Software Centric Innovative Methodology for Ontology Development
Santhosh John
, Nazaraf Shah
, Craig Stewart
and Leon Samlov
Training Unit, Middle East College, Knowledge Oasis Muscat, Sultanate of Oman
School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics, Coventry University, U.K.
Keywords: Hybrid Methodology, Ontology Development, Stages, Workflows, Activities, Ontology Development Life
Abstract: Ontologies are mainly used to establish ontological agreements explicitly which serves as the basis for
communication between either humans or software agents. In the aspect of knowledge representation,
knowledge base starts where ontology ends. Ontology Engineering, a branch of knowledge engineering
derived exclusively for the methods, methodologies, techniques and technologies used for the design,
development and maintenance of ontologies. Though ontology engineering and software engineering are two
complementary engineering branches, there exists a significant gap between them in terms of maturity level
and popularity. Absence of effective methodologies eligible to claim the tag ‘standardized’ aimed at
supporting the development of large scale ontologies is one of the reasons behind the gap. This paper attempts
to bridge this gap by proposing a software centric innovative methodology (SCIM) for ontology development
by extending the process models of software engineering with a defined ontology development life cycle
(ODLC).The proposed methodology defines the stages, workflows, activities and techniques for the
development of an ontology regardless of domain in a systematic manner for the practitioners to follow.
Linked data supports the evolution of web where both
data and documents are linked using the structural
model of Semantic Web (, 2017).
Ontologies, in particular, fulfil the requirements for
knowledge representation for the Semantic web.
Semantic web technologies based on ontology have
emerged as an appropriate engineering solution to the
problems of developing systems that ensure the
integration of data from different sources with high
level of interoperability to provide seamless services
to web users.
Ontology is a broad term used for various
purposes such as natural language processing,
information extraction, intelligent search engines,
digital libraries and business process modeling etc. It
is mainly used to establish ontological agreements
explicitly to serve as the basis for communication
between both human and software entities. Therefore,
it is mandatory to reduce the language ambiguity and
differences in knowledge between parties involved to
avoid confusions, errors and inefficiency (Blanco et
al., 2011).Ontology engineering, the branch of
knowledge engineering mainly deals with the formal
principles to build and maintain ontology. This
includes the processes such as development,
management, analysis and reuse of ontologies. The
mentioned processes covers the aspects of methods,
methodologies and the diverse set of tools used for
designing, visualizing, developing, editing and
maintaining ontologies.
Development of an ontology exhibits both
structural and logical complexity comparable to the
development of software systems. However, onto-
logy development is more complex compared to any
kind of software development due to various factors
such as the necessity of diverse tools support, the
requirement of higher learning curve, compatibility
among heterogeneous platforms, dynamic changes in
business needs, lack of performance engineering, and
low failure tolerance etc. Unlike software
engineering, absence of effective and standardized
ontology development methodologies restricts the
development of large scale high quality ontologies
regardless of the domain concerned. Though a few
methodologies provide an engineering approach with
adequate details, most of the available methodologies
lack sufficient details of techniques and activities
employed in them (Iqbal et al., 2013)
John S., Shah N., Stewart C. and Samlov L.
Software Centric Innovative Methodology for Ontology Development.
DOI: 10.5220/0006482901390146
In Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (KEOD 2017), pages 139-146
ISBN: 978-989-758-272-1
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The main contribution of this paper is to explicate
the derivation of a Software Centric Innovative
Methodology (SCIM) for ontology development.
Both philosophical and engineering aspects of the
proposed methodology have been defined inline with
the existing approaches. The proposed methodology
is hybrid in nature in terms of its underpinning
philosophy. The components of hybrid model have
been extended from well proven software engineering
process models/methodologies. In Section 2, we
describe necessity of a novel methodology for
ontology development. The engineering aspects,
background and overview of the proposed
methodology are discussed in Section 3. Section 4
discusses the defined ontology development life cycle
with the stages, workflows, activities and techniques.
The final section concludes the paper and highlights
some future research directions.
A methodology in ontology engineering is composed
of methods, techniques, processes and activities and
may follow several approaches for the development
of ontology. It has been observed from the literatures
that, most of the methodologies proposed in ontology
engineering in the past, lacking the details of
techniques and activities employed in them with
appropriate mapping of underpinning philosophy and
approaches (Fernández-López and Gómez-Pérez,
2002) (N.Foy, 2001) Few of the available
methodologies are influenced by software
engineering (SE) methodologies but failed to map
fully with SE. Since 1995, methodologies such as
KEM, TOVE etc. were proposed by practitioners for
ontology development. However, they are focused
more on the problem or the domain concerned. Unlike
the predecessors, a methodology called
METHONTOLOGY was proposed by Foundation
for Intelligent Physical Agents (FIPA) with the
inclusion of activities and techniques to build domain
ontologies from scratch (Fernandez, 1997). However,
this methodology does not propose any techniques to
carry out the activities in a formal manner.
A software engineering approach, Unified Process for
Ontology (UPON) (De Nicola, Missikoff and
Navigli, 2009) has been proposed for ontology
development based on a rich set of resemblances
between software engineering and ontology
engineering. One of the weaknesses of the UPON
methodology is that it does not target the
development of generic ontologies. It focuses on
ontologies that serve its specific consumers and
automated systems. Moreover, UPON fails to provide
comprehensive details for collaborative ontology
construction aspect (Iqbal et al., 2013). eXtreme
Programming of Knowledge-based systems (XP.K)
(An Agile Development Methodology for
Knowledge-Based Systems Including a Java
Framework for Knowledge Modeling and
Appropriate Tool Support, 2002) has been proposed
as a lightweight agile methodology for the
development of knowledge base systems extended
from Extreme Programming (XP). It follows the
values of XP but generalises the value of
communication to community. Collaborative
ontology development has been highly encouraged by
this methodology as its emphasizes humility. Few of
the additional practices applied to XP.K are Joint
ontology design and pair modeling, round trip-
engineering, testing and constraint testing XP.K is
suitable for the development of ontologies for
knowledge base systems as the additional practices
supports collaborative ontology development.
However, a defined ontology development life cycle
is missing in XP.K. The summary of a review among
major existing ontology development methodologies
based on relevant criterion is presented in Table 1.
The first four parameters used for the review are
reflecting the higher level aspects of concerned
methodology whereas the last four parameters are
specific and technical ones.
Based on the analysis, it has been observed that
most of the existing methodologies failed to provide
adequate details for the techniques employed in them
with a defined ontology development life cycle
(ODLC). Notion of reusability is limited to few
development methodologies. Since ontology
development faces higher learning curve as one of the
obstacles against its growth, we see the scope of an
innovative software centric approach which assists
software practitioners for ontology development can
make a significant difference in large scale ontology
development. The ODLC of proposed methodology
has been defined in such a way to reduce the learning
curve significantly to software practitioners.
Therefore we propose a hybrid methodology
extended from well proven software engineering
process models with a defined ODLC. The proposed
methodology is inclusive of a complete coverage of
employed methods and activities.
The underpinning philosophy of SCIM is the software
centric approach. This has been embedded in a hybrid
model of linear waterfall and iterative Rational
Unified Process (RUP).
Process models have been extended from
software engineering. The engineering aspects of the
Table 1: Review of existing methodologies.
Name of
Mode of
for inter-
Extent of
Life Cycle
Coverage of
methods and
Ushold and
King (KEM)
Stage based No No No
available for
building and
and Fox
Stage based No Yes No
available for
formulation of
y prototype
No Yes No
Abstract level
coverage for
building stages
No Yes Yes
coverage on
and integration.
No No No
coverage on
ontology design
No Yes No
coverage on
ontology design
Yes No No
coverage on
SCIM have been synchronized with existing
methodologies and standards with software
representations for model elements. The engineering
behind the SCIM is the intermediate representation of
ontology milestone deliverables in terms of model
elements. More of software engineering approach has
been applied in the selection of model elements and
techniques. For e.g, conceptual model is represented
in Unified Modeling Language (UML). Formal
model of ontology will be implemented in formal
representation language (e.g. RDF, OWL). The
hierarchy followed in SCIM methodology is stages,
workflows, activities and techniques. Incremental
approach has been applied among the stages and
iterative approach is applied among the activities
within specific workflows. Unlike other software
engineering centric ontology development
methodology such as UPON, SCIM focuses generic
domain ontology development.
SCIM classifies the core ontology development
process into four stages such as Planning,
Conceptualization, Development followed by
Implementation and deployment. SCIM uses UML
to represent the conceptual model in intermediate
representation. This will be an added benefit for
software designers and practitioners who intend to
develop ontology. SCIM follows the approaches of
RUP (Kruchten, 2003) such as Cycles, Iterations,
Phases and Workflows in workflow modeling.
However activities and techniques under each
workflow have been customized for ontology
Figure.1: SCIM workflows and deliverables per phase.
The customized five workflows of SCIM have
been mapped against that of RUP are requirement
analysis, domain analysis, conceptual design,
implementation and evaluation. Initial phase is
focusing more on the pre development whereas the
remaining phases focuses on the development and
post development of ontology respectively.Figure1
represents the customized framework of SCIM with
an abstract level indication of deliverables per phase.
Unlike Software Engineering Methodologies, most of
the existing ontology development methodologies
failed to define ontology development life cycle
(ODLC) with the detailed coverage of employed
techniques and methods. The order of execution of
the ontology development activities are realized in the
ODLC which specifies the set of activities for
ontology development.
SCIM treats stages as the base for the sequence of
workflows. In SCIM iterative approach has been
proposed for the activities within the workflows. Nine
software engineering related disciplines of RUP have
been mapped to five exclusive ontology development
workflows. These workflows were placed within the
respective stages and subsequently activities are
embedded within the workflows. Guidelines for
various techniques to be applied in each activity
mentioned as part of the ODLC. Since deliverables
against milestones are measurable entities, details of
deliverables are proposed against each workflow.
Figure 2 illustrates the abstract view of the ODLC of
4.1 Planning Stage
The ultimate goal of planning stage is to produce a
semi-formal, formal or a mixed mode Ontology
Requirement Specification (ORS). The extent of
formalism varies as per the techniques applied for the
preparation of ORS. In SCIM, a systemized approach
with efficient agile techniques has been proposed for
ORS preparation. Requirement analysis workflow is
embedded in this stage with feasibility analysis as the
sole activity. Unlike other development
methodologies, SCIM proposes agile techniques to
complete the activity embedded.
Figure 2: Abstract view of the ODLC of SCIM.
Requirements Analysis Workflow
Feasibility analysis is the core activity integrated to
this workflow. Feasibility analysis activity covers
requirement analysis by specifying the semantic
requirements of the ontology users. The scope of this
activity includes the identification of scope, purpose,
boundary, intended users and ontology requirements.
The techniques applied in this activity define the
degree of formality of the Ontology Requirement
Specification (ORS). Variation of agile technique
followed by light weight software methodologies
such as Joint Ontology Development (JOD) sessions
will be conducted among users and Domain Expert
(DE) to fulfil the requirements of this activity. Other
agile techniques followed to complete the activity are
storyboarding, usage of competency questions and
modeling of the analysis use cases. Functional and
non- functional requirements of intended domain
ontology are defined during the JOD sessions.
Functional requirements are the domain specific and
they are ones referred to knowledge represented in the
ontology whereas non-functional requirements are
the generic referred to the aspects not specific to the
domain concerned, but should have been satisfied by
the ontology in its realization.
Scope and boundary definition includes the
identification of first level key concepts. Defining
business purpose of the ontology finalizes the
categories of ontology users. During storyboarding,
DE sketches the outline of sequential activities
belonging to a scenario. Usage of competency
questions ensures the availability of aspects that
ontology must answer at its conceptual level. The
competency questions can be used for the evaluation
of this workflow at evaluation stage.
4.2 Conceptualization Stage
Conceptualization stage focusses on the identification
of the domain concepts with their properties and the
relationships. The goal of the conceptualization stage
is to produce a conceptual model. This can be
delivered in the form of a domain vocabulary in its
minimal form. Domain analysis workflow has been
mapped to this stage. The activities embedded in this
workflow are domain vocabulary acquisition and the
enumeration of concepts, properties and their
definition. The deliverable against the completion of
this stage will eventually be a glossary with clear
definition of all the concepts with the details of
properties belonging to them. Techniques proposed
for the activities are survey, extraction of concepts
from documents, concept mapping.
Domain Analysis Workflow
The development of an ontology starts from the
definition of concepts related to the scope of the
domain concerned. The activities embedded are
domain vocabulary acquisition and enumeration of
concepts, properties and their definitions. This
workflow refines the requirements finalized in the
requirements analysis workflow. A more generic
domain vocabulary which includes a finer list of
domain concepts along with the list of properties will
be delivered by this workflow against the completion
of activities embedded in it. The deliverable
mentioned will eventually turns to the final glossary
with the clear definition of concepts.
Domain Vocabulary Acquisition
Classes are the key elements of domain ontologies
which are derived from the domain concepts after
refinement. These classes are derived as a result of
this activity. DE plays a vital role in this activity
based on his/her best knowledge in the domain
concerned. Domain vocabulary is built after detailed
identification of domain specific concepts (classes).
UML representation of design level classes with
attributes is a kind of representation of concept
structure. The more refined domain vocabulary
eventually extending to a domain glossary is built on
top of the concepts extracted from existing domain
specific documents such as reports, policies,
procedures and standards.
Enumeration of Concepts, Properties &
Their Definition
This activity lists the concepts/classes and the
properties of the concepts included in the refined
glossary developed in the previous activity.
Properties are the ones which provide structure to the
concepts and this activity enumerates them which can
be represented as atomic and complex. In formal
representation languages, properties are of two major
categories. They are data properties and object
properties. Data properties describe the property with
its value whereas object properties link an instance of
the concept to another instance. This activity leads to
the derivation of both data properties and object
properties. In a nutshell, the completion of embedded
activities will deliver a well refined glossary on the
domain concerned for the usage of remaining
4.3 Development Stage
This stage is related to the conceptualization stage
and therefore they are interconnected in SCIM
framework. The goal of the development stage is the
transformation of conceptual model defined into to a
semi-formal model. The conceptual design workflow
is mapped to the development stage. The core
activities embedded in this workflow are taxonomy
identification, establish adhoc binary relationship,
add complex restrictions and rules followed by
describe concepts, attributes and relationships. The
activities stated above are generic in nature and they
are applied to the development of domain ontology
regardless of the domain concerned. UML modeling
has been suggested as a technique for the semi model.
As part of conceptual model development, this
stage emphasize on the core elements of ontology
such as concepts, relations, attributes, instances,
constants, axioms and rules. While completing the
activity of taxonomy identification, an ontological
structure to be built among the concepts is identified
as the activity sets a concept hierarchy. The
conceptual model development is not possible to
realize in a sequential manner completely. However,
it needs an order to work with for model
Conceptual Design Workflow
This workflow is associated with the development of
a conceptual model as its deliverable. Taxonomy
Identification, add complex restrictions and rules,
describe concepts, attributes and relationships and
establish adhoc binary relationships are the core
activities in this workflow.
Taxonomy Identification
Once after the glossary of terms gets a reasonable set
of refined concepts, Knowledge Engineer (KE) shall
to work on this activity. It defines the concept
hierarchies of the ontology by building concept
taxonomy. During this activity, concepts are
organized into a hierarchical taxonomy based on the
taxonomic relationships. Hence an ontological
structure is set to refined vocabulary/glossary derived
in the previous workflow. Concepts from the
vocabulary/glossary are organized into hierarchical
structure based on four formal relationships in SCIM.
The four relationships used in this activity are
Subclass Of, Disjoint-Decomposition, Exhaustive-
Decomposition and Partition.
Add Complex Restrictions and Rules
This activity identifies the formal axioms required in
the ontology and describes them explicitly. In this
activity, property constraints can be set which limits
the set of possible values for a property. These
include the value types, its allowed values, and the
number of values that can/must have (cardinality).
Domain and range for a property can be specified
by explicitly stating the possible value or enumerated
values. Besides this, this activity identifies the rules
required in the ontology. The instrument rule table
has been used to record the credentials of rule applied.
Establish Adhoc Binary Relationships
This activity establishes the appropriate
semantic/structural relationships between identified
concepts with respect to the domain concerned.
During this activity, the binary relationship targets to
establish adhoc relationship between the same or
different concepts from the conceptual model
produced in the previous workflow. The adhoc binary
relationships include inverse, transitive, symmetric
and reflexive relationships between the concept
taxonomy. For every adhoc binary relationship, KE
must specify the name of relationship, between the
source and target concepts with cardinality.
4.4 Implementation & Deployment
This stage of SCIM suggests the usage of an
appropriate ontology development environment
(ODE). The selected ODE should support the formal
language representation as the deliverable of this
stage is the well evaluated formal language coded
ontology. Therefore SCIM recommends an ODE
with formal language code generation facility against
the conceptual model. To ensure the correctness of
the aspects applied in ontology development, ODE
uses the reasoner. Implementation workflow has been
mapped against this stage with necessary activities.
Formal language representation and vocabulary
linking with data are the activities integrated with the
Implementation stage.
A sequential flow among stages has been proposed
for SCIM has been defined in the life cycle. Set of
workflows defined briefed in the next session with
integrated activities.
Implementation Workflow
The implementation of ontology requires an ontology
development environment with the capability of
formal language code generation. Protégé has been
proposed by SCIM. During this workflow, encoding
of the ontology with formal language takes place.
Formal language representation and vocabulary
linking with data are the two activities associated with
the workflow mentioned. The expressive power and
Figure 3: Final framework of SCIM.
computational complexity of the associated reasoning
method and the level of acceptance are the core
parameters being considered for choosing the formal
language. Web Ontology Language (OWL)(Steffen
Staab, 2010) is one of the best available formal
languages to encode an ontology even in semantic
web context. KEs are the key role players in this
workflow as implementation delivers a physical
model of the ontology as its output.
The final framework of SCIM illustrates the
consolidation of stages, workflows, activities and
techniques along with indication of the ontology
development team representation. The framework is
illustrated in Figure 3.
We propose a new methodology for ontology
development with the complete coverage of methods
and activities embedded in it. A well-defined ODLC
has been proposed with the details of milestone and
deliverables. Detailed literature review and analysis
of exiting methodologies have been carried out to
assess their limitations. This research attempts to
address these limitations by proposing a novel
methodology. Therefore, the proposed methodology
supports state of the art technology to improve large
scale ontology development. Further to that a
validation will be carried to assess the accuracy and
applicability of the methodology.
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