Research Change in Transition
Augusta Maria Paci, Cecilia Bartolucci, Cecilia Lalle and Francesco Tampieri
National Research Council, Piazzale Aldo Moro 7, Rome, Italy
Keywords: Intellectual Capital, Accumulation of Knowledge, Participatory Foresight, Research and Innovation.
Abstract: This paper presents the process of managing the knowledge of the intellectual capital of research
organizations. This KMIS is dealt by an integrative perspective for a dynamic framework. The focus is
given to three decisive components-communication, navigation and multicontact relationship that represent
the current ‘open nature’ of knowledge. This perspective increases, through KM, the role of intellectual
capital keeping value in a transition towards research change. Foresight thinking represents an enabler to
drive this change in public research organization and Science & Technology Foresight Project and Horizon
Scanning, as practice perspectives, are reported in this paper. They have an inclusive and engaging nature
based on a participatory process with a bottom-up approach and represent concrete actions enabling the
research intellectual capital to move fast toward a research change transition considering cross-cutting
aspects for increasing impacts related to technological developments. The monitor of constraints and
barriers helps to identify short term issues to be assessed and overcome for success of the undertaking.
Knowledge capital provides the intellectual basis in
science and technology and will impact on industrial
change, growth and jobs.
However, this knowledge is not yet routinely and
directly captured to contribute creating intellectual
capital. The value in encouraging and supporting
individuals interested in similar areas of research
and in work processes can be beneficial both to
individuals and to research organizations. The
accumulation of knowledge makes researchers a
large and global community. Highly specialized
learned individuals in competitive fields represent
the intellectual capital in the knowledge economy.
The need is to relate knowledge, social
relationships and creativity to develop a “social
capital” to enable a transition empowering scientific
organizations and people to become reserves and
sources for capital. Due to the economic situation
and financial contexts, diverging trends in public
investments in research and innovation have been
continuously addressed (ERIAB, 2014).
It is hence urgent to develop conditions for
stimulating researchers to openly discuss major
problems arising in societal and planetary contexts,
thus exchanging insights and self-preparing to a
research approach, which would deliver responsible
and knowledge-based solutions (McInerney et al.,
Considering this need, the so-called
accumulation of knowledge represents a reserve, a
starting advantage for many countries, but a shift to
become a source is required in developing the
research intellectual resources to create societal
prosperity in the web age.
In this context, the current issue is to build the
relationship between the development of knowledge
capability inside the IC, KMIS and innovation.
Knowledge capability is defined by (Alavi and
Leidner 2001) as the interior capability of
researchers having the potential for influencing
future action. The above relationship is carried
forward through processes and social activities
within research organization.
To implement this relationship, the mix of two
purposes is presented: a framework proposing to
integrate the emerging components in daily work of
IC in research organizations and a KMIS practice
perspective introducing social activities such as
foresight and horizon scanning within the above
framework for a change in research organization.
This mix enables the transition of IC within
research organizations beyond the regulated linear
forms for knowledge production.
The proposed dynamic framework allows
research process to shift from the current linear
Maria Paci A., Bartolucci C., Lalle C. and Tampieri F..
Research Change in Transition.
DOI: 10.5220/0005058300440053
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2014), pages 44-53
ISBN: 978-989-758-050-5
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
chain -built on funded research projects with
tangible results- to include the components of the
integrative perspective. In this framework, KMIS
processes are developed.
This integrative perspective focuses on three
decisive components -Communication, Navigation
and Multicontact relationship- that represent the
current practices of researchers.
It draws closer attention to the ‘open nature’ of
knowledge and increases the capability to develop
interdisciplinary R&D. The perspective is freely
interlinked with social practices, with community of
interest or practice around challenging themes that
require a trustful learning development process.
Therefore foresight that includes also Horizon
Scanning (HS) is considered a practice perspective
to drive the intellectual capital change supporting
research transition, as it requires discussions and
debates in order to shape the future of societal
progress empowered by R&D.
In addition, foresight actions concern long-term
thinking and therefore do not interfere with the
management of organizations and individuals.
Both foresight and HS provide a practice perspective
on top of the proposed framework, as reported in the
paper. They are motivated by the need to develop, at
organization level, new strategic interdisciplinary
directions that require a collective knowledge and a
critical mass (Andreta et al., 2013). At individual
level, Horizon Scanning activities at small scale are
dedicated to create social situations for high level
researchers of the research organization to debate,
focus advances and prioritize future areas of key
technologies through which individual expression
may occur.
The overall on-going shift in the relationship
between science and society, according to (Beck
1992) main message, rises problems and
implications for any industrialised society and
requires to find new pathways for science and
technology development in this new context.
According to literature in intellectual capital, the
definition of knowledge meeting the research
intellectual resources is to focus knowledge as a the
interior capability of researchers having the potential
for influencing future action (Alavi and Leidner
2001; Carlsson et al. 1996).
In KM literature, (Swan 2007) pointed out the issues
in the relationship between KM and innovation
introducing the perspective of production, process
and practice. These reflections studies on rethinking
KM as a plurality of techniques, methods and
epistemologies are collected in (McInerney et al.,
Recent studies, still in draft publications,
describe difficult times for science and technological
organizations and prospect a clear need for rapid
transformation and research change of their
intellectual capital to keep together public costs,
value and the quality of life achieved in years of
scientific development (ERIAB, 2014). Previously,
the transformation in the perspective of Science 2.0
was proposed by (Burgelman et al., 2010). However,
it is not yet known how to support this transition and
its related processes and research runners help
themselves engaging in foresight initiatives.
Foresight is a well-known area that has given
support to various types of intervention for
transformation purposes as reported below.
(Georghiou et al., 2008) demonstrate how, since
the last decade of the last century, foresight has been
strongly linked to public policies. During that period
five generations of technology foresight were
developed to respond to both stakeholders and multi-
level policy, involving national, regional and local
frameworks (Taylor, 2004). Debating foresight with
implications for policy and decision-making at
general level is considered a relevant activity by the
European Commission, enabling experts to think and
share technological perspectives and suggesting
implications to complement potential development
for economic growth (EC and JRC, 2008). Various
contributions find a relationship between foresight
and the increase of societal participation extending
the concept of stakeholders beyond private or
institutional organisations to communities. The role
of these communities is to develop Future-Oriented
Technology Analysis (FTA) reflecting their interests
in new emerging contexts and to make use of shared
Recent literature in foresight debates on the
integration of quantitative and qualitative
approaches. This is addressed in detail by
(Haegeman et al., 2013) who propose a taxonomy
for methodological combinations across current FTA
practices. Of particular interest in this paper is the
analysis of common ‘misconceptions’ such as
‘subjectivity’ which becomes a barrier especially in
qualitative processes involving scientists.
Furthermore, the reported Epistemology-Skills-
Trust cycle indicates the need to adopt mechanisms
for the capturing of intellectual scientific knowledge.
The authors point out weaknesses and introduce
ways to reduce the distortion, for instance through
the ‘legitimacy of the person making the
judgement’. With regard to participation from
institutional stakeholders, foresight has been
considered an instrument for political participation
on medium-long-term planning perspectives,
capable of influencing priority-setting and political
agendas (Gieseke, 2012).
In the foresight studies literature, the maturation
of foresight through growth processes is a result of
contributions given to overall S&T development,
through technological forecasting, horizon scanning
and scientific/technological prospective studies
including broader social and economic perspectives.
Recently, due to the economic transformation,
foresights concentrate on innovation and on drivers
of change STEEP (Society, Technology, Economy,
Environment, Policy) and on decisive, strategic
factors analyses. Multiple stakeholder classes are
required for this foresight and this stresses the
‘collective ability to shape the future’. In particular,
it is acknowledged that the use and impact of
forward-looking technology analysis for policy and
decision making can be successfully led by
institutional governmental organizations taking into
considerations dominant criteria for success (Calof
and Smith, 2008). Interviewed practitioners from
different countries include social and economic
dimensions in technological development and
innovation systems. Among the features of foresight
success, Calof and Smith identify the existence of a
national-local academic receptor and training
capacity during the start-up phase.
Foresight is also considered supporting strategic
intelligence for policy decision-making (De Smedt,
2008; Montalvo et al., 2006). It was noted that to
respond to innovation policies, foresight needs to
meet the demand of future-looking scenarios
regarding the overall changes of cultural and societal
aspects (Cagnin and Keenan, 2008). In order to
enable decision-makers to better understand and
cope with the complexities and uncertainties of the
continuously changing patterns of innovation,
foresight practices increased mobilisation and
coordination of different stakeholders as well as
personalised delivery of insights and analysis to key
players at group level. Ends, in literature foresight is
shown as a tool, stimulating a ‘change of direction’.
More recently, (Van der Gießen and Marinelli
2012) reported the multiple functions and the role of
European and national policy workshops. Yet, in
past literature, (Eriksson and Weber 2006) suggested
that adaptive foresight were developed at the
crossroads of foresight and adaptive strategic
planning. Innovation is seen as increasingly
complex, interdependent and uncertain and therefore
in need of broad and multi-disciplinary exploration
and participation. establishing a close relationship
between foresight, decision-making, innovation and
new technologies. Particularly they highlight the
capitalisation of the accumulation of knowledge
with the aim of delivering insights on the maturity of
knowledge and planning for knowledge options in a
later stage.
A relevant aspect in the literature for a transition
to a research change regards the evolution of initial
foresight panels involving only a few experts (De
Smedt, 2008). These have been superseded by large
extended and interacting communities, formed by
stakeholders and key players. They actively
participate and progressively align their expectations
to shape the future (EFP, 2012; Eriksson and Weber,
2006; Futman Project, 2003).
All these elements mark important steps in the
evolution of design of complex economic and
industrial scenarios. This continuous process of
collecting stakeholders’ knowledge through different
contexts is called ‘integrative planning’. It defines
the combination and mapping of available insights
for future developments emerging from different
groups of stakeholders and experts and mass
interviews conveyed into ‘packages of information’
that are published as policy briefs for decision-
makers, summarising possible and alternative
options and solutions.
In the same area, to bridge the gap between
research and industrial demand, starting from the
futuring of next generation industrial technologies in
order to assist the industrial transformation, a full
cycle-oriented methodology -rolling programme-
was proposed to relate results from future-oriented
activities such as Foresight, Roadmapping,
Implementation and Monitoring (FRIM) (Paci and
Chiacchio, 2008). This methodology can enable
participants to assess and prioritize those enabling
technologies for implementation of research and
development projects within the EU 7FP as
proposed by (Paci et al., 2013). In the last five years,
foresight for research and innovation represents a
relevant social process. It was intensified and
supported through funded projects (covering
different objectives such as Global Europe,
Pashmina, NEEDS etc) by the DGs of the European
Commission and foresight studies carried on by the
EU Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC, 2013)
in order to collectively shape a strategic frame for
the EU policy strategy that envisages both industrial
as well as social benefits.
In this stimulating thinking, the sketch contested
science delivered by the EU foresight project VERA
visions, presents a pessimistic narrative that gives
the deep motivation why research change is needed
(VERA, 2013).
(Di Bello and Andreta 2013) provide some initial
guidance for industrial competitiveness in
Horizon2020 towards an integrated planning
framework for key enabling technologies. These
enablers drive innovation and growth in the
economy and society in a global Europe (EU, 2012)
in the frame of the Grand Challenges as depicted by
the EU Horizon 2020 programme.
Considering digital initiatives, recent
developments and the toolkit available in looking at
digital futures have been described by (Accordino
2013) with regard to the EU Commission web
platform Futurium in order to strengthen and support
the social networking aspect together with the global
In the business perspective, intellectual capital is
formed by four separated elements covering
different roles: innovation capital, human capital,
structural capital and customer capital.
In the research perspective, the intellectual
capital covers multiple roles with the four elements
establishing a flexible relation with the related
research organization structure. It is interesting to
observe the distribution of these different roles
during the research process, currently oriented to
funded project implementation in a linear chain,
within three main steps:
Innovation capital in Accumulation of scientific
and technological knowledge in terms of
papers, patents and knowledge stratification.
Human capital and structural capital are
together in Segmentation which is tied in the
organization structure, based on the research
infrastructure and tied in the net of scientific
core competencies.
Customer capital in Multiplication that refers to
public-private collaboration models and to
funded projects efforts.
Therefore, research performance is oriented to
achieve project results limiting adaptive and flexible
behaviours and implies reflections on how to feed,
manage and increase the ‘open nature’ of
knowledge. A more comprehensive and dynamic
framework for research process will be useful to
understand how to move forward and which
orientations are to be taken to stimulate intellectual
capital to interdisciplinary thinking. This framework
introduces an integrative perspective to combine the
current process with three decisive components for
research change affecting today and in the future
how knowledge could be shared and accessed:
Communication, Navigation and Multicontact
relationship (Figure 1). KMIS is embedded in this
integrative perspective for a dynamic framework.
Figure 1: Integrative perspective for a dynamic framework
of research intellectual capital.
This perspective integrates the four elements of
the intellectual capital dragging and placing them in
three decisive components to empower the research
process with dynamic behaviours (Figure 2).
Communication has the role of enhancing trusted
confidence, adding value to Accumulation built on
publications of papers and patents and knowledge
stratification, dragging the innovation capital to
stimulate a more proactive behavior.
Navigation with multiple channeling has the role
to overcome the Segmentation of organizational
structure and competence specializations, dragging
human and structural capital to promote
interdisciplinary thinking.
Figure 2: Decisive components for research change.
Multicontact relationship with easiness sociality
has the role to increase the impact of Multiplication,
dragging the customer capital to increase to promote
the exploitation of collaboration models and projects
The integrative perspective for research change
is driven by societal needs and foresight thinking is
the essential enabler for the transformation of
research organizations. This perspective facilitates
more adaptive and flexible approaches to make
research valuable for society.
Practice perspectives for knowledge and innovation
are mentioned in the literature as emerging areas to
encourage learning and innovation within
communities of practices (Schatzi, 2001; Swan,
2007). Foresight thinking represents an enabler to
drive this change in public research organization.
Foresight and Horizon scanning can be considered
practice perspectives that add insights to the
understanding of the fast dynamics of knowledge,
dedicating closer attention to the social activity of
research communities. Foresight and horizon
scanning support the understanding of technological
trends, of complex issues, of strengths and
weaknesses as well as expectation from society and
companies that will drive the societal progress in
next 20-30 years. The practice perspectives proposed
are related to two initiatives carried on with research
They represent practices built on top of the
integrative perspective in order to improve the
intellectual capital of research communities and to
activate a social activity characterized by the
research environment.
The practices respond to the need of establishing
forward looking activities to address future
emerging S&T paradigms to anticipate and increase
impacts. They aim to develop the imaginative
capability of researchers to envisage
interdisciplinary solutions, building and
implementing a societal driven vision contributing to
a responsible and sustainable socio-economic
The objective of these practices is to accelerate
the shift from project team or individual practice of
accumulation of knowledge to collective practices
that involve researchers to analyse strategic choices,
exploit networked collaboration and build new solid
and durable contacts across high-tech specialties
within the organization and at global level. This in
particular targets to activate dynamic processes to
form a critical mass within research organizations
that want to act as a key receptor in the knowledge
The first practice presents the Science and
Technology Foresight Project (STFP) launched in
2013 by the National Research Council of Italy
(CNR) and the Trieste Area Science Park
Consortium (AREA), with the support of the
Ministry of Education, University and Research
(MIUR) as an open bottom-up participatory process.
The scope is to build a community of researchers
and a networked collective knowledge to overcome
disciplinary boundaries.
The practice perspective describes the approach
to new interdisciplinary S&T areas for research
development of next generation technologies in the
medium to long term tackling societal problems
related to health, food, environment and energy
The network dimension - in particular - is
considered a fundamental enabler of interaction and
interconnection ensuring inclusion of learned and
sound popular opinions. Benefits are for individual
participants, for the research communities, and for
the research organizations that covers the role of
national-local receptor - as observed by (Calof and
Smith 2008). The first practice perspective on
Foresight focuses the Interdisciplinary Thematic
4.1 Foresight S&T Thematic Groups
The CNR foresight Thematic Groups (TGs) are the
core engine of the project aiming to provide new
insights for the collective understanding exploiting
the collective intelligence of researchers through a
participatory process and a bottom-up approach.
Focusing on urgent problems related to the
Grand Challenges -food, health, environment and
energy- each Thematic Group highlights a specific
S&T topic: Nano for sustainable food, Personalized
medicine, Intelligent traceability for environment,
Smart storage for future energy.
Referring to the topic, each TG carries on
specific activities and searches contributions from
high level international experts to consolidate the
related background document with references to
available sources.
Each TG holds a foundation seminar regarding
the selected topic to validate the background
document, inviting previously interviewed
participants who also actively contributed to develop
the topic. The seminar purpose is to improve and to
deepen the knowledge confrontation, to identify
gaps in knowledge, to point out obstacles, to identify
needs for more and better education as well as for
more funding, and to outline market potential and
social acceptability for activities and products. The
output of the seminar is a draft of a roadmap
describing the most promising areas for investment
in research dealing with multiple Key Enabling
Technologies (KETs) areas as described in the Pillar
LEIT of Horizon2020 Programme and in the final
report of the High Level Group on KETs (2011).
The first foundation seminar in December 2013
covered the topic Nano for Sustainable Food.
‘Sustainability’ has been identified as the main
challenge and ‘Nanotechnology’ the key enabling
Health TG, held in May 2014 the seminar on
personalized medicine covering the theranostic area
for technologies development.
EnvironmentTG will debate next November the
topic ‘Intelligent traceability for Environment’
investigating promising areas for R&D.
In addition, among the TGs, specific S&T areas
of common interest are under consideration to focus
on future research aspects that require a convergence
of perspective and a synergy across knowledge
stratification. An example of this TGs’ collaboration
was sought in the occasion of the last International
workshop “Eco-sustainable Food Packaging Based
on Polymer Nanomaterials” (Bartolucci et al., 2014).
In particular in food packaging, nanomaterials
(NMs) play already an important role (Table 1).
Benefits in the future would result from further
development of intelligent and active packaging and
a better synergism with other converging or
emerging technologies. This future research
development would be advisable in order to reduce
the current environmental impact. Furthermore in
medium and long term, packaging will be integral
part of the food chain and research on this need is to
be encouraged.
Table 1: Challenges that can be addressed through the
application of nanomaterials in the food sector.
Among the fundamental understanding, is the
researchers’ awareness that the introduction of NMs,
especially in the food sector, is accompanied by
reluctance since it is difficult to evaluate their hazard
on the environment and on human health. Building
on this and investigating the advances, the security
regarding Health, Environmental and Safety,
encourages researchers to support the development
of discussion on core cross-cutting aspects such as
appropriate analytical methods for the
characterization and quantification of nanomaterials
and nanoparticles within a life cycle framework,
necessary for toxicological evaluations.
Collective internal discussions and with
international experts enable to debate advances in
this research areas, the development of intelligent
hazard strategies for risk assessment and
subsequently the issue of risk reduction. Social
acceptance is key to the adoption of a new
technology in market driven strategies. In this
context, new forms of packaging, including
packaging with interactive labelling, could provide a
good starting point for the introduction of NMs. In
the transformation of research, a process of change
requires a community of researchers sharing an
overall approach with better information,
transparency and willingness to communicate with
stakeholders and the public - which is a requirement
to be continuously addressed.
4.2 Web Platform
Social connectivity plays a key role in the
involvement of scientists and experts from
academia, government and the private sector. For a
convergence among IC, KMIS and innovation, web
systems are geared toward enabling users to share
meaning in discussions and to capture some of their
knowledge to form a collective knowledge crossing
boundaries (Alavi and Leidner, 2001)
The CNR foresight project has developed a
webplatform ( as the
enabler for this collective knowledge. The
webplatform represents the operational
infrastructure of the STFP net, enhances
transdisciplinary knowledge sharing and ensures
connectivity and real time exchange.
The Foresight webplatform characterizes the
STFP innovative approach to foresight. It is
composed by sections such as topics discussion,
contributions, document repository, management
and administration. This tool is subject to changes to
respond to the needs of the thematic groups. The aim
of the tool is to ensure a networking environment
designed for researchers engaged in the foresight
The second practice perspective describes the
experience based on Horizon Scanning (HS) - which
is an activity distinct but often related to foresight
drawing a closing attention to the Navigation
component in the integrative perspective.
The described practice aims to help researchers -
with excellent knowledge background and apical
research positions- to work together looking to
future emerging directions in a broader view.
Researchers are intensively involved in the daily
management of specialized groups to achieve
specific scientific artefacts and have a lot of
interactions at any level.
The scope is to overcome the segmentation
currently in place in organizational structure due to
competence specializations and to manage the
fragmentation related to Navigation.
Therefore, the HS practice represents a practice
that is built on the “materiality” of the research work
but represents also an investment into a social
activity for identifying new and emerging trends and
issues and to focus on developments to deal better
with an uncertain and complex future.This practice
has important implications for KMIS for research
and innovation as it reveals the propensity to
transform knowledge and working habits to
overcome the silo-thinking.
The experience reports about the DMAIC-HS
method developed (Paci, 2011). and applied to a
working group of CNR high-level researchers. The
method DMAIC-HS is constituted by five steps that
Design = problem recognition for development
of future technologies and/or innovation
actions to meet societal challenges.
Measure = the overall appraisal of the
outstanding quality of S&T compliant with the
trends towards the future.
Analyse = the analysis is to be performed with
a qualitative methodology based on intensive-
information experts workshops. The output
aims to develop synergies among processes
and to weight the relative importance to
influence strategic and innovation choices for
industrial developments and market changes.
Improve and Control/Monitor = the analytics
exploit the discussions held in a push/pull
forward-looking areas to develop case studies
testing the qualitative methodology.
The Discussion and Prevision Group, formed by
CNR Chemistry Department researchers, is the
current practice to overcome the specializations in
chemistry (macromolecular, bio-sensor, bio-
catalysis, plastic materials, DNA, ...).
Horizon scanning is therefore finalized to
internally debate and prioritize future developments
focusing issues, promoting interdisciplinary across
several scientific and technological domains to
facilitate horizontal learning and thus overcoming
verticality and linearity of thinking processes.
To support the transition in the integrated
perspective, it is useful to catch in a dynamic way
the emerging situation at individual and
organizational level. To this understanding, good
practices provide qualitative information.
Researchers participating in CNR S&T Foresight
give and exchange contributions regarding
interdisciplinary field of societal interests. This is a
novelty in research activity as the project aims at
building a collective knowledge, a transparent
process and a free space.
Therefore, researchers need to adapt their linear
behaviour to fully participate in the foresight process
to overcome emerging barriers and silo-thinking
adding value to their knowledge.
6.1 Barriers and Contrasting Opinions
KMIS and innovation in the context of the proposed
dynamic framework need to consider the difficulties
in transforming knowledge and practices. It is
considered then interesting to observe from the
current experience some aspects, representing the
“inertia” that emerge immediately from the current
experience among researchers of research
organizations such as National Research Council of
Italy. They represent a slow down signal of social
processes in research which should be monitored
during the perspective practices.
Indeed, at the end of the practices, this issue
vanishes and the final results consist of objects
producing policy briefs, notes following validation
workshops etc. With this aim, an in-house analysis
has been carried out on the behaviours of researchers
in the participatory process within the S&T
Foresight Project. This monitoring helps to identify
short term issues to be assessed and overcome for
success of this undertaking.
Emerging short-term barriers often occur in
project meetings and in follow-on discussion. In
wide participatory process, resistance and
polarization of opinions frequently occurs.
Motivational climate, friendly relationships, team
spirit and self-motivation, retreat for meeting outside
organization premises represent also short term
features to be addressed and researchers need to
consider them as key requirements for a successful
participatory process.
Other relevant issues are related to feeling of
uncertainty, risk analysis, self-learning, tendency to
close shops and excessive filtering; these issues
require to be turned into new capabilities of the
research work. In addition, work overload often
occurs and researchers’ extreme specialization
inhibits the participation. The mix of networked and
personal approach in many cases supports to take
care of personalized approaches and to resolve
Through the web platform, contrasting opinions -
emerging in this web-communication- exchange
complement the scientific and technological
knowledge and skills possessed by the researchers.
The dynamic and interactive network is capable
of contributing with continuity, creativity and
responsibility and the participatory process
reinforces the intellectual capital to react to
complexity. The complementary approach to this
regards experts’ interview on S&T developments
across disciplinary borders related to the four
selected topics described earlier. World experts’
interviews represent a source of information
regarding future developments. The identification
and selection of experts to be interviewed is an
important and specific activity often derived from
horizon scanning. Aim of the interview is the
validation and exploration of S&T areas with
impacts onto different domains. During the
interview, which also establishes a friendly climate,
each international expert is invited to freely express
his point of view discussing the future S&T of
current technologies and Frontier research
arguments in the next 10 years.
An interdisciplinary approach to science and
technology is core in the current industrial and
societal transformation. Science and technology
include other dimensions such as society and
environment which represent driving forces for the
global EU economy. The research change transition
looks at cross-cutting aspects such as development
of collective knowledge, awareness of ethical issues,
users and societal acceptability, analysis of benefits,
business planning and skill sets, assessment of risk.
All of them influence the development of proper
research policies highlighting aspects for increasing
impacts related to technological developments.
Research intellectual capital, therefore, is an
important asset for industry and society under a
continuous process of transformation since year
2000. Public research organizations and innovative
enterprises should consider managing and improving
their intellectual capital through an integrative
Research intellectual capital holds a proactive
role in the dynamic framework described in this
paper. The decisive components Communication,
Navigation and Multicontact relationship- allow to
the transition overcoming the physical limitations
and facilitating the expansion of knowledge flows,
making research change possible to include cross-
cutting aspects.
In Italy, CNR S&T Foresight Project has been
launched to initiate the research change transition. It
facilitates bottom-up researchers interactions within
a community, with the aim to stimulate the
development of a collective intelligence at
interdisciplinary level to foster societal driven future
ideas and solutions.
To support the strengthening of the international
dimension, governmental organisations from outside
Europe and international organisations are planning
similar pathways planning coordinated foresight
CNR S&T Foresight Project was invited to join
the meeting of the Global Foresight Network (GNF)
for future collaboration among members to discuss
and exchange experiences in horizon scanning and
foresight practices. The ambitious goal is to develop
new approaches and activities enabling the research
intellectual capital to move fast toward a progressive
research change.
Going back to Beck’s message, science and
society need to overcome barriers and consider
impacts of R&D in a wider perspective. This R&D
will support industries and Country economies to
change products, processes and organisations thus
facing resources scarcity, energy efficiency, eco-
innovation and climate change for a sustainable
future and economic growth.
The authors want to thank Ezio Andreta, Giorgio
Einaudi, Stephen Taylor, Anna D’Amato, all the
Coordinators of the CNR S/T Foresight Project and
Luigi Ambrosio director of CNR Department of
Chemical Science and Materials Technology for
their support.
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