follows: (1) ontological approach to
provide the necessary flexibility of data
representation in the repository and the possibility of
more accurate and high-quality results of queering;
(2) hybrid approach to implement the repository
which allows to integrate relational databases, XML
databases and stores of triplets; (3) advanced
repository architecture implemented and tested with
the data used for attack modeling in SIEM systems.
For this purpose, we analyzed the standards for
processing information about events, the most
common practical implementations of SIEM
repositories, and ontology related research papers.
We conducted a brief overview of various languages
that can be used for data representation and
manipulation. In addition, a comparative analysis of
logical reasoning languages was fulfilled. This
analysis allowed us to conclude that these languages
can be used to implement the ontological approach.
The ontological vulnerability model was
suggested. It is used in the repository for attack
modeling and security evaluation. To implement the
basic architecture of the repository, an approach
based on Service-Oriented Architecture was chosen.
We proposed to use a hybrid approach to storage
repository that provides a balance in flexibility of
data manipulation, the effective use of metadata and
the acceptable processing speed. Our proposals for
implementation of the repository are, firstly, the
recommendations on the choice of DBMS. Of
course, traditional and popular relational DBMS
(such as MySQL and PostgreSQL) together with
XML-based DBMS can be used, but for the
realization of an advanced ontology-based SIEM,
which includes possibilities of developed logical
reasoning, the triplet stores are preferable.
Therefore, for full support of different
information models being developed in the
MASSIF, we suggest to use in the repository
a hybrid approach. This approach combines the
possibilities of relational, XML-based and triplet
stores. As a practical solution, we propose to use the
Universal Server Virtuoso. It combines the support
of all three types of storages, has an open-source
version that implements all necessary languages and
protocols for data access and also supports a variety
of necessary drivers.
The paper also considers the task of integrating
the repository with other SIEM components through
an example of developing and implementing Attack
Modeling and Security Evaluation Component.
Proposed ontological approach allows making
AMSEC data more accurate, requires no further
software processing, and thus improves the
repository performance.
In further research we are planning to expand the
proposed ontology, as well as to add to the
repository different services that provide data
security, verification of security properties and
policies, etc. In addition, we are going to explore the
issues of logical reasoning based on ontology
repository, as well as the development of
mechanisms for data visualization.
This research is being supported by grants of the
Russian Foundation of Basic Research (projects
#10-01-00826 and #11-07-00435), the Program of
fundamental research of the Department for
Nanotechnologies and Informational Technologies
of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the State
contract #11.519.11.4008 and by the EU as part of
the SecFutur and MASSIF projects.
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