Personal Data Usage and Management
Beatriz San Miguel, Jose M. del Alamo and Juan C. Yelmo
Center for Open Middleware (COM), Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM),
Campus de Montegancedo, E-28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid, Spain
Personal data about users (customers) is a key
component for enterprises and large organizations.
Its correct analysis and processing can produce
relevant knowledge to achieve different business
goals. For example, the monetisation of this data has
become a valuable asset for many companies, such
as Google, Facebook or Twitter, that obtain huge
profits mainly from targeted advertising.
The increase of personal data is astonishing and
the forecasts point to a sustained growth in the next
years (Gantz and Reinsel, 2012). Nowadays,
personal data is distributed across different Service
Providers (SP) or diverse components of Enterprise
Architectures (EAs). Moreover, due to users
accepting the terms of service and the privacy
policies to access services, they are transfering and
giving their personal data to enterprises that can use
and manage it as they please.
In this context, there is a great deal of
controversy surrounding personal data. Different
discussions, movements, forums and studies have
been promoted, launched and created from many
perspectives such as, legal, political, social,
psychological, economic and tehcnical ones.
From the legal and political perspective, some
goverments such as, United States and European
Union (EU) are revising their policies and legislation
to evolve data protection. As an example, the current
proposal to reform the EU Data Protection Directive
includes Privacy by Design principles. It means that
personal data protection is taken into account in the
development of business procceses for services or
products, setting high level of privacy by default.
Moreover, regarding personal data processing, there
is an advice paper (Kohnstamm, 2013) that suggests
the inclusion of additional elements in order to
provide for a balance approach on personal data
processing and mitigate the risks for users. It
More transparency to users, as they will be able to
understand what and why their data is being
Increasing user control over his personal data and
the obtained knowledge about them.
More responsibility and accountability from SPs or
data controllers.
Allowing a balanced approach, evaluating at the
same time the SP interests and the user rights and
There are more legislations and organizations,
such as, (Schwab et al., 2011) or (Digital
Enlightenment Forum, 2013), that defend and
promote these principles and fundamental elements.
Moreover, users are becoming more concerned
about their privacy and they require tools and
mechanisms to manage and control their data, while
allowing them to use services.
These new demands will entail a greater
workload for enterprises. They must implement new
features and functionalities that will probably be
moved away from their core business. So, the
personal data management can result in complicated
time-consuming tasks, that maybe not all of the
enterprise can assume.
However, it can bring advantages and new
opportunities for enterprises. First, the quality of
data will be enhanced because users would provide
and modify their data and also give feedback.
Furthermore, enterprises could access numerous data
sources inside or outside their EAs, if the user
considers it convenient. In this way, personal data
would be reused and new knowledge would be
obtained in order to be exploited. Finally, new
entities from the private or the public sector could
appear to allow enterprises to manage personal data
and here, a wide variety of new and novel business
models and technical solutions would flourish.
The PhD project presented here addresses
different issues that ease the change to the new
paradigm. We envision the appearance of personal
data frameworks where enterprises can share
personal data and knowledge about it, respecting
user preferences about his privacy.
San Miguel B., del Alamo J. and Yelmo J..
Personal Data Usage and Management.
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Personal data is the digital data created by and about
one person (Schwab et al., 2011), including three
main types:
Volunteered: explicitly created by the user, for
example, as he fills in a registration form, he is
willingly giving demographic data or expressing
his preferences.
Observed: captured by enterprises when users use
their services, e.g., location data, browsing history,
temporal viewing behaviour, ratings, or purchases.
Inferred: created by processing volunteered and
observed data. For example, interest predictions or
purchase purposes.
The set of personal data is denoted as identity,
“user profile” or “user model”, depending on the
application area. The three terms are closely
interrelated. However, their origin and therefore,
their techniques and technologies differ
An identity is the representation of a person in
form of one or more information elements that
allows its distinguishing within a context
(International Telecommunication Union, 2009). It
can contain volunteered, observed or inferred data
but its main feature is the data (or set of it) that
identifies a person. In this way, an identity is
traditionally applied to functions and capabilities
related to Identity Management such as
authentication, access control, discovery, security or
privacy issues.
Identity Management systems define a set of
functions and capacities used for the assurance of
the person identity while supporting business and
security applications. We can find diverse models to
carry out the previous one but generally, they
consider three entities:
Identity Provider that creates and secures the
SP provides users with services that need the user
identity to do it
User who accesses services
On the other hand, the terms “user profile” and
“user model” are applied in Human-Computer
Interaction (HCI) area. They are usually regarded as
synonyms but sometimes one of them is used
meaning both. However, they can be distinguished.
Taking the differentiation that many authors have
done (Fröschl, 2005) as the starting point, we can
define a user profile as a collection of volunteered
and/or observed data about a person. It is raw
personal data, without any processing or
interpretation. Depending on the business goals and
the amount of personal data that a user profile
contains, it can be processed and interpreted to
obtain a user model. This process is called user
A user model is the interpretation of a person in a
specific context for an enterprise, a representation
that includes what an enterprise thinks that a user is,
prefers, wants or is going to do. It comprises mainly
inferred data but can also include some volunteered
or observed data. In an EA, a user model can be used
to predict user behaviour, recommend new contents
or services, personalize user interaction or adapt user
experience, among others. In the end, it represents a
core business element, as “user model” is becoming
a substantial part of customer satisfaction: it can
improve user experience and engage users;
therefore, it can provide enterprises with better-
quality services. These improvements will develop
into competitive advantages and economic benefits.
User modelling process covers different stages
that can take place cyclically (Barla, 2010). First, a
data collection stage analyses what, how and where
the personal data is obtained. Then, an inference
process obtains relevant knowledge with the
previous data and creates a user model. Finally, an
application of the user model is done. This
application is the user model purpose or use and can
generate new personal data to give feedback to the
first stage.
Figure 1 shows the relationship between the
previous terms. Here, we can observe that a person,
our user, has different identities that are used to
access diverse services. Moreover, each SP can
produce one or more user models that represent user
with different goals.
The main project objective is to establish a personal
data framework that allows enterprises to register,
discover, access, recover and use personal data and
specifically, user models, while providing users with
tools and mechanisms to manage and control their
data. It involves numerous challenges from Identity
Management to User Modelling areas, including
Privacy field.
This PhD project is focused on three specific
Definition of an interoperable user model that
represents user in different contexts and allows the
incorporation of new personal data, user profiles
and user models from diverse data sources.
Figure 1: Personal data and related terms.
Identification of mechanisms necessary to
empower users to effectively manage their data.
Research of the threats and opportunities in a
personal data framework where the previous
results apply.
Our main focus is to contribute with
technological solutions related to user models that
allow the creation and exchange of them and
facilitate enterprises to manage them inside the new
personal data framework. It will involve the
actualization of existing business models and the
appearance of new ones that we will also analyse.
We are going to follow an iterative and incremental
methodology, where stages of analysis, design,
validation and refinement are performed cyclically.
We will combine a top-down and bottom-up
approaches. The top-down approach will allow us to
analyse the global personal data ecosystem,
identifying lacks and opportunities continually. On
the other hand, we will mainly adopt a bottom-up
approach to integrate and improve the different
contributions of each objective into the global vision
that we will be creating.
Specifically, we have defined the next tasks:
Comparative research of the existing user models
to identify common characteristics and lacks to
Formal definition of an interoperable user model
that allows enterprises to represent and incorporate
new personal data and user models from diverse
data sources.
Validation of the interoperable user model in a
case study that includes personal data of social
networks and other services.
Comparative research of the existing solutions that
allow the registration, access, management, control
and usage of data. It will not be limited to personal
data and other fields such as, open data, linked
data or social good data will be considered.
Specification and design of a framework that
allows users to transfer and control their personal
data and user models while they can be used
and/or exploited.
Validation of the global solution in the context of a
project called POSDATA of the Center for Open
Middleware (COM), where personal data from
authenticated bank users will be analysed.
Research and definition of business models,
value proposition, value chain, entities, roles,
relationships, revenues, etc. that are applicable to the
new framework will be continuously performing and
evolving during the project.
We have previous expertise in user-centric
approaches to identity management and relevant
contributions in this area, for example these
international patents (Monjas et al., 2012) and
(Monjas et al., 2013), that can be applied. These
patents deal with different issues related to the
personal data flow:
The former defines a set of methods for allowing
users to carry out privacy management in an
identity network. This kind of networks includes
different SPs and a special one called identity
provider, forming what is called a “circle of trust”
in the Identity Management area.
The other patent relates to the selective distribution
of information in a communication network such
as the Internet. In particular, it centres around the
methods that SPs must implement to perform the
distribution of personal data, reducing the
operational burden on users.
On the other hand, we are currently focusing our
efforts on user modelling process. Specifically, we
have an ongoing study of standards, vocabularies
and specific personal data representations that are
used by main SPs and Identity Management
Systems. Here, we have observed that there is a wide
variety of solutions. Moreover, the trend points
towards silo approaches. The revised solutions focus
on personal data but not on user models due to the
almost non-existent information about them. In this
sense, we are going to research tools and
mechanisms that allow generic user modelling
(Kobsa, 2007).
The so-called generic user modelling systems
allow the reuse of user modelling components for
others systems, isolating or separating the user
modelling techniques. Many features differentiate
these systems (Carmagnola et al., 2011) and we
want to go in depth with the methods that use them
to acquire and represent personal data and user
models, and to create the user models.
This PhD project sets out a change in the current
context related to personal data and knowledge
about it. This change in itself involves numerous
challenges varying from legal to technical issues and
our efforts will be focused on the last ones.
We expect to define a new personal data
framework that integrates different contributions
from Identity Management and User Modelling
areas, including Privacy field, to empower users
regarding their personal data, while enterprises are
still able to exploit it. Nowadays, the most relevant
challenge that we face is to find the appropriate
methods and techniques to define an interoperable
user model that represents and incorporates new
personal data and user models from diverse data
Barla, M., 2010. Towards Social-based User Modeling
and Personalization. Dissertation Thesis at Slovak
University of Technology in Bratislava. Available at < >
(31 January 2014).
Carmagnola, F., Cena, F. Gena, C., 2011. User model
interoperability: a survey. Journal User Modeling and
User-Adapted Interaction, Vol. 21, issue 3, pp. 285-
331. Springer Netherlands.
Digital Enlightenment Forum, 2013. Available at: http:// (31 January 2014).
Fröschl, C., 2005. User Modeling and User Profiling in
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International Telecommunication Union, 2009.
Recommendation ITU-T X.1250: Baseline capabilities
for enhanced global identity management and
interoperability. Telecommunication Standardization
Sector of ITU.
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Heidelberg New York.
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R., Yelmo, J. C., 2013. Method for selectively
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Monjas, M. A., del Alamo, J. M., San Miguel, B., Yelmo,
J.C., 2012. Method for Privacy Management in an
Identity Network, Physical Entities and Computer
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