Discovering Virtual Interest Groups across Chat Rooms
Hua Li, Jeff Lau and Rafael Alonso
SAIC, Inc. 1710 SAIC Drive, McLean, VA 22102, U.S.A.
Keywords: User Modeling, Machine Learning, Virtual Interest Group, Chat, XMPP, IRC, Reinforcement Learning.
Abstract: Chat has becoming an increasingly popular communication tool in our everyday life. When the number of
related concurrent chat rooms gets large, tracking them 24x7 becomes very difficult. To address this
research problem, we have developed VIGIR (Virtual Interest Group & Information Recommender), a tool
for automatic chat room monitoring. The tool builds adaptive interest models for chat users, which are used
to provide a number of personalized services including finding virtual interest groups (VIGs) for chat users.
Dynamic identification of the VIG addresses the distributed user collaboration challenge, which is acute
problem especially in military operations. VIGIR extends our prior work in user interest modeling into the
domain of real-time text-based communications. We have evaluated the effectiveness of VIGIR in two
studies. The first is a user-centred evaluation where we have achieved a precision at 60% and recall at 80%
for VIG identification. In the second study using military chat data, we have demonstrated an average
precision of 45% to 50%. In addition, we have shown that the precision for predicting VIG increases over
time as more data become available.
In recent years, chat has becoming an increasingly
important communication tool in civilian life as well
as in military operations. In operational settings,
multiple concurrent chat rooms are typically setup to
support different functions (e.g. “intel”, “fires”, and
“sustainment” in JFCOM data described below) and
units (e.g. “IBCT”, “MEB”, “CDR”, and “CAV” in
JFCOM data). Chat users are often unaware of the
situations happening in rooms they are not
participating. To increase their situation awareness,
which is critical for the effectiveness of soldiers in
the battlefield, an operator is usually necessary to
manually watch all the chat rooms and direct
snippets of the chat stream to relevant user. They
can also connect a user with certain information
needs to another with that information.
Unfortunately, when the number of related
concurrent chat rooms increase, it becomes next to
impossible for an operator to manually monitor all
the rooms 24x7. For example, in the JFCOM data,
there are about 100 chat rooms and at least 10 active
rooms at any given time.
To address this problem, we have developed
VIGIR (Virtual Interest Group & Information
Recommender), a tool for automatic chat room
monitoring (
Figure 1). The tool builds adaptive
interest models for chat users, which are used to
provide a number of personalized services such as
recommending relevant chat snippets or virtual
interest groups (VIGs) for the users. In this paper,
we focus our research on VIG, which addresses the
distributed warfighter collaboration challenge,
because automatic and dynamic identification of
VIGs can assist the warfighter in finding
collaborators or experts faster and across
organizational, geographical or temporal boundaries.
Our approach is interesting in several aspects
when compared with existing research on social
matching, expertise finding, online communities,
and awareness systems (Schleyer et al., 2012) and
(Terveen and McDonald, 2005). The first interesting
characteristic is that user interest models underlying
the VIG are dynamically built on the content of the
chat messages. In this way, total strangers from
different chat rooms may be found in a VIG because
they have similar interests or information needs, not
because they directly or indirectly communicate
with each other, e.g. through personal social
networks. The second is the explicit representation
of the user interest model, which may consist of
weighted terms, named entities, and topics as time-
based facets. The transparent nature of the user
Li H., Lau J. and Alonso R..
Discovering Virtual Interest Groups across Chat Rooms.
DOI: 10.5220/0004131501520157
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2012), pages 152-157
ISBN: 978-989-8565-31-0
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
model makes it easy to interpret the model and thus
gain the user’s trust of the system. Also interesting is
that VIG identified is serves to augment situation
awareness in terms of informing the user who to turn
to seek further information on topics of common
interests. Finally, the VIGIR system discovers VIG
across concurrent chat rooms, and more importantly,
with member that the user does not know.
Figure 1: A screenshot of the chat GUI in the VIGIR
prototype implementation. Real-time chats from multiple
chat rooms are monitored. Adaptive user interest models
and dynamic VIGs are generated for chat users.
The VIGIR prototype (Figure 2) has three logic
modules: Input, Core, and Interfaces module. We
describe them separately below.
2.1 The Input Module
Internet Relay Chat (IRC) or Extensible Messaging
and Presence Protocol (XMPP) chat traffic is the
main external input to the system. The VIGIR
system can also take archived chat or other type of
communications such as email or voice transcripts.
In addition, the system is capable of accessing the
Web or databases to get input for the knowledge
recommender service discussed below.
Figure 2: The current VIGIR prototype system
2.2 The Core Module
The core module contains the User Modeling Server
(UMS) and several user model enabled services. The
UMS processes the chat traffic from multiple chat
rooms in real time to build and adapt user models for
chat participants. These models capture chat users
interests, information needs, and expertise. UMS
uses a modified version of the Reinforcement and
Aging Modeling Algorithm (RAMA) to model the
user’s interests. RAMA is based on our previous
research (Alonso and Li, 2010; 2005); (Alonso et al.,
2003). The algorithm is driven by user events, also
known as a relevance feedback. In the case of a chat
system, each individual chat message is a positive
user event and implicitly contains elements that
indicate user’s interests. The details of the RAMA
algorithm can be found elsewhere (Alonso and Li,
2010). For completeness we present the pseudo-code
for the RAMA algorithm is shown below.
1) Extract the raw text content from the user event.
2) Pre-process the raw text if necessary.
3) Using NLP tools to extract concepts from the
event. The concepts are interest elements which may
take the form of terms, named entities (e.g. persons,
places, time mentions, or organizations), and topics.
4) Age the current model by applying a forgetting
function to all concepts in current model. The
attenuation weight is a system parameter that
controls the rate at which the weight of concepts will
5) If a concept from the event already exists in the
model, it will be positively or negatively reinforced
depending on the nature of the user event.
Specifically, the concept’s weight in the model will
either be increased for a positive event or decreased
for a negative event. The reinforcement weight is a
system parameter that controls the rate of change in
the weight during reinforcement.
6) If the feedback is positive, insert top N new
concepts from the feedback into the current model
with a default weight modulated by their relevancy
(e.g. term frequency).
7) The user model is divided into facets based on
pre-specified time interval or number of user events.
When the time interval expires or the specified
number of events has been processed, the current
facet is retired and a new facet will be created. The
facet size refers to the number of events in a facet.
It’s also a system parameter that may impact the
effectiveness of the system.
The UMS builds a user interest model for each
known chat user using the RAMA algorithm. It can
also build an information model for each chat room
using the same algorithm. Thus the room model can
be regarded as a team model for all participants of
the room. Due to space limitation, we will not go
into details about room model.
The chat user models form the basis for several
user-tailored information recommendation services.
We discuss these services next.
Based on user interest models, VIG service is to
identify and recommend to a chat user a VIG, other
system users with similar interest, information
needs, and expertise. VIGs can facilitate information
sharing and collaboration among warfighters
because they explicitly suggest to a user other like-
minded people they may talk to.
The VIG identification algorithm works by
comparing different facets of the user model (Alonso
& Li, 2010). The more facets are similar between
two users, the more similar they are. If none of the
facets are similar, the two users are not alike at all.
Cosine similarity, commonly used in the vector
space model, may be employed to compare the
similarity of two model facets (Salton et al. 1975).
The VIG size is a system parameter and refers to the
number of member users to include in a VIG during
The proactive Knowledge Recommender (aka
KnR) is another service enabled by the user models.
The system can automatically generate search
queries using the model and retrieve relevant
documents from the Web or databases on the user’s
behalf. Also powered by the user models is the Chat
Snippet Alerts service, which monitors concurrent
chat rooms and alerts the users with chat messages
that contain relevant events.
2.3 The Interfaces Module
The Web user interface (UI) is a simple Java
(Oracle America, Inc.) servlet-based client graphical
user interface (GUI) that displays the user models,
VIGs, and routed chat snippets, all of which may
have also optionally persisted locally in the
Checkpoint Repository. The Quick Access Panel
allows examination of user models and VIGs
through extensive visualizations.
The Chat GUI interface is used to manage live
XMPP or IRC chats (Figure 1). Chat servers and
room connections are configured here. Real-time
chats from multiple chat rooms are monitored.
Adaptive user interest models and dynamic VIGs are
generated for chat users. The user models and VIGs
can be visualized with different graph layouts.
The Web UI serves as a demonstration tool
showing much of the functionality of the system. It
works like a simple web page but provides access to
the list of user models that are being stored in the
database. It also allows one to look at a specific user
model, construct a VIG, or inspect chat snippets that
have been routed to users, and learn more about the
system itself.
The Checkpoint Repository periodically saves
the session information for each user for offline
assessment including the user model and the VIG.
The Quick Access Panel is a graphical interface
for examining the products (i.e., user models and
VIGs) generated and stored by the system core. It
provides a variety of visualizations for these
To assess the performance of the VIG functionality,
we designed a user-centred study and ran an
experiment a using real operational chat data set. In
this section, we describe them in detail.
3.1 User-centered Evaluation
For this study, we had an intern (political science
major) to generate a chat stream. She played a total
of six roles (Adams, Adrianne, Alycia, Charlotte,
Princess Adrianne, and Rachelle). The chats were
focused on three topics listed below.
1) T1 (BP oil spill): The impact of the BP oil spill
2) T2 (Afghanistan): The implications of the leaked
Afghan reports released by WikiLeaks
3) T3 (Obama): The Obama administration
handling of the BP oil spill and the Afghanistan war
document leak
Note that T3 is intended to be related to both T1 and
T2. Each topic is discussed by two role players (BP
oil spill by Princess Adrianne and Rachelle;
Afghanistan by Adams and Adrianne; and Obama by
Alycia and Charlotte).
The experiment protocol for the chat stream
generation is as follows.
1) Start mIRC, an IRC client available at, and connect to the specified
IRC server
2) Set chat message logging to true
3) Join the specified chat room as one of the six
users at a time
4) Write required number of chat messages: 30
messages on the assigned topic and each message is
a typical short chat, 5-20 words
5) Leave the chat room
6) Repeat for all six players. If we have two
subjects chat with each other, then repeat for each
7) Generate VIG for each user
8) Evaluate system output Compute performance
metrics: precision and recall for VIG and Snippets
The VIG ground truth was known by design. For a
given player’s VIG, his or her VIG members should
include players discussing the same topic or related
topics, e.g., Adams’ VIG should have Adrianne,
Alycia and Charlotte.
We added noise data in this study in order to
increase the difficulty of identifying the VIGs. We
preloaded two chat archives into the system:
1) DWE Chat from APG
2) NIST Chat Data
The DWE chat data were received from the THINK
program office on June 9, 2009. The training was
held Feb. 4-8 and the actual exercise was held Feb.
11-15. The chat data are in one 362KB text file with
a total of 69 users and 1,918 chat messages.
The NIST chat data set was acquired on July 23,
2009, from the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST). It was generated from a NIST
study (O’Connell et al., 2009). The goal of the study
was to investigate how people interact with each
other in a virtual gaming world to solve the same set
of puzzles. The data consist of four text files, one for
each experimental condition. File size ranges from
12KB to 17 KB. This archive contains a total of 16
users and 927 messages.
Figure 3: The effect of facet size, attenuation weight, and
reinforcement weight on VIG performance.
How difficult is the VIG identification task with
the noise data? Let’s compute the probability of
getting a VIG right by chance. With noise, we now
have a grand total of (6 + 69 + 16) or 91 users. The
chance of getting 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 VIG members
correct is 0.011, 0.00025, 8.5E-6, 3.9E-7, or 2.2E-8,
In order to express the performance metrics, we
define the following terms:
True VIG: one defined by the ground truth
Found VIG: one generated by the UMS
A VIG Owner: the user whose VIG is created
Hit: a found VIG member belongs to the true
VIG of the same owner
Total Answer: the size of the found VIG
Total Correct Answer: true VIG size
Precision and recall are calculated as follows:
)/(#Re ctAnswerTotalCorreHitscall
)/(#Pr rTotalAnsweHitsecision
We assessed the effects of three underlying user
modeling parameters, namely facet size, attenuation
weight, and the reinforcement weight on the VIG
identification precision and recall (Figure 3). Facet
size refers to the number of messages we use to
build each time-based facet in the user model. We
found that for the current study, a facet size of 5
gave the highest precision at 60% and the best recall
at 80% (Figure 3, top panel).
We found that a very slow attenuation rate
yielded better performance with best precision
(60%) and recall (80%) when there was no
attenuation (Figure 3, middle panel). This result may
be attributed to the short duration nature of the chat
stream. There were three 10- to 20-minute sessions,
one on each topic.
The effect of reinforcement weight is only
modest, with better performance for medium weight
range (
Figure 3, middle panel). The best precision
(60%) and recall (80%) were seen at a reinforcement
weight of 0.5.
3.2 Evaluation with JFCOM Chat Data
In this evaluation experiment, we used the JFCOM
chat data provided by U.S. Joint Forces Command
Joint Futures Laboratory on September 23, 2010. It
consists of 14 Excel
(Microsoft Corporation) chat
data files and one metadata file, which were
generated in an experiment conducted in 2006. The
data contains chats from a total of 10 functional user
groups and 541 users. The position or role for each
user was also defined in the metadata file.
We tested two hypotheses this experiment:
1) The THINK tool can generate VIG with
precision that is significantly better than a random
2) The precision for predicting VIG increases over
time when more data are becoming available.
The experiment protocol consisted of these steps:
1) Build ground truth for VIG based on metadata
2) Use VIGIR tool to build VIG for each user at
various time points of the exercise
3) Compute precision of VIG at different time
4) Compare the results with those of a random
The VIGIR tool derived VIG results from the
JFCOM chats. A VIG for a user (i.e., VIG owner)
refers to other users that share similar interests and
information needs as the owner. The members of the
VIG may come from different groups and different
positions. If we assume that, in general, user's
activities are largely dependent on the roles they
play, then two users would have similar interests and
information needs if they play same or similar roles.
Thus one way to evaluate the accuracy of the VIGs
is to see if the VIG members have the same role as
the VIG owner. To perform this type of evaluation,
we needed to establish the ground truth on the roles
each user plays. In the metadata file, there are 526
types of positions (see the attached Excel file, sheet
"Positions"). Some positions are very similar and
probably should be grouped into the same role.
With the help of an in-house military subject
matter expert, we had the 526 positions grouped into
six distinctive roles (functions): cmd, ops, intel,
plans, logistics, and admin.
Figure 4: Average VIG precision over time at VIG size of
1 (top) and 3 (bottom).
The JFCOM data spans two weeks of time. We
compute the average VIG precision at various time
points. To do that, we first compute the VIG
precision for each individual user at that time point.
The VIG precision of all users known at that time
point was averaged to get the average VIG precision
at that time point.
The results of the average VIG precision are
shown in
Figure 4. With VIG size of 1, the average
VIG precision across about 108 users (users join and
leave at various times, this is an average number of
users per time point) gradually increased from
around 30% on Feb. 27 to about 50% on March 26
(top panel). The same trend held with a VIG size of
3 (bottom panel). The average precision gradually
increased from about 25% on Feb. 27 to 45% on
March 16. These results seem to support the
hypothesis that the precision for predicting VIG
increases over time as more data become available.
To get some perspective on the performance,
let’s calculate the chance of correctly getting VIG.
With an average of 108 users, the probability of
getting 1, 2, or 3 correct VIG members is 0.0093,
0.00018 and 5.0E-6. Thus, regarding hypothesis 1,
the VIG performance is significantly better than a
random predictor.
This paper addresses the problem of identifying the
VIGs across multiple concurrent chat rooms. To
address this problem, we have developed VIGIR
tool for automatic chat room monitoring. The tool
builds adaptive interest models for chat users, which
are used to provide a number of personalized
services including finding VIGs for chat users. We
have evaluated the effectiveness of VIGIR in two
studies. The first is a user-centred evaluation where
we have achieved a precision at 60% and recall at
80% for VIG identification. In the second study
using military chat data, we have demonstrated an
average precision of 45% to 50%.
There are a couple areas for future research,
including incorporating other user communications
and enhancing user models with themes or topics.
Besides chat traffic, warfighters may use many other
forms of text discourse, such as emails, to achieve
their objectives. Each form of communication may
reveal a different aspect of a user’s interests,
information needs or expertise. The more variety of
inputs VIGIR gets the more complete and accurate
the models will potentially be. Incorporating topics
or discourse themes into user models allow capture
user’s interests at a more abstract level. The resultant
user models will have a mixture of weighted terms
and topics.
This work was supported by the Research
Development and Engineering Command
(RDECOM) Communications-Electronics Research,
Development & Engineering Center (CERDEC)
under the auspices of the U.S. Army Research
Office Scientific Services Program administered by
Battelle. We would also like to thank Teri O’Connell
of NIST for providing chat data used in this
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