Analysis of Intrusion Detection Systems in Industrial Ecosystems
Juan Enrique Rubio, Cristina Alcaraz, Rodrigo Roman and Javier Lopez
Lenguajes y Ciencias de la Computaci
on, University of M
alaga, Spain
SCADA, Industrial Control, Intrusion Detection, Industry 4.0.
For an effective protection of all the elements of an industrial ecosystem against threats, it is necessary to
understand the true scope of existing mechanisms capable of detecting potential anomalies and intrusions. It
is the aim of this article to review the threats that affect existing and novel elements of this ecosystem; and to
analyze the state, evolution and applicability of both academic and industrial intrusion detection mechanisms
in this field.
Control of industrial environments through systems
such as SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Ac-
quisition) is now present in most critical infrastruc-
tures (e.g. power grids, nuclear plants or transport
systems). These control systems allow remote and
real-time access to devices that govern the production
cycle, whether they are controllers such as PLC (Field
Programmable Logic Controllers), or RTU (Remote
Terminal Units). Traditionally, SCADA systems and
industrial networks had to be isolated from other en-
vironments. However, at present, we are dealing with
the interconnection of SCADA systems for the stor-
age of data or the outsourcing of services, as well as
a standardization of the software and hardware used
in control systems. Consequently, there has been a
substantial increase in security risks (Xu et al., 2014)
based on new specific threats operating under differ-
ent threat modes (Cazorla et al., 2016).
A solution to mitigate these effects is the provi-
sion of awareness-based approaches (e.g. situational-
awareness (Alcaraz and Lopez, 2013)), which help
to provide the necessary tools to favor the detection
and response to attacks and/or anomalies (Xu et al.,
2014). Many of these anomalies arise from conflicts
or security breaches due to interoperability issues,
probably caused by multiple communication and con-
trol protocols (Alcaraz and Zeadally, 2013). For ex-
ample, in the literature it is possible to find proto-
cols working in Ethernet and TCP/IP, such as Ether-
net/IP, Ethernet POWERLINK, from fieldbus proto-
cols (eg HART, wirelessHART, etherCAP, IO-Link)
CANopen, PROFINET, Modbus / TCP or HART / IP.
In addition to these, there are others designed for the
management and control of all industrial equipment,
such as the CIP, OPC UA, and MTConnect protocols,
without forgetting existing, open source alternatives
such as Woopsa or REST-PCA. This complexity is
further compounded by new communication infras-
tructures (e.g. IoT or cloud computing) along with
their specific digitization services for managing mul-
tiple types of data, as well as the integration of new
resources and services within the so-called Industry
4.0 (Khan and Turowski, 2016). As a result, a system
can become complex and critical, besieged by multi-
ple threats.
For these reasons, this paper explores the exist-
ing techniques and mechanisms that try to detect spe-
cific threat vectors within an industrial context, with-
out losing sight of the future industrial paradigm that
has started to be applied gradually. This is organized
as follows: Section 2 highlights the threats to which
the control is exposed today. Taking into account this
landscape, Section 3 addresses the search, by the in-
dustry and academia, for defense techniques suitable
for intrusion detection systems in these critical envi-
ronments, as explained in Sections 4 and 5, respec-
tively. Finally, Section 6 discusses the application
of these mechanisms in practice, and the conclusions
drawn are presented in Section 7.
2.1 Traditional Threats in IS and ICS
The threat model that can be applied to the elements
of traditional industrial control elements (PLCs, in-
Rubio, J., Alcaraz, C., Roman, R. and Lopez, J.
Analysis of Intrusion Detection Systems in Industrial Ecosystems.
DOI: 10.5220/0006426301160128
In Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2017) - Volume 4: SECRYPT, pages 116-128
ISBN: 978-989-758-259-2
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
dustrial communication protocols, IT elements) is
highly diverse (Federal Office for information Secu-
rity, 2016)(ICS-CERT, 2016). For the purposes of our
analysis, the attack vectors that affect these elements
can be classified following the taxonomy given by
the IETF standard-7416 (Tsao et al., 2015), in which
the threats are grouped according to the attack goals
against the minimum security services (Alcaraz and
Lopez, 2010) such as availability, integrity, confiden-
tiality and authentication.
Availability Threats. apart from the typical sub-
traction of devices (e.g. PLC and RTU) or com-
munication infrastructures, it is essential to highlight
the threats related to (distributed) denial of services
((D)DoS) attacks, the techniques of which mainly fo-
cus on the routing (e.g. relay attacks, selective for-
warding, grey hole, black hole or botnets).
Integrity Threats. Includes from the typical sabo-
tage of the industrial equipment to the injection of
malware (Moser et al., 2007) to slow down the op-
erational performance, obtain sensitive information,
modify the operation of the devices, etc. These
threats are also related to the alteration of the indus-
trial communication protocols and/or the real traffic
values produced by field devices, controllers or cor-
porate network equipment. Impersonation of nodes
and spoofing are also be applicable to an industrial
context, due in part to the susceptibility to Man-in-
the-Middle attacks and the existing weaknesses of the
industrial communication protocols.
Confidentiality Threats. Within this category the il-
licit disclose techniques through passive traffic analy-
sis (regarding topologies and routes) and theft of sen-
sitive data (related to industrial process, customers,
administration) or configurations should be high-
lighted. An example of information theft is that
achieved by injecting code in the operational appli-
cations (often webs through cross-site scripting (XSS)
or SQL Injection) so as to obtain or corrupt the control
measurements/actions, the company and/or end-users
privacy, or the security credentials.
Authentication/Authorization Threats. The au-
thentication in this point includes those attackers that
generally try to escalate privileges by taking advan-
tage of a design flaw or vulnerability in the software
in order to gain unauthorized access to protected re-
sources. In order to carry out these attacks, attack-
ers need to apply specific social engineering tech-
niques (e.g. phishing attacks, chain of spam letters) to
collect strategic information from the system. Apart
from this, the easy mobility of in-plant operators and
their interactions through the use of hand-held inter-
faces (smart-phones, tablets, laptops) also lead to nu-
merous security problems, probably caused by mis-
configurations or unsuitable access control, both at
the logical (use of simple passwords) and physical
(access to equipment) level.
The exploitation of many of these threats may also
arise in some of the states of an advanced persistent
threat as discussed in (Singh et al., 2016; Chen et al.,
2014): (i) recognition (R) and communication (C)
through social engineering or compromising a third
party such as a provider; (ii) tracking (T) of zero-
day vulnerabilities and execution (E) of remote ac-
tions by previously launching malware and installing
backdoors; and (iv) propagation (P) and information
filtration (F). Stuxnet was the first APT recognized by
the industry in 2010 (Langner, 2011), but later others
appeared such as DuQu, Dragon Night, Flame, Au-
rora, Shamoon or the Mask (Blumbergs, 2014).
2.2 Present and Future Landscape of
Threats in IS and ICS
Besides addressing the aforementioned security is-
sues, it is necessary to envision a set of future security
threats that might appear, especially pertinent when
integrating new trending technologies such as IoT or
Cloud computing infrastructures.
2.2.1 Industrial Internet of Things Threats
IoT interconnects sensors and all kinds of devices
with Internet networks, to gather information about
physical measures, location, images, etc. The Indus-
trial IoT (IIoT) specifically pursues a vertical integra-
tion among all the components that belong to the in-
dustrial architecture, ranging from machines to oper-
ators or the product itself. With respect to security,
the situation is further complicated when we take into
consideration the scarce autonomy and computational
resources that these devices have. Continuing with
the IETF standard 7416 (Tsao et al., 2015), we can
distinguish the following range of threats:
Availability Threats. Comprises the disruption of
communication and processing resources: firstly,
against the routing protocol (Wallgren et al., 2013),
influencing its mode of operation (creating loops,
modifying routes, generating errors, modifying mes-
sage delays, etc.) through different attacks, which can
be directly committed at the physical level through
jamming or interferences. Secondly, against the
equipment itself, including the exhaustion of re-
sources (processing, memory or battery) exploita-
tion of vulnerabilities in the software (as well as re-
verse engineering) that govern control devices such as
PLCs, in addition to running malicious code or mal-
ware: viruses, Trojans, etc. (Sadeghi et al., 2015).
Analysis of Intrusion Detection Systems in Industrial Ecosystems
Thirdly, we have to stress the data traffic disruption,
undermining the functionality of the routers in the
network, causing a lack of availability of certain ser-
vices. It is caused by vectors such as selective for-
warding, wormhole or sinkhole attacks.
Integrity Threats. It means the manipulation of rout-
ing information to influence the traffic and fragment
the network, like a Sybil attack (Zhang et al., 2014).
This becomes the gateway to other attacks such as
black hole or denial of service, causing the routes to
pass through the more congested nodes. The form of
attack includes falsification of information (the node
advertises anomalous routes), routing information re-
play, physical compromise of the device or attacks
on the DNS protocol (L
evy-Bencheton et al., 2015).
Node identity misappropriation can also be taken into
account, opening the door to other attacks that result
in the modification of data of all types.
Confidentiality Threats. Includes the exposure of
information of multiple kinds: firstly, the one related
the state of the nodes and their resources (available
memory, battery, etc.). One way is the so-called side
channel attacks (Zhao and Ge, 2013), where the elec-
tromagnetic emanations of devices leak information
about the execution of certain operations. Secondly, it
also includes the exposure of routing information and
the topology, which constitutes rich information for
the attackers as it enables them to identify vulnerable
equipment. Since this information resides locally in
the devices, attacks against the confidentiality of this
information will be directed at the device, either phys-
ically compromising it or via remote access. Lastly, it
is also possible to have the exposure of private data,
usually collected by wearable devices belonging to
operators within the organization, which can reveal
information about their performance at work or their
location. One attack vector could be the use of social
engineering or phishing.
Authentication Threats. We can highlight the imper-
sonation and introduction of dummy/fake nodes, ca-
pable of executing code or injecting illegitimate traf-
fic to potentially control large areas of the network or
perform eavesdropping. An attack vector consists of
the forwarding of digital certificates used in authenti-
cation protocols or physical or network address spoof-
ing. Escalation of privileges can also be faced as a
consequence of a non-existent or poor access control,
when the attacker can take advantage of design flaws
or vulnerabilities in IoT devices to access protected
resources without authorization.
2.2.2 Cloud Computing Threats
In recent years cloud computing has changed the way
in which information technology (IT) is managed,
through an environment that provides on-demand re-
sources over the Internet with a low cost of investment
and easy deployment. For our work, cloud comput-
ing acquires dual importance. On the one hand, many
organizations use the cloud to provide IoT services,
acquiring sensor data and sending commands to actu-
ators. On the other hand, it is also necessary to take
into account the delegation of certain analysis and
production processes to the cloud, in what is known
as cloud-based manufacturing (Wu et al., 2015). The
ultimate goal of this model is to enable customers to
design, configure and manufacture a product through
a shared network of suppliers throughout its life cy-
cle, enhancing the efficiency and reducing costs. In
summary, these factors make it necessary to analyse
the full range of threats that cloud computing faces
(Sen, 2013)(Sun et al., 2014):
Availability Threats. This category includes the so-
called service theft attack, which takes advantage of
the vulnerabilities and inaccuracies that exist in the
scheduler component of some hypervisors, where the
service is charged considering the time spent running
virtual machines instead of based on the CPU time
in use. This can be exploited by attackers in order to
use services at the expense of other clients, making
sure that the processes of interest are not executed at
each tick of the scheduler. We also contemplate denial
of service attacks: the attacker causes the service to
become inaccessible for its legitimate users. This is
the most serious type of attack on cloud computing,
because of the ease with which it can be carried out
and the difficulties in preventing them.
Integrity Threats. The most important one comes
with a malware injection attack, where the attacker
replicates the service instance that is provided to a
client (a virtual machine, for example) and replaces
it with a manipulated one that is hosted again in the
cloud. This means that requests sent by the legitimate
user are processed in the malicious service, and the at-
tacker can access the exchanged data. To do this, the
most common way is to appropriate access privileges
or introduce malware into multiple format files, jeop-
ardizing the confidentiality and privacy of the data.
Confidentiality Threats. Firstly, side-channel at-
tacks with virtual machines must be stressed, in which
the attacker, from his virtual machine, attacks oth-
ers that are running on the same physical hardware.
This allows them to access their resources by studying
the electromagnetic emanations, the processor cache,
etc. This information can be useful in choosing the
most attractive targets to attack. This category also in-
cludes attacks on shared memory systems: they work
as a gateway to other types of attacks such as mal-
ware or side-channel attacks, and consist in analyz-
SECRYPT 2017 - 14th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Table 1: Overview of threats that affect industrial systems.
Threats Traditional IIoT Cloud Comp. APT-states Impact on
Corp. Net. End-users
Availability Subtraction of devices X X E X
DDoS attacks X X X C, E, P X X
Attacks on-path X X C, E, T, F, P X X
Exhaustion of node resources X X C, E X X
Service theft X C, E X X
Integrity Incorrect configuration X X X C, E X X
Reverse engineering
and/or malware injection
X X X R, C, P, E, T, F X X
False data injection X X C, E, P X
Spoofing X X C, E X X X
Manipulation of routing information X X C, E, P X
Confidentiality Sensitive information theft X X X C, E, F X X X
Nodes status exposure
(side-channel attacks)
X X R, C, E, F X
Passive traffic analysis X X R, C, E, T, F, P X X
Infrastructure information exposure
(shared memory systems attacks)
X C, E, T, F, P X X X
AAA Privilege escalation X X X C, E, P X X X
Social engineering X X R, C, E X X X
Deficient control access X X X C, E X X X
Impersonation of nodes
(fake/dummy nodes)
X X C, E X
ing the shared memory (cache or main memory) used
by virtual and physical machines to obtain technical
information about the infrastructure, such as the pro-
cesses that are running, the number of users, or even
the memory dump of virtual machines.
Authentication Threats. The attacker tries to obtain
information from the clients of different applications
or trusted companies by posing as themselves. This
is done through malicious services with the same ap-
pearance as those are normally offered through a link
sent by email. Thus, the attacker can obtain sensi-
tive information from his/her victims by entering their
data, such as passwords or bank cards. This way, the
attacker can illicitly host services in the cloud and ac-
cess accounts of certain services.
A complete overview of the present and future
threats faced by an Industrial System is summarized
in Table 1. Even though most of these are in gen-
eral inherited by IoT and cloud technologies, they also
pose new hazards to be addressed. Firstly, because the
technical constraints that the new devices and com-
munication protocols feature create new vulnerabil-
ities and attack vectors. Secondly, due to the impact
they cause in the assets within the organization, which
comprise control and corporative resources as well as
end-users (e.g., clients or operators). Altogether, this
makes it necessary to find new defense solutions and
tailor the current detection mechanisms, as discussed
in the following.
Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) are a first defense
solution to the wide range of cybersecurity threats de-
scribed in section 2. The objective is to detect unau-
thorized access to the network or one of its systems,
monitoring its resources and the traffic generated in
search of behaviors that violate the security policy es-
tablished in the production process.
There are many methods for performing intru-
sion detection. One possibility is the signature-based
IDS, which tries to find specific patterns in the frames
transmitted by the network. However it is precisely
for that reason that it is impossible for them to de-
tect new types of attacks whose pattern is unknown
(Patcha and Park, 2007).
Another possibility is the anomaly-based IDS,
which compare the current state of the system and its
generated data with the normal behavior of the sys-
tem, to identify deviations present when an intrusion
occurs. However, in the context of control systems,
restrictions such as the heterogeneity of the data col-
lected in an industrial environment, the noise present
Analysis of Intrusion Detection Systems in Industrial Ecosystems
in the measurements, and the nature of the anomalies
(attacks vs. faults) must be taken into consideration.
For this reason, numerous detection techniques
have been based on areas such as statistics or artificial
intelligence (Bhuyan et al., 2014), each with a differ-
ent level of adaptation depending on the scenario of
the application to be protected (Gyanchandani et al.,
Data Mining-based Detection. Based on the anal-
ysis of an enormous amount of information in search
of characteristics that enable distinguishing if the data
is anomalous. In this category we find: Classifica-
tion techniques: creation of a mathematical model
that classifies data instances into two classes: “nor-
mal” or “anomalous”. This model is trained with al-
ready classified example data. Clustering-based tech-
niques: like the previous category, they seek to clas-
sify instances of data but in different groups or clus-
ters, according to their similarity. This is mathemati-
cally represented by the distance in the space between
the points associated with that information. Associa-
tion rule learning-based techniques: they process the
data set to identify relationships between variables, in
order to predict the occurrence of anomalies based on
the presence of certain data.
Statistical Anomaly Detection. In this approach, in-
ference tests are applied to verify whether a piece of
data conforms or not to a given statistical model, in
order to confirm the existence of intrusions: Paramet-
ric and nonparametric-based methods: while the for-
mer are those that assume the presence of a probabil-
ity distribution that fits the input data to estimate the
associated parameters (which does not have to con-
form to reality), the second tries to look for the under-
lying distribution. In general, both are accurate and
noise-tolerant models of missing data, which allow us
to find confidence intervals to probabilistically deter-
mine when an anomaly occurs. Time series analysis:
they predict the behavior of the system by represent-
ing the information it generates in the form of a se-
ries of points measured at regular intervals of time.
Although they are able to detect slight disturbances
in the short term, they are less accurate in predict-
ing drastic changes. Markov chains: they consist of
mathematical representations to predict the future be-
havior of the system according to its current state. For
this purpose, state machines are used with a prob-
ability associated with transitions. Its accuracy in-
creases when using complex multi-dimensional mod-
els. Information based techniques: they involve the
observation of the information generated (for exam-
ple, the capture of the traffic) and its intrinsic char-
acteristics in search of irregularities associated with
threats- packages for denial of service, messages to
cause attacks by buffer overflow, etc. They are gener-
ally efficient systems tolerant to changes and redun-
dancy in the information. Spectral theory-based tech-
niques: these techniques use approximations of the
data to other dimensional sub-spaces where the differ-
ences between the normal and the anomalous values
are evidenced. They are usually complex and are used
to detect stealth attacks, those which are specially de-
signed to circumvent detection techniques.
Knowledge-based Detection. In this case, the
knowledge about specific attacks or vulnerabilities is
acquired progressively, ensuring a low rate of false
positives, thereby resulting in a system that is resis-
tant to long-term threats. However, the security de-
pends on how often the knowledge base is updated,
and the granularity with which information about new
threats is specified. Examples of these techniques in-
clude state transition-based techniques, Petri nets or
expert systems.
Machine Learning-based Detection. This type of
technique bases the detection on the creation of a
mathematical model that learns and improves its ac-
curacy over time, as it acquires information about the
system to be protected. In this category we find tech-
niques of artificial intelligence whose foundations are
also closely linked to statistics and data mining: Arti-
ficial neural networks: they are inspired by the human
brain and are able to detect anomalies when dealing
with a large data set with interdependencies. It allows
the data to be classified as normal or anomalous with
great precision and speed, although they need a long
time to create the model, which prevents them from
being applied in real time systems. Bayesian net-
works: events are represented in a probabilistic way
through directed acyclic graphs where the nodes rep-
resent states and the edges define the conditional de-
pendencies between them. The purpose is to calcu-
late the probability of an intrusion from the data col-
lected. Support vector machines: this is a technique
that classifies the data according to a hyperplane that
separates both classes (habitual and anomalous infor-
mation). Since it works with a linear combination of
points in space (given by the input data), its complex-
ity is not high and its quality of precision is accept-
able. However, it does not behave accurately in pres-
ence of similar data, for which there is no hyperplane
that divides them correctly. Fuzzy logic: rule-based
structures are used to define a reasoning with inaccu-
rately expressed information, like humans do in ev-
eryday language (being able to differentiate when a
person is “tall” or “short” or something is “slightly
cold”). Therefore it models the behavior of complex
systems without excessive accuracy (leading to speed
and flexibility), but obviously it means the accuracy
SECRYPT 2017 - 14th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
of the anomaly detection is not high either. Genetic
algorithms: they simulate the phenomenon of natural
selection to solve a complex problem for which there
is no clear solution. In the first phase, a set of indi-
viduals of a population is randomly generated (repre-
senting the possible solutions to that problem). From
there, numerous iterations are carried out where suc-
cessive operations of selection, replacement, mutation
and crossing are applied to ultimately find an optimal
solution. Although it is moderately applicable to the
detection of anomalies, it has been shown that it is
unable to detect unknown attacks.
On the other hand, there are also specification-
based IDS (Sekar et al., 2002). The principle behind
them is similar to systems based on anomalies, in the
sense that the current state of the system is compared
to an existing model. However, in this case the spec-
ifications are defined by experts, which reduces the
number of false positives to the extent that they are
defined in detail. State diagrams, finite automata, for-
mal methods, etc. are often used. They are often com-
bined with signature-based and anomaly-based IDS.
At present, there are several types of IDS systems
available on the market. They correspond to the
strategies described in section 3: from more tra-
ditional signature detection systems to more novel
anomaly detection systems and “honeypot” systems.
Most of these solutions are passive (i.e. do not affect
the operation of the system), transparent (i.e. almost
invisible to the existing control systems), and easy to
Table 2 provides an enumeration of the leading
companies in the market that provide IDS services
and appliances. In addition, a short summary of the
main solutions available in the market as of Q1 2017
is provided in the next sections.
4.1 Signature-based Solutions
These products consist mainly of devices that pas-
sively connect to the control network, accessing the
information flow. One of the pioneers in this field is
Cisco Systems, which has a large database of attack
signatures on industrial environments (CISCO Sys-
tems, 2017). Such attack signatures include not only
generic attacks on elements of the industrial network
(e.g. denial of service in HMIs, buffer overflows in
PLCs), but also specific vulnerabilities in industrial
protocols (e.g. CIP Or Modbus). This database is eas-
ily upgradeable, and can be integrated into all Cisco
intrusion detection systems.
There are also other products on the market that,
beyond the detection of attack signatures, provide
several value-added services. An example of this is
the monitoring system of Cyberbit (Cyberbit, 2017).
This system monitors the traffic of the network in or-
der to map existing devices, giving the operator a real-
time view of the elements of a system. In addition, it
is possible to take advantage of information acquired
from the device to identify elements that have known
4.2 Context-based Solutions
One drawback of most products based on the de-
tection of attack signatures and patterns is the lack
of correlation between the detected events, which
could provide valuable information regarding the ac-
tual scope of the attack behind those events. Another
drawback is the absence of an in-depth analysis based
on the context of the system: the parameters of a com-
mand can be valid in a given context, but harmful in
another. As a consequence, there are several prod-
ucts that perform correlation and/or in-depth analysis
tasks which take into account the general context of
the system.
One example of these correlation systems is the
Sentry Cyber SCADA software from AlertEnter-
prise (AlertEnterprise, 2017). It combines and cor-
relates events and alerts from various domains (phys-
ical, IT and OT networks) and sources, with the aim
of providing a complete security monitoring tool for
industrial systems. To achieve this objective, this tool
allows integration with other security tools, such as
vulnerability scanners, SIEM (Security Information
and Event Management) systems, IDS/IPS systems or
security configuration tools.
Another example of in-depth analysis solutions is
Wurldtech’s OPShield (WurldTech (GE), 2017) sys-
tem. OPShield performs an in-depth analysis of the
network traffic, including the syntactic and grammat-
ical structure of the protocols. Through these analy-
ses, OPShield can inspect the commands and param-
eters sent to the different components of the indus-
trial system, and even block those commands if the
administrator has authorized OPShield to do so. Note
that the blocking or not of these commands is deter-
mined based on the context in which they have been
sent. Thus, it is possible to protect the system against
seemingly valid and/or legitimate commands that are
potentially dangerous for the correct operation of the
system if they are sent outside the context for which
they were defined.
Analysis of Intrusion Detection Systems in Industrial Ecosystems
Table 2: Leading companies in the market.
Detection Strategies Leading Companies
Signature-based Cisco, Cyberark, Cyberbit, Digital Bond, ECI, FireEye
Context-based AlertEnterprise, WurldTech (GE)
Honeypot-based Attivo Networks
Control-See, CritiFence, CyberX, Darktrace, HALO Analytics, HeSec, ICS2, Indegy, Leidos
Nation-E, Nozomi, PFP Cybersecurity, RadiFlow, SCADAfence, SecureNok, Sentryo, SIGA, ThetaRay
4.3 Honeypot-based Solutions
Existing solutions based on honeypot systems usually
create a distributed system, through which they col-
lect and analyze information related to the threat or
attack. Thanks to the analysis and correlation of the
collected information, this type of IDS / IPS systems
can be able to identify the type of attack launched,
the (malicious) activities carried out on the system, as
well as the existence of infected devices.
Within the current marketplace, one of the ma-
jor existing honeypot-based detection platforms is
ThreatMatrix from Attica Networks, which is able to
detect real-time intrusions in public and private net-
works, ICS/SCADA systems, and even IoT environ-
ments. Its flagship product is called BOTsink (Attivo
Networks, 2017), and is able to detect advanced per-
sistent threats (APTs) effectively, without being de-
tected by the attackers. The client also can customize
the software images that simulate SCADA devices.
Such customization allows the integration of both the
software and the protocols that are used in the pro-
duction environment. As a result, fake SCADA de-
vices can be made almost indistinguishable from real
SCADA devices.
4.4 Anomaly-based Solutions
As of Q1 2017, there are a wide range of products
that make use of deep packet inspection and/or ma-
chine learning technologies to detect unusual behav-
iors or hidden attacks, of which there is no already
identified pattern. Regarding the deployment location
of these commercial products, most of them operate
on the operational network, accessing the informa-
tion flow through the SPAN ports of existing network
devices. Other deployment strategies exist, though.
Some products, such as UCME-OPC from Control-
See (Control-See, 2017), retrieve system information
directly from the industrial process management lay-
ers. Other products, such as the Smart Agent services
by HeSec (HeSec, 2017), make use of agents that are
distributed throughout all the elements devices and
networks – of the industrial system. Finally, there are
products in charge of monitoring the interactions with
field devices, such as those offered by SIGA
(SIGA, 2017); or even systems embedded within the
field devices themselves, such as those offered by
MSi (Mission Secure, 2017), which are responsible
for examining and validating the behavior of field de-
As for the specific techniques of anomaly mod-
eling and detection, each commercial product makes
use of one or several of them. Some products, such as
UCME-OPC from Control-See (Control-See, 2017),
create a model of the system based on certain con-
ditions/rules. Whenever those rules are not fulfilled
by the system parameters and values, a warning will
be launched. Other products, such as XSense from
CyberX (CyberX, 2017), base their operation on the
classification of system states: if a monitored system
transitions to a previously unknown state, such state is
classified as normal or malicious depending on mul-
tiple signals and indicators. There are also products,
such as HALO Vision from HALO Analytics (Halo
Analytics, 2017), which make use of statistical analy-
Other products consider industrial control systems
from a holistic point of view, and include the be-
havior of various actors, including human operators,
into their own detection systems. For example, Dark-
trace’s Enterprise Immune System (DarkTrace, 2017)
makes use of a variety of mathematical engines, in-
cluding Bayesian estimates, to generate behavioral
models of people, devices, and even the business as a
whole. There are also other products, such as Wisdom
ITI from Leidos (Leidos, 2016), which offer a pro-
active and real-time platform for internal threat detec-
tion. This platform not only monitors system activity
indicators, but also the behavior of human employees.
Finally, it is necessary to point out that the major-
ity of these products start with no knowledge about
the environment or industrial system that they aim to
protect. As such, they need to be trained, acquiring
the knowledge they need mostly by monitoring the
network traffic. Even so, there are some products, like
the suites marketed by ICS2 (ICS2, 2017), that can ac-
quire such behavior offline by loading and processing
a file. The aim of this is to reduce the time required
for the deployment and commissioning of these prod-
SECRYPT 2017 - 14th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Table 3: Evolution according to detection coverage.
Coverage 2013 2014 2015 2016
Field devices 2 - 3 15
Control networks – PLCs 4 8 9 5
Control networks 1 3 3 9
Complete system - 1 - 5
Table 4: Evolution according to protocol analyzed
Protocol 2013 2014 2015 2016
Fieldbus protocols 2 1 2 3
Communication protocols 2 3 10 14
Control & management protocols 1 - 1 1
Table 5: Evolution according to detection mechanism.
Mechanism 2013 2014 2015 2016
Signature-based detection - 3 - 4
Data mining mechanisms 2 2 4 5
Statistical anomaly detection - - 4 5
Knowledge based detection 1 1 2 1
Machine learning based detection 3 3 2 8
Specification-based detection 1 3 2 8
Other mechanisms - - 3 5
Due to the importance of protecting industrial con-
trol infrastructures before, during and after an attack,
the academia has also been paying special attention
to the development of intrusion detection systems for
this particular context. In these systems, all the de-
fense mechanisms described in section 3 have been
integrated to some extent, trying to cover all the ele-
ments of an industrial control network: field devices,
the interactions between the control network and field
controllers such as PLCs, the control network itself,
and even the complete system in a holistic way.
Tables 3, 4 and 5 provide a classification by cate-
gories (according to detection coverage, protocol an-
alyzed, and detection mechanism, respectively) of
the number of articles published in the field between
years 2013 and 2016. Within this classification, we
have included the most relevant articles that appeared
in international journals and/or conferences. This rel-
evance has been measured by factors such as the rele-
vance of the corresponding journal or conference, and
the number of references per article. Due to space
constraints, this section will only provide citations to
those articles that are explicitly mentioned.
5.1 Analysis: Detection Mechanisms
In recent years, all detection mechanisms described
in section 3 have been taken into account. We can
observe in table 5 that research in the field has been
growing over time. We can also observe that the
academia has paid special attention to machine learn-
ing and specification-based mechanisms. One possi-
ble reason is that the elements of the control networks
can behave in a more or less predictable way (Krotofil
and Gollmann, 2013). As such, these elements can be
modeled through various set of rules. It should also be
mentioned that signature-based detection and statisti-
cal techniques are becoming increasingly important –
and successfully applied – in the interactions between
the corporate network and the control network.
Still, there are certain detection strategies, which
will be highlighted here, that are still being studied
only within the academia. For example, several au-
thors are using parameters that have not previously
been taken into account in this context, such as net-
work telemetry. Through indirect or direct analysis
(e.g. via ICMP messages) of the telemetry, it is pos-
sible to detect fake control devices (Ponomarev and
Atkison, 2016), and even discover covert manipula-
tions of the controller device code (Lontorfos et al.,
2015). There are also researchers who have consid-
ered other less traditional parameters within the con-
text of anomaly and intrusion detection, such as the
radio-frequency emissions emitted by the control de-
vices (Stone et al., 2015).
There are also other researchers that incorporate
concepts such as the physical simulation of the mon-
itored system (McParland et al., 2014). This sim-
ulation allows not only to predict the malicious in-
tent of a command, but also to predict an imminent
system failure. In addition, within the context of
specification-based research, there are a large number
of papers that seek to generate the system behavior
rules in an automatic or semi-automatic way, mainly
by analyzing the configuration and system description
files (Caselli et al., 2016).
Besides, there are also other strategies whose goal
is to identify and analyze the most critical elements
of a control network. An example of this is the sys-
tem developed by Cheminod et al. (Cheminod et al.,
2016), which can identify the sequence of vulnerabil-
ities that could affect an existing system by (i) ana-
Analysis of Intrusion Detection Systems in Industrial Ecosystems
lyzing the elements of that system and (ii) analyzing
vulnerability databases such as CVE (Mitre, 2017).
Other research lines provide a support to the afore-
mentioned IDS/IPS technologies from a theoretical
perspective, adopting a reactive policy by means of
recovery mechanisms when topological changes are
detected. Their target is to ensure the structural con-
trollability of the network and achieve resilience (Lin,
1974), this is, the continuity of the industrial pro-
cess and the connectivity between nodes in presence
of attacks (Rahimian and Aghdam, 2013). For such
goal, graph theory concepts are leveraged. Finally,
it should be mentioned that the vast majority of new
signature-based detection systems use, in addition to
the SNORT tool, the BRO (Vern Paxson et al., 2017)
tool to perform their analyses. This tool provides
a modular and extensible framework that allows the
generation and analysis of events through a Turing-
complete language.
5.2 Analysis: Detection Coverage
Regarding the evolution of the coverage of detection
systems developed in the academia, it is worth com-
menting that in 2016 the mechanisms in charge of
protecting the field devices have increased exponen-
tially. The reason is simple: these mechanisms can
detect attacks against the field devices at the very mo-
ment they occur. Direct monitoring is usually done
by extracting the data directly from the sensors and
actuators, either through the machine’s own inter-
faces (Junejo and Goh, 2016), or through a “capillary
network” that monitors the operation of the machin-
ery through several types of external sensors (Jardine
et al., 2016). On the other hand, there are also mech-
anisms that integrate a hypervisor within the control
devices themselves (e.g. PLCs (Garcia et al., 2016)).
This hypervisor is then responsible for reviewing the
behavior of all control programs executed within the
Moreover, in 2016 various researchers have de-
signed novel theoretical architectures whose objective
is to protect all the elements of an industrial produc-
tion system in a holistic way. This is achieved by de-
ploying various detection components, both hardware
and software, which obtain information and process
it at a local level. This information will then be sent
to a central system, which can more efficiently detect
threats that affect several elements of the system in
a covert way. These architectures represent an evo-
lution of the industrial correlation systems defined in
section 4.2 in various ways. For example, certain ar-
chitectures allow field devices to be fully monitored
alongside all other elements of the control system
(Jardine et al., 2016), while other architectures im-
prove the detection of anomalies whose impact is dis-
tributed to all elements of the system (Ghaeini and
Tippenhauer, 2016).
5.3 Analysis: Protocols Analyzed
Currently there are a large number of scientific ar-
ticles that have developed specific detection mech-
anisms for communications protocols such as Mod-
bus/TCP (Goldenberg and Wool, 2013). These works
focus mostly on two strategies: i) defining and detect-
ing attack signatures, and ii) analyzing the behavior
of these communication protocols with the detection
mechanisms described in section 3. However, there
are very few works that have studied the security of
control & management protocols such as OPC UA. It
is extremely important to analyze and protect these
specific protocols in the near future: not only they
are considered as one of the cornerstones of Indus-
try 4.0 (H. et al., 2013), but there are already various
commercial products that currently use these proto-
cols in production environments (Siemens, 2017).
Finally, it should be mentioned that the vast ma-
jority of detection mechanisms that analyze the in-
tegrity of fieldbus protocols are focused on the analy-
sis of wireless industrial IoT protocols such as Wire-
lessHART (Bayou et al., 2016). This is mainly be-
cause an attacker can more easily manipulate a wire-
less network if he has the necessary information: he
can not only inject information from anywhere within
the range of the network, but he can also deploy a ma-
licious element in a covert way.
6.1 Intrusion Detection and Existing
In an industrial control ecosystem, and due to the di-
versity of devices and protocols, there is no single
‘silver bullet’ that can address all potential threats de-
scribed in section 2. Yet it might be possible to com-
bine various solutions to provide an adequate level of
protection. The state of the art described in previous
sections has shown that it is possible to detect threats
against the availability of the system by detecting ma-
licious network traffic and by mapping the behavior
and location of existing devices. There are other de-
tection mechanisms that are specialized in the detec-
tion of integrity threats: either directly, by detecting
the presence of malicious entities, or indirectly, by un-
SECRYPT 2017 - 14th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
covering the attacks and side effects caused by such
entities. Finally, various techniques, such as in-depth
traffic analysis, anomaly-based detection, and user
monitoring can help in the detection of malicious in-
siders that bypassed the AAA infrastructure.
There are still certain aspects that require of more
research and validation. For example, any attack that
aims to passively extract information from the system
(i.e. data exfiltration) can create anomalous traffic that
might be flagged by anomaly detection systems (Liu
et al., 2009). However, most industrial-oriented de-
tection systems have been more focused on detecting
other kind of anomalous traffic, such as DoS attacks
and malware patterns. Another open issue is the iden-
tification of misconfigured services and other proac-
tive defense mechanisms, whose designs are limited
due to the critical nature of the monitored system.
Moreover, other aspects related to the integration
of technologies such as IIoT and cloud computing
must be carefully considered. Regarding IIoT threats,
while there are various detection systems that are spe-
cialized in analyzing IIoT protocols such as Wire-
lessHART, it is still necessary to expand this cover-
age to other potential IIoT protocols such as CoAP,
MQTT and oneM2M (Joshi et al., 2017). Besides,
as IIoT attacks can be extremely localized (i.e. at-
tacks using the wireless channel), it is essential to as-
sure that all elements and evidence are properly moni-
tored; making use, if possible, of lightweight account-
ability mechanisms based on granular information in
which it is required to identify what, who and how
these events were launched.
As for the threats that cloud computing faces, if
the industrial system makes use of an external cloud
computing infrastructure, it is mandatory to integrate
various attestation and accountability mechanisms in
order to check that all outsourced processes are being
correctly managed. Even if the cloud infrastructure is
local, it is still necessary to monitor the cloud infras-
tructure itself in order to detect if the cloud resources
are being misused or not. On the other hand, these
resources can also be used by constrained devices
and systems as a means of executing time-consuming
complex detection algorithms.
6.2 Intrusion Detection and the
Industry of the Future
Within the context of the so-called Industry 4.0, the
integration of cutting-edge technologies within in-
dustrial environments is being planned. This will
generate new scenarios and services such as flexi-
ble production lines or predictive maintenance sys-
tems (Khan and Turowski, 2016). However, such in-
tegration will bring new challenges that need to be un-
derstood and overcome when developing threat pro-
tection and detection mechanisms. One of these as-
pects, already mentioned in section 5.3, is the de-
tection of those anomalies that will affect control &
management protocols such as OPC-UA. Another as-
pect to consider is the integration of physical and
virtual processes within the industry, giving birth to
novel services such as the “digital twins”. This opens
up both new opportunities (detection of anomalies
through analysis of simulations) and challenges (con-
trol of virtualized environments).
Another aspect to consider is the assumption that,
in the near future, most Industry 4.0 elements will be
interoperable with each other. As a result, those ele-
ments will become semi-autonomous, able to make
collaborative decisions that could improve various
businesses and industrial processes (e.g. automatic
production line planning). This will make necessary
the development of new detection mechanisms, fo-
cused on analyzing both the behavior of these semi-
autonomous systems and their interactions. Yet these
interoperability mechanisms and principles can also
be used to improve the integration of all devices with
existing correlation systems and other holistic detec-
tion architectures. Finally, the various organizations
that will make up the industry of the future will be
part of a common space, in which producers, suppli-
ers and users will be able to share information. This
implies the need to create safe collaborative spaces in
which to share safety information regarding anoma-
lies that may affect other members of the ecosystem.
There have been significant progress in the develop-
ment of intrusion detection techniques for industrial
ecosystems in the last years. Not only there are com-
mercially available products that integrate advanced
solutions such as honeypot systems and information
correlation systems, but also there are novel detec-
tion mechanisms and architectures developed in the
academia. Even so, it is necessary to move forward in
various aspects in order to completely cover the full
spectrum of potential threats, such as the integration
of mechanisms oriented to protect IIoT and cloud in-
frastructures, the deployment of novel research mech-
anisms in real scenarios, the analysis of certain com-
mand & control protocols, and various challenges re-
lated to the industry of the future.
Analysis of Intrusion Detection Systems in Industrial Ecosystems
This work has been funded by the Spanish Min-
istry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness
through the SADCIP (RTC-2016-4847-8) and PER-
SIST (TIN2013-41739-R) projects. The work of the
first author han been partially financed by the Span-
ish Ministry of Education under the FPU program
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