An Experimental Comparison of Dynamic Routing Protocols in Mobile
Glazunov Vadim
, Gusikhin Oleg
, Kurochkin Leonid
, Kurochkin Mihail
and Popov Sergey
Telematics department, Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University,
Polytechnicheskaya st. 29, Saint-Petersburg, 195251, Russia
Research and Advanced Engineering, Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, Michigan, 48121, U.S.A.
Routing Protocol, Mesh-networks, Vehicle, Wireless Networks, Simulation, B.A.T.M.A.N., OLSR,
Real-world Simulation, LTE, Linux, 802.11s, Testbed.
The paper deals with the research of dynamic attributes of routing protocols in the vehicle’s movement sim-
ulation in urban environment. Simulation environment allows to modify the volume of the transmitted data,
transmission speed, failures’ character and intensity. The research was performed for OLSR and B.A.T.M.A.N.
protocols. The obtained results permit to formulate optimal conditions for using these protocols on the vehi-
cle’s board.
Application of wireless protocols for data transmis-
sion in vehicles considerably widens information in-
teraction of all traffic parties, from vehicle manufac-
tures to passengers (Zaborovski et al., 2013). Nowa-
days they help to solve tasks of traffic control, to mon-
itor the vehicle conditions, to prevent accidents, to
provide aid in emergency cases, to offer entertain-
ment activities to passengers, and to plan transporta-
tion process (Glazunov et al., 2013b). This results in
a considerable change in the volume and frequency of
transmitted data.
Currently, it is possible to set a multi-protocol
unit (MPU) aboard the vehicle. It supports an ar-
bitral number of data transfer protocols and ensures
high reliability of message transfer between the ve-
hicle and the access point. A stationary transmitter
of LTE, DSRC network or mobile one for mesh-
network (Chakraborty and Nandi, 2013) is an access
point. To transmit data the vehicle makes a stable
connection with the nearest access point within 100
to 800 meters. Constant replacement of one access
point by another one occurs during the motion and in
some time intervals the connection can fail.
Besides, structural features of buildings distort
the standard picture of signal propagation in the air,
which also has an impact on connection stability. In
this situation the task of reliability research of data
transfer for each type through different technologies
of wireless connection is of special priority (Glazunov
et al., 2013a).
This paper deals with two technologies: LTE and
Mesh as they are most common among mobile clients.
The objects of the research are B.A.T.M.A.N. (Pereira
et al., 2012) and OLSR (Laouiti et al., 2008) dynamic
routing protocols since they are directly oriented at
use in dynamic mobile networks.
There have been several studies about the perfor-
mance of different routing protocols in wireless mesh
networks (Murray et al., 2010), (Abolhasan et al.,
2009) and (Kulla et al., 2012). In these papers au-
thors compare the performance in terms of transport
layer protocols in Ad-Hoc networks. They analyze
the following terms: overhead, latency, data transfer
In the paper (Murray et al., 2010) and (Abol-
hasan et al., 2009) authors compare OLSR and
B.A.T.M.A.N. routing protocols by average file and
ICMP requests set transfer time within experimental
Wi-Fi networks. They are using only 802.11a tech-
nology in experiments.
In the paper (Kulla et al., 2012) authors test and
verify the quality of message delivery and network
loading by OLSR, B.A.T.M.A.N. and DSR protocols
in buildings.
Glazunov V., Gusikhin O., Kurochkin L., Kurochkin M. and Popov S..
An Experimental Comparison of Dynamic Routing Protocols in Mobile Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0005062107750782
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (IVC&ITS-2014), pages 775-782
ISBN: 978-989-758-040-6
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
In this paper OLSR and B.A.T.M.A.N were se-
lected based on above mentioned studies. How-
ever our paper considers the changed task that re-
places the homogeneous network by heterogeneous
Wi-Fi(802.11bg) + Mesh(802.11s) networks. Multi-
protocol node will be alternative means of data trans-
mission over wireless local area networks. In dy-
namic routing protocols instead of transport protocols
the user’s high-level protocols are taken for the most
adequate estimation of the user’s actual scenarios.
Data Volume Analysis
In modern intelligent transport systems (Zaborovskiy
et al., 2013) the following scenarios of data transfer
(see Table 1) are realized between mobile clients (Vil-
han and Hudec, 2013). Limited volume of data and
frequency renewal are selected for each scenario.
Table 1: Limited data volume.
Data Transfer Scenario Limited
Event fre-
Messaging of weather conditions, of pave-
ment conditions, current changes in traffic
10–100 event-
Gathering and displaying of location data
of other vehicles
Autosave of the vehicle’s motion tracks
with video record of key motion points
during motion or by request
Accidents messaging 10–100 event-
Distant upload of new software 10
Audio and video consultation on the vehi-
cle technical conditions
Telecommunication environment for pas-
sengers (media content)
Messaging on technical checkup or urgent
Distant control of the vehicle’s units 10–10
The files’ volume ranges from 10KB to 100MB.
For example, the amount of data for:
information messages, such as eCall, geoinforma-
tion, service messages, are less than 10K;
text documents, e-mails and hyperlink files range
from 10 to 100K;
files of media-contentgraphic data or software up-
date range from 1M to 10M;
audio and video files, user software and program
data updates range from 10M to 100M;
Therefore, 10KB, 100KB, 1MB, 10MB, 100MB
are typical data volumes, which will be used in exper-
Channel Analysis
Factual speed of data transfer via communication
channels essentially differs from maximum declared
for a technology in question. In practice it is limited
service providers;
network hardware settings;
software settings of server infrastructure;
Besides, the transfer speed at a specific point de-
pends on the channel loading that has a random char-
acter and depends on clients’ activity. Loading varia-
tion of the LTE channel causes the user’s uncertainty
about current speed of access to files and services. To
reduce the time of information exchange it is neces-
sary to have alternative ways of file delivery and ser-
vice access via a chain of retranslators.
The following technologiesof access through con-
nection channels are chosen for this research:
LTE provides connection with the cloud environ-
ment and file access services.
Mesh provides alternative opportunity of interac-
tion between mobile clients and connection with
the cloud environment via retranslators.
Analysis of Routing Protocols
OLSR and B.A.T.M.A.N. protocols are mainly used
in mobile networks with high dynamics network
topology changes. For example these protocols cur-
rently used in urban mesh-networks with Wi-Fi tech-
nology. These networks consist of more than 1000
nodes and now is used in Greece, Italy, Germany
and other European countries. In these networks mo-
bile users used as a mobile routers. At the moment,
there are applications for smartphones for the An-
droid operating system supporting
tocol (Jayasooriya et al., 2013). For example the
mobile smartphone application is described in the
article (Jayasooriya et al., 2013) presents functions
for accessing web-content (multimedia) and reduce
download global data networks. Another important
example of use of protocols OLSR and B.A.T.M.A.N.
is information networks in vehicles (VANET). Such
networks are now being actively investigated and
modeled in order to further the development of infras-
tructure and dynamic stationary transmitters in mo-
bile networks, the development of intelligent trans-
port systems (ITS).
The research considers two dynamic routing pro-
tocols: OLSR and B.A.T.M.A.N. They are devel-
oped for mobile networks and permit to find routes
of data transfer after the network reconfiguration.
Realizations of two classes of protocols are consid-
ered: B.A.T.M.A.N. is a protocol based on calcula-
tion of distance vector while OLSR is based on chan-
nel condition analysis. There are differences between
them: OLSR builds a complete route to the recipi-
ent whereas B.A.T.M.A.N. calculates a distance vec-
tor and chooses next transition on this basis (Klein
et al., 2012). It allows to measure time difference
when files of different size are transferred at different
speeds with or without interference.
Data transfer between the server and the client is
performed by means of layer protocols application:
ftp and http (Zaborovskyet al., 2009). These are stan-
dard protocols available in many web-applications
and are used to receive hypertext, media, and graphic
Interference Analysis
Local technologiesin the connection of mobile clients
regulate two modes of connection function:
Stable connection the vehicle is immovableand
is connected to a mobile local network, e.g. via Wi-Fi.
Unstable connection the vehicle is moving
from one access point to another. In this case, inter-
vals of connection failure occurs. Time of connec-
tion failure can be simulated on the basis of recipro-
cal positions of immovable access points and mobile
retranslators, e.g., via mesh.
To study the features of the second mode of lo-
cal technologies functions, a simulation testbed, that
provides time registration of the chosen volume data
interchange, was assembled.
Stand Hardware and Software Configuration
The testbed is a hardware-software complex imple-
menting interaction of multi-protocol unit (MPU)
prototypes with a load simulator for LTE, Mesh, and
Wi-Fi. Structural chart of testbed’s hardware are
shown in Fig. 1.
To implement the scenario the testbed is set as fol-
lows: it consists of two MPU blocks, a load simu-
lator, and a Wi-Fi access point. The load simulator
provides mobile network clients with access to files.
Each MPU block provides operation with two inter-
faces — Mesh and Wi-Fi or Mesh and LTE which al-
lows to transfer data in different directions using dif-
ferent technologies. MPU-1 acts as a client that con-
nects to the load simulator. MPU-2 is designed for the
retranslator that connects MPU-1 and the load simu-
lator. The logic chart of the testbed connection for the
scenario realization is shown in Fig. 2
Figure 1: Structural chart of hardware configuration.
Figure 2: The logical chart of the testbed connection of the
system and client software update scenario.
The applied technologies for MPU-1 connection,
realizing the client’s functions, and the load simula-
tor, acting as a server, and MPU-2, functioning as the
retranslator between MPU-1 and the load simulator,
are shown on the chart.
Software architecture shown in Fig. 3 is imple-
mented to realize scenarios of mobile clients mo-
tion, data transfer stream management, interference
simulation, routing protocols choice, communication
channels feature setting.
Figure 3: Software architecture.
The testbed’s software consists of five modules.
Network interface module. It sets up IP-addresses,
VPN connection, internal and external interfaces of
Routing module. It configures parameters of dy-
namic routing protocols, adds floating static routes,
start services (daemons) of dynamic routing proto-
Network traffic generation module. It starts file
services (daemons), in this research being FTP, HTTP
and MQTT (Hunkeler et al., 2008) protocols. It starts
FTP, HTTP and MQTT for clients to download files
of chosen size, with files previously generated in back
Firewall module. It makes interference on chan-
nel level at certain points of time that prevent distri-
bution of routes and data in a chosen communication
channel. This module is used by generator module to
create a mobile chart of the point movement.
Statistics modules. It records file download time
with consideration of reconnection time after connec-
tion failure. Besides, the module turns on data aggre-
gation facilities to calculate numerical characteristics
for graphic dependencies construction.
Core software includes:
Linux Debian 7.4/Kernel 3.2.0-4.
HTTP Server: Lighttpd 1.4.31
FTP Server: Vsftpd 2.3.5
MQTT 3.1 broker/client: Mosquitto 0.15-2
OLSR protocol implementation: olsrd 0.6.2
B.A.T.M.A.N. protocol implementation: batmand
debian-0.3.2-12 (compatibility version 5)
FTP/HTTP Client: wget 1.13.4.
Network filter: iptables 1.4.14.
Experiment Procedure
The developed procedure includes the following
1. Interface set-up (IP-address, VPN connection,
2. Firewall set-up.
3. Set of dynamic routing protocol.
4. Selection of mesh channel function mode.
5. Set of application layer protocols.
6. Selection of message file size.
7. Selection of server response speed.
8. Selection of amount of iterations (10000).
Time of file transfer is measured.
The Experiment
Experimental research was carried out in order to de-
termine file transfer time with application of OLSR
and B.A.T.M.A.N routing protocols under conditions
of interference corresponding to the vehicle’s move-
ment in the urban.
Let us simulate a situation when the vehicle that
has a LTE dedicated channel periodically connects to
a mesh-network that has a high-speed gate in Internet.
The vehicle downloads files of user software updates
and program data.
To simulate the process of file download from the
server to the client we chose FTP, HTTP or MQTT
protocols as the most available for this application.
Two alternative channels, LTE and Mesh, for data re-
ceiving were used in the experiment.
Mesh-network channel as more speedy was cho-
sen as a priority direction of file download.
In-out parameters of experiments are given in Ta-
ble 2.
Table 2: Experiments initial data.
Parameter Value
Routing protocol OLSR, B.A.T.M.A.N
File size 10KB, 100KB, 1MB,
10MB, 100MB
Server download speed
128Kbit/s, 1024Kbit/s,
File download protocol FTP, HTTP, MQTT
Fixed Parameters
OLSR parameters: Hello Interval 1.0;
HelloValidityTime 3.0; LinkQualityFishEye
— 1.
B.A.T.M.A.N. parameters: OGM Interval — 1.0.
Ftp, http download parametrs (wget): Network
timeout 2; Waitretry 1; Tries 0 (unlim-
ited); Retry-Connrefused — yes.
ftp server parameters (vsftpd): anon
max rate
6750000, 128000, 16000.
http server parameters (lighttpd): server.kbytes-
per-second — 6750, 128, 16.
During the experiment finite time of file transfer
for FTP, HTTP and MQTT protocols is measured.
Mesh-network interference chart during the vehicle
movement on the highway is shown in Fig. 4. MQTT
used as a publish-subscribe based “light weight” mes-
saging protocol for use on top of the TCP/IP proto-
col. MQTT as ftp and http uses as a transport layer
protocol — TCP. It corresponds to the vehicle move-
ment between cross-roads at speed of 60 kmh. The
simulation is introduced by interchange of time inter-
vals with stable and unstable connection. One cycle
is equal to 60 sec which corresponds to one kilometer
of the highway.
The first interval of a short-time connection failure
of 1 sec illustrates the situation of reconnection to a
new access point. Next 7 seconds the vehicle is mov-
ing within the range of new access point functioning,
then the signal from all neighborswill fails, which can
be compared with driving in a tunnel or driving in a
territory without 802.11s technology coverage. After
that a zone with stable connection with several vari-
eties of network access appears which lasts 15 sec-
onds (250 meters). Further on, a short-time connec-
tion failure occurs for a shorter period of time (3 sec).
Finally, a complete simulation cycle is repeated.
This operation model corresponds to the opera-
tional mode of dynamic routing protocol and data
transfer under conditions of increased instability of
network topology.
Figure 4: Chart of noise into mesh-network.
Table 3 shows experimental values of file down-
load time in mesh-network for different values of
server response speed. These values can be consid-
ered as the best ones as they were received under
ideal conditions without interference and failures in
communication channel operation.
Table 3: Experimental values of file download time in
mesh-network without noise.
File size,
Download Speed Limit, Kbit/s
11000 1024 128
10 0.17 0.17 0.39
100 0.23 0.67 3.70
0.91 8.20 43.49
6.63 80.26 432.28
64.37 801.09 4320.94
During the investigation 3 experiment series for
each speed were performed, with each series amount-
ing to 400 measurements. Figures 5, 6 and 7 show
graphic presentation of results of these experiments
10 100 1000 10000 100000
time, sec (less is better)
file size, KBytes
experimental values without noise
Figure 5: Dependency of le transfer time on size for
B.A.T.M.A.N and OLSR protocols at 128 Kbit/s speed (first
Results of the first series demonstrate dynamics
of data transfer at low speed (128 Kbit/s). Such
speed is typical of bulk data transfer that includes
information about traffic network and other clients.
The chart presents dependency of data transfer time
via http-protocol on file size with the application of
B.A.T.M.A.N and OLSR dynamic routing protocols
and ideal transfer version via mesh-network without
interference produced by traffic route. The experi-
ment proved better performance of OLSR dynamic
routing protocol in comparison with B.A.T.M.A.N. in
bulk data transfer (over 10 MB); gain in transfer speed
amounts up to 35%. It is connected with the fact
that the amount of interference during the file down-
load rises proportionally to the file size and trans-
fer speed. In this case, therefore, it is necessary to
switch as soon as possible to alternative transfer chan-
nel without waiting for main transfer channel recov-
ery as standstill time will substantially influence the
data transfer volume. B.A.T.M.A.N. protocol, on the
contrary, waits for channel recovery via main channel
without deleting the route from routing table.
It was also found out in the experiment that http-
protocol proves to be a better application layer pro-
tocol at low speed data transfer (128 Kbit/s) for big
files (over 10 MB). It manifested lower transfer time
by 10 to 30% because http-protocol uses fewer exec-
utive instructions that should be performed before the
file download. In case of connection failure (inter-
ference) and file download the protocol should repeat
these instructions.
10 100 1000 10000 100000
time, sec (less is better)
file size, KBytes
experimental values without noise
Figure 6: Dependency of file transfer time on size for
B.A.T.M.A.N and OLSR protocols at 1024 Kbit/s speed
(second series).
Results of the second series demonstrate dynam-
ics of data transfer at mean speed (1024 Kbit/s). Such
speed is typical of bulk data transfer including web-
traffic, online-conferences. The chart presents depen-
dency of data transfer time via http-protocol on file
size with the application of B.A.T.M.A.N and OLSR
dynamic routing protocols and ideal transfer version
via mesh-network without interference produced by
traffic route. The experiment proved better perfor-
mance of OLSR dynamic routing protocol in com-
parison with B.A.T.M.A.N. in bulk data transfer (over
10 MB); gain in speed transfer makes up to 20%. It
is connected with the fact that amount of interference
during file download is rising proportionally to the file
size and transfer speed.
10 100 1000 10000 100000
time, sec (less is better)
file size, KBytes
experimental values without noise
Figure 7: Dependency of le transfer time on size for
B.A.T.M.A.N and OLSR protocols at 11 Mbit/s speed (third
The results of the third series demonstrate dynam-
ics of data transfer at maximum speed (ca. 11 Mbit/s).
Such speed is typical of bulk data transfer including
multimedia and program update. The chart presents
dependency of data transfer time via http-protocol
on file size with the application of B.A.T.M.A.N and
OLSR dynamic routing protocols and ideal transfer
version via mesh-network without interference pro-
duced by traffic route. The experiment proved better
performance of B.A.T.M.A.N. dynamic routing pro-
tocol in comparison with OLSR in bulk data trans-
fer (over 10 MB); gain in speed transfer makes up
to 50%. It is connected with the fact that the proto-
col is oriented at recovery connections (frequent fail-
ure with same-route recovery). Hence, the route in
question is not deleted from routing table (even if the
neighboring one is lost) but resumes being active. It
means that during interference time the data transfer
route is not rebuild and it does not require additional
time to re-calculate the route when the connection re-
establishes as it occurs with OLSR protocol.
The results of three series of experiments demon-
strate that small data packets independent on a cho-
sen dynamic routing protocol take shorter time for
delivery even at low speed communication channels
or server limitations on data transfer. It allows to or-
ganize eCall emergency messaging or gathering ve-
hicle’s statistics applying the current network infras-
The research resulted in assessment of different dy-
namic routing protocol applicability in conditions of
the vehicle movement in urban environment for dif-
ferent data volumes. OLSR dynamic routing protocol
proved to be the best at low speed (128 Kbit/s) for
file transfer of over 10MB, with the difference of file
download time making up to 35%. HTTP-protocol is
a recommended application layer protocol to transfer
data at low speed with transfer time shorter by 10 to
30%. OLSR protocol also proves the best at middle
speed (1024 Kbit/s) and for files over 10 MB; the gain
in file download speed is up to 20%.
B.A.T.M.A.N dynamic routing protocol is prefer-
able at high speed data transfer (11 Mbit/s); the gain
in file download speed amounts to 50%. It can be
concluded according to the experimental results that
B.A.T.M.A.N is less preferable for frequently chang-
ing network topology. It is more oriented at con-
nections recovery (frequent failure with same route
recovery) and is worth applying at high speed data
According to the study it can be concluded that
the protocol B.A.T.M.A.N. performs better in situa-
tions where the cars move in organized groups. These
conditions, frequent disconnects do not immediately
rebuild the network topology and data transmission
quickly restored when the neighbors are again within
sight of the transmitter. OLSR shows a good perfor-
mance when used in an urban environment, in a situa-
tion where the available set of routes for data transfer,
and it is unlikely that the driver returns to the network
recently vacated. Thus, it is necessary, depending on
the driving conditions, switch between the dynamic
routing protocols, or the simultaneous use both dy-
namic routing protocols. Alternate use of two rout-
ing protocols will increase the amount of traffic the
service transmitted via the communication channels
(increase the load on the mesh-network).
This research was supported by a grant from the Ford
Motor Company. This paper funded by RFBR grant
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