A Design Methodology for B2B Systems
Case of an e-Procurement System
Khoutir Bouchbout
, Jacky Akoka
and Zaia Alimazighi
Computer Science Department, USTHB University, Algiers, Algeria
ISID Research Team, CEDRIC-CNAM Laboratory, Paris, France
Keywords: B2B Systems, BPM, Inter-Organizational Business Process, Web Services, e-Procurement.
Abstract: As corporations rely more on collaboration with partners to enhance their position in the business world,
they transcend their traditional information system boundaries. They use IT-based inter-organizational
information systems (B2B systems - Business to Business) as a powerful strategic tool to link with their
partners in their supply chain. The B2B systems are critical for businesses in the current intensive and
competitive market. By considering the concepts of inter-organizational business process (IOBP), this paper
proposes an MDA-based methodology for B2B systems development which relies on the principles of BPM
(Business Process Management) and SOA (Service Oriented Architecture). Thus, our methodology
considers three levels in a top-down manner: collaborative business (organizational), business process
(conceptual) and process execution (technological). We have proposed an UML AD profile for IOBP
modelling. Then, the specific partner’s processes are derived based on MDA-based model transformations.
Finally, the B2B interactions are represented using Web services technology. In addition, we validate the
practicability of our methodology with the implementation of an e-procurement system.
On the Internet, B2B (business-to-business) is the
exchange of products, services, or information
between businesses rather than between businesses
and consumers. In the new business era, B2B
systems are becoming a competitive necessity due to
globalization and the growing importance of
business alliances (networked organizations,
extended enterprises, etc.). They are the most
common form of technology to support data and
knowledge exchange between business partners like
in e-Procurement systems (Dorn et al., 2007). The
potential benefits of e-Procurement are transaction
cost savings and competitive sourcing opportunities.
It also increases the bargaining power of the buying
organization, which now has a better information
visibility of its business processes. Moreover, the
strategic value of B2B systems has been well
recognized for its real-time interaction, higher
transaction accuracy, more efficient and quicker
payments, rapid response, reduced search costs,
reduction in inventory and tighter links to customers
(Medjahed et al., 2003). These benefits enable all
parties to have high operational efficiency and
capability, and more and more corporations tend to
adopt B2B systems in order to gain competitive
advantages. IOBP are the enabler of such business
environments. Henceforth, there is a need for
supporting IOBP that interacts with the existing
business process of individual organizations.
Consequently, modelling such systems that span
multiple organizations involves new challenges,
mainly the ability to cope with autonomy, privacy,
distribution of components owned by business
partners to support the joint execution of
collaboration which requires the support for
coordination through mutual agreements (Bouchbout
et al., 2011). For this purpose, by considering
concepts of BPM and SOA, we present an MDA-
based design methodology for development of B2B
systems. It provides the capability to represent and
model IOBP independent of notation, standard or
The remainder of the paper is structured as
follows. In section 2, we cover the basic concepts of
IOBP. Section 3 highlights the related work for B2B
systems methodologies. Subsequently, the section 4
describes the aspects of the proposed methodology.
The section 5 assesses the capabilities of the
proposed methodology. Finally, the paper finishes
Bouchbout K., Akoka J. and Alimazighi Z..
A Design Methodology for B2B Systems - Case of an e-Procurement System.
DOI: 10.5220/0004439104590466
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2013), pages 459-466
ISBN: 978-989-8565-60-0
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
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(global view)
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Buyer ‘s
Figure 1: Basic scenario of e-Procurement: Collaborative, Public & Private processes.
giving a summary and an outlook to future work.
Recently, IOBP which depict the nature of business
interactions (information exchanges) between
organizations are turning to be an important issue of
contemporary BPM. To explain specifics of IOBP
modelling, we will discuss their requirements.
2.1 Characteristics of
Inter-Organizational Business
While intra-organizational processes comprise
activities executed inside one organization only, the
activities comprised in an IOBP are executed by
different organizations that are working together to
reach a common objective. Moreover, compared to
intra-organizational business processes, IOBP is
based on multiple data-sets, owned and maintained
by the different involved stakeholders with the goal
to interweave the existing partner processes whilst
creating minimal impact on the existing processes
(Chebbi et al., 2006). Furthermore, IOBP usually do
not have a centralized control instance or process
owner (Bouchbout et al., 2010). It depicts the
different roles involved in the collaboration and their
specific responsibilities with regard to the
collaboration scenario. Hence, it needs close
coordination among networking partners which
requires an agreement on how to interact and
exchange information, business documents and
messages. Finally, the privacy and autonomy
requirements are at the top priority of participant’s
Furthermore, in order to make IOBP work, each
involved organization has to implement not only its
internal processes (private processes), but also its
external behaviour (public process). So, adopting the
approaches used by (Bouchbout et al., 2010); (Chiu
et al., 2002); (Huemer et al., 2008); (Greiner et al.,
2006); (Legner et al., 2008), we consider a process
described either as a Private (orchestration, internal
or executable), Public (local choreography, abstract
or view), and Collaborative (global choreography,
cross-organizational or inter-organizational) in order
to better separate the information density of different
areas of concern. The Figure 1 illustrates these
process categories.
2.2 Inter-Organizational Business
Process Modelling Languages
To couple processes in the development of an IOBP
model is a complex task, as each business participant
has its own “private” set of established modelling
languages like UML2 Activity Diagrams (OMG,
2009), and BPMN (OMG, 2011). Important
contributions to handling the specific modelling
requirements of IOBP come from approaches for
distributed Workflow management, e.g. (Aalst et al.,
2001); (Chebbi et al., 2006); (Chiu et al., 2002),
current extensions of process modelling (Seal et al.,
2005); (Touzi et al., 2008), and B2B standards like
ebXML BPSS (Medjahed et al., 2003), but has been
limited to the process layer so far and they do not
fulfil the inter-organizational interactions issues.
This is so because they are incapable of representing
multiple actors participating in each collaborative
task while keeping consistency of the overall
processes. Moreover, one major requirement of
business/IT specialists in practice is the ability of
formal analysis and verification using Petri Nets
(Girault 2001); (Aalst et al., 2010) of BPM
languages like BPMN, EPC (Scheer, 1999) and
UML. Finally, the possibility of execution code
generation like BPEL and WS-CDL (Medjahed et
al., 2003). However, UML Activity Diagrams, EPC
and BPMN are more suitable to model public or
private processes from the viewpoint of one partner
instead of showing the peer-to-peer interactions
between the partners as a whole. Hence, most of the
languages provide insufficient support for modelling
IOBP and do not offer a collaborative and integrated
modelling framework comprising all levels of
Having these considerations in mind, our
approach provides an UML AD profile (Korherr and
List, 2007) ensuring more expressive power for
IOBP modelling, with the goal to develop a meta-
model that covers comprehensive aspects of B2B
business process theory including collaborations,
interaction flow, partner’s role, message exchanges,
public and private activities (at a high abstract level).
2.3 Methodical Approaches for IOBP
In order to establish collaboration between business
partners one may start “bottom-up” from the private
processes or “top-down” from the IOBP (Bauer et
al., 2008); (Chebbi et al., 2006); (Greiner et al.,
2006) (Ziemann et al., 2007). In bottom-up
approach, the technology drives the business.
However, in top-down approach the business
requirements drive the technology. A bottom-up
approach bears the limitation that if each partner
develops its public process in isolation, it is rather
unlikely that their processes are complementary to
each other. Thus, it works only, if one partner
dominates the partnership and the other one adapts
his interfaces accordingly. In this case, discovering
potential business partners requires complex
comparisons of public processes. The bottom-up
approach implementations are based on Web
services compositions (Peltz, 2003). In cases where
private processes already exist, an organization
could simply expose application functionality as a
service and thereby realizes machine-to-machine
process integration with its business partners.
In general, a top-down approach describes a
decomposition approach where standards
organizations, industry consortia or market leaders
define an IOBP. Hence, a top-down approach
commences with a global view on the collaboration
efforts. The global view is described by an agreed
model of an IOBP, which should be followed by the
public processes of each partner. Each business
partner is then able to derive its public process and
to bind its private processes to the IOBP.
In this paper, we follow the top-down approach
which is more appropriate for an e-Procurement
system. This requires that the commonly agreed
IOBP was defined before.
Hence, our approach helps
to develop public processes that are compliant to
each other. This is guaranteed by the fact that each
partner derives its public process consistently to a
commonly agreed IOBP.
Before we present our B2B system design
methodology, we will briefly refer to some related
work in the following propositions done in the field
of inter-organizational Workflows or B2B
collaborations (Greiner et al., 2006); (Ziemann et al.,
2007); (Huemer et al., 2008); (Legner et al., 2008);
(Touzi et al., 2009), but it misses some research
clearly addressing the B2B systems methodology.
Legner et al., (2008) have presented a method for
modelling inter-organizational processes and
deriving business services in three steps. A
framework of conceptual inter-organizational
business modelling is then defined containing a
public process model which serves as reference for
the participating organizations (Step 1). Then, the
existing private processes have to be assigned and
eventually aligned to the agreed public process
model (Step 2). After that, the public process
interface is realized by business services leveraging
web service technology (Step 3). The business
process model is used to derive XML-based business
documents that are exchanged between business
services. In addition, private process modules are
transformed into workflows for business process
automation which later can be implemented using
the Business Process Execution Language (BPEL).
Huemer et al., (2008) have developed a
methodology dealing with collaborative processes
called UN/CEFACT Modelling Methodology
(UMM). UMM specifies collaborative business
processes involving information exchange in a
technology neutral, implementation-independent
manner. UMM is a UML modelling approach for
global choreographies of B2B scenarios. It is a top-
down approach that makes use of worksheets to
capture domain requirements. UMM do not provide
a complete development process to generate IOBP
executions. It only provides a development process
for modelling technology-independent IOBP.
The work of Touzi et al., (2009), has proposed a
model-driven approach to design a collaborative
information system (CIS) dedicated to deal with
exchanged data, shared services and collaborative
processes. The CIS design crosses the different
abstraction layers (business, logic and technological)
and exploits at each level the associated models to
build the models of the next level. The model of an
IOBP is BPMN-oriented and based on the SOA. Its
meta-model has been defined by referencing the
BPMN specifications as well as the IOBP aspects.
The framework proposed by Ziemann et al.,
(2007) presents a method for the creation of
collaborative process on a conceptual level. They
described how cross-organizational business
processes can be modelled and transformed to
technical process models in the form of Web Service
protocols. Their framework can be instantiated using
EPCs (design phase) and BPEL (implementation
phase) to describe models in different life cycle
phases and demonstrated the transitions between
these phases. However, a description of how
organizational roles can be communicated to
partners is missed.
Greiner et al.’s work (2006) describes the
designing and the implementing of cross-
organizational business processes including different
levels of technical detail: the business level, the
technical level and the execution level. They identify
how the mappings and the transformations are
needed among private process, view process and
IOBP among the different levels. The business level
models illustrate the organizational business aspects.
The technical model secures the technical realization
of the process integration and represents the bridge
to the process execution.
Summarizing the above review of related
literature, we observe that the issue of inter-
organizational systems modelling and development
has been extensively addressed. Yet, while the
proposed solutions strive to enable the operation of
an IOBP, no explicit consideration of generic
business requirements is made to relate to generic
inter-organizational scenarios. To achieve this we
propose a design methodology for B2B systems
development by combining MDA and SOA.
To meet the aforementioned IOBP requirements, we
need a methodology that enables a process-based
B2B systems development at both business and
technological levels, based on a MDA (Model-
Driven Architecture) approach (OMG, 2003);
(Roser, 2006); (Hammoudi et al., 2010), shifting the
focus of software development from writing code to
building models. To define a valid separation
between business, software and technological
platforms in the information systems, MDA uses
different kind of models: (1) Computation
Independent Model (CIM); (2) Platform Independent
Model (PIM); (3) Platform Specific Model (PSM).
The MDA approach is characterized by a set of
vertical transformations/mappings across different
phases (PIM to PSM and PSM to Code) using model
transformation languages like ATL (Bézivin et al.,
2003). The vertical transformation in the downward
direction corresponds to process automation
approaches where conceptual process models (e.g.
BPMN) are transformed to executable processes
(e.g. BPEL).
Therefore, in the Figure 2 we depict the proposed
a MDA-based methodology which supports: the
design of IOBP independent of particular B2B
standard; and the automatic generation of each
partner’s side specifications based on a B2B
standard (BPEL) from conceptual IOBP models
(UML AD profile).
The main benefits of this methodology are:
increase of the abstraction level, since the focus is
on the design of technology-independent IOBP;
reduction of development costs and time and
guarantee of alignment of a business solution with a
technological solution, since process executions are
generated automatically from process models. The
development’s methodology is organized into three
levels from the abstract conceptual level to the
technical execution level: Collaborative business
requirements, Collaborative business process
definition, Public processes generation, Internal
Private processes generation, and code execution.
4.1 CIM Layer: Collaborative Business
Requirements Phase
The collaborative business requirements phase at
CIM level consists in analyzing the problem domain
and identifying the business requirements. This is
jointly carried out by the enterprises. Hence, it helps
the correspondent business analysts to understand
Enterprise A: Seller
Enterprise B: Buyer
Generic CBP metamodel,
CBP model: UML2 Profile, Formal verification of CBP
1-BPMN public process:
public view, behaviour
2- BPMN private process:
private activities, internal
business logic
3- BPMN formal verification
internal techno. Standards
2- BPEL formal verification
3- Internal code execution,
4- Buyer web application
internal techno. Standards
2- BPEL formal verification
3- Internal code execution,
4- Seller web application
1-BPMN public process:
public view, behaviour
2- BPMN private process:
privateactivities, internal
business logic
3- BPMN formal verification
Message’s Exchange
Invocation of services
CSF for IOS adoption, B2B requirements
environnement, roles, common objectives,
interactions p rotocol, informations exchange
CIM: Collaborative
business layer
PIM: Collaborative
process layer
PIM: Public &
Private partners
processes layer
PSM: Partners
internal code
execution layer
Figure 2: MDA-based methodology for B2B systems development.
the problem. We should capture the process
stakeholders (description of various partners and
their roles they fulfil) and their communication
We also define the collaborative agreement
parameters and the hierarchy of common business
goals to be fulfilled by partners. In this phase we
define also the critical success factors for B2B
system adoption and use. The collaboration partners
are determined by the shared goals of the
collaboration and the aspired win-win situation of all
partners. The joint aims of the collaboration have to
be defined as synthesis of the individual aims.
4.2 PIM Layer: Collaborative Process
Definition Phase
The main focus is on the definition of the IOBP,
which describe the common behaviour of the
interactions between partners from a global
viewpoint. The IOBP language was defined as a
UML AD Profile in order to provide well-known
graphical notations for modelling IOBP. So, the
IOBP modelled with UML AD profile instantiate the
generic IOBP meta-model proposed for this context.
The main contributions of our meta-model are
twofold: firstly, we introduce all the IOBP specific
concepts in order to model business collaboration;
secondly, contribution can be characterized by
taking into account explicitly both the four IOBP
requirements (autonomy and privacy,
decentralization, interaction flows, and technology
independence). The use of a UML profile allows us:
provide a vocabulary more suitable to model IOBP;
add semantics and constraints to the UML meta-
model from the modelling domain of IOBP; and
reuse existent UML case tools to model IOBP. In
addition, this language encourages a top-down
approach to model IOBP and provides the
conceptual elements to support the modelling of
IOBP main aspects:
- Definition of the participants (partners and their
collaboration roles) of an IOBP with their
communication relationships with description of
the hierarchy of common business goals that
partners agree on.
- Identification of IOBP required achieving the
agreed business goals using the definition of
collaborative processes as informal specifications
of a set of actions performed by partners.
- Representation of business documents to be
exchanged in IOBP with providing the concepts
to define the syntactic and semantics structure of
business documents.
- Description of the public interfaces of each
collaboration role performed by partners. A
public business process contains business
operations that support the asynchronous
message exchange of interactions between
Since IOBP models describe B2B collaboration, it is
essential to enable partners to make sure the
behaviour of IOBP is well-defined by verifying the
structural correctness of a business process. The
verification task is concerned to check the process
model is free of logical errors (Aalst et al., 2010).
This requires the use of formal verification
techniques, which should be applied to detect errors
in the integration process models, such as deadlocks,
livelocks, etc. With complex real life business
processes, ensuring the correctness of the model is a
very difficult task, even for a process modelling
expert. Therefore, tool support for this kind of
analysis would be very important. Hence, we carried
out a formal verification of IOBP models, using
Petri Nets, starting at an early stage in the
development, i.e. previous to the generation of the
IT architecture solution.
4.3 PIM Layer: Generation of Public
Process Phase
Although IOBP define how partners will coordinate
their actions, these processes are not executable.
IOBP require the definition of public and private
processes each enterprise has to implement for
executing collaborative process. A public process or
behavioural interface defines the public behaviour of
the role an enterprise performs in an IOBP at PIM
layer. It defines the public and externally visible
behaviour of a partner in terms of the activities that
support the receiving and sending of messages with
each other. The public process can be derived from
the IOBP. To carry out this derivation, we ensure
that the semantics of each IOBP element,
represented as an UML AD profile, is represented in
terms of the elements and semantics provided by
BPMN from one partner’s viewpoint (e.g. buyer).
4.4 PIM Layer: Definition of Private
Process Phase
An internal executable process or orchestration
processes is derived from a public process at each
partner’s side. It adds the private logic of the
enterprise required to support the role it perform in
an IOBP. The internal business logic includes the
activities for producing and processing the
exchanged information as well as data
transformations and invocations to internal systems.
Internal activities, which are required for generating
the information to be sent and processing the
information to be received from partners, have to be
added to the public process to define the
corresponding private process. It requires the
definition of activity patterns, which capture
recurrent business functions to process or generate
the information exchanged between partners. At this
end, in order to realize the BPMN-to-BPEL
transformation, we implement an algorithm inspired
from Ouyang et al., (2009), namely BPMN2BPEL.
It takes as input a BPD (BPMN Business Process
Diagram) represented in XML format and produces
the correspondent BPEL code. This step consists of
transforming BPMN model obtained from other
modelling tool to the corresponding BPMN2BPEL
XML input format to bridge this gap.
4.5 PSM Layer: Internal Process
and Code Execution Phase
This step deals with the user interface applications
development for the “seller” and the “buyer” roles.
These partners’ user interface applications support
the decentralized execution of the IOBP. Although
this phase is achieved in parallel for enterprises, they
must agree on the B2B standards to be used for
implementing the inter-enterprise specifications.
Furthermore, on the execution layer these internal
processes are used e. g. for the orchestration of Web
Services (Peltz, 2003). It consists on the generation
of the XML-based specifications of business
processes and the B2B systems’ interfaces of an
enterprise from its platform-specific IT model,
which contains the necessary information for the
code generation. To this aim, we have implemented
a direct connection with the computers and business
applications of the buyer organization
communicating directly with a seller's web
application to send and receive information. After
collaborating, both of the two partners’ applications
progress independently.
To master the complexity of the design and
implementation of B2B systems, a tool support is
essential. For this purpose, we use an Eclipse-based
IDE platform (Eclipse, 2012). By using the Eclipse
platform it is possible to guarantee the
interoperability of the different plug-ins, tools and
transformation languages. In addition, the Eclipse
platform enables us to provide an integrated tool that
supports the entire development process of the
model-driven development methodology for B2B
information systems (see Figure 3). Thus, we use the
following components:
- A set of Eclipse-based plug-ins, which supports
the definition of UML AD profile models as well
as BPMN, BPEL and WSDL process models.
Figure 3 illustrates the tools used using Eclipse
Eclipse UML2
Intalio BPMN
Eclipse UML2
UML2 Activity
Diagram Model
Eclipse UML2
UML2 Activity
Diagram Procurement
Eclipse BPMN
BPEL Model
WSDL Model
Buyer & Seller.bpel
Buyer & Seller.wsdl
BPMN Model
Figure 3: Process model transformations and tools used in the implementation.
UML plug-in.
- An Eclipse-based ATL (Atlas transformation
language) tool for model transformations which
supports the building of process model
transformations (from UML AD profile to
BPMN and from BPMN to BPEL). In this way,
the derivation of the intra-organizational process
seller.bpmn” from the IOBP e-Procurement
process, by means of the “umlProfile2bpmn.atl”
file representing the application of the derivation
rules which should be defined before, is carried
out with the Eclipse ATL tool.
In addition, we have developed in parallel software
tool implementing formal verification techniques
which have to be applied to corresponding Petri Nets
representation (PNML) (Aalst et al., 2010) of
business process. This tool is applied at the three
levels (formal verification of UML AD, BPMN and
BPEL processes).
In this work, we have developed a prototype e-
Procurement system which implements the basic
scenario, depicted before by the Figure 1, where a
buyer (organization A: the University) makes an
online order (purchasing computers, printers,
laptops, etc.) to a seller (organization B: Supplier),
who processes and fulfils the order through
collaborative and internal business processes. Hence,
we have implemented an e-Procurement application
for each partner’s side (buyer and seller)
implementing the executable private business
processes as web services. Abstract processes
described with BPEL provide WSDL interfaces that
define the “static interface” of a private process. The
interaction that could occur between seller and buyer
(see Figure 4) is achieved as a part of the invocation
of a web services.
In the frame of this work, we have presented a top-
down methodology to build inter-organizational
information systems based on MDA approach and
rely on the principles of SOA paradigm. Thus, we
have proposed a three level methodology for
developing B2B systems (business, process and
technology). We have proposed an UML AD profile
for IOBP modelling. Then, the specific partner’s
processes are derived based on MDA-based model
transformations. Finally the B2B interactions are
represented using Web services technology.
To-be University’s e-Procurement application architecture
University Procurement Sellers
Seller Organizations
Figure 4: Architecture of the University’s e-Procurement
There are several open issues to address in the
future. Thus, we plan to evaluate our methodology
through several case studies in order to verify the
completeness of the proposed concepts and artefacts.
Another aspect that requires further research is to
investigate the explicit support of multi-party
interactions (e.g. buyer, seller, and shipper).
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