Common Information Sharing on Maritime Domain
A Qualitative Study on European Maritime Authorities’ Cooperation
Ilkka Tikanmäki
Research, Development and Innovations, Laurea University of Applied Scienses, Vanha maantie 9, Espoo, Finland
Keywords: Information Sharing, Authorities’ Interaction, Cooperation, Maritime Surveillance, Maritime Safety,
Common Information Sharing Environment.
Abstract: The most important element of the Common Information Sharing Environment (CISE) is to allow the data
collected by the maritime authority to be available for specific purposes by the other maritime authorities.
Different actors collect data on a number of occasions and CISE allows for cross-border and cross-sector
information exchange. Compliance with the European Maritime Security Strategy and CISE model maximises
interoperability with other already existing and functioning Maritime Safety Authorities’ (MSA) entities. This
qualitative study brings out European Union projects FiNCISE, EUCISE and MARISA together with
authorities’ cooperation in maritime domain. A response to security challenges and improving safety requires
the cooperation of all administrative sectors, other actors, and close interaction. The action of authorities needs
to be more strongly aimed at common goals. Authorities will contribute to a stronger position to act together
culture and a strong commitment to common goals. The challenges are not solvable by a single administrative
sector or a single actor alone posed by the complex global environment. Cooperation insist deep and
committed cooperation between the authorities and other actors.
EU’s Integrated Maritime Policy (IMP) focus on
issues that are common for cross-sector and/or cross-
border. These crosscutting policies are; Blue Growth,
marine data and knowledge, maritime spatial
planning, integrated maritime surveillance, and sea
basin strategies. IMP is a framework with objectives
to maximise the sustainable use of seas and oceans
with intention to increase maritime and coastal
regions growth, to build a knowledge and innovation
base for maritime policy, to improve quality of life in
coastal areas, to promote EU leadership in
international maritime affairs, to raise a visibility of
European maritime, and to create international
coordinating structures for maritime affairs and to
define responsibilities and competencies of coastal
areas (European Commission, 2017).
On 2005 the European Commission forwarded a
Communication on an Integrated Maritime Policy for
setting planned objectives for a Green Paper. On 2006
a Green Paper “A Future Maritime Policy for the
Union: a European Vision of the Oceans and Seas”
was published (Commission of the European
Communities, 2006). Commission of the European
Communities communication COM(2007) 575 was a
proposal for IMP: “An integrated Maritime Policy for
the European Union”. This communication is known
as the Blue Paper and it gives outlines for an
Integration of Maritime Surveillance for enhanced
and coherent sharing of information. The European
Commission published on 2010 a Communication “A
Draft Roadmap towards establishing the Common
Information Sharing Environment for the
surveillance of the EU maritime domain” (European
Commission, 2010a). The objective of the IMP is to
foster coordinated and coherent decision-making to
maximise the sustainable development, economic
growth and social cohesion of the Member States, in
particular with regard to coastal, insular and
outermost regions in the Union, as well as maritime
sectors, through coherent maritime-related policies
and relevant international cooperation (European
Parlament, 2011).
The study concentrates on European Maritime
Authorities' cooperation on surveillance and
information sharing cross-border and cross-sector.
Due to the fact that numerous systems are not yet
interconnected and operate simultaneously, the
authorities shall contribute to a stronger position to
TikanmÃd’ki I.
Common Information Sharing on Maritime Domain - A Qualitative Study on European Maritime Authoritiesâ
Z Cooperation.
DOI: 10.5220/0006582502830290
In Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (KMIS 2017), pages 283-290
ISBN: 978-989-758-273-8
2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
act together culture and a strong commitment to
common goals. The research question of this study is:
How to respond to security challenges and improve
cooperation and interaction between different
administrative sectors?
1.1 Structure of This Paper
The second chapter of this study concerns
methodology used, the third chapter presents the
factors affecting the European Union's maritime
policy, and is divided into sections; CISE program,
EUCISE-, FiNCISE- and MARISA projects and
maritime security-related cooperation FIMAC
organization. The fourth chapter discusses the
findings of the study, and finally the fifth chapter
includes a discussion and conclusions of the study.
The research is qualitative in nature, and the purpose
of the study is to find the entities to examine and to
understand their meanings. The study is a qualitative
study of the characteristic description of the real life
(Hirsjärvi, Remes & Sajavaara, 2007). An inductive
content analysis of results indicates the
generalizations and conclusions drawn from the facts
that emerge from the source material to show
consistency (Alasuutari, 1995). Earlier knowledge
and practical experiences raise the researcher's
preconceptions and the assumed starting points for
concept formation, although the researcher is ready to
overcome it.
Dubé and Pare (2003) claim that Case study
research offers the opportunity to use many different
sources of evidence”. There are weaknesses and
strengths in all case study sources and therefore, it is
advisable to use several sources of evidence in a case
study. The main asset of the case study is the ability
to make different kinds of evidence sources to get
more information about issues than any single
method. (Yin, 2009.) The research material was
acquired by participatory observing, scientific
reports, collected articles, and literary review. The
main sources of the research are the regulations of the
EU's Integrated Maritime Policy, public material
relating to EU projects, a public material of the
Border Guard and theme related Valtonen’s and
Vuorisalo’s dissertations. Participating and observing
project meetings, workshops and discussions with
other participants were beneficial source material.
Observation in data collection method is used in
conjunction with another method because it is
challenging to analyse the material obtained solely
from observation. Observation is a method for
verification of conflicts between the experimental
data and the reality. (Tuomi & Sarajärvi, 2004;
Järvinen & Järvinen, 2004). The observation as a
method allows for the creation of an immediate
relationship in the natural conditions to the
observable objects. However, the presence of the
observer may have an impact on the results, as
observation may cause suspicion, resistance and
abnormal behaviour among the group to be
investigated. (Saaranen-Kauppinen & Puusniekka,
2009). The study was done as a qualitative study
where the results are based on the researcher’s
inference ( Huttunen & Metteri, 2008).
The main guiding factor for the Common Information
Sharing Environment (CISE) mechanism is to permit
that information collected for the specific purpose by
a maritime authority is available to other maritime
authorities. Information is collected multiple times by
different actors and CISE allows cross-border and
cross-sector information exchanges. (European
Commission, 2014a).
3.1 CISE
Currently, there are seven maritime surveillance user
communities, referred also as sectors: maritime
safety, General Law enforcement, border control,
customs, fisheries control, marine environment, and
defence. EU-wide information exchange
environment allows automatic and seamless
information exchange among over 300 public
maritime authorities at EU and national level
(European Commission, 2010a). CISE Technology
Advisory Groups (TAG) gap analysis in 2012
showed that only 30% of the collected and relevant
data to other authorities is shared (European
Commission, 2014b). However, aforementioned does
not mean that there should be one common maritime
picture, but that the authorities should have the
opportunity to form the desired maritime picture for
their purposes.
Test Project on cooperation in executing various
maritime functionalities at sub-regional or sea-basin
level in the field of integrated maritime surveillance
(CoopP) was a test project that investigated needs,
barriers, benefits and technologies for information
exchange. The CoopP project’s aim was to enhance
the development of CISE. CoopP had 31 partners
from ten Member States, seven EU agencies and
international organisations and approximately 40
maritime authorities involved in the project. CoopP
project described three High- Level Use Cases 1)
Baseline operations, 2) Targeted operations, and 3)
Response operations. The baseline operations’
purpose was to ensure the lawful, safe and secure
performance of maritime activities. The aim of the
targeted operations was to react to specific threats to
sectoral responsibilities and to give support to
operational decision making. The response
operations’ intent was to respond to events affecting
several actors, cross-sector and cross-border. During
the project was analysed nine Use Cases. Criteria for
selected Use Cases was to ensure that selected cases
cover all user communities. (Finnish Border Guard,
Policy-oriented marine Environmental Research
in the Southern European Seas (PERSEUS) was a
four-year (2012 - 2015) European Union’s Seventh
Framework Programme (FP7) for research,
technological development and demonstration. The
project’s aims were to develop and test European
maritime surveillance system by integrating existing
national and European level systems, and by
upgrading and improving them and thereby
supporting the creation of CISE. The PERSEUS
Demonstration Project was implemented through live
exercises in Spain, Portugal, France, Italy and Greece.
Exercises showed that legacy systems can
interoperate and the authorities of the Member States
can cooperate seamlessly. (PERSEUS, 2015.)
A European test-bed for the Maritime Common
Information Sharing Environment in the 2020
perspective (EUCISE 2020) project’s general
objective is to develop European maritime safety by
building a common information sharing environment
for the maritime surveillance. The project is
coordinated by Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI) with
40 partners from the European Union and European
Economic Area (EEA). EUCISE 2020 combines
existing control systems and networks and provides
the authorities the necessary information on maritime
surveillance. The objective is to allocate maritime
information to all maritime sectors of the EU and the
EEA in the future. EUCISE 2020 is based on
voluntary cooperation between the authorities
involved in the European maritime surveillance.
EUCISE 2020 is based on existing information
exchange systems and does not replace them. The aim
of the EUCISE project is to share the collected
information with other maritime operators to the
extent that several authorities collect and process the
same information. (EUCISE, 2015a.)
Maritime tracking data, which will be shared
within EUCISE 2020 project partners, include
information such as vessel locations, routes, freight,
maps, and weather and sea conditions. (EUCISE,
2015b.) The pilot project CoopP defined nine
significant use cases. These use cases are used in the
EUCISE 2020 project as they present several sectors
of maritime authorities.
Finnish Maritime Authorities Cooperation (FIMAC)
has its roots back in 1994 when the ministerial
committee for administration development published
a report on the rationalization of maritime functions.
Cooperation parties are; Finnish Transport Agency,
Finnish Transport Safety Agency, Finnish Border
Guard and Finnish Navy. FIMAC’s strategic goals
are; increasing maritime safety, development of data
management and information exchange, international
influence, and joint use of capacity (FIMAC, 2014).
Co-operation promotes risk management and
provides a common sense of awareness for maritime
safety, which makes efficient and flexible use of
public resources. The actors jointly utilize their
experts, information obtained and research data from
sea areas. The common information exchange
environment is developed according to user needs. In
international relations, FIMAC works actively and
systematically to achieve common national goals.
National co-operation will ensure effectiveness in
issues important to Finland. Infrastructure, resources,
expertise, and procurement coordination are
increasingly utilized to improve efficiency and to
minimize total costs. Since the cooperation
foundation, authorities have saved funds over 50
million euros by investments on data transmission
networks, sensors, and radio networks (FIMAC,
Cooperation today is routine co-operation, which
automatically searches for common solutions that
benefit both society and maritime safety. Finland has
always had a desire for cooperation between the
authorities (Luokkala, 2009). The need for
cooperation between the authorities in Finland is due
the limited resources of the public authorities and the
convergence of the authorities’ organizations,
especially on knowledge management (Tuohimaa,
Tikanmäki & Rajamäki, 2011). Even though the tasks
of the authorities are different, there is congruence in
the various tasks required the necessary awareness. In
addition, the tasks and resources of gathering
information can be shared cost-effectively between
the various public authorities.
3.4 FINCISE and National CISEs
Finnish National Common Information Sharing
Environment for Maritime Surveillance (FiNCISE) is
a European Union’s European Maritime and Fisheries
Fund (EMFF) programme. Duration of the project is
two years from November 2015 to November 2017.
The project consortium consists of Finnish Maritime
Authorities Cooperation (FIMAC) that has as
partners; Border Guard, Navy, Traffic Safety Agency
and Traffic Agency. FiNCISE has also as a partner
Finnish Environment Institute to test external services
with other authorities. (FiNCISE, 2015.)
The aim of the FiNCISE project is to support the
cooperation in the framework of FIMAC to create a
maritime situational picture and distribute it to the
cooperative parties to support their activities. Another
goal of the project is to promote the well-functioning
FIMAC operations model in national and
international projects and forums and thus to improve
maritime safety in the Baltic Sea. The technical
objective of the FiNCISE project is to improve the
interoperability of national maritime surveillance
systems across sectors and across borders within the
European Union. (FiNCISE, 2017.)
The focus is system-to-system information
exchange. Specific objectives for FiNCISE project
are to develop a national enterprise architecture
description related production and to share National
Maritime Surveillance Picture (NMSP), Maritime
resource situation picture (MRSP), and other
Maritime Situation Awareness (MSA) information.
FiNCISE expects following operational benefits:
More cost-efficient maritime surveillance and
maritime operations;
Improved data quality, description, system-to-
system sharing architecture, and enhanced
Added value services and advanced
understanding of the maritime situation in
various sectors. (Laaksonen, 2017.)
FiNCISE will implement following technical
solutions: 1) describe an enterprise architecture with
processes, 2) define requirements for a national
solution, 3) define a service channel to connect
databases, 4) produce a description of the concept of
interface solutions to system-to-system sharing, 5)
connects at least one concrete pilot-case from the
legal system to another, both nationally and EUCISE
interface, and, 6) study possibilities to use open
source technology. (Laaksonen, 2017.)
In addition to FiNCISE, there are interoperability
projects ongoing in other member states funded by
European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) and
managed by the European Commission’s European
Agency for Small and Medium Enterprises
(EASME). In Spain, Finland, Greece, Portugal,
Romania, Bulgaria and Cyprus, a total of 10 ongoing
projects are going on in the period from January 2016
to December 2018. The objective of these projects is
to “foster the information exchange across sectors and
borders by supporting the improvement of IT
interoperability between national authorities’
systems” (JRC, 2017).
Maritime Integrated Surveillance Awareness
(MARISA) project aims to provide a more
informative and synthetic information on the design,
development, improvement and testing of new
functionalities, services and co-operation, and to
improve the validity of available information for
decision-making. Data fusions utilize information
from a variety of sources of information, such as
radar, infrared, camera, satellite, AIS, positioning
system, social media, or observation system. In
addition to the numerous sources of information from
the authorities, social media is a mechanism for the
communication of citizens by the public, where
everyone has the ability to be an active observer and
messenger, as well as a content provider in addition
to receiving information. The objectives of the
MARISA project are to: create an improved situation
awareness, support maritime professionals
throughout the life cycle, facilitate cooperation
between adjacent and cross-border agencies and
promote the dynamic ecosystem of users and service
providers, and enable stakeholder enrichment of
situation awareness by integrating their own
knowledge by creating locally enriched status
knowledge and sharing centralized awareness.
(MARISA, 2017.)
Compliance with the European Maritime Security
Strategy and CISE model maximises interoperability
with other already existing and functioning MSA
entities. The MARISA toolkit is designed to
streamline integration with existing and future MSA
operating systems to enable different configurations
and recovery levels. This ensures full compatibility
with the CISE and European policies, facilitating the
interagency interoperability and cooperation, and
thereby allowing each Member State to decide when
and whether or not additional sources of information
are relevant to its operation. (MARISA, 2017.)
MARISA enables Design Science Research
Methodology (DSRM), user-centred methods for
designing and implementing information systems.
“MARISA therefore focuses on taking these benefits
to the next level, while remaining completely
integrated in the current European policy” as stated in
MARISA Grant Agreement. (MARISA, 2017.)
MARISA project will benefit previous EU
projects, such as CoopP and PERSEUS, operational
scenarios referred to as use cases and their
descriptions. Use cases and trials in MARISA project
will use five use cases (UC) that are based on CoopP
project. Use cases are: 1) UC 13b: Inquiry on a
specific suspicious vessel (cargo related), 2) UC 37:
Monitoring of all events at sea in order to create
conditions for decision making on interventions, 3)
UC 44: Request any information confirming the
identification, position and activity of a vessel of
interest, 4) UC 70: Suspect Fishing vessel/small boat
is cooperating with other type of vessels (m/v,
Container vessel etc.), and 5) UC 93: Detection and
behaviour monitoring of IUU (Illegal, Unreported
and Unregulated fishing) listed vessels. (MARISA,
2017.) Table 1 presents potential User Communities
interested in Use Cases. Use cases will be exercised
in five different areas as Operational Trials. Table 2
clarifies premeditated Operational Trial areas and use
cases. These trials are exercised on North Sea, Iberian
Sea, Strait of Bonifacio, Ionian Sea, and the Aegean
Table 1: User Communities and Use Cases (Adopted from
MARISA, 2017).
Border Control
General Law
Marine Environment
Fisheries Control
Maritime Safety
Table 2: Operational Trials and Use Cases (Adopted from
MARISA, 2017).
Northern Sea
Iberian Sea
Strait of Bonifacio
Ionian Sea
Aegean Sea
Data from sensors of different authorities are
combined, thereby enabling the analysis of
information and, consequently, the most accurate
maritime picture. The information obtained in the
operating environment is necessary to form a
comprehensive maritime picture. Operation
environmental information needed is, such as
geographic information, oceanography research data
and weather conditions. The technique ensures the
use of common information only for the desired
organisations and the intended purpose. In connection
with the introduction of technical solutions, a
standardised approach will be implemented to ensure
the exchange of information. (Vuorisalo, 2012.)
According to Vuorisalo (2012) identification of
abnormal functions is hampered by:
decision-makers lack sufficient and
necessary information
problems arising from the
incompatibility of technical standards
between systems
lack of information due to the limited
number of sensors
customer orientation is attractive in
business and sustainable solutions
the excessive amount of information
The actors involved in the dissemination of
information should prepare for the harmonization of
information. By influencing political decision-
making, favorable conditions for sharing information
are created. Mutual benefit and interdependencies, as
well as networking and its benefits in information
sharing, must be understood. Such cooperation will
facilitate the introduction of new technologies in the
maritime community. (Vuorisalo, 2012.)
Interoperability plays an important role in
collaborative multi-agency and multinational action.
IEEE defines interoperability as “the ability of two or
more systems to exchange data and to mutually
understand the information which has been
exchanged” (IEEE, 1990). Interoperability can be
defined as the ability to communicate and share
information in public security organizations' systems
and it includes internetworking functionality
(European Commission, 2010b). Interoperability
requires co-operation, compatible systems, training
co-operation, and collaborative capability.
In order to ensure effective co-operation, all
stakeholders need to share visions, agree on
objectives and target priorities. Actions at a cross-
border level can be successful if all the Member
States concerned give adequate priorities and
resources to meet their own interoperability goals in
order to reach the agreed targets within the agreed
timetable. The European Union (EU) share
interoperability to four layers and political context as
outlined in the following paragraphs.
EU describes the political context as follows:
The establishment of a new European public service
is the result of direct or indirect action at the political
level, i.e. new bilateral, multilateral or European
agreements. However, political support and
assistance are needed when new services are not
directly linked to new legislation, such as CISE's
case, but they are created to provide better public
services. Moreover, political support is necessary for
cross-border interoperability efforts in order to
facilitate cooperation between public administrations.
(European Union, 2011.)
At the point of view of legal interoperability,
every public administration involved in the provision
of a European public service work within its own
national legislation. Sometimes incompatibility of
the laws of the various Member States makes it more
complicated or even impossible to cooperate. When
exchanging information for the provision of
European public services, the legal validity of data
must be maintained across borders and data
protection legislation must be respected. (European
Union, 2011; EUCISE, 2015c.)
The organisational interoperability aspect
addresses cooperation between organisations, such as
public administrations in different Member States, to
reach their commonly agreed goals. Organisational
interoperability signifies in practice the integrated
business processes and related data exchange, and
also tends to respond user community by making
services available, easily identifiable, easy to use, and
user-specific. (European Union, 2011; EUCISE,
Semantic interoperability enables organisations to
process data from external sources in an appropriate
manner and ensures that the precise meaning of the
information exchanged is understood and maintained
in the exchange between the parties. The various
linguistic, cultural, legal and administrative
circumstances of the Member States pose major
challenges. Multilingualism in the EU adds to the
complexity of the problem. (European Union, 2011;
EUCISE, 2015c.)
Technical interoperability covers the technical
aspects of the integration of information systems and
includes, such as user interface specifications,
interconnection services, data integration services,
data presentation and information exchange.
Although the public administration has its own
specific characteristics at a political, legal,
organisational and semantic level, interoperability at
the technical level is not particularly relevant to
public administration. Therefore, technical
interoperability must be ensured through official
requirements and standards. (European Union, 2011;
EUCISE, 2015c.)
The necessary confidence is built on a stable and
long-term cooperation. A broad cooperation network
can be used to develop and exploit of all partners
involved in the network. Multinational cooperation
develops technical and operational solutions that
enable the integration of systems in different
countries. The integrated security operating model
provides a cross-sectoral basis for managing large-
scale security threats. (Prime Minister’s Office,
Broad collaboration between partners improves the
Maritime Awareness and safety. Interagency
cooperation is essential for the various actors in order
to have sufficient knowledge of other concepts,
measures, resources and plans. Interagency
cooperation aims at a cost savings to increase
efficiency (Tikanmäki, Tuohimaa & Ruoslahti,
2012). Good cooperation is a prerequisite for proper
functioning (Taitto, 2007).
In the area of maritime surveillance, there is no
inherent complexity, which is due to the fact that
numerous systems are not yet interconnected and
operate simultaneously. It is therefore recommended
adopting common definitions for the different
categories and levels of information management in
the field of maritime surveillance.
Collaboration and cooperation are based on a trust
in all joint operations and actions (Rajamäki and
Knuuttila, 2015). Trust and knowledge sharing are
identified as a key part of cross-border cooperation
(Luis, Derrick, Langhals, and Nunamaker, 2013). At
operative-strategic level, safety and security co-
operation are based on effective cooperation between
authorities and effective cooperation solutions.
Participation in international cooperation and the
ability to manage the domestic security contexts will
support the effectiveness of cooperation. At a tactical
level, a security actor is primarily required for
professionalism and reliability. The most important
development target for security cooperation at all
levels is the ability to cooperate. Contributing factors
to the development of cooperation skills are
developing cooperation processes, measurement,
feedback system, and a common terminology
(Valtonen, 2010).
The Internal Security authorities take advantage
of new technologies and monitor actively its
development. A technological development opens the
means to curb the rise in costs. The authorities are
required to utilize modern resources and cost-
effective use. The actions of the authorities should in
future be stronger than before, as well as common
goals aimed for new approaches rely on pioneering.
The authorities must be able to anticipate better the
changes in the operating environment; operational
authorities are required to act as an example in
developing their own services. The aim is to develop
a user-driven, together with productivity and
profitability, increasing digital public services and
policies. The government requires in its report a
modern and cost-effective use of resources from
internal security authorities. (Ministry of the Interior,
A response to security challenges and improving
safety requires the cooperation of all administrative
sectors, other actors, and close interaction. The action
of authorities needs to be more strongly aimed at
common goals. Authorities will contribute to a
stronger position to act together culture and a strong
commitment to common goals. The challenges are
not solvable by a single administrative sector or a
single actor alone posed by the complex global
environment. Cooperation insists deep and
committed cooperation between the various
authorities and numerous other actors. Technical
infrastructure, data networks and systems are closely
Changes in the mind-set and breach of
geographical and operational obstacles are the
prerequisites for cooperation on the marine
environment. Enhancing the understanding of the
various sectors of the horizontal exchange of
information will remove one of the obstacles. The
challenge of sharing information is not the
technology, but trust and ownership of information.
Researchers further research concentrates in the
area of semantic interoperability in the organisation
and individual point of view; how individuals from
different authorities and organisations understand
semantic interoperability and how to improve it?
Another point of interest is validation process; how to
validate the European Union funded projects
processes and what kind of framework should it be?
This project has received funding from the European
Union’s EMFF programme under grant agreement
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