User-friendly and Tailored Policy Administration Points
Manuel Rudolph
Fraunhofer IESE, Fraunhofer-Platz 1, Kaiserslautern, Germany
Today, more and more sensitive personal and
business-related data is collected and processed. Se-
curity solutions aim to protect such data from misuse,
but often come along with usability issues (Gutmann
and Grigg, 2005).
Security policies are an established instrument for
specifying security demands. Policy Administration
Points (PAPs) offer a policy vocabulary, which the
policy creator can use to express the desired security
demand as a security policy. Such security policies
and the security mechanisms to which they refer can
become very complex. Mistakes in the specification
of security policies lead to misbehavior in the secu-
rity mechanisms, which can cause, for instance, un-
intended data leakage and may convey a false feeling
of security to the policy creator. Hence, specification
mistakes must be minimized by providing appropriate
PAPs that guide the policy creator in the best possible
way through the policy specification process.
A well-known example for a PAP used by non-
professionals is the Facebook menue for privacy and
security settings. A study from Liu et al. revealed that
users in many cases expected a different effect from
their specified privacy settings than it was in reality
(Liu et al., 2011), which indicates a wrongly specified
security policy.
Intuitive and user-friendly usability of a PAP is, in
my opinion, a basic requirement when letting users
specify security policies. However, most current
PAPs are neither easy to use nor easy to understand
for less experienced policy creators. Examples for
PAPs that do not sufficiently consider usability issues
range from the Windows Local Group Policy Editor
for managing the security settings of Windows clients
to the PERMIS Policy Editor (Chadwick and Otenko,
2003; University of Kent, 2011) for specifying role
based access control policies.
One problem is that most PAPs that have been
found during a preliminary state of the practice re-
search were designed generically to be used by dif-
ferent policy creator types, in different domains, or
even both. This generality causes an overly high ex-
pressiveness of PAPs, which inevitably increases the
complexity of the specification process as well as of
the PAP implementation. Higher complexity is likely
to increase the error-proneness of policy specifica-
tion. In addition, in an organization with several types
of policy creators that have different permissions for
specifying security policies, an overly expressive PAP
may allow policy creators to specify security policies
for which they do not have clearance.
To avoid these problems, two essential steps to-
ward more usable PAPs are suggested. First, PAP de-
signers should aspire toward reducing the complexity
and expressiveness of the security policy vocabulary
and the policy specification process by better tailor-
ing them to the respective application domain and to
the expected user community. Second, PAPs should
be made more user-friendly, especially for less expe-
rienced policy creators.
Thus, the following essential research question is
How can we efficiently develop Policy Administra-
tion Points that are providing a user-friendly security
policy specification process with a security policy vo-
cabulary tailored to the application domain and the
policy creator?
In this paper, we use the following terminology:
Application Domain Model: Set of entities, activ-
ities, and assets in a system or an organization to
which elements of a security policy refer and their
relation in the context of the application domain.
Application Domain Meta Model: Model defining
the syntax and semantics of an application domain
Security Policy Language: Grammar to formulate
security policies in a unified format used in secu-
rity policy templates.
Security Policy Template: Security policy pattern
formulated in the security policy language that
can be instantiated to a security policy.
Rudolph M..
User-friendly and Tailored Policy Administration Points.
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Terminology.
Security Policy Constraint: Constraint that ap-
plies to security policy templates describing a re-
striction to a security policy template or a depen-
dency between two or more security policy tem-
plates within a security policy model.
Security Policy Model: Application domain-
specific model that links security policy templates
and security policy constraints as well as addi-
tional properties to the security policy templates.
Security Policy Meta Model: Model defining the
syntax and semantics of a security policy model.
Security Policy Vocabulary: Subset of the security
policy model specifically tailored to the needs of
the policy creator and the expected policy usage
Policy Administration Point: Human-Computer-
Interface that consumes a security policy vocabu-
lary to provide a set of security policy templates
that can be instantiated as security policies for the
specification of security demands.
Policy Creator: Entity that has a security demand
and specifies it as a security policy using a Policy
Administration Point.
Security Policy: Instance of a security policy tem-
plate that describes the intended behavior of the
policy enforcement components in a system in a
given situation.
Specification-level Policies: Description of
what must and must not happen throughout the
execution of a system or within an organization.
Implementation-level Policy: Refinement of
specification-level policies stating how the
specification-level policies will actually be en-
Security Model: Collection of application domain
independent, recurring security mechanisms.
Security Meta Model: Model defining the syntax
and semantics of a security model.
The relation between the different elements is
shown in Figure 1. Recall that the application domain
model describes the entities that perform activities on
assets in a given application domain. Some of the ac-
tivities on assets are malicious and declared as threats.
The threats from the application domain model are
used in security policy templates to describe a situa-
tion which must be prevented or at least mitigated. In
addition, security policy templates define reactions or
countermeasures to specific threats that actually can
prevent or mitigate these threats. Security policy tem-
plates are formulated in a natural language-based se-
curity policy language.
The research question can be broken down into three
main objectives. First, a security policy model for
organizing security demands in the form of security
policies or security policy templates must be elabo-
rated that can generate tailored security policy vocab-
ularies. Second, an elicitation method for gathering
security demands from an application domain and fill-
ing the security policy model must be devised. Third,
a usability-enhanced PAP that can consume a security
policy vocabulary must be developed.
3.1 Security Policy Model
Currently, there is a lack of management solutions
for security policies. In practice, security policies are
written in natural language in a document and must
then be deployed either in an organizational or in a
technical manner. For each special case, a new set of
security policies must be adapted from existing docu-
ments or developed from scratch. Defining or diver-
sifying security policies at runtime is even harder, if
supported at all. Furthermore, it is complicated and
time-consuming to model and disclose dependencies
between security policies.
To facilitate security management, an appropriate
model for security policies helps. The security policy
model must be able to store security policies and secu-
rity policy templates in a unified form, to link security
policies to each other in order to define dependencies,
and to integrate restrictions that apply to security poli-
cies in a specific application domain.
If different individuals in an organization are em-
powered to specify security policies, new challenges
arise. An individual may be allowed to specify secu-
rity policies only from a limited security policy vo-
cabulary. Accordingly, not all valid security poli-
cies might be allowable due to restricted policy en-
titlement of individual policy creators. A central
organization-wide security policy model can be en-
riched with information about permissions, restric-
tions, and other properties with respect to security
The reusability of security policy model instances
should be investigated because instantiating a security
policy model from scratch for every application do-
main would be a very effort-consuming process. To
improve reuse of security policy knowledge, security
policies and security policy templates that are used in
different application domains should be generalized
and stored as a security model that acts as a knowl-
edge base.
The essential research question thus is: How must
a security policy model look like that is capable of
managing and linking security policy templates and
corresponding security policy constraints?
3.2 Elicitation of Security Demands
from an Application Domain
There are a lot of security guidelines that provide
countless potential security policies as recommenda-
tions for organizations and their information systems.
But it remains a challenge to select the appropriate
policies for a concrete case. Furthermore, standard
security policies do not reflect the specific character-
istics of an organization or its information systems.
Thus, security policies must be adapted to their appli-
cation context.
Having only a standardized set of security policies
that always applies leaves little scope for case-by-case
security decisions. In some cases, users or administra-
tors must be enabled to specify security policies that
deviate from the standard policies. Therefore, they
use PAPs. A generic PAP to specify any kind of se-
curity policy might be too powerful or too generic—
and therefore too complicated—for the average policy
Depending on the application domain in which the
PAP will be used for specifying security policies, dif-
ferent requirements exist with respect to IT security.
To reduce the complexity of a PAP and to tailor it to
a given domain, a domain-specific security policy vo-
cabulary is necessary. This requires a domain-specific
instantiation of the security policy model. The in-
stantiation of the model demands a domain-specific
elicitation of security policies. Because the security
policies that the policy creator want to specify may
differ from case to case, case-specific security policy
templates must be provided. Therefore, the general
schema of relevant security policies needs to be ana-
lyzed. In doing so, varying elements of the policy can
be identified and declared as variables. Variables can
be either single parameters or policy elements, such as
additional actions or conditions. For each policy tem-
plate, security policy constraints, such as valid param-
eter values or dependencies on other policy templates,
need to be elicited.
So far, no established method is known to me
for eliciting the information necessary to instantiate
a security policy model with security policy tem-
plates and security policy constraints. Devising such
a method is proposed in this thesis.
The essential research question is: How can we
systematically elicit security policy templates includ-
ing security policy constraints from an application
3.3 User-friendly Policy Administration
A PAP enables a policy creator to specify a secu-
rity policy. Depending on the application domain,
the PAP must support the specification of varying sets
of security policies. It would be a huge effort to de-
velop PAPs for each application domain from scratch.
Therefore, generic customizable PAPs should be de-
veloped that can be configured to adapt to the given
application domain. Basically, we strive for a PAP
that is adapted to the application domain simply by
Figure 2: Schematic overview of the framework.
importing a suitable security policy vocabulary.
Different types of policy creators shall be enabled
to specify security policies. These policy creators
have different background knowledge about security,
technology, or about the specific domain. Therefore,
each policy creator type needs a different level of flex-
ibility, usability, and guidance during the policy spec-
ification process, and the expressiveness of the PAP
must be adapted accordingly.
One way to regulate expressiveness is to change
the specification paradigm. Policy creators can have
varying degrees of freedom depending on the speci-
fication paradigm offered by the PAP. A specification
paradigm with a low expressiveness is, for instance, a
list of predefined security policies the policy creator
can select from. In relation, a wizard for combining
and instantiating parameterized policy templates is a
specification paradigm with a higher expressiveness.
The expressiveness of the PAP is also regulated
by the imported security policy vocabulary. Note that
the security policy vocabulary is only a subset of the
policy model. Vocabulary extraction is regulated by
filtering mechanisms. Filter criteria can be, for exam-
ple, the permission model inside the security policy
model or parameters of the security policy templates,
such as the linked security principle. Furthermore, the
PAPs can be enriched with guidance functionality to
tailor them to the individual policy creator type.
The essential research question thus is: How can
usable Policy Administration Points for a specific type
of policy creators be developed that self-adapt to a
security policy vocabulary?
The expected outcome is a method that tailors PAPs
and the policy vocabulary to the requirements of an
application domain and the policy creators (see Fig-
ure 2). The method consists of the following steps:
elicitation of security policy templates and con-
straints from various stakeholders within the ap-
plication domain
instantiation of the security policy model with the
elicited information
extraction of a tailored policy vocabulary
configuration of usability-enhanced PAPs using
the policy vocabulary
The proposed method extends the state of the art
by supporting the systematic identification of proper
sources for security policies within an application do-
main and their methodical assessment for eliciting
the domain-specific policies. In addition, a security
policy model will be suggested that improves policy
management by allowing to express dependencies be-
tween different policies as well as constraints for in-
dividual policies. Based on this policy model and
the systematic elicitation of domain-specific policies,
PAPs for end users are better tailored to the specific
security demands of the various policy creator types
in an application domain and are made more usable.
The following measurable benefits are expected when
using the proposed method:
Due to higher usability and user specific tailoring,
policy specification in PAPs becomes less error-
prone, which results in fewer wrongly specified
security policies.
The process of policy specification becomes more
intuitive, easier to use, and less time-consuming
even with limited background knowledge and
minimal or no prior user training, which increases
the acceptance of a policy enforcement mecha-
nism such as data usage control both by the user
and the enterprise.
The development effort for providing tailored
PAPs is reduced.
The research is in its beginning, but first results have
been achieved and partially published.
A preliminery state of the art research on the three
main research questions and a state of the practice re-
search on existing policy specification tools have been
A first version of the policy elicitation methodol-
ogy has been proposed, tested with partners within
a European project, and published (Rudolph et al.,
2014). Further improvements and tests will follow.
Two prototypes of usable and adaptive Policy Ad-
ministration Points are under development. Each PAP
implements a different policy specification paradigm.
Building first adaptive PAP prototypes very early
will allow to derive requirements from bottom-up for
the policy vocabulary and the security policy model.
The development of the elicitation methodology will
in addition provide requirements from the top-down
A first draft version of the syntax and the seman-
tics of the underlying policy vocabulary have been de-
veloped. Manually written policy vocabularies can be
consumed by the PAP prototypes, which then self-
adapt to the given vocabulary. One of those PAPs
is currently being integrated in an industrial setting.
In the future, the policy vocabulary will be generated
from a security policy model, which is still under de-
This section describes the plans for achieving the
three main objectives presented before. The three ob-
jectives will not be tackled in strict order but partially
in parallel in order to use insights gathered from one
objective in another one.
6.1 Security Policy Model
For elaborating the security policy model, the follow-
ing steps are planned:
1. The results of the preliminary state of the art re-
search as well as the gathered insights from the
draft versions of the policy elicitation methodol-
ogy and the adaptive PAP prototypes will be ana-
lyzed to define requirements for the security pol-
icy model.
2. Before the security policy model can be devel-
oped, security policies must be better understood.
The elements and characteristics of security poli-
cies must be analyzed. Therefore, exemplary se-
curity policies from different application domains
are collected and compared. Generic elements
of those policies are identified. Rules that define
valid combinations of the policy elements are de-
termined. From these results, a security policy
language is derived. For testing the security pol-
icy language, security policies from different do-
mains are formulated using the policy language.
3. An object-oriented security policy model is de-
veloped that is capable of storing security pol-
icy templates. One possible template for the pol-
icy “Each MP3 file may only be opened 3 times”
could be <filetype> may only be opened <n>
times”. Security policy templates are formulated
in the security policy language and can therefore
be split in their elemental parts. Elements of the
policy templates may be combined into new pol-
icy templates. The model should also be capable
of storing security policies as instances of secu-
rity policy templates and linking them to the cor-
responding template. Additional parameters may
be attached to the security policy templates. Ex-
amples are, for instance, a permission model that
defines allowable policy creators, or flags that dif-
ferentiate between technically and organization-
ally enforceable as well as between specification-
level and implementation-level security policies.
This differentiation becomes relevant for map-
ping a specification-level policy to correspond-
ing refined implementation-level policies. In prin-
ciple, PAPs can specify specification-level poli-
cies without any concrete technical enforcement
mechanism as well as precise implementation-
level policies. The former can be either refined
to implementation-level policies or released as an
organizational rule to be enforced in an arbitrary
non-technical way. Dependencies between pol-
icy templates can be modeled as object relations,
for example, to map specification-level policies to
implementation-level policies. The categorization
of policy templates and their mapping to security
properties is also supported. In addition, descrip-
tions that explain the effect on the target, depend-
ing on whether the policy is or is not deployed,
can be attached to policies. It must be researched
which additional information is necessary in the
security policy model.
4. The security policy templates can be instantiated
by policy creators to express their security de-
mands. Depending on the application domain or
on the policy creator, there may exist constraints
regarding security policies allowable for deploy-
ment. For example, not all security policy tem-
plates or not all parameter values within a secu-
rity policy template may be allowed for the in-
stantiation of a security policy template. Thus,
a predefined selection of parameter values or pa-
rameter thresholds should be determined. Further-
more, dependencies between policies can be con-
strained. For instance, repelling or attracting poli-
cies may exist in the application domain. Exam-
ples for repelling policies could be contradictory
policies such as ”Business documents must not be
opened outside the enterprise premises“ and ”All
documents can be opened at home after entering a
5. It is planned to evaluate the suitability of the secu-
rity policy language and the security policy model
by instantiating security policy models with se-
curity policies from two different application do-
mains. As, so far, no method for eliciting secu-
rity policies from the application domain has been
elaborated, the author assumes that a complete list
of security policy templates and corresponding se-
curity policy constraints is available. The elici-
tation method proposed in Section 6.2 will, after
being elaborated, be used to provide such a list. It
will be tested in a case study whether all security
policy templates and security policy constraints
can be inserted into the model and all necessary
relations and dependencies can be modeled.
6. A comparison of the two security policy models
shall reveal opportunities to reuse security knowl-
edge for another application domain. If this is
possible, a generic security model acting as a
knowledge base could be elaborated. The model
will comprise common security characteristics of
assets. For example, regularly used security prin-
ciples such as confidentiality, integrity, or avail-
ability can be described in the model. Those fun-
damental security characteristics can probably be
stored as generic security policy templates. Thus,
such a model can reveal security policy templates
that should be considered during the policy elici-
tation in an application domain to establish a con-
sistent level of security.
6.2 Elicitation of Security Demands
from an Application Domain
It is planned to devise the security demand elicitation
method in the following way:
1. Before security policy templates and security pol-
icy constraints can be elicited in an application do-
main, the domain itself must be better understood.
It must be clarified what kind of relevant elements
exist in the application domain and what kind
of relations exist among them. Elements could
be entities that perform actions, actions that can
be performed, and assets deserving protection on
which actions can be performed. Together, an ad-
verse action performed by an unauthorized entity
on a valuable asset describes a threat. In addition,
security-related properties of entities and assets
should be considered. A domain model is pro-
posed that describes the elements and their rela-
tions in the domain. It will be researched whether
elements of the domain model can be mapped to
or related to elements in the security policy model.
Such mappings and relations can support the elic-
itation of security policies. The application do-
main model must be instantiated for each applica-
tion domain in cooperation with domain experts
before starting the security policy elicitation.
2. To be able to gather security policies, proper in-
formation sources must be identified. Potential
sources can be different stakeholders in the ap-
plication domain, such as system operators, se-
curity officers, requirements engineers, or end
users. Entities from the application domain model
can be stakeholders, too. Existing documenta-
tion regarding security guidelines, enterprise reg-
ulations, and legal obligations can be additional
sources for relevant security policy templates. A
list of the generally most promising information
sources should be elaborated as a starting point
for each policy elicitation. A method for identify-
ing additional sources will be proposed.
3. Security policies are systematically retrieved from
the identified stakeholders. Requirements engi-
neering techniques are used for the elicitation of
security policies from stakeholders and other in-
formation sources. To this end, the most appro-
priate requirements engineering techniques in the
state of the art must be identified and probably
adapted for eliciting security policies. The do-
main model instance and the security model will
help to focus on the relevant assets in the respec-
tive application domain. It must be researched
what kind of security policy level (specification-
level policies, implementation-level policies, or
both) can and should be collected during the elici-
tation phase. In addition, it must be determined
which part of the security policy templates can
by elicited from which source. Stakeholders can
demand specific reactions on threats, and techni-
cal experts must validate whether those demands
are technically enforceable. Security policies are
elicited in natural language and split into their ba-
sic elements, and their structure is specified in the
security policy language. Parameterizable parts of
the policy are identified and security policy tem-
plates are created. These templates and the corre-
sponding security policy instantiations are stored
in the security policy model.
4. Besides the actual security policies, we may
need to determine additional security policy con-
straints. Recall that collected security policies are
parameterized and used as templates; but not all
feasible parameter values may be allowed in the
given domain. Thus, a predefined selection of
parameter values or parameter thresholds should
be determined. Additionally, information about
attracting and repelling policies should be deter-
mined. A list of relevant security policy constraint
types is elaborated and a method for gathering
those is developed. Security policy constraints are
stored in the security policy model and linked to
the corresponding security policy templates.
6.3 User-friendly Policy Administration
It is planned to develop PAP prototypes consuming
tailored policy vocabularies in order to evaluate their
usability and effectivity:
1. The security policy vocabulary that the policy cre-
ator can use in the PAP must be extracted from
the security policy model. The security policy vo-
cabulary is a subset of the security policy model
and contains all information that the policy creator
needs when specifying a security policy. It must
be researched which information is necessary for
the PAP to enable policy creators to specify their
individual security policies. The necessary infor-
mation depends on the specification paradigm of
the PAP. Examples for specification paradigms are
the selection of predefined security policies, the
instantiation of security templates with a prede-
fined set of parameters, or the combination of dif-
ferent policy elements to a security policy. The se-
curity policy vocabulary for a specific PAP must
be extracted from the security policy model and
imported into the PAP. Therefore, a data format
for storing a security policy vocabulary must be
developed. It must be capable of storing security
policy templates and security policy constraints
as well as their relations. Additional information
about security policies may be attached. The se-
curity policy model is extended by an export filter
that extracts only necessary information into the
security policy vocabulary.
2. State-of-the-practice usability concepts are col-
lected and rated regarding their applicability to
PAPs and the policy specification process. In ad-
dition, existing policy specification tools are ana-
lyzed regarding their usability.
3. Different generic customizable PAP prototypes
are developed. These PAPs are designed for dif-
ferent policy creator types and differ in their spec-
ification paradigms. Such a PAP can import a se-
curity policy vocabulary and self-adapt to it. A
policy creator using the adapted PAP can specify
all security policies that are valid according to the
security policy templates and security policy con-
straints defined in the selected security policy vo-
cabulary. Besides tailoring the PAP to the char-
acteristics of different policy creator types, the
collected usability concepts are considered during
the development of the PAP to provide the policy
creator with a more user-friendly security policy
specification process.
4. Finally, the tailored PAPs and the extracted secu-
rity policy vocabularies are evaluated. The evalu-
ations of these two targets must be separated be-
cause an insufficient quality of the security policy
vocabulary would most probably negatively affect
the evaluation of the PAP using this vocabulary.
The evaluation of the proposed method will be
carried out in application domains different from
the one used for developing the security policy
model, the PAPs, and the elicitation method. This
shall demonstrate that the applicability of the pro-
posed method is not restricted to a specific set
of application domains. The quality attributes
to be evaluated are effectiveness, efficiency, un-
derstandability, and user satisfaction, which—if
increased—collectively lead to a higher usability
of the PAPs. Satisfaction can be measured by the
subjective feedback of the test persons, efficiency
by the time needed to specify security policies,
effectiveness by the fraction of correctly speci-
fied security policies, and understandability by the
fraction of correctly specified security policies in
relation to the test persons’ estimations of cor-
rectly specified security policies. The effect of
different complexities of security policies on the
specification process must be considered during
the evaluation. A first controlled experiment will
evaluate the security policy vocabulary. PAPs us-
ing the already evaluated security policy vocabu-
lary will be evaluated in a second controlled ex-
periment. In summary, three parameters influence
the evaluation and must be taken into account: the
complexity of the security policies, the applica-
tion domain, and the PAPs chosen. Thus, several
exercises to describe security demands that can be
specified as security policies using the proposed
security policy vocabulary will be assigned to the
probands in the controlled experiments. The dif-
ferent exercises lead to security policies of differ-
ent complexity. In the first controlled experiment,
security policies must be formulated in natural
language on paper, using a printed and human-
readable version of the security policy vocabulary
(i.e., policy templates and policy constraints). In
the second controlled experiment, two different
PAPs are instantiated with the already evaluated
security policy vocabulary and are used by the
probands to specify the same security policies as
in the preceding exercises. To prevent a learning
effect, a proband from the first experiment may
not take part in second one.
The tailoring of PAPs involves the three main sub
problems policy elicitation, policy modeling and pol-
icy specification. Below, the related work covering
the respective problem domains is briefly surveyed.
The elicitation of security policy templates is re-
lated to the elicitation of security requirements and
risks. To this end, the whole spectrum of standard
techniques for requirements engineering (Tenerow-
icz, 2008), such as structured interviews of the in-
volved stakeholders or creativity workshops assessing
security issues, and risk assessment methodologies
(Smith et al., 2013) can be used in principle as well as
(mis)use case modeling (Alexander, 2003; McGraw,
2006). Mead et al. propose Security Quality Require-
ments Engineering (SQUARE) as a systematic pro-
cess for eliciting security requirements (Mead et al.,
2005; U.S. Computer Emergency Response Team,
2007), but without describing specific elicitation tech-
niques. However, most of the proposed elicitation
methods are not tailored to and have not been eval-
uated in the specific context of security requirements
or policy elicitation, respectively. The elicitation step
proposed in this paper will use state-of-the-art tech-
niques for the elicitation of security demands from
various sources. It must be evaluated which tech-
niques lead to the best results depending on the type
of information source.
Valuable sources for general security demands can
be security checklists, control question catalogs, and
security ontologies that have been proposed in the
literature (U.S. National Institute of Standards and
Technology, 2014; U.S. National Institute of Stan-
dards and Technology, 2008; German Bundesamt f
Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik, 2005; Com-
mon Criteria Maintenance Board, 2012; U.S. Depart-
ment of Defense, 1985). The elicitation step will con-
sider those sources.
Several policy enforcement frameworks have been
described in the literature, some of which include se-
curity policy models or PAPs, respectively.
SPARCLE (Vaniea et al., 2008; Karat et al., 2009)
is a security and privacy policy framework for en-
forcing access control policies. It transforms policies
specified in constrained natural language into a for-
mal language and later in a machine-readable repre-
sentation. It analyzes the formal policies, identifies
conflicts and dominance relations, determines policy
coverage, and provides suggestions for conflict reso-
lution. In (Vaniea et al., 2008), Vaniea et al. report
on experimental evaluations of improving the usabil-
ity of policy specifications. Compared to SPARCLE,
my framework is not limited to access control poli-
cies. It uses, for example, adjustable security policy
templates in natural language as the policy specifica-
tion paradigm instead of constrained natural language
as SPARCLE does. Furthermore, the usability pat-
terns applied to SPARCLE’s PAP are different from
the ones planned to be applied to the proposed frame-
work’s PAPs, which are described in (Vollat, 2012).
KAoS (Institute for Human & Machine Cogni-
tion, 2013) is a set of platform-independent services
that enable users to specify and enforce security, pre-
dictability, and controllability policies. KAoS defines
a policy as an enforceable, well-specified constraint
on the performance of machine-executable actions by
a subject in a given situation. KAoS policies, ex-
pressed in Web Ontology Language (OWL2) (World
Wide Web Consortium, 2012), can be specified as au-
thorization policies and obligation policies, but other
types of policies can be constructed from these two
primitive types. KAoS provides a PAP for experts that
is neither tailored to a specific application domain nor
provides a user-friendly specification process for non-
experts, as it is intended in my framework.
Another approach for the elicitation and repre-
sentation of security constraints is Secure Tropos
(Mouratidis and Giorgini, 2007). The Tropos method-
ology aims to model security concerns throughout
the whole development process. The Secure Tro-
pos paradigm is based on agent-oriented software
engineering and centers around the concepts of ac-
tors, their goals, obligations, capabilities, security
constraints, and dependencies. The notation used
is based on UML, and constraints can be formally
expressed (and verified) with the Object Constraint
Language (OCL) (Object Management Group, 2014).
The stakeholder and security requirements identifica-
tion used in Secure Tropos is another option that could
be used in my approach, but its applicability has not
yet been tested.
In addition to the already mentioned policy frame-
works, there are various other policy languages for
the specification of machine-readable policies, for ex-
ample the Ponder language (Damianou et al., 2001),
SSPL (Al-Morsy and Faheem, 2009) or Rei (Kagal
et al., 2003). For a brief overview of available policy
languages, see (De Coi and Olmedilla, 2008; World
Wide Web Consortium, 2012).
The research presented in this paper is supported
by the German Ministry of Education and Research
projects Software Campus (grant number 01IS12053)
and Software-Cluster SINNODIUM (grant number
01IC12S01F) as well as by the European Commis-
sion in the context of the Research Framework Pro-
gram Seven (FP7) project SECCRIT (Grant Agree-
ment No. 312758). The sole responsibility for the
content of this document lies with the author.
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