Aggregated Search Techniques Usability
Kamal Bal
, Youssef Amghar
, Adbessamed Réda Ghoamri
and Hakima Mellah
CERIST, Research Center on scientific and technical information, Algiers, Algeria
INSA (Institut National des Sciences Appliquées), Lyon, France
ESI (National Superior School of computer science), Algiers, Algeria
Abstract. The complexity issued from information seeking requires providing
end-users with tools in order to obtain relevant information from heterogeneous
sources and organize these pieces of information in an understandable and a co-
herent way. Aggregated search is a new information retrieval paradigm that
aims to gather information from different sources and present them in a single
interface. In this paper, we study the different aggregation techniques used in
this information retrieval context and attempt to determine suitable use situation
for each aggregation technique.
1 Introduction
Current information environments are characterized by the multiplication and the
diversity of information sources [24]. Users need to extract relevant information from
a large amount of information. Constant efforts are made by researchers and search
engine companies in order to make information effectively accessible [24]. They aim
to provide users with tools to obtain relevant information from several heterogeneous
sources and organize retrieved information in an understandable and coherent way.
Information Retrieval Systems return a list of potentially relevant documents. Rel-
evant information can be found entirely in a document or be scattered in several doc-
uments, which can also be derived from several sources [19]. The user has to ask the
various sources, read through returned documents, select and organize relevant pieces
of information to build an appropriate response [14]. These pieces of information can
be of different granularities and different modalities (an image, a text, a video, or even
an attribute with its value) [18].
A better solution is to construct the response by automatically selecting and organ-
izing the different relevant information granules. This approach represents a new
paradigm in multi-sources information retrieval called “Aggregated search”. Aggre-
gated search has been defined for the first time in SIGIR’2008 workshop [1]: “it is a
task trying to gather information from different sources and present them in a single
interface”. In other words, aggregated search attempt to identify the relevant content,
organize and present it to the user. Information of different types (text, image, video,
etc...), and of different granularities (text passage, entities, attributes, etc ...) are con-
nected and combined to compose an aggregated result [3].
Bal K., Amghar Y., Réda Ghoamri A. and Mellah H..
Aggregated Search Techniques Usability.
DOI: 10.5220/0004600000650073
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Web Intelligence (WEBI-2013), pages 65-73
ISBN: 978-989-8565-63-1
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Aggregated search has not been tackled as a whole, but many developed solutions
involve aggregation features and many works can be seen as specific cases [3, 18]. In
this paper we present and study the different aggregation techniques used in this in-
formation retrieval paradigm. The study of the techniques is done in terms of use in
order to characterize suitable use situations for each technique.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follow: In section II, we present ag-
gregated search paradigm and its specificities. Than we describe in section III, the
different aggregation techniques used in aggregated search. In Section IV, we study
theses techniques and try to identify some criteria characterizing the use of each tech-
nique. We conclude in section V.
2 Aggregated Search Paradigm
Aggregated search has been defined for the first time in SIGIR’2008 workshop in [1],
as a task trying to gather information from different sources and presents them in a
single interface. Aggregated search aims to search information in multiple infor-
mation sources. Even if the paradigm of aggregated search is recent, the multi-source
information retrieval exists for long time. Federated information retrieval [4] and
meta-search engines [9] are search paradigms designed to provide search results from
multiple sources. However, the information sources in aggregated search are hetero-
geneous and contain documents of different types of (text, images, news, video…)
and different granularities. In addition, in aggregated search, information sources are
managed by dedicated search engines, all under the main search engine, not several
independent search engines, as is the case with meta-search engines. Jaime Arguello
refers to these properties as results type and retrieval algorithm heterogeneity [23].
These properties have been ignored in anterior multi-sources information retrieval
Content aggregation takes a great importance in aggregated search. Indeed, it is
not enough to merge results lists of the same type to produce a single list, but it is to
compare heterogeneous results, to decide how to aggregate and present them in a
single interface. In 2000, the Korean retrieval engine Naver
introduced "comprehen-
sive search" and began to incorporate multimedia answers in default search results.
Google explicitly introduces the idea of aggregated search in 2007 via the concept of
"Universal Search". Google searches through all its sources, compare and rank all the
information in real time, and provide a unique and integrated search results page.
3 Aggregated Search Techniques
Aggregated search has not been treated as a whole, but many developed solutions
involve aggregation features and many works can be seen as special cases [3, 18]. Our
aim is to characterize each aggregation technique apart in order to determine its suita-
ble use situations. We present in the following these different aggregation techniques
3.1 Aggregation by Clustering
Clustering is a technique that can be used to improve the user results space as it
groups similar content based on topical coherence [3]. However, it is not enough to
just return clusters of results [2]. It is important to provide users with an overview of
the documents content forming each cluster to guide him in his search.
The utility of clustering in information retrieval is to enable the disambiguation
and easiness of access to information [3]. Some studies claim that the grouped presen-
tations were more effective than sequential presentations [11, 12]. While clustering is
useful in information retrieval process for identifying relevant content, it is used to
organize the content deemed estimated as relevant in aggregated search.
is a search engine that queries other search engines and then aggre-
gates the results together into clusters. Google news
is also an interesting example of
aggregation by clustering. It aggregates news from various sources. The results are
not a single list of news, but cluster of news. Each Cluster concerns a simple story. A
short summary of one of the most representative item is given as Cluster title.
3.2 Multi-documents Summarization
Multi-document summarization has been used in WebInEssence [20] as a technique of
aggregation. WebInEssence is a personalized Web-Based Multi-Document Summari-
zation and recommendation system. It is designed to help users to find useful infor-
mation in selected documents based on personal user’s profiles. Results are presented
in the way of automatic document summaries. This technique is interesting to allevi-
ate the problem of information overload and to help more users to find the infor-
mation they need. The summarization is the process of selecting the most significant
information from a document. When the input consists of more than one document,
we talk about multi-document summarization.
3.3 Document Generation
Document generation aggregation techniques seek to build or automatically generate
a document from multiple documents of the same or different sources [14, 16 and 17].
Authors in [17] build automatically medical articles for Wikipedia from models
they themselves generate. Content is then selected from Internet for each part of the
model (eg. diagnosis, symptoms, causes…). Authors in [14, 16 and 26] used tech-
niques from Natural Language Generation (NLG) [25] to create an aggregated result.
NLG theories were used to determine the best organization of retrieved information.
The organization of the returned information is defined by the role that each piece of
information plays as well as the relationships between different pieces of information.
3.4 Relational Aggregation
Other works have exploited the structures contained in the Web as tables and lists
[15]. In [18], the authors have developed an aggregation technique based on attributes
retrieval. An aggregated tabular result of the form “attribute / value” is built for each
query through three steps: The selection of entities and attributes relevant to the class
designated by the query, the filtering of retrieved attributes and finally, the sorting of
relevant attributes. In the same case, Google Labs
launched an experimental tool,
called Google Squared, which generates a descriptive table for a given query. Figure
1 shows an example of Google Squared results for the query “cheeses”.
Fig. 1. Example of a Google Squared results for the query “cheeses”.
3.5 Aggregated Views
Previously mentioned aggregation techniques try to construct or generate a response
(a document) from different sources. Aggregated views technique merges the differ-
ent results of the sources in a single results page. This technique is used in web aggre-
gated search. It is therefore question of presenting the search result page as an aggre-
gated view of different search results. In this case, each information sources returns a
single type of media (video, image, text...) or content (news, blog, news, products...).
There are two types of aggregated views: the “blended view" and the “non-blended
view” [24]. In the former one, heterogeneous results from different sources are
merged and presented vertically in a single list. Google universal use this way to pre-
sent the search result page. Other retrieval engines like Yahoo Alpha
and ASK3D
use a "non blended view" where each type of results is displayed in a separate part
(panel) of the search results page.
4 Aggregation Techniques Study
4.1 Which Criteria?
Via, this study, we intend to find some criteria that allow the characterization of each
aggregation technique. We have deduced that in each situation, some aggregation
techniques are more suitable to use than others. To define these criteria, we should
determine the main elements which can be involved in a multi-sources information
retrieval environment. For our study, we think that the following criteria are the main
criteria characterizing a use situation for an aggregation technique: The information
need (the query), the user profile and the information sources content.
Firstly, the Query Itself or the Information Need. It is obvious that the kind of the
information need greatly influences the choice of an aggregation technique. We will
include a number of specific information needs that are associated with appropriate
aggregation techniques.
For "named entities" queries, relational aggregation will directly stated and seems
more suitable. We recall that relational aggregation technique tries to present the re-
sult as a descriptive table (attributes/values) for the entity designated by the query. A
user who submits the query "Algeria", will certainly appreciates an answer as attribute
/ value where attributes are all attributes characterizing the entity class “Country”
(Table 1). A user who submits the query "French presidents" will also appreciate an
answer as a descriptive table containing a list of French presidents.
Table 1. Relational aggregation example.
Capital Currency President Population Off. Language
Algiers Algerian Dinar Abdelaziz Bouteflika 36M Arabic
For vagueness (ambiguous) information needs, Clustering aggregation technique
with multi-document summarization seems interesting. These techniques allow de-
creasing information overload and guide users to required information. They enable
disambiguation and easiness of access to information by grouping results by concepts
and giving an overview of each group contents via automatic summarization.
Some information need contain explicit intentions for a desired content type to re-
trieval. This is usually the case when terms like: picture, image, photo, map, video,
news are present in the query string. Here aggregated views techniques (non-blended
and blended views) have a great chance to satisfy the user. These techniques incorpo-
rate content other than standard web results as images, videos, blogs, and maps... in
the results page. A query like « new Renault CLIO pictures» will be certainly satisfied
by incorporating images results in the results page. Figure 2 shows results page for
this query given by yahoo search engine. A query like « Madonna last concert » will
certainly requires integration of some video clip to the results page.
Aggregated views will be also a suitable use situation for general information need
(informational queries). With informational queries, users are seeking general infor-
mation on a broad topic such as “natural phenomena” or “nutrition” [24]. In this case,
aggregated views allow presenting a rich and diverse response space which can con-
cern several facets of the general information need.
Fig. 2. Example of query with vertical intent images.
Secondly, the User Profile, more Precisely, the User Task. The user profile can
make some aggregation technique more suitable than others. We associate here user
profile to the user task. User retrieve information required for doing some tasks. In-
deed, for some user task, the structure of the desired response can be known and thus
modeled before searching. In these cases, the user query is considered as an input to a
document generating system. For a user who is responsible for producing monitoring
report, a user who is responsible for producing brochures or user who produce cus-
tomized training guide for students .... For all these tasks the structure of the response
is predictable at the beginning. For example, touristic brochure will contain a re-
sponse composed by a presentation, some pictures, hotel information, and weather
information...Document generation aggregation techniques are fully suitable in these
scenarios. They try to generate coherent answers for repetitive queries. They try in
first to define the structure of the response for the query. The response is then gener-
ated by retrieving information for each part of defined response.
Thirdly, Sources Content Type. We believe that the information sources content
influence aggregation techniques. In the presence of heterogeneous (many modalities)
content sources (text, images, video ...), aggregated view techniques (blended and
non-blended) are more appropriate even if other techniques are not excluded. Cluster-
ing and summarization are typically used in environments of information sources of
the same content type (text content). Aggregated views techniques allow representing
heterogeneous results simultaneously in the same results page. The results are merged
vertically or placed in different parts (panels) of the page. Each panel is designated to
receive one results format.
4.2 Aggregation Techniques According to Suitable Use Situations
Table 2 summarizes the previous study and present suitable use situations for each
aggregation technique.
Table 2. Mapping between aggregation techniques and use cases.
Aggregation technique
Information need User profile(task) Sources content
Clustering Vagueness
Multi-documents sum-
Vagueness Textual content
Relational aggregation Named entity queries
Document generation Complex information need Repetitive Task
Aggregated views
Query with vertical intent.
Informational queries.
Several modality
The study shows that ach of the techniques can be suitable for a situation and less
suitable for another situation. The finding states that aggregated search is a wide prob-
lem that cannot be solved or treated as a whole. Each aggregation technique was de-
veloped for a specific situation. We can see that some aggregation techniques have
more large area of use than others. For example, document generation and relational
aggregation techniques have a limited area of use. The former is strictly limited to a
specific domain and very specific user profile (user task) for which the technique is
developed. Relational aggregation is limited to named entity queries. Aggregated
views and clustering techniques are less restrictive. They have more large area of use.
5 Conclusions
Aggregated search is a new multi-source information retrieval paradigm. It was never
treated as a whole. Several developed solutions involving aggregation features and
many works that can be considered as specific cases have been reported in literature
and industry. In this paper, we described this information retrieval paradigm; we pre-
sented and studied, in term of use, aggregation techniques developed in this context.
The main contribution of the paper is an attempt to characterize the aggregation
techniques developed in aggregated search according to usability perspective. We
performed a description of these techniques and deduce some criteria that permit to
feature suitable use situation for each of them. To our knowledge, this is the first at-
tempt to study the techniques from this point of view, i.e.; usability. We identified
three main characterizing criteria that permit to distinguish between aggregation tech-
niques reported in this paper: The information need (the query), the user profile (lim-
ited here to the user task) and information sources content.
The study of the aggregation techniques shows that each of the techniques can be
suitable for a specific situation. This study confirms previously mentioned assertion,
i.e.; aggregated search has never been treated as a whole [18]. Each aggregation tech-
nique was developed for a specific situation. Some techniques were developed for
some kind of queries, some others were developed for a very specific user profile and
others are most general and developed according to sources content types. Thus, it is
important to select a context or an application case before thinking about the devel-
opment or the use of an aggregation technique.
Undeniably, this study needs empirical experiments in order to confirm findings
and conclusions. Other characterizing criteria such as those related to visualization
constraints, semantic aspects and context might also be considered. We are interesting
in future work to confirm the finding by empirical experiments and to develop dy-
namic aggregation technique.
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