Computer Supported Training
Analysis of the Environmental Conditions and Sports Performance
Roberto Bellasio
, Alessandro Pezzoli
Jacopo Padoan
, Matteo Moncalero
and Andrea Boscolo
Enviroware, Via Dante 142, Concorezzo(MB), Italy
DIATI, Politecnico di Torino, Duca degli Abruzzi 24, Torino, Italy
MeteoSport, Sport Psychology Research Unit, Motor Science Research Centre, School of Motor and Sport Sciences,
University of Turin, P.zza Bernini 12, Torino, Italy
FLJ Sport Solution, Via Druento 208, Venaria Reale, Torino, Italy
DICAM, Alma Mater Studiorum, Università di Bologna, Via Terraccini 28, Bologna, Italy
Environmental and meteorological conditions have
an important effect on outdoor sport performances.
Wind direction and wind speed are important, for
example, during marathons, rowing and sailing races
(e.g. Pezzoli et al., 2012a). Temperature is also very
important in long running events.
Considering marathons, the American College of
Sports Medicine has established guidelines for
preventing health effects due to extreme weather
conditions (Cantu and Micheli, 1991). The
guidelines are based on the wet bulb, globe,
temperature index (WBGT index) which is based on
the combined effects of air temperature, relative
humidity, radiant heat and air movement. For
example race cancellation or voluntary withdrawal
are recommended when WBGT > 28 °C. Recently
El Helou et al., (2012) found that air temperature
and performance are significantly correlated.
Water temperature, for example, is an important
factor in swimming during triathlon races. Indeed,
below 13°C, the maximum swim distance is usually
shortened (e.g. Rulebook of the British Triathlon
Federation). Moreover, at temperatures below 11°C
it is recommended that open water swimming does
not take place.
Beside meteorological variables, other
environmental variables play an important role, such
as, for example, pollution levels. It is well known
and demonstrated (Schwartz, 1996) that the air
concentration of particulate matter (PM10 and
PM2.5) has deleterious effects on the respiratory
functions, even if they persist only for short times.
The same statement holds for other pollutants.
Notwithstanding the conditions of the outdoor
environment are often not considered when
evaluating sport performances - as if they were not
important – the sport performances are strongly
related to the environmental conditions.
The authors believe that environmental data will
acquire increasing importance in analyse sport
performances in the next future. Of course, such an
analysis will require the assistance of a specific
software tool, of which the main features are
summarised in this document. The software tool
would be very useful for athletes and trainers.
The software is able to load the training data, for
example time, position and heart rate, monitored by
specific tools that are widely used even among non-
professional practitioners (Garmin, etc.). The
software tool also loads the meteorological data, and
any other environmental data, measured by one or
more monitoring station of interest. Other important
data to analyse are those monitored on the athlete,
such as for example his/her skin temperature or
humidity (e.g. Pezzoli et al., 2012b). These last data
are important when testing the features of particular
clothing. All the above mentioned data are generally
measured at different positions and at different
times. In order to carry out the analysis all the
external data must be time interpolated in order to
get them on the same times at which the
performance is available (synchronization process).
In a similar way, when the meteorological data
are measured by more than one station, a spatial
interpolation is needed to estimate the values at the
same positions where the performance has been
registered. There are situations where it is not
correct to carry out the spatial interpolation, in such
cases it is possible to indicate a radius of influence
of each station, or to define areas of competence of
each monitoring stations.
Of course the spatial interpolation may be more
Bellasio R., Pezzoli A., Padoan J., Moncalero M. and Boscolo A..
Computer Supported Training - Analysis of the Environmental Conditions and Sports Performance.
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
reasonable in some situations than in other ones. For
example, if N stations are measuring wind speed and
direction during a sailing race over a relative small
water surface, the spatial interpolation is more than
reasonable. On the other hand, if the same number of
stations is measuring the same variables during a
cycling race over a mountain region, the simple
spatial interpolation might not be reasonable. In such
cases a diagnostic meteorological model (e.g.
CALMET) would do a better work, but it cannot be
easily incorporated in a software as the one
described here.
For other variables, such as temperature, specific
algorithms are available to carry out spatial
interpolation even in complex terrain (Bellasio et al.,
2005). Indeed, air temperature at the ground depends
on some variables, such as the altitude above sea
level, the air temperature vertical gradient and the
land cover type. The interpolation of sparse
measurements of temperature over the domain
should account for these parameters.
Other meteorological variables are calculated by
the software if not available among the
measurements. For example, solar radiation can be
estimated starting from the geographic location of
the athlete, which depends on the time, and on cloud
cover, which can be obtained, for example, from
METAR (Meteorological Aerodrome Report) data.
The software reproduces the training track on a map
(the Open Street Map database is used), and for each
point a lot of information is given as, for example,
wind speed and direction in a specific training
location, temperature, or important indices such as
the wind chill or the Net Effective Temperature
(Leung et al., 2008). Of course, each point is also
related to the training data, as for example, the time
elapsed from the start of the exercise, the total
distance, the average and instantaneous speeds, the
heart rate, etc. The user is also allowed to export the
track in KML or KMZ format in order to view it on
Google Earth.
The performances are also summarised in tabular
format, and the user is allowed to export the tables in
many formats in order to use them in presentations
or for further analysis.
The first version of the software is still being
developed as a desktop application for PCs. Future
versions could be available also for Android and iOS
Generally the sport performance are analysed
without considering the environmental conditions
even if these are closely related to each other.
In this Abstract was presented an innovative
computer supported training system that takes in
account all the sport performance parameters and the
environmental conditions. This tool, not yet
developed in the Sport Technology, is useful for
both athletes and coaches because it represents, with
a synchronization process, the environmental and the
sport performance values. This new technology
“opens the door” to a new discussion because in the
“environmental sensible” sports, coaches and
athletes can record the sport parameters and compare
their own performance with the environmental
conditions in which this was carried out.
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Cantu R.C. and Micheli L. J. (1991) ACSM Guidelines for
the Team Physician. Lea & Febiger Editors, pp. 318.
El Helou N. Tafflet M. Berthelot G., Tolaini J., Marc A.,
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Impact of environmental parameters on marathon
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Leung, Y. K., Yip, K. M. Yeung, K. H., 2008.
Relationship between thermal index and mortality in
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Pezzoli, A., Baldacci, A., Cama, A., Faina, M., Dalla
Vedova, D., Besi, M., Vercelli, G., Boscolo, A.,
Moncalero, M., Cristofori, E. Dalessandro, M., 2012a.
Wind-wave interaction in enclosed basin: the impact
on the sport of rowing. Physics of Sports, Ecole
Polytechnique, Paris, 3-6 April 2012.
Pezzoli, A., Cristofori, E., Gozzini, B., Marchisio, M.,
Padoan, J., 2012b. Analysis of the thermal comfort in
cycling athletes. Procedia Engineering, 34:433 – 438.
Schwartz J. 1996. Air pollution and hospital admissions
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