A Framework Concept for Profiling Researchers on Twitter using the
Web of Data
Selver Softic
, Martin Ebner
, Laurens De Vocht
, Erik Mannens
and Rik Van de Walle
Department for Social Learning, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria
Department of Electronics and Information Systems - Multimedia Lab, Ghent University - iMinds, Ghent, Belgium
Research 2.0, Science 2.0, Web 2.0, Semantic Web, Social Media, Linked Data, Profiling, Twitter, Microblogs,
Web Mining.
Based upon findings and results from our recent research (De Vocht et al., 2011) we propose a generic frame-
work concept for researcher profiling with appliance to the areas of ”Science 2.0” and ”Research 2.0”. In-
tensive growth of users in social networks, such as Twitter
generated a vast amount of information. It has
been shown in many previous works that social networks users produce valuable content for profiling and
recommendations (Reinhardt et al., 2009; Java et al., 2007; De Vocht et al., 2011). Our research focuses
on identifying and locating experts for specific research area or topic. In our approach we apply semantic
technologies like (RDF
), common vocabularies (SIOC
, Tag Ontology
) and
Linked Data
) (Berners-Lee, 2006; Bizer et al., 2012) .
Emergence of Social Web evolved many web content
producing communities. However information gen-
erated in them still resides in isolated ”data silos”.
The main reason for this is lack of standardized ap-
proaches for data interlinking. The Semantic Web
Technology has well defined stack where appliance
of common semantic vocabularies to model data such
as SIOC (Semantically Interlinked Online Commu-
nities) (Breslin et al., 2005) and FOAF (Friend-Of-
A-Friend) leads to generation of interlinked and se-
mantically rich knowledge tanks (Bojars et al., 2008).
This knowledge is built upon user profiles and the
content they produce. Structuring e.g. microblog in-
formation offers potentials on qualitative mining of
such data.
Methodology proposed in this paper relies on
three main steps: The first step is called ”triplifica-
tion” or ”RDFization” where data is extracted and an-
notated using vocabularies SIOC, FOAF, MOAT and
Tag Ontology. The RDF triples as result of this pro-
cess are stored and made accessible as linked graph
instances. The final step includes the publication of
the data various formats via SPARQL endpoint in or-
der to provide a data for mining, which is state of
the art practice in Semantic Web domain (Bizer et al.,
2012; Tummarello et al., 2007; De Vocht et al., 2011).
Hereby vocabularies modeling the domain context,
used at the same time for structuring and description
enable more profound insights on the nature of RD-
Fized data.
Twitter as most known microblog produces 190
million Tweets and 1.6 billion search queries each
(2012). Further it is widely accepted in scien-
tific community for communication e.g. at confer-
ences or for discussion purposes (Boyd et al., 2010;
Jansen et al., 2009; Zhao and Rosson, 2009; Ebner
et al., 2011) what makes it reliable base for researcher
profiling process. However Twitter API has some
limitation which means that single user timeline in-
cludes only last 250 tweets. In order to consider those
researchers who tend to tweet more often an alter-
Softic S., Ebner M., De Vocht L., Mannens E. and Van de Walle R..
A Framework Concept for Profiling Researchers on Twitter using the Web of Data.
DOI: 10.5220/0004369504470452
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2013), pages 447-452
ISBN: 978-989-8565-54-9
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
native which includes also previous tweets must be
provided.As possible solution to overcome the limits
of Twitter API a tool called Grabeeter
et al., 2010) has been implemented by Graz Univer-
sity of Technology. This application serves preserva-
tion of social data from Twitter. Grabeeter includes
at this certain moment about 1700 profiles mostly
from researchers and students and contains currently
around 6 Million tweets.
This paper describes the concept architecture for
the researcher profiling framework. It is aiming at
gaining more knowledge and mining usable data out
of the social context of microblogs for researcher pro-
filing using findings from (Reinhardt et al., 2009; Java
et al., 2007; Letierce et al., 2010; Boyd et al., 2010;
Honeycutt and Herring, 2009; De Vocht et al., 2011).
The importance of microblogs, in recent years, is
gaining on importance significantly every day (Zhao
and Rosson, 2009). Most favored among them is
Twitter, which induced a new culture of communica-
tion (McFedries, 2007; Java et al., 2007). Restricted
140 characters long Twitter messages are compara-
ble with a short message internet-based services. Java
et al. (Java et al., 2007) defined four main user be-
haviors why people are using Twitter: for daily chats,
for conversation, for sharing information and for re-
porting news. Twitter is generating vast of tweets and
search queries each day. According to recent reports
(2012), Twitter has over 225 million users. Around
50 milliion of them use the Twitter each day. This
makes the Twitter worth to be researched more into
detail (Kwak et al., 2010). Usage of Twitter at confer-
ences helps to increase information awareness around
the event as well it supports spontaneous conversation
between the conference participants, which can be
used for networking and experience exchange. Nowa-
days very often so called conference related Twitter-
streams based upon a hashtag search reflect the on-
going occurrences within the actual event (Reinhardt
et al., 2009). Twitter info-walls placed at the confer-
ence location also support the conference administra-
tion, communication and discussion between the sci-
entific tracks and sessions(Boyd et al., 2010; Jansen
et al., 2009; Zhao and Rosson, 2009; Ebner et al.,
2011). Applied in this manner, microblogging be-
comes a valuable reporting and exchange service.
This finding is also confirmed various different pub-
lications before (Reinhardt et al., 2009; Ebner et al.,
Communicational patterns in microblogs are eas-
ily mappable into a tripartite structure (De Vocht
et al., 2011; Mika, 2005). Tripartite relations to data
corresponds to the basic idea of RDF Framework and
graph based data relation. Regarding Twitter, recently
there have been some efforts like Semantic Tweet
bring the data about Twitter users into a wise semantic
form. In current research efforts for mapping of rela-
tions between the users, widely used FOAF (FrienOf-
A-Friend) vocabulary is recommended to be used, and
it will be considered by our architecture paradigm.
For posts description and relations around microblogs
like topic, author, content Semantic Web community
offers a vocabulary called SIOC (Semantically In-
terlinked Online Communities) (Bojars et al., 2008;
Breslin et al., 2005) along with Dublin Core
. Deal-
ing with tags established MOAT(Passant, 2008) and
Tag Ontology as good ontologies in this realm (Softic
et al., 2009). Currently there are also some scientific
projects that adress the issue of semantic microblog-
ging platforms. Most remarkable of them is named
(Semantic MicrOBlogging) or recently also known as
SMOB2 (Passant et al., 2010; Passant et al., 2008). It
provides a SPARQL API and relies on vocabularies
like FOAF, SIOC, MOAT and OPO (Online Presence
. Additionally it offers interfaces to the se-
mantic search engines like Sindice
and to the Linked
Data Cloud (LOD). Twitter based User Modeling Ser-
vice (TUMS)
infers semantic user profiles from the
tweet messages. This platform provides a topic de-
tection and entity extraction for tweets. Further it al-
lows an enrichment by linking tweets to news arti-
cles related to the context of these tweets (Tao et al.,
2011). According to the emerging trends, there are
some proven domain vocabularies as FOAF, SIOC,
DC (Dublin Core)
, MOAT, Tag Ontology or seman-
tic retrieval standard protocols like SPARQL provided
by the Semantic Web Community, which can be used
for semantic description and quering of semantically
enriched microblog data from Twitter (Mendes et al.,
2010; Softic et al., 2010). For description of con-
ference data through label, description, start and end
date and location SWRC (Sure et al., 2005) Ontology
along with the GeoNames Ontology covers all needs
for COLINDA as primary mining source.
Linked Data movement (Berners-Lee, 2006)
turned meanwhile the LOD Cloud (Linking Open
Data Cloud) (Bojars et al., 2008; Bizer et al., 2012)
as result of it into a reliable data source of graph
based data offering data sets like e.g. GeoNames
The GeoNames is a semantic version of a location
service. For identifying conferences, linked data set
called COLINDA (COnference LInked DAta)
fers a appropriate SPARQL endpoint
linked to GeoNames and contains information about
conference name, label, description, location and time
when this event happened. Similar data sets also exist
about books, publications, science etc. Linking se-
mantic sources using simple principles described in
(Berners-Lee, 2006; Bizer et al., 2012) turns the web
into a large database, not only available for human,
but also to intelligent agents (Bojars et al., 2008).
Bringing implicit knowledge from Twitter data into
this infrastructure would enhance the LOD Cloud and
offer solid information base for research on Research
2.0 and Science 2.0 issues.
3.1 Use Case and Design Specification
The main use case for framework is illustrated by:
”the conference case” depicted in Figure 1 already
presented in our previous work (De Vocht et al.,
2011). The idea of this scenario resides on fact that
researchers are interested in very specific topics and
events and that most of them report about these events
via blogs or tweets (Reinhardt et al., 2009; Ebner
et al., 2010) what creates huge opportunities for pro-
filing. Agile development suggests to work with use
Researcher Profiling
User Model Event Model
Figure 1: Use Case for ”Researcher Profiling” as proposed
in (De Vocht et al., 2011).
cases. The framework has to support at least the ”Re-
searcher Profiling” application that meets the require-
ments to the use case presented in figure 1. Accord-
ing to the current research work about semantic ex-
traction frameworks (Softic et al., 2010) for data min-
ing the conceptual design should include three basic
layers: a data extraction layer, an interlinking layer
and an analysis layer.
Extraction Layer. Extracts data from various several
data sources and describes and relates them to a spe-
cific data context using the ontologies.
Interlinking Layer. Is feeded with annotated data
(triples) and creates a SPARQL endpoint for it. It is
responsible for requesting more data if needed for a
certain information query.Futher it interpres and han-
dles high level queries and translates them from/to
Analysis Layer. Deliver the results from interlinking
layer adding some metrics to rank and evaluate the
returned results.
3.2 Extraction
The extraction layer collects data from a profile from
Twitter and the Grabeeter (M
uhlburger et al., 2010)
and maps then into two models: the ”User Microblogs
Model” and the ”User ProfileModel”. The ”User Mi-
croblog Model” gathers all data from the tweets it gets
from Grabeeter and describes them semantically us-
ing SIOC and Dublin Core vocabularies. The ”User
Profile Model” is built upon Twitter user profile data
with FOAF ontology. If a user not exists in Grabeeter,
then the user profile and microblogs will be retrieved
directly from Twitter. The data from Twitter is re-
trieved with the help of a Twitter API
. Finally, hash-
tags are identified by simple regular expressions and
linked to the microblog data (text, creation date, au-
thor) and user profile( author data, social connections)
using the Tag Ontology. These models serve a com-
ponent named ”Triplifier”, that creates semantic in-
stances of graph by assembling the data using relevant
entities from ontologies. The result of the extraction
is a collection of forms semantically annotated data
into triples that describe the tweet wise content with
time stamps and links to user profile. These triples are
finally stored in a RDF Store. Figure 2 illustrates this
extraction layer.
How the result of this module does look like at the
end of the process can be seen in listing 1.
3.3 Interlinking
The interlinking layer accesses the stored triples cre-
ated in the extraction layer via SPARQL protocol and
tries to interlink them to COLINDA and GeoNames.
It is impossible to create a generic framework that
covers all data domains, but we can create a system
that supports a broad range of use cases for a specific
domain like e.g. research. For now we are focusing on
Figure 2: Extraction layer.
Listing 1: Sample of RDFized data from microblog in N3
rdf:type sioct:MicroblogPost ;
”Great talk about #web #intelligence” @ #WEBIST2012 by @otheruser”;
sioc:has creator <http://twitter.com/someuser/> ;
foaf:maker <http://grabeteer.tugraz.at/foaf/someuser/> ;
dcterms:created ”20121119” ;
rdfs:sameAs <http://grabeeter.tugraz.at/tweet/199272> ;
tag:tagName ”WEBIST2012” ;
tag:tagName ”web” ;
tag:tagName ”intelligence” ;
<http://twitter.com/someuser/status/21606926237> .
rdf:type foaf:Person ;
foaf:name ”Some User” ;
<http://a0.twimg.com/p img/someuser.jpg> ;
foaf:knows <http://twitter.com/friend x y/> ;
”Researcher Profiling”, thus we distinguish two basic
User. Social Microblogs, annotated data from twit-
ter users (SIOC, FOAF, Dublin Core,Tag Ontology).
Since we are doing profiling, data from the user is an
absolute must.
Domain. Scientific Conferences, annotated data
of scientific conferences (COLINDA) to enable the
framework to recognize and link to conferences and
scientific events.
Current state of Interlinking layer is depicted in Fig-
ure 3.
This module can also handle simple requests such as
”give me tags for a user”, ”describe a user”, ”give me
all friends of a user” same as Twitter API however
the retrieved data is represented as RDF graph triples
beside the state of the art formats like XML, CSV or
JSON. Further it tries to identify which tags are sci-
entific conferences. Finally the general knowledge is
added and verified by linking tags or entities of con-
ferences that occur in the result set from Linked Open
Data. This process happens in the ”OpenDataLinker”
module. Adding additional Linked Data sets to this
Figure 3: Interlinking layer.
layer extends the appliance range of this framework.
For now framework interprets following concepts that
a researcher may be interested like: ”persons”, ”top-
ics”, ”events” and ”locations”. The interlinking layer
translates queries concerning these concepts via the
Linked Data sets, in our case COLINDA as shown in
listing 2.
Listing 2: Retrieving conference location from COLINDA
as proposed in (De Vocht et al., 2011).
?x rdfs:label ”WEBIST2012”;
swrc:location ?loc.
?loc gn:name ?city;
gn:countryName ?country;
geo:lat ?lat;
geo:long ?long.
As result of interlinking process a hashtag that was
extracted by triplification and tagged by Tag Ontol-
ogy, if the matching with conference label has been
detected, is attached to the COLINDA linked data set
using the MOAT Ontology as presented in 3
Listing 3: Tagging recognised conference into RDF graph.
moat:tagMeaning <http://colinda.org/connference/123>;
tag:tagName ”WEBIST2012” ;
tag:taggedResource <http://twitter.com/someuser/status/21606926237> .
In this way a link to the conference enables the res-
olution of all conference related aditional data, like
description, date or conference location regarding the
attached profile and microblog content.
3.4 Analysis and Result Delivery
The analysis is currently limited to a demonstration
where two twitter users can be compared based on
similar hashtags they use. An evaluation rating is now
simply the ”Cosine Similarity” between the two sets
of hashtags. Further identified matched conferences
with all additional data like topic, event and location
are attached to result. The identification will just use
the hashtag and see if it matches a conference name
or abbreviation. Then a new metric giving weights to
this conference matches will be calculated. A screen
shot of a demo that uses the mining functionality of
the profiling framework can be seen in Figure 4. The
ranking is evaluated by simple count of corresponding
entities. A similar function in framework is applicable
for other topic, locations, links, mentions and friends.
Figure 4: Demo matching.
Approach presented in this paper, aims at mining
usable information out of social microblogs, with a
framework driven methodology. It is based upon Se-
mantic Web standards and Linked Data. Introducing
the interesting aspects about microblogs, authors tried
to answer how far they this data can be used for other
research areas like Science 2.0, Research 2.0. The au-
thors also outlined the importance and relevance of
such or similar efforts by examples and arguments
from current research and with example of recent own
work. In the near future, we want to answer ques-
tions like: Which researcher fit to me? Which con-
ferences that cetrain researcher visited recently and
they want to visit in the future fit to my interest area?
Generation of forecast reports about scientist and spe-
cific conferences as well about upcoming conferences
that match the own research focus is also an issue
that will be supported in the future with proposed
framework. Further linking the scientists automati-
cally to sub communities based on their interests can
be a thinkable extension of proposed context. Hereby
we are aiminig at using common techiques for com-
munity distinction provided by network science like
hierarchical clustering or minimal cut ratio methods.
Considering the technical improvements we want to
expose our proof of concept implementation as REST
based API as done in previous work for interface ag-
gregation (De Vocht et al., 2011) and run some more
accurate tests on retrieval metrics like precision,recall
and F-measure in order to evauate the quality of pro-
posed solution.
The research activities that have been described in this
paper were funded by Graz University of Technology,
Ghent University, iMinds (an independent research
institute founded by the Flemish government to stim-
ulate ICT innovation), the Institute for the Promotion
of Innovation by Science and Technology in Flan-
ders (IWT), the Fund for Scientific Research-Flanders
(FWO-Flanders), and the European Union.
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