Enterprise 2.0 Adoption in SMEs
Application Areas, Motivation, Success Factors and Barriers
Sabrina Fruhmann and Michael Zeiller
University of Applied Sciences Burgenland, Campus 1, Eisenstadt, Austria
Keywords: Enterprise 2.0, Social Software, Social Media, Adoption, Success Factor, Barrier, SME, Case Study.
Abstract: Social software platforms provide an efficient means to support team collaboration and knowledge
management within the enterprise. Especially small or medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) may benefit from
easy to use, light-weight enterprise 2.0 applications. A research approach is presented that is based on a
cross-case analysis of case studies each of them representing an implementation of an emergent social
platform within an organisation. The case studies are analysed by applying a structured approach to a
qualitative content analysis. We determine which adoption strategies organisations use and identify
applications areas and motivation factors of social software utilisation. Critical issues for the success of
enterprise 2.0 initiatives like barriers and success factors are derived to provide organisations with deeper
insight when starting their own enterprise 2.0 implementation.
McAfee (2006) first coined the term Enterprise 2.0
in 2006 to label a phenomenon where organisations
apply tools and applications of the Web 2.0 to
support the organisation’s knowledge workers.
According to McAfee (2009, 73) “Enterprise 2.0 is
the use of emergent social software platforms by
organizations in pursuit of their goals”. Social media
like wikis, weblogs, microblogging, and social
networks have been adopted by organisations to help
their employees to interact and collaborate. Due to
their ease of use social software platforms encourage
team collaboration, support light-weight means of
knowledge management, and provide presence
information to facilitate communication and
cooperation between knowledge workers.
Especially small or medium-sized enterprises
(SMEs) may benefit a lot from enterprise 2.0
initiatives. The adoption of social software platforms
in SMEs is fostered by low cost and high
availability, simple implementation and
maintenance, as well as by high acceptance of social
plattforms and networks which employees use in
private. However, most reseach and studies on the
utilisation of social platforms for intra-corporate use
focus on large-scale enterprises (LE). Since there are
few research approaches but a high potential for
intra-corporate social platforms for SMEs, we target
our analysis of enterprise 2.0 adoption on small and
medium-sized organisations. We focus on
application areas of different kinds of social media
and investigate an organisation’s motivation to start
an enterprise 2.0 initiative. We analyse success
factors and barriers of intra-organisational use of
social media by studying case studies. Our research
approach is based on a cross-case analysis of
multiple case studies, each of them presenting an
implementation of an emergent social platform
within the organisation.
In Section 2 we narrow down the focus of our
research area and present related work. Section 3
introduces case study research and case studies on
enterprise 2.0. In Section 4 we present a cross-case
analysis of selected case studies on enterprise 2.0.
Results of the cross-case analysis are presented in
Section 5. We conclude the paper in Section 6.
In information technology the term “social software”
was first used in 1985 (Campell, 2008). Especially
since 2005 social software has been intensively used
in combination with Web 2.0 to indicate the massive
changes that affected the World Wide Web.
Explanations that try to identify attributes and set up
categories for classification point out that social
Fruhmann S. and Zeiller M..
Enterprise 2.0 Adoption in SMEs - Application Areas, Motivation, Success Factors and Barriers.
DOI: 10.5220/0004144702020207
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2012), pages 202-207
ISBN: 978-989-8565-31-0
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
software supports and encourages communication,
social interaction and collaboration among people
and generates added value in a network of people.
The AIIM (n.d.) defines “Enterprise 2.0 as a
system of web-based technologies that provide rapid
and agile collaboration, information sharing,
emergence and integration capabilities in the
extended enterprise”. Similar explanations of
enterprise 2.0 refer to the use of social software to
support enterprises and organisations. To describe
the characteristics of enterprise 2.0 systems McAfee
(2006) first used the acronym SLATES which
indicates the six key components of enterprise 2.0
technologies: Search – Links – Authoring – Tags –
Extensions – Signals. SLATES was expanded by
Hinchcliffe (2007) to the mnemonic FLATNESSES
by adding four additional elements: Freeform –
Social – Network-oriented – Emergent.
Market and industry reports on enterprise 2.0 like
by the AIIM (e.g., Frappaolo and Keldsen, 2008)
provide results on awareness, adoption rates, and the
motivation of enterprise 2.0 technologies in
enterprises based on surveys. A comparative study
on the utilisation of social media in enterprises has
been presented, for example, by Fuchs-Kittowski et
al. (2009). Knowledge management goals of social
software adoption have been analysed by Richter et
al. (2011). Adoption strategies for enterprise 2.0
software are examined by Richter and Stocker
(2011) using a comparative analysis of case studies.
Yin (2009, 18) defines a case study as “an empirical
inquiry that investigates a contemporary
phenomenon in depth and within its real-life context,
especially when the boundaries between
phenomenon and context are not clearly evident”.
Three basic types of case studies can be
differentiated: exploratory, descriptive, and
explanatory. Each type may exist as single-case
study or multiple-case study. A multiple-case study
design must follow a replication rather than a
sampling logic (Yin, 2009, 54). In this paper we
analyse descriptive case studies following a single-
case study design and a linear-analytical structure.
Case studies on the utilisation of social media
within enterprises can be found for example in
books on enterprise 2.0 (e.g., Back et al., 2009) or in
case study networks like e20cases.org (n.d.).
Granitzer and Tochtermann (2009) analyse Web 2.0
usage in enterprises based on case studies. Stocker
and Tochtermann (2011) explore the utilisation of
enterprise wikis using a multiple-case study design.
In-depth research on enterprise 2.0 based on case
studies is presented by Stocker and Tochtermann
(2010) on wikis und weblogs and by Richter (2010)
on social networking services.
4.1 Method
Content analysis is a research technique often used
in social sciences to analyse various types of text
and talk (Prior, 2008). Content analysis
systematically analyses communication material and
allows reducing the complexity of communication
based on rules of coding (Mayring, 2010). Since
case studies are a specific type of text documents
and since we use only a small sample of in-depth
case studies, we apply a qualitative approach of
content analysis following Mayring (2010). A
structuring content analysis fits best to filter and
summarise various issues of interest from the case
studies (Figure 1) (Fruhmann, 2011).
Determining the
Examining its
Theory-based question
Define units of analysis
Coding units Context units Evaluation units
Define main categories following theoretical method
Compilation of category system
Phrasing …
Definitions Prime examples Coding rules
Material flow
Labelling of places of
Extraction of findings
Paraphrasing of material
Summarisation per category
Summarisation per main category
Interpretation of results with respect to research question
Figure 1: Workflow of structuring content analysis.
The inner work steps (dark grey) represent the
structuring content analysis as the central element of
the content analysis. The following units of analysis
have been used:
Coding units: proposition (meaning of a
sentence, facts and information of a declarative
Context units: entire case study
Units of evaluation: thematic focus of case study,
i.e., applied tool (wiki, weblog, microblogging,
wiki/blog combination, social networking services)
4.2 Case Studies
Eleven case studies have been chosen for detailed
analysis out of the vast number of available case
studies on Enterprise 2.0 (see Section 3). Criteria for
inclusion in this selection have been clearness,
profoundness of case description, coverage of topics
of interest, and relevance of information. To identify
factors of successful applications of social media in
organisations we cover cases with all major social
software tools that are frequently used in enterprises,
i.e., wikis, weblogs, microblogging, wiki/blog
combinations. Case studies on social networking
services (SNS) have not been considered since SNS
can hardly be found in SMEs because they require a
minimum number of participants. At least two case
studies have been used per type of tool.
Table 1: Analysed case studies.
Tool Organisation ID Reference
TAO Gmbh C1
Stocker and Tochtermann
(2010, 188)
Greentube C2 Zeiller (2010)
Lietz Gmbh C3 Klein (2010)
Pentos AG C4
Stocker, Krasser and
Tochtermann (2010)
Spirit Link C5
Stocker and Tochtermann
(2010, 174)
Namics C6
Hain, Schopp and Walter
Siemens AG C7 Ehms (2009)
Communardo C8
Böhringer and Röhrborn
Siemens AG C9 Stocker and Müller (2010)
T-Systems C10 Bukvova and Kalb (2010)
Cablecom C11 Summa and Koch (2009)
The case studies differ in complexity, internal
structure, amount of detail of the case description,
and focus. However, content analysis based on
categories can cope with these differences.
4.3 Categories
Six main categories, each of them containing four up
to eight sub-categories, have been used during the
text analysis (Fruhmann, 2011). They have been
deduced inductively out of the analysed text.
Table 2: Categories.
ID Category ID Category
1 General facts 2 Initial situation
1a Size of organisation 2a Problem
1b Industrial sector 2b “Old” routine
1c Organisational structure 2c Motivation
1d IT affinity of employees 2d Decision for tool
1e Experience in Web 2.0 2e Objective
1f Knowledge management
within organisation
1g Corporate culture
3 Social media application 4 Impact factors
3a Introductory process 4a Acceptance
3b Training 4b Benefit for employees
3c Support 4c Usability
3d Department 4d Extrinsic motivation
3e Business processes 4e Intrinsic motivation
3f Application area 4f Compulsory participation
3g Details of the tool 4g Role model status of
3h Internal structure
5 Barriers 6 Changes
5a Barriers to utilisation 6a Impacts of the tool
5b Expenditure of work for
6b Benefit for the
5c Barriers to users 6c Lessons learned
5d Drawbacks of the tool 6d Unexpected achievements
4.4 Motivation for Adoption
The most frequently found motivation to implement
social software platforms was the increasing amount
of emails (2a) causing an information overload, loss
of knowledge and high expenditure of time for
dealing with emails. Furthermore, intra-corporate
communication and collaboration due to remote
workplaces and multiple communication channels
(phone, email, etc.) have been perceived as time
consuming and inefficient (2a). In several case
studies difficulties in distributing knowledge among
employees have led to the implementation of social
software. Knowledge stored in local knowledge
repositories cannot be distributed or even causes loss
of knowledge (2b) [C5]. Inefficient distribution and
preservation of knowledge result in loss of
productivity. As a consequence C1 implemented a
wiki as a central knowledge repository (2e). C9 used
microblogging to support knowledge transfer in real-
time (2e). C6 introduced a weblog to ensure
knowledge transfer on a daily basis and to distribute
relevant knowledge in the short term (2e).
4.5 Application Areas
In all three case studies using wikis the tool is used
for developing and preserving knowledge. C1 uses
the wiki as a central knowledge repository (3e). A
guideline constitutes that certain kinds of documents
have to be stored in the wiki to prevent the
formation of local repositories. C2 concentrates on a
platform with easy access that enables all employees
to exchange information (3f). C3 uses the wiki to
allocate tasks – instead of sending emails (2b, 3e).
While three out of four case studies using a
weblog had very specific applications, one
organisation [C7] used weblogs as a general tool that
can be tailored for the individual (3f). Various
functions like tagging and a register of persons had
been implemented (3g). Communication among
employees as well as knowledge transfer shall be
improved (2e). The blog posts are also integrated
into a knowledge base and thus support knowledge
development and knowledge preservation (3e). C6
wants to assure knowledge transfer, but uses the
blog for a target-oriented, ad-hoc communication to
transfer short-term information (3e).
Wiki/blog combinations allow for easy editing
and publication like in wikis (2d), but also apply to
the chronological order of weblogs [C11].
Additionally, C11 integrates employee profiles (3g)
to raise a community (2c). C10 integrated a wiki and
a weblog in their “Team Web” (3g) that links
employees and supports knowledge transfer and
knowledge development.
Inspired by Twitter and Yammer C8 and C9
developed their own microblogging tools since the
public tools did not provide enough data security to
protect its intra-corporate communication (2d). C9
uses microblogging to generate awareness and to
indicate the flow of information within the company
(2e). The goal of C9’s implementation of
microblogging is to improve knowledge
management, collaboration, and the encouragement
of trust and mutual support (2e).
4.6 Adoption Strategy
In 9 of 11 case studies the social software platform
was implemented top-down. For example, C2 and
C3 did not inform their employees until the tool had
been ready to use (3a). To allow easier access to the
new tool C1, C5, and C10 provided initial content
and a basic structure (3a). At C7 a team of
experienced bloggers generated initial blog posts. At
C10 a small project team tested the tool and then the
number of users was successively increased.
However, in case study C8 and C9 the initiative to
start microblogging was triggered by the employees
who started to use Twitter or Yammer which forced
the company to provide an in-house microblogging
tool (2c). After being started top-down, at C1 and C5
the social software platform was further developed
by the users (bottom-up). They defined the structure
of the platform and the composition of content (3h).
4.7 Motivation of Use
The analysed case studies show intrinsic motivation
(4e) as well as extrinsic motivation (4d). The
employees of C8 had the chance to test the new tool
and detect personal benefit (4e). The employees at
C7 can decide by themselves whether and how to
use the weblog (4e). However, at C1 the
management board checks regularly whether the
employees use the corporate wiki as intended. To
encourage the utilisation of the wiki, specific content
is published only in the wiki (4d). At C4 the
employees are urged to publish posts on their
activities or news on a weekly basis (4d).
Five organisations (C4, C5, C6, C8, C10) attach
importance that the management staff sets a good
example for the use of the platform (4g). At C5 an
executive blog is provided that is regularly read and
commented on. In this way the employees are
involved in management topics and motivated to
blog, too (4g). At C8 the active participation of
executive managers in the microblogging activities
is considered to be very motivating (4g).
Obviously the ease of use, usability issues and
user-friendly composition and layout of the tools
contribute to the success of the enterprise 2.0
initiative. At C7 the simplicity of using the weblog
had been the main design principle (4c). C10
attaches great importance on the user’s feedback on
usability which is used to improve the tool (4g).
The most important motivation for a regular and
active use of a social media platform is the perceived
individual benefit for the users. The employees at C7
benefit from the support of their own reflexion by
writing blog posts (4b). Employees at C4 appreciate
the enhanced team spirit as well as the improved
team collaboration. The pragmatic use of a wiki at
C3 for the assignment of tasks leads to an
improvement in self-dependent and target-oriented
way of working (4b). The microblogging application
at C9 facilitates its employees to easily share
knowledge, to build up a network, and to identify
trends, (4b). At C5 employees appreciate the quality
and actuality of information in the blog as well as
the simple way of distributing knowledge (4b).
4.8 Barriers
One of the major barriers we encountered is the
additional effort to use the tool as it is perceived by
the users. For example, at C4 adding and updating of
content in the weblog is considered a significant
additional effort added to daily routine (5b). A
similar problem is encountered at C10 due to the
large and confusing amount of content (5d).
Besides the microblogging application, at C8
there are several other social software tools
available, too (e.g., a weblog, a wiki). Employees
are confused about the specific purpose. Thus, the
tools do not support the daily routine properly (5a).
At C1 and C2 the challenge is to provide high
actuality of information. If the employees have to
invest time to find the information they need and to
update out-dated articles, they will get frustrated
(5b). Lack of actuality of the blog posts at C5 causes
similar problems, too (5d).
Three major motives concerning the adoption of
social software platforms in organisations have been
identified in the case studies:
Corporate communication: Organisations are
aware that due to changing communication needs
and information overload they have to provide new
means for communication.
Knowledge management: Organisations have to
find more efficient ways to develop and preserve
knowledge and enable easy access for their
Team collaboration: The willingness of
employees to share knowledge and to collaborate is
crucial for corporate knowledge management
initiatives. Social software platforms help
connecting employees and exploiting synergies.
Successful enterprise 2.0 initiatives have to take
special care on success factors and barriers of social
media utilisation. The content analysis of case
studies has identified two major success factors:
adoption and participation. Most enterprise 2.0
applications have been adopted top-down (9 out of
11), but both approaches can be successful. C8
successfully operates microblogging that has been
initiated bottom-up. Top-down initiatives have to
ensure that the platform supports the requirements of
the users and the users soon recognise benefit.
The analysis of case studies has identified six
influencing factors for high participation:
Voluntariness: Employees that use the platform
voluntarily have identified benefit for themselves
and their personal work routine. Intrinsic motivation
results from personal goals, like being accepted as
an expert or making significant contributions.
Specified Use: The obligation to use the platform
will lead to a high participation due to the sense of
duty by the employees.
Regulations: An organisation should provide a
minimum of rules and guidelines how to use the
social media. It has to be regulated which social
software tool has to be used in which situation and
which content is accepted.
Participation of Executives: Participation of
executives stimulates the participation of employees,
too. If the management contributes to the new
platform, the employees are not afraid of self-
exposure and wrong appraisal.
Usability: The handling of the tool has to be
easy, self-explanatory, and must not be time-
consuming. Especially at the beginning of social
software utilisation, writing articles and blog posts
has to be simple, fast, and intuitive.
Benefit for Users: Employees have to get
personal benefit from the social software. They will
use it when it makes their work easier, e.g., by faster
identification of relevant knowledge or experts.
The aim of this paper was to identify influencing
factors for the successful utilisation of enterprise 2.0
applications in SMEs. Initial motives for starting an
enterprise 2.0 initiative as well as adoption strategies
and application areas have been identified. Success
factors and barriers that influence the success of
enterprise 2.0 initiatives have been deduced. A
multiple-case study design has proven to be suitable
to analyse such a multifaceted topic. Qualitative text
analysis has been applied to high-quality case
studies describing the implementation of an
emergent social platform within an organisation.
The findings of the cross-case analysis may be
studied by organisations prior to starting their own
initiative. This paper focuses on the utilisation of
social software within SMEs. SMEs can profit even
more from intra-corporate use of social media since
they need cost-effective applications with high
benefit in short term that are easy to use.
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