Towards a National Enterprise Architecture Framework in Iran
Fereidoon Shams Aliee
, Reza Bagheriasl
, Amir Mahjoorian
, Maziar Mobasheri
Faezeh Hoseini
and Delaram Golpayegani
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
Information Technology Organization of Iran, Tehran, Iran
Service-Oriented Enterprise Architecture (SOEA) Laboratory, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Enterprise Architecture, E-Government, Enterprise Architecture Framework, Public Agencies.
Abstract: National Enterprise Architecture (EA) is regarded as a catalyst for achieving e-government goals and many
countries have given priority to it in developing their e-government plans. Designing a national EA
framework which fits the government’s specific needs facilitates EA planning and implementation for
public agencies and boosts the chance of EA success. In this paper, we introduce Iran’s national EA
framework (INEAF). The INEAF is designed in order to improve interoperability and deal with EA
challenges in Iranian agencies.
E-government for every country, developed or
developing, that aim at not only taking advantage of
technology but also achieving better governance is a
necessity (Gupta and Jana, 2003). In developing
countries, the main reason for e-government failures
is a huge gap between the current reality and the
design of the e-government system (Dada, 2006).
From EA point of view, this challenge is interpreted
as problems in transforming the current (as-is) state
to the future (to-be) state. Besides adopting EA at a
national level can have a great impact on e-
government success since EA is a blueprint for
defining the current and desired environment as well
as the transition plan (Bellman and Rausch, 2004).
In fact, EA is an effective means of transforming
and modernizing the government and acts as a
catalyst for e-government by improving
interoperability, reducing costs, and avoiding
duplicated effort (Lee et al., 2013, Saha, 2012).
In recent years, There is an upward trend towards
national EA (Christiansen and Gotze, 2007), which
is also called government-wide EA (Lee et al.,
2013), in both developed and developing countries.
Surveys on national EA show that most of the
developed countries have taken EA plans into
consideration (Christiansen and Gotze, 2007,
Liimatainen et al., 2007).
By gaining an understanding of the decisive role
of EA in bringing e-government success, the
demand for planning and implementing EA at a
national level was crystallized. In this regard, we
designed an EA framework based on the
government’s special needs and characteristics. In
this paper, after reviewing the history of EA and its
challenges in Iran, we will explain the ins and outs
of Iran’s National Enterprise Architecture
Framework (INEAF).
The official launch of EA activities in Iran was in
2002 when the National Enterprise Architecture
Committee had formed. Since then, acquiring a full
understanding of EA challenges in Iran and
responding to them have been a top priority. As a
result of the committee’s activities, Iran ranked 9
2004 EA activities (Schekkerman, 2005).
Moreover, many doctoral and Master’s
dissertations were completed and dozens of research
papers were published on e-government such as
(Yaghoubi et al., 2011, Atashak and Mahzadeh,
2008, Sharifi and Zarei, 2004, Jayashree et al., 2016,
Shahghasemi et al., 2013) as well as EA including
(Fatolahi and Shams, 2006, Razavi et al., 2011,
Khoshnevis et al., 2009, Khayami, 2011). These
Aliee, F., Bagheriasl, R., Mahjoorian, A., Mobasheri, M., Hoseini, F. and Golpayegani, D.
Towards a National Enterprise Architecture Framework in Iran.
DOI: 10.5220/0006371304480453
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 3, pages 448-453
ISBN: 978-989-758-249-3
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
publications reflect a research trend toward both e-
government and EA in Iran. In addition, Shahid
Beheshti University offers EA master’s degree with
the purpose of providing students with EA skills and
Aside from academic achievements, almost a
hundred EA projects were carried out in public and
private agencies, but most of them were not
successful. In the following, we are going to identify
some of the most common causes of EA failure in
2.1 EA Challenges in Iran
EA projects in Iran have faced many challenges.
First of all, a majority of chief officers and decision
makers misinterpreted EA as a panacea for all the
enterprise’s problems. This unrealistic expectation
led to defining a false project domain which result in
project failure.
Another important EA barrier in Iran is a lack of
skilled staff who are qualified in enterprise
information architecture as well as business process
engineering, information resource management, and
strategic information systems planning.
Furthermore, problems in EA knowledge transfer
and sharing within or between agencies made best
practices inaccessible and unusable.
A lack of a standard framework, deficiency of
capacity building and empowerment, insufficient
incentives and legal regulations, a paucity of training
on EA, and a sheer lack of EA assessment seem to
be other reasons behind the failure of EA projects.
2.2 The Demand for National EA
Since EA projects were launched in Iran, both public
and private agencies have chosen freely whichever
frameworks fit their enterprise’s needs. As a result
of developing EA projects without considering
specific standards, practical guidelines, and e-
government regulations and policies, the outcomes
were inconsistent, not able to interoperate, and even
in some cases infringe e-government regulations.
Seeking for an ideal solution for dealing with
challenges of EA projects, designing a national EA
framework is an important step.
By exploring e-government top leading
countries, we find out that there exists a positive
correlation between success of e-government and
establishing national EA frameworks. Therefore, it
gets clear for us that promoting EA and designing a
national framework in our country is vital.
To avoid reinventing the wheel, we first studied
existing EA frameworks to find the ones provide a
good foundation for the national EA framework. As
mentioned earlier, some countries have developed
and published their national EA frameworks, mostly
as a part of their e-government plan. Some of them
that we have studied are: FEAF (CIO Council,
2013), Australian Government EA
Framework (Australian Government, 2013), Korean
Figure 1: EA ecosystem in Iran.
Towards a National Enterprise Architecture Framework in Iran
Government EA (Lee et al., 2013), Singapore
Government EA (Saha, 2009), Bahrain National EA
Framework (AlSoufi, 2014), OIO EA (Denmark)
(Danish Agency for Digitisation, 2014). In addition,
we also examined two well-known general-purpose
frameworks including the Zachman framework
(Zachman, 1987) and TOGAF (Haren, 2011).
Although we have inspired by the aforementioned
EA framework but we have chosen FEAF and
TOGAF as basis for INEAF.
INEAF has four groups of stakeholders including
government organizations, EA laboratories,
agencies, and EA consultancies. Figure 1 depicts the
tasks assigned to these stakeholders and the
relationship between them.
INEAF is established regarding Iranian
government’s specific needs and features. Providing
the public agencies with reliable and practical
guidelines for planning and developing EA projects
and improving e-government interoperability are the
two main purposes of this EA framework.
INEAF deals with EA at two levels: government
EA and agency EA. The agency EA defines
guidelines for developing EA projects in agencies.
Each agency should develop its EA in alignment
with the government EA. However, the agency plans
and implements EA by considering its specific
requirements and experiences.
3.1 Areas of INEAF
As depicted in figure 2, INEAF has four areas:
Framework and Methodology, National Reference
Models, Deployment and Promotion Program, and
Sector Reference Models. In this section, we are
going to explore these areas.
3.1.1 Framework and Methodology
Framework and Methodology area defines how EA
is developed. This area contains four components:
Architecture Development Method (ADM),
which is derived from the TOGAF methodology,
consists of three states including Preparation,
Architecture Establishment, and Architecture
Architecture Capability Framework describes
roles, their responsibilities, and required skills for
setting up EA projects in public agencies.
Architecture Content Framework defines
architecture artifacts, deliverables, and their
classification. All the artifacts should be produced in
Figure 2: Iran’s National EA Framework.
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
one of the ADM phases and may be used or updated
in other phases.
Guidelines, Techniques, and Case Studies
provide best practices and practical guidelines for
EA planning and development.
3.1.2 National Reference Models
INEAF supports six interrelated national models,
which define government-wide architecture
standards and patterns. The following are the
national reference models:
National Performance Reference Model
(PRM) focuses on performance measurement. It
helps the government in performance assessment
process by providing a common language for
identifying and classifying performance metrics.
Figure 3 shows the structure of the national PRM.
Figure 3: The national PRM structure.
National Business service Reference Model
(BRM) defines the government services and
functions from the stakeholders’ points of view. It
also provides a taxonomy of these services and
articulates a big picture of the service architecture.
Figure 4 demonstrates the hierarchal structure of the
national BRM.
Figure 4: The national BRM structure.
To make service classification a straightforward
task, ten patterns of the government services are
identified (figure 5), which cover government-to-
government (G2G), government-to-business (G2B),
and government-to-citizens (G2C) services. To
determine the type of a service, it should be matched
to one of the patterns. The patterns also can be used
as a template for service specification.
National Data Reference Model (DRM)
provides a taxonomy of government data and
information and enables inter- and intra-agency data
sharing. Iranian Government Interoperability
Framework (IGIF) (Shahkooh et al.) is a supplement
to the national DRM.
National Application Reference Model (ARM)
models the services defined and classified in the
SRM. It also classifies applications and systems
provided by the government.
National Technology Reference Model (TRM)
provides a classification of technologies, IT
standards, and IT tools. Moreover, it gives agencies
a set of guidelines about using technology. Structure
of the national TRM is shown in figure 6.
Figure 5: Patterns of the government services.
Figure 6: The national TRM structure.
National Security Reference Model (SRM)
provides a framework for classifying security risks
Towards a National Enterprise Architecture Framework in Iran
and vulnerability. As shown in figure 2, the SRM is
the only reference model linked to all other
reference models.
3.1.3 Deployment and Promotion Program
Deployment and promotion program mainly focuses
on EA infrastructure and EA rules and legislations.
It has four main components:
Enterprise Architecture Regulations are
introduced by the government. EA plans and
development process have to comply with these
regulations. Therefore, the possibility of producing
inconsistent and not interoperable outcomes will be
Enterprise Architecture Assessment is done
with the help of Iran’s National Enterprise
Architecture Maturity Assessment Framework
(INEAMAF), which provides two different
assessment methods: self-assessment and EA
assessment by laboratories.
Capability Building focuses on EA
empowerment, promotion, and training.
INEAF Maintenance should be carried out in
order to satisfy new government’s needs and
respond to the changing knowledge and technology.
This will be done by continuous maintenance of the
framework components.
3.1.4 Sector Reference Models
Sector reference models contain off-the-shelf EA
patterns and standards for an industry or a business
area. Development of these models is assigned to the
EA in Iran is still in its early adolescence and the
path of reaching maturity is a critical one. By
designing INEAF, we take the first step towards
maturity and further pursue e-government
For the next step, the government will mainly
focus on the deployment and promotion program. To
comply with EA regulations, agencies should plan
their EA program in accordance with INEAF.
As mentioned earlier, INEAF is adopted from
both TOGAF and FEAF. Table 1 draws a
comparison between these frameworks.
This paper is based upon work supported by the
Information Technology Organization of Iran. We
express our gratitude to Mr. Jahangard for his great
Table 1: Comparison between FEAF, TOGAF, and INEAF.
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
support. We also thank many individuals in Iran E-
Government team and SOEA laboratory at Shahid
Beheshti University who have contributed in
developing INEAF.
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