Human Visual System Based Framework For Gender Recognition
Cherinet G. Zewdie
and Hubert Konik
e de Lyon, CNRS, 37 Rue du Repos, 69007 Lyon, France
e Jean Monnet, Laboratoire Hubert Curien, UMR5516, 42000 Saint-Etienne, France
Human Visual System, Gender Recognition, Salient Region, HVS Inspired Gender Recognition, Local Binary
A face reveals a great deal of information to a perceiver including gender. Humans use specific information
(cue) from a face to recognize gender. The focus of this paper is to find out this cue when the Human Visual
System (HVS) decodes gender of a face. The result can be used by a Computer Vision community to develop
HVS inspired framework for gender recognition. We carried out a Pyscho-visual experiment to find which
face region is most correlated with gender. Eye movements of 15 observers were recorded using an eye tracker
when they performed gender recognition task under controlled and free viewing condition. Analysis of the
eye movement shows that the eye region is the most correlated with gender recognition. We also proposed a
HVS inspired automatic gender recognition framework based on the Psycho-visual experiment. The proposed
framework is tested on FERET database and is shown to achieve a high recognition accuracy.
A human face reveals a great deal of information to
a perceiver. These information include Gender, Eth-
nicity, Facial expression etc. Gender is an important
demographic attribute of people.
The Human Visual System (HVS) has an amazing
ability to decode gender of a face across different cul-
tures and ethnicities with few exceptions (Bruce et al.,
1993) in a very short time. Only specific face region
or cue is used by HVS to derive the gender informa-
tion from a face (Bruce et al., 1993)(Ng et al., 2012).
That is, only salient face region correlated with gen-
der recognition is used, where salient means the most
The ability to recognize gender using computer vi-
sion has many applications in surveillance, human-
computer interaction, content-based indexing and
retrieval, biometrics, targeted advertizing etc. In
human-computer interaction, it helps to design hu-
manoid robots with knowledge to address humans ap-
propriately (as Mr or Ms). In content-based indexing
and retrieval, the ability to recognize gender helps in
annotating the gender of the people in an image for
the millions of images on the internet. In biometrics
application such as face recognition, the ability to rec-
ognize gender can cut the time required for searching
by half by training a separate classifier for male and
female. In targeted advertizing, a computer vision
powered billboards can display advertisements rele-
vant to the person looking at the billboard based on
gender (Ng et al., 2012).
Different methods for automatic gender recog-
nition have been proposed (Alexandre, 2010)(Gutta
et al., 1998)(Andreu and Mollineda, 2008)(Kawano
et al., 2004)(Buchala et al., 2004)(Moghaddam and
Yang, 2002)(Makinen and Raisamo, 2008). However,
none of the proposed methods try to mimic the way
HVS performs gender recognition. These methods
rely on the power of image processing by spending
computational time on whole face image to extract ge-
ometric based information using measurements of fa-
cial landmark or appearance based information using
some operations or transformations applied on pixels
of the face image with the idea that such extracted in-
formation is different for female and male.
Luis A. Alexandre (Alexandre, 2010) proposed a
multi scale approach (considered as one of the state of
the art results) to solve the problem of gender recog-
nition. He proposed extracting features from different
face image resolutions and then a classifier (SVM)
is trained for each feature type. The decision from
each classifier is fused using majority vote to obtain
the final classification result. For each resolution, he
extracted intensity, shape and texture features. His-
tograms of edge directions were used as shape fea-
G. Zewdie C. and Konik H..
Human Visual System Based Framework For Gender Recognition.
DOI: 10.5220/0005176102540260
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2015), pages 254-260
ISBN: 978-989-758-074-1
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
tures, pixel values as intensity and uniform LBP as
texture features. He tested this approach on a pre-
processed FERET database (geometric normalization
such as the same eye position, face rotation, and plac-
ing mouth in a fixed position) and reported only one
miss classified image out of 107 test images (accu-
racy of 99.07 %). The high accuracy reported here is
as a result of a very complex approach that may not
be suitable for real time applications.
Other methods try to divide the face into regions
with the hypothesis that processing only such infor-
mation could discriminate between female and male.
Y.Andreu et al (Andreu and Mollineda, 2008) pro-
posed a method that exploits the role of facial parts in
gender recognition. Given the image of a face, a num-
ber of subimages containing mouth, eye, nose, chin;
and an internal face (made up of eye, nose, mouth
and chin), external face (made up of hair, ears and
contour) and the full face are extracted and converted
to appearance based data vectors. Classification us-
ing SVM, KNN, and Quadratic Bayes Normal Clas-
sifier (QDC) tested on FERET (Phillips et al., 1998)
(2147 images) and XM2VTS (Andreu and Mollineda,
2008) (1378 images) showed that individual parts in-
clude enough information to be able to discriminate
between genders with accuracy of above 80% and the
joint contribution of the parts (internal face) produced
accuracy of over 95%. The motivation to evaluate
the contribution face parts was to deal with situations
where face images are partially occluded.
However, unlike these methods, we propose to
solve the problem of gender recognition by simulating
the HVS. We argue that the task of gender recognition
can be done in a more conducive manner, if only face
region correlated with gender recognition (salient re-
gion) is processed as it happens in HVS.
We conducted a Pyscho-visual experiment to find
facial region (salient region) associated with gender
recognition. An eye-tracking device which records
fixations and saccades has been used for our experi-
ment. Fixations are used to describe the visual atten-
tion when it is directed towards a salient region for the
assigned task and the eye gathers most of the infor-
mation during fixations. Saccades are eye movements
between fixations. We also propose a human visual
system based novel framework for gender recogni-
tion. The proposed framework creates a new fea-
ture space by extracting Uniform Local Binary Pat-
tern (ULBP) (Ojala et al., 2002) features from only
identified salient region of the face. The result from
our experiment can also be used by the computer vi-
sion community to develop robust algorithms by iden-
tifying salient region containing discriminative infor-
mation for gender recognition.
Our contribution in this study is three fold
1. Using a pyscho-visual experiment, we have statis-
tically and using gaze maps identified the face re-
gion (salient region) correlated with gender (both
male and female) according to human vision.
2. We used a novel approach of conducting an exper-
iment using eye tracker to find gender cue from a
face and the reported result is validated in the do-
main of human behavior study and cognitive sci-
3. We proposed a novel HVS based framework
for automatic gender recognition which achieves
high recognition accuracy by only processing the
salient region.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: in
section 2, we will present the psycho-visual exper-
iment we carried out to record eye movements (lo-
calize salient region). Section 3 discusses the result
of the analysis of the experiment. In section 4, we
will present the proposed automatic gender recogni-
tion framework. Results and Discussion of the auto-
matic recognition are presented in section 5. Conclu-
sion and Future works are given in section 6.
A gender recognition task is assigned to the observers.
We then recorded their eye movements under con-
trolled and free viewing condition. The recorded eye
movements is analyzed to find which face region is
salient for the displayed gender (stimulus).
2.1 Participants and Stimuli
Fifteen students and teachers from the University of
Jean Monnet volunteered for the experiment. The
subjects were between 20 and 34 years of age. They
all had normal or corrected to normal vision. They
were given a short briefing about the experiment and
the apparatus before the start of the experiment.
The stimuli were created by choosing 20 gray
scale face images (10 female and 10 male) from
FERET dataset (Phillips et al., 1998) with a criterion
of maximizing diversity. The criterion includes differ-
ent ethnicities, faces with special characteristics (such
as glass, beard), different ages (young and old).
2.2 Apparatus
A video based eye tracker called EyeLink II from SR
research is used to record the eye movements of the
human observers as they performed the gender cat-
egorization task. The EyeLink II is equipped with
three miniature infrared cameras with one mounted
on a lightweight headband for head motion compen-
sation and the other two mounted on arms attached to
headband for tracking both eyes.
The stimuli were presented on a 19 inch CRT
monitor with a resolution of 1024 x 768 and a refresh
rate of 85 Hz. The viewing distance was 70 cm result-
ing in a visual angle of 5.76
x 6.42
2.3 Procedure
We preformed the experiment in a dark and quiet
room to avoid any situation that would distract the ob-
servers. There was nothing in front of the observers
field of view except the stimulus. The experiment was
designed in such a way that it won’t be tiresome for
the observers or loose interest in the experiment.
2.4 Eye Movement Recording
The eye position of the observers was tracked at 500
Hz with an average noise of 0.010. Before the record-
ing process started, we performed calibration and val-
idation. Calibration is used to collect fixations on tar-
get points, in order to map raw eye data to gaze posi-
tion. A nine point calibration is chosen for this experi-
ment. For observers, the calibration step is fixating on
a nine sequentially and randomly displayed points on
different locations of the screen. The validation step
is used to find the gaze accuracy of the calibration. A
threshold error of 1
has been selected as the greatest
divergence that could be accepted.
The head mounted eye tracker compensates for
head movements so that observers have the flexibil-
ity to perform experiments in a free viewing condi-
tion. The data collected from the experiment is also
not affected by the head movements as a result of this
The primary data that we obtain using the eye tracker
is the fixations and saccades of observers collected
while performing the gender categorization task. Two
types of analysis can be done on the collected fix-
ations once eye blinks are separated and removed.
They are gaze map construction and statistical anal-
ysis of the fixations. However, since our stimuli are
static, it is very important that we know in advance the
duration of the fixations that we analyze. Each of the
20 stimulus was presented to each observer for 3000
ms. But we analyzed the fixations collected during
the first 800 ms. This is because, for a defined gender
recognition task, when an observer is presented with
a stimulus, the observer recognizes gender around
200 250ms after stimulus onset (Mouchetant-
Rostaing et al., 2000). However, the categorization
task sometimes happen around 250 700ms. To
include all possibilities, fixations during the first 800
ms were analyzed. We have also removed the first fix-
ation as this is related to the cross sign that precedes
every stimulus presentation so that all observers start
the task from the same center face location.
Figure 1: Gaze maps for gender recognition.
3.1 Gaze Map Construction
The simple, however, important output that we can
obtain from the recorded fixation points is a gaze map.
Figure 1 gives the first impression that gazes from
all observers for both female and male stimuli are at-
tracted to eyes, nose and mouth face regions. The sec-
ond important fact we draw from the gaze map is that
the eyes region is the most salient. This is because
the superimposed color blobs is warmer for the eyes
region compared to the mouth and the nose regions.
That means, most of the fixations from the fifteen ob-
servers were attracted to the eyes region.
Figure 2: Saccades analysis for a face with special charac-
3.2 Statistical Analysis of Fixations
The conclusion that we made from the gaze map anal-
ysis is that the eyes region is the most salient for gen-
der recognition task. We need to confirm this conclu-
sion through statistical analysis of the collected fixa-
tions for different face regions. To confirm this, we
computed and statistically analyzed the average per-
centage of trial time observers have fixated in the dif-
ferent face regions (eyes, nose and mouth) during the
first 800ms for each stimulus presentation.
Figure 3: Statistical analysis of fixations for both female
and male stimuli.
Figure 3 confirms the conclusion made from the
gaze map shown in figure 1 about the saliency of eye
region for gender recognition task. That is observers
use most of the information from the eye region to
categorize a stimulus as female or male. It can be eas-
ily observed from figure 3 that the average percentage
of trial time spent is around 54.3%, 25.4% and 2.8%
in the eyes, nose and mouth regions, respectively for
male face; and 58.6%, 26.3% and 3.9%, respectively
in the eyes, nose and mouth regions for female face.
For both genders, the amount of time spent in the eye
region is more than twice the amount spent in the
nose region. The error bar represents the standard
error (SE) of the mean. The saliency of the eye re-
gion is further confirmed by the analysis of saccades
shown in figure 2. In the figure, we see a face stimulus
with a beard. Beard is a characteristic associated with
male face. Even in the presence of this characteris-
tic, observers have still searched for gender informa-
tion from the eye region. All the eye movements be-
tween fixation (saccades) were in the eye region. The
discovery of the eye region as carrying information
for gender recognition is consistent with the result by
Brown et al (BrownU and Perrett, 1993) where six-
teen male faces were averaged to create a male proto-
type and sixteen female faces where averaged to cre-
ate a female prototype. Individual face regions such
as eyes, brows, nose, mouth and chin were shown to
subjects for gender recognition. The authors reported
that all regions except the nose carried some informa-
tion about gender.
Using the conclusion from section 3, we are going to
test the idea that algorithmically gender can be recog-
nized by processing only salient region. The proposed
Figure 4: Human Visual System based feature extraction
framework from a face for gender recognition
framework is shown in figure 4.
4.1 Localize Salient Region
As shown in figure 4, for a given face, we first de-
tect the interest region. That means we try to detect
the eye region since the eye region is the most salient
for gender recognition. There are different detection
algorithms. We chose to use the detection algorithm
proposed by Viola and Jones (Viola and Jones, 2004)
since the algorithm has a minimum false positives
compared to other detection algorithms. Once we de-
tect the eye region, we localize that region as the re-
gion from where we extract the features.
4.2 Feature Extraction
Once the eye region is localized, the next task would
be to represent it using feature vectors(descriptors).
There are different feature extraction methods. How-
ever, the type of features they extract (intensity, shape,
texture etc) and their discriminative power is differ-
ent depending on the problem at hand. The Uniform
Local Binary Pattern (ULBP), which is the extension
of the Local Binary Patterns (Ojala et al., 2002) is
shown in different studies to have a high discrimina-
tive power for gender recognition (Ng et al., 2012).
Based on their track record, we used ULBP to extract
texture features from the salient eye region.
When describing a face with LBP patterns, it is
important to consider local features instead of global
features. For this reason, we computed the ULBP us-
ing a small local window and concatenated the fea-
tures together. The other reason for doing this is that
since the salient region we are considering is only
the eyes region and considering the fact that there are
similarities between female face eye region and male
face eye region, the discriminative power of features
could be improved if we capture the information lo-
cally. This approach is used by different researchers
(Alexandre, 2010) even if the features were not ex-
tracted from a salient region but the whole face re-
4.3 Classifiers
Once the images are represented with features with a
high degree of discriminative power, the next step will
be to feed these feature vectors to a machine learning
algorithm that learns a model for each gender. Gender
recognition is a binary classification. A face image
can only be a male or female. So one class is posi-
tive and the other is negative. If a given face image is
not classified as a male (which in our study is a posi-
tive class) then it will automatically be classified as a
female. There are a number of machine learning al-
gorithms to solve the gender recognition problem. We
tested SVM, KNN, C4.5 Decision tree and ensemble
methods such as Bagging, Random Forest and Ad-
5.1 Database Selection
The challenging problem when solving gender recog-
nition is the selection of database to test on since
there is no specific database (containing multiple eth-
nicities) made for gender recognition. Limited by
this problem, just like other researchers, we also
selected images from a facial recognition database
called FERET (Phillips et al., 1998) to test our algo-
rithm. In total, we selected 207 images from FERET
database to test our algorithm. 127 of the total is used
for training and 80 is used for testing. The distribution
for male and female is shown in table 1. No images
of the same person is repeated in the database.
Table 1: Distribution of images as training and test set se-
lected from FERET database.
Original size Total number Training Test
Female male Female Male
FERET 512X768 207 60 67 40 40
5.2 Results
The classifiers listed above were used for learning and
classifying the face images as either gender. The re-
sults from these classifiers are shown in table 2. The
displayed accuracy value in the table is the accuracy
of each classifier on the unseen data (on the 80 test
images). A 5-fold cross validation is used to choose
parameters for the classifiers and kernels used. In ad-
dition to measuring the accuracy in terms of correctly
classified test images, we have also used ROC curve
(value) to evaluate the performance of our algorithm.
Table 2: Classification results of the proposed framework
for different classifiers.
ACCURACY % Alexander et al (Alexandre, 2010) State of the art
Cross validation (Weka)
100 99.01
KNN +Cross validation 100 -
C4.5 decision tree 100 -
Bagging 100 -
Random Forest 100 -
Adaboost (Tree) 100 -
The result of the analysis of ROC curve for SVM,
KNN, C4.5 Decision tree, Bagging, Random Forest
and Adaboost is shown in figure 5.
Figure 5: Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) for
SVM, C4.5, KNN, Bagging, Random Forest, Adaboost.
All the accuracy results presented in table 2 were
obtained on the 80 test images. Each of the classifiers
shown in the table classified the given test images into
their respective classes. We believe that different fac-
tors have contributed to the reported high accuracy
of the result. The first reason is the processing of
only salient region of the face correlated with gender
recognition. This is because features with no discrim-
inative power complicates the model that the classi-
fier learns and thus reduce the predicting capability of
the learned model. However, exploring the HVS to
find the face information used by human when rec-
ognizing gender and using only those discriminative
information with computer vision algorithms to rec-
ognize gender would produce an impressive result as
shown in the table. The second reason is the type of
features (texture) used and how the features are ob-
tained. Texture features are shown in different studies
to have produced a good result for gender recognition
problem. Even if we claim that the salient region we
used has a discriminative power, it may not produce
the result shown in the table if the information from
this region is not captured properly. Since the eye
salient region for both male and female bears resem-
blance, capturing the features at a global level doesn’t
help in discriminating between the eye region of male
face and female face. For this reason, we captured the
information at a local level by using a small window.
This helps us to capture the small spatial information
of the eye region for both gender. The window covers
the full image size by sliding horizontally and verti-
cally. The result of the other window sizes we tried
is shown in table 3. The third reason is the choice of
classifiers. SVM, KNN and C4.5 are shown to pro-
duce a good result for a gender recognition problem
in the survey made by (Ng et al., 2012). It is also no
surprise, in addition to the quality features we had,
that we obtained excellent result with Bagging, Ran-
dom Forest and Adaboost since they combine results
from a number of week classifiers. The number of
weak classifiers (trees) used are 800, 500 and 90 for
Bagging, Radom Forest and Adaboost, respectively.
Table 3: Accuracy(%) of different window size for different
Window size Bagging Random Forest Adaboost KNN SVM
6x5 100 100 100 100 100
10x10 73.75 71.25 75 63.75 73.75
10x12 73.75 73.75 78.75 60 75.25
15x20 63.75 67.5 72.5 56.25 68.5
30x60 65 66.25 62.5 65 59.25
We have also compared our result with the method
considered as one of the state of the art results pro-
posed at (Alexandre, 2010). As we repeatedly ex-
plained before, it is difficult to compare results from
gender recognition algorithms since authors use dif-
ferent databases to test their algorithm. However,
comparisons are usually made in the literature be-
tween algorithms tested on images from the same
database (not necessarily the same images). For this,
since we selected the images from a FERET (Phillips
et al., 1998) dataset, we compared our result with
(Alexandre, 2010) since this method is also tested on
FERET as shown in table 2. One miss classified im-
age is reported in (Alexandre, 2010) from 107 images.
However, the high recognition accuracy is obtained
owing to the very complex approach used. Consid-
ering the complexity of the proposed multiscale deci-
sion fusion approach, we believe that our method is
simple and achieves a very good accuracy.
This study presented the face region correlated with
gender recognition for both female and male faces by
studying the HVS. This conclusion is made by record-
ing eye movements of 15 observers as they performed
a gender recognition task on 20 images chosen from
FERET database. The constructed gaze map and sta-
tistical analysis of the collected fixations show that the
eye region is the most salient for gender recognition.
The localized salient region can be used by the com-
puter vision community to have an insight from where
to extract discriminative descriptors as this is the most
important step when developing robust and efficient
automatic gender recognition algorithms. In addition
the extraction of descriptors from only the salient re-
gion would result in a fast system as it reduces the
computational complexity of the algorithms.
We also proposed a novel framework for au-
tomatic gender recognition based on the localized
salient region. We have achieved a high recognition
accuracy by processing only salient region of a face.
In this paper, we only considered frontal faces
when we created stimuli for the experiment. In the
future, we have plans to include different face orien-
tations into the stimuli and see if the same conclusion
can be made. We also intend to occlude the eye region
and find out if secondary information can be used for
gender recognition, (i.e if gender recognition is hier-
archical). Including different image resolution in the
stimuli is also one of the many works we planned in
the future.
This paper is supported by the Erasmus Mundus
Scholarship 2012-2014 sponsored by the European
Union, and CNRS.
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