An Approach to Circumstantial Knowledge Management for Human-like
Alejandro Baldominos, Javier Calle and Dolores Cuadra
Computer Science Dept., Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Circumstantial Knowledge, Situation Model, Context, Context-awareness, Ubiquitous Computing, Human-
like Interaction, Natural Interaction.
This paper proposes the design of a general-purpose domain-independent knowledge model formalizing and
managing the circumstantial knowledge involved in the human interaction process, i.e., a Situation Model.
Its design is aimed to be embodied into a human-like interaction system, thus enriching the quality of the
interaction by providing context-aware features to the interaction system. The proposal differs from similar
work in that it is supported by the spatio-temporal databases technology. Additionally, since the proposed
model requires to be fed with real knowledge obtained from each specific interaction domain, this paper also
proposes an edition tool for acquiring and managing that circumstantial knowledge. The tool also supports the
simulation over the model to check the correctness and completeness of the acquired knowledge. Finally, some
scenario examples are provided in order to illustrate how the Situation Model works, and to gain perspective on
its future possibilities of application in different systems where context-aware services can make a difference.
The appearance of many handheld computer devices
in the last years, such as smartphones and tables,
is leading to a progressive achievement of ubiqui-
tous computing. However, the current situation still
falls short of the original vision introduced by Weiser
(Weiser, 1991), where computers are invisible for hu-
mans. As increasingly people are gaining access to
these computer devices, the development of new in-
terfaces is required in order to enable a simple human-
computer interaction not requiring from the user spe-
cific skills or technical capabilities; and for this rea-
son ubiquitous computing introduces new challenges
regarding the interaction with devices, which must be
as simple as possible, so that the user can focus on his
goals. Moreover, this interaction must attend the issue
of location, meaning that it must adapt its behavior to
circumstances in significant ways.
Human-like interaction (also referred as natu-
ral interaction) is a way of interaction that aims to
achieve a human-computer interaction that process
what comes naturally (Oviatt and Cohen, 2000) and
that imitates human interactive behavior (Bernsen,
2000). This interaction style seeks to provide inter-
faces which attend and express human messages (ut-
tered as if aimed at other humans) and which imitate
the human interactive reasoning in order to provide
access to the system services. Therefore, it turns the
human-computer interaction process into a conversa-
tion between the user and the system, which should be
as natural as possible (i.e. it should resemble a con-
versation between two humans as much as possible).
Because it resembles the interaction between hu-
mans, human-like interaction presents some attractive
features that turns it into an adequate way of interac-
tion for achieving ubiquitous computing. Particularly,
it provides access to the technology to certain dis-
abled users and to people without specific technical
skills. Moreover, human-like interaction may result
in an easy and comfortable interaction with the sys-
tem in some scenarios, even when the user is already
familiarized with the technology.
In order to achieve human-like interaction the
knowledge regarding the interaction between humans
must be studied and formalized so that a computer
system can process it. It is generally expected that
the better the knowledge is formalized, more natu-
ral the interaction would be. Due to this, research
in human-like interaction involves some challenges,
as it requires the study and the formalization of all
the knowledge regarding the communication between
humans. This includes the knowledge required for the
concepts and terms regarding the interaction and the
Baldominos A., Calle J. and Cuadra D..
An Approach to Circumstantial Knowledge Management for Human-Like Interaction.
DOI: 10.5220/0004861600710078
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2014), pages 71-78
ISBN: 978-989-758-029-1
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
way they are expressed, the dialogue strategies, what
is known about the interlocutors, their own beliefs,
goals and emotions, the context of the interaction, etc.
This paper focuses in the circumstantial knowl-
edge, a subset of the knowledge regarding the in-
teraction between humans that deals with the non-
linguistical context of the interaction. In particular,
the purpose of this paper is to describe the design
of a general-purpose domain-independent Situation
Model, a computer model storing a formalization of
the circumstantial knowledge. Moreover, an intuitive
edition tool is presented, which aims to handle the
knowledge base of the Situation Model.
Regarding an interaction process, the circumstantial
knowledge deals with the context of the interaction,
i.e., the set of circumstances applying in an environ-
ment. This paper focuses in this kind of knowledge,
and specifically will attend the taxonomy of the con-
text provided by Gee (Gee, 1999), which observes
ve different aspects of the context: (i) a semiotic as-
pect regarding the language used during the commu-
nication, (ii) an activity aspect concerning the trans-
actions (or major tasks) underlying the interaction,
(iii) a material aspect dealing with the physical con-
text, such as the spatio-temporal circumstances, in-
cluding people and objects taking part in the interac-
tion, and also other environmental issues, (iv) a politi-
cal aspect regarding the roles of each interlocutor and
(v) a sociocultural aspect observing the influence of
social and cultural conditions on the interaction.
These five aspects are not independent, and each
of them influences the other. For instance, the place
where the interaction is taking place may restrict the
roles that each of the interlocutors can play.
Human-like interaction often represents knowl-
edge by means of two different approaches: con-
versational analysis and discourse analysis (Levin-
son, 1983). While the first one aims at generating
the interaction based on the analogy of the context
with its knowledge base (e.g., with case-based rea-
soning), the second one focuses on the design of for-
mal methods to produce coherent and flexible interac-
tions. The human-like interaction system in which the
proposed Situation Model will be integrated follows
the discoursive approach, as it would require much
less corpora than the conversational one and aims
at achieving a knowledge-based (rather than sample-
based) reasoning for generating the interaction.
The human-like interaction system formalizes the
interaction knowledge by means of a cognitive archi-
Presentation Model
Voice R+S
Gesture Acq.
3D Character
. . .
Dialogue Model
Task Model
User Model
Interface Agents
Interaction Agent
Intelligent / Ext.
Figure 1: Cognitive architecture for human-like interaction.
tecture, i.e., a set of independent models each of them
handling a certain subset of the interaction knowledge
and which collaborate to produce the interaction. The
next section describes the framework where the pro-
posed Situation Model will be integrated.
2.1 Framework
The model-based cognitive architecture for a human-
like interaction system which will integrate the pro-
posed Situation Model (Calle, 2004) is shown in fig-
ure 1, where each of the models deals with a subset of
the knowledge regarding the interaction.
The Situation Model, dealing with the circumstan-
tial knowledge, is highlighted in the figure. The inclu-
sion of the Situation Model in a human-like interac-
tion system would provide some advantages (Rivero
et al., 2007), such as: (i) allowing the system to
adapt itself to the current context and consequently
enhancing the naturality of the produced interaction,
(ii) enabling the use of circumstantial information
for filtering the knowledge of other models, thus re-
ducing the ambiguity and increasing the efficiency
and efficacy of the system, (iii) providing mecha-
nisms for situation triggering so that an action is per-
formed when some circumstantial conditions are met,
and (iv) providing new context-related functionalities
such as door-to-door navigation or predictions on an
object situation in the future.
Besides the inclusion of the Situation Model in
the human-like interaction architecture, the proposed
management tool will be incorporated to Cognos
Toolkit (Calle et al., 2009; Calle et al., 2011), aimed at
easing the acquisition and management of the knowl-
edge underlying a human-like interaction system.
2.2 Related Systems
This section briefly describes some of the most rel-
evant research and commercial applications where a
context model was successfully integrated within a
human-like interaction system.
One of the earlier approaches is TRIPS (Ferguson
and Allen, 1998) (1998), a system integrating sev-
eral AI techniques in order to provide an interactive
problem-solving assistant for a logistic domain. Par-
ticularly, it aims to assist the user to build plans in cri-
sis situations which may have to meet some specific
circumstantial constraints. In order to manage the cir-
cumstantial knowledge, TRIPS architecture includes
a Problem-Solving Manager dealing with a database
storing the problem-solving context and with special-
ized reasoners, whose purpose is to keep a represen-
tation of the task to be performed, the generation of a
feasible plan coherent with the current circumstances
and maintain the state of the proposed solution.
Secondly, introduced in 2000, Deep Map (Malaka
and Zipf, 2000) is a research framework of a tourist
information system which aimed to build a mobile
solution offering a trip planner and a city naviga-
tor, and which would consider the user preferences
and needs, and some contextual information such as
weather conditions or traffic, providing an accessible
interface for untrained users. Deep Map core compo-
nent is the Geographical Information System (GIS),
which is in charge of managing the location infor-
mation, relating it to the user needs. As the user
may require some historical information about a given
location, GIS deals with spatial information, and a
database agent extends information on specific loca-
tions by retrieving related multi-media (subject to a
given moment in time, it is also able of providing his-
toric information of past buildings or monuments in
the specific location). While a third dimension stores
knowledge about the visibility of objects from a given
location, the fourth dimension is required to store in-
formation about the historical evolution of such ob-
jects. As the system is intended to be used in scenar-
ios where the user may be walking or driving, Deep
Map provides several interfaces, including some re-
garding the interaction by means of natural language
for both the input and output, which turn to be unin-
trusive and therefore adequate in such scenarios.
In the third place, another system closed in the
early 2000s is SmartKom (Wahlster, 2006), which
provides symmetric multimodality to enable users ac-
cessing its functionalities. SmartKom architecture is
based on models, each of them representing and rea-
soning about a certain type of knowledge. SmartKom
is motivated for non-desktop scenarios, and for that
reason the circumstantial knowledge plays a key role
of the interaction process. To support the reasoning
over this knowledge, SmartKom includes a context
model (Porzel et al., 2006) supporting four aspects
of context: dialogical (what have been said), onto-
logical (regarding the concepts on the domain), user
(knowledge about the interlocutors) and situational
(the spatio-temporal context).
Finally, examples of interaction systems incorpo-
rating a context model can also be found in recent
commercial applications, such as Siri, a personal as-
sistant introduced by Apple in the iPhone 4S in 2011.
This assistant enables the user asking for some infor-
mation or for an action to be performed naturally. Siri
takes advantage of the smartphone localization mech-
anisms to retrieve the user location and the Internet
connection to obtain more information about the con-
text. This enables Siri to provide context-aware ser-
vices such as looking for places of interest close to
the user, creating new reminders at a specified time or
asking for the weather at a certain place.
While all of these models observe the material as-
pect of the context, they lack from a complete support
for the remaining aspects of the context. Moreover,
they are all designed ad-hoc for specific domains or
systems, and their knowledge is introduced manually
or through specific tools. While these features are not
meant to be actual handicaps, they prevent the model
from being reusable in other systems.
This paper proposes the design of a general-purpose
domain-independent Situation Model to be embodied
within the cognitive architecture for a human-like in-
teraction system. This model will support all aspects
of the context, according to the taxonomy described
in section 2. Moreover, this paper describes a sys-
tem for editing the knowledge stored in the Situa-
tion Model through an easy-to-use desktop applica-
tion, which also serves for performing a simulation
over the Situation Model in order to check the cor-
rectness of the knowledge and the model itself.
3.1 Situation Model
The proposed Situation Model architecture is shown
in figure 2 (top). The Situation Model will be im-
plemented over a spatio-temporal relational database
(Cuadra et al., 2009), as it enables efficient storage
for the location and form description of objects as
well as their evolution through time. Moreover, it
formalizes the circumstantial knowledge by means of
Model Knowledge
Edition Knowledge
-id : int
-description : string
-id : int
-description : string
-basic_cost : double
-name : string
-description : string
-name : string
-multiplier : double
-name : string
-x : double
-y : double
Figure 2: Architecture for the Situation Model supporting
the edition.
a N-dimensional graph, a comprehensive yet power-
ful representation which can be easily processed by
a computer system. In particular, each aspect of the
context is represented by means of one or more di-
mensions. For instance, the spatial aspect will be
represented by three dimensions, the time will add
a fourth dimension and the remaining aspects will
include additional dimensions. For this reason, the
Situation Model is composed of networks (graphs),
containing both nodes and links. The spatio-temporal
database stores the geometry of each of the network
items, i.e., their N-dimensional location and shape.
Furthermore, network items may have a cost, i.e.,
how expensive it is to traverse through them. Besides
the basic cost of a network item (the one that always
apply), it may also have some features modifying its
cost depending on the current situations. For instance,
a node placed in the stairs of a building may have a
cost; however, it may implement a feature that multi-
plies the cost when the situation indicates that the user
uses a wheelchair. Thus, the use of user-defined situa-
tions may observe any factor conditioning the context
and alter the cost of going through a path depending
on the existence of that factor.
Finally, figure 3 describes the way all the elements
are physically interconnected by showing the physical
architecture of the human-like interaction system, in-
Human-Like Interaction SystemPhysical Layer
End User
NLP Server
Dialog Model
Situation Model
GPS Wireless RFID
Figure 3: Physical architecture for the system.
cluding the server handling the Situation Model. In
this architecture, the user carries a mobile device run-
ning the client application for the interaction system.
This device is assisted by several physical layer tech-
nologies, such as GPS, RFID or Wireless; enabling
the client to obtain information about the context.
The client remotely connects to the human-like in-
teraction system, supported by a multi-agent architec-
ture, which processes the interaction and provides the
required services, including context-aware ones.
3.2 Edition Tool
Figure 2 shows the complete architecture of the Sit-
uation Model, including the knowledge required to
edit the circumstantial knowledge. It can be seen that
the Situation Model knowledge base is replicated and
some additional entities supporting the edition func-
tionalities are added. Replication provides some ad-
vantages, as the translation from the edition database
to the model knowledge base is trivial. Moreover, it
also enables the simulation directly over the edition
model, and the proposed management tool will take
advantage of this feature.
Regarding the edition model, the main entity is
the visual network, serving as a wrapper for the net-
work class of the knowledge model. A visual network
is composed of planes, an entity aimed at provid-
ing a bidimensional representation from the original
N-dimensional graph, in order to show the network
graphically in the edition tool. The plane may contain
a background image, which would ease the placement
of nodes. Finally, planes contain visual nodes, an en-
tity serving as a wrapper for nodes and providing a
virtual location for the node over the plane (this vir-
tual location is expressed in pixels, whereas the node
location may refer to actual coordinates). The visual
link also serves as a wrapper for the link class, though
visual links do not belong to a plane, given that a link
may connect nodes in different planes.
Based on the described architecture, a manage-
ment tool is proposed in order to enable the user to
Figure 4: Screen for the network management.
manage the circumstantial knowledge. Particularly,
the tool provides functionality for (i) managing situ-
ations, (ii) managing features setting cost factors to
network items based on current situations, (iii) man-
aging networks, (iv) designing of a network by plac-
ing nodes and links over a plane with a background
image and (v) simulating over an existing network.
Figure 4 shows the screen which allows the man-
agement of a network, with a plane already loaded.
The application allows to create, delete and move
nodes and links across the plane. Moreover, a node
or link can be selected in order to edit its description,
location (only for nodes), basic cost or features. To
ease the assignment of coordinates to the nodes, the
application includes a reference feature enabling the
definition of a spatial reference system by means of
the definition of the coordinates of two nodes, thus
inferring the location of all the other nodes once the
reference system is defined. Additionally, the possi-
bility of changing the size of the plane and of the net-
work items independently serves for increasing the
tool’s accessibility. Finally, as the edition model is
built over a transactional relational database, the ap-
plication allows to commit or rollback the changes.
Besides the functionality for the edition of the cir-
cumstantial knowledge, the tool includes a feature
to allow the execution of a simulation over the Sit-
uation Model in order to check the correctness of
the acquired and formalized knowledge. The plane,
which is loaded in the application, shows the network
graph already edited. The user can place an agent
(shown as a Pac-Man) over the plane, which can be
moved through it, simulating the actual motion of a
real agent. In order to perform this motion, the system
emulates different technologies of the physical layer,
such as RFID or GPS. The simulation over the model
allows so far the execution of two different services.
The description service describes the agent’s current
location, while the navigation service provides the
user with a route between his current location and a
desired target. The left panel allows the user to choose
situations applying during the simulation. When situ-
ations are enabled or disabled the network items’ cost
change dynamically, altering the route proposedto the
3.3 Preliminary Experimentation
After the development of the edition tool, a prelimi-
nary evaluation was carried out over six subjects with
different academic profiles. It is worth noting that the
aim of this evaluation is to check whether this tool
provides actual advantages over manual edition of the
circumstantial knowledge. A complete validation of
the interaction system as a whole, including the cir-
cumstantial knowledge introduced with the proposed
tool, has been left for future work.
The experiment asked the subjects to feed the
Situation Model with an actual network, which was
printed and distributed among them. The real coor-
dinates for each of the nodes from the network was
hidden to the users, yet they were given two refer-
ence points over the network with their actual loca-
tion. The experiment subjects were assigned the tasks
of (i) modeling the network manually by estimating
the position of each node and introducing this infor-
mation into the Situation Model by means of some
provided predefined SQL sentences and (ii) modeling
the network through the edition tool.
For each of these tasks, the execution time was
measured for each subject. Additionally, the quality
of the resulting network was also measured by check-
ing the accuracy of the modeled networks in terms of
the deviation of the nodes placed by the users with
respect to their original locations. The results for the
objective evaluation are shown in table 1 and in fig-
ures 5(a) and 5(b). Regarding the execution time (in
seconds) for both the manual edition and the edition
tool, and it can be concluded that the time required
by the users for modeling the network is significantly
less when the edition tool is used, as the manual edi-
tion of the network is between three and four times
slower. Concerning the quality of the modeled knowl-
edge, the results show that the absolute error (the sum
of the misplacements of the nodes in meters) is much
lower when the network is modeled by means of the
Table 1: Results for the evaluation.
Time Error Comfortable Intuitive Reliable Agile
Avg. 1639.5 10.9 2.33 2.67 2.83 2.17
St. Dev. 283.19 4.62 1.03 1.63 1.33 1.6
Avg. 441.17 3.39 4.83 4.33 4 4.83
St. Dev. 93.36 1.29 0.41 0.82 0.89 0.41
edition tool, thus resulting in a higher accuracy and
Regarding the subjective experiment, a question-
naire was distributed among the subjects, which were
asked about the degree in which they considered each
of the two different edition methods to be comfort-
able, intuitive, reliable and agile using a 5-point Likert
scale; and also for the advantages and disadvantages
of each of these methods, being able to express other
considerations as well. The users’ average degree of
agreement with those subjectives aspects are shown
in table 1 and in figures 6(a), 6(b), 6(c) and 6(d), and
it can be drawn that the developed tool improves the
user experience and satisfaction when performing the
edition of the network.
This section describes real scenarios where the Situ-
ation Model is applied, either by itself or integrated
with the human-like interaction system, which illus-
trate how the model can be used to assist the user or
to improve the user experience with other application.
To carry out these scenarios, a smartphone ap-
plication has been designed and developed, provid-
ing a navigation service which takes advantage of
the Situation Model. This smartphone application al-
lows the user to choose a target (either from a list
or by speech) and to enable or disable certain situa-
tions; and it will provide the users on-screen (and also
voice-synthesised) navigation instructions to reach
their chosen targets. The first scenario illustrates how
this mobile application would be used (further de-
scription of the tool usage is shown in
Manual Edition Edition Tool
Absolute Error (meters)
(a) Absolute error.
Manual Edition Edition Tool
Time (seconds)
(b) Edition time.
Figure 5: Box plots for the objective evaluation.
Manual Edition Edition Tool
Score (1-5)
(a) Perceived comfort.
Manual Edition Edition Tool
Score (1-5)
(b) erceived intuitiveness.
Manual Edition Edition Tool
Score (1-5)
(c) Perceived reliability.
Manual Edition Edition Tool
Score (1-5)
(d) Perceived agility.
Figure 6: Box plots for the subjective evaluation.
4.1 Improving a Navigation System
This scenario, illustrated in figure 7 shows how a
pedestrian navigation system, which usually only
considers the spatial aspect of the situation, can be en-
hanced where a broader view of the context is taken
into account. For this case, we will consider that the
system also observes the temporal and ambiental con-
ditions of the material aspect of the situation. Martha
(M) wants to go from the Torres Quevedo building
to the Sabatini building, in the campus of Legan´es of
Universidad Carlos III. It is 9.00 PM and there is a
heavy rain. Usually, Martha would take the shortest
route, which passes by the entry of the library and en-
ters the Sabatini park with the fountain, just before
going into the building by gate A.
This route is shown in the figure as M-A. How-
ever, there are some issues for which this route is not
Figure 7: Map of the campus illustrating the first scenario.
9:41 AM
Cognos.S Physical
Targets SituationsNavigation
Circumstantial Knowledge Management
for Human-Like Interaction
Edicio Sabatini
Turn Right
or choose a new target
and then go straight until the fountain
(a) Navigation screen.
9:41 AM
Cognos.S Physical
Navigation Targets
Night (over 9 PM)
(b) Situations screen.
Figure 8: Smartphone application providing the navigation
service for the Situation Model.
convenient. In the first place, entry A to Sabatini is
closed after 5.00 PM, so Martha will not be able to
access the building by this gate. Secondly, Martha
did forget her umbrella and she really hates walking
under the rain, something that wants to avoid as long
as possible.
Martha, who is a very clever girl, starts her navi-
gation system empowered by the Situation Model and
asks for the best route, as shown in figure 8(a). The
system is perfectly aware of the context: it knows that
entry A is closed after 5.00 PM, and it also knows that
the weather is really annoying for Martha (these situ-
ations are shown in figure 8(b)). Finally, the system
proposes an alternative route, M-B, which goes from
Martha location to entry B, which still opens at 9.00
PM. Moreover, this route is covered by the buildings,
so Martha will get to her goal mostly dry. However,
given that there is a small part of the route which is
not covered, the system can evaluate additional op-
tions; for instance, it could start a conversation with
Martha to ask whether she prefer the proposed path or
waiting unless the rain is over.
4.2 Enhancing a Natural Int. System
This scenario shows a sample dialog between a user
and a natural interaction system which is enriched by
a Situation Model. While the Situation Model itself
does not allow such a complex interaction, it provides
an added value by incorporating context-awareness
into the system, e.g., in this scenario the material and
political aspects of the context are considered.
Arthur is in the building of CafreSoft Corporation,
a young and promising software company. He has just
finished a job interview and is really satisfied. It is
11.30 AM and it takes a few hours for him to go home,
so he has decided to have his lunch in the building. He
starts a dialogue with his personal assistant, Hal:
ARTHUR: HAL, I’d like to eat something. What do you say?
[The system realizes it is 11.30 in the morning. It knows
that ARTHUR usually have breakfast at 9.00 AM and lunch
at 1.00 PM. HAL asks ARTHUR for more information.]
HAL: Nice! It’s 11:30, would you have breakfast, or lunch?
ARTHUR: Today I’ll have something for lunch.
[The system looks for places near ARTHUR.]
HAL: There’s a snack bar in this floor, you may have a sand-
wich there. Or you can go to the restaurant and eat from
the menu until 3 PM.
ARTHUR: Fine, let’s go there.
[HAL disambiguates the anaphora by asking ARTHUR.]
HAL: To the restaurant, right?
ARTHUR: Right.
HAL: Go ahead until the end of the corridor. Then go to the
first floor. You can take the elevator.
ARTHUR: Nice. By the way, where can I find a bathroom?
[HAL looks for bathrooms, and finds one for staff in the
floor. He looks for alternatives and assists ARTHUR.]
HAL: There’s a bathroom in this floor, only for personnel.
But you can still use the restaurant restroom.
ARTHUR: Ok, I’ll wait.
[ARTHUR calls the elevator.]
HAL: Remember, go to the first floor.
ARTHUR: Thanks, HAL.
[ARTHUR steps out of the elevator in the first floor.]
HAL: Ok, turn right and you’ll find the restaurant.
ARTHUR: Ok, thanks a lot!
4.3 Assisting Disabled People
This scenario shows how the Situation Model could
take into account information about the user in order
to improve its experience.
Alan is working on his University entrance exams
these days. He has to do these exams in the campus of
Universidad Carlos III, and he does not know the col-
lege. Unfortunately he is using a wheelchair since he
was five and, while he is really used to his wheelchair,
he is still having some mobility issues.
Alan has downloaded in his smartphone a mobile
application developedby the Universitywich contains
the map of the campus and includes a simple naviga-
tion feature to guide the user to a searched location.
Furthermore, from the last update a simple Situation
Model was implemented which takes into account,
among others, some information about the user. For
instance, he could select in a profile that he is a dis-
abled person, and the system will provide alternative
routes. In his case, the system will find a route that
goes through ramps and elevators, rather than doing
through stairs. This route will also prefer the auto-
matic doors. Even if the route is longer and requires
more time to get to the goal, the system will prefer it
as long as it has less cost for Alan.
This paper has proposed a design for a general-
purpose domain-independent Situation Model for-
malizing the circumstantial knowledge taking place
in an interaction. By incorporating this knowledge to
a human-like interaction system, it will be able to pro-
vide a more realistic and natural interaction, as well as
specific context-aware functionalities increasingly re-
quired in the highly dynamic environments in which
computer devices are used to work.
The Situation Model is implemented over a spatio-
temporal relational database, which aims to provide a
native support of the material aspect of the context,
while the inclusion of user-defined situations also en-
ables a partial support for the other aspects of the con-
text. The circumstantial knowledge is formalized as a
N-dimensional graph, as it turns out to be a compre-
hensive yet powerful computable formalization.
Besides the Situation Model itself, a management
tool is proposed to edit the circumstantial knowl-
edge, providing means to manage networks and user-
defined situations, as well as for starting a simulation
over the Situation Model, which eases the validation
of the edited knowledge. To support the network edi-
tion, a specific edition database was designed as a su-
perset of the original knowledge base adding specific
classes to display the network in the edition tool.
After both the Situation Model and the applica-
tion were implemented, an evaluation was carried out
to check whether the knowledge modeling by means
of the edition tool provides actual advantages to the
user. The evaluation was designed to compare the ef-
ficiency and quality of both manual modeling and the
edition using the tool. In all cases, the developed ap-
plication provided better results both in terms of time
required by the users to complete the task and accu-
racy of the resulting model. Finally, a subjective sur-
vey also proved that all the users preferred the edition
by means of the application regarding its reliability,
comfort, agility and intuitiveness.
Future work involves designing and running an
evaluation to check if the integration of the Situation
Model within a human-like interaction system would
actually provide the advantages described in section
2.1. To do so, the system should be evaluated before
and after the Situation Model is integrated, conclud-
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Model. Evaluating the performance of this applica-
tion and comparing it with the desktop edition tool
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