iOS Apps for People with Intellectual Disability: A Quality
Andrés Larco
, Freddy Enríquez
and Sergio Luján-Mora
Departamento de Informática y Ciencias de la Computación, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Quito, Ecuador
Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos, Universidad de Alicante, Alicante, Spain
Keywords: iOS Apps, Intellectual Disability, Quality Assessment, Metrics Measurement.
Abstract: People with intellectual disability should have access to life-long learning opportunities that help them to
acquire essential knowledge and skills. Due to poverty, they may be unable to access basic products and
services such as telephones, television and the Internet. Unequal access to technology has created a digital
divide. However, information and communication technology can help people with intellectual disability in
the interaction with the external environment. The objective of this research was assessing iOS apps quality
for people with intellectual disability using Mobile App Rating Scale. Apps included for evaluation needed
to be educational, in Spanish and free to download. A systematic search was conducted with Preferred
Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses in Apple App Store, finding a total of 958 apps.
After filtering, a total of 42 apps were considered for evaluation using Mobile App Rating Scale. The research
identified seven apps with good quality, with scores over 4. Due to moderately correlation of subjective
customer ratings of Apple App Store with Mobile App Rating Scale score, customer rating is an unreliable
indicator of app quality. The results of this research can help therapists and parents to choose the right app for
people with intellectual disability.
Disability is the umbrella term for impairments,
activity limitations and participation restrictions.
Disability is the interaction between individuals with
a health condition (e.g. cerebral palsy, Down
syndrome and depression) and personal and
environmental factors. About 15% of the world's
population, are estimated to live with some form of
disability (World Health Organization, 2018).
Disability is a development issue, because it may
increase the risk of poverty, and poverty may increase
the risk of disability. A growing body of empirical
evidence from across the world indicates that people
with disabilities and their families are more likely to
experience economic and social disadvantage than
those without disability. Often, “types of disability”
are defined using only one aspect of disability, such as
impairments; sensory, physical, mental, and
intellectual (World Health Organization, 2007, 2011).
The United Nations Organization for Education,
Science, and Culture (UNESCO) estimates that more
than 90% of children with disabilities in developing
countries do not attend school (UNICEF, 2015). Also,
children with disabilities face discrimination and
stigmatization about their capabilities.
In low and middle-income countries, between
76% and 85% of people with severe mental disorders
do not receive treatment. Also, the figure in high-
income countries varies between 35% and 50%. The
annual global expenditure on mental health is less
than $ 2 per person and less than $ 0.25 per person in
low-income countries. The problem is further
complicated by the poor quality of care received
(World Health Organization, 2013).
Intellectual disability is characterized by
significant limitations in cognitive functioning and
adaptive behavior. Cognitive functioning refers to
general mental capacity, such as learning, reasoning,
problem-solving, and so on. Adaptive behavior is the
collection of conceptual, social, and practical skills
that are learned and performed by people in their
everyday lives (Schalock et al., 2010).
The point 25 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development of the United Nations pledges to “leave
no one behind”, by committing to provide inclusive
and equitable quality education at all levels. All
people, irrespective of sex, age, race or ethnicity, and
Larco, A., Enríquez, F. and Luján-Mora, S.
iOS Apps for People with Intellectual Disability: A Quality Assessment.
DOI: 10.5220/0006778602580264
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2018), pages 258-264
ISBN: 978-989-758-291-2
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
persons with disabilities, migrants, indigenous peoples,
children and youth, especially those in vulnerable
situations, should have access to life-long learning
opportunities that help them to acquire the knowledge
and skills needed to exploit opportunities and to
participate fully in society (United Nations, 2015).
Nevertheless, not all students have equal
opportunities to access to Information and
communication technology (ICT). Unequal access to
ICT has created a digital divide (Wu, Chen, Yeh,
Wang, and Chang, 2014). ICT can be important for
people with intellectual disabilities. Previous research
showed an evidence of the use of ICT focused on the
main intellectual disabilities. For instance, people
with Down syndrome need more support and
stimulation than unaffected children to function
independently. Therefore, to learn new skills,
activities need to be broken down into smaller steps,
and that more repetition and structure are required for
retention (Felix, Mena, Ostos, and Maestre, 2017).
Also, people with cerebral palsy often have motor
impairment, so it is difficult for them to assist to
school, and by using mobile apps, treatment can go
anywhere with their devices (Griffiths and Addison,
2017). Multitouch tablets, including iPads, have
made computing more accessible for a wide variety
of populations. A previous research indicates that the
simplicity of touch interactions and the portability of
iPads have lowered the barriers for interacting with
computers (Hourcade, Williams, Miller, Liang, and
Huebner, 2013).
There are many app lists in stores, but most of
them are in English and designed for iPad. Aside from
the cost of the iPad itself, parents and therapists need
to consider the cost of each application. Some iPad
applications, including many games, are free (Boyd,
Hart Barnett, and More, 2015). Research has shown
that ratings with stars are subjective based on
popularity, producing little or no meaningful
information (Girardello and Michahelles, 2010), also,
these qualifications may result to be an unreliable
quality metric (Kuehnhausen and Frost, 2013). Besides
that, it is not feasible to evaluate apps with software
quality standards due to its extension, complexity and
general purpose approach (González Reyes, André
Ampuero, and Hernández González, 2015).
However, (Papadakis, Kalogiannakis, and
Zaranis, 2017) present a Rubric for the Evaluation of
Educational Apps for preschool Children (REVEAC)
in four areas: contents, design, functionality, and
technical quality, each having multiple aspects. Later,
(Papadakis, Kalogiannakis, and Zaranis, 2018)
examined educational apps for Greek preschoolers
which have been designed in accordance with
developmentally appropriate standards to contribute
to the social, emotional and cognitive development of
children in formal and informal learning
environments. Another specific and reliable quality
rate tool for mobile health apps is Mobile App Rating
Scale (MARS) (Stoyanov et al., 2015).
A previous study provided a list of 73 Android
apps for therapists and parents who work with people
with Autism, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy and
multiple disabilities (Larco, Yanez, Montenegro, and
Luján-Mora, 2018). Also, an iOS apps evaluation was
made (Larco, Enríquez, and Luján-Mora, in press) for
people with Autism, Down syndrome, and cerebral
palsy. REVEAC had a limitation to be applied to the
present research, it is only focused on preschool
education for children 4 to 6 years of age. Thus, MARS
was chosen over REVEAC to assess app quality due to
its width approach. Also, the research considered iOS
again because apps which do not focus on a specific
disability (in this case intellectual disability in general)
were excluded from previous evaluation.
The objective of this research was assessing iOS
apps quality for children with intellectual disability
using MARS. Apps included for evaluation needed to
be educational, in Spanish and free to download.
A total of 958 apps were initially identified, after
applying Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic
Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA), the
remaining apps (42) were evaluated using MARS.
The research identified seven apps with good quality,
with scores over 4.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2
describes some concepts discussed in the paper.
Section 3 describes the systematic search performed
with Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic
Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) and how
MARS can be used to rate app quality. Section 4
describes the results and the relations found between
MARS subscales. Then, section 5 discuss the results.
Finally, section 6 presents conclusions and future
PRISMA is an evidence-based minimum set of items
for reporting in systematic review and meta-analysis
(Hutton, Catalá-López, and Moher, 2016). In the
health scope, PRISMA has been used in apps
searching to test the reliability of the MARS tool.
MARS is a rate tool for mobile health apps. The
MARS demonstrated excellent internal consistency
(alpha = .90) and interrater reliability intraclass
correlation coefficient (ICC = .79) (Stoyanov et al.,
iOS Apps for People with Intellectual Disability: A Quality Assessment
2015). In this research, MARS was used to evaluate
educational iOS apps quality. It was created in the
health environment and contains five subscales:
Engagement refers to fun, interest,
customizable, interactive and target group.
Functionality refers to functioning, ease of
use, navigation, flow logic, and gestural
Aesthetics refers to the graphic design,
visual appeal, color scheme, and stylistic
Information refers to high-quality
information from a credible source.
Subjective quality refers to user satisfaction.
MARS and PRISMA have been used in several
researches. For instance, (Sullivan et al., 2016)
identified, described the features, and rated the quality
of smartphone apps that capture personal travel and
dietary behavior and simultaneously estimate the
carbon cost and potential health consequences of these
actions. Apps were searched on Google Play and Apple
App Store and out of 7213 results, 40 apps were
identified and rated. Two researchers using MARS
assessed the quality of included apps.
(Tinschert, Jakob, Barata, Kramer, and Kowatsch,
2017) assessed the potential of available mobile health
apps, for improving asthma self-management. The
Apple App store and Google Play store were
systematically searched for asthma apps. In total, 523
apps were identified, of which 38 apps matched the
selection criteria to be included in the final evaluation
with MARS.
(Grainger, Townsley, White, Langlotz, and Taylor,
2017) assessed features and quality of apps to assist
people to monitor Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) disease
activity, by summarizing the available apps,
particularly the instruments used for measurement of
disease activity, and rating Apps quality with MARS.
Of 71 Android apps retrieved from Google Play Store,
11 apps were included in MARS evaluation. Also,
from 216 iOS apps gathered from New Zealand iTunes
Store, 16 Apps were included for MARS evaluation.
Wikinclusion is a web knowledge base that
contains software according to the competences of life
for PWD. The education-based on competences brings
attention to basic needs and develop different
situations and social contexts in which a person is
involved in his/her daily life (Bayardo, 2005).
Wikinclusion defines seven competences of life: (1)
autonomy, sensorimotor and social skills; (2)
language and communication; (3) mathematics; (4)
the social and natural environment; (5) digital
competence; (6) artistic knowledge; and (7) transition
to the labor market (Wikinclusion, 2017). In this
research, in addition to carry out the quality
evaluation with MARS, apps were classified
according to its respective competence of life.
3.1 Systematic Search Criteria and
A systematic search using PRISMA was performed in
Apple App Store. Apps were searched through a web
page, appAkin, between September and October of
2017, using the terms ‘children OR education OR
puzzles’ in Spanish. Inclusion criteria were: Spanish
language, puzzle games, educational apps, and free to
PRISMA consists of a four-phase flowchart
(Liberati et al., 2009). The first phase is identification,
the second one is screening, the third one is eligibility,
and the last one is included.
The exclusion criteria for identification phase
were: paid apps, non-Spanish language apps, and
duplicated apps. On screening phase, the exclusion
criteria were: irrelevant content for children learning.
On eligibility phase, the exclusion criteria were: not
enough information, no longer available, no longer
working and not available in Ecuadorian Apple App
Store. On included phase, the remaining apps were
downloaded and evaluated by testers using MARS.
3.2 Rating Tool
MARS was used to rate mobile apps, and it contains
23 items grouped by five subscales: engagement (5
items), functionality (4 items), aesthetics (3 items),
information (7 items) and subjective quality (4 items).
The average of the first four subscales determines the
app quality score. MARS items use a Likert scale (1-
Inadequate, 2-Poor, 3-Acceptable, 4-Good, 5-
Excellent) (Masterson Creber et al., 2016).
A team of 14 testers performed the evaluation;
each tester was assigned a minimum of three
applications to evaluate. A template was created for
data extraction following MARS scale. Inside the
template, the first section contains app information;
the second one contains app quality ratings, the third
one contains subjective app quality, and the last one
presents a summary of MARS subscales. Also, testers
classified every app according to its respective
competence of life. Training sessions for testers were
performed about the process of how to evaluate apps
using the templates. Included apps were evaluated on
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
the following devices: iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, iPad 1,
iPad Mini and iPad Air.
3.3 Data Analysis
ICC determined the interrater reliability of MARS
subscales. The ICC form used in this research was a
two-way mixed-effects model because the result only
represents the reliability of the specific raters
involved in the reliability experiment (Koo and Li,
2016). The confidence interval (CI) is a type of
interval estimate that was computed from the
observed data. The confidence level is the frequency
of possible confidence intervals that contain the real
value of their corresponding parameter. The most
common confidence level is 95% (Gupta, 2012).
Pearson correlation coefficient is a measure between
sets of data and how well they are related (Mukaka,
2012). Finally, data was analyzed using IBM SPSS
Statistics 23.
A total of 958 apps were searched through appAkin
choosing the filter "Free-Only". Irrelevant app cate-
gories such as Productivity, Apps, Lucky Charms,
Cooking Recipes were excluded. Apps were searched
with the terms intellectual disability, kids, education,
education kids and puzzle. Apps were filtered through
categories such as educational, education, family
games and music for kids. Finally, 42 apps were
Figure 1: Systematic search of apps.
included in the final evaluation. Fig. 1 shows the
results of the search.
Table 1 contains apps grouped by its respective
competence of life.
Table 1: Apps by competence of life.
Competence of life App name
sensorimotor and
social skills
Animal Train for Toddlers
Animated Puzzle 1
Animated Puzzle 2
Animated Puzzle 3
Build a Toy 1
CI Niños
Crazy Kitty Tap
Dilo en señas
Families 1
Fit Brains for Kids
Match it up
Matrix Game 1
Opposites 1
Patrones para Niños versión
Puzzle Me 1
Puzzle Me 2
Sorting Game
Things to Learn
What's Diff 2
Language and
Abecedario 1.0 G
Busca la Letras Lite
Dime paint lite
Families 2
Leo Con Grin
My First Book of Spanish
NaturalReader Text to Speech
The social and
natural environment
Adivina el animal versión Gratis
Kely Sumar y Restar
Matemáticas con Grin
Matemáticas con Grin II – 678
Pop Math Lite
Series 1
Series 2
Series 3
Shapes Jigsaw
Tikimates: multiplicar y dividir
Apps identified in Apple
App Store through appAkin
(n = 958)
Apps excluded (n=870):
Non-Spanish language
Apps screened
(n = 88)
Apps excluded (n = 31):
Irrelevant content for children
Apps assessed for eligibility
Apps excluded (n = 15)
Not enough information
No longer available
No longer working
Not available in Ecuador
Apps downloaded for
MARS evaluation
(n = 42)
iOS Apps for People with Intellectual Disability: A Quality Assessment
Table 2 contains MARS total score for each app, it
was calculated based on engagement, functionality,
aesthetics, and information.
Table 2: MARS scores for each app.
App name MARS
Kely Sumar y Restar 4.53
Tikimates: multiplicar y divider 4.26
Busca la Letras Lite 4.21
Chromville 4.13
Series 1 4.13
Patrones para Niños - Versión Gratis 4.11
Dilo en señas 4.09
Crazy Kitty Tap 3.95
Families 2 3.87
Fit Brains for Kids 3.82
Find-It 3.66
Build-it-up 3.64
Build a Toy 1 3.63
Series 2 3.62
Animal Train for Toddlers 3.61
Opposites 1 3.61
Dot.2.Dot 3.59
Match it up 3.58
Series 3 3.51
Adivina el animal version Gratis 3.50
Dime paint lite 3.49
Things to Learn 3.46
NaturalReader Text to Speech 3.46
NeoRom 3.43
What's Diff 2 3.36
Shapes Jigsaw 3.36
Animated Puzzle 1 3.35
Animated Puzzle 3 3.35
Animated Puzzle 2 3.34
Puzzle Me 2 3.34
Puzzle Me 1 3.30
Families 1 3.29
Abecedario 1.0 G 3.29
Matrix Game 1 3.27
Pop Math Lite 3.15
Leo Con Grin 3.06
Sorting Game 3.00
Piruletras 2.97
Matemáticas con Grin II - 678 2.97
Matemáticas con Grin 2.97
CI Niños 2.42
My First Book of Spanish Alphabets 1.68
Table 3 contains the mean of the 23 items of MARS
subscales for the 42 evaluated apps. Each subscale
has its ICC, used to demonstrate the acceptable level
of reliability among evaluators.
Item 19 “Evidence base” was excluded from all
calculations, as it currently contains no measurable
data (Stoyanov et al., 2015).
Table 3: Statistics of the 23 items of MARS.
Subscale/Item Mean
Engagement ICC = 0.77 (95% CI 0.63 - 0.86)
1. Entertainment
2. Interest
4. Interactivity
5. Target group
Functionality ICC = 0.78 (95% CI 0.65 - 0.87)
6. Performance
7. Ease of use
8. Navigation
9. Gestural design
Aesthetics ICC = 0.84 (95% CI 0.84 - 0.93)
10. Layout
11. Graphics
12. Visual appeal
Information ICC= 0.63 (95% CI 0.43 - 0.77)
13. Accuracy of app description
14. Goals
Subscale/Item Mean
15. Quality of information
16. Quantity of information
17. Visual information
18. Credibility
19. Evidence base
Subjective quality ICC= 0.94 (95% CI 0.91-0.97)
20. Would you recommend this app? 3.17
21. How many times do you think you
would use this app?
22. Would you pay for this app? 3.29
23. What is your overall star rating of the
The apps searched needed to be in Spanish due to the
target group. However, it can be noted that the name
of several applications is in English, thus, language
description of each app was carefully reviewed, and
some apps were found with multilanguage content.
Despite the search criteria were in Spanish, the
accuracy of the results was low due to the inadequate
quality description of apps. Also, subcategories
presented by appAkin contained several apps
duplicated. Thus, 870 apps were dismissed of 958.
According to the MARS scale, seven apps of forty-
two obtained a good quality (scores over 4), which
CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
means thirty-five apps were poorly designed, only
good quality apps would be strongly recommended for
their use by therapists, parents, and people with
intellectual disability.
For autonomy, sensorimotor and social skills
competence the best-rated app was Chromville
(4.13), for language and communication competence,
the best-rated app was Busca Las Letras Lite (4.21).
Finally, for mathematics competence, the best-rated
app was Kelly Sumar y Restar (4.53).
Apps with MARS score below 3 presented similar
problems. Apps did not contain a settings section,
functionality of the app was slow and broken in some
parts (like buttons), the movement between screens
(such as sliding) was also slow and lacks attraction.
Same color for most of the content. Free content was
limited, but the paid content was offered. The
exactitude of item/options selection was low. Middle
or low quality of the images or graphics within the
The best-rated subscale was functionality with a
mean value of 3.93; the reason is on performance
(4.07), navigation (4.00), gestural design (3.83) and
ease of use (3.81) of the evaluated apps. On the other
hand, the reason engagement had the lowest mean
score (3.24) was a lack of customization (2.55) and
interactivity (2.52) of the evaluated apps. The MARS
total mean score of subscales had a good reliability
(ICC = 0.79), which means there is a high consistency
in measurements of MARS items made by testers.
Inside Apple App Store, every time developers
release a new version of an app, the star rating
provided by customers is deleted. As a result,
customer ratings of Apple App Store were available
on 67% (28/42) of the evaluated apps. Customer
ratings available on apps were moderately correlated
with the MARS total score (Pearson correlation
coefficient = 0.40).
Evaluated apps presented minor performance
problems, and there was a lack of specific, measurable
and achievable goals in the description of apps. The
absence of customization and interactivity in free apps
is due to the target group of Apple products is focused
on people with a premium income level. Free apps
have an absence of customization and interactivity
this occurs due iOS developers focus their efforts to
develop paid apps for people with a premium income
level. These characteristics are important because they
could improve the engagement of people with
intellectual disability when using apps.
Due to moderately correlation of subjective
customer ratings of Apple App Store with MARS
score, customer rating is an unreliable indicator of app
quality. It should not be considered because it is not
focused on people with intellectual disability.
However, the list of evaluated apps generated by this
research can help therapists and parents to choose
from the list the right app for people with intellectual
disability avoiding the confused and independent
search for apps due to the non-existence of store
categorizations by disability type and app quality.
Also, the research identified which apps help to
develop specific competences of life (such as
autonomy, sensorimotor and social skills; language
and communication; and mathematics) with the
purpose of helping people with intellectual disability.
The main competence for the evaluated apps was
autonomy, sensorimotor and social skills (55%) since
it is essential for people with intellectual disability in
their daily activities. Also, no apps were found for the
competences artistic knowledge, digital competence
and transition to the labor market.
It is incorrect to tag people with disabilities,
therapists and parents of people with intellectual
disability could use apps for kids because apps need to
be focused on people with and without intellectual
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CSEDU 2018 - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education