Generating Appropriate Question-Answer Pairs for Chatbots using Data
Harvested from Community-based QA Sites
Wenjing Yang and Jie Wang
Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts, Lowell, MA 01854, U.S.A.
Question-Answering, Content Extraction, LDA Clustering, Keyword Extraction.
Community-based question-answering web sites (CQAW) contain rich collections of question-answer pages,
where a single question often has multiple answers written by different authors with different aspects. We
study how to harvest new question-answer pairs from CQAWs so that each question-answer pair addresses
just one aspect that are suitable for chatbots over a specific domain. In particular, we first extract all answers
to a question from a CQAW site using DOM-tree similarities and features of answer areas, and then cluster
the answers using LDA. Next, we form a sub-question for each cluster using a small number of top keywords
in the given cluster with the keywords in the original question. We select the best answer to the sub-question
based on user ratings and similarities of answers to the sub-question. Experimental results show that our
approach is effective.
Community-based question-answering web sites
(CQAWs) are rich depositories of information used
by many people. For example, Zhihu, the most pop-
ular Chinese CQAW has attracted over 65 million
users since 2011. Quora, the most popular English
CQAW, has attracted over 120 millions users since
2009. CQAW sites allow users to ask any question
over any subject. To control the quality, only domain
experts are supposed to provide answers to user ques-
tions. This requirement, unfortunately, is not guaran-
teed as in any public forum. Nevertheless, CQAWs
are still rich sources of data in the form of question
followed by multiple answers. In particular, answers
provided by different authors to a given question of-
ten reflect different aspects of the question. As most
questions allow for different perspectives, a human
answering the question would choose one of the pos-
sible interpretations and provide an appropriate an-
This motivates us to harvest question-answering
data from CQAW sites and generate new question-
answer pairs (QAPs) so that they are suitable for chat-
bots. A chatbot is a conversation agent, which mimics
humans to communicate with users using natural lan-
To achieve this, we first extract questions and their
answers from CQAWs. But the data extracted this
way often cannot be used directly by chatbots, for
a question may have a large number of answers ad-
dressing different aspects. Chatbots should not return
multiple answers as search engines typically do.
We have two tasks: (1) Extract questions and their
answers from CQAWs. (2) Construct new QAPs such
that the answer to the question in each QAP is correct,
is reasonably short, and addresses only one aspect.
To achieve the first goal, we investigate the lay-
outs of the most popular CQAW sites, based on which
we use HTML tag similarities of the DOM subtrees
and two HTML features of answer areas to identify
and extract answers. The first feature is the number
of <DIV> tags contained in an answer, and the sec-
ond is the difference of the numbers of <DIV> tags
between any two answers. The first feature is deter-
mined by a large lower bound and the second by a
small upper bound. Based on these we construct a QA
Extractor (QAE). QAE first identifies the questions
from a given question page, and the answer area from
a corresponding answer page linked from the ques-
tion. It then extracts questions and all the answers to
the corresponding question using text densities (Wang
and Wang, 2015) and regular expressions. Experi-
ments show that our QAE system achieves high accu-
racies. In particular, among the six popular CQAWs
we tested, four have F1 scores from 95% to 100%,
one (Quora) has 85% and one (Sina) has 90%.
To achieve the second goal, for each question q
Yang W. and Wang J.
Generating Appropriate Question-Answer Pairs for Chatbots using Data Harvested from Community-based QA Sites.
DOI: 10.5220/0006578603420349
In Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (KDIR 2017), pages 342-349
ISBN: 978-989-758-271-4
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
and the set S
of all answers to q, we use LDA (Blei
et al., 2003) to obtain a clustering of S
. Moreover,
we compute an appropriate number K
of clusters for
each question q, so that each cluster has one focus
with a reasonable size. We then form a new sub-
question for each cluster using the keywords in the
original question q plus a few top keywords in the
cluster. We select an answer in the cluster such that
it has the highest user rating and the highest cosine
similarity to the sub-question. The sub-question and
the chosen answer form a new QAP. Human evalu-
ations in our experiments show that, after removing
spam contents, 79% of the new QAPs make sense.
The reason some QAPs do not make sense is that au-
thors of the answers often include something in their
answers that are not really relevant to the question.
When these answers are clustered to form QAPs, the
answers would seem irrelevant to the original ques-
tion. Finally, we develop a question-answer-pair sys-
tem (QAPS) and an app to display QAPs. We tested
the QAPs over the domain of diabetes we harvested
from CAQWs on a chatbot devised by Zhang and
Wang (Zhang and Wang, 2017); the results are sat-
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: We
describe related work in Section 2 and present our
system architecture in Section 3. We present our al-
gorithms to extract questions and the corresponding
answers from CQAW sites in Section 4, and construct
QAPs in Section 5. We show our experiment results
in Section 6 and conclude the paper in Section 7.
Content extraction from web pages has been studied
extensively, resulting in a variety of solutions. Text
densities (Wang and Wang, 2015) and edit distance
(Reis et al., 2004), for example, are two successful
content-extraction methods for news websites.
We note that in an answer page, answers have sim-
ilar layouts. But other non-answer areas such as nav-
igation bars and lists of recommendations may also
have repetitive patterns. Nevertheless, to extract ex-
actly the answers from CQAW sites, we first need to
identify repetitive pattern regions. We then use unique
features of answer areas to identify answers. Repet-
itive pattern regions can be identified by HTML tag
sequences such as IEPAD (Chang and Lui, 2001) and
Dela (Arasu and Garcia-Molina, 2003). MDR (Liu
et al., 2003) is another method that locates repetitive
regions based on the DOM tree of the page. These
methods adopt edit distance to determine which two
regions are similar. While these methods may be used
for our purposes, we note that the structures of CQAW
pages often topic recommendations, friend recom-
mendations, and other types of noisy data. Using
these methods may lead to poor extractions of con-
Machine learning methods have also been investi-
gated, some of which uses different templates to learn
the most important part of a web page (Yang et al.,
2009) and some of which uses SVM (Support Vector
Machine) to perform shallow information extraction
(Yu et al., 2002). Machine learning methods, how-
ever, are time-consuming with the problem of cold
Most chatbots have a dialog module that manages
the conversation process and determines what to re-
ply to the question asked by the user. Early research
paid little attention to answers that cover different
aspects of the question. We note that one question
with multiple answers that address different aspects
may be harvested to generate multiple QAPs suitable
for chatbots. Therefore, chatbots would benefit from
high-quality QAPs as raw materials, where each QAP
only addresses one aspect. Clustering answers to a
question would be a good start for constructing such
Ranking SVM is a useful method to construct
QAPs based on answer qualities (Huang et al., 2007).
On the other hand, LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation),
after modifications, was shown to offer better cluster-
ing results on shorter text messages (Jin et al., 2011)
for constructing QAPs. HDP (Hierarchical Dirichlet
Process)-LDA (Teh et al., 2005) is a effective method
to compute the number of clusters, which works well
on large numbers of clusters. Based on our experi-
ments, the number of clusters for answers to a ques-
tion is quite small. Thus, we choose LDA instead of
SVM to compute clusterings, and we devise a new
method to compute the number of clusters instead of
using HDP.
Sequential rules and non-textual features based
on CQAW structures may also be used to determine
QAPs (Wang et al., 2009). Machine learning method
have also been used in ranking a answer (Surdeanu
et al., 2008). However, these method may not con-
sider the review of other users, which is a important
feature of CQAWS.
The architecture of our system, shown in Figure 1,
consists of four components: (1) QAE; (2) AC (An-
swer Clustering); (3) QAPG (QAP Generation); (4)
QAD (QA Display).
Figure 1: System architecture.
Given below are brief descriptions of these com-
QAE extracts questions, all the answers to the cor-
responding questions, and user rating of an an-
swer. These are our raw data for QAPs.
AC divides, for each question q, all the answers
to q into K
clusters, where a cluster represents a
particular focus. The value of K
depends on the
answers to q, which may be different for different
QAPG generates K
QAPs, where each cluster
contributes exactly one QAP.
QAD is an app that displays, for each question q,
all the QAPs based on q.
QACW sites typically consist of question pages and
answer pages. A question page displays an enumer-
ation of questions. Each question is linked to an an-
swer page, which displays all the answers to the ques-
tion, with some other information for each answer,
such as the author’s name who wrote the answer, the
time when the answer was posted, and readers’ rat-
ings, among other things. Figure 2 (a) and (b) depict,
respectively, a sample question page and a sample an-
swer page.
Figure 2: (a) Sample question page. (b) Sample answer
Extracting questions from a question page is
straightforward. To extract answers, we must first
identify where the answers are located on an answer
Most CQAW sites use the same template to gen-
erate HTML pages, which have similar layouts. From
Figure 2 (a) we can see that the HTML-tag layouts
of the two rectangles for displaying answers are ex-
actly the same. For convenience, we will refer to an
area for displaying answers as the answer area. Figure
3 depicts the DOM-tree structure of an answer page,
from which we can see that the DOM subtrees in an-
swer areas have similar layouts, and they differ from
the other parts of the page.
Figure 3: DOM tree over the answer area.
A typical answer page contains a list of answers
and other information such as navigation bars and rec-
ommendations (see Figure 4).
Figure 4: A typical answer page.
Most CQAW sites use nested <DIV></DIV> tags
to represent an answer area, and in the most in-
ner <DIV></DIV> layer contains content tags such as
<P></P> and <IMG></IMG>. Moreover, answers are
listed in parallel at the same level in the DOM tree,
and each answer is enclosed in a <DIV></DIV> tag
pair. Assume that the answer area starts at level N.
In the DOM tree of an answer page, the answer area
is in a subtree with the largest number of <DIV> tags,
rooted at a <DIV> tag at level N 1, and the answers
are listed at level N, which have similar structures
pairwise (see Figure 5).
We represent each DOM subtree as a string of
HTML tags by concatenating all the tag nodes level
by level from top to bottom, and at each level from left
Figure 5: Answer area.
to right. We say that two subtrees have similar struc-
tures if the cosine similarity of the two corresponding
tag strings exceeds a threshold. In our experiments,
an empirical value of this threshold is set to 0.9.
Moreover, let NDA denote the number of <DIV>
tags contained in an answer-subtree, then NDA for
any answer has a nontrivial lower bound M. Let
DDAP denote the absolute value of the difference be-
tween two NDAs, then DDAP for any pair of answers
has a small upper bound D.
We note that in a special case with only one <DIV>
tag at level N, either there is only one answer or there
is no answer at all at this point. As we use repeated
pattern to detect the answer area, our algorithm fails
to identify the answer (if there is any) in this case. To
overcome this drawback, we will just need to crawl
the page again when more answers are posted, which
will happen soon if a question attracts sufficient atten-
tion. We note that popular questions often have two or
more answers. In what follows, we assume that there
are at least two answers in the answer area.
Let T be the DOM tree of an answer page. We
identify answers recursively over T as follows: Start
from N = 1, find the subtree T
at this level with the
largest number of <DIV> tags. In subtree T
, look at
all subtrees at level N + 1, and check if there are at
least two subtrees having similar structures, and each
of these subtrees contains at least M <DIV> tags. and
the absolute difference of the numbers of <DIV> tags
of the two subtrees is at most D. We set an empirical
value of M to 10 and an empirical value of d to 5 in
our experiments. If so, then compare all subtrees at
this level pairwise and collect those that have similar
structures such that the corresponding NDA is at least
M and the corresponding DDAP is at most D. This
collection is the extracted answer area. If not, then set
N to N + 1 and repeat the above procedure.
After identifying the answer area, we extract the
answers (text) and the rating (number, if there is any)
of each answer. To extract answers, we will use
the text-density method devised in (Wang and Wang,
2015) by treating each subtree in the answer area as a
web page by itself. We may also write regular expres-
sions to identify the answer area and extract answers.
This approach depends on the structure of a particu-
lar CQAW site, and it is difficult to write a uniform
regular expression suitable for all CQAW sites.
The rating of an answer is a feature of CQAW
sites, which is an indicator of the quality of the an-
swer. CAQWs sites typically list the answer with the
highest rating on the top of an answer page. From
Figure 6, we can see different CQAW sites’ rating
styles. After analyzing a lot of answer areas from
different web sites, for each CQAW we write a reg-
ular expression to extract the ratings. For example,
for the first answer page shown on the top of Fig-
ure 6, the regular expression is ˆ>(.*)Upvotes$, and
for the second answer page the regular expression is
Figure 6: Sample ratings and DOM subtrees of different
After extracting the set of answers to a question, we
use Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) (Blei et al.,
2003) to obtain a clustering of the answers with a dy-
namically determined number of clusters.
5.1 LDA
LDA (Blei et al., 2003) is a probabilistic generative
model, treating each document d having a mixture of
K latent topics, where each topic z is modeled by a
probability distribution over words in the vocabulary
from a corpus of documents including d. LDA pro-
ceeds as follows:
For each word w
in document d:
1. Draw a topic distribution z
with a hyper parameter α
2. Draw a word distribution w
with a hyper parameter β
Here Multinomial(X
X) with parameter p
p represents a
multinomial distribution of hidden random variable
X. It is customary to use Gibbs sampling estimation
to compute a document-topic probability matrix and
a topic-word probability matrix. Each topic corre-
sponds to a cluster. For topic k, the set of documents
that have the highest probabilities under k forms a
cluster of topic k.
5.2 Compute the Number of Clusters
We treat each answer in the set of extracted answers
to a question as a document, and apply LDA to clus-
ter the answers. To do so, we need to determine an
appropriate value of K using the following algorithm.
Initially set K = 2.
1. Run LDA on the set of answers to generate K clus-
2. If there is an empty cluster, then K 1 is good and
3. Select W top keywords from each cluster; namely,
the first W keywords with the highest probabilities
under the topic corresponding to the cluster. For
each pair of clusters C
and C
, if the cosine sim-
ilarity of the top W keywords of C
and the top
W keywords of C
is less than a threshold t
, then
K is good and stop. In other words, we have ob-
tained a clustering where each cluster has a differ-
ent aspect.
4. If there is a cluster such that the cosine similar-
ity of the keywords in each answer in the clus-
ter and the keywords of the cluster is smaller than
a threshold t
, then K 1 is good and stop. In
other words, when the set of answers is divided
into K 1 clusters, each cluster contains an an-
swer that is similar to the cluster.
5. Otherwise, increase K by 1 and repeat the algo-
rithm while K L for some value of L.
Empirically we choose L = 50 and W = 10.
5.3 Generating QAPs
After clustering the answers, each cluster should cen-
ter on just one aspect, and so the original question
would be too broad for this cluster. We would like
to generate a sub-question for each cluster and a short
answer to the sub-question to form a meaningful QAP.
We remark that for a given a database of QAPs,
how to find the most appropriate answer to a user
question from the database is nontrivial; the obvious
approach of using the best matching of the user ques-
tion and an existing question in QAPs to find an an-
swer is problematic. A novel approach to this problem
will be presented in a separate paper.
5.3.1 Generate a Sub-question
In a QA system, a question is often represented by the
keywords contained in it (after removing stop words).
To generate a sub-question for a cluster, we use the
TextRank (Mihalcea and Tarau, 2004) algorithm to
rank keywords and add the top R keywords to the set
of keywords in the original question to form a sub-
question. An empirical value of R is 6.
5.3.2 Choose an Answer
After clustering, we may still have multiple answers
in a cluster. Since answers often have user ratings,
we use user ratings and cosine similarity of an answer
and the sub-question to select the best answer to the
sub-question as follows:
1. Select answers with the highest user rating and
place them in a set U.
2. Select answers with the highest cosine similarity
with the sub-question, and place them in a set V .
3. Choose an answer as follows: If U V 6=
0, select
an answer from the intersection. Otherwise, if the
rating for U is less than or equal to a threshold
T , then we select an answer from V to avoid fake
ratings. If the rating for selecting U is greater than
L, then we select an answer from U. An empirical
value of T is set to 5 in our experiments.
5.4 Displaying
We develop a QAD app to display QAPs. Figure 7
shows an example of QAPs generated by our system.
Figure 7: Sample answer clustering for the question: “What
should diabetes patients eat?”.
Experiments were carried out on a desktop with a 3.5
GHZ Intel Core i7, 16GB DDR3, and Windows 10
operation system. We wrote our programs in Java,
executed with a single thread.
We crawled 500 pages from 10 CQAW sites cov-
ering different topics (see Table 1).
Table 1: 10 CQAW sites.
Chinese CQAW URL
baidu zhidao
sina ask
English CQAW
stack exange
yahoo answers
blurt it
6.1 Extraction Accuracy and Analysis
We chose 50 answer pages at random from each
CQAW site. Let TNA denote the total number of an-
swers included in these pages (the true number) and
ST the similarity threshold to determine if two sub-
trees at level N are similar. Recall that M denotes the
lower bound of the number of <DIV> tags in an answer
and D the upper bound of the absolute difference be-
tween the numbers of <DIV> tags of any two answers.
We measure the accuracy of extractions as follows:
Precision =
Recall =
2 × Precision × Recall
Precision + Recall
where ACE denotes the number of correctly extracted
answers, AER the total number of all extracted results,
and ACR the total number of all answers. Experiment
results indicate that when choosing ST = 0.7, D = 5,
and M = 10, we achieved the highest F
-scores over
both Chinese and English pages (see Table 3).
Table 2: Extraction accuracy on datasets.
precision recall F
Chinese CQAWs 100% 93% 96%
English CQAWs 96.50% 91% 93%
When answer A includes more images or other
types of content over answer B, the answer area of
A will contain more <DIV> tags, resulting in a higher
value of D. We note that setting a higher value of M,
we may filter out more noise, but simpler answer may
have a smaller value of M. To make the system more
accurate, users may modify the values of D and M to
find better values.
Table 3: Extraction accuracy.
CQAW precision recall F
360 100% 90.50% 95%
zhihu 100% 92% 96%
baidu 100% 100% 100%
sina 100% 81.50% 90%
quora 91% 80% 85%
stackoverflow 100% 100% 100%
6.2 Clustering
We choose at random a number of questions from
the domain of diabetes. Let ANA denote the aver-
age number of answers for each question. Denote by
CS the threshold upper bound of cosine similarity be-
tween different clusters over the top 10 keywords in
each cluster, and ASC the threshold upper bound of
the cosine similarity between an answer and the clus-
ter the answer belongs to over the top 10 keywords in
an answer and a cluster, respectively. Different values
of CS and ACS would result in a different number K
of clusters.
We compute the number of clusters for each an-
swer page by requiring that no cluster is empty. The
results are shown in Table 4.
6.3 Quality of QAPs
We randomly choose 50 questions covering different
topics in the domain of diabetes and generate new
QAPs. We ask a number of volunteers with exper-
tise in the underlying domain to label the quality of a
Table 4: Topic number in English and Chinese dataset with
different parameters.
Chinese 105
0.20 0.13 3.2
0.15 0.13 5.5
0.13 0.13 7.2
0.10 0.13 8.5
0.08 0.13 8.4
0.20 0.18 3.2
0.15 0.18 5.8
0.13 0.18 6.6
0.10 0.18 7.2
0.08 0.18 7.8
0.20 0.24 3.2
0.15 0.24 4.5
0.13 0.24 5.8
0.10 0.24 6.8
0.08 0.24 7.5
English 122
0.20 0.13 3.0
0.15 0.13 5.6
0.13 0.13 7.2
0.10 0.13 7.8
0.08 0.13 8.0
0.20 0.18 3.0
0.15 0.18 5.6
0.13 0.18 6.0
0.10 0.18 7.0
0.08 0.18 7.6
0.20 0.24 3.0
0.15 0.24 5.2
0.13 0.24 6.0
0.10 0.24 6.6
0.08 0.24 7.0
QAP “good” if the QAP makes sense, “spam” if the
QAP clearly contains spam contents, and “bad” if the
QAP does not make sense. The results are shown in
Table 5. Our diabetes QAPs data have been used in a
chatbot presented in (Zhang and Wang, 2017).
Table 5: Evaluation results by humans.
Number of new QAPs good spam bad
410 304 25 81
385 (excluding spams) 79% 21%
Spam contents are common in CQAWs. Detect-
ing spam contents, not addressed in this paper, will
be investigated in a future project. We also note that
the main reason for the QAPs to be labeled “bad”
is that most of these answers, even though they are
not spams, are less relevant to the original question.
Thus, the quality of the original question-answering
data is important. One way to improve the ratio of
good QAPs is to dissociate the original question from
these clusters.
We presented a novel method to extract the rich
question-answering information from community-
based QA web sites and generate a large number of
QAPs. Experiments confirm that our method has a
high accuracy of extracting information and a high
quality of constructing QAPs suitable for chatbots.
We plan to investigate the following issues in fu-
ture studies: (1) Improve the ratio of good QAPs by
dissociating certain clusters with the original ques-
tion. (2) Generate an aggregate answer from different
answers in a cluster to a sub-question, instead of just
choosing the best one. (3) Devise a spam detection
mechanism to filter out spams from the data collected
from CQAW sites.(4) Compare the number of clusters
generated by HDP-LDA with the number of clusters
generated by our algorithm.
This work was supported in part by Eola Solutions
Inc. The authors are grateful to members of the Text
Automation Lab at UMass Lowell for discussions.
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