Requirements Elicitation for a Holistic Mobile Wallet Ecosystem
João Casal, David Monteiro, Laís Sousa, Patrick Santos, João Santos and Jorge Ramos
TIMWE Lab, Covilhã, Portugal
Keywords: Requirements Elicitation, Mobile Wallet Architecture, Mobile Payments, Mobile Identification, Mobile
Ticketing, Mobile Marketing.
Abstract: The digitization of physical wallets into mobile applications is a promising trend, namely for payments,
personal identification, and for grouping marketing items or digital tickets. Mobile digital services emerge on
these areas promising to bring ease and convenience for wallet owners and, for place owners, lower costs on
payment processing fees, increased service efficiency and a closer relation with customers. However, there
are several challenges, like the users’ acceptance, security concerns and lack of interoperability between
wallet services, that delay a significant impact on persons’ lives. On this paper, we present the requirements
elicitation for a holistic mobile wallet ecosystem.
Mobile devices are reaching a massive level of impact
on societies. Their growing capabilities of data
acquisition, communication and processing makes
them ideal instruments to foster paradigmatic changes
on people routines. This is the case of the digitization
of physical wallets into mobile applications, which is
a promising trend for payments, identification,
ticketing and marketing (Forrester Research, 2015).
Mobile digital services grow in these areas promising
improved usability, convenience, security, control
over items and novel disruptive experiences to wallet
owners. To place owners, these services have the
potential to offer lower costs on payments processing,
control over targeted marketing campaigns, improved
proximity to costumers and knowledge about their
interests and needs (Forrester Research, 2015,
TechNavio, 2015, M. Evans, 2015).
However, there are several challenges associated
with these systems. Research shows that “digital
mobile wallets do not fulfil consumer’s needs”
(Williams and Yu, 2015). Only 13% of the people
who own smartphones have mobile wallets installed,
and 76% of these rarely or never use it due to safety
concerns, unclear convenience and poor functional
characteristics (Williams and Yu, 2015). Other
studies identify issues on the: (i) User Experience
(lack of acceptability, usability, trust, privacy,
perceived value for wallet owners, place owners and
others); (ii) coexistence of mobile payments with
other services; (iii) coexistence of multiple mobile
wallets in one device; (iv) connection between wallets
of consumers and merchants; (v) interoperability
between mobile wallets; (vi) proximity payments;
information security; (vii) lack of collaboration
between the stakeholders (European Payments
Council, 2014, Shaw, 2014, Gannamaneni, Ondrus
and Lyytinen, 2015).
For this purpose, on weWallet project we aim to
face the mentioned challenges by researching and
developing a universal solution that dematerializes
the main items present on nowadays physical wallets,
namely the currency, personal identification, tickets
and marketing items (like coupons or discounts), all
integrated into one mobile solution available for the
main mobile operating systems (OS). Our approach is
based on three axels: (i) the fragmentation reduction
of mobile wallet services, currently separated in
several independent mobile applications. We propose
one single digital mobile wallet for converting every
physical wallet experience as a way of reducing
interoperability issues, improving the User Experience
for wallet owners and optimizing/increasing the
services provided to place owners; (ii) the abstraction
regarding mobile OS to optimize the number of
potential users and, therefore, increase the adoption
from place owners; (iii) the abstraction regarding
communication technologies between wallet owners
and place owners in order to reduce their investment
in hardware infrastructures and to increase its
acceptance across the smartphone owners, regardless
Casal, J., Monteiro, D., Sousa, L., Santos, P., Santos, J. and Ramos, J.
Requirements Elicitation for a Holistic Mobile Wallet Ecosystem.
DOI: 10.5220/0006390600630070
In Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2017) - Volume 2: ICE-B, pages 63-70
ISBN: 978-989-758-257-8
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
of their devices communication technologies (NFC,
QR Code, Wi-Fi, BLE).
On this paper, which is part an on-going industrial
R&D project, we present a study that combined
applied research with user-centered techniques for the
elicitation of the requirements for the envisioned
system. These are consolidated on a functional
architecture that illustrates an overview of the
This section surveys the most relevant related work
about mobile wallets and the solutions available on
the market, from their functionalities and
communication technologies used, to the identified
On (Ma and Wei, 2014) is proposed a mobile
payments system using the NFC technology. Users
can charge the mobile service balance through their
their bank account, and then use it on a NFC-enabled
Point of Sale (POS). The transaction is forwarded to
a banking management system for validation and
money transfer. The planned system used identity
authentication, information encryption, data integrity
verification and digital signature as security
measures. Beside the conceptual prototype, the
solution was just developed for Android OS and
presented a limited number of functionalities.
Rehman and Coughlan presented another NFC-
enabled mobile payments system for Android
devices, where consumers and merchants need to be
registered on the same Financial Service (Rehman
and Coughlan, 2013). Using a different communica-
tion protocol, on (Ugwu and Mesigo, 2015) is
proposed an Android application that uses QR codes
as links to process transactions. This work identifies
the two main actors as receiver and the payer. The
receiver launches the mobile application, selects the
amount to receive, and a QR code for the transaction
is generated. The payer application scans the QR code
on the receiver’s smartphone, selects the payment
method, authenticates on the system and on the
financial institution, and the transaction is processed.
PayPal and credit card accounts can be used to make
the payments. This system is just for Android devices,
communicates just by QR codes and both the actors
have to be online for performing the transaction.
The dematerialization of identification cards into
mobile applications is also a current research trend. In
(Zhang et al., 2015) is proposed an identity
recognition framework based on NFC and fingerprint
technology for Android devices that can be used in
many different areas. In (Portnoi and Shen, 2015) is
presented an authentication system based on BLE
beacons. The system is conceptualized to work on
indoor locations, with beacons broadcasting
encrypted messages (Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-
Based Encryption) containing a session token. Users
with BLE devices are able to capture the encrypted
messages and, if their devices are capable to decrypt
these messages, then the users would be authenticated
in the system, at that exact location.
Other elements that are frequently present in
physical wallets are tickets and loyalty cards, and
there are also studies on mobile solutions for
digitizing them. In (Zupanovic, 2015) is described a
NFC ferry ticketing system implemented in Croatia
that enables users to acquire the tickets at home and
present them on a digital format through their
smartphones. This procedure aimed to speed up the
ferry boarding.
Besides the studies presented, there are
considerable solutions already on the market. The
Apple Pay (Apple Inc., 2014) allows consumers to
store credit/debit cards information, loyalty cards and
coupons on their smartphones, enabling online and
in-store purchases. The in-store purchase
communications are made through NFC, which is
only allowed on iPhone since the iPhone 6 model. It
supports payments using American Express,
MasterCard and Visa, and uses the Secure Element on
the smartphone to store personal encrypted
transactional data. The Android Pay (Google, 2015)
is a mobile wallet system for Android devices
developed by Google that dematerializes credit, debit
and loyalty cards. It allows payments by MasterCard,
Visa or American Express. The in-store payments can
be made using NFC technology. Differently from
Apple Pay, the Android Pay uses the Host-based Card
Emulation (HCE), which allows the emulation of
users’ cards on the smartphone, avoiding private
information from these cards to be directly stored on
the smartphone. By using this mechanism, a token,
that corresponds to the virtual information of the card,
is used to initiate the transaction, being this
information forwarded to the cloud, where the real
card information is retrieved to finish the purchase.
The Samsung Pay (Samsung, 2015) has been
developed for Samsung devices (Android) and allows
consumers to make payments through NFC or
Magnetic Secure Transmission (MST) technologies
(allows payments to be made using older POS). On
both cases, payments have to be authorized through
fingerprinting or PIN codes. The whole payment
system is based on a tokenization mechanism, which
allows private card information to be replaced by a
ICE-B 2017 - 14th International Conference on e-Business
token during the whole payment process between the
consumer and the merchant.
These wallets are mainly focused on mobile
payments and on the loyalty cards usage. However,
there are other applications in the market that can be
used for identification or ticketing purposes. The
MEO CardMobili (MEO, 2014) allows the
management of MEO services, and aggregates
identity, loyalty, and discount cards. To add those
cards, the user has to introduce the card number
manually and scan its bar code if it has one. To use
the cards, users have to show them on their
smartphones to the merchants, without any
automatized process. The m.Ticket application (NOS,
2015) is intended to allow people to buy cinema
movie tickets for the NOS theatres, with the tickets
being forwarded to the users through SMS. To
validate their entrance in the theatre, the users have to
pass their smartphones with the received SMS and
validity code on a terminal on the entrance of the
theatre room.
By analysing the state of the art, it is noticeable
that no mobile solution provides a holistic wallet
experience (with payments, identification, ticketing,
marketing items) for the main mobile OS, with more
than one communication protocol.
For the purpose of this project we are using an action
research methodology, iterative and user-centered.
We are planning three iterations of the methodology,
related with three releases of prototypes iteratively
improved accordingly to research. The first iteration
starts with the combination of an applied research
with user-centered techniques, having as results the
requirements of the system (presented on this paper)
and a first functional prototype of weWallet. The
second iteration starts with a user-centered evaluation
of the former prototype, which will feed the applied
research to be done accordingly to its results. The aim
is to use users and stakeholders to confirm and adapt
the preliminary requirements gathered, now using a
hands-on prototype. The result of the applied research
of this iteration is a second prototype, more adapted
to the user’s perspective and to the project objectives.
The final iteration starts once more with the
evaluation of the preceding prototype, now in a real-
world setup. The goal is to use the results of this
evaluation to perform a final applied research, which
will end with a pilot of the system ready for running
on a real setting for a significant period of time.
Articulated with the user-centered approach, all the
iterations have the objective of measuring and
increasing the security, performance, scalability and
abstraction of the system (which is intended to be
applied in businesses of several types and
dimensions, and inherently with unique needs).
This paper shows the main results of the first
iteration of the research methodology, compiled on a
functional architecture that provides an overview of
the requirements and will guide the forthcoming
efforts. In this sense, for the applied research we have
performed a profound state of the art research on (i)
digitization flows of physical wallets for payments,
identification, ticketing and items of costumer
engagement/marketing; (ii) devices and technologies
for communication between mobile wallet owners
and place owners; (iii) current mobile wallets features
and interaction mechanisms; (iv) current solutions for
place owners’ in the management of mobile wallets;
(v) Cloud infrastructures and backend mechanisms
for supporting mobile wallet ecosystems (including
architecture, security, processing performance and
information systems’ needs). The applied research
included hands-on testing with current solutions and
technologies, as well as the testing of preliminary
technical possibilities.
In what concerns the techniques applied on the
user-centered research, is has been performed a
focusgroup and a questionnaire with potential mobile
wallet owners, and a set of 6 individual interviews
with potential place owners. The focusgroup and the
questionnaire were made in one session with 15
participants with distinct levels of experience
regarding mobile applications and mobile wallets
from different professional and demographic
characteristics, 10 males, and 5 females, aged from 25
to 50 years old guarantying a closer analysis to
different types of users that might interact with the
wallet in a real-world scenario. The session consisted
on three main phases: (i) the presentation of the
project and an introduction of the main mobile wallets
currently on the market, combined with an open
discussion regarding the good aspects of these
systems and of their limitations; (ii) a focusgroup
oriented for gathering scenarios of use of a holistic
mobile wallet in the context of payments,
identification, ticketing and marketing; and (iii) the
questionnaire, filled at the end of the session. The
questionnaire comprised 17 multiple-choice
questions with an open alternative, and had the goal
of gathering the individual perspective of the
potential mobile wallet owners. The focusgroup has
been recorded (video and audio) and its results
transcribed, categorized and measured for allowing
its analysis.
Requirements Elicitation for a Holistic Mobile Wallet Ecosystem
The interviews with place owners were held
individually, in order to consider their different
professional areas. Each session had the duration of
30 minutes, where issues related with payments,
ticketing and identification through mobile devices
were discussed. The first set of interviews was
performed with 4 place owners: (i) a responsible from
a tourism office that provides information about the
city and sells tickets for transports and public
attractions; (ii) a restaurant owner; (iii) a place owner
that manages multiple service provisioning; (iv) a bar
owner. After this first set, another stakeholder
approached our company, volunteering to provide
context and real world scenarios for the project. This
stakeholder owns a renown Portuguese winter sports
resort, and feels considerable efficiency problems on
payments, identification, ticketing and marketing that
fit the scope and goals of the weWallet project. In this
sense, were performed 2 more interviews: one with
the resort owner, focusing business goals and vision
regarding the use of mobile wallets at his place and
the second with the administrator of the resort, where
he showed operational needs, problems and
restrictions. The 6 interviews allowed to understand
the place owner’s perspective, assuring abstraction
regarding business areas and dimensions.
On the next section, we show the key findings,
which are summarized by the functional architecture
of the system.
As introduction to this section, which will have the
form of explanation of the requirements for a
holistic mobile wallet per area (payments,
identification, ticketing and marketing), our user-
centered studies confirmed that despite the
recognized advantages of mobile wallets, the current
solutions do not fulfil the users’ needs. All the
participants (Wallet Owners and Place Owners) see
advantages on these systems, but only one Wallet
Owner (6,7%) mentioned to have a mobile wallet
application installed on his smartphone, which just
works for one restaurant brand, for gathering points
to get discounts in future meals. The remaining
participants (93.3%) mentioned that they didn’t
have a mobile wallet installed because they never
needed it. Place Owners demonstrated that the
friction on the adoption of these kind of services
comes from the low adaptation on the current
solutions to their needs, the small number of users
of this kind of systems and the current safety
concerns users have. These findings confirmed the
challenges in hands. On the next subsections, we
will describe the requirements gathered, which are
summarized and depicted on Figure 1.
4.1 Personas and Key System Concepts
Our studies revealed that to assure the abstraction
and the scalability of the mobile wallet ecosystem in
different areas of application (restaurants, resorts,
stores, public transports, corporate facilities,
summer festivals and others) and for different
business sizes, it has to consider the following
personas: (i) Wallet Owner: the persona that has the
mobile wallet application installed on the
smartphone, and is able to use it for payments and
management of receipts, personal identification,
buying and managing tickets of several types,
receiving and managing items of customer
engagement, such as loyalty programs or coupons.
The demography of this persona is very broad,
basically anyone with a smartphone; (ii) Place
Owner: the persona responsible for the business with
which the mobile wallet owner interacts, being
interested on the system business metrics (data
visualization, business performance notifications
and other management features), on managing the
system modules and on managing the employees’
performance and permissions on the system. This
persona has permissions to do everything that the
Place Manager and Place Controller do. The
businesses scope (places that a Place Owner may
own) is defined by any place that involves
payments/money transfer, user’s identification,
ticketing or marketing; (iii) Place Manager: the
operator responsible for interacting with the wallet
owner in payments, identification, ticketing and
marketing; (iv) Place Controller: the operator that
confirms/validates wallet owner’s ID or the
permission for those personas to be on a specific
As key concepts for ensuring the encompassing
of different types and dimensions of businesses, we
found that the system needs to be prepared to have
representation of: (i) Brands: group of places from
the same company (ex: set of restaurants or hotels
from a group; set of facilities from a company or
public corporation, or other); (ii) Places: a specific
place, like a store, office, restaurant, cinema, mall,
football stadium, or other; (iii) Spots: a specific spot
on a place, for example a specific corridor, the
entrance, the spot nearby a specific Nike shoes.
On the next subsections, we present the system’s
requirement findings organized per functional area.
ICE-B 2017 - 14th International Conference on e-Business
4.2 Mobile ID
On Figure 1 is possible to see that a Wallet Owner
will have the possibility of presenting a mobile ID,
feature valued by 93.3% users, to be used in
scenarios of corporate ID, insurance ID, or others
like gym ID, or library ID. The mobile wallet ID will
be composed by a fixed and a variable component.
The fixed part will be similar to the citizen card and
have personal info like the name, fiscal number,
email, photo, address, phone number and birth date.
This information will be extended with data related
with the users’ relation with each Brand, like the ID
of the person on that Brand.
The Wallet Owner will be able to present the
mobile ID in two forms: active or passive. For the
active presentation of ID, the Wallet Owner selects
that option, inserts the security PIN or fingerprint,
and the system generates and presents a QR Code
and activates the NFC for transmitting his ID from
his mobile wallet to the Place Manager application
(which may be just a reader that activates the
opening of a physical barrier on clearance, p.e. a
door). When no digital communication of
information is required, the Wallet Owner can
present his ID on the smartphone screen in a format
like regular cards (which we call weWallet ID card).
When the Wallet Owner leaves the ID screen or the
smartphone enters in standby mode, the ID stops
being transmitted. The personal mobile ID info is
securely stored on the persons’ devices to allow
offline presentation of ID, and at the Cloud, to allow
the recovery of a lost/stolen wallet (feature valued
by 73.3% of the potential Wallet Owners). The
passive presentation of ID is when the user
authorizes his mobile wallet to send automatically
his ID after receiving specific BLE signals. Using
BLE beacons broadcasting a signal on specific
spots, the mobile wallet will send the users’ ID to
the Cloud infrastructure. This data that may be used
for marketing matters, for corporate ID and others.
Place Managers and Place Controllers, will be
able to read wallet owners’ ID on their mobile
devices, using an NFC tap or reading the QR Code.
Both users will need to check-in on a specific spot
when logging in, in order to record the location of
the action performed. Place Managers will also be
able to do access management, namely granting
access to specific places to Wallet Owners.
Place Owners will be able to see, on a web
application, dashboards characterizing the Wallet
Owner’s patterns of behaviour, namely entrances,
exits, passing on a specific spot, and others, per
wallet owner or segment of wallet owners. This
actor will also be able to manage the places and
spots, meaning, creating and managing new
places/spots by identifying the related location and
Figure 1: weWallet Functional Architecture.
Requirements Elicitation for a Holistic Mobile Wallet Ecosystem
4.3 Mobile Payments
Mobile payments are the most common features of
current mobile wallets. On our studies, 73.3% of the
potential Wallet Owners recognize advantages on
mobile payments of low value (<20€), and 60% on
higher values, mainly related to the convenience.
However, the majority still finds issues related to the
security and to the lack of vendors that allow
payments through mobile wallets, which harms the
added value of current solutions.
Our approach will differ from the current systems
by the possibility of payments using several channels
of communication between wallet owner and place
owner, by the seamless integration of all the elements
on the wallet, by the abstraction regarding the mobile
OS, and by the possibility for the Wallet Owner to
perform payments being offline.
In general terms, we have found that the flow of
dematerialization of payments in mobile wallets has
3 main stages: (i) The charge of the wallet balance;
(ii) The payment/money transfer from the Wallet
Owner to a Brand; (iii) The transfer of the weWallet
balance of the Place Owner to his bank account.
For the first stage, on our study, 85,7% of the
potential mobile wallet owners assumed that the
integration of the mobile wallet with PayPal would be
the best solution for charging the balance (as well as
for redeem it). As reasons for this choice, the
participants mentioned that PayPal is a well-accepted
and secure system that users already know and trust.
An alternative suggested by 46,67% of the
participants is to aggregate a credit card to the mobile
wallet account, solution mentioned to be interesting,
especially after the weWallet system gains the trust of
the users. In this sense, as can be seen on Figure 1, the
system will integrate PayPal as a solution to the safety
concerns that exists on other wallets (as mentioned
above users already trust this platform) and credit
card services for the charging of the mobile wallet. It
is also shown that the wallet owner solution connects
directly with these systems, which happens to assure
the security of the solution (we will not store any
confidential bank information from the wallet owners
on our systems). The personal bank information will
be stored locally using the Secure Element of the
mobile device. At our Cloud infrastructure, we only
store information about the balance and money
transfers, for allowing offline payments and for the
locking of balance when needed.
The balance transfer (payment) between a Wallet
Owner and a Place Owner (or its Brand) can be done
using NFC or QR Code, or directly (online) when
purchasing a mobile ticket. On in-store payments,
articulated with the billing system (with which we
integrate case by case), the Place Owner application
generates a QR Code and an NFC signal for the wallet
owner to read accordingly to the communication
protocol available on his device, and transfer the
related balance. This operation has to be authorized
using the mobile device security pattern, fingerprint
or PIN. After the balance transfer, the place owner is
notified and launches the related receipt, which is
stored in the Wallet Owner account (at the Cloud) and
is possible to be retrieved by this persona anytime
The Place Owner has available one dashboard
showing the patterns of income using mobile wallets
per place or spots and per product or service
(including mobile tickets). This persona has also the
possibility of transferring the money from the system,
which can be made by the transfer of the balance to
his PayPal account (and then to his bank account).
4.4 Mobile Ticketing
On the questionnaire filled by potential wallet
owners, 93.3% mentioned the management of tickets
on mobile wallets to be a valuable feature.
From the analysis of the interviews with Place
Owners we identified three types of mobile tickets: (i)
Entrance (with time constrains and possible multiple
uses): tickets for entering on shows, summer festivals,
cinemas, football stadiums, thematic parks or others.
These tickets validity can be associated with a time
frame or with the first presentation of the ticket. (ii)
Exchange for product or service (without time
constrains but with a validity date): tickets that can be
exchanged by a meal or a drink (p.e. in events that do
not want to have money circulation), or by services,
like a car wash, a training class or a night at a hotel.
(iii) Renting equipment (with time constrains and
possible weWallet balance lock): this type of tickets
allows the Wallet Owner to rent an equipment made
available by a Place Owner. Examples of equipment
to be rented are bikes in city centers or ski material in
winter resorts. The rent of an equipment may obligate
to a value lock on weWallet balance to assure the
return in good conditions.
From the scenarios obtained on the studies, the
Place Owners should be able to manage the ticketing
system, creating and submitting tickets (including the
number available), see the list of tickets of type (iii)
pending (with equipment not returned in the due
period) and act regarding that (p.e. notify wallet
owner). This user is also able to see a dashboard that
shows the patterns of the selling and of the use of the
ICE-B 2017 - 14th International Conference on e-Business
tickets with historic data and forecasts based on prior
The Wallet Owner is able to see the list of tickets
available, apply filters accordingly to preferences,
buy tickets with weWallet balance, and present the
tickets using QR Code or NFC to a Place Manager or
a Place Controller (online or offline). In the case of
the need of a balance lock (rental of equipment), the
Wallet Owner is notified at the moment of purchase
and of the use of the ticket, and the acceptance of that
lock is asked and confirmed by the submission of the
security PIN or fingerprint.
The Place Manager validates the tickets of types
(ii) and (iii) and registers its use. This user also
registers the return of the equipment (ticket of type
(iii)) and the system unlocks the Wallet Owner
balance regarding the delivery of the equipment.
Regarding the Mobile Ticketing group of features, the
Place Controller is responsible for the validation of
tickets of type (i), entrance in events or transports.
4.5 Mobile Marketing and
The ubiquity of mobile technologies on people lives
gives place owners the opportunity to get closer to
their target customers.
Our findings show that place owners are aware
and value considerably mobile marketing and
gamification features to promote costumers’
engagement in a mobile wallet context. All referred
that they would use frequently the weWallet system
to perform targeted marketing (campaigns directed to
segments of consumers) and that they would try to
change their current costumer engagement system, of
loyalty cards or discount coupons to equivalent
mobile wallet items.
In this sense, for what concerns an integrated
Mobile Marketing and Gamification system, Place
Owners shall be able to: (i) Manage targeted mobile
marketing campaigns, for specific in-situ delivery of
content (using the spots’ sensors) or for delivery
anywhere accordingly to rules established; (ii) Define
the Gamification system: as type of gamification
system we make available loyalty cards, ranks and
coupons, for which the Place Owners can define the
rules of application. These rules consist on
mechanisms that will be automatically applied
integrated with the remaining system (identification,
payments or ticketing) accordingly to the Wallet
Owners’ actions on the interaction with the Brand,
Place or Spot. (iii) Analyse the efficacy of the
marketing campaigns through dashboards with the
following KPI’s: Number of deliveries; Number of
content visualizations; Number of conversions or
purchases. All the KPI’s may analysed per costumer
segment and per period with different granularities,
and may be analysed using a customer funnel of
engagement representation to understand where the
campaigns are less effective.
The Place Owner can grant permissions to
perform these actions to the Place Manager.
The participants on the Wallet Owner user-
centered studies referred to be very interested on the
digitization of the items of brand engagement. 93.3%
referred to prefer digital loyalty cards and coupons on
a mobile wallet to the physical current alternatives,
and some mentioned the ease of use and the possible
decision support for remembering when to use these
items as reasons. However, 73.3% of the participants
had privacy concerns regarding the user profiling
needed for the targeted marketing campaigns, namely
the use of their personal data on digital sources like
social networks. Specifically, the results of our
research regarding marketing and gamification issues
suggest that Wallet Owners shall have the following
features on weWallet: (i) Manage the relation with
different Brands or Places, for the purpose of
costumer engagement items (loyalty cards, ranks and
coupons), having the option of being open to
campaigns of Brands with which they are not related
but are related with their preferences; (ii) Manage the
preferences for targeted marketing campaigns; (iii)
Manage the decision support system regarding
marketing items, defining if and when they want to be
remembered of using them, or if they want to receive
recommendations of Brands / Places regarding their
preferences and location. (iv) Receive targeted
marketing campaigns.
Our studies confirmed that despite the interest and the
recognition of advantages of digital mobile wallets
from the part of Wallet Owners and Place Owners, the
current solutions still do not fulfil their needs. On this
paper, we described the elicitation of requirements for
a holistic digital mobile wallet, based on the
combination of applied research with user-centered
techniques. Our approach to face the current
challenges is based on the reduction of fragmentation
of mobile wallet services and on the abstraction
regarding mobile OS and communication interfaces.
This approach aims to provide a closer digital
substitute to nowadays physical wallets, increasing
Requirements Elicitation for a Holistic Mobile Wallet Ecosystem
the perceived added value for Wallet Owners, and to
optimize the number of potential users of the system,
increasing the perceived added value for Place
For future work, we will build the first prototype
based on the requirements defined, and will invite
end-users to evaluate it. We plan to do 3 iterations of
the action research methodology, with the phases of
research, development of prototype and evaluation
(which feeds the next iteration). On the last iteration,
the final prototype will be deployed in a resort of
winter sports for an operational pilot with the duration
of one month.
This work is part of the weWallet project, co-funded
by COMPETE/P2020/EU, in the context of the
Portuguese Sistema de Incentivos à I&DT
Empresarial (project 010463).
We would like to sincerely thank all the participants
of the sessions of user-centered design, namely from
Parkurbis and Turistrela.
Apple Inc. (2014) Apple Pay. Available at: (Accessed: 21
February 2017).
European Payments Council (2014) EPC White Paper
Mobile Wallet Payments. Available at:
(Accessed: 23 February 2017).
Forrester Research (2015) The Future Of Mobile Wallets
Lies Beyond Payments. Available at:
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ICE-B 2017 - 14th International Conference on e-Business