The Comprehension of Medical Words
Cross-lingual Experiments in French and Xhosa
Natalia Grabar
, Izak van Zyl
, Retha de la Harpe
and Thierry Hamon
CNRS UMR 8163 STL, Universit
e Lille 1&3, 59653 Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Cape Town, South Africa
LIMSI-CNRS, BP133, Orsay, France
e Paris 13, Sorbonne Paris Cit
e, France
Health Literacy, Readability, Consumer Health Informatics, Natural Language Processing, Xhosa, French.
This paper presents cross-lingual experiments in automatic detection of medical words that may be difficult to
understand by patients. The study relies on Natural Language Processing (NLP) methods, conducted in three
steps, across two languages, French and Xhosa: (1) the French data are processed by NLP methods and tools
to reproduce the manual categorization of words as understandable or not; (2) the Xhosa data are clustered
with a non-supervised algorithm; (3) an analysis of the Xhosa results and their comparison with the results
observed on the French data is performed. Some similarities between the two languages are observed.
Health information is integral to individual lifeways
in light of pressing health concerns and the pursuit of
maintaining healthy lifestyles. Moreover, health in-
formation is already widespread in society and is dis-
seminated through a variety of media, scientific and
medical research, news, the internet, radio and TV
programs. However, the availability of this informa-
tion does not guarantee its correct understanding and
use. Standard medical and health language indeed
conveys very specialized and technical notions elabo-
rated and usually disseminated by healthcare profes-
sionals. These notions often remain opaque and non
understandable for non-expert users, and especially
for patients (Berland et al., 2001). This is despite the
fact that they may have an important influence on the
success of patients’ medical care and their quality of
life. For such reasons, the difficulty related to the ac-
cess and use of health information must be addressed
and surmounted. This extends to a process of en-
hanced communication between medical profession-
als and patients; a better understanding of the medi-
cal care delivered to patients; better management of
chronic diseases (AMA, 1999).
Another aspect is related to multilingual and mul-
ticultural contexts in societies and in hospitals. Typi-
cally, health care providers operate within distinct lan-
guage and cultural modalities, which may often di-
verge from the patient context. This disparity usually
impedes communication leading to patient dissatis-
faction and potential misdiagnosis and inappropriate
medication prescriptions. Existing studies have ad-
dressed, inter alia, Spanish-speaking communities in
North America (Woloshin et al., 1995; Flores et al.,
1998), and Xhosa-speaking communities in South
Africa (Levin, 2006b; Levin, 2006a; Schlemmer and
Mash, 2006). Miscommunication and language dis-
parities reveal additional complexities as they are em-
bedded within cultural, lingual, and specialized and
technical aspects of communication.
The possibility of simplified health information
use has been poorly researched up to now in the Com-
puter Sciences field. The studies of the kind are done
in connection within the Consumer Health Informat-
ics. They join at least two aspects: (1) Semantic
Interoperability (through study and creation of rela-
tions between expert and non-expert languages in or-
der to improve the communication), and (2) Com-
puter Sciences and Disability, because Computer Sci-
ences provide methods for helping patients with un-
derstanding the health information (Zeng and Par-
manto, 2003). Other studies address the automatic
distinction between specialized and non-specialized
documents and words (Miller et al., 2007; Franc¸ois
and Fairon, 2013), and focus on the building of expert
and non-expert aligned medical vocabularies (Zeng
Grabar N., van Zyl I., de la Harpe R. and Hamon T..
The Comprehension of Medical Words - Cross-lingual Experiments in French and Xhosa.
DOI: 10.5220/0004803803340342
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF-2014), pages 334-342
ISBN: 978-989-758-010-9
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
et al., 2006; Elhadad and Sutaria, 2007; Del
eger and
Zweigenbaum, 2008) in one given language (i.e., En-
glish and French in the cited studies), or on the build-
ing of bilingual patient-oriented French-English ter-
minology (Messai et al., 2006). Also, a specific
task has been proposed withinin the SemEval chal-
lenge aiming the substitution of words by their sim-
pler equivalents in general language texts in English
(Specia et al., 2012). In the present study, we pro-
pose to focus on the distinction between comprehen-
sible and non-comprehensible words from the medi-
cal field in two languages from two distant families,
Xhosa and French. We rely on the Computer Sciences
and on Natural Language Processing (NLP) methods
and tools. The main hypothesis is that, when work-
ing with different languages and applying different
methods and resources, it remains possible to observe
some similarities between the languages.
In the following of this study, we first present the
background and objectives of our study (section 2),
we then describe the material used (section 3), and the
methods we propose to achieve the objectives (section
4). We then discuss the obtained results (section 5),
and present conclusions (section 6).
2.1 Specificities of the Two studied
We indicate here some specificities and differences
between Xhosa and French. Xhosa is a Bantu lan-
guage, spoken in South Africa. It is a tonal language,
which means that the same sequence of consonants
and vowels can have different meanings when said
with a rising or falling or high or low intonation.
Tone is contrastive in Xhosa, with several examples
of words that differ only in tone (Van der Stouwe,
2009): goba can mean be happy or put lotion on,
and imithi can mean its pregnant or trees according
to tones. Furthermore, Xhosa is an agglutinative lan-
guage, which means that prefixes and suffixes are at-
tached directly to root words. For instance, in abant-
wana bayadlala, the noun ntwana (child) is modified
by the plural affix aba-, while the verb dlala (play)
is modified by the affix baya- meaning third plural
person in present tense. The Xhosa words belong
mainly to two syntactic classes (nouns and verbs),
while the affixes (prefixes and suffixes) convey addi-
tional meanings, like in the presented example. From
the point of view of NLP, the Xhosa language has
recently attracted attention of researchers (Allwood
et al., 2003; Roux et al., 2004; Moropa, 2007; Bosch
et al., 2008; Pretorius and Bosch, 2009), but up to now
there is a paucity of freely available resources and
tools. French is a Latin language, spoken in Europe
and in countries across the world. French grammar
organizes words into several syntactic classes (nouns,
verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions...). Its words
can be modified with inflectional ({abdomen, ab-
domens}), derivational ({abdomen, abdominal}) and
compositional ({abdomen, abdominoplastie}) pro-
cesses. French is not an agglutinative language:
words and syntactic classes remain free in the sen-
tences, although they have defined places there. The
semantic ambiguity of words is mainly due to the in-
herent semantics of their morphological bases. For
instance, montre means a watch and some inflectional
forms of the verb show; while poste means post office
and employment position. The French language has
been the object of several NLP research studies and is
provided with several resources (dictionaries, lexica,
terminologies, etc.) and tools.
2.2 Rationale of the Study
Given the differences that exist between the two stud-
ied languages, it is difficult to apply the same methods
for processing data from each. For this reason, the
French data are processed with supervised methods
and a sophisticated set of linguistic features involving
several resources and NLP tools (section 4.1), while
the Xhosa data are processed with unsupervised meth-
ods and poorer linguistic data (section 4.2). In Table
1, we summarize the rationale of the study: in Xhosa,
the unsupervised methods are applied to the surface
forms of words which linguistic description relies on
the contexts of these words; while in French, the su-
pervised methods are applied to the lemmas of words
which are provided with a rich linguistic description.
Table 1: Rationale of the methods for Xhosa and French.
Xhosa French
Methods unsupervised supervised
Units forms lemmas
Features contexts rich set of features
2.3 Objectives
We have several objectives: (1) analyze how the dis-
tinction between technical and understandable words
can be done automatically; (2) work with multilingual
data from the medical field; (3) apply different meth-
ods to the different languages but obtain comparable
results; (4) study how and to which extent we can
enrich the linguistic description of the less resourced
We use two datasets related to the medical field lan-
guage, one in French and one in Xhosa. We also use
two lexica (English and bilingual Xhosa-English).
3.1 Building and Preprocessing the
French Linguistic Data
In French, the data are obtained from the medical ter-
minology Snomed International (C
e, 1996), in its
version currently distributed by ASIP Sant
. We use
this terminology because its aim is to describe the en-
tire medical field: this provides us with the possibility
to study the main medical notions extensively. Be-
sides, the terms recorded in Snomed Int are usually
extracted from real clinical documents and often cor-
respond to real expressions used in the language, and
with which the patients may be faced.
Snomed contains 151,104 terms structured into
eleven semantic axes. Among these, we study
five taxonomies related to the main medical notions
(disorders, abnormalities, procedures, functions, and
anatomy). The corresponding terms (104,649) are to-
kenized and segmented into words. We obtain 29,641
unique words: they correspond to our main material
and we use them in order to study how the complex-
ity of specialized words is felt by the speakers and
how it can be described and processed with auto-
matic approaches. The preprocessing of words con-
sists of automatic assignment to a syntactic category
(Schmid, 1994; Namer, 2000), such as noun (ag-
nosie, ad
enome), adjective (bacteroide, D-d
erien), verb (alimenter, baver, changer), adverb
(essentiellement, crescendo, facilement), preposition
or determinant; and their lemmatization that provides
canonical form of words (singular for nouns, mascu-
line singular for adjectives, infinitive for verbs). In
the following, all the experiments in French are per-
formed on lemmas. These linguistic data are also
annotated according to the aims of our study: three
speakers without any medical training, considered as
laymen, are involved. They are asked to analyze the
29,641 words and to assign them to one of the three
1. I can understand the word;
2. I am not sure about its meaning;
3. I cannot understand the word.
The assumption is that the words that cannot be un-
derstood by the annotators should be considered as
semantically difficult. These manual annotations cor-
respond to the reference data.
3.2 Building and Preprocessing the
Xhosa Linguistic Data
In Xhosa, the linguistic data are mainly obtained from
brochures created for patients (prevention, pathology
and treatments for HIV, rape and other medical con-
ditions). They are freely available and are collected
from several websites
. These documents are con-
verted from PDF to text format to make NLP process-
ing possible. The final corpus contains 34 documents
and over 206,000 tokens of words. This corpus corre-
sponds to the main material exploited in Xhosa. The
corpus is further preprocessed:
tokenizing the punctuation, i.e. separation of dots,
commas, which is the first step of normalization;
recognition and filtering out sentences in English,
as in the exploited documents some sentences in
English may occur.
3.3 Lexica
The lexicon of English words is built using the Robert
& Collins dictionary. It contains 398,229 entries. It is
used to filter out sentences in English. A bilingual
Xhosa-English lexicon is built to help interpret the re-
sults generated from the Xhosa corpus. It is built us-
ing the data available on different websites
, and from
the inventory of Xhosa plant names (Dold and Cocks,
1999). It is also completed with word pairs
analyzing the clusters. The resulting lexicon contains
6,594 entries, including agglutinated forms.
The proposed method is composed of three steps: (1)
processing of the French data with supervised meth-
ods and choice of the descriptors suitable for the au-
tomatic distinction between understandable and non-
understandable words; (2) exploitation of the Xhosa
corpus with unsupervised methods and building of
clusters of words; (3) interpretation of clusters.
4.1 Processing the French Data
In French, the task is addressed as classification prob-
lem for the automatic distinction between understand-
able and non-understandable words. Supervised ma-
chine learning method is applied: the annotations pro-
duced by the annotators are used as training data for
the creation of specific models, and as reference data
for evaluation. This process relies on specific set
of features (section 4.1.1), machine learning (section
4.1.2), and evaluation protocol (section 4.1.3).
4.1.1 Generation of the Features
We exploit 24 features computed automatically.
These features can be grouped into ten classes.
Syntactic Categories. Syntactic categories and
lemmas are computed by TreeTagger (Schmid, 1994)
and checked by Flemm (Namer, 2000). The syntactic
categories are assigned to words within the context
of their terms. If a given word receives more than
one category, the most frequent one is kept. Among
the main categories we find nouns, adjectives, proper
names, verbs and abbreviations.
Presence of Words in Reference Lexica. We
exploit two reference lexica of the French language:
TLFi (TLFi, 2001) and
. TLFi is a dic-
tionary of the French language covering XIX and
XX centuries, with almost 100,000 entries. lex- is a lexicon created for psycholinguistic ex-
periments, with over 135,000 entries, among which
almost 35,000 lemmas. These two lexica are ex-
pected to represent the common lexical competence
of speakers and we suppose that those words that are
present in these lexica should be more familiar.
Frequency of Words through a Mon-
specialized Search Engine. We query a non-
specialized search engine in order to know its
frequency attested on the web. Those words that are
more frequent are expected to be easier to understand.
Frequency of Words in Medical Terminology.
We compute the frequency of words in the medi-
cal terminology, Snomed International. Similarly, we
suppose that words that are more frequent there can
be less difficult to understand by layman speakers.
Number and Types of Semantic Categories as-
sociated to Words. We exploit information on the se-
mantic categories of Snomed International: we expect
that words that belong to several categories may con-
vey more fundamental medical notions and be better
known by speakers.
Length of Words in Number of their Charac-
ters and Syllables. We compute the number of char-
acters and syllables, and expect that longer words are
potentially more difficult to understand, because they
can correspond to lexically complex lexemes.
Number of Bases and Affixes. Lemmas are an-
alyzed by the morphological analyzer D
erif (Namer,
2009). It performs their decomposition into bases and
affixes known in its database. Here again, we expect
that morphologically more complex lemmas may cor-
respond to semantically more complex lexemes.
Initial and Final Substrings of the Words. We
compute the initial and final substrings (three to five
characters). We expect that these substrings may be
evocative of the bases or affixes positioned at the be-
ginning and, especially, at the end of words. The main
motivation is that final substrings correspond to the
semantic base of compounds, often Latin of Greek
Number and Percentage of Consonants, Vowels
and other Characters. We also compute the number
and the percentage of consonants, vowels and other
characters (for instance, hyphen, apostrophe, comas
such as they occur in names of chemical products).
Classical Readability Scores. We apply two clas-
sical readability measures: Flesch (Flesch, 1948) and
its variant Flesch-Kincaid (Kincaid et al., 1975). Typ-
ically used for evaluating the difficulty level of texts,
they exploit surface characteristics of words (number
of characters and/or syllables) and normalize these
values with specific coefficients. Longer words are
considered to be more difficult to understand.
4.1.2 Machine Learning System
Table 2: Number (and percentage) of words assigned to ref-
erence categories within the majority set.
Categories Number %
1. I can understand 7,655 27
2. I am not sure 597 2
3. I cannot understand 20,511 71
Total annotations 28,763 100
Machine learning is used in order to classify the data
and to distinguish between comprehensible words
among laymen, and also to study the importance of
various features for the task. The machine learning
exploits an annotated dataset, that is described with
suitable features such as those presented above. On
the basis of such features, the algorithms can detect
the regularities within the training dataset to gener-
ate a model and apply the generated model to process
new unseen data. We apply several algorithms avail-
able in WEKA (Witten and Frank, 2005).
The annotations, provided by the three annotators,
constitute our reference data. We use here the dataset
majority (Table 2) that contains the annotations for
which we can compute the majority agreement of the
annotators i.e., at least two of the annotators agree.
This dataset contains 28,763 words (out of 29,641),
among which 71% are assigned to I cannot under-
stand, 27% to I can understand and only 2% to I am
not sure: the non-comprehensible words are the most
frequent. According to the Fleiss’ Kappa (Fleiss and
Cohen, 1973), suitable for processing the data pro-
vided by more that two annotators, the inter-annotator
agreement shows substantial agreement (Landis and
Koch, 1977), with the score 0.73. This corresponds to
a very good agreement level, especially when work-
ing with linguistic data, for which the agreement is
usually difficult to obtain, as it greatly depends on the
individual linguistic feeling of the speakers.
4.1.3 Evaluation
The success of the machine learning algorithms is
evaluated with three classical measures: recall R
(how exhaustive are the results?), precision P (how
correct are the results?), and F-measure F (harmonic
mean of P and R). We perform a ten-fold cross-
validation. In the perspective of our work, these mea-
sures help evaluate the suitability of the methodol-
ogy to the distinction between words understandable
or not by layman speakers and the relevance of the
chosen features to the aimed task. The baseline cor-
responds to the assignment of words to the biggest
category, e.g., I cannot understand, which represents
71%. We can also compute the gain, which is the ef-
fective improvement of performance P given the base-
line BL (Rittman, 2008):
4.2 Processing the Xhosa Data
The Xhosa corpus is processed with distributional
methods (Harris, 1968; Brown et al., 1992): they
aim at grouping words that share the same or simi-
lar contexts. As an example, symptom and pain may
be grouped together because they share several com-
mon contexts as they appear in the neighborhood of
words such as relieve, appear or treatment. It is as-
sumed that such groups of words also have some se-
mantic relations among them, although these relations
are not semantically typed. The context is defined as
co-occurrence window (n words before and/or after a
given word). This context is exploited to compute the
association strength between words within the win-
dow: it is usually based on frequencies or Mutual In-
formation. A similarity measure (i.e., Jaccard or Co-
sine) is computed and allows to group words together
(Curran, 2004). We apply an implementation of the
Brown algorithm
with the following parameters:
corpus content with and without punctuation;
English text filtered out or not;
normalization to lower-cased characters or not;
setting up the minimal number of occurrences of
words, within the interval [1, 2, 3];
setting up the number of clusters to be generated
within the interval [50, 100, 150, 200, 250...1000,
1500, 2000, 2500].
4.3 Interpreting the Xhosa Results
The distributional methods generate clusters which
words share common contexts and possibly common
semantics. We expect that the clusters we generate
with these methods may contain: (1) words belonging
to the same syntactic classes (i.e., verbs, nouns); (2)
words playing similar syntactic roles (i.e., preposi-
tional phrases); (3) words with similar semantics (i.e.,
general language words, pathologies, treatments); (4)
or even words that represent similar comprehension
levels (i.e., easy to understand, difficult to under-
stand). This last possibility, unsupervised automatic
distinction between words that represent similar com-
prehension levels, would make a direct parallel be-
tween French and Xhosa data. However, given the
difference of the source data (simple contexts and fre-
quencies with Xhosa data, and a set of 24 sophisti-
cated features with French data), we cannot expect to
achieve this possibility with the currently exploited
methods and resources.
For interpreting the Xhosa results, the generated
clusters are annotated using the bilingual lexicon.
Two kinds of annotations are performed:
1. direct: those cluster words that exist in the lexicon
are provided with their English translations;
2. indirect: the words that are not recorded in the
lexicon are checked for a surface likeness with
words from the lexicon. For this, the number of
character deletions, insertions and reversals from
a given cluster word to obtain a given lexicon
word are counted (Levenshtein, 1966). For in-
stance, ewonke is not part of the lexicon, but
wonke, konke and zonke are. The cost to transform
ewonke into these lexicon words is 1, 2 and 2, re-
spectively. We have indeed to delete one character
e to obtain wonke, and we have to delete one char-
acter e and replace one character wk to obtain
konke. The maximal cost is set to 2, which means
that the three candidate translations detected for
6 pliang/software/
ewonke are acceptable. The meaning of the three
candidate translations (e.g., all), can be then trans-
posed onto the ewonke word.
5.1 Relevant Features for French
Table 3: Performance and gain obtained for F by J48.
P R F BL gain
Majority 0.876 0.889 0.881 0.71 0.16
Performance of the J48 algorithm is among the
best obtained: we use it to present the results. Be-
sides, this algorithm provides the decision tree, which
allows analyzing the features exploited for the classi-
fication. Performance of J48 on the majority dataset is
indicated in Table 3: P 0.876, R 0.889, and F 0.881.
The gain we obtain is 0.16 point by comparison with
the baseline. These are good results and indicate that
the chosen features are relevant to the purpose of the
study. A more detailed analysis of the influence of the
individual features indicate that:
with the syntactic categories alone we obtain P
and R between 0.65 and 0.7;
semantic axes of SNOMED Int decrease precision
(be frequent in Snomed Int does not mean to be
easier to understand) but improve recall;
presence of words in the reference lexica is bene-
ficial to both precision and recall;
the frequencies of the lexemes on the general
search engine are often beneficial;
the suffixes with the three- and four-character
length (i.e., omie, phie,
emie) have a positive im-
pact, but the suffixes with the five-character length
negatively impact the results;
among the features taht negatively impact the re-
sults, we find also readability scores (especially
the Flesch-Kincaid score) and number and per-
centage of consonants;
the remaining features have no or very small im-
pact on the performance.
Notice that features, such as frequency on the search
engine or presence in the reference lexica, proved to
be efficient in SemEval contest (Specia et al., 2012).
5.2 Generation of Clusters for Xhosa
In Table 4, we give quantitative information on clus-
ters generated with the Xhosa data while the number
Table 4: Quantitative information on clusters generated
with the Xhosa data (minimal frequency set to 2).
Nb clusters 1000 1500 2000 2500
Min/cluster 1 1 1 1
Max/cluster 60 60 54 115
Average 17.89 11.93 8.95 7.16
of clusters is set to 1000, 1500, 2000 or 2500, and
the minimal frequency of words is set to 2. The to-
tal number of words is then 17,890 (punctuation tok-
enized and removed, English text kept, lower-cased
data). We indicate minimal, maximal and average
number of words per cluster. We can observe that,
logically, the average number of words per cluster is
going decreasing with a higher number of clusters.
Clusters containing only one word are frequent. Ex-
ceptionally, we can also generate clusters with a large
number of words (i.e., 115 with 2500 clusters). In
the following, we indicate and discuss the results for
1500 clusters. These provide a good compromise of
the size of clusters and their content: they are neither
too exclusive nor too inclusive. The cluster words are
mapped to the lexicon. With 1500 clusters, we obtain
5,873 direct and 12,017 indirect mappings. Among
the general observations, we can notice that:
when the English sentences are kept, the English
words are usually clustered together in separate
clusters, which shows the efficiency of unsuper-
vised approaches for language recognition. To
give an idea of the English words in the cor-
pus: when all words are taken into account (mini-
mal frequency 1, with upper-cased characters), we
find 50,421 words among which 8,401 are in En-
glish; with the minimal frequency set to 2, we find
19,405 words among which 3,402 are in English;
when upper and lower-cased words are used to-
gether, the same words written differently (i.e.,
iya and Iya) are usually grouped together, which
means that their contexts are similar and that their
regularity can be observable in both cases.
Concerning more semantic aspects of the clusters,
the results indicate that:
a lot of clusters gather verbal forms, among which
those dedicated to verbs with meaning to go/come
or to get/give are very frequent, i.e.:
ayiyi (it doesn’t go) and iya (it goes), or ndiza
(I come), sisiya (we go) and uza (he comes);
bakunike (they gave it to you), amnike (they
gave for him), lunike (give it), zinike (give for
them) and afumane (they got);
cluster words may share common semantics, like:
the notion of improvement, with words such
as kuyanceda (it helps), kuthenjelwe (you can
hope); or kuncede (it helps you), kuxhaswe
(you support), unyangwe (he or she was cured),
kuthintelwe (prevent), uhlale (he or she lived);
the notion of movement inside, with words such
as kungena (it goes into), ebunzimeni (they are
in the mass), zifakwa (they are put in);
the notion of interaction, with words such as
bajongane (look at each other), kuxoxwe (dis-
cuss it), and ukuqondwa (understand);
moreover, some clusters contain medical no-
tions, such as macrophage and ziingxaki (they
are the problems), zigulane (sick each other) and
ngozi (danger); kunengozi (it has the danger)
and mfuneko (it’s a requirement/need); agcine
(they saved), ndincede (help me) and kunyanga (it
cures). Sometimes, these are related to the im-
provement notion.
The currently obtained results on Xhosa are in ac-
cordance with our expectations on their content: we
can automatically detect and group together words
with general, grammatical and medical notions. The
current method cannot distinguish between compre-
hensible and non-comprehensible words. This means
that such distinction cannot rely only on the contexts
of words, but requires additional information such as
those used in the study on the French data. For this
reason, work done on the Xhosa data should be con-
sidered as preliminary. Still, the English words are
usually clustered separately: typically, such words
can represent difficult notions for Xhosa-speaking
community (Levin, 2006b; Schlemmer and Mash,
2006). Notice that these results are similar to what we
observe on French data: words borrowed from Latin
and Greek, or words that are morphologically com-
plex and that contain Latin or Greek bases, are usu-
ally felt to be non-understandable by French speak-
ers. Further observation of the difficulty of the Xhosa
words will require additional methods and rely on a
specific judgment of native speakers.
5.3 Comparison with Existing Studies
Some findings of the proposed work can be compared
with existing studies: relevance of some features used
in French (frequency, presence in the reference lexica)
to the readability diagnosis (Specia et al., 2012). Still,
existing work is usually applied to English data, while
processing of French and of less resourced languages
(like Xhosa) is rare or even non-existing. Moreover,
usually data from the general language are processed
and little interest is paid to medical language. For
such reasons, it remains difficult to fully compare the
proposed study with existing work. We can neverthe-
less rely on the SemEval contest and on the work done
in French to improve the method applied to Xhosa and
to design a similar method for this language.
We proposed experiments in French and Xhosa lan-
guages with the main objective to detect comprehen-
sible and non-comprehensible words from the medi-
cal field automatically. The material, resources and
methods used in both languages are different (non su-
pervised clusters of words in Xhosa, supervised cate-
gorization of French words), which logically lead to
different results. Nevertheless, we can do similar ob-
servations in both languages concerning the detection
of borrowed and foreign words (e.g., Latin and Greek
words and morphological components in French, En-
glish words in Xhosa), which appear to be difficult
to understand for native speakers without training in
medicine. It appears that the distinction between
comprehensible and non-comprehensible words can-
not rely only on the contexts of words: additional in-
formation and exploitation of supervised methods are
necessary. The results obtained for Xhosa are prelim-
inary from this point of view.
Future studies should help explicate these avenues
and analyze more complete data. For instance, we
plan to study the content of clusters and to address the
understandability level of the Xhosa words with the
native speakers. We also plan to use more sophisti-
cated clustering approaches and to apply a supervised
approach for processing the Xhosa data. For perform-
ing this last issue, we need to compute a reasonable
set of suitable features, some of which are suggested
by the work performed in French and in SemEval con-
test: frequency of words in the studied corpus or on
the web, their frequency in a reference corpus or in
a more technical corpus if available, morphological
analysis of words (Bosch et al., 2008; Pretorius and
Bosch, 2009) and their lexical complexity, complexity
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