Developing Web-based Tutorial Modules to Support Training for
Group-based Mentoring
Sharon Locke
, Georgia Bracey
and Stephen Marlette
Center for STEM Research, Education, and Outreach, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville,
PO Box 2224, Edwardsville, Illinois, U.S.A.
Department of Curriculum & Instruction, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Edwardsville, Illinois, U.S.A.
Keywords: Mentoring, Blended Learning, Web-based Learning, Self-Efficacy, STEM, Robotics.
Abstract: This paper describes the development and implementation of a series of interactive online modules that
serve as the core component of a mentor training program for middle school teachers in the Botball®
Educational Robotics Program. Botball is an international team-based robotics competition for secondary
students. Over the course of a season, students work together to design, build, and program a robot that will
meet a particular challenge. Teachers play a critical role in this process as team mentors, but there is
currently no mentor training available that is easily accessible to teachers in a variety of geographic
locations. To meet this need, and as part of a larger research study, three STEM educators at a US
Midwestern university created five Web-based modules designed to introduce users to the fundamentals of
group mentoring. These research-based tutorials provide on-demand distance training that is engaging and
reflective. We will discuss formative evaluation of the training gleaned from responses to open-ended
survey questions given to the initial group of 33 teachers who piloted the modules as well as from
interactive webinars offered throughout the training.
Mentoring plays a critical role in youth STEM
(science, technology, engineering, and mathematics)
activities. The relationship between student and
mentor has been shown to have an impact on the
success of the activity as well as the attitudes,
interests, and learning of the participants. Moreover,
students with positive perceptions regarding their
mentor's effectiveness tend to have increased
positive perceptions towards STEM careers
(Weinberg et al., 2007). It is clear that adults who
are effective mentors are more likely to produce
positive outcomes from their students.
Unfortunately, most adults do not have specific
training in the practice of mentoring, and there are
few training programs available that are easily
accessible to those who may live miles away from
the nearest university or training center.
As part of a university study examining
components of effective mentor training for after-
school robotics programs, five Web-based tutorials
were developed as one piece of a larger training
program. The larger program consisted of interactive
webinars, a daylong face-to-face meeting, and the
Web-based modules. As study participants moved
through the program, they had opportunities to
engage in activities with university faculty and staff
to reinforce and reflect on the content presented in
the modules. While many of these activities focused
on mentoring in the context of Botball, the modules
were designed to be tutorials that could stand on
their own and be useful in any group-mentoring
Two principles guided the content development of
the Web-based modules. First, general best practices
in mentoring--taken from theory and from empirical
evidence--formed the basis of two of the five
modules. These modules focused on team-building
theory (Tuckman, 1965) plus practical issues such as
formation of team members' roles, goal-setting, and
creating cohesion. The content for a second pair of
modules was developed around the theory of self-
efficacy and its four components: mastery
Locke S., Bracey G. and Marlette S..
Developing Web-based Tutorial Modules to Support Training for Group-based Mentoring.
DOI: 10.5220/0004847901920196
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2014), pages 192-196
ISBN: 978-989-758-021-5
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
experience, vicarious experience, social persuasion,
and physiological reaction (Bandura, 1977, 1997).
Pedagogy for the modules took a constructivist
approach. Constructivism states that learners "learn
actively and construct new knowledge based on their
prior knowledge" (Huang, 2002). With this in mind,
the modules were designed to be interactive and to
encourage the learners to connect the content to their
own experience and understanding. Thoughtful,
open-response questions throughout the modules
provided opportunity to interact with and reflect on
the content.
The purpose of the Web-based modules was to
present concepts of mentoring best practices and
mentoring for self-efficacy in a self-paced format.
The modules served as an introduction to mentoring
that was later reinforced through a face-to-face
workshop and webinars. Since mentors would
complete the modules individually, the design
incorporated engaging elements such as video clips
and reflective questions that supplemented a
narrative text. Summative questions at the end of the
module checked participants’ understanding of the
The team selected the Moodle development
platform because it has an intuitive interface and is
free to use. An outside consultant familiar with
Moodle transferred the content into Moodle and
developed the navigation features. The project team
provided feedback on the graphic design and
reviewed the online version of the module for
3.1 Multimedia Presentation
The module narrative integrated images and videos
to enhance interest and provide opportunities for
participants to apply their knowledge (Figure 1).
Video clips and images were selected from freely
available content on the Internet and imported into
the module platform. Reflective questions were
embedded throughout the module.
After a concept was introduced using narrative or
a video clip, participants responded to a prompt in
an open form field (Figure 2). The reflective
questions asked participants to draw on their own
previous experiences in mentoring and often
required application of new concepts presented in
the module.
At the end of each module participants also
completed a set of summative questions that served
as a review of the material (Figure 3).
Figure 1: Module video interface.
Figure 2: Example of reflective question.
Figure 3: Example of summative question.
The modules include embedded reflective questions
for participants to complete as they progress through
the mentor training. The purpose of the questions is
to help mentors identify and recall previous
experiences with mentoring and reflect on the
relevance of that prior experience to the new
context. Researchers were able to access
participants’ answers in a database and use the
information to determine participants’ prior
mentoring experience, views on mentoring, and
degree of engagement with the module content.
The open-ended answers provided detailed
information about participants’ previous mentoring
experience and opinions about the mentoring
process. In some cases participants were able to
make meaningful connections between the module
content and their own personal experiences, as
shown in this response:
Adolescents love social interaction. The students
in my class love anything that is hands-on where
they can work with peers and socially interact.
In a group mentoring program students must
work together as a team. They get the chance to
socially interact and make decisions together.
They are forced to listen to each other’s ideas
and work together.
The responses also served as a basis for preparing
the webinar presentations, with example responses
anonymously shown during the webinar.
Participants were invited to explain their response in
more detail if it appeared during the webinar and
they were comfortable revealing their identity.
Multiple-choice questions at the end of each
module are designed to reinforce the content and
serve as a check for understanding; for example, the
following question occurs at the end of the basic
self-efficacy module: Which one of the sources of
self-efficacy is operating when a parent points out
the positive and negative aspects of a child’s work?
Participants receive feedback if they choose an
incorrect answer and can go back to change their
answer. After a participant finishes all the questions,
the module is recorded as “Completed” in the
Participant responses to the embedded
assessments in the modules also serve as data for the
research study. Qualitative textual analysis of the
open-ended responses can reveal themes for
participants’ views about mentoring that may
influence how they respond to training. For example,
many participants used mentoring examples from
their own classroom teaching and some considered
themselves to be experienced mentors. Participants
who identify themselves as “experts” before the
training may be less engaged with the ideas
presented in the modules.
The research project required that thirty-three
middle-school teachers complete the online
modules. Every teacher received a webinar
introduction to the modules from the three STEM
educators, and then completed the modules on their
own time. The introductory presentation described
the goals of the mentor training, provided the web
link and login instructions for the Moodle site, and
demonstrated how to navigate through the site to
complete the assignment. Participants had ten days
to complete their assigned modules. Technical
assistance was available via email or phone.
The timing of the mentor training was planned
so that mentors were adequately prepared to use the
mentoring strategies to support their teams during
the competition season. Mentors also participate in a
Botball technical workshop seven weeks prior to the
final Botball tournament. The following timeline
illustrates the format, content, and delivery of
mentor training:
6 weeks prior to Botball technical workshop
(January): Mentors participated in a one-hour
webinar that introduced the project goals, schedule,
Moodle platform, and online modules.
5 weeks prior to Botball technical workshop: On
their own, mentors completed online tutorials on
mentoring best practices and/or self-efficacy.
Available modules include an introductory module
on theories, models, and benefits of mentoring; two
best practices modules (basic and advanced) on
research-based best practices in mentoring; and two
self-efficacy modules (basic and advanced) on
mentoring for self-efficacy.
4.5 weeks prior to Botball technical workshop:
Mentors attended a one-hour webinar that reviewed
the content presented in the online modules.
3 weeks prior to Botball technical workshop:
Mentors participated in 8 hours of on-site training at
their location. The workshop provided time for
small-group activities and discussion and reflection
on potential mentoring scenarios. The face-to-face
workshop closely followed the content of the online
Botball technical workshop (February): Mentors
received the two-day Botball technical training,
including practice with the robotics kits, design
challenge, scoring, and rules and begin the
mentoring process.
6 weeks prior to Botball tournament: Mentors
participated in a two-hour webinar that reviewed and
reinforced the key principles of mentoring (best
practices and/or self-efficacy) and addressed mentor
3 weeks prior to Botball tournament: Mentors
participated in a two-hour webinar that addressed
mentor questions or problems as related to best
practices and/or self-efficacy and reminded mentors
of goals for implementation.
Week 7 of competition season (April): Botball
The developers had multiple avenues for evaluating
the quality and impact of the online modules. The
embedded questions provided insights into the level
of engagement of the participant, e.g. through the
length and quality of responses to open-ended
questions. In addition, three webinars were
conducted after the mentors had completed the
modules. The second webinar provided a review and
discussion of the module content, giving mentors a
chance to ask questions and the STEM educators an
opportunity to clarify concepts. The third and fourth
webinars prompted mentors to reflect on how well
they were able to apply the mentoring strategies
presented in the modules during their robotics team
meetings. All webinars were recorded, enabling
researchers to transcribe and review the
conversations and determine how well the module
content was being transferred into practice. Lastly, a
survey with open-ended questions about the mentor
training was administered after the Botball robotics
season had ended.
Data analysis for the preliminary evaluation
focused on participants’ responses to three open-
ended survey questions: 1) What aspects of the
mentor training did you find to be least helpful? 2)
Did you encounter barriers or challenges to
implementing the mentoring strategies? If so, please
explain, and 3) Would you want to be a Botball
mentor again? Please explain. Four members of the
research team used open and analytical coding to
look for emerging themes in the response text. Forty
percent of respondents indicated that all of the
training was useful, while less frequent themes
included not enough time to complete all activities,
repetition of the content across the three modes of
delivery (online modules, webinars, face-to-face
workshop), and duplication with content previously
learned. Ninety percent of respondents indicated that
they would want to be a Botball mentor again.
Evaluation findings revealed that there were no
major concerns about the module content and
format. Responding to the question “What aspects of
the mentor training did you find to be least helpful?”
forty percent of the participants responded that all of
the training was useful:
I thought it was all useful. The training and
modules had great information.
A few participants characterized the mentor training
overall as “repetitive,” suggesting that delivering the
same content in the modules, the face-to-face
meeting, and the webinars may have been
unnecessary for some participants:
The mentor training was useful, but often
repetitive. More free-form discussion between
the mentors would have been helpful.
In contrast, one participant acknowledged the value
in repeating content:
I had had experience with mentoring before, but
the topics really solidified it and helped it
become second nature. Although at times
repetitive, it was all useful.
Taken as a group, the responses did not identify one
aspect of the blended learning environment as being
more helpful than another. While some participants
found it beneficial to interact with other mentors
during the webinars, a small number did not. The
face-to-face workshop was mentioned by only one
participant in the open-ended response; this
individual did not think the workshop was
important. However, evaluation surveys
administered to participants immediately following
the face-to-face workshops were overwhelmingly
These preliminary data suggest that the mentors
viewed the blended learning environment as a
positive experience. Many participants considered
the web-based learning through modules or
webinars to be effective for them. The mentors were
comfortable with the online module format and
offered meaningful responses to the embedded
open-ended questions. The webinars enabled
mentors to form a community of learners, where
successful strategies were shared and struggling
mentors could ask questions.
There is an extensive literature on learners’
experiences in a blended environment (e.g., Bluic et
al., 2007). Ausburn (2004) found that adult learners
in a blended environment value options,
personalization, self direction, variety, and a
learning community. In a study of a university
accounting course, Cottrell & Robinson (2003)
found that students preferred blended learning to the
traditional format and classroom time was reduced.
Our study used a blended format for adult mentor
training in order to reduce the amount of face-to-
face time required. Also, because half of the
participants were located on the West Coast of the
U.S., and all participants were from different
schools, web-based learning was the only practical
solution for delivering the content and facilitating
ongoing dialogue between the trainers and the
The evaluation to date has uncovered
participants’ perceptions of the value of different
components of the training, but further study is
needed to determine possible areas for improvement
of the module content and pedagogy. The
researchers are planning a focus group to further
probe participants’ opinions about the value of the
modules and to solicit feedback on the design. The
feedback will inform revision and refinement of the
modules before a public version is made available.
The online module development described in this
paper was a part of a larger research study to
determine the best approach to mentoring in STEM.
The study uses an experimental design to determine
if one of three mentoring approaches is more
effective in improving STEM-related outcomes for
middle school students: mentoring for best practice,
mentoring for self-efficacy, or mentoring using a
combination of best practices and self-efficacy. The
online modules are one component of the
intervention being tested, which is fully outlined in
Section 5 of this paper. Quantitative analysis of
pre/post surveys of mentors and students in the three
treatment groups and the control group is in progress
and will be reported in a future paper.
The modules described in this paper were designed
for a research project focusing on middle school
teachers’ mentoring skills for student robotics teams.
The modules use a research-based approach to train
mentors in the theory and practice of group
mentoring. The first module is an introduction to
group mentoring. Two of the modules focus on best
practices in mentoring, including Tuckman’s theory
of group development. Two additional modules
focus on the importance of self-efficacy for student
outcomes. They describe the four sources of self-
efficacy identified in the research literature and
mentoring strategies that support students’ self-
efficacy. The module content is not specific to grade
level or robotics, and instead has broad application
for any situation where group mentoring is taking
place. This new resource could serve as a valuable
tool in other types of academic competitions such as
The authors wish to acknowledge project team
members Profs. Gary Mayer, Susan Thomas, Jerry
Weinberg, and Maja Matarić, Mr. Brad White, and
Mr. Ross Mead, who provided review comments on
early versions of the modules. Ms. Deb Greaney
created the interface design in Moodle. Ms. Molly
Brooks, Leann Henderson, and Rosemary Morr
assisted with coding of open-ended responses. This
material is based upon work supported by the U.S.
National Science Foundation under Grant No.
1139400. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or
recommendations expressed in this material are
those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect
the views of the National Science Foundation.
Ausburn, L. J., 2004. Course design elements most valued
by adult learners in a blended online learning
environment: An American perspective. Educational
Media International, 41(4), pp.327-337.
Bandura, A., 1977. Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying
theory of behavioural change. Psychological Review,
84(2), pp.191-215.
Bandura, A., 1997. Self-Efficacy: The Exercise of Control.
Freeman. New York.
Bluic, A.-M., Goodyear, P. and Ellis, R. A., 2007.
Research focus and Methodological choices in Studies
into students’ experiences of blended learning in
higher education. Internet and Higher Education, 10,
Cottrell, D. M. and Robinson, R. A., 2003. Blended
learning in an accounting course. The Quarterly
Review of Distance Education, 4(3), pp.261-269.
Huang, H., 2002. Toward constructivism for adult learners
in online learning environments. British Journal of
Educational Technology, 33(1), pp.27-37.
Tuckman, B. W., 1965. Developmental sequence in small
groups. Psychological Bulletin, 63, pp.384-399.
Weinberg, J. B, Pettibone, J. C., Thomas, S. L., Stephen,
M. L. and Stein, C., `2007. The impact of robot
projects on girls’ attitudes toward science and
engineering. Robotics Science and Systems (RSS)
Workshop on Research in Robots for Education,
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2007. Available at