The Case for Cloud Service Trustmarks and Assurance-as-a-Service
Theo Lynn, Philip Healy, Richard McClatchey, John Morrison, Claus Pahl and Brian Lee
Irish Centre for Cloud Computing & Commerce, Dublin, Ireland
Keywords: Cloud, Assurance, Accountability, Trustmark.
Abstract: Cloud computing represents a significant economic opportunity for Europe. However, this growth is
threatened by adoption barriers largely related to trust. This position paper examines trust and confidence
issues in cloud computing and advances a case for addressing them through the implementation of a novel
trustmark scheme for cloud service providers. The proposed trustmark would be both active and dynamic
featuring multi-modal information about the performance of the underlying cloud service. The trustmarks
would be informed by live performance data from the cloud service provider, or ideally an independent
third-party accountability and assurance service that would communicate up-to-date information relating to
service performance and dependability. By combining assurance measures with a remediation scheme,
cloud service providers could both signal dependability to customers and the wider marketplace and provide
customers, auditors and regulators with a mechanism for determining accountability in the event of failure
or non-compliance. As a result, the trustmarks would convey to consumers of cloud services and other
stakeholders that strong assurance and accountability measures are in place for the service in question and
thereby address trust and confidence issues in cloud computing.
Surveys of consumers and enterprises have
consistently highlighted concerns about entrustment
of data to cloud service providers. The extent to
which these concerns are exaggerated is open to
debate. Regardless, their very existence limits cloud
uptake. Section 1.1 reviews the evidence for trust
concerns around cloud computing and examines
their subjects and scope.
Accountability measures have been proposed as
a means of enhancing the trustworthiness of cloud
offerings. Although this approach includes
preventative aspects, it is characterised by the
assigning of liability in the event of failure through
detective measures and subsequent remediation, if
appropriate. Assurance, in contrast, is concerned
with conclusions designed to enhance the degree of
confidence of the intended users other than the cloud
service provider about the outcome of an evaluation
or measurement, typically of dependability and
predictability, of a cloud computing service. Section
1.2 provides an overview of accountability and
assurance concepts as they apply to cloud computing
and considers the similarities and differences
between them.
A trustmark is a third-party mark, logo, picture,
or symbol that is presented in an effort to dispel
consumers’ concerns about risk. A well-known
example is the VeriSign (now Norton) Trust Seal,
which indicates to users of a website that its
authenticity and security practices have been
independently verified. Section 2 presents the case
for trustmarks as a confidence-building measure in
the trustworthiness of cloud services. This reasoning
is extended in Section 2.1 to include the notion of an
“active” and “dynamic” trustmark that incorporate
multi-modal display of up-to-date information about
the dependability of the underlying service rather
than the traditional notion of trustmarks as static and
passive badge-like entities.
The utility of a trustmark is dependent on the
independent verification procedures that it
represents. Section 3 outlines how an assurance
service could be implemented that would provide
transparency to consumers of cloud services, and
other stakeholders, that appropriate assurance and
accountability procedures are being followed by a
cloud service provider. This information could be
Lynn T., Healy P., McClatchey R., Morrison J., Pahl C. and Lee B..
The Case for Cloud Service Trustmarks and Assurance-as-a-Service.
DOI: 10.5220/0004405901100115
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2013), pages 110-115
ISBN: 978-989-8565-52-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
surfaced to consumers and other stakeholders via a
the revised trustmark concept described in Section
We conclude in Section 4 with a summary of the
proposed concepts (trustmarks and assurance
services) and a discussion of how these could be
turned into concrete implementations, and a set of
objective measures for success.
1.1 Barriers to Cloud Adoption
A recent study carried out by IDC on behalf of DG
Connect of the European Commission recently
reported that more than half of EU businesses and
consumers are using some form of cloud computing
service today and suggested cloud computing could
contribute up to €250 billion to EU GDP in 2020
and create over 3.8 million jobs (IDC, 2012).
Despite these relatively high adoption rates, the
same report highlights that cloud adoption by
business users is currently higher for "basic"
solutions and cloud intensity (measured as the
number of cloud solutions adopted by each
enterprise) is also rather limited. The impact of these
two factors is that the potential value of spending
activity on public clouds is reduced by up to 56%
(IDC, 2012).
The barriers causing this limited cloud adoption
behaviour are well documented and cluster around
five areas. Both consumers and enterprises have
concerns over the location, integrity, portability,
security and privacy of their data in the cloud (HBR
Analytics, 2010; Yankee Group, 2010; Pew Internet
(2010); IDC (2012)). Regulatory responses to these
concerns are resulting in increasing complexity with
different compliance requirements across industry
sectors and legal jurisdictions. These trust and
compliance complexity issues are further
exacerbated by the nature of businesses operating in
the cloud, often characterised by a chain of service
provision and trans-border data transfers.
Governance issues, data loss and leakage, and shared
technology vulnerabilities are amongst the top
threats to cloud computing identified by independent
international organisations (Cloud Security Alliance,
Recently, the European Commission suggested a
series of actions to overcome some of these barriers
through (i) opening up access to content, (ii) making
online and cross-border transactions straightforward
and (iii) building digital confidence (European
Commission, 2012). With regards to cloud
computing, the European Commission is more
specific about the need for “a chain of confidence-
building steps to create trust in cloud solutions.”
These steps include actions to:
promote wider use of standards, the
certification of cloud services to show they
meet these standards and the endorsement of
such certificates by regulatory authorities;
develop model terms for cloud computing
service level agreements and standardised
contract terms and conditions for various use
scenarios including business-to-business,
business-to-consumer and trans-border
business; and,
promote common public sector leadership
through a European Cloud Partnership to
work on common procurement requirements
for cloud computing. (European Commission,
Addressing these challenges is not trivial. Digital
business ecosystems built on chains of service
provisions, such as those underlying cloud
computing, introduce different issues that can
undermine trustworthiness and dependability. These
include provenance of data and technology,
transparency about the operation and
implementation of technology, and processes and the
predictability of the technology to behave within
expected norms (i.e., dependability) (Sommerville,
2007). Mechanisms to instil trustworthiness and
dependability in cloud computing may include:
new approaches to constructing dependability
methods and tools for testing cloud
infrastructures and configurations;
self-aware systems that make information
about their operation and failure available for
scrutiny and use; and,
regulatory and social mechanisms to
highlight dependable and trustworthy service
providers; and
de-emphasise or remove undependable and
untrustworthy elements of the chain of
service provision (Sommerville, 2007).
1.2 Accountability and Assurance
Accountability has been proposed as a potential
solution for addressing the deficit in trust and
confidence in cloud computing (Pearson et al., 2012;
Ko et al., 2011; Pearson and Charlesworth, 2009;
Haeberlen, 2010). For example, the A4Cloud project
proposes that a chain of accountability for data in the
cloud can be established to provide users, cloud
providers and regulators together to clarify liability
and provide greater transparency overall (Pearson et
al., 2012). It is envisaged that this will be achieved
by a set of mechanisms that may mitigate risk
(preventative controls), monitor and identify risk and
policy violation (detective controls), manage
incidents and provide redress (corrective controls).
The projects typically focus on scenarios involving a
priori contracts between parties and as such do not
serve to address trust and confidence issues in the
wider marketplace but are restricted to those party to
the service level agreement.
Accountability may be defined as: “The property
of a system or system resource that ensures that the
actions of a system entity may be traced uniquely to
that entity, which can then be held responsible for its
actions” (Huff, 1981 as cited in IETF RFC4949).
Assurance is different. It is concerned with
conclusions by practitioners designed to enhance the
degree of confidence of the intended users other than
the responsible party about the outcome of an
evaluation or measurement of a subject matter
against criteria (adapted from International
Framework of Assurance Engagements, IAASB,
2008). One might argue that it is not ab initio
focussed on failure and liability but rather focussed
on dependability and, given sufficient time and
repetition, predictability. The benefits of assurance
an independent opinion from an external
source that enhances credibility of the
cloud service;
reduction of perceived management bias in
service claims;
improved relevance of information
associated with the expertise and
knowledge of the assurance provider; and,
modification of perceived risk.
While accountability in cloud computing is
focussed on provenance and transparency, it does
not adequately address predictability in the way that
assurance can. The natural extension of an
assurance-based approach to cloud computing is a
Design for Dependability (in contrast to a Design for
Failure) model that integrates both fault avoidance
and fault tolerance. It should be noted that
assurance, unlike accountability, need not be
absolute given the limitations and uncertainties
inherent in the chain of service provision and the
impracticality of examining all evidence associated
with any given cloud computing service but it may
be reasonable given an accumulation of evidence.
We posit that an integrated approach to
accountability and assurance is needed for cloud
A proposed integrated framework is presented in
Figure 1 that extends and realigns the Pearson and
Wainwright (2012) Framework for Accountability.
The issues around trust raised by the advent of cloud
Figure 1 An Integrated Framework for Assurance and Accountability (an adaptation of Pearson and Wainwright, 2012).
computing are similar to those raised by the Internet
as a whole. Consumers of cloud computing, like
general Internet consumers, must trust that cloud
service providers will not default on implied or
explicit bonds, that the service quality is good and
will be delivered as promised, and that their personal
information will be securely held and their privacy
respected (Aiken and Boush, 2006).
Trustmarks are any third-party mark, logo,
picture, or symbol that is presented in an effort to
dispel consumers’ concerns about risk and therefore
increase firm-specific trust levels (Aiken and Boush,
2003). Trustmark services typically involve one or
more of six elements: (i) a declaration of best
practice, (ii) a subscription to a code of conduct, (iii)
scrutiny for membership (based on criteria), (iv)
sanctions for failure to adhere to a code of conduct,
(v) recourse (appeals) for wrongful revocation of the
trustmark and (vi) a remedy for aggrieved customers
(Endeshaw, 2001). Policymakers, academia and
industry have called for research on trustmarks in
the cloud computing context (IAMCP, 2011; GAP
Task Force, 2011; Robinson et al., 2010). Research
suggests that trustmarks have the greatest effect on
perceived trustworthiness in an Internet context
(when compared to objective source third-party
ratings and advertising-derived implications),
influencing respondents’ beliefs about security and
privacy, general beliefs about firm trustworthiness,
and willingness to provide personal information
(Aiken and Boush, 2006). Recipients of trustmarks
are typically subject to a manual verification and
certification process that varies widely within the
trustmark provision sector and is not transparent to
cloud customers and consumers. Trustmarks have
been criticised for consistency, reliability, currency /
timeliness, accuracy, transparency and ease of abuse
(Schouten, 2012; Endeshaw, 2001; Remotti, 2012).
Trustmarks are widely used in e-commerce
(Remotti, 2012). We posit that existing static passive
conceptualisations of trustmarks will not
satisfactorily address the trust and confidence issues
in cloud computing due to the inherently dynamic
nature of these services. As such, we propose an
active dynamic trustmark system for cloud
computing that overcomes the shortfalls of
accountability, assurance and trustmarks as discrete
solutions for trustworthiness issues in cloud
2.1 Active Dynamic Trustmarks
As noted above, trustmarks are typically presented
as a static visual representation, typically a badge-
like logo, on websites or promotional material.
However, trustmarks need not be static; by utilising
modern web technologies, such as HTML 5,
trustmarks could be presented as active dynamic
entities that succinctly communicate up-to-date
values for a number of high-level dependability
measures. These dependability measures would be
based on “live” analytics of aspects of the
underlying service. Static badge-like images could
be replaced by multi-modal entities that
communicate information (i) graphically using
lightweight, standard-compliant technologies such as
HTML 5 canvas (ii) textually and (iii) in a machine
readable format via semantic web technologies such
as OWL. Furthermore, the authenticity of these
trustmarks can be verified by a certification
mechanism. Unlike the opaque assurance-backed
certification approach that has been traditionally
applied to trustmarks, active dynamic trustmarks
would provide prospective and existing cloud
customers with a window into the operation of the
underlying cloud service by providing a mechanism
that would allow users to “drill down” into specific
high-level metrics, at that moment or over a period
of time, that comprise the trustmark. As a result,
stakeholders can satisfy themselves that the service
is both trustworthy and dependable and the level of
trustworthiness is signalled to the market as a whole.
The design of the trustmark interface would need
to balance the need to inform stakeholders with
varying roles against privacy and security concerns.
Discrete independent virtualised services could be
provided for internal and external auditors and
regulators to analyse service performance against
business policy, legal or regulatory compliance
To deliver the real-time metrics communicated by
the active dynamic trustmarks, as proposed in
Section 2.1, necessitates the collection, collation and
computation of data relating to the operation of the
service. These metrics must be re-evaluated on an
ongoing basis with the resulting data being
communicated to the trustmark metadata platform
before being surfaced via multi-modal trustmark
updates. This task could be delivered by the cloud
service provider or offloaded to an independent
third-party assurance service, which could itself be a
cloud service. In its primary capacity, the assurance
service would watch the operation of other cloud
services and surface data to the trustmark interface.
One approach to services monitoring could be the
declaration and confirmation of processes that
describe the flow of execution of the processes that
make up a cloud service. The service being assured
would then communicate the commencement and
completion of actions via web service calls to a
checkpointing mechanism. Checkpointing would
serve two purposes: (a) the creation of an
independent provenance log of actions performed
and their context (who, what, when, where),
providing a basis for assurance monitoring and (b)
the steering of processes and intervention where
If the declared processes were sufficiently fine-
grained, then large volumes of heterogeneous data
could be created at rates beyond the monitoring and
analytical capabilities of cloud consumers.
Furthermore, consumers should be notified of
dependability events without continuous monitoring
of the trustmark. This shortcoming could be
addressed by providing a mechanism that would
continuously monitor provenance logs on behalf of
consumers through the use of software components
that represent the interests of the various internal and
external, direct and indirect, stakeholders.
Integrating these mechanisms with a hive of
software agents would ease the monitoring and
auditing burden on stakeholders by encoding their
rules and ensuring that they are enforced on an
ongoing basis. Furthermore, agents could also
automatically trigger detective, preventative and
remediation activities where appropriate. Moni-
toring would therefore not simply be about
identifying and laying the blame for faults and
transgressions (accountability); it would actively try
to engage with service providers, consumers and
other stakeholders to confirm quality of service and
where necessary identify, prevent and resolve issues
in a transparent fashion while signalling its
effectiveness or otherwise at doing this in a
transparent fashion (assurance).
Trustmarks have a proven track record in addressing
the internet-related trust concerns held by
consumers. They therefore may have a role to play
in addressing the deficit in trust that has been
identified in users’ attitude towards cloud services.
However, trustmarks need not be static badge-like
entities. Modern web technologies allow for the
multimodal communication of a range of up-to-date
metrics, allowing the trustmark concept to be
expanded to become a much richer communications
medium. These active dynamic trustmarks could be
backed by third party assurance services that
communicate dependability metrics to the trustmark
The success of the independent third-party
assurance services, as proposed, would depend on
their ability to meet the following objectives:
1. enabling cloud service providers to give their
consumers appropriate control and
transparency over the definition and
execution of their processes and workflows
within cloud services;
2. assuring cloud consumers that the processes
and workflows as defined were executed in
accordance with their declared expectations;
3. monitoring and confirming consistent
predictable compliance of cloud service
providers with their clients’ declared
expectations, business policies, regulations
and third-party standards;
4. providing a mechanism for verifying the
integrity of the provenance chain without
learning details of individual records; and
5. signalling dependability and trustworthiness
of cloud service providers to stakeholders
using an agreed set of measures through an
objective trustmark service.
In summary, it is posited that a Design for
Dependability model of cloud computing, supported
by an independent third-party assurance system that
recognises and communicates consistent predictable
service through an independent active and dynamic
trustmark, would improve trustworthiness and
confidence in cloud computing and serve to
differentiate cloud service providers.
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