Tactile and Tangible Interfaces in Handheld AR for Children
Santiago Gonz´alez-Gancedo
, M.-Carmen Juan
, Ignacio Segu´ı
and Francisco Abad
Instituto Universitario de Autom´atica e Inform´atica Industrial (ai2), Universidad Polit´ecnica de Valencia,
Camino de Vera s/n, 46022 Valencia, Spain
AIJU, Ibi, Alicante, Spain
Tangible User Interfaces, Tactile User Interfaces, Handheld Devices, Augmented Reality.
This paper presents a comparative study between tangible user interfaces (TUIs) and tactile user interfaces
(TacUIs) in handheld AR, with a contribution to the state of the art in HCI oriented to children. While TUIs
work with the manipulation of physical objects, TacUIs work with virtual representations of them. In our
evaluations to compare these two interactions with primary school children, we found that the TacUI was the
fastest for completing the task, what makes it better suited for educational purposes. The TacUI was found
easier to use by the children, although the TUI was found more solid and less slippery. Our conclusions should
be of interest not only to educational researchers, but also to the general HCI community working on tangible
and tactile interfaces.
Augmented Reality (AR) is a field with a great po-
tential of use with children, providing a very stimu-
lating environment that not only helps visualising 3D
objects, but also enhances motivation and enjoyabil-
ity highly. AR has evolved fast in the recent years,
specially concerning to the area of Human-Computer
Interaction (HCI), and designing user interfaces that
help the students visualise and explore AR environ-
Tangible User Interfaces (TUIs) deal with the ma-
nipulation physical objects. The hardware used to
work with TUIs and AR in education is very fre-
quently based on markers printed on books, such
as the well-known MagicBook (Billinghurst et al.,
2001), or on other objects, such as cards (Juan et al.,
2011). These systems have the great advantage of
working with a video see-through metaphor that pro-
vides a high sense of presence and immersion with a
direct view from the user perspective.
Tactile User Interfaces (TacUIs
), in opposition
to TUIs, do not deal with physical objects, but with
metaphors or pictures of them displayed on a sensi-
ble surface, and therefore the differences in the user
interaction and perception may be different. TacUIs
can be divided in touch screens (capacitive or resis-
tive) and projection based (Jones et al., 2010). Since
To our knowledge, there is not any standard term for
Tactile User Interfaces, so we introduce TacUIs.
Figure 1: Set used for the evaluation with the children con-
sisting on a TUI and a TacUI in the handheld device.
we use handheld devices in the research, we contex-
tualise this paper under touch screens. TacUIs play an
important role in handheld interaction contributing to
AR providing a new interaction channel.
The relation between TUIs and TacUIs in hand-
held AR has not been examined previously to our
knowledge. In this paper we present a novel study that
compares these two different forms of user interac-
tion. Based on related work studied, we developed an
experiment based on one of the most common uses of
AR in education and entertainment, which consists of
visualising 3D objects from different points of view.
We measured and analysed the differences from an
objective perspective (time spent by the user to inter-
act with the system) and from the user’s subjective
perspective (satisfaction with the system and the in-
González-Gancedo S., Juan M., Seguí I. and Abad F..
Tactile and Tangible Interfaces in Handheld AR for Children.
DOI: 10.5220/0004279503930396
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications and International Conference on Information
Visualization Theory and Applications (GRAPP-2013), pages 393-396
ISBN: 978-989-8565-46-4
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
This paper is structured as follows. Section 2 re-
views work related with our study. Section 3 explains
the proposed experiment and its apparatus. Section
4 describes the design of the study. Section 5 shows
the statistical analysis and the results of the study. Fi-
nally, section 6 discusses the conclusions of our re-
search and the future work.
There exists a large body of research in AR aimed to
children. For instance, Sayed, Zayed, and Sharawy
(2011) presented ARSC, a low cost visualisation tool
of 3D objects that reduced the learning time. The au-
thors used desktop computers with web cameras to
visualise objects on markers. They tested the system
with students between 10 and 17 years old, and 89%
of them were satisfied with it. The ARSC set de-
creased the expenses and increased the visualisation
ability (Sayed et al., 2011).
TUIs have also been studied with children. Juan
et al. (2010) combined AR with tangible cubes,
in which each side there was a marker. The users
wore a Head-Mounted Display (HMD) to visualise
the AR scenes, freely manipulating the cubes with
both hands. The authors compared the AR system
that displayed videos to traditional cubes with images
on the sides. They tested the system with children
from 7 to 12 years old, and concluded that despite the
HMD was uncomfortable, children enjoyed more the
AR system (Juan et al., 2010).
In our research, we have paid special attention to
previous work in TacUIs and handheld devices. Wag-
ner, Schmalstieg, and Billinghurst (2006) presented
a collaborative handheld AR game aimed to sort a
collection of artworks by date of creation using ei-
ther a paper, a PC, or a PDA. Users preferred paper
and PDA over the PC, and they also preferred the AR
PDA game over the paper game (Wagner et al., 2006).
Very recently, Gonz´alez-Gancedo et al. (2012) stud-
ied handheld devices with virtual reality (VR) and
AR to be used in the classroom. They compared
VR and AR for their use with handheld devices in
a game about the water cycle. Children from 8 to 10
years evaluated the system, and the authors concluded
that the combination of VR and AR improved moti-
vation end enhancement, although it did not improve
the learning outcomes in comparison to a simple VR
game (Gonz´alez-Gancedo et al., 2012).
This related work motivated our research, and
we attempt to study the relations between TUIs and
TacUIs in handheld devices in order to create refer-
ence for future developments. In this paper we try to
state the advantages and inconveniences of both inter-
actions given our experience.
3.1 Description of the Experiment
In our game (Fig. 1) the handheld device was a tablet
PC with a 3MP camera and a capacitive screen. In or-
der to perform a fair comparative we decided to mod-
ify the traditional AR system. In terms of geometric
operations, the translation of the object is determined
by the AR system in the traditional way, but the rota-
tion around the upward axis relative to the marker is
determined dynamically.
The game can be played in two modes. In the tan-
gible mode the child only uses the handheld device
merely as a visualisation system, and she can control
a TUI device to rotate the marker. We built this in-
terface that allowed easily the rotation of the marker
but not the translation. In the tactile mode, the marker
is static, and the interaction is only through the tac-
tile screen. The user can touch and move the finger
horizontally in the screen, but vertical displacements
do not have any effect. The handheld device was in a
fixed position using a stand to compare better the TUI
and the TacUI.
The AR system placed a model of the Taj Mahal
with several objects in different parts of the virtual
scene located in such a way that it was necessary to
rotate the model to see the objects hidden in the back.
The objective of the game was to count the number
of objects in the scene. Since children were studying
nature and water in other activities, the objects were
drops of water represented as characters.
4.1 Participants
A total number of 51 children from 8 to 10 years old –
with a mean age of 8.65±0.74– took part in the study.
The gender distribution was: 29 boys (57%), and 22
girls (43%). They were attending the Escola d’Estiu
at the Polytechnic University of Valencia.
4.2 Procedure
The children were divided in two groups depending
on the order in which they would play with both in-
terfaces: Group A (26 children) children who used the
TacUI first and then the TUI, and Group B (25 chil-
dren) children who used the TUI first and then the
Each child tested the two types of interaction in-
dividually. In each game the time to achieve the task
was measured, and the child had to fill in a question-
naire afterwards. Consequently, we used four differ-
ent questionnaires (QTc1, QTc2, QTn1, and QTn2;
Tc stands for tactile and Tn for tangible), which con-
tained the proper questions to be asked after using
each type of interaction in first or second place. How-
ever, each child had to fill in only two questionnaires,
one for each interaction.
5.1 Time Analysis
The time to complete the task of counting the objects
in the scene was measured and studied as an indepen-
dent variable. We performed a mixed-design ANOVA
analysis to take into account the two interactions the
same child used, and to consider several factors si-
The mixed-design ANOVA reveals that there
were significant differences in the interaction factor
(F[1,36] = 4.94, p = 0.03), and in the order factor
(F[1,36] = 33.13, p < 0.01). Since both factors have
two levels only, a simple post-hoc analysis compar-
ing the mean of each level revealed that the users took
less time to complete the task using the TacUI than
using the TUI with a significant difference. Similarly,
we concluded that the users took more time to com-
plete the task the first time they played than the sec-
ond time. No significant differences were found for
the age, gender and group factors.
5.2 Satisfaction
We analysed the results of questions 1) degree
of enjoyability, 4) degree of ease of play and 6)
global game rate. All of these questions have very
high scores: #1 4.60±0.64, #4 4.58±0.66 and #6
4.64±0.49. Moreover, there are no significant dif-
ferences in questions 4 and 6 for the studied factors.
The only arguable point is in question 1, where the
ANOVA test shows a relatively high p-value and a
small effect size in the order factor (F[1,36] = 2.96,
p = 0.09). A post-hoc analysis reveals that the possi-
ble difference would mean that the second game was
more enjoyed than the first game. We believe that the
difference is meaningful and not only caused partially
by chance, but also by the order factor, as we can see
from the answers to the question 3. In this question,
93% of the children said they would like to play again
after the first game, and we could see during the eval-
uations that they were very excited to play the second
game, what in our opinion has affected the results in
question 1.
The children appreciated the AR very much, as the
high scores to a question about its appreciation reveal
for the tactile game (mean 4.80±0.40) and for the tan-
gible game (mean 4.91±0.28). It is very interesting
to note that no significant differences were found be-
tween both games (t[46] = 1.10, p = 0.28, Cohen’s d
= 0.32), which is an excellent result because it means
that the use of AR was very similarly enjoyed with
both interactions.
5.3 Interaction
The children were asked to choose the type of interac-
tion they thought it was easier to use. When the TacUI
was the last one to be used there was a 70% of chil-
dren who preferred it to the TUI, but when the TacUI
was the last one to be played, the TUI preferences
dropped to 48%. As we can see, there is the effect that
children chose more the last game they used, which is
a common tendency that we have experienced in pre-
vious studies with children (Gonz´alez-Gancedo et al.,
2012). When the children used the TacUI in second
place, there were significant differences in the propor-
tions of TacUI and TUI (χ
= 5.57, p = 0.02, h = 0.80)
with a large effect size. This result evinces the pref-
erence of the TacUI. The difference is, however, no
longer significant when the TUI was used last (χ
0.01, p = 1.00, h = 0.08). From the difference in the
significances we can conclude that the tactile screen
caused a more powerful impact on the children.
The preference for the two types of interaction
was measured in another question, where the bias to-
wards the last game is also present. The most extreme
proportions are found in the tactile game played the
second time, where the tactile game was chosen by
the 78% of the children, and the tangible game by the
22%. In such case there are significant differences
and a very large effect size (χ
= 12.52, p < 0.01, h =
We designed an system to compare TacUIs and TUIs
under very similar circumstances. The handheld de-
vice was used as video see-through, taking some of
the advantages of HMDs, but resulting in a more com-
fortable way to the children. Our proposal is very well
suited for schools, since handheld devices are afford-
able and multipurpose, what can contribute to create
richer multimedia experiences for the students.
In the experiment we evaluated, the TUI consisted
on a rotatory base on top of which the AR marker
was placed. The children could rotate the marker to
see the 3D objects from different perspectives. This
interaction was compared to the TacUI, where the ro-
tation was calculated from the horizontal movements
of the finger on screen. The results indicate that it
took significantly less time to the children to use the
TacUI than the TUI. Since both interactions were used
with the same game in very similar circumstances, we
can strongly affirm that overall, children spent signif-
icantly less time dealing with the interface in the case
of the TacUI, allowing them to focus more on the task
to do rather than manipulating the device. From this
perspective, TacUIs are better suited for applications
where the main goal is to understand and solve a prob-
lem, like in the educational field.
As for the children’s perspective, we could see
a very high level of satisfaction with the game us-
ing the two interfaces, and no significative differences
were found. The children were very engaged with the
game. All of them wanted to play again after using the
TacUI, and most of them after using the TUI. How-
ever, there was no evidence that the interface used in-
fluenced this engagement. The AR system appealed
the children very much without being affected by the
interaction method. Thus, our visualization metaphor
is similarly engaging for children using any of the in-
The children seemed to prefer the TacUI mainly
for being easier and faster to use, and some of them
also thought it was more comfortable. On the con-
trary, the TUI was preferred in some cases, surpris-
ingly for very similar reasons. These children found
the screen too fast to use and too slippery (some chil-
dren tended to touch with their fingernails, which does
not work), and they preferred the more stable inter-
face that the TUI was. In general, more children pre-
ferred the TacUI, although this difference was not al-
ways statistically sustainable. Despite preferring the
TacUI, the appreciation of the TUI was very high, so
we can discard that the preference of TacUI is due
only to disliking the alternative. Finally, it is very
possible that in older ages we would find a high in-
crease on preference of the TacUI, as the childrens
physical skills improve and do not have troubles with
the screen.
This work was funded by the Spanish APRENDRA
project (TIN2009-14319-C02). For their contribu-
tions, we would like to thank:
The people who helped in the development and
The Summer School of the UPV.
The children who participated in this study.
The ETSInf for letting us use its facilities during
the testing phase.
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