Petros Belsis, Stefanos Gritzalis
Department of Information and Comnmunication Systems Engineering, University of the Aegean, Karlovasi, Samos, Greece
Christos Skourlas
Department of Informatics, Techological Education Institute,Athens, Greece
Ioannis Drakopoulos
Ilyda S.A. Kifissias 180 Ave., Athens, Greece
Keywords: Security, Knowledge Man
agement, Multimedia.
Abstract: Due to its rapid growth, Information Systems Securi
ty becomes a new era of expertise, related to a vast
quantity of knowledge. Exploiting all this knowledge becomes a difficult task, due to its heterogeneity.
Knowledge Management (KM) on the other hand, becomes an expanding and promising discipline that has
drawn considerable attention. In this paper we deploy our arguments about the benefits of KM techniques
and their possible applications to assist security officers in improving their productivity and effectiveness.
To prove this, we exploit possible technological prospects, and we present the architecture of a prototype
developed to implement selected innovating KM components, embedding state-of-the-art multimedia java-
based applications.
Security becomes a major headache for many
different categories of people. Security experts,
managers, often face the side effects of Information
Systems Security violations. New techniques and
advanced technology features are emerging on a
daily basis, making security management a difficult
and knowledge dependent task. As a consequence, a
vast amount of knowledge is necessary in order to
achieve security management.
Therefore, there is an ob
vious necessity for
exploiting this knowledge with the assistance of
technology means. Several attempts in the relevant
literature, try to focus on the effective management
of security related documents (Fung et al., 2001).
Others try to facilitate security officers difficult
ask by making use of automated tools (Vermeulen
et al., 2002). Lately, there is also a considerable
research interest in extracting useful patterns
through the application of data-mining in security-
related sets of data (Ertoz et al., 2003) (Yurcik et al.,
2003). Security experts themselves, on the other
hand, try to support each other through communities
of practice, which facilitate knowledge exchange
through indirect means –such as posting information
on specialized internet sites – or direct, such as
contacting each other through mailing lists. Typical
examples are the CERT and SAGE (community of
systems administrators) organizations. Our approach
focuses on applying KM techniques to Information
Systems security related knowledge, and by doing
so, improve the effectiveness of security officer’s
competency. We do not restrict our approach to
conventional technological approaches, but beyond
that we embed state of the art such as Voice over IP
(VoIP) transmission, through java based multimedia
Belsis P., Gritzalis S., Skourlas C. and Drakopoulos I. (2004).
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 535-540
DOI: 10.5220/0002655605350540
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: In
Section 2 we present our arguments about the
benefits of establishing KM techniques, and how top
international companies gained competitive
advantage due to their KM platforms. In section 3
we present the main technological challenges in KM
implementations and we present how new
technologies can be helpful, describing our
contribution in relation to contemporary KM
approaches. Section 4 concludes the paper
describing how under certain circumstances our
approach can assist security experts in increasing
their productivity and effectiveness, and also
resuming where we attempt to innovate, describing
also our scheduled further steps towards adding
more functionality to the system.
Information Systems security is a rapidly changing
knowledge intensive business, involving many
people with different kinds of expertise.
Organizations base their security on people, which
are not a steady asset for an organization. Security
related knowledge is diverse and its proportions
immense and steadily growing. Organizations face
the challenge to identify the content, location and
exploit knowledge. An improved use of this
knowledge is the basic motivation for KM and
deserves deeper analysis.
2.1 Knowledge Management
fundamental concepts
The three levels of refinement of knowledge items
are data, information and knowledge. By knowledge,
- a term fraught with history and definitional peril –
firms generally mean codified information with a
high proportion of human value-added, including
insight, interpretation, context, experience, wisdom,
and so forth (Davenport et al., 2001). Although often
the terms information and data can be used
interchangeably, we could define information to be
‘‘interpreted data’’ and knowledge to be
‘‘information to be transformed into capability for
effective action’’ (Vouros, 2003).
2.2 Knowledge types
Philosopher Polanyi (Polanyi, 1966) distinguishes
knowledge in two types: tacit, which is embedded in
the human brain and cannot be expressed easily, and
explicit knowledge, which can be easily codified
(Davenport et al., 2001). Most KM systems
implementations focus on managing explicit
knowledge. The real challenge is to exploit tacit
challenge. For example, a security professional’s
expertise is an intangible asset which can be under
certain circumstances used, without his physical
presence, as we try to demonstrate at a later section,
by embedding multimedia technologies in our
2.3 Benefits of KM
Knowledge management is an emerging discipline
that promises to capitalize on organizations’
intellectual capital (Rus et al., 2002). As a concept,
KM appeared the late decade. Today, it has been
transformed to a core business function, among top-
level companies. According to a major study
undertaken at 1996 (Chase, 1997), by Ernst &
Young Business and Intelligence among the key
benefits of establishing KM, the following can be
Improved decision making
Improved efficiency of people and operations
Improvement of innovation
Improved products/services.
Among KM benefits we could also distinguish
enhanced collaboration and communication, new
knowledge creation, knowledge retention and
increased knowledge availability and access (Rus et
al, 2002).
2.4 Well-known case studies
Several major companies have gained from
implementing KM functions. Among the most
popular case studies, we can distinguish Ernst &
Young, Microsoft, Siemens (McCampbell et al,
1999) (Davenport et al, 2001).
2.4.1 Ernst &Young
Ernst & Young is one of the “big six” professional
services firms, which traditionally offered audit, tax
and management consulting. Due to the
geographical dispersion of E&Y, technology had to
be used as an enhancement to its knowledge base
accessibility. In the beginning, Lotus Notes was used
as the main platform, whereas by the growth of the
key documents and databases a shift to a web-based
intranet was performed.
2.4.2 Microsoft
Microsoft maintains advantage over its competition
for more than 20 years because of the knowledge
and capabilities of its employees (McCampbell et al,
1999). Microsoft’s IT group has invested in time and
human resources in order to maintain and identify
knowledge competencies.
KM Tool
VC++ based
Management tool
Java Based
JMF Based
Implementation of these knowledge management
strategies proceeded on an international level
involving a large number of employees and utilizing
a cross-section of all job-types (Davenport, 1998).
2.4.3 Siemens
By making the move to knowledge management
Siemens faced an extraordinary transformation
(Davenport et al., 2001). Aspects of knowledge
management that involve technology-enabled
repositories and sharing networks help to overcome
geography barriers. Also by sharing knowledge
across business units, one unit can take advantage of
the learning and expertise of another. Second, the
firm depends on technology, which changes
radically in short periods. In order for a high-tech
company to remain competitive, keeping knowledge
up to date is essential, as well as enabling
knowledge sharing by new technology means
Our approach emphasizes on making a step forward,
proposing to the security experts community a new
framework to assist security specialists in their
everyday tasks, and to help them overcome
obstacles, by sharing knowledge between them with
the assistance of technology means. Implementing
KM involves many challenges and obstacles.
Several issues are particularly important:
Technology. Several tools and
technological platforms exist, but it becomes
difficult to integrate all of them in order to
achieve the desired result.
Organizational structure. Exploiting
technological solutions is not a panacea.
Creating a knowledge culture and focusing on
methodology in order to establish functioning
KM procedures are equally important factors.
Motivation. Employees must have a motive
to contribute their knowledge and codify it in
repositories in order to establish an effective
knowledge base. Lack of motivation or
commitment is supposed to be one of the main
causes of failure for KM systems (Chase, 1997).
The most practical way to define KM is to
emphasize that it largely involves new applications
based on the existing IT infrastructure (King et al.,
2002). Such applications include:
Knowledge repositories.
Databases allowing storage and retrieval of
explicit knowledge research containing both
technical and management related knowledge,
in text format.
Best practices and lessons-learned
systems. Knowledge repositories used for
explication, storage and retrieval of business
best practices and for making the lessons
learned in projects available to others.
Expert networks. Networks of
individuals identified as experts in some
specific professional area who are electronically
accessible by others with questions related to
that expertise.
Communities of practice.
Networks of self-organizing groups whose
members share common professional interests
and who may live or work in dispersed
geographical settings.
3.1 Making the system work
Among the basic functions of a KM prototype as it
has been already mentioned, is the codification of
explicit knowledge. In order to reduce querying
time-costs a retrieval mechanism is necessary. For
the purposes of our research, we created a prototype
which emphasizes both in exploiting explicit
knowledge as well as in exploiting tacit knowledge-
which as stated at an earlier paragraph – is the
challenge for a KM attempt. Our prototype has been
implemented in two platforms: Java and Visual C++.
An architecture overview is presented at Fig. 1.
Figure 1: Architecture overview of the developed
A part of the prototype is implemented in Visual
C++, specifically the part that deals with codifying
and retrieving explicit knowledge. Handling explicit
knowledge is one of the main functions, such an
application should support. Knowledge is codified in
semi-structured text documents (a relational
database is not suitable in our case); therefore
implementing a search engine to allow information
retrieval was a necessary priority, a task that was
carried out in C++. Each document is structured in
the following way: In the beginning several
keywords are provided, followed by a more
analytical description in raw text. Though, we obtain
the possibility of describing in the beginning the
most important topics, which are analyzed further in
the text. By providing certain keywords and by
specifying the possible location (directory) of the
semi-structured text, the search engine searches the
entire document looking for the provided by the user
keywords and classifies the documents according to
the occurrences of the founded in the text keywords.
The search is not only limited to the first lines of the
document which exist as a means of facilitating the
user to decide between similar documents according
to the relevancy of all the related words, but we also
search through the whole document.
3.2 Utilizing tacit knowledge
The second two components are implemented in
Java, and they aim to assist in exploiting tacit
knowledge, in detail they attempt to help capitalize
the intangible knowledge assets of an organization’s
employees, like human experience for example.
Most of the implemented KM platforms depend very
much on inter-organizational communication. Email
platforms prove to be promising applications
towards this direction. Not only they are a cheap
way of communication, but also they do not expect
someone to be always on-line. With a logical delay,
experts can give a brief suggestion to another
employee, often very valuable, since never codified
knowledge could replace human expertise. For these
purposes, we have embedded an email application,
JMailer, written entirely in Java. This application,
Figure 2: Sending targeted mails to expert’s mailing lists
gives the possibility to create mailing lists based
on different kinds of expertise, and therefore
depending on the category of advise someone
seeks, s/he can send targeted mails to all members
of a group. Therefore, somebody is quite possible
to have faced a similar problem in the past, and
offer some advice, overcoming by this way,
geographical or time barriers. Fig. 2 presents the
possibility to create groups and therefore send
targeted mails according to the group’s
3.3 Embedding multimedia
functionalities in KM
Most of the existing KM platforms base their
communications on asynchronous applications, or
leave that matter to the employees, who can
communicate further through traditional means of
communications, for example telephone. Our effort
to support security experts through KM practices,
attempts to utilize multimedia capabilities. This
possibility aims to provide employees who can
under certain circumstances provide further
assistance -than simply send a mail to other
colleagues- with the ability to communicate on-
line and provide detailed assistance. For this
purpose, the third component is a multimedia
application based on the Java Media Framework
JMF provides a development framework in order
to enable sound or video stream through a data-
network channel. It provides a set of classes and
methods in Java, for coding, handling and
achieving synchronization which is a fundamental
prerequisite for Quality of service purposes, so as
the provided service to be at an acceptable quality
level (JMF).
Our application consists of a server, which
controls the messages and monitors
communication, enabling clients to participate. On
each user’s workstation it is necessary to have the
JMF platform and Java2 Platform installed (JDK),
and run the client software. Then, by providing the
server’s address and choosing an available audio
capture device, the server recognizes the client and
handles the necessary messages, creating an RTP
session for each client (Fig. 3).
Recapitulating, knowledge codification has
been implemented through semi-structured
documents creation, while information retrieval is
being facilitated with by means of a search engine
facility. Knowledge capture and personalization
are supported in two ways:
Through an asynchronous Java-
based communication tool,
which assists communities of
experts to communicate and
provide guidance to each other,
Through a multimedia
application, able to provide on-
line help in cases where it is
necessary and human resources
are available and able to help.
We have examined so far the presence of an
existing gap in utilizing security related
knowledge. Experts usually even within the
boundaries of an organization, face the same
problems independently, or they treat more than
once with a specific kind of problem, which has
been already solved in the past, wasting time and
effort. By exploiting both documented (explicit)
knowledge, as well as tacit knowledge, security
experts can increase their productivity and their
effectiveness. To test the above in action, several
software modules have been integrated in a
prototype, which attempt to support the following
Figure 3 The JMF based communication software component in action
Knowledge Codification/Retrieval. Through the
repository administration tool, explicit knowledge
can be shared between security experts. Moreover,
whenever important details come out while dealing
with a specific problem, experts can retain this
knowledge by creating semi-structured documents,
which can be retrieved later by the search engine
provided for administering the repository.
Knowledge sharing. Knowledge sharing is
supported in two ways: a) Explicit knowledge can
be shared through the repository utility. b) Tacit
knowledge can be shared by the asynchronous
communication tool, which enables users to
communicate with each other by sending targeted
mails to specific mailing lists, and getting
responses from geographically dispersed locations,
overcoming time or instant availability limitations,
or by making use of the synchronous
communication tool, which facilitates voice
transmission over IP networks, providing a more
flexible and effective way for communication
between experts. So, our effort focuses in two
directions: a) to provide an effective way of
increasing productivity and effectiveness of
security experts by exploiting KM techniques, and
b) integrating in our prototype state-of-the art
technologies, such as Voice over IP through
multimedia applications written in Java based
Among our priorities, is to enhance our
prototype with further multimedia capabilities,
such as video stream transmission from distributed
video servers, and to enhance the repository
administration utility tool with context and user-
specific facilitation capabilities, through agent and
ontology technologies. Also an independent
module of the overall system is currently under
design, dealing with data mining on security
related data sets, such as network traffic logs. By
doing so not only we offer a compelling solution
towards the improvement of security expert’s
competency, but also we integrate multimedia
capabilities in KM systems, an innovating aspect
relatively to most similar applications, as it proves
from examining the recent relevant literature.
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